Skoolvervoer ‘n probleem vir ouers en kinders
Storm aan’t broei oor munisipale geldsake
Kleinmonder oorval met draaiboeke na hy nuwe Afrikaanse film finansier
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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Storm aan’t broei oor munisipale salarisse en skuld HERMANUS – Die grootste sakekamer in die Overstrand streek, dié van Hermanus, is besig om saam met van die belastingbetalersverenigings in die streek gereed te maak om ‘n stel opspraakwekkende syfers oor onder meer die styging in die salarisse van munisipale amptenare asook die skuld van die munisipaliteit bekend te maak. Die Sakekamer het Dinsdag ‘n vergadering agter geslote deure met belastingbetalersverenigings in Hermanus gehou waar ‘n konsultant ‘n voorlegging gedoen het oor die Overstrand munisipaliteit se finansiële syfers die afgelope vyf jaar. Die media is nie by die vergadering toegelaat nie. Kleinmond se belast-
ingbetalersvereniging was wel teenwoordig. Een van die KBBV se verteenwoordigers by die vergadering het aan die Herald gesê die voorlegging was ‘n ‘eye-opener’. “ Selfs ek het nie besef dit is so erg nie”, het hy gesê. Daar is by die vergadering besluit om ‘n komitee saam te stel wat die aangeleentheid verder sal voer. Die Herald verneem dat die komitee bestaan uit verteenwoordigers van die sakekamer, die KBBV en die belastingbetalersverenigings van Sandbaai en Hermanus. Die begroting sal na verwagting aanstaande week voor die raad dien en die verwagting is dat dit goedgekeur sal word ten spyte van ernstige besware teen sekere aspekte daarvan.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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Kleinmonder oorval met draaiboeke KLEINMOND – Dit is nie algemeen bekend nie, maar ‘n Kleinmonder is een van die dryfvere agter ‘n nuwe Afrikaanse film wat tans sy buiging by die Cannes 2014 Internasionale Rolprentfees in Frankryk maak. Die rolprent, Die Windpomp, is onlangs in Suid-Afrika vrygestel. Helgaard Marais, ‘n sakeman wat op Kleinmond woon, is een van vyf lede in sy familie wat finansiële steun vir die film verskaf het. Dié film het al heelwat lof gekry van koerante en fliekresensente. “Hierdie rolprent ontgin ‘n mistieke soort wetenskapfiksie, uniek aan Afrikaans, en skep ‘n eksentrieke, waaghalsige rolprent wat hom nie in ‘n genre laat druk nie”, skryf Leon van Nierop, rolprent-guru by Rapport. Die film het eers begin as ‘n kort-film projek vir AFDA studente, ‘n film skool in Kaapstad, en het later ontwikkel tot ‘n volwaardige film nadat Chris Roland, ‘n dosent by AFDA, die regte vir die film gekoop het. (vervolg op bl 4)
Vlnr: Grethe Fox, Hanlie Marais, Marga van Rooy en Helgaard Marais op die stel van Die Windpomp
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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Kleinmonder oorval met draaiboeke (vervolg van bl 3) “My suster het saam een van die vervaardigers in Amsterdam studeer by ‘n film skool. Hulle het borge begin soek om die film te maak. Ek het toe besluit om my hulp aan te bied. Ek het vir hulle gesê hulle moet asseblief nie die woord “borg” gebruik nie, want dan klink dit of ek klaar my geld verloor het”, sê Marais. Nadat hy sy hulp aangebied het, het Marais die ere titel van mede-vervaardiger gekry en was hy teenwoordig op die stel tydens die verfilming. Vir Marais was die verfilming en tyd wat hy op die stel spandeer het ‘n totaal nuwe ondervinding. “Dit was baie interessant, dit was verstommend om te sien hoe hulle ‘n stel kan inkleur, sodat dit heeltemal anders lyk in die rolprent. Van die ouens is so professioneel soos wat kan kom. Ian Roberts sal nog so sit en grappe maak terwyl ons eet en as hy op die stel kom dan leef hy homself totaal en al in die rol in. Daar was ook ‘n komieklike
oomblik toe Grethe Fox se broek afgeval tydens ‘n watertoneel wat ons geskiet het. Ons het natuurlik niks gesien nie, maar almal het so gelag dat ons die hele toneel moes oorskiet”, sê Marais. Behalwe vir die geld wat hy belê het in die film, het Marais ook sy dramavernuf op die proef gesit. “Ek het so twee sinnetjies gehad om te sê. Ek was die polisieman wat aan die ander lyn van die telefoon gepraat het, so jy kon my nie sien nie.” Ander Marais’s was ook betrokke in die fliek. Sy vrou, Hanlie was ook die liggaam-dubbel vir Fox, en sy dogter, Helena, het 5 liedjies gekomponeer vir die fliek en staan as die junior komponis van die fliek bekend. Marais oorweeg dit nog of hy weer in ‘n rolprent sal belê. “Ek sit tans met agt draaiboeke vir films wat mense vir my ge-epos het. Dit het begin gebeur toe ek ingebel het RSG toe en met Ian Wessels gesels het oor “Die Windpomp.” Ek dit gedoen vir
bietjie advertensiewaarde. Toe saai hy my epos adres uit aan die hele land en ek word oorval deur mense wat rolprente wil maak.” Die fliek wys tans by die Cannes Filmfees. “Ek is baie opgewonde oor die fliek wat Cannes toe is. Sover het ek nog niks negatiefs gehoor van daar anderkant
af nie. Ek hoop dat daar ook mense is wat die storielyn kan volg,” sê hy. “Die Windpomp” is tans in sy derde week by die loket en wys nog net by sekere teaters in die land. Daar is nog nie ‘n datum vasgemaak vir wanneer hy op DVD gaan uitkom nie.
Mes-moord: verdagtes los op R1000 borgtog KLEINMOND – Die drie verdagtes wat tereg staan op moord van ‘n jong man in Proteadorp is vrygelaat op borgtog. Ethan Hoffman, Philip Manual en Dustin Stewart het Maandag in die Landdroshof op Caledon borgtog van R1000 elk ontvang. Dit kom na Nigel April (18) op verkiesingsdag, slegs ‘n dag voor sy 19de verjaardag, in ‘n oop stuk veld langs Nemesialaan gevind is.
April het nog gelewe toe die polisie by die toneel opgedaag het. Daar word beweer dat April herhaaldelik met ‘n mes gesteek is. Hy het kort daarna aan sy wonde beswyk. Daar word beweer dat April elders aangeval is en ‘n blou Jetta wat by Hoffman se ouer huis gevind is, is glo gebruik om April na die moordtoneel te vervoer. Die drie verdagtes moet weer op 28 Julie in die hof verskyn.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 5
Probleem oor skoolvervoer kring uit KLEINMOND - ‘n Probleem oor die moontlike afstel van gr. 8 en 9 by Kleinmond Primêr aan die einde van hierdie jaar, raak ‘n al groter bekommernis vir plaaslike ouers. Kleinmond is een van die talle klein dorpies in die land waar ouers met kinders wat hul gr. 7 plaaslik voltooi, voor die keuse te staan kom van: Wat nou? Ouers wat dit kan bekostig, stuur hul kinders koshuis toe, of ander verkies om hul kinders per bus na die naaste skool te stuur. Leerders aan die twee skole op die dorp, Kleinmond Primêr en Laerskool Kleinmond, het die keuse van vier skole wat daagliks per bus bereik kan word, terwyl daar verskeie kinders is wat kosgangers word. Die hoërskole wat per bus bereik word is Groenberg Sekondêr, Hawston Sekondêr, Hoërskool Hermanus en Qhayiya Secondary, Zwelihle. Daar is ook Xhosasprekende laerskool kinders wat van busvervoer afhanklik is om by hul skool in Zwelihle te kom.
Net voor die einde van die eerste kwartaal is ouers op ‘n ouervergadering by Kleinmond Primêr ingelig dat daar ‘n moontlikheid bestaan dat die huidige gr. 8 en 9 klasse gesluit gaan word. Dit sal dan beteken dat leerders wat nou in gr. 7 is, aanstaande jaar direk na ‘n hoërskool toe gaan, in plaas daarvan dat hulle nog vir twee jaar hier kan skoolgaan en dat die huidige gr 8’s ook sal moet aanskuif. Hierdie kwessie op sigself het die betrokke ouers en leerders op hete kole, want hulle weet nie waarvoor hulle hulle moet voorberei nie, aangesien die WKOD klaarblyklik nog nie tot ‘n finale besluit gekom het nie. Die Herald het reeds Maandag ‘n e-pos met vrae aan die kantoor van mnr. Paddy Attwell, direkteur kommunikasie rakende hierdie vraagstuk gestuur, maar nog geen antwoord ontvang nie. ‘n Vrugtelose navraag is ook op 23 April aan daardie kantoor gestuur. Om die probleem te vererger, is ouers wie se kinders reeds per bus
skool toe gaan, baie ongelukkig oor die beweerde toestand van die bus. Volgens ouers is die bus van Hanekom’s Vervoer amper net soveel keer laat as wat dit betyds is. Die kinders is veronderstel om reeds om 06:30 opgelaai te word, maar dikwels arriveer die bus glo nader aan 09:00 of selfs later. Dan neem dit glo ‘n uur om op Hawston te kom, voordat die ander leerders verder vervoer word. Volgens wat kinders vertel, is die bus se remme nie na wense nie en dikwels gaan die bus staan, nie net weens meganiese probleme nie, maar sonder water of diesel. Dan moet die leerders langs die pad staan en wag of ryloop skool of huis toe. Hoewel daar glo twee busse is wat veronderstel is om te loop, sê me. Marlene Adams, koördineerder van vervoer by Hawston Sekondêr, is daar dikwels net een bus wat dan behels dat leerders wat op Hawston opgelaai moet word, lank moet wag, aangesien die
tweede bus glo by ‘n primêre skool op Zwelihle moet wag dat leerders daar eers met buitemuurse aktiwiteite klaarmaak. Hawston word nie van sulke oponthoude in kennis gestel nie en dan kan leerders nie van die wagtyd in kennis gestel word nie. Die Herald het met Hanekom’s Vervoer in aanraking probeer kom. Twee selfoonnomers het net aanhou lui, terwyl elkeen van die SEWE verskillende landlynnommers op verskillende plekke op die internet, glo nie bestaan nie. Aldus die stem oor die foon. Die veiligheid van die leerders wat van die busdiens gebruik maak, is ‘n bekommernis vir Kleinmond ouers. Hulle is glo bekommerd oor beweerde teistering wanneer die leerders smiddae op die bus wag. Daar is na bewering ongure elemente wat nie by die skool betrokke is wat die kinders na skool en selfs tydens pouses takel.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 6
Smouse se toilethool Jacques Myburgh KLEINMOND – Smouse in die hoofstraat se toiletgeriewe is in so ‘n haglike toestand dat hulle nie eers meer die geriewe wil gebruik as hulle by hulle stalletjies werk nie. “Ek staan al 15 jaar hier en verkoop my goed”, sê Darryl Botha, ‘n groentesmous. “Ons betaal om hier te staan en dis ons gebou. Maar die toilette staan heeldag oop en al wat ‘n mens is kan dit kom gebruik soos wat hy lus is. Hier’s baie keer bierbottels en kondome wat hier rond lê. Hulle kom suip, vloek en rumoer hier binne. Baie keer is die pype sommer afgeruk, dan loop die water soos ‘n rivier in die kleedkamers”, sê hy. Die Herald het gaan ondersoek instel en gevind dat die vrouetoilet nie oopgesluit was nie en dat daar menslike ontlasting teen die mure in die manstoilet was. “Daar’s ordentlike vroue wat hier is, en as die vrouetoilet nie oop is dan moet hulle die vieslike
manstoilette gebruik. Oor naweke is hier baie mense en as die toilette nie skoongemaak is nie wil niemand dit gebruik nie. Iets moet gedoen word. Die munisipaliteit kom kyk nie wat hier aangaan nie, want dis nie hulle wat dit moet gebruik nie”, sê Botha. Volgens Desmond Lakey, Kleinmond se area-bestuurder by die Overstrand munisipaliteit, sê daar was reeds ‘n vergadering gehou om die kwessie van die toilette te bespreek. “Die toilette word elke dag om 17:00 gesluit. Ons het ooreengekom om wetstoepassings-amptenare aan te stel wat reguleer wie die toilette gebruik en om inspeksie te hou. Ons het dit ook oorweeg om die toilette gesluit te hou en die sleutels by ‘n smous te los, maar die probleem is dat dit openbare toilette is en die smous dan as ‘n derde party sal optree. Ons sal weer die kwessie bekyk en kyk of daar ander benaderings is wat ons kan volg om dit op te los”, sê Lakey.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
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More awareness for public ward committee meetings needed
Poor public attendance marked once again the open feedback meeting of the ward committee in Betty’s Bay last Tuesday (13 May 2014). Cllr Lisel Krige, who chaired the meeting, called on the Overstrand Municipal administration to raise awareness for these meetings. She said that notices in the newspapers of these meetings could be made more striking and use should also be made of the text messaging service of the municipality. Law enforcement, for example came under the spotlight. Mr Dave Muirhead, representative of the Pringle Bay Ratepayers’ Association, informed the meeting that a two to three hour session with the Director of Public Protection, Mr Neville Michaels, had been arranged under the auspices of the Hangklip-Kleinmond Federation of Ratepayers’ Associations. The point of departure for these discussions will not be complaints, but how to improve the effectiveness of this service in the Hangklip towns. After some discussion it was agreed that the Kleinmond issues would also be addressed during these discussions. Mr Theuns Prinsloo, who serves in his private capacity on the ward committee, called on the federation to conduct these discussions at the highest possible level. Linkage with the Western Cape’s management plan for community safety must be sought and the Mayor, Ward Councillor and Municipal Manager should form part of these discussions. Allegations that shacks in the informal settlement of Overhills were creeping higher up against the mountainside were strongly denied by both that community’s representatives, Messrs Eric Phete and Isaac Vana, and the local municipal
housing administration officer, Mr Joseph Smith. The fact is that there are unused shacks which have been brought to the attention of the administration and they were meant to soon be demolished. Ms Susan Swanepoel, member and resident of the Palmiet community, conceded that the clearing of the surroundings of the area may have created the impression that it is spreading. Mr Phete said that disconcertning cracks were developing in some of the new houses. He was asked to have these complaints recorded as soon as possible as the retention period for corrective work on the houses will soon end. According to Smith only one complaint was received in this regard so far. An offer of the informal community to repair a bridge over a stream at no cost if the Municipality provides the materials, was once again put on the table by Phete. The senior operations manager, Mr Denovan van Rhoode, said he would inspect the site personally the following day to make final arrangements. A request was also made for shacks positioned too close to the stream, which bursts its banks from time to time, to be moved. Refuse-removal and baboon monitoring also took up discussion time. A proposal to do away with the drop-off site in Rooiels caused some controversy as the Rooiels Ratepayers Association Representative, Mr Izak Smit, disagreed from the Rooiels Conservancy representive, Ms Anuta Scholtz, about the need for such a facility. The matter was settled when Mr Van Rhoode announced that the site has to be relocated as it was partially on private land. Report: SSMA/Fanie Krige
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Natuurbewaringsvereniging kies nuwe komiteelede KLEINMOND - Die Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging het tydens hul pasafgelope jaarvergadering ‘n nuwe komitee gekies. Hulle is Justin van der Hoven (voorsitter), Rey Liebenberg
(onder-voorsitter), Koos Marais (sekretaris), Albert van Niekerk (tesourier), Gardiol Theron, Hermie van der Merwe, Paul Coetzee, Henriëtte Botha, Hannes van Wyk en Mariaan Guest
Laerskool Kleinmond hou weer basaar Laerskool Kleinmond se basaar/ karnaval het al ‘n jaarlikse instelling geword het. Alle stalletjies soos voorheen (poeding, pannekoek, groot koeke, padstal, kindertafel ens.) sal beskikbaar wees op Saterdag, 31 Mei 2014 op die skoolgronde vanaf 09:00. Daar is ook ‘n hoenderpotjiekoskompetisie tussen die verskillende klasgroepe. Potjie-
kosetekaartjies is teen R35 per persoon by die skool beskikbaar (Tel.: 028 271 3440) asook by die basaar. Vir die kleinspan is daar ook baie pret by die verskillende speletjies. Ander attraksies is die skool se leerders wat op die marimbas agtergrondmusiek gaan verskaf. Almal word uitgenooi om te kom deel in die pret by die skool.
Bladsy 11
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Potjiekos ‘n Gereelde rubriek oor aktuele sake deur Fanie Krige Fanie Krige van Solid Stuff Media Agency is ‘n bedrewe potjiekosmaker wat al in die politieke kookkuns by ‘n kollege klasgegee en ook jare se ondervinding in munisipale kombuise het. Hy glo dat met ‘n bietjie speserye en kruie en genoeg tyd kan jy iets van benerige vleis en moerige aartappels maak. Peper hom gerus met vrae by redakteur@ Ons stuur dit aan.
You can’t surf without waves “If there is anything to glean from the May 2014 elections, it surely must be that the idea of putting up independent candidates for the next municipal elections should be shelved and forgotten about.” Bradley’s sudden pronouncement caught me so off guard that for a few seconds I just stared at his long grey hair blowing in the wind. When I joined the astute old surfer on his lookout dune at Betty’s Bay Main Beach during my morning walk, we started talking about a video clip I saw on Facebook with unbelievable footage of surfing. Especially the barrel sequences were amazing and I wondered how it was filmed – it looked as though the camera was mounted on the board or attached to the surfer. One clip showed the surfer gliding along a towering wall of water with his finger splitting open the face of the wave, the crest curling over eventually completely enfolding him. As he races towards the open end of the tube, the foam catches up to him from behind, but somehow, much the viewers surprise – and his judging by the look on his face – he manages to pop out, still firmly planted on his board. It made me think of a quote of one Todd Stocker, “I said,” who once wrot”” Joy weathers
any storm; Happiness rides the waves!” Bradley replied that he has no knowledge of a surfer dude by that name, to which I responded that Todd is in fact an American writer, speaker and pastor who aims to help people to grow personally and spiritually so that they can make a positive impact on the world. “Well, such insight he could only have picked up as a surfer, but in that case he should know that when the sea is flat like today there is not much happiness to be found for surfers,” Bradley answered. “You can’t surf without waves! You need the energy of the ocean to get you going,” was Bradley’s last thought before jumping his observation regarding the elections on me. Seeing the surprise on my face, Bradley explains: “I do not see any natural energy for the independent movement in these results. It is clear that we have a two horse race in politics these days. The ordinary voter comes to the voting station with one thing on his mind and that is to either vote DA or ANC, and all the more so when he senses there is a threat to his party. “Clearly, the DA supporters feared that their party may lose control of the provincial government and they came out in droves to back the DA. The
ANC supporters on the other hand came out in their droves to show the country that their party’s story is bigger than Jacob Zuma and that they still deserve to run the country. “Well, there was a bit of a split vote with the DA on national level, but that energy is not going to rock the boat. It was not even enough to ensure the Freedom Front Plus a seat in the local council,” Bradly concluded. “Yes, Bradley, the nation and the people of the Overstrand have spoken in the election. I think the split vote is a warning to take heed of. I sense change is coming, especially on local level after the round of budget discussions just before the elections.
Bladsy 12 “We won’t see these changes in the final budget coming up next week, but just give it some time. We can’t afford it anymore to be divided!” At that point we picked up that the direction of the wind had changed bringing Bradley the promise of wave-riding happiness once more. POTJIEKOS TIP OF THE WEEK Several readers told me that they tried Adri’s Mussel Pot Recipe and really enjoyed it. I also met up with Jacques Fouché who promised me another recipe. All other readers are also invited to share their secrets and keep the Potjiekos culture going. Remember a Dalai Lama once said: Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
Nuusbrokkies: Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging Gebeure-boek Die afgelope ongeveer tien jaar hou ons vereniging ‘n “Gebeureboek” aan. Alle buitengewone insidente in die natuur in ons eie omgewing word aangeteken. Byvoorbeeld waarnemings rakende die aktiwiteite van ‘n luiperd, die verbyvlug van duisende kormorante, brande (beheer en andersins), die Kleinmond lagune en storms op land en see, word ingeskryf. Indien enige van ons lesers iets buitengewoon raaksien sal ons graag daarvan wil hoor. Ons stel belang om daarvan kennis te neem. Stuur asseblief die informasie aan die volgende eposadres: Henriëtte Botha sal die inskrywingswerk doen. Kormorante Op 6 en 7 April 2014 het miljoene(?) kormorante van Wes na Oos verbyggevlieg. Die stroom het vir twee dae aangehou. Dit is iets wat ons nie dikwels by Kleinmond ervaar nie. Lees ook die artikel van Penny Palmer in hierdie uitgawe. Luiperd Op 29 April 2014 het Schalk Boonzaaier (jnr) by Rooisand reservaat (tussen Kleinmond en Arabella) ‘n luiperd gewaar. Die luiperd was besig om ‘n tarentaal te bekruip. Toe hy in die bos verdwyn, het Schalk vertrek om nie die luiperd te steur nie. Dankie Schalk vir jou oplettentheid en besorgdheid vir ons natuurlewe. Stapkaarte Ons het nuwe ‘lekkervou’-stapkaarte in kleur wat beskikbaar is by die Vereniging of by die Toerismeburo teen R20 elk. Die kaarte bevat baie handige inligting oor elke staproete in die omgewing. Die koste aan slegs die briljanteontwerp en beplanning van die kaarte is geskenk deur Slingsby Maps. Bron: Fynbos: Die kwartaallikse publikasie van die Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 13
Dié klein vroutjie ‘n flinke 93 Tweede Wêreldoorlog die Forest Hotel op Grabouw besit. “ Nie dat ons ryk was nie, ons moes hard werk!” In haar sitkamer het me. Boonzaaier ‘n foto van die Summer Restaurant wat boop Sir Lowryspas was wat haar pa ook gedurende die oorlog gehuur het. By daardie winkeltjie het sy koning Konstantyn II van Griekeland ontmoet toe
KLEINMOND - Me. Elmine Boonzaaier het op 19 Mei 93 jaar oud geword, maar as jy nie dit nie vooraf geweet het nie, sou jy dit nie kon raai nie. Die ou klein vroutjie wat op haar dag (in haar eie woorde) “a buxom lass” was, is nou skraal en fyn, maar steeds een wat al haar werk self doen. “Mens maak mos nie vir jouself kos nie” sê sy oor sy so maer geraak het, maar dis nie oor sy iets makeer nie. Sy werk in haar tuin, sy hou al die voortjies skoon, sy bedryf ‘n klerehandel en sy bly besig. Saans is dit me. Boonzaaier se tyd om blokkiesraaisels in te vul: “Wie weet, dalk wen ek nog iets”. Sestig jaar gelede het sy saam met haar man, Izak wat ‘n sersant in die polisie was, hierheen gekom toe hy van Botrivier af hierheen verplaas is. Schalk (van ST Motors) was toe ‘n ou babatjie van drie weke oud. Daar was toe reeds twee ouer boeties: Gys en Pierre. Pierre was ‘n ondersoekbeampte in die polisie en is sowat vyf jaar gelede dood. Na Schalk het Juanita gekom. Izak se bynaam was “Gou Gryp” en hy het later aanklaer op Hermanus geword. Die Boonzaaiers se huis was een van ‘n ou paartjies wat op
die dorp was. Dit was die eerste nuwe huis op die dorp (die een waarin dr. Moses se spreekkamer is). Waar Kleinmond Apteek nou is, was destyds twee skakelhuisies. Die volgende struktuur was die garage waar die Shell Garage is en toe weer die een waarin dr. Dave se spreekkamer is waar tannie Is Cooper gewoon het. Aan die ander kant van die “Hoofpad” (wat omtrent net ‘n gruisspoor was) waar Gringo’s nou is, was mev. Bean se winkel en skuins oorkant waar die huidige Chinese winkel is, het Gawie Weber sy kafee gehad. Waar Pep nou is, was ‘n elektisiteits”gedoentetjie” en verder terug van die “Hoofpad” af see se kant toe was nog twee huise en dan die polisiekantoor waar die Elephant Rock gastehuis nou is. Die selle was ook daar. Die huis waarin me. Boonzaaier nou nog al die jare woon was die volgende “nuwe” huis na die een waarin hulle eerste gewoon het. Om die Boonzaaiers se huis was net veld en fynbos en me. Boonzaaier het dikwels en gereeld ver gaan stap en verskeie van die pieke om die dorp uitgeklim. Oorspronklik het haar familie uit Bredasdorp se wêreld gekom, maar haar pa het gedurende die
hy en sy gevolg daar afgeklim het vir ‘n bietjie bene rek. En wat is haar resep vir haar gesonde lang lewe? Nee wat, daar is niks besonders nie. Net harde werk en genoeg oefening. Haar 11 kleinkinders het ‘n goeie voorbeeld om na te streef.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler
Nog ‘n koppie? Ilna vat ‘n blaaskans, sy is volgende week weer op haar pos.
Let’s take our streets back from the cowardly thugs I have been a very happy and content resident of Kleinmond for the past eight years. There have been many times that I have enjoyed a safe and peaceful walk around our streets in the evening. Unfortunately that came to a sudden earth shattering end on Friday 16 May at about 9 pm! Nearing my home I heard a sound behind me and on turning around, I was confronted by two Coloured youths (at this point I want to state that this is NOT a racial slur as I do have Coloured friends in the community). At first I thought I may have known one of them but soon realised I didn’t as he put his face against mine and raised his right hand as if to stab me, shouting: “djy; djy!” I managed
to step back and face them both and suddenly thought: “I am a husband, father and grandfather. Is this the way my life must end?” Somehow and somewhere an anger arose and I just thought I’m not backing down for these two cowards! I squared up to the two, cursed them and then challenged them! Lo and behold! they ran, but not before throwing a stone which struck me on my arm! A small price to be able to say that I am still a husband, father and grandfather!! How many more of these stories do we have to hear before something is done?? When are we going to take OUR streets back and take the fight to these cowardly thugs? By Victor Not Victim: 10th Avenue
Beyond the call of duty It is always worth acknowledging when a service provider goes beyond the call of duty. I would therefore like use the Herald columns to thank ASK for being so helpful to us on Monday 19th. I was in Cape Town when my wife phoned me, very distressed. The iron had ‘popped’ and the house was without power; the washing machine was at a standstill and
she couldn’t even make a ‘cuppa’ to console herself! I tried to guide her remotely around the distribution board to solve the problem – to no avail. While not a happy solution, everything would just have to wait until my return. Not long after, ASK phoned her, “Was there a problem?” They had picked up a power-break from our alarm system. She
explained what had happened. Within a very short time, Anton (she thinks) arrived and sorted the problem out. Wonderful – thank you ASK! The ‘cherry on the top’ came after dark that evening, when I was outside with a torch, feeding some electricity into our almostdepleted meter. Suddenly, I was
Bladsy 14 caught in the glare of headlights and, once again, it was ASK. While patrolling he saw the light and drove in to check WHO was doing WHAT with our meter?! Keep up the good work chaps! Your efforts are much appreciated. Geoff and Lynn Harris (Rooiels)
Why can’t Eskom get it right? Isn’t it time that Eskom get their house in order. The three villages were informed that they would lose power on the 13th of this month, cancelled until the 20th, and now cancelled again until the 10th of June! Quite a disruption for local businesses who had to announce
closures for the days involved and only receive cancellation notices too late to be effective. I personally had no notice of the 20th being cancelled and had made arrangements to accommodate, a real nuisance! Frank Helm
Unlucky thirteen It was a sad, sad day for all who attended the Kleinmond Animal Welfare A.G.M on the 13th of this month. Indeed a very unlucky 13 as our Chair Lady, one Kathy Campbell, stepped down after many years of dedicated, voluntary service. When I first decided in 2001 that Kleinmond was in dire need of an animal welfare to take care of what was then a desperate situation of indiscriminate breeding, resulting in not only undue hardship to the animals themselves but which also had a negative effect on the health of our underprivileged community, I took the only possible decision. I approached Kathy! She agreed to take the Chair and KAWS was registered as an NPO in 2002. A huge learning curve for us all but the
facility was built and animal welfare was begun in earnest. In 2003 Kathy retired from active service on the Committee until 2012 when I again approached her to come back as Chair and guide KAWS through a difficult time. Her innovative and inspiring leadership, her amazing ability to defuse difficult situations, her sense of humour and wit, her commitment in dealing with an overload of demands on her time and, sadly, her lack of computer skills, all demanded a 24-7 schedule. And this she gave, unstintingly. Thank you, thank you Kathy. Enjoy your boring retirement!!!!!!!!!! From us all who love and value you. Yvonne Pretorius, Founder.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Kogelpark hou Teeparty KLEINMOND - Met Gerimed as eregaste het die Huiseienaarsvereniging op Saterdag 17 Mei ‘n uiters geslaagde teeparty gehou. Terwyl Betsie Sharp pragtige agtergrond musiek aangebied het, het daar ‘n vrolike atmosfeer geheers. Die tafeltjies was oorlaai met die heerlikste koeke, terte, pasteitjies en lekkernye en
dit alles was deur lede van die Huiseienaars-vereniging dames gebak. Isa Albertyn het met haar besondere toespraak almal verwelkom en Naas Pieters het as voorsitter van die Huiseienaars-vereniging haar gevolg met sy toespraak. Daarna het Pieta Pieterse die bedankings namens Gerimed gedoen.
Bladsy 15
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 16 Graad 1 inskrywings vir 2015 / grade 1 enrolment for 2015 KLEINMOND LAERSKOOL Hiermee gee die Beheerliggaam van Kleinmond Laerskool kennis dat inskrywingsvorms vir 2015 verkrygbaar is by die skool vanaf Maandag, 26 Mei 2014 tussen 09:00 en 16:00. Inskrywings sluit op Maandag, 9 Junie 2014 om 15:00 en ouers sal skriftelik voor 30 Junie 2014 in kennis gestel word of hul kind aanvaar is.
The Governing Body of Kleinmond Laerskool hereby gives notice that application forms for 2015 can be collected at the school from Monday, 26 May 2014 between 09:00 and 16:00. Applications will close on Monday, 9 June 2014 at 15:00 and parents will be informed in writing before 30 June 2014 of acceptance.
Die graad 6 klas by ‘n uitkykpunt bo-op die berg.
Table mountain visit The grade 6 class visited Table Mountain on Monday, 19 May, and attended the “Classroom in the Clouds.” On the mountain they were instructed about the flora and fauna on Table Mountain as well as some geological data.
After looking at Cape Town in lovely Autumn weather, they visited Rhodes Memorial where they enjoyed a Kentucky lunch. Tired, but happy, they returned to school by 16:30 after an enjoyable, but informative outing.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Vlamblomme vir die winter Hulle mag miskien nou nie heeltemal van die fynstes in die fynbos-ekosis-teem wees nie, maar dat hul op ‘n besondere manier met hulle vlamrooi kerse kleur en warmte aan ons omgewing gee, is gewis. Ons praat van die aalwyne wat in ons omgewing voorkom. Wie kan son-der ‘n gevoel van verwondering verby die rooi pragstukke op pad na Vil-liersdorp en ook Ashton se vlammende heining van bloedrooi aalwyne ry? In en om Kleinmond is daar verskeie variante van hierdie plantfamilie. Werklik endemies aan ons omgewing is Aloe succotrina waarvan pragtige voorbeelde in die koppie by die hawe te sien is. In ons dorp is baie voor-beelde van ‘n ander mooi aalwyn Aloe arborescens, ‘n tipe wat baie ‘takke’ maak en nie skaam is om te blom nie. Dit is hulle wat Ashton se oostelike ingang so ‘n kleurbelewenis maak in die winter. Die wat ‘n mens langs die pad na Villiersdorp sien is ‘n kruis tussn A. Arborescens en A. Ferox, ‘n spesie wat meer na die ooste se kant toe voorkom. (Terloops: daar weet mens dit is aalwyntyd as die blouapies langs die pad loop met sulke geel/rooi gesigte. Hulle suig graag die nektar uit die A. Ferox se blomkerse en besmeer sodoende hul gevreetjies!) Aloe succotrina / Kleinmond aalwyn
‘n Bolandse aalwyn wat beslis eersteprys sal kry vir sy pragtige vorm is Aloe plicatilis (waaieraalwyn). Hy is nie so volop soos die ander nie en blom nie so skouspelagtig nie, maar versamelaars beskou dit nogal as ‘n uit-daging om hom aan die groei en blom te kry. Nog ‘n aalwyn wat ‘n plekkie in ons tuine verdien, is die sluiper met die helderrooi blomme en horisontale groeiwyse: Aloe mitriformis (Kransaalwyn). In die natuur verkies hy rots-agtige gebiede, maar groei en blom ewe goed in blombeddings. Aalwyne groei baie maklik van steggies en kan al binne ‘n jaar blom. Goeie dreinering en humusryke, vrugbare grond is ‘n bonus. Soos alle plan-te, sal hul op goeie versorging met dankbaarheid reageer. As hul ongeluk-kig is met hul staanplek en/of die grondgehalte, mag hul dalk aangeval word deur peste soos boorders of dopluise, maar daarvoor behoort die mense wat met plante werk, raad te hê. Hierdie geharde sierlike plant met sy baie vorme en kleurskakerings ver-dien beslis ‘n staanplekkie langs of tussen meer glansryke fynbosnefies soos proteas en heide en al die ander. Koos Marais Opgeneem uit Fynbos: kwartaallikse publikasie van die Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging
Bladsy 17
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 18
Kleinmond Nature Conservation Society: HACK GROUP You are most welcome to join this group of men and women that combat invading alien plants in the Kleinmond Nature Reserve for 3 to 4 hours every third Tuesday of the month (February to November). In the process we learn to know our natural Fynbos heritage in a most congenial way. We provide the necessary equipment; you
just have to turn up in your ‘veld outfit’. Details on time and place where we meet are published at appropriate times in the Diary section of the Overstrand Herald. Please be at liberty to contact 028 271 5918 for more information. Back row, l to r: Chris Bester, Jean Sparg, Hannes van Wyk, Sarel Marais, Robbie Hill, Leon Louw, Leo Daly; Front row, l to r: Jan v.d. Mescht, Koos Marais, Vic Brink. Absent: Paul Coetzee, Botha Maree, Colin McCarthy, Miemie Strydom, Hermie v.d. Merwe.
Spertye: Dinsdag 12:00 Berigte: Dinsdag 16:00
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Cormorants There must be very few people who frequent this area who have not noticed the cormorants along our shores. These birds can be found all along the rocky coastline and the fresh water bodies*. Now and again one will be found wandering around someone’s garden or on a busy road. These are just one of the many sea-going and coastal birds that add to the interest of particularly town dwelling visitors. These birds nest on the coastal rocks once a year each spring and their co-operation with other breeds makes for interesting bird watching. The Kelp gulls are a bone of contention as they never miss an opportunity to steal cormorant eggs or even newly-hatched chicks. Comorants often have to compete with Cape Fur seals for both nesting space and food. Taking into consideration the difference in size the cormorants do well against such a large and dangerous foe. We have fives species of these birds here. The largest is the Whitebreasted Cormorant, which can reach a height of 90 cm. There are also the Crowned Cormorant found only in Namibia and South Africa, the Bank Cormorant with its white rump, the Cape Cormorant, known also as the “trekduiker” and the Reed Cormorant. All of the species dive for fish. They also eat shellfish and a variety of worms and other invertebrates. With the many and various water bird counts done regularly throughout the country it is possible to keep a reasonable accurate track record as to the whereabouts of these and many other birds. Very often a cormorant colony will take to
the air, usually in the evenings. Hundreds, if not more, birds will fly about in unison making a huge black cloud before settling down again. These birds frequent the fresh water bodies throughout the country. They make use of some of the platforms that certain local authorities build over fresh water bodies. Using the platforms as resting nesting places there are often spectacular and noisy fights for the best sites. Where fishing boats are moored for any length of time, certain breeds take advantage of the relative safety of the boat’s rigging to build their nests. Usually two eggs are laid and the adult birds take it in turn to sit on the nest. Even during the fierce gales, these birds manage to stay in the nest and are sometimes fed by the non-sitting parent. The nests are carefully made a certain distance from each other and considering the large number of nests at most sites, apart from the often noisy squabbles, the resting sites are remarkable peaceful. It is very interesting to witness the different methods of building the nests and how the adult birds spell each other at the nest. A would-be egg thief, such as the gulls, are immediately chased off by the nesting birds which combine forces and by doing that intruders are usually put to flight. The guano dropped by these and other shore-frequenting birds keeps the huge kelp and other sea-weed beds supplied with nutrients all year round. Penny Palmer Source: Fynbos: Quaterly publication of the Kleinmond Nature Conservation Society
Bladsy 19
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 20
Dra jou tekkies vir ’n goeie doel Tekkie Tax 2013 het alle verwagtings oortref deur R2,4 miljoen in die eerste jaar in te samel. Meer as 180 plaaslike welsynsorganisasies het daarby gebaat en alle fondse is gedurende November 2013 verdeel. So watter sektore het naaste aan die publiek se harte gelê? 34% van die deelnemers het ’n C-plakker gekies, wat Kinders verteenwoordig, so kinders was die sektor wat die meeste ondersteun is. Die organiseerders van hierdie veldtog, The Marketing Team, het oorweldigende terugvoer van dankbaarheid ontvang omdat hulle so ’n eenvoudige en laerisiko fondsinsamelingsveldtog geloods het. Bev Seabourne van Highveld Horse Care sê “Uiteindelik is daar ‘n nasionale fondsinsamelingsprojek waarby diere ook kan baat en ons is dankbaar om deel te kan wees
daarvan. Ons diens aan perde en donkies help egter veel meer as net die diere want ‘n gesonde perd of donkie sorg dat daar ‘n inkomste is, kinders kan skool toe gevat word en water en steenkool kan aangery word. Lank leef Tekkie Tax.” Hierdie jaar bied die Tekkie Taxspan jou weer ’n geleentheid om te wys waar jou hart lê op Vrydag, 30 Mei 2014. Lede van die publiek word gevra om ‘n Tekkie Tax plakker aan te skaf vir ‘n R10 donasie. Daar is 5 verskillende plakkers om van te kies, elkeen verteenwoordig ‘n spesifieke afdeling van dienslewering. Afhangende van waar jou hart lê, kies jy een of meer van die afdelings wat jy wil ondersteun met jou R10 plakker donasie: • Allerande DIERE • Basiese FAMILIE dienste • Cool KINDERS
• Dienslewering aan GESTREMDES • Essensiële ONDERWYS Op Tekkie Tax dag dra jy jou groot plakker op jou bors en die kleintjie sit jy op jou selfoon, om daar te bly vir die res van die jaar. Wat ookal jou uitrusting vir die dag, maak seker om jou tekkies te dra! Jy kan selfs jou tekkies optooi deur ‘n paar van hulle super oulike skoenveters “Tekkie Tags” aan te skaf vir ‘n R30 donasie (en die plakker van jou keuse is ingesluit) Die veldtog word onderskryf deur 15 van die grootste Nasionale welsynsorganisasies in die land. • Epilepsie SA • Kindersorg SA • SOS Children’s Villages • CHOC (Childhood Cancer Foundation) • Special Olympics SA • Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) • HPCA - Hospice Palliative Care SA • Pet Welfare SA • Imisebeyelanga Services • Meals on Wheels
• VVA • ACVV • Highveld Horse Care Unit • SAVF • NG Welsyn • Cheshire Homes SA . . . en hierdie is net die nasionale organisasies. Annelise de Jager, Nasionale Projek Organiseerder, het gesê: “Om uitgawes te beperk is altyd belangrik maar wanneer dit by ‘n fondsinsamelingsprojek kom is dit van kardinale belang. Met 15 nasionale welsynsorganisasies wat hier saamwerk, verseker dit dat die kostestruktuur van Tekkie Tax laer is as enige ander soortgelyke projek. Ons is nie besig om die wiel te her-ontwerp nie maar ons is verseker besig om ‘n nuwe fondsinsamelings blaadjie in SA om te slaan!” Al die begunstigde organisasies bied ’n diens in Suid-Afrika. Hulle is spesiaal uitgesoek om te verseker dat jou donasie in die beste moontlike manier gebruik sal word, ongeag van die sektor wat jy ondersteun. Ondersteun Tekkie Tax dag op Vrydag, 30 Mei 2014.
o.7 netbal KLEINMOND - Die jongste netbaldames van Laerskool Kleinmond het Saterdag hul eerste twee wedstryde by die Overberg Agri Skoledag op Caledon gespeel. Hulle het twee wedstryde gespeel teen opponente van Lerskool Overberg en Laerskool De VilliersGraaff. Hier staan hulle by hul afrigters mee. Chrisda de Witt en Chantal Vorster.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 21
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Go green “We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand its true value to humanity.” (E O Wilson) The Importance of Wetlands:What is a Wetland? - Water which falls as rain or snow in the catchment, and which is not lost to the atmosphere through evaporation or transpiration, moves through the catchment to the sea. Wetlands are found where topography (landform) or geology slows down or obstructs the movement of water through the catchment (e g where the landform is very flat) causing surface soil layers in the wetland to be temporarily, seasonally or permanently wet. This provides an environment where particular plants that are adapted to wet conditions, such as reds tend to grow in abundance. These plants, affect the soil and hydrology by further slowing down the movement of water and by producing organic matter that may accumulate in the soil. The plants provide shelter and food for particular animal species. Seeps and springs (which occur in the upper catchment) marshes, floodplains, swamp forests, mangrove swamps, estuaries and river mouths are all examples of wetlands. How do Wetlands function? – The characteristic gentle slopes of wetlands, coupled with the resistance offered by the dense wetland vegetation, slows down the water moving through the catchment. By slowing down the movement of the water and detaining it for a while, wetlands act like sponges which reduce floods and also prolong streamflow during low flow periods. The water that is lost through evaporation is usually reduced in a wetland area because the cover provided by wetland vegetation reduces evaporation from saturated or flooded soil by sheltering it against the sun
and wind. Most importantly, wetlands are also natural filters, helping to purify water by trapping pollutants such as excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), pesticides and heavy metals as well as diseasecausing bacteria and viruses. Why do we need Wetlands? – As we all know, plants, animals and people need water to survive and grow. South Africa does not have an abundance of water and the water in many streams that are polluted. Both droughts and floods are common. Wetlands are able to reduce the severity of droughts and floods by regulating streamflow. Wetlands purify water and provide a habitat for many different plants and animals such as bird, fish, amphibians and mammals which spend part of their lifecycle in the wetlands. Besides these indirect benefits society, wetlands provide many direct benefits in the form of resources such as fibre (reeds) for making crafts. Until recently the benefits of wetlands to society were often not recognised and many wetlands have been destroyed or poorly managed. Despite the ecological, economic and educational value of wetlands, it has been estimated that over half of South Africa’s wetlands have already been destroyed or lost, while those that remain are among South Africa’s most threatened natural areas. It was therefore of vital importance that the Conservation on Wetlands (also known as Ramsar Convention) was signed in Iran in 1971. The convention aims, to heighten the importance of, and protect rare or unique wetlands around the world. Eighteen wetlands in South Africa have been declared ‘Wetlands of International Importance’ or Ramsar sites, which came into force on 21.12.1975, either because they were rare or unique types of wetlands, or
because they support valuable or endangered species of ecological communities. Of the eighteen wetland Ramsar sites, 5 are in the Western Cape. One other, namely Prince Edward Island, which includes Marion Island, also fall under the Western Cape. They are:- De Hoop Vlei; De Mond; Langebaan;
Bladsy 22 Verlorenvlei; Wilderness Lakes and Prince Edward/Marion Islands. Wetlands are so often overlooked as being less spectacular than large and magnificent vistas. Let us all keep a lookout for the wetlands in our area and report negative activities to prevent there destruction or loss.?
Entries now open for The Eco-Logic Awards 2014 Entries are now open for the prestigious annual EcoLogic Awards, hosted by The Enviropaedia (in association with SABC3). The Awards acknowledge and support individuals and organisations making a real and measurable difference in creating a more eco-logical and sustainable world to live in. Until the closing date of 15 June, entrants can submit their products, services, innovations and achievements via email to networking@ The finalists will be announced on 4 July 2014 following selection by a team of highly respected, environmentally-aware judges. All entries are assessed using 7 criteria that are the ‘roots’ of Eco-Logic and three finalists are selected in each category. The 2014 Eco-Logic Award categories are: 1. The Water Conserva-tion Award – for a product or service that results in Water saving. 2. The Energy Saving Award – for a product or service that results in Energy saving. 3. The Transport Award – for a product or service that reduces environmental impact in Transport. 4. The Recycling Award – for a policy, programme or project that has demonstrably contributed to a greater public understanding and participation in waste reduction, re-use and recycling. 5. The Biodiversity Award – awarded to an organisation for a successful biodiversity protection, rehabilitation or damage mitigation programme.
6. The Climate Change Award – awarded to an organisation that has achieved a substantial reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions. 7. The Municipalities Award – awarded to a municipality that has achieved success in developing solutions using its risk assessment and management expertise, forming strategic partnerships to improve sustainability, as well as service delivery in municipal functions 8. The Youth Award – for an individual of 26 years or under who can show that their actions have protected, preserved or improved the Earths ecosystems and natural resources. 9. The Eco-Angel Award – for an individual, whose actions have conserved, nurtured or restored the Earths life forms, ecosystems or natural resources. 10. The Eco-Warrior Award – for an individual, whose actions have defended, protected or prevented damage to the Earths life forms, eco-systems or natural resources. 11. The Eco-Innovation Award – for a new product or service that is financially viable and sustainable, that serves the needs of humans whilst being equally beneficial to the Earth and its eco-systems. 12. Eco-Community Award – for a community that have acted collectively to protect, preserve or restore the Earths life forms, eco-systems or natural resources 13. The Lifetime achievement Award – for an individual that has served the interests (continued on p 23)
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 23
Netbal proewe KLEINMOND - Kately October (o. 12) en Amber Weewers (o.13) het verlede week in hul onderskeie Suid-Bolandspanne aan die Boland proewe gaan deelneem.
o.7 rugby KLEINMOND - Hierdie kannetjies van Laerskool Kleinmond het die aanskoulikste rugby van hul rugbylooppbaan gespeel teen die span van Curro op Hermanus. Niks klop darem so ‘n eerste wedstryd nie! Mnr. Gys Huisamen is hul afrigter.
Het u enige sportnuus? Stuur dit na
(continued from p 22) of Social and Environmental Sustainability – for a period of 15 years or more. Says David Parry-Davies, editor of The Enviropaedia and cohost of the Eco-Logic Awards: “Each year the quality of the entrants makes another leap in quality and diversity. It is exciting and inspirational to see the significant increase in Eco-Logical thinking that is permeating South African businesses and consumer choices.” Concludes Dr John Hanks, who was awarded the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award: “One of my current preoccupations is the identification, nurturing, mentoring and encouraging the conservation champions and leaders of the future. The Eco-Logic Awards are the type
of awards that call attention to some of the great work underway to promote the message that environmental conservation is not a luxury, but instead a vitally important prerequisite for building a sustainable future for South Africa. ” The Eco-Logic Awards will be held at Maropeng (Cradle of Humankind South Africa) World Heritage site, Gauteng on 17 September 2014. For more information on The Enviropaedia, Eco-Logic Awards please visit: www.enviropaedia. com , find us on Facebook: www. and follow us on Twitter: @ Enviropaedia1. For details on how to enter visit: http://www. or contact Linda Baker on 0861 000 810.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 24
Berg en See daag mekaar uit KLEINMOND - Ons hoofstraat verdeel die rolbalspelers wat oor die hele dorp verspreid woon, geografies in twee groepe , nl. Berg - en See spelers. Die rolbalseisoen word tradisioneel met die Berg - en See - Toernooi afgesluit. Tydens hierdie geleentheid, word die bekers aan die wenners van die klubkompetisies, oorhandig. Op Woensdag 14 Mei 2014 , het die “ VYANDE “ mekaar die stryd aangesê. Twee wedstryde wat uit
driespel bestaan het, is oor 8 koppe elk gespeel. See het vanjaar geseëvier met 665 punte teenoor Berg se 615. Ná die beker - oorhandiging , was almal weer groot “ VRIENDE” en is daar aan heerlike snoeperye weggelê wat deur WarwickVersekering geborg is. Kallie De Kock was die wenner van die 101 - mans - enkels , maar weens ander verpligtinge, verskyn hierby nie ‘n foto van hom nie. (Koos )
Dames Viere Celeste Price, Elma Visagie, Ingrid Erasmus, Elsabé Liebenberg. (Afwesig - Sandra Helmbold).
Kapteins Wynand Lambrechts (See), Celeste Price (President), Ockie Marais (Berg). Mans Pare Willem Theron, Hubert Bock, Celeste Price.
Mans Viere Celeste Price, John Orford, Tiki Rossouw, Phillip Graham, Chris Lombard.
Mans Driespel Pitte Le Roux, Johan Carstens, Hubert Bock, Celeste Price.
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 25
Dames Driespel Celeste Price, Ingrid Erasmus, Irene Cawood.
Ingrid Erasmus - Te veel bekers om vas te hou!
Mans Enkels: Tiki Rossouw
Het u enige sportnuus? Stuur dit na
Gemengde Pare: Phillip Graham, Celeste Price (President), Myna Gouws
Dames Pare Elma Visagie, (Afwesig - Sandra Helmbold).
Beginners (“Novices�): Roland Tarr
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
23 & 24 Mei: Singleton’s Winkel oop Vrydag- en Saterdag-oggende (winter) vanaf 09:00-13:00 in Tweede-straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontakpersoon: Estelle Victor 0282713260/0727780249. Sosiale tennis op die bane van Kleinmond Tennis word gespeel op Woensdae, Saterdae en vakansiedae vanaf 14:00. Almal welkom. Besoekersfooi op Saterdae R20 & Woensdae R10. 22 May: Friends of the Hangklip Library. Theme: “Die Padkaart van `n Speurder” met Wouter Grové. The author will tell of his 36 years in the SA Police & retiring as chief of the Detective Branch. This book on Sale @ R150. All welcome!Time 10h30, Venue Betty`s Bay Library 27 Mei: Kiekieklub byeenkoms om 19h00 in die NG Kerksaal. Tema vir die maand is, “beweging/motion blur.“ Aanbieding deur Anli Theron. Sy gaan vir ons vertel en wys hoe dit in Khazakstan lyk. Almal is baie welkom.
26 Mei: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 15h00 in die biblioteek. The Catcher in the Rye deur JD Salinger word deur Jakkie Schutte bespreek. Skakel Saryna van As by 0823780057
Bladsy 26
Wastrog. Skakel 082 563 4274 Neely is looking for a cleaning job any day of the week. Phone 078 463 1277 My huishulp soek werk vir Maandae en Vrydae. Deeglike werker. Skakel 028 271 4883 Patricia is looking for cleaning work any day of the week. Has reference Mrs Nell 079 906 0434. Phone 071 832 1354 Lucia is looking for charwork any day of the week. Has reference 082 453 1143. Phone 076 223 3197 Monica is looking for cleaning work every day of the week. Phone 076 305 6842 Portia is looking for work any day of the week. Has reference 082 579 1568. Phone 076 189 4422
27 Mei: VLV Vergadering om 14:30 in die NG Kerksaal. Spreker Nellis Zaaiman. Kom leer meer oor Montagu droëvrugte en hul gebruike. Almal welkom.
An educated African gentleman with wife and two young children is looking for a small house or flat to rent. Phone 082 722 3837
31 Mei: Laerskool Kleinmond hou Karnaval! Heerlike koeke, terte, poedings, pannekoek en middagetes beskikbaar. Kindertafel, speletjies, snoepwinkel, plaasstal en rustige teetuin en potjiekos rond die dag af! Kom geniet die dag saam met ons kinders by Laerskool Kleinmond.
Heerlike ingelegde perskes @ R66 vir 12 (1 dosyn). Skakel 079 516 1095
2 Junie: Walkerbaai Seëlklub, Hermanus Rolbalsaal om 17:30. Vir meer inligting skakel 082 376 6252 5 Junie: Senior Burger byeenkoms om 15:00 in die NG Kerksaal. Antea de Pluym sal kom praat oor haar ervaring na haar vader in ‘n plaasmoord gesterf het en hoe om geweld te verwerk. Petrovna Metlerkamp het op Whale Coast FM ‘n onderhoud met haar gevoer. Vir verdere navrae skakel Hester Wentzel by 082 541 2470
Fantails / Pigeons R60 each. Phone 082 551 3970 Kelvinator yskas R700. Ronde houttafel (verlengbaar) met 4 stoele R800. Antieke ysterkatel, swart met koper, R5000. Skakel 079 522 4183 / 028 271 3094 GPS Tom Tom Start20 R1400, still 18 months warranty and has been upgraded at cost of R200. Phone 084 641 4710 Canopy vir Nissan Hardbody D/K, omtrent nuut, binnelig, speakers ingebou, tinted vensters, skuifruit, dak rak, remlig, slegs 1 jaar oud, winskoop R6500. Skakel 082 548 2305 17 Building blocks – the lot R120. Phone 082 363 5928 Algehele huis inhoud by Sesdestraat 73. Skakel 028 271 4910 Kitaar, splinternuwe Cataluna 6 snaar in Rockbag (ongewensde geskenk) R900. Skakel 072 425 6050 Mercedes E320 V6 in baie goeie toestand, winskoop teen R35 000. Skakel 082 548 2305 Garage sale: Saterdag 24 Mei vanaf 09:00, huishoudelike goedere, visstokke, fietse en meubels. Tweedelaan 56 Groot kistipe & regop vrieskas R250 elk. Skakel 082 654 2460 Vrieskas en elektriese saag. Skakel 028 271 3663 Drie stuk gestoffeerde ougoud sitkamerstel (2 sitplek bank + 2 stoele) R550. Sealy Range dubbelbed basis met No-turn matras R950. Skakel 072 395 1216
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 27
Phoenix wapen kantoor kluis R1500. Skakel 083 549 1141 Garage sale: Friday 23 May from 11:00 and Saterday 24 May from 09:00 at 16 Bob Laubser street Palmiet. Clothing, household, books, records, linen. 50% discount stock clearance sale. Phone 076 195 3961 Salton skottelgoedwasser R400. Skakel 082 563 4274 Double wooden bed no mattress R1100 onco. Bull bar + Roller bar for Tata bakkie R5500 for both. Phone 028 271 3075 250kg Platforn scale R1500 onco. Pallet Truck R1500 onco. Phone 028 271 3075 HD PVR Decoder. Phone 028 272 9869 / 082 955 1449 Dubbelbalie wasmasjien in goeie toestand R550. Skakel 028 272 9085 / 083 657 9156 Spieëlkas, groot spieël, 4 laaie in goeie toestand R700. Embuia koffietafel in puik toestand R500. Rottangstoel (gemaak deur blindes) in puik toestand R120. Skakel 084 583 7104 Wie soek nog van die stukkies en strepe swart leer, afval van ‘n skoenfabriek, wat ek het? Baie geskik vir die maak van sleutelhouers, klein beursies, ens. Kom kry gratis. 61 Botrivierweg. Electric oven R 400. Hob R 100. Phone 028 273 8617 New 2 Whitewashed Pine single beds with head and footboard and Mattress R1500 each; 5 plastic garden chairs R50 each; 3 large metal lamp bases R75 each. Phone 072 466 4376 5 square wooden tables with steel legs R350 each; chest freezer R1000; stainless steel prep table R1000. Cash & collect. Phone 079 410 8509 Blue Paddle ski, without paddle, needs 2 fins. Fair overall condition. R200. Phone 074 776 0888 Free extra English tuition for Matric exams. Shakespeare / Poetry language. Phone 084 582 9284 Oefenfiets R800. Skakel 082 705 9690
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 28
NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. Christian Revival Church “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” Main Road 68 Wednesday Nights at 19:00. All ages welcome. We worship, praise and love God with boldness and with all of our heart, so come and join us! Heinrich 072 460 6226 / Riana 072 403 0599 A.G.S HEAL THE LAND Hoofweg 68, Kleinmond Pastoor Tewis De Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 Kinderdiens Woensdagaande 19:00 Jeug (C.R.C) Donderdagaande 19:00 Biduur en Bybelstudie Almal welkom HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 DEUTSCHE EV.-LUTH.KIRCHENGEMEINDE STELLENBOSCH Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zum Gottesdienst mit Heiligem Abendmahl jeweils um 15h30 im Hause Kiessling Harbour Road 19 Kleinmond Kleinmond Gottesdienst 2014 Sonntag 25 May 2014 - 15h30 Sonntag 27 July 2014 - 15h30 Sonntag 28 September 2014 - 15h30 Sonntag 30 November 2014 - 15h30 Adventsfeier CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 17:30 Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father Pierre Goldie 078 824 5411
NG KERK: 25 MEI 09:30 Kerkgebou Ds. Daan Botha 09:00 Sentrum Ds. Ben de Wet 09:00 Kerksaal Ds. Guy Roberts
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 Woensdae: Biduur om 18:30 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat. Tel: 028 271 5359 Skriba: Izak Lessing Tel: 028 273 8134 / 083 259 3403 Eredienste Sondae om 09:30 en 18:00 25 Mei: 09:30 Prof Francois Muller - Nagmaal 25 Mei: 18:00 Prof Francois Muller - Nagmaal LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 Sunday Service time at 09:30 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9901 / 028 272 9551 / 028 272 9875 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 and Sunday School (two groups) Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Heide Street Priest is Father Vincent Bastiaan 028 284 9772 Chapelwardens is Leilani 0799804540, Susan Megan 028 271 3546 First and Third Sunday: 10:00 Holy Eucharist Second Sunday: Morning Prayer Fourth Sunday: 07:30 Holy Eucharist Fifth Sunday: Family Service (Notice Will Be Given In Church Where It Will Be) Sunday School: 09:00 Every Sunday except 4th And 5th Sunday First Tuesday: Council Meeting @18:00 Second Tuesday: 10:00 Holy Eucharist and visit of sick Third Tuesday: Evening Prayer @ 18:30 Fourth Tuesday: Holy Eucharist @18:30 PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 VG PROTEADORP - Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00
Overstrand Herald
22 Meil2014
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Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 30
Overstrand Herald
22 Mei 2014
Bladsy 31
Kleinmond golf results Results for WEDNESDAY 14/5: Winners F. EAGAR, W. EMMENIS, H. EMMENIS with 46 points, Second place K. BURGER, H. STRYDOM with 44 points. Third place K. BURGER,M. VOSLOO WITH 44 POINTS. Results for FRIDAY, 16/5: Winner S. UPSHER,23 POINTS, Second place P. BENADE,23, Third place I. SAMUELS Results for SATERDAY 17/5: Winners F, EAGAR, P. BENADE, C. ANTONIE, with 49 POINTS Second place H.EMMENIS, K. BRUNNER, with 46 POINTS Third place C, BRAND. W, SMITH with 44 Points. D. UNGERER HAD A HOLE IN ONE ON NUMBER TWELVE ON SATERDAY 17/5
F. Eagar, W. Emmenis, H. Emmenis
Above: S. Upsher Below: D, Ungerer, J, Zeelie
F, Eagar, P. Benade, C. Antonie