Ovestrand Herald

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Vrae oor nuwe Whiskey distileerdery

Gordel vas!

Werk aan nuwe meesterplan vir Kleinmond begin

Savlon: Antiseptic 2Lt R89.90 Seep verskillende Geure 175gr R8.90 Johnson’s Baby Jelly Fragrance Free 500gr Baby Jelly Lightly Fragrance 500gr Baby Fresh Powder 400gr Baby Bedtime Powder 400gr Baby Shampoo 200ml

R32.90 R32.90 R39.90 R39.90 R29.90

Listerine 500ml Fresh Burst R49.90 Cool mint R49.90 Baby Oil 200ml Baby Wipes Extra Sensitive 4x72’s Baby Wipes Gentle all over 4x72’s Deep Heat 35gr

R29.90 R89.90 R89.90 R29.90

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment

Stockist of:

Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags

Bladsy 2

Moenie jou kanse verspil nie Bespreek nou jou advertensie in die Herald se spesiale vakansie uitgawe Hierdie jaar se uitgawe word vir 21 Desember beoog. Dit is ons grootste drukoplaag van die jaar en verkoop elke jaar soos soetkoek. Dit is propvol lekker vakansie doen- en lekker-omte-weet-goed oor ons vier dorpies en vind gewoonlik

sy plek na die koffietafel vir die hele vakansie, waar hy weer en weer gelees word. Moenie jou kans verspil nie – bespreek jou advertensie voor 7 Desember – en omskep jou goeie seisoen in ‘n briljante een! Stuur jou bespreking en materiaal na Melany by ads@ overstrandherald.co.za voor 7 Desember.

Appeal to visitors and residents Once again the festive holiday season is almost upon us and we will shortly be welcoming the many enthusiastic holidaymakers to the Overstrand. Our Law Enforcement and Protection units are preparing for the influx of visitors and the increased use of public facilities and services. For this reason, an appeal is extended to everybody to exercise due care and consideration when using these amenities over this period. Given the current drought situation in the Western Cape, and the level one water restrictions recently imposed in the Greater Hermanus area, the use of this valuable resource, in particular, should be used sparingly - and more so, since the Overstrand is regarded as a ‘Water-Scarce Area.’ With the fire season and its impending danger now upon us, the Municipality further urges the public to be cautious when making fires, and to remain vigilant and sensitive to the devastating and destructive consequences that could arise in the event of runaway fires. Smokers, for instance, should not flick cigarette butts out of car

windows, or throw these in an open grassland area, at camping sites, beaches and braai areas. Rather, a portable cigarette butt holder - or something as simple as an empty bottle or can containing a little water is recommended to dispose of butts. Aside from the obvious risk of fires, discarded butts are taking a toll on our waterways and marine life. A commonly held view is that cigarette butts are biodegradable; whereas, in reality, this is not the case. The plastic in the filter can take up to 10 years to decompose. Cigarette butts also contain chemicals that are toxic to sea life. A further request is to uphold and protect the wildlife and the environment by refraining from feeding or engaging with the baboons or any other protected species that may be encountered. For their own safety and preservation, these animals should remain undisturbed and left to exist within their natural habitat and feeding patterns. Please note, the reviewed and for release by Executive Deputy Dudley Coetzee.

above was authorised Overstrand Mayor, Ald

Kennisgewing Skakel die OVERSTRAND HERALD asb. op 028 271 4212. Ons 3394 lyn gee probleme.

Dr. Audrey Zietsman General Practitioner

MBBCH (Wits) Mp0698393 / Pr0664405 Kleinmond practice: 08:45 - 12:30 Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 12:00 Saturdays Pringle Bay practice: 13:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday

Offices: Kleinmond - 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay - 028 273 8069 - Emergencies: 060 490 0874 Cell: 071 687 3825 draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com

30 year’s experience

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Gordel vas!

Bladsy 3

Werk aan nuwe meesterplan vir Kleinmond begin Gerard Grobler KLEINMOND – Minder as twee maande na ernstige politieke geweld die dorp lamgelê het, het dit die afgelope week rugbaar geword dat die Overstrand munisipaliteit reeds hard aan die werk is met die opstel van ‘n nuwe meesterplan vir die dorp. Die munisipaliteit se bestuurder: stadsbeplanning, mnr Riaan Kuchar, het Dinsdagmiddag hier by ‘n vergadering van Wyk 10 se wykskomitee die buitelyne geskets van wat beplan word. Hy het gesê hoewel behuising en die beplanning daarvoor ‘n belangrike deel van dié nuwe plan uitmaak, gaan dit oor veel meer. “Ons wil na die dorp in sy geheel kyk en probeer beplan vir die volgende 20 jaar. Dit sluit goed soos ‘n skool, sportgeriewe en selfs kommersiële ontwikkeling in.” Volgens Kuchar is daar reeds konsultante aangestel om die verskillende aspekte van die projek te behartig. Neil Lyners & Associates (RF) (Pty) Ltd, algemeen bekend as LYNERS, is aangewys om te kyk na die ingenieursaspekte, terwyl Guillaume Nel Environmental Consultants (GNEC) die nodige omgewingsimpakstudies sal doen. Jakupa Architects en Urban Design sal op sy beurt verantwoordelik wees vir die stedelike beplanningsaspekte van die projek. Kuchar het gesê die stadsbeplannings– en ander afdelings van die munisipaliteit sal uiteraard ten nouste by die projek betrokke wees. Die Herald het nog onlangs berig dat daar nie geld vir so ‘n grootskaalse projek was nie. Daar is wel R500 000 begroot daarvoor in die huidige begroting, maar die koste van die ondersoek is toe geraam op sowat R1,2miljoen. Die orige R700 000 was net nie daar nie. Wel, dit is duidelik êrens gevind, want volgens Kuchar is die projek reeds op dreef. Volgens hom gaan die ondersoeke beslis voort en wag die munisipaliteit tans net op ‘n memorandum van verstandhouding vanaf die provinsie. Hy sê dit sal raap en skraap gaan, maar die nodige geld sal gevind word. Mnr Kuchar het aan wykskomiteelede gesê daar is reeds ‘n projekkomitee op die been gebring wat hopelik die eerste week in Desember reeds sy eerste vergadering sal hê. Verteenwoordigers van Hangklip/

Kleinmond se twee wykskomitees sal verteenwoordiging op dié komitee hê. Volgens hom sal die projek in fases aangepak word. Wat behuising betref het, het hy gesê daar gaan onder meer gekyk word na hoe die bestaande Over Hills informele nedersetting opgradeer kan word. Kuchar het gesê hulle gaan op ‘n geïntegreerde wyse na verskillende opsies kyk. Een opsie is byvoorbeeld om Over Hills op te gradeer na ‘n meer formele buurt met erwe, strate en die dienste wat daarmee saamgaan. Dit kan moontlik beteken dat van die inwoners verskuif sal moet word, al is dit tydelik. Daarom, sê hy, sal deel van die opdrag aan die konsultante wees om bykomende grond wat vir behuising aangewend kan word, te identifiseer. Volgens Kuchar kyk hulle na ‘n hele spektrum van behuisingsmoontlikhede. Dit sluit in gesubsidieerde of HOP-huise, maar ook huureenhede vir families en enkellopendes. Volgens Kuchar word die huuropsie tans sterk deur die nasionale regering bevorder. Dan, sê hy, sal daar ook gekyk word na die moontlikheid van sg. GAP-housing. Dit is behuising vir werkende mense wat ‘n salaris van tussen R3500 en R15 000 per maand verdien. Hul verdien ‘n inkomste, maar nie genoeg om ‘n eiendom te koop nie. Kuchar het beklemtoon dat die publiek deurgaans by die projek betrek sal word. Die eerste publieke vergadering sal na verwagting reeds in laat Januarie volgende jaar plaasvind. Hier, sê Kuchar, sal ‘n aanbieding gedoen word en die publiek vir insette gevra word. Die aankondiging is dadelik deur Ayanda Tyulu, gemeenskapsleier van Over Hills en deesdae lid van die wykskomitee verwelkom. “ The community must be involved and give their input. This is good news!”, het hy gesê. Red: Die opskrif van dié berig is nie om dowe neute – “Gordel vas” nie. Hier kom ‘n gestoei soos min. Daar is vroeër vanjaar gespekuleer dat sowat 20 hektaar benodig word vir nuwe behuisingprojekte op die dorp. Tans is die enigste twee stukke grond wat beskikbaar is, dié aan die bokant van Dertiende laan en dan die natuurreservaat Vervolg op bl.4

Protecting our community since 1998 Office: (028) 271 4637 Betty’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email: kleinmondsafe@overberg.co.za

Trust is earned


Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Werk aan nuwe meesterplan vir Kleinmond begin Vervolg van bl.3 aan die westekant van DF Malherbe in Palmiet. Dit gaan waarskynlik een of dalk selfs albei wees. Die kuns aan die kant van die konsultante en die munisipaliteit gaan wees om enige ontwikkeling so te doen dat dit vir die meeste van die bestaande huiseienaars aanvaarbaar is en nie die waarde van hul eiendom nadelig raak nie. Dit is geen maklike taak nie. Dit is verblydend dat Kuchar duidelik sê dat ‘n nuwe skool deel van die beplanning gaan wees. Hy het aan die Herald gesê dat daar ten minste sowat 4 of 5 hektaar nodig is vir ‘n skool. Daar word al geruime tyd gespekuleer dat die bestaande munisipale

werkplaas langs Hoofweg ‘n goeie standplaas vir ‘n nuwe skool sou wees. Die vraag is of dié terrein groot genoeg is, en natuurlik waarheen die werkplaas sal moet verskuif. Hoe dit ookal sy, ons betree ‘n interessante tydvak in ons dorp se geskiedenis en die munisipaliteit verdien lof vir sy pogings om ‘n langtermyn strategiese plan vir die dorp te ontwikkel. Hou ingedagte dit is net ‘n ondersoek wat hopelik ‘n plan vorendag sal bring. Dan moet daar met inwoners konsensus bereik word en dan moet die geld erens gevind word. ’n Mens sou hoop dat die rioolprobleem terselftertyd aandag kan geniet.

Betty’s Bay slipway unlikely to be used again KLEINMOND – Councillor Fanie Krige told the Ward 10 committee meeting on Tuesday that it was unlikely that the Betty’s Bay slipway would in future be used for launching boats. This comes as the Betty’s Bay Boat Club recently started paving the area from the boathouse to the slipway. This was met with fierce resistance from a number of residents

who believe the construction was disturbing the penguin colony. Krige said CapeNature has apparently written to the boat club informing them that they should not invest any further money in the project. The issue of boats launching at the site while the penguins are moulting have long been a bone of contention for environmentalists in the area.

Burgemeester ernstig siek HERMANUS – Overstrand se burgemeester, mnr Rudolph Smith sal vir die volgende ses weke herstel na ‘n ernstige operasie. ‘n Nie-kwaadaardige

gewas gaan uit sy brein verwyder word. Terwyl hy aansterk sal die onderburgemeester, mnr Dudley Coetzee waarneem.

Bladsy 4

Over Hills report back KLEINMOND – During the recent political unrest residents of Over Hills handed the municipality a memorandum with a number of demands. During this week’s Ward 10 committee meeting the progress of Overstrand Municipality on these issues were discussed. 1. Cemetry – OM is currently looking into the possibility of enlarging the existing cemetery by adding a small section of land adjacent to it. They are also investigating the use of modular graves. Cllr. Fanie Krige told the meeting that the suitability of the ground would have to be investigated by drilling holes. Ward committee member and Over Hills community leader, Ayanda Tyulu, said the cemetery was one of the major concerns of the community and that some even regarded it as even more important than housing. 2. Floodlights above Poppedorp – Councillor Krige reported that an on-site inspection was carried out last Thursday where they met with residents staying next to the area where a ten year old boy was recently murdered. He said the residents did not want the lights and told the inspection team that they believe it would contribute to crime, rather than help decrease it. They also told the team that the murder took place during the day and not night-time. Krige said the OM’s Environmental Department also did not support the plan to erect floodlights in the area. This was mainly due to light pollution and the effect it

would have on animals in the reserve bordering the area. Ward committee member Julia Aalbers then wanted to know whether footlights wouldn’t be the solution. Committee member Tyulu said that the community wanted the lights and that “the community can’t be ruled by 4 people (referring to those that do not want the lights).” He said it was an important shortcut that people used to get from Over Hills to Riemvasmaak (Mountain View) and that it was dangerous to use at night. Cllr. Krige asked committee members to come forward with possible alternatives. He said the money for the project was already available and that a workable solution had to be found. 3. Ditch in Over Hills – Area Manager, Desmond Lakey told the meeting that filling the ditch in question would be addressed as part of the new urban development plan for the area. 4. Lights at Fairy Glen – Area Manager, Desmond Lakey explained that the rationale behind the lights at Fairy Glen was that young people could then use the area, instead of frequenting the harbour or the Palmiet day camping area where they were accused of causing a disturbance. He said four lights for the purpose had already been bought. Committee member Fiona Smit said she was not convinced that it was a good idea to erect lights in a sensitive area so close to the nature reserve and that the situation would have to be closely monitored.

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 5

Herrie oor nuwe distileerdery PRINGLEBAAI – Komiteelede van wyk 10 het Dinsdag hier ernstige vrae gehad oor ‘n beoogde distileerdery by Pringlebaai. According to an application made to the Liquor Board, Pringle Rock Distillery, situated at portion 141, farm 559, Pringle Bay will be a craft distillery producing a range of “high quality spirits by using ingredients from surrounding communities, in an authentic setting built out of steel and aluminium, brick, natural wood and glass.” The application states that the distillery will have a tasting room which will operate by invitation only. “There will be an external sales team that target local and export markets.” The primary product of the distillery will be whiskey, but it will also produce gin and liqueurs. According to the application the facility will create 6 employment opportunities. During the meeting, ward committee member Julia Aalbers wanted to know whether the owners of the proposed distillery

have lodged an application for rezoning with the municipality. Councillor Fanie Krige indicated that this was not the case.

Aalbers then said that if that was the case the relevant application to the Liquor Board contained “half truths

and untruths.” Krige replied that the application will not be supported by the municipality without the correct zoning.

Kleinmond main beach

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028 271 4213


Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017


The Herald apologises to Groenewald and Coetzee

Fine & Country Betty’s Bay 43 Pearl Drive Betty’s Bay, 7141 bettysbay@fineandcountry.com

Hein Brand Property Consultant (MBA) +27 (0)84 229 4681 hein.b@fineandcountry.com



Bladsy 6

R3950 000

LUXURIOUS 4 BEDROOM HOME ON BEAUTIFUL SILVERSANDS BEACH Luxurious home in exquisite setting near beautiful Silversands beach. Downstairs: Two bedrooms, two bathrooms and kitchen - can be utilized as separate unit. Upstairs: two spacious en suite bedrooms, braai room and spacious open plan living room/kitchen, with breath-taking views. Well equipped lapa perfect for outdoor living and entertaining. Gas braai and pizza oven. View on www.meridianrealty.co.za under RL173. Contact Chris at 0837441499.

The Press Ombudsman has directed the Herald to apologise to Overstrand municipal manager, Coenie Groenewald and deputy mayor, Dudley Coetzee following an editorial in the paper published on 5 October 2017. In the editorial the Herald’s editor, Gerard Grobler, stated that: “They sat in their multi-million rand mansions in Hermanus, bought with our hard-earned money, while Kleinmond was burning.” Groenewald and Coetzee laid a complaint with the SA Press Council and the Press Ombudsman has ruled that the Herald has to apologise to Groenewald and Coetzee for (1) falsely stating, as fact, that they had bought their houses with hard-earned money garnered from local taxpayers (Groenewald claims that he bought his townhouse with money from the sale of his house in Limpopo and Coetzee that he had bought his present home before he entered politics) (2) Coetzee for falsely stating that he lived in a multi-million rand mansion

in Hermanus (his house cannot be described as a mansion, and he stays in Pearly Beach) and (3) both for possibly, and unfairly so, inciting antagonism by the local community towards them. Visit www.presscouncil.org.za for the full finding Red: Terwyl ons nou aan die bieg is. In die Overstrand Herald van 2 November het ons verslaggewer, Ilna Grobler ná ‘n onderhoud met die nuwe eienaar van ‘n te stigte skoonheidsakademie berig dat die akademie onder die vaandel van Boland Kollege bedryf sal word. Dit blyk nie nie die geval te wees nie. Boland Kollege het in antwoord op die berig by monde van mnr. Jandré Bakker die volgende gesê: “Boland College carries no knowledge of said partnership. The beauty academy has nothing to do with Boland College and does not have the approval to state that they will be operating under the auspices of Boland College. Boland College hereby distances itself from Ms Ruiters and the academy.”

OM Bits and pieces Mooihawens in Betty’s Bay is to be converted into a frail care centre for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, councillor Fanie Krige, told the ward 10 committee meeting on Tuesday. He said the rezoning has been done and new buildings lines approved. He said the new owners have done a heritage study and

16 11 2017

have undertaken to properly maintain the buildings. The Municipality will be installing a number of air release valves in Pringle Bay in order to curb the pipe bursts that have been occurring in the area, the municipality’s senior operational manager, Denovan van Rhoodie told the ward 10 committee this week.

084 577 2926

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 7

Kleinmond/ Betty’s Bay/Pringle Bay/Rooi Els 028 271 3238



Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-2607

R1 830 000

Bedrooms: 3 | Baths: 2 | Garages: 1

This spacious 3 bedroom home has stunning mountain views, a large private plot in quiet area. Open plan north facing lounge, dining room, kitchen with eye level oven, gas hob and lots of cupboards. 2 Bathrooms, guest toilet, braai room and single auto garage with extra space. Separate laundry. Don't let this one slip through your fingers.

View appointment View by by appointment

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910


Web Ref:CWSC-2563

R2 095 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages:1

The units consist of 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 en suite, open plan fully fitted granite kitchen, dining room and lounge with double doors open out to patio with mountain view. Choice of own floor covering within the budget. Single garage with 1 x carport. Double glazed imported pvc windows and doors.


Web Ref:CWSC-2783

R1 360 000

This Elgin Timber home is walking distance to main beach. The house is currently divided in 2 but can be used as 1 house. One side is 1 bedroom with en suite shower and toilet, open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge and other side 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom,kitchenette and lounge. Outside laundry, store room and braai area.


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Kleinmond Bedrooms: 3 | Baths: 1 | Garages: 1


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722 Web Ref:CWSC-1098

R2 500 000

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 2| Garages: 1

Steeped in history and in a quiet cul-de-sac near Harold Porter The olde-world charm of a large entrance, kitchen and living area, together with 4 spacious bedrooms, cannot go unnoticed. There is a self-contained flatlet with its own private entrance. The 'stand alone' studio can easily be used for just that or has the potential to be a 'granny flatlet/teenage pad'.

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 2| Garages: 0

Sea views, privacy, decks to the south & north with amazing mountain views. Comfortable lounge/living area which leads to 1 en suite bedroom, study/workshop to one side then completely on its own is a designer kitchen/braai room with doors to roofed patio. Both sea facing rooms have doors to deck. Guesthouse potential..

Betty’s Bay

R1 795 000

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Web Ref:CWSC-2769

mes & another bathrooms with sea views to the south.+- 450m To path leading onto main beach. Downstairs: Expansive tiled open plan living area/kitchen with jetmaster. bedroom/study/hobbys room. Stoep leading to outside braai area, store room. Upstairs: 2 en suite bedrooms with living area leading to roofed stoep with sea views. Security in place.

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

R5 995 000 Pringle Bay

Pristine home situated on the rocky shoreline with uninterrupted ocean views in Pringle Bay. A true gem hidden away in a quietcul-sac situated in the popular Pringle Bay Point overlooking the ocean and mountains from every room. Lovely spacious lounge overlooking the ocean and False Bay. The stunning entertainment divides the house from the flatlet. The flatlet consists of 1 bedroom, lounge and full bathroom with own entrance. Come enjoy a cocktail while watching the sun set over False Bay.

Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2| Garages: 2

R1 970 000

Saturday Saturday12 12-- 2pm 2pm

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Web Ref:CWSC-2803

Web Ref:CWSC-2754

Spacious low maintenance family home with distant sea views in Pringle Bay. This house is a entertainers dream with all the bedrooms downstairs and the upper floor is one big living area with a built in braai and kitchen that opens up on to a lovely semi- covered patio. Downstairs consists of 4 bedrooms each with a en suite bathroom. Step inside and be amazed, you will not be disappointed.


Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2| Garages: 2

Web Ref: CWSC-2733

Plastered 2 bedroomed cottage,both en suite, tv cum study with open plan living /kitchen area with sea views from all the windows. All aluminium windows & doors, jetmaster, porcelain tiles in bathrooms(both full), wooden floors throughout. Huge garden, filled with indigenous shrubs, stunning Hydrangeas coming into bloom, huge lawn for the kids & animals to cavort around. Make your appointment, today!

Bay 3| Baths: 2| Garages: 1 R1 475 000 Pringle R3 950 000 Bedrooms: Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 4| Garages: 0 Cute & Cosy, north facing, double storey nutec, 2/3 bedrooms,

Web Ref:CWSC-2732

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 5 | Garages: 5

Pringle Bay

R1 495 000

This lovely cottage consist of open plan kitchen with laundry, dining room, lounge with fireplace and sun room. Both the sun room and lounge has lovely views of the fynbos garden. Lovely outside entertainment area under the trees. Single garage and 2 store rooms. One is ideal to for your trailer. Walking distance to golf course.

Sunday Sunday22- -4:30pm 4:30pm

Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-2522


Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay


Bedrooms: 3| Baths:2| Garages:1




Sunday 2pm Sunday11 11 -- 2pm Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910




Web Ref:CWSC-2558

R1 300 000

North facing face brick family home with immaculate views of the Kogelberg mountain range. Spacious open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge with built in braai. The main bedroom has its own private lounge with a distanced sea view.


Pringle Bay

Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2| Garages: 0

Web Ref:CWSC-2747

R1 830 000

Brand new family home. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Spacious double volume open plan kitchen and lounge opening up onto a covered patio. Ready to move in.

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other

‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

Nog ‘n koppie?

Wanneer die waarheid in die hek duik

Op Monitor vanmôre (Maandag) is die vraag of jy ‘n fluitjieblaser sal wees. Nou wonder ek so by my sigsellers: “Wat ís ‘n fluitjieblaser?” Die enigste plek waar ek hulle sien, is op TV of by skole rugby- en netbalwedstryde. Dis die ou/ vrou wat die wedstryd beheer en kyk dat almal volgens die reëls speel, en rooi- of geelkaarte uitdeel. Ek doen nie dit nie. In die volksmond word van iemand wat iemand anders verkla as sou hulle die wet

of reël oortree, gesê dat hy “piemp”. Glo komende van ‘n inheemse taal wat iemand wat uitpraat, ‘n “impimpi” noem. Nie ‘n goeie ding om te wees nie. Ek verneem dit is veral gebruik teen mense wat geheime verklap het teenoor die vorige regering. Geen wonder mense is bang om te praat nie. Nie net kan hulle moeilikheid op die lyf loop nie, hulle word uitgeskel as ‘n impimpi. Dis hoekom hierdie land van ons, glo ek, so ‘n probleem het

met die waarheid: sodra iemand opstaan vir die waarheid, word hy uitgeskel as ‘n impimpi. ‘n Fluitjieblaser is sover dit my aangaan, ‘n wanvoorstelling (misnomer). Ek blaas g’n fluitjies nie. Ek sê wanneer ek dink iemand lieg en die waarheid is nie in hulle nie. Miskien nou nie so lelik nie, maar daar is mos maniere en manier. Een keer moes ek ‘n storie skryf oor gerugte wat die rondte gedoen het oor ‘n groot vervoermaatskappy in ‘n dorp nie ver van hier af nie. Volgens die gerugte was die maatskappy op die rand van bankrotskap en sou heelwat mense kort voor Kersfees hul werk verloor. “Nog nooit nie!” en soortgelyke terme gooi die woordvoerder toe ernstig wal. Ek kon nie sê die man lieg nie, maar so haal ek hom toe taks aan oor wat hy beweer en wat hy sê. Ek het gehoop die lesers kom tot die gevolgtrekking, “The (gentleman) doth protest too much”. Die meisie wat ons bladuitleg gedoen het se man het daar gewerk. Vir haar het ek aangeraai om haar man te sê om uit te kyk vir ander werk. Sonder dat die maatskappy ‘n woord vir my gesê het, het ek geweet: daai lot se kerk is uit. Dit was ook so. Ek hou ook nie daarvan om self

Bladsy 8 te jok nie, veral nie vir kinders nie. Ja, ons speel die Vader Krismis speletjie, maar dis om die fantasie aan die gang te hou tot hulle so 4 of 5 jaar oud is. Ek pers hulle nie af dat Vader Krismis nie presente gaan bring as hulle stout is nie. Vader Krismis bring geskenke. Dis sy werk. Hy is nie Antjie Somers nie. Mense kan nou maar sê wat hulle wil van ons land: die regering is korrup en nepotisme floreer, tesame met al die ander dinge waarvan hulle beskuldig word. Dit kan sover dit my lyk, alles terug gevoer word na ‘n gebrekkige verhouding met die waarheid. En nie net dié regering nie. Baie mense in die land, ongeag ras, geslag, godsdiens of kleur, verbuig en verwring die waarheid om hul eie saak te pas. Kinders hoor by die huis hoe pa en ma die waarheid oor ‘n verskeidenheid onderwerpe verdoesel en dan neem hulle dit as riglyn vir hul eie lewe. Nou kerm ons oor die regering. Hoe ernstig gaan ons met die waarheid om? Hoeveel onregverdige wins word in ons winkels gemaak? Hoeveel mense hou hulle blind vir seksuele teistering en molestering naby hulle of selfs in hul eie huis? Wat maak jý met die waarheid?


Ref# KN1347566

Ref# KN1347292

Rooi Els / R2.48 million

Pringle Bay / R3.5 million

Bedroom 2 / Bathroom 2 / Garage 1 This 2 bedroom architect designed home is north facing with sea- and mountain views. It can function either as a 1 bedroom home with separate entrance 1 bedroom flatlet, or as a 2 bedroom home depending on your needs.

Bedroom 7/ Bathroom 5 / Garages 2 Immaculate beach house, 2 minute walk from the main beach. Beautiful home that offers various areas to entertain your family and friends. Covered stoep area with views of the Hangklip Mountain and a self-contained flatlet.

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 9


Ref# KN1171279


Ref# KN1331228

Ref# KN1347304

Kleinmond / R420 000

Kleinmond / R1.36 million

Value for money. Mountain avenues plot offers beautiful views and is situated in a quiet neighbourhood.

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Ideal family home with open plan living & parking. Open plan living with a spacious kitchen, a private Is perfect for entertainment and has ample security. garden & multipurpose indoor braai room/parking.

Kleinmond / R1.55 million


Ref# KN1270647

Kleinmond / R2.4 million

Ref# KN1291758

Ref# KN1303089

Kleinmond / R2.5 million

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Neat open-plan family home with magnificent sea Offering fountain water, spacious rooms, neat - and mountain views over a greenbelt. granite kitchen and ample built in cupboards.

Kleinmond / R2.95 million Bedrooms 5 / Bathrooms 5 / Garages 2 Excellent position close to the main beach for memorable family holidays or granny living in.


Ref# KN1321538

Ref# KN1334938

Betty’s Bay / R3.95 million

Betty’s Bay / R6.5 million

Bedroom 5 / Bathroom 4.5 / Garage 2 Dual living, low maintenance home in Bass lake area. Gorgeous mountain, sea and lake views. 2 Kitchens allow for convenient dual living.

Bedroom 6 / Bathroom 4 / Garage 2 Prime seafront property close to Silversands beach – enjoy amazing sunsets and sea-views. Large family home or possible conversion to guest house.

Overstrand Herald


16 November 2017

Kleinmond se strandmeer

Tydens die onlangse werkswinkel van CapeNature waar die “Mouth Management Plan” van die twee monde van die Bot/Kleinmond-estuarium bespreek is, het interessante syfers uit die aanbieding van Lara van Niekerk oor die oopbreek van die twee monde en die watervlakke vir die periode 2003-2009 opgeduik. My eie statistiek oor reënval en die oopbreek van die mond vir die periode 2010-2017 is bygevoeg in meegaande tabel en dit gee ons genoeg data om ‘n paar waarnemings te kan maak. 1.Waarnemings. 1.1 Ons het tans 15 jaar se data vir die oopbreek van die Kleinmond-strandmeer. Nege jaar het die strandmeer oopgebreek, vier keer nie en oor twee jaar bestaan onsekerheid – met die vermoede dat die strandmeer toe waarskynlik nie oopgebreek het nie. Kleinmonders kan dus nie sê “die mond van die lagoon breek selde oop nie” of “die mond breek omtrent elke jaar oop nie”. 1.2 Die Kleinmond-strandmeer se watervlak in Desember het oor die sewe jaar 2003-2009 gewissel tussen 1.0m en 2.1m. Selfs in jare wat die strandmeer oopgebreek het, was dit teen Desember weer so hoog as 1.5m en 1.8m. Die mond is dus nie elke Desember oop en die watervlak laag nie. 1.3 Die oopbreek van die Kleinmond-strandmeer het, soos seker verwag kan word, ‘n baie hoë korrelasie met hoeveel dit in die opvangsgebied gereën het. Dit wil voorkom of 650mm reën vir die volle jaar omtrent nodig is om die strandmeer te laat oopbreek. Twee–derdes van Kleinmond se reën val in die vyf maande April tot Augustus. As daar in diè 5 maande meer as 450mm reën val sal

die strandmeer waarskynlik oopbreek en indien minder na alle waarskynlikheid nie. 1.4 Die afgelope twee jaar was geweldig droog en dit is dan te verstane dat die strandmeer nie oopgebreek het nie. 1.5 Stormweer het ‘n belangrike impak. In April 2005 breek die mond oop nadat 197mm reën daardie maand val, in November 2013 na 140mm reën en in Januarie 2014 na 98mm reën. Hierdie is nie tipiese oopbreekmaande nie. Julie en Augustus is die maande wanneer die strandmeer die meeste oopbreek. Selfs in die droë jaar van 2015 het ‘n ekstra hupstoot in Julie van 155mm gehelp vir ‘n oopbreek. In April 2005 het die geweldige baie reën selfs die enorme Botgedeelte se watervlak binne enkele dae laat styg van so 1.0m tot 2.7m. 1.6 Gebaseer op die sewe jaar se data vanaf Lara van Niekerk se grafieke is dit net in 2009 waar die Botmond kunsmatig oopgemaak is EN Kleinmondstrandmeer nie oopgebreek het nie. Die kunsmatige oopbreek van die Botmond kon dus gedurende daardie periode net in een uit sewe jaar moontlik die oopbreek van Kleinmond-strandmeer nadelig geraak het. Die effens ondergemiddelde reënval vir die kernperiode kon egter net sowel die oorsaak gewees het. Gebaseer op hierdie sewe jaar se data hou ‘n moontlike argument dat die Botmond se kunsmatige oopmaak ons benadeel, beslis nie water nie. Trouens vir daardie sewe jaar het hulle die oopmaak van die Botmond verbasend goed beplan en geskeduleer om aan die oopmaakkriteria te voldoen en terseldertyd die KM-strandmeer se oopbreek nie te affekteer nie. Justin van den Hoven

Ons sien om na al u verhuringsbehoeftes vir naweek-, vakansie-, semi-permanente en permanente verhuring.

Skoonmaakdienste beskikbaar

Bladsy 10

Dankie munisipaliteit Ek kon verstaan dat die wyk besluit het om die Zebra-strepe, by die voetgangersoorgang op die hoek van Botrivier, na die indraai uit Main road, dood te verf. Dit was lewensgevaarlik. Ek en my gidshond, Bayley, het ‘n paar noue ontkomings daar gehad, met karre wat vinnig om die hoek gekom het. Op 29 September vanjaar het ek ‘n pleidooi aan raadslid Grant Cohen gerig, met die voorstel om die voetoorgang, net ’n klein entjie hoër op te sit.

Ek wil net die munisipaliteit gelukwens en bedank vir die verskuiwing. Hierdie splinternuwe voetoorgang is: veilig, duidelik sigbaar met die Zebra strepe, dit laat motoriste stadiger ry met die spoedwal en om alles te kroon, is dit rolstoel vriendelik. Dit is nou vir my en my gidshond en ook al die voetgangers, veilig en ‘n plesier om oor die nuwe oorgang te stap. Baie dankie. Herman Jordaan.

Base van katte. Wat sê julle ? Hier waar ek woon is ek nou: raadop, weet nie meer nie, ongelukkig, keelvol, alles vol. Kleinkinders kan nie in die sand speel nie. Dit is sowaar ‘n gemors. Jy moet optel en skoonmaak. In die nag is dit: Perniaauw, perniaauw my ou, my ou. Sy is my vrou my vrou Al die voëls is weg. Nou weer broeityd wat gaan word van alle fisant-, tarentaal- en eendekuikens. Plante en sade word uitgekrap. Beddings word verniel. Jy kry hulle in jou huis en hulle dra jou kos weg. Hier waar ek woon is ‘n vyftal wat: O tog, o tog so baie kan pla. Wat se lewe is dit dan hierdie ? Daarom hierdie skrywe om ‘n rooi lig te laat flikker vir alle katte en hulle base. Wat ek kan doen as dit nie ophou nie: Bou ‘n fuik, vang die katte en gaan laai hulle af by Pleksonderend. Maak korte mette met hulle. Sit iets uit en as hulle daaraan eet is dit hulle eie toedoen. Vergas hulle in jou motorhuis in die fuik. Skiet hulle met alles wat jy dalk het. Base is die probleem. Hulle sien nie om na hulle katte nie. Hou hulle plekke nie skoon nie. Katte hou nie van vuil nie. Verskaf nie sitplek en hou dit skoon nie. Al praat jy luister hulle nie. ‘n Setswana spreekwoord wat ‘n wyse woord het aan base is die volgende: Feta phologolo o tshware motho / Gaan die dier verby en gryp die baas. Ja, jy wat kastig vir jou kat lief is: Jy is die groot probleem. Diere is redeloos maar jy kan vestaan. Ek kat sê Ek kry die gevoel dat jy baas van my, my nie verstaan nie. Jy pla net ander mense. Almal wat kan doen tog iets. Moedeloos

Nog nuwe somervoorraad uitgepak! More exciting summer stock arrived!

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 11

Strandmeer: KNBV Kommentaar Volgens Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging is die uitermate lae reënval sonder twyfel die hoofoorsaak hoekom Kleinmondstrandmeer die afgelope twee jaar nie natuurlik oopgebreek het nie. Die welsyn van ons strandmeer word tans wyd bespreek en ons vereniging wil graag sy eie posisie uiteensit. Ons is van mening dat die bestuursplan vir die Bot-/ Kleinmondstrandmeergebied (“Draft Mouth Management Plan, WesternCape Department of Environmental Affairs and Planning”) wat tans hersien word, ondersteun word deur goeie navorsing en dus in beginsel aanvaar kan word. Daar is egter sekere kwessies rondom volhoubare funksionering van die Kleinmond-gedeelte wat volgens ons meer doeltreffend in die plan geakkommodeer kan word. Ons beplan om enkele voorstelle te maak en vertrou dat dit die bestuursplan verder sal versterk om Kleinmond se belange te beskerm. Bestuursplan vir die Bot-/Kleinmondstrandmeergebied Die konsepbestuursplan vir die Bot-/Kleinmondstrandmeergebied word vervat in twee dokumente, die EMP (Estuary Management Plan) en die MMP (Mouth Management Plan). Die MMP laat tans geen ruimte vir die kunsmatige oopmaak van die mond by Kleinmond nie, maar laat wel die oopmaak van die Botvlei by Meerensee toe wanneer aan sekere vereistes voldoen word. Die redes vir hierdie stand van sake word goed uiteengesit in die MMP en word ondersteun deur navorsing deur die WNNR en ander instansies en voldoen aan die Departement van Omgewingsake en Beplanning se algemene beginsels en regulasies rakende die bestuur van estuariums. ‘n Volhoubare Kleinmondstrandmeergebied. Ons identifiseer drie Kleinmondstrandmeer:



Toeslikking en rietinfestasie.





Vervarsing Die Lamlochmoeras en Kleinmondstrandmeer het reeds ‘n varswaterkarakter aangeneem teenoor die meestal soutwaterkarakter van die Botvlei waar gereëlde kunsmatige oopmaak van die mond by Meerensee die soutgehalte reguleer. Die feit dat ons vir alle praktiese doeleindes ‘n varswaterstrandmeer het, is ook nie noodwendig net negatief nie. Dit is byvoorbeeld ‘n goeie habitat vir varswatervis wat ‘n uitstekende voedselbron vir visvretende watervoëls is. Die funksionering van die Kleinmondstrandmeergebied as ‘n volwaardige estuarium binne die Bot-/Kleinmondsisteem en hoe om dit te bestuur is ‘n ingewikkelde saak. Meer navorsing is nodig om te bepaal of die gereelde oopmaak van die mond ‘n positiewe bydrae sou kon maak tot die welsyn van die gebied, al dan nie. Navorsingsresultate toon aan dat die oopgaan van die mond by Kleinmond volgens die huidige model negatief is vir die funksionering van die Botvlei. Die Botvlei word beskou as die ekologies belangrikste deel van die Bot-/Kleinmondsisteem, vandaar dan die verskil in hantering in die bestuursplan vir die twee monde. Toeslikking en rietinfestasie Toeslikking en toenemende rietinfestasie is waarskynlik die grootste risiko vir die langtermyn welsyn van die Kleinmondstrandmeer. Soutwater hou rietgroei in bedwang, maar hoe lank die periode van blootstelling moet wees en watter soutvlakke gehandhaaf moet word, is onseker. Onder die huidige model vir die bestuur van strandmere kan kunsmatige oopmaak van strandmeermonde met die oog op rietbeheer, nie gebeur nie. Dit sou slegs moontlik wees indien navorsing oortuigende redes kan gee om die status quo te verander. Alternatiewe metodes vir rietbeheer wat tans in besprekings genoem word, soos chemiese beheer, meganiese verwydering, brand en gereelde sny, blyk problematies te wees. Waterkwaliteit Swak waterkwaliteit, veral as gevolg van stormwaterafloop

en sporadiese rioolinfiltrasie, belemmer die veilige gebruik van die strandmeer by die mond vir ontspanningsdoeleindes. Die kunsmatige oopmaak van die mond is volgens die huidige strandmeerbestuursbeginsels nie ‘n toelaatbare strategie om hierdie probleem te probeer aanspreek nie. Dit is dus ‘n munisipale probleem wat deur die munispaliteit opgelos en bestuur moet word. Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging se kommentaar op die konsep MMP 1. Dat die Botvleimond verkieslik nie oopgemaak moet word alvorens die mond by Kleinmond natuurlik deurgebreek het nie. Dat wanneer die Botvleimond kunsmatig oopgemaak word daar onder sekere omstandighede oorweeg sal word om die Kleinmond-mond terselfdertyd kunsmatig oop te maak indien dit nie reeds natuurlik oopgebreek het nie. 2. ‘n Versoek dat bykomende navorsing gedoen word oor die Kleinmond-Lamlochdeel van die Bot-/Kleinmondsisteem. Die versoek kan die volgende behels: a. bykomende navorsing ten opsigte van vervarsing, toeslikking en rietinfestasie in die Kleinmondstrandmeer b. die opstel van riglyne om die volhoubare funksionering van die Kleinmond-Lamlochsisteem te verseker c. die bywerk van nuwe navorsingsresultate in die volgende MMP wanneer dit oor vyf jaar hersien word. Rey Liebenberg : Voorsitter

Behind the scenes of the Xmas@KAWS Celebrations Save the date: Staff, Committee members and volunteers of the Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) are currently working hard on the preparations for the XMAS@KAWS Celebrations which will take place on the 16th December 2017. It is the first time ever that the charity dedicates a whole day to the animals by offering a fun filled day to animal lovers, families and tourists. “The aim is to collect as much money as possible through our Xmas market traders, raffles and our service offering on the day as all proceeds earned on this day will go towards improving the lives of the dogs and cats at KAWS”, explains Gayle du Preez, Chairperson of the KAWS Fundraising Subcommittee. Local businesses like The Overstrand Herald, the SPAR Kleinmond, Montague Dried Fruit & Nuts, Datastoor, Cut Above Hair Salon Betty’s Bay or Catchlight Image Photography are supporting the event either through their services or through the provision of generous gift vouchers which will be raffled on the 16th of December. What happens on the day? The Xmas celebrations will start off at 8h00 at the Kleinmond Lagoon where members of the Hangklip Athletics club will support KAWS with their kick off event which is the Strutt Your Mutt Walk. Members of the public are invited to participate in this walk, with their well behaved dogs on a lead, with the winner of the walk receiving a medal at the XMAS@ KAWs event. The entrance fee will be R40 – sporty owners and their dog can either register prior to the start of walk on the 16th or pre-register at KAWS directly. Between 10h00 and 16h00 various Xmas traders will display and sell their goods outside KAWS at Main/Protea Roads. Of course, the KAWS Charity shop will be open throughout the event. Furthermore all Xmas tree presents collected at the Kleinmond Animal Hospital and the Pet Café in the Spar Centre will be handed over to the KAWS residents. Another highlight is the blessing of the KAWS animals and members of the public are invited to also bring their well-behaved pets to participate in the blessing. Food and drinks will be on sale, and even dogs don’t have to leave hungry: They can enter the KAWS Gourmet Competition. Each entrant will be timed to see how quickly he or she can eat a carefully measured bowl of food! The winner will be awarded with a medal. For more information about the event or in case readers have an interest in exhibiting at the Xmas market, KAWS can be contacted on 028-2715004.

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 12

4. Australian myrtle - Australiese mirt The fourth in our series on invasive plants Local residents and visitors to our part of the Overberg who have during the past year travelled between Kleinmond and Hermanus, will no doubt have seen, and enjoyed, the commendable vegetation clearing that was done on a farm alongside the R44 road and the Rooisand nature reserve. The farmland adjoining this cleared area, now exhibits a very striking example of how introduced exotic tree species can overtake and transform a natural ecosystem beyond recognition. The numerous Australian myrtle trees, are in many a place here, singularly dominating and replacing the original coastal fynbos; or doing so in conjunction with other invader Acacia species and thereby, altering not only the outer appearance of the landscape but also the structure, integrity and functioning of our coastal fynbos. The normally species-rich native vegetation of the Cape Floral Kingdom (‘fynbos’) is changed to a relatively monotonous scenery typical of areas covered by a single or only a few species; aptly described as a ‘green desert’ by some. It is no wonder that the myrtle has in our area, now assumed the same status as the other ‘transformer’ species such as the Hakea and Acacia species which also originate from Australia.

mirtplante wat hulle in staat stel om die natuurlike plantegroei vinnig binne te dring en te verdring. Die talle sade word in groot getalle deur die wind versprei en ontkiem vinnig en in groot getalle na ‘n brand. Die plante wat so opkom het goedontwikkelde sywortels wat ‘n digte mat fyn worteltjies in die boonste 50mm van die grond vorm en daarmee baie doeltreffend beslag lê op die beskikbare grondvog. Dit bring mee dat die inheemse soorte in hul onmiddellike nabyheid, moeilik aan die lewe bly; te meer so ook vanweë die mirte se spreiende groeiwyse (digte krone en dikwels meerstammig) wat moontlike mededingers oorskadu en ‘versmoor’.

The myrtles (Leptospermum species) ;) are native to southwestern Australia but have become widely naturalised; even in Australian coastal districts that are beyond its native range as well as outside of the Australian borders such as New Zealand, southeastern USA (California) Hawaii, Malaysia and also in South Africa. Leptospermum laevigatum (also known by the name coastal tea tree) is regarded as an environmental weed in Victoria and Southand Western Australia. In Australië kom die mirte in ‘n kusheidegemeenskappe voor; of tesame met heideagtige plantgemeenskappe wat op sandduine groei. Dit is dus nie vreemd dat dit daar, vir onder andere sandduinstabilisering gekweek en aangeplant word nie. Die mirt is gedurende die 19e eeu na Suid-Afrika ingevoer en die eerste optekening daarvan (1858) is te vinde in die register van die Kaapstadse Botaniese Tuin. Die belangrikste gebruike was toe tuinheinings, windbreke en duinbevestiging maar hulle is ook vir sierdoeleindes aangeplant; vanwaar die fyn saad deur wind en water na die omringende veld versprei het. (Stirton, 1978)

Australiese mirt - Blom en jong vrugte

Tans kom die mirte voor oor ‘n uitgespreide gebied wat vanaf Bainskloof, Rawsonville en Villiersdorp in die Boland, tot by die Kaapse Skiereiland en Wemmershoek strek; asook ooswaarts al langs die kus vanaf Kleinmond tot by Hermanus en hoër op, tot so ver as Sedgefield en Port Elizabeth. (Stirton, 1978) Die wye verspreiding is te wyte aan ‘n paar spesiale eienskappe van die

www.overstrandherald.co.za Motordief lank tronk toe KLEINMOND - Renier Murtz van Kleinmond is onlangs in die streekhof op Caledon gevonnis tot drie jaar gevangenisstraf, opgeskort vir vyf jaar. Dit volg na die motordiefstal van ‘n bekende inwoner op stemdag in 2014. Gerry Kruger, algemeen bekend as die “Mayor of Harbour Rd” is sedertdien oorlede, maar sy Citi Golf is dié aand gesteel. Terwyl daar gesoek is na die gesteelde voertuig het ao Dave Maree en Jakkie Human (ook sedertdien oorlede) afgekom op skilderye wat in die pad op Pringlebaai lê. Daar is vasgestel dat dit skilderye van Kruger was, wat in die kar was toe dit gesteel is. Die skilderye is waarskynlik tydens die rit uit die kar motor gegooi. Die vingerafdrukke op die skilderye en Gerry se getuienis in die hof, kort voor hy dood is, het tot die skuldigbevinding gelei.

Meerstammige mirtbome Die mirtsade oorleef gelukkig nie solank in, of op die grond as die ander indringersoorte s’n nie. Ook spruit mirte nie uit na warm brand of nadat dit afgekap is nie; soos dit met die Akasias die geval is. Dit, tesame met die feit dat die plante ‘n paar jaar oud word voordat hul blom en die eerste sade vorm, maak dit in beginsel moontlik om die plante, deur tydige, opeenvolgende beheerde brande en/of uittrek daarvan te kan uitroei. Dit is, solank daar nie ‘n onbeperkte saadbron sou wees waarvandaan dit telkens maar weer aangevul kan word nie. Vervolg op bl.13

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Vervolg van bl.12 Ever since the establishment of the Kleinmond Coastal and Mountain Reserve in 1977 - 1989, there have been regular efforts to combat the spreading of invader plants such as the Australian myrtles, in the reserve areas. Amongst them were the periodical hacks by municipal teams and the monthly hacks over a period of 20 years by the Kleinmond Hack Group. Considering the favourable characteristics for myrtle control described above, this species should by now, long have been successfully dealt with. This is unfortunately not the case and the myrtle is numbers wise, still among the top three most commonly hacked commonly species. The obvious reason why eradication was not achieved is the existence of replenishing seed sources; one of them, quite ironically, being Kleinmond garden plants. South African entomologists have for more than 30 years, been trying to achieve an acceptable level of biological control of the myrtle. Unfortunately it does not have a rich or abundant phytophagous fauna in Australia from which to select prospective biological control agents but several agents have none the less, been investigated and introduced since 1980; such as cecidomyiid flies, a gall fly and a gall-inducing scale-insect species (Callococcus leptospermi) that is known to cause spectacular die-back of myrtle branches and trees in Australia. These efforts have as yet not met with the desired success as the agents could either not be successfully cultured (due to high levels of parasitism) or insufficient overall suppression of the weed by biological control agents. Cecidomyiid flies have gained a particular notoriety among biological control practitioners for their ‘boom’ and then ‘bust’ characteristics: that is to say, initially, after release, their populations increase rapidly but then decrease, often equally rapidly; ostensibly because of attacks by native parasitoids or native predators (Gordon , A.J 2011) Whilst hoping that there will still be a biological breakthrough in years to come, we are, in the absence of any registered chemical control, currently still left with mechanical control as the most effective form of control of the species. Australian myrtle is officially listed in the Government Gazette dated 29 July 2016 as a prohibited plant and classified as a Category 1b invasive species in terms of the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004) Plants in this category require compulsory control (i.e. removed and destroyed) and need, by law, be eradicated from the environment. Te bewus daarvan dat dorpinwoners die mirte nie maar net lukraak en sonder ‘n doel geplant het nie, het die Kleinmond Natuurbewaringvereniging vroeër vanjaar ‘n omvattende lys van 68 inheemse bome en groot struike saamgestel om eienaars te help om alternatiewe keuses te maak. Daar is etlike alternatiewe in

Bladsy 13

die lys (met die straatadresse van suksesvolle voorbeelde daarvan in Kleinmond) vir oorweging deur diegene wat die mirt in hul tuin, as ‘n skaduboom aangeplant of geërf het. In Kleinmond is daar ‘n paar erwe waar mirte as ‘n heining aangeplant is. In die lys is daar minstens sewe inheemse soorte wat geskik is om as ‘n heining te plant; t.w. Kusvaalbos ( Wild silver oak - Brachelaena discolor), Wilde-amandel (Wild almond - Brabejum stellatifolium) en Duinekraaibessie (Dune crow-berry - Searsia crenata) wat aldrie vinnig groei en ‘n netjiese gesnoeide heining maak; Sandolien ( Sand olive - Dodonea viscosa), Blousyselbos (Plumbago auriculata - Cape plumbago / leadwort) met mooi blou blomme ; Grootnoemnoem (Large num-num - Carissa macrocarpa) met dorings en eetbare vrugte; en Kanferbos (Camphor bush Tarchonanthus littoralis) wat seelug en gepaardgaande soutskroei goed verdra en na kanfer ruik. Botha Maree, Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging.

DAFF ANNOUNCES 2017/18 TAC Cape Town – Friday, 10 November 2017: The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) has announced the total allowable catch (TAC) for the 2017/18 fishing season for west coast rock lobster (WCRL). The TAC is unchanged, remaining at 1924.08 tons. The allocations per sector are as follows: Commercial Fishing (Offshore) 994.8 2016/2017 TAC minus 20% to Small-Scale sector Commercial Fishing (Nearshore) 305.7 50% of the Nearshore TAC Recreational Fishing 69.2 Unchanged Small-Scale Fishing sector (Interim Relief Measure) 235.3 Unchanged Small-Scale Fishing sector (Nearshore allocation) 70.4 The remainder of the Nearshore allocation for IR/SSF Small-Scale Fishing sector (Offshore allocation) 248.7 20% of the Offshore allocation West Coast Rock Lobster Permit Right Holders should apply for permits at the Customer Service Centre of the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). DAFF announced the total allowable catch (TAC) for the 2017/18 fishing season for west coast rock lobster (WCRL) on Friday 10 November 2017. Therefore, the fishing season is officially opened. The Customer Service Centre is situated at the DAFF, Fisheries Branch on the Ground Floor, Martin Hammerschlag Street, Foretrust Building, Foreshore, Cape Town. For further information please contact Aurielle Davids at 021 402 3259 / e-mail AurielleD@daff.gov.za or Zugera Galant at 021 402 3443 / e-mail ZugeraG@daff.gov.za The Recreational sector has been granted 9 days to fish. The Government Gazette announcing the recreational fishing dates will be issued in due course.

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 14

TRENCHERS Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation

Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND

THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679

Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 Kobus Le Roux Transport Kobus Le Roux Owner / Eienaar

For all your moving needs: Packing, Transport, Storage Professional handling of Office, and/or Household Furniture Transport Vir al u meubel vervoer benodighede: Verpakking, Vervoer, Berging Professionele hantering van Kantoor En/of Huishoudelike Meubelvervoer.

Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Cell: 082 570 0923 Fax: 087 237 9437 e-mail: lerouxtpt@twk.co.za Posbus / PO Box 908, Hermanus, 7200

31 08 20 R114.00

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 15

Overstrand fire takes prestigious award, again Executive Mayor Rudolph Smith was elated on hearing that Overstrand’s Fire, Rescue and Disaster Management Department had recently been bestowed the prestigious Rosenbaur Service Excellence Award for the second year running. “My heartiest congratulations go to the Director of Protection Services Neville Michaels, Fire Chief Lester Smith and the team for again coming up trumps at this year’s Southern African Emergency Services Institute (SAESI) Conference,” enthused Mayor Smith.

Seen with some of the equipment that forms part of the recently bestowed Rosenbauer Service Excellence Award are Overstrand’s Chief Fire Officer Lester Smith (left) and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Angelo Aplon (right), along with the Director of Rosenbauer South Africa Michael Von der Heyde (centre).

Overstrand Cllr Arnie Africa – mayoral committee member and portfolio chairperson of protection services - added that it is testimony to the Department’s high level of competency and on-going commitment towards delivering an efficient and effective service in managing fires in the area. “It is particularly heartwarming when these efforts receive due recognition like this and are rewarded in such a significant way,” stated the councillor.

The prize giving ceremony on 29 October 2017, took place during the bi-annual SAESI Conference that was held at the Expo Centre in Nasrec, Johannesburg. The competition is the biggest emergency management services (EMS) event in Africa and is only open to local and district municipalities. Contestants are judged along strict criteria over a prescribed period. These include the speed of response to fire emergencies and community awareness programmes like fire and life safety, to name but a few. Together with the award, the Fire Department also received cutting-edge tools and equipment worth a staggering R80’000. The conference was attended by Fire Chief Lester Smith and Assistant Fire Chief Angelo Aplon, who accepted the prize on behalf of the municipality from Michael von der Heyde, the Director of Rosenbaur South Africa. Rosenbauer is the manufacturer and distributor of world-class fire equipment apparatus and trucks.


18 November 2017 Poeding

Hangklip Dayzees se sang en musiek

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Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 16

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 17

OOM SAKKIE SE “WOOI” Handy Man Services Terwyl oom Sakkie (die strooipop op Singleton se Winkelstoep) verlede week so ewe rustig na die wonderlike reën, wat in vlae die dorstige aarde voed, kyk, het hy ‘n “briefie” van ‘n dametjie van anderkant die berg gekry wat nogal insiggewend is vir ons diékant wat nie so deur waterbeperkings aan bande gelê word nie.( ‘n “Wooi” is ‘n ware, mooi storie)

Die Lewe van ‘n Watersoldaat “Die Moederstad is in die wurggreep van ‘n droogte van “epidermiese proporsies” (soos oom Oubaas sou sê) en selfs die volstuise met hul koppe in die (droë ) sand, weet dit. Inwoners van die geteisterde gebiede word gepeper met artikels, aanmanings en advertensies oor hoe om water te bespaar en geen dag gaan op sosiale media verby sonder nog ‘n doemprofeet se voorspelling van ‘n onafwendbare waterlose einde nie. Ons praat voortdurend onder mekaar oor ons planne en beproewinge in die waterbesparingsproses. Woorde soos herwinning, gryswater, desalinasie en aquafers raak bekend in die volksmond. In ons huishouding is ek die waterpolisie. Pappie is onder die Vis-teken gebore en verloor totaal enige begrip van tyd as hy onder ‘n straal water staan. Ek bly dus gedurig by die stortdeur staan en tel die minute (hoorbaar) vir hom af. Minstens draai hy nou al die krane toe as hy homself inseep (‘n ekstensiewe operasie op sigself!). My binne-kuite lyk soos oorlogsones, vol kolle wat wissel van donkerblou, seesiekgroen tot swawelgeel, te danke aan die emmers wat my stortgeselle geword het. Die stortery is soos ‘n militêre operasie:Twee emmers word stategies geplaas – een binne en een buite die hokkie. Die stortkop mik presies só dat die lamlendige straaltjie in die middel van eersgenoemde emmer sal land. Dis ‘n gerondspringery om die warmen kouekrane só te reguleer dat jy nie bibber of braai nie! Met ‘n vinnige draai probeer jy om al die streke klam te kry en ‘n skuimpie op die spons te bewerkstellig, en dit terwyl jy binnensmonds tot 60 tel. Dan is dit krane toe en ‘n geskroppery van bo tot onder terwyl die hoendervleis op jou lyf uitslaan.

Die binne-emmer word in die buite-emmer uitgekeer en dan begin die waterdans weer om die temperatuur weer só te kry dat jy jou darem nie self skade sal aandoen met die afspoelry nie – steeds tellende sodat jy nie twee minute oorskry nie – en dit alles terwyl elke kosbare druppel in die emmer moet land! Ek dra maar langbroeke om my blou kuite weg te steek, want die mense kyk my en my man al skeef aan. ‘n Stort is natuurlik ook nie ‘n daaglikse okkasie nie. . . . . Ek dink ons stop nou hier en lees volgende keer verder hoe dit anderkant die berg gaan. Is ons nie bevoorreg nie?!! -- Jean

All general home maintenance painting, tiling, roofs etc. Call: Paul: 0637904324 Audey: 0713253158 E-mail: hmsoverberg@gmail.com

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Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

NG Besoekersgroep by Gerimed

Bladsy 18

Reminiscing our Wild Coast Ria Burrows KLEINMOND - Here we have it in writing – a book describing an era where Xhosa clans and European traders lived in harmony in South Africa! It covers the history of the Transkei Wild Coast and refers to European shipwreck survivors who were integrated in the Xhosa clans, one of which married a Xhosa king. The book has just been published by Brevitas Publishing, which states that it deserves a place on the bookshelf of any Wild Coast history enthusiast. And more importantly, it serves as a frame of reference when contemplating current affairs in our country. John and Esmè Engelbrecht moved to Kleinmond five years ago, enjoying the sun and the sea from their Kleinmond home as much as their involvement the KFC Fellowship community and social welfare programme.

This new publication “Weaving a Wild Coast Web”, makes a valuable contribution to the recorded history of the Wild Coast. Further discussions and details are available from the author, Kleinmond resident John Engelbrecht, at 078 370 5076; or john.engelbrechtza@ gmail.com

John is the son of Eileen Engelbrecht (nèe Webb). Her brothers purchased trading stores in the hinterland of the Wild Coast and later built a holiday cottage at Mpame with assistance of various extended family members. He fondly recalls holidays spent at Mpame with the extended Webb family and the related Stride and Clark families.

Ds Steven Sass en Isabel Wagener Die bestuur, personeel en inwoners van Gerimed Ouetehuis wil graag die Gerimedbesoekersgroep van Kleinmond NG Kerk hartlik bedank vir die heerlike middag van Kerssang en verversings wat hulle op Donderdag 9 November vir die bejaardes

of the Wild Coast, including ships that disappeared and aircraft which inexplicably crashed into the sea, hunting for German U-boats during the Second World War, Transkei independence, Xhosa history and culture and the role which Khoisan played in Wild Coast history. The book includes interesting anecdotes relating to life in small villages such as Tsomo during the 1900 – 1940 era, aircraft and vehicles used in the 1940-1970 era, and a mission school.

aangebied het. Die besoekersgroep kom op ‘n gereelde basis maandeliks die inwoners besoek en sluit elke jaar dan op hierdie wyse af. Hulle het gesorg vir die blomme, versierings, musiek en lekker eetgoed. Nogmaals dankie!

Marjoh Plant Hire

For the past 20 years John has researched the history of the Transkei Wild Coast and combined it with his experience of the Webb’s trading stores and the web of connections between the various people and places. “Weaving a Wild Coast Web” presents a cameo

John Engelbrecht


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Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

VLV samel dieselgeld in Die Vroue-Landbouvereniging van Kaapland is geaffilieer by Agri Wes-, Oos- en Noordkaap – nie omdat al die lede boervroue is nie, maar omdat elke VLVlid ‘n verbruiker is wat graag kennis wil dra oor hoe die items in haar winkeltrollie verbou en bemark word. Daarom het die uitwerking van die huidige droogte die lede van VLV-Kleinmond geïnspireer om ‘n fondsinsamelingsfonds van stapel te stuur en die fondse sal gebruik word vir die aankoop van brandstof vir die voertuie wat voer aanry na drooggeteisterde areas. ‘n Uitlootpak ter waarde van sowat R800.00+ is opgemaak uit die handewerk van die lede van die VLV se Landbou&Tuinbou-

portefeulje. Kaartjies kos R10.00 en is te koop by deelnemende besighede wat ‘n plakkaat in hierdie verband vertoon. Mense wat belangstel om kaartjies te bekom het tyd tot Woensdagmiddag 22 November om ‘n lootjie uit te neem. Die trekking om die gelukkige wenner te bepaal, sal tydens die VLV-Kleinmond se afsluitingsontbyt op 23 November geskied. Mev Karien van Schalkwyk, VLVK-president, is die eregas by diè geleentheid, en sal die trekking waarneem. Die wenner sal daarna gekontak word om die gelukspak in ontvangs te neem. Die fondse sal aan Agri Wes-Kaap oorbetaal word om te administreer.

Bladsy 19

WOONSTEL TE HUUR Een Slaapkamer. Enkel persoon oopplan woonstel met veiligheids omheining. R5000 per maand plus volle deposito vooruit betaalbaar m.i.v 1 Desember 2017, water en krag uitgesluit.

Skakel Lorraine 0722250295 www.overstrandherald.co.za

Pennevrug Die Overstrand Herald bied‘n spesiale rubriek waarin ons inwoners en lesers die geleentheid gee om hul eie skryfwerk met ons te deel. Daar is ‘n paar reëls: 1. Gedigte moet asb nie te lank wees nie – ruimte is beperk 2. Kortverhale of essays moet van in die kort-kortverhaal genre wees – nie meer as 800 woorde nie. 3. Dit moet jou eie werk wees. E-pos die gedig of verhaal aan – ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

16 11 2 R193.80

Windloos Hermien van Zyl, taksaamroeper vir Landbou&Tuinbou by die geskenkpak wat uitgeloot word.

Die wind het nooit vandag bedaar nie. Vroegdag reeds het vissers ver die naderende front in getuur, en uit ervaring geweet: vandag sal hulle nie uit kan vaar nie. Knobbelvingers het handig nette herstel, bootenjins is versien en getoets en liefderyk versorg. Na 'n middagmaal van snoek en patats, is visstories aan die kinders vertel. Vanaand pleit hulle by die Weerprofeet. Voordat die dag van môre se program by kerslig beplan en oordink kan word, moet 'n man darem eers van nog woeste winde weet.

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 20

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Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Business hours / Besigheidsure Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00




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16 11 2

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Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Do renovations increase the house price? Whether you are renovating your house to create more space, rejuvenate or to put it in the market, getting to grips with how renovations impact the sale price will help you make an informed decision. Dr Simphiwe Madikizela, Head of Retail Sales and Special Projects at FNB Housing Finance, says many consumers mistakenly assume that when you invest in renovations, the money spent will be regained when selling the house. “However, not all renovations you make will necessarily increase the value of the house. For example, adding an expensive swimming pool can often be a disadvantage due to the required maintenance. As a result, some potential buyers may not be willing to pay more for it and would have preferred to have the extra space instead,” says Dr Madikizela. He shares a list of renovations that can potentially increase the value of a house in lower to middle income neighbourhood: • Kitchen and bathroom alterations – these renovations add significant value as bathrooms and kitchens are regularly used by consumers. • Garage – having a garage increases security in your house and can also reduce your car insurance premiums. • Energy saving features – as the cost of electricity continues to increase; many households are looking for efficient means of saving. Therefore, energy saving features like a solar geyser will add significant value. • Automatic gate and garage door – these additional features increase security and convenience in a household. • Cottage – cottages and outside rooms are useful if you are staying with your domestic worker. The rooms can also be rented out to generate extra income for the family. • Storeroom – having storage space can give you an advantage when selling the house. Every household needs space to store important household content that are not used regularly. “Also be careful not to overinvest in renovations that may result in your house being overpriced, compared to other properties in your neighbourhood. You may find it difficult to attract buyers, and eventually have to sell at a loss,” cautions Dr Madikizela.

Bladsy 21

Freelance IT Person We are looking for an experienced freelance IT person with a good understanding of MS Office, Outlook, Windows 10. The person must be available weekdays Monday – Friday (8:30 AM - 4 PM) Office based in Kleinmond, email CV and photo to hq@3at1.co.za

www.overstrandherald.co.za CHANYA THAI SPA KLEINMOND

16 11

Traditional Thai Healing Massage on your doorstep Open from 10:00 till 18:00 from Monday to Saturday. For more information on different treatments contact


Chanya (Tanja) at 0748950480 or 0610812779 Visit her at 23 First Street, Kleinmond.


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Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 22


NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2018 CFCI Bible College contact: 072 5112311(Antionette)- Open day 20 November. 2018 registrations now open. Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 68 Main Road (A.G.S Heal the Land premises) Thursday 19h00 Build one Church in many locations Contact Niël 079 139 5121 Pastoor Ernest 072 084 3454 A.G.S. KERK KLEINMOND Hoofweg 68 (Kompleks Langs Bouhandel) Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Sondagoggend diens 09:30 / Woensdagaand Biduur 19:00 Kinderkerk 9:30 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Leraar Hugo Naude, selnommer: 081 256 4818 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Woensdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com) LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI

Ons nooi u vriendelik na ons volgende byeenkomste: 5 November en 3 Desember - Oggenddiens en Nagmaal om 09h30 by L/S Lochnerhof in die Strand,12 en 26 November en 10 Desember - In Crassula laan, Bettiesbaai - reg langs die Crassula Saal. Die byeenkomste begin om 17h3019 November - GRATIS Fliekaand (Lifted) om 17h30 by Simply Coffee/ Bistro 365 in Pringle Baai, Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039.

VGK Proteadorp Sondag - Erediens om 10.00 - Sondagskool om 9.00 Dinsdag - Kooroefening om 19.00 Woensdag - Biduur om 19.00 Vrydag - Jeugbyeenkoms om 18.00 Christelike Vrouebediening: elke 2de Sondag van die maand om 15.00. Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs 072 358 5103 Leierouderling: Kallie Jonkers - 072 478 0771 Skriba: Evelyn Jacobs - 072 358 5103

NG KERK: 19 November 2017 - 028 271 3268 08:30 Kerksaal 09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai 09:30 Kerkgebou

Dr.Chris Malan Ds.Steven Sass Dr. Chris Malan

KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 -Leesdiens LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undernominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Worship Singing: 09:15 Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30 Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 18:00 / First Thurday 16:30 / Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397 Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECRUCH & HOMECELL 1519 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service: 9:00 - 10:30. (Afrikaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19:00 - 20:00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 080 2129

Pringle Bay House of Prayer

1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay

Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sunday school for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 23

Siyabulela Debutantes 2017 – It’s time for Africa! On Friday, 3 November, Siyabulela Pre Primary had their annual Debutante Ball. This year the theme was Africa. |The children and staff looked gorgeous in their African clothes. There were even some parents that dressed up for the evening! The event had many winners this year. The special winners (bringing in between R1000 and R2000) where Kihara November, Zoey Matinka, Nuraan Taute, Enzo Plaatjies, EJ Theunissen and Taygon Adonis. Die naaswenners wat bedrae van R2000 en meer ingebring het was Willesha van Coller, Marsha Rains, Shaylin Swartz en Navia Ndamla-Moundala. Die skool se Mnr. Debutant Debutante 2017 met ‘n bedrag van R5500, is Richard Olivier. (middel) op die foto). Die eerste prins is Luke Cronje en die 2de prins Burganey Rangolie. Onder die meisies was Mej Debutante 2017 met ‘n bedrag van R8 710 was Tyra Lee Swarts. Die eerste prinses was Milarni Garcia en die tweede prinses Chloe Visser. The staff and children would like to thank all the parents for their hard work for this fundraising. A special thanks to Oom Herman and Waydea, helping at the door, Daniel and Shireen, for the photos and DVDs, Grant our DJ, Natashia, Louisa, Noline and Emma for decorating the hall, our staff and committee, tannie Corrie Gerber and everyone who made a contribution or donation.

Pringle Bay Mini Mart We currently have the following vacancies available: Casuals Permanent Staff Must have at least retail experience, computer literate an own transport. Training will be provided Must be prepared to work weekends as well as public

Email your CV to Joycevh08@gmail.com or hand it in to the manager at the Mini Mart (Joyce / Adele)

Overstrand Herald


16 November 2017

17 November & 18 November: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08h30 - 13h00 in Tweede straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249. 17 November: Die AJV om 10 vm in die Gereformeerde Kerk, in 13de Laan se saal. 18 November: Kleinmond Fellowship Church Thanksgiving Weekend 18 – 19 November. The Hangklip Dayzees will be providing music on the Market day Saturday 18 November.09:00-13:00 so come along and enjoy maybe a cup of tea and perhaps the lekka pancakes in between making your purchases at the Market whistle enjoying the festive music. 18 November: Harold Porter NGB Events(Biodiversity crimes) AntiPoaching Fun Run/Walk Awareness raising about how biodiversity crimes are threatening our natural heritage. At the coast poaching of abalone is life. Time: 08h00- 12h00, Entry forms available at Garden, Contact: Delicia or Eunice at 0282729311, All ages are welcome,Distance: 5km run/walk, from Harold Porter Garden to sea and back. Free entry only for the fun run/walk participants. 18 November: Kleinmond Fellowship Church se Dankseggingsnaweek – 18 en 19 November.Die Hangklip Dayzees sal musiek verskaf tydens die Markdag, Saterdag 18 November 09:00-13:00. Kom geniet die musiek, tee, koffie, pannekoek, wit olifant-stalletjie en vele meer. 18 November: Kleinmond Fellowship Church se Dankseggingsnaweek – 18 en 19 November.Die Hangklip Dayzees sal musiek verskaf tydens die Markdag, Saterdag 18 November 09:00-13:00. Kom geniet die musiek, tee, koffie, pannekoek, wit olifant-stalletjie en vele meer. 20 November: The Overberg Quilters’ Guild will be having their year end meeting on Monday at 9.00 at the De Wet Hall, Roos Street, Onrus. 22 November: Every Wednesday 7-9pm, Life Skills Extraordinaire: A Community Initiative. Talks Skills Learning. Encounters sharing inspiring knowledge for an Extraordinary Life. Pay it Forward by sharing your Wisdom. Join us every Wednesday 7–9pm. Booking Essential SMS: 079 755 2047 or Email: symfiona@gmail.com. 24 November: VETKOEK en PANNEKOEK verkope @ Fynbos Dienssentrum – N G Kerksaal, 1ste Laan, Kleinmond vanaf 10:00 – 12:00. Navrae kontak Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Maan – Vrydag (08:00 – 14:00) Bestel vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom!! 24 November: CURRY BUNNIES and PANCAKES being sold @ Fynbos Service Centre – D R Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond from 10:00 – 12:00. For more information contact Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Mon – Friday (08:00 – 14:00). To prevent disappointment, place orders early!!! 27 November: Kleinmond Leeskringafsluiting word om 14h30 by Pickle and Smoke, 8 Harbour Road,gehou . Die koste is R50 per persoon. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting. 30 November: Kleinmond Senior Burger Klub se afsluitingsete in die NG Kerksaal om 12:30 vir 13:00. Lekker hoenderbraai slaaie en nagereg. Lede R50 Nie Lede R60R.S.V.P. 23 November 2017 by Mauritz 084-8240155 Marietjie 082-4455962. NB Bring asb. Eie eetgerei en drankies. Sien jul daar. 01 Desember: Fynbos Dienssentrum KERSETE 3 gangete om 12:00 @ R85.00 pp. Bespreek kaartjies by Fynbos 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00. Bring asseblief u eie drankies, glase sal verskaf word. 01 December: Fynbos Service Centre CHRISTMAS LUNCH 3 course Lunch at 12:00 @ R85.00 pp. Book tickets at Fynbos 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00. Please bring own liquid refreshments, we will supply the glasses. 1 Desember: Platsak Dans, R80p/p tbv/for Anima Therapy Centre, Kontak Maria 083 2881221. 15-17 December: Harold Porter Plant sale, Time: 08:30-1600, Cost: Free entry for Plant sale only. Please feel free to contact Delicia Appel at 028 2729311. 17 December: Summer Sunset concert, Artist: Andrew Young,Time: 19h00-20h30, Cost: Adult-R80, Youth (age 6 to 18) R40, Children under 6 years free. Please feel free to contact Delicia Appel at 028 2729311 23 December: Carols by Candlelight, Artist: Gugulethu Tenors, Time: 19h00 -20h00, Cost: Adult – R60, Youth (age 6 to 18) R30,Children under 6 years free. Please feel free to contact Delicia Appel at 028 2729311 30 December: Concert, Artist: Emo Adams, Time: 19h00 -20h00, Cost: Adult-R100, Youth (age 6 to 18)- R50, Children under 6 years free. Please feel free to contact Delicia Appel at 028 2729311 4 January: Saarkie Band, Time: 19h00 -20h30, Cost: Adult – R80, Children under 6 years free. Please feel free to contact Delicia Appel at 028 2729311

Bladsy 24



Martin soek ‘n kruiwa te koop. Bel 083 289 9362. Evelyn is looking for house-cleaning work from Monday to Friday. Ref is Judy @ 083 409 4397/ Annaline @ 082 829 2773. Call Evelyn on 060 321 9838/ 078 105 5312. Nomveliso is looking for domestic work or baby-sitting for five days a week. Call 073 311 3867. Senior burger soek tydelike en/of permanente administratiewe werk. Kan boekhouding doen tot op proefbalansstadium, asook salaris met SAID vereistes; IRP5 tot en met EMP 501. Bel 083 667 7035. Dringend gesoek na sywurms. Bel 082 572 6138. Slyvia is looking for a cleaning job. She has a reference on 082 388 7441. Call Slyvia at 078 754 2198. Percy is looking for a job cleaning houses any day of the week. Call 063 156 2381. Cindy is looking for a job for two days (Wednesday and Thursday) a week. References: Mrs Winckler on 082 929 8534 or Mrs Swart at 064 797 8644. Call Cindy on 083 893 3914. Senior citizen is looking for temporary or permanent office admin work. Able to do bookkeeping up to trial balance, salaries, and SARS documentation; IRP5 up to and including EMP 501. Call 083 667 7035.


Cooler box 45 L. Blou en wit. Baie goeie toestand. R190.Kontak 083 415 1947.Adres: 11eLaan Kleinmond. Hand worsstopper R300. Klein elektriese meule met worsstop funksie ook R160. Kontak Joubert by 0824414652 of 0282713039. Building tools : nl. Corner trowels, vicker trowel, trowel inside sharp, grano joiner, floats, brushes, etc. Sleeper couch : metal frame. Large leather covered. Contact tony 073 222 0620. Garage sale: Saterdag 18 November vanaf 9 vm Sewendelaan 20. Kom koop huisraad en klere teen weggeepryse. Bel 072 120 4641. Revolver 38 special Taurus, 2 dm loop. R1200. Bel 083 668 6465. Dennehout hondehok 120cmx 80cm met ingang 35x75 cm. R700. Bel 028 271 4774. Jet master kaggel met toebehore. Baie netjies. R2500. Bel 072 370 7225. 2x plastic loungers R250 elk. Miele skottelgoedwasser R990. Bel 062 718 5733 ná 17:00. ¾ bed R350. 1,5m skuifdeur R500. Gordyne R100 per drop. Bel 028 271 3496/ 082 579 2580. Swart TV kas op wiele met plek vir DVD’s. R500. Jetmaster 750 Gas met “ brickets”. 350x560x750. R1500 of naaste aanbod. Bel 082 454 9756

TE KOOP  Smoothie Maker - R200  Filter Coffee Perculator - R200  Bread making Machine - R150  Wooden Spice wall unit - R250  Snackwitch Maker - R100  Slow Cooker - R200  Two slice Toaster - R50

 LG Microwave - R300  LG Convection Microwave - R450  Inflateable sleeping Coutch - R250  2 x Cane chair - R600  2 x Riempies Seaters(Mahogony) - R800  Hisense Fridge(with warranty) - R1650  Multi Food Steamer - R200  Cordless glass kettle Milex - R280

Gert van Wyk 082 374 9531

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 25

Al drie Kleinmond se krieket spanne seëvier Na ‘n paar wisselvallige naweke het Kleinmond Krieket die “Hat Trick” vermag. Die 1ste, 2de en 3de spanne het hul onderskeie wedstryde gewen. Die eerste span het Saterdag teen Hermanus gespeel. Hermanus het eerste gekolf en na ‘n stadige begin was die druk te veel en gereelde paaltjies het beteken dat hul ritme versteur was. Die Kleinmond se veldwerk was ‘n bydraende faktor met geen vangkans wat verlore gegaan het nie. Hermanus se span is uitgeboul vir 108 lopies. Die sterboulers was Ruan de Bruyn, Divan de Wit en Grant

Cohen. Op hul beurt het die kolwers van Kleinmond korte mette gemaak van die telling in die vroeë boulbeurte. Die deurslaggewende 38 lopies geslaan deur Mishca Karelse het die verskil gemaak. Bydraes deur R Botes en Juan van Rooyen het verseker dat die span met ‘n bonuspunt wen. Die derde span het Stanford verslaan en met 68 lopies gewen. Ons tweede span het Gansbaai besoek en ‘n sege op hul opponente se tuisveld behaal. R Botes

Kleinmond goed verteenwoordig by 2017 Wines2Whales: Nie minder nie as 6 Kleinmonders het aan die 2017 se Wines2Whales Bergfiets byeenkoms, deelgeneem. Schalk Boonzaaier (Jr), was weereens die helikopter vlieënier en beleef die ren nou reeds vir die 7de agtereenvolgende jaar op hierdie unieke manier. Aangesien sy vrou, Famke hierdie jaar swanger is met hulle eerste (moontlike fietsryertjie), kon sy nie deelneem soos voorheen saam met haar pa William Allen nie. Intussen het William geval en sy skouer ernstig beseer en so gebeur dit dat hulle span deur Schalk Boonzaaier (Sr) en

Theo van Rensburg oorgeneem word. Dit was albei se eerste byeenkoms en hulle het ‘n baie goeie plek in die Grand Master Men kategorie behaal. Andre Brand en Johan Erasmus se span is ook opgebreek, aangesien Andre nog herstel van knie chirurgie en Johan het toe met ‘n Tulbagh ryer die span volgemaak. Die 3de paar was Piet le Roux en Danie Goosen, wat die Wines 2Whales ook reeds vantevore gery het. Beide Piet en Danie se span, asook Schalk en Theo het die Adventure gedoen, terwyl Johan en sy spanmaat die Race gedoen het.

16 November - 13 Desember

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens

01:57 02:32 03:04 03:35 04:06 04:36 05:08 05:43 06;24 07:18 08:33 09:58 11:05 11:56 00:23 01:10 01:54 02:38 03:24 04:10 04:57 05:47 06:42 07:44 08:56 10:13 11:21 00:02

14:02 14:35 15:06 15:37 16:07 16:37 17:09 17:45 18:28 19:26 20:48 22:19 23:29 —— 12:41 13:25 14:08 14:53 15:40 16:27 17:17 18:09 19:07 20:15 21:34 22:55 —— 12:16

07:53 08:25 08:56 09:25 09:56 10:27 11:01 11:40 12:27 00:39 01:42 03:11 04:37 05:39 06:28 07:12 07:55 08:39 09:24 10:13 11:04 12:00 00:21 01:18 02:26 03:45 05:01 06:04

20:24 20:53 21:20 21:48 22:16 22:45 23:18 23:54 —— 13:32 15:00 16:27 17:32 18:21 19:05 19:46 20:28 21:11 21:55 22:41 23:29 —— 13:05 14:20 15:42 17:00 18:04 18:54

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 26

OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY DRAFT POLICY RELATING TO THE STAGING OF EVENTS The public is invited in terms of Section 21 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) to submit representations in connection with the proposed policy on or before 15 December 2017 to the Municipal Manager (for attention Lionel Wallace) at the under-mentioned address or fax number. The proposed policy will be available for perusal during office hours at the Offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond; all public libraries in the Overstrand; the municipality’s corporate head office in Hermanus and on the official website at www.overstrand.gov.za. Persons who cannot write can visit the Offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus or Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representations. The designated officials for the respective municipal areas are as follows: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus: D Kearney Kleinmond: D Lakey C GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 Fax number: 028 313 8931 Notice number: 152/2017

OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT KONSEPBELEID OOR DIE AANBIEDING VAN GELEENTHEDE Die publiek word ingevolge artikel 21 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) genooi om voor of op 15 Desember 2017 by ondervermelde adres of faksnommer aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (vir aandag Lionel Wallace) vertoë te rig in verband met die voorgestelde beleid. Die konsepbeleid sal ter inligting gedurende kantoorure beskikbaar wees by die kantore van die Area bestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond; alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand; die munisipaliteit se korporatiewe hoofkantoor in Hermanus asook op die amptelike webwerf by www.overstrand.gov.za. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, kan die Area bestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford of Hermanus gedurende kantoorure besoek, waar sodanige persone bygestaan sal word om hul kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. Die aangewese amptenare vir die onderskeie munisipale areas gebiede is soos volg: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus: D Kearney Kleinmond: D Lakey C GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 Faksnommer: 028 313 8931 Kennisgewingnommer: 152/2017

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 27

OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY DRAFT BY-LAW RELATING TO THE STAGING OF EVENTS Notice is hereby given that the municipality intends adopting the abovementioned by-law. The public is invited in terms of Section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) to submit representations in connection with the proposed by-law on or before 15 December 2017 to the Municipal Manager (for attention Lionel Wallace) at the under-mentioned address or fax number. The proposed by-law will be available for perusal during office hours at the Offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond; all public libraries in the Overstrand; the municipality’s corporate head office in Hermanus and on the official website at www.overstrand.gov.za. Persons who cannot write can visit the Offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus or Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representations. The designated officials for the respective municipal areas are as follows: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus: D Kearney Kleinmond: D Lakey C GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 Fax number: 028 313 8931 Notice number: 153/2017

OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT KONSEPVERORDENING INSAKE DIE AANBIEDING VAN GELEENTHEDE Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die munisipaliteit voornemens is om bovermelde verordening te aanvaar. Die publiek word ingevolge artikel 12 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) genooi om voor of op 15 Desember 2017 by ondervermelde adres of faksnommer aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (vir aandag Lionel Wallace) vertoë te rig in verband met die beoogde verordening. Die konsepverordening sal ter inligting gedurende kantoorure beskikbaar wees by die kantore van die Area bestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond; alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand; die munisipaliteit se korporatiewe hoofkantoor in Hermanus asook op die amptelike webwerf by www.overstrand.gov.za. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, kan die Area bestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford of Hermanus gedurende kantoorure besoek, waar sodanige persone bygestaan sal word om hul kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. Die aangewese amptenare vir die onderskeie munisipale areas is soos volg: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus: D Kearney Kleinmond: D Lakey C GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 Faksnommer: 028 313 8931 Kennisgewingnommer: 153/2017

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 28

UMASIPALA WASE OVERSTRAND UYILO LWEMIGAQO NKQUBO KAMASIPALA ONXULUMENE NAMAQONGA EZIGANEKO Uluntu luyamenywa ngokwemigaqo yeCandelo 21 likaRhulumente waseKhaya: uMthetho weeNkqubo zikaMasipala, 2000 (uMthetho 32 wonyaka we-2000) ukuba angenise izimvo ngoyilo,lomgaqo-nkqubo ocetywayo ngomhla okanye phambi 15 Desemba 2017 ,zingeniswa kuMphathi kaMasipala (uithunyelwa, iqwalaselwe ngu Lionel Wallace) kule dilesi okanye kule nombolo yefeksi ekhankanywe ngezantsi: Olu yilo lomgaqo-nkqubo lucetywayo luyakufumaneka ukwenzela ukuba lujongisiswe,luphononongwe ngamaxesha omsebenzi kwi-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi e Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond; kuwo onke amathala oluntu lwencwadi aseOverstrand;kwiofisi ezinkulu zeziko loshishino zikamasipala eHermanus kunye nakwi website apha : www.overstrand.gov.za. Abantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala banga ndwendwela i ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi ezise Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond apho banokufumana uncedo loku bhala izimvo zabo. Amagosa akwindawo ezichaphazelekayo zika masipala ame ngolu hlobo lulandelayo: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburg Hermanus: D Kearney EKleinmond: D Lakey C Groenewald UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA uMasipala waseOverstrand PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 Inombolo yefeksi: 028 313 8931 Inombolo yesaziso: 152/2017


16 11 2017

Esi sisazizo esazisa ngenjongo kamasipala yokwamkela lomthetho ungentla. Uluntu luyamenywa ngokwemigaqo yeCandelo 12 likaRhulumente waseKhaya: uMthetho weeNkqubo zikaMasipala, 2000 (uMthetho + R1000.00 32 wonyaka we-2000) ukuba lungenise izimvo ngokunxulumene nomthetho ocetywayoR1800.00 kamasipala ngomhla okanye phambi kwe 15 Disemba 2017 ,zingeniswe kuMphathi kaMasipala ( ithunyelwa ,iqwalaselwe ngu uLionel = Wallace) kule dilesi okanye kule nombolo R2800.00 yefeksi ekhankanywe ngezanntsi-. Lo mthetho ucetywayo uyakufumaneka ukwenzela ukuba ujongisiswe,uphononongwe ngamaxesha omsebenzi kwi-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi e Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond; kuwo onke amathala oluntu lwencwadi aseOverstrand;kwiofisi ezinkulu zeziko loshishino zikamasipala ino eHermanus kunye nakwi website apha : www.overstrand.gov.za. Abantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala banga ndwendwela i ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi ezise Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond apho banokufumana uncedo loku bhala izimvo zabo. Amagosa akwindawo ezichaphazelekayo zika masipala ame ngolu hlobo lulandelayo: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburg Hermanus: D Kearney EKleinmond: D Lakey C Groenewald UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA uMasipala waseOverstrand PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 Inombolo yefeksi: 028 313 8931 Inombolo yesaziso: 153/2017

Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 29

Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid waar die gebied se besonderse potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing ontsluit word. Ons taak is om ewewigtige groei en ontwikkeling binne ons natuurlike omgewing tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai areas in.

Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai.

Overstrand nooi bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet asook kandidate uit die aangewese groepe, om deel van ons topspan te word en vir die volgende poste aansoek te doen:

Overstrand Municipality invites competent and selfmotivated people as well as people from the designates groups who enjoy challenges, to join our leading team and to apply for the following vacancies:

Bestuurder: Aankope (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.: WC0325042) • Salaris: R345 504 per jaar plus deelname aan die “Perk”voertuigskema asook ’n selfoontoelaag Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 4 Desember 2017

Superintendent: Meganiese Werkswinkel (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.: WC0321620) • Salaris: R272 568 per jaar plus ’n selfoontoelaag Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 4 Desember 2017

Voorsieningskanaalpraktisyn: Aankope (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.: WC0325044) • Salaris: R195 576 per jaar Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 4 Desember 2017

Hoofklerk: Eiendomme (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning (Verw.: WC0324882) • Salaris: R137 076 per jaar

Manager: Purchases (Hermanus) • Directorate: Finance (Ref.: WC0325042) • Salary: R345 504 per annum plus participation in the “Perk” car allowance scheme and a cell phone allowance Closing date: Monday, 4 December 2017

Superintendent: Mechanical Workshop (Hermanus) • Directorate: Community Services (Ref.: WC0321620) • Salary: R272 568 per annum plus a cell phone allowance Closing date: Monday, 4 December 2017

Supply Chain Practitioner: Purchases (Hermanus) • Directorate: Finance (Ref.: WC0325044) • Salary: R195 576 per annum Closing date: Monday, 4 December 2017

Principal Clerk: Properties (Hermanus) • Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning (Ref.: WC0324882) • Salary: R137 076 per annum

Senior Klerk: Krediteure (Hermanus)

Senior Clerk: Creditors (Hermanus)

• Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.: WC0320048) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar

• Directorate: Finance (Ref.: WC0320048) • Salary: R113 340 per annum

Senior Klerk: Invorderings (Gansbaai)

Senior Clerk: Collections (Gansbaai)

• Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.: WC0325132) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar

• Directorate: Finances (Ref.: WC0325132) Salary: R113 340 per annum

Senior Klerk: Inkomste (Gansbaai)

Senior Clerk: Income (Gansbaai)

• Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.: WC0320122) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar

• Directorate: Finances (Ref.: WC0320122) • Salary: R113 340 per annum

Sluitingsdatum: Vrydag, 1 Desember 2017 om 15:00 tensy anders vermeld.

Closing date: Friday, 1 December 2017 at 15:00 unless otherwise stated.

Besoek asseblief ons webtuiste by www.overstrand.gov.za vir die volledige advertensies en inligting oor die aansoekproses. Die poste kan ook op die kennisgewingborde by die onderskeie biblioteke en munisipale kantore besigtig word.

Please visit our website at www.overstrand.gov.za for the detailed advertisements and information about the application process. These positions may also be viewed on the noticeboards at the respective libraries and municipal offices. 132416


Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 30

SERVICES - DIENSTE gutterboys@telkomsa.net



Boedel Beredderaars & Beplanners

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*Gratis Testamentopstelling *Boedelbeplanning * Taksateurs/Waardasies *Opstel Trustaktes Meer as 35 jaar ondervinding in boedelberedding en geswore waardasies. Kontak Niel Theron / Linda Dixon Tel / Faks: 028 271 5944 Sel: 083 459 9419 / 082 325 2022 Fonteinhoutlaan 38 Kleinmond sdtheron@telkomsa.net Geen BTW op Eksekteurs fooie Eksekteurs fooie onderhandelbaar

*Free drafting of wills *Estate planning * Appraisals / Valuations *Preparation of Deeds of Trust More than 35 years experience in estate administration and valuations. Contact Niel Theron / Linda Dixon Tel / Fax: 028 271 5944 Cell: 083 459 9419 / 082 325 2022 38 Fonteinhout Avenue Kleinmond sdtheron@telkomsa.net No VAT on Executors Fees Executors Fees negotiable


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Overstrand Herald

16 November 2017

Bladsy 31


082 747 0510 Gekwalifiseerd / Gelisensieerd Spesialiseer vervanging van gebarste geysers Riolering en verskuiwing van suigkoppe Maintenance kwaliteit diens en werk

Garden Services


 Pergolas Priële

 Afdakke

 Hout reëlings (Balustrades)

 Tuinuitleg

 Vakansie huis onderhoud en verf GRATIS KWOTASIE

2 Nov –JOHANN: 30 Nov 2017

071 294 0509


TEL: 028 271 3353

7 Sep—28


R570.00 Overstrand Herald

028 271 3394


SPERTYE: ADVERTENSIES Dinsdae voor 12:00 BERGITE Dinsdae voor 16:00

072 977 8564

AUCTION/VEILING WHEN: 18 December 2017 WHERE: Kleinmond Watch this space for further details!!! Contact Pierre 082 4444 329

Golf results

Wednesday 08/11/17 4B alliance 1 on par 3. 2 On par 4. 3 On par 5 1)F.Bekker M.Haak K.Brunner F.Eagar 90 points 2)K.Olivier H.Ekermans J.Bekker P.Odendaal 89 point Friday 10/11/17 Sundowner 1st 9 Singles Stableford 1)H.V.D Merwe 25 points 2)C.Antonie 25 points 3)M.Du toit 25 points

H.Emmenis B.Steyn (Captain)

Saturday 11/11/17 Medal A.Division 1)B.Steyn 68 net 2)M.Arendse 70 net 3)H.Upsher 72 net Medal B Division 1)H.Emmenis 69 net 2)S.Upsher 70 net 3)B.Marshall 70 net

H.V.D Merwe F.Eagar (president)

Singles Stableford C.Division

Bowls/ Rolbal

1)S.Marshall 39 points 2)U.Socouta 37 poins 3)M.Bisset 35 points

Please help! Business League 2018 in trouble! 2018 will be the anniversary of this very popular sporting event. They are very fortunate and grateful that Jigsimur (reigning champions for the past four years) have once again agreed to be the sponsor. So what is the big problem? The Business League can ONLY ACCOMMODATE 24 TEAMS and the organisers have already received numerous enquiries from new businesses wanting to take part. This includes ASK who played in the opening tournament in 2018. The last competition was over-subscribed, but was settled when two teams had to withdraw. So what’s the SOLUTION? On 29 and 30 November, forms will

B.Steyn(Captain) F.Bekker M.Haak K.Brunner F.Eagar



h/v Hoofweg & 6de Straat, KLEINMOND

Castle Lager

be personally delivered to all business/ sports club who played this year and also to new ones who have shown interest in taking part. PLEASE NOTE: The first 24 teams to complete and sign their forms and produce proof of payment will be accepted to play. The organisers feel that this is the fairest system if they are once again over-subscribed. Those who miss the cut-off can choose to be placed on a standby list. If not, their monies will be refunded. If anyone has any questions they are welcome to contact Alan (Convenor of 2018 Business League) on 028 271 3317/ 082 923 0675.

Tel/Fax: 028 271 3898

R190.00 per case R 40.00 Du Preez Merlot R38.00 Stettyn Sav Blanc FourCousins River Red R30.00 Cape Pearl Merlot/Cab R 30.00 R59.00 DuToitskloof Reek 3L R100.00 Rusthof Reeks 3L KOOP 12 EN KRY 18 (6 GRATIS) Nuut New Villiersdorp 1922 3L






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