Overstrand Herald

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KBRC’s new vegetable garden and nursery at Mthimkhulu

Bettysbaai: “Ek wonder of die eienaar van hierdie erf sy handeling uitvoer met die goedkeuring van die New station commissioner wants to work with community plaaslike owerheid?”. Danie Pienaar KLEINMOND – After more than 25 years of service in the South African Police Service, Kleinmond’s new station commissioner, Capt. Mgcineni Ngwenani, realizes just how important it is to get the community involved in policing. “We won’t win the fight against crime without the community. We need the community to be our eyes and ears. If we do get co-operation from the community, we will win the fight,” he told the Herald on his first workday in Kleinmond this week. Capt. Ngwenani, who was promoted from King Williams Town to Kleinmond, is married with four kids. He and his wife have already taken up residence in Kleinmond, while their kids finish their schooling in King Williams Town. Ngwenani replaces Capt.Crimley, who has been transferred to Riviersonderend.

Munisipaliteit: Gehalte van water in die vlei word deurlopend deur ons gemonitor

Immuunsisteemondersteuners : Immune System Supporters: Airborne bruistablette 10’s Airmune (suikervry/sugar free) 10’s Viral Choice Effervescent 10’s Viral Guard (Probiotika/Probiotics) 60’s

R 49-90 R 79-90 R 65-90 R129-90

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment

Stockist of:

Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags

Bladsy 2


This is wrong on so many levels.. After the Kleinmond police cells were declared unfit for use in February, local businesses and members of the community rushed in to help. Within a week a letter was drafted in which the community offered to fix whatever was wrong with the cells, free of charge. Two weeks ago we received the green light for our “donation” of almost R30 000 to do the necessary repairs. We immediately went ahead. We did not do this because we believe criminals deserve better facilities. We did it because the cells are a vital part of community policing. While the cells are not in use all suspects have to be transported to Caledon police station. This is not only time consuming and wasteful but takes the only police patrol vehicle away from its primary task, which is visible policing. The trip to Caledon takes roughly two hours to and fro – and during that time there is no patrol vehicle available in the area between Rooiels and Arabella. It not only costs the police money in fuel and maintenance for vehicles, it is demoralizing for police members. If you arrest somebody you know you have to travel all the way to Caledon. By the beginning of this week all the repair work had been completed. The one geyser that had still been in a workable state had been repaired and connected to the showers in the three cells. The specially designed toilet mechanisms that were broken had been replaced and the drains cleared. The cells had been painted according to specifications and the rusted steel plates outside the building replaced. Lights and the electricity supply were

checked and repaired where necessary. Even the front side of the building got a new coat of paint. The work was done and the cells could be put to use – well that is what we thought. In an absurd twist we had to learn late last week that the responsible supply chain officer in Cape Town was refusing to sign off on the job. The contractor that fixed the steel doors of the cells apparently did not galvanize the doors according to the specifications in the state tender. The police, we believe, are now investigating a charge of fraud against the Bredasdorp company awarded the tender. Until this matter is settled the responsible officer is refusing to sign off, which means the cells cannot be used. The doors are perfectly usable as they are. They can be locked, they just haven’t been galvanized correctly according to the responsible officer. In the meantime the police is spending a fortune on fuel and maintenance in terms of their vehicles for the trips to Caledon and policing in our area is being severely compromised. If fraud has been committed the responsible person should be prosecuted but why can the cells not be put to use, while the prosecution of the contractor continues? Surely this makes more sense? We as a community and businessmen and women have spent valuable time and money on the project and in the process saved the police a substantial amount of money, only to run into bureaucracy and red tape. It is unproductive and unacceptable. Gerard Grobler: redakteur@ overstrandherald.co.za

Dr. Audrey Zietsman General Practitioner

MBBCH (Wits) Mp0698393 / Pr0664405 Kleinmond practice: 08:45 - 12:30 Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 12:00 Saturdays Pringle Bay practice: 13:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday

Offices: Kleinmond - 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay - 028 273 8069 - Emergencies: 060 490 0874 Cell: 071 687 3825 draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com

084 577 2926

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 3

Protecting our community since 1998 Fiona Smit and two members of her team, Ntomboxolo Xhashimbo and Mtombekhaya Sigidi, in front of the newly installed Mandala garden

Passionate about sustainable living KLEINMOND – Fiona Smit is passionate about the concept of sustainable living. She is also the driving force behind the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Company’s latest venture and has been quietly, but determinedly working behind the scenes to make it a reality. The past week her hard work finally bore fruit when a Mandala (circular) vegetable garden and the first signs of a planned indigenous nursery went up at Mthimkhulu Village in Kleinmond’s main road. The garden and nursery are part of the KRBC’s larger aim of promoting sustainable living in the immediate vicinity of the Biosphere. The project, for which she ultimately has some very ambitious plans, is a joint venture between KRBC and Mthimkhulu Village. Fiona says the project kicked off with identifying a small group of four residents from Over Hills to become involved in the project. The group has since attended workshops on vegetable gardening and have done a stint at SANBI’s Harold Porter Botanical Gardens where they were trained in various aspects of fynbos cultivation. In the meantime the first vegetable garden, sponsored by KRBC, became a reality this week when they bought the first 80 seedlings to be planted. These consists of

broccoli (which local Zimbabwean residents seem to favour) to spinach, cauliflower and beets, which South Africans seem to prefer. The idea is for the initial group to cultivate and sell the produced vegetables. “What we would like is for other residents to become involved. We can show them how to grow and manage their own vegetable gardens, thereby not only producing healthy food, but possibly also an income.” The next phase of the project is an indigenous nursery. The netting has already been erected and a container, which will act as storeroom, will soon arrive on site. Fiona is also planning a fynbos show garden next to the nursery where visitors will be able to see fynbos in a natural environment. Fiona says that while they are talking to several parties regarding possible funding, they have to make do with what they have at the moment. “We would love to get the community involved. Please come and help us turn this into a showcase for our community. If you cannot volunteer your services try and help us with the things we desperately need. We have a whole list ranging from gravel, bark chips to pallets, seedlings, fertilizer and many more. We really need your help.” For more info you can call Fiona on 082 923 2376 or mail her at fionavanderspuy@gmail.com

Office: (028) 271 4637 Betty’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email: kleinmondsafe@overberg.co.za

Trust is earned


Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 4

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Gehalte van water in vlei gereeld gemonitor

• Doen jou deel om misdaad te help voorkom • Rapporteer alle misdaad by die polisie • Registreer by KSW • Beveilig jou eiendom • Ondersteun Kleinmond Nagwag se patrollies • Do your share to help prevent crime • Report all crime to the police • Register with KSW • Secure your property • Support Kleinmond Night Watch patrols

Die munisipaliteit se senior bestuurder op Kleinmond, mnr Desmond Lakey het na aanleiding van verlede week se berig in die Herald oor die gehalte van die water in vlei soos volg reageer: Die Geotegniese Verslag van ons konsultante insake die verlenging van die bruggie is intussen ontvang en moet nog aan die wykskommitee tydens die volgende wykskommitee vergadering voorgelê word vir bespreking. Wat die water gehalte betref sê mnr Lakey dat die water van die Kleinmond Lagune twee weekliks gemonitor word. “Die vorige lesing is op 1 Junie 2017 gedoen en die lesing vir Escherichia coli het “geen groei” en Intestinal Enterococci (Faecal Streptococci) “180” getoon. Beide tellings verteenwoordig ‘n gunstige uitslag. Die vorige lesing is op 18 Mei gedoen en die uitslag was onderskeidelik 50 vir Escherichia coli en 49 vir Intestinal Enterococci (Faecal Streptococci).


Rapporteer alle misdaad Dit lyk asof die mense met kwade bedoelings deur die onlangse gure weer tuis gehou is, want daar is verlede week geen huisbraak of diefstal by die polisie gerapporteer nie. Die dorp is wel geruk deur die ontstellende nuus van verkragtings. Ons hoop dat die skuldiges aangekeer en behoorlik vir hulle dade gestraf sal word. Dit onderstreep maar net weer dat mense verkieslik in groepe moet beweeg, veral op stiller plekke. Ons hoor steeds klagtes oor die groepie kinders wat mense by die Spar-sentrum en in die hawe gebied lastig val. Kinderwelsyn vra dat mense enige misdadige optrede wat hulle opmerk asseblief by die polisie sal aanmeld. Die kinders kan alleen verwys word na plekke waar hulle in korrektiewe programme geplaas kan word as daar ’n behoorlike rekord bestaan. Die polisie vra ook dat ons asseblief alle misdaad sal rapporteer, en die polisie verder sal help om hul sake suksesvol deur te voer deur nie ’n saak terug te trek nie. Om in die hof getuienis te lewer is tydrowend en baie moeite, maar wanneer misdadigers wegkom weens ’n gebrek aan behoorlike getuienis teen hulle, word hulle net in hulle kwaad gesterk. Almal besef dan ook dat misdaad selde of ooit gestraf word. Hoe meer misdaad gerapporteer word, hoe sterker maak dit ook ons saak om meer polisiemanne en –vroue in ons dorp te kry.

Report all crime It appears that Kleinmond’s habitual burglars were kept indoors by the stormy weather of last week, as no burglaries or thefts were reported during that time. Unfortunately the town was shocked by two reports of rape. We can only trust that the offenders will be brought to justice and punished accordingly. These reports also serve to remind us that it is always better to walk in groups, especially in less frequented areas. We still hear complaints about children harassing people at the Spar Centre and in the harbor area. Child Welfare urges you to report all criminal behavior to the police. These children can only be referred to a place with correctional programes (and therefore helped) if a proper record against them is established. The police also have a request: “Please report all crimes and then help them with the prosecution process by not withdrawing the case. Being a witness in a court case is timeconsuming, but when criminals get away because of a lack of witnesses, they are encouraged to continue on this wrong road. They know they can get away with whatever they choose to do. And let us not forget that the more we report crimes, the better our chances to get more manpower at our police station. Vic Brink

Bladsy 5

Natural Health Coffee Shop

15 14th Street, Kleinmond

Special R15

Coffee of your choice whole week  Superfood smoothies  Freshly squeezed juice  Healthy bites

Before and after the storm As soon as the weather patterns leading up to the storm of 7 and 8 June 2017 was identified, the CapeNature’s management teams of the two precious African Penguin colonies started with earnest preparations to minimize the loss of birds, as well as limit any possible damage to infrastructure. The primary concern during preparations were the bigger chicks, covered in down that are not yet waterproof and very sensitive to wind-chill or drowning in nest flooding. With water levels rising during the storm, the loss of nests with eggs and small chicks due to flooding was also a real concern. Adult birds are waterproof and can withstand wind, rain, cold and the associated windchill. These iconic birds are built to withstand the storms of the Cape and are, compared to chicks, much tougher than one would think. During the preparation period, Cape Nature conducted counts of nests and chicks to ensure we have accurate data to see if the mitigation measures were successful. The following mitigation measures were put in place sensitively, as to limit interaction or disturbance in the colonies: •Moving of nests that were too close to the coast, •covering exposed nests where possible with plant material or artificial nests,

•packing sandbags in strategic areas to reduce flooding, •digging drainage lines to reduce flooding, and •have staff on duty during the storm to rescue birds if absolutely necessary. The wind and rain was icy cold and the storm beat down on both colonies. About 7 chicks were rescued from the colonies by CapeNature staff and is now at the African Penguin Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) for rehabilitation, until they are ready to go back to the wild. After the substantial storm, we are relieved to say that 81 % of the chicks between the two colonies (Dyer Island and Stony Point) survived. This is good news as the unfortunate mortalities are expected to be an over-estimate due to the likeliness that there are more small chicks sitting safely under the adult that could not be seen or counted. The breeding season is also not over yet, so we are positive that the unfortunate losses during the storm will not have a direct impact on the breeding success for the season. “We want to thank all the staff that worked tirelessly before, during and after the storms to ensure our colonies at Dyer Island and Stony Point were ready to deal with the threats at hand” ,said Dr Razeena Omar, CEO of CapeNature, after the results came in.

Contact William 078 492 5175 or Sam on 082 502 5326

Kleinmond main beach


22 06 This week Lunch Special R45


Upsize available on request Now doing deliveries too for additional R5 (Must book deliveries before 11:00)

Bottomless Filter coffee with Breakfast Monday– Friday

Monday Broccoli and Chicken Bake with salad Tuesday Spaghetti Bolognaise + 2 veg Wednesday Chicken Fillet with mash + 2 veg Thursday Beef Lasagne + 2 veg Friday Homemade Chicken/Beef Burger Saturday Homemade Chicken/Beef burger

Snack Platters available. We cater for your Special needs.

Overstrand Herald

Fine & Country Betty’s Bay 43 Pearl Drive Betty’s Bay, 7141 bettysbay@fineandcountry.com

Oppie Bosch Real Estate Management Solutions 2008/05374/23

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 6

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 7

Kleinmond/Betty’s Bay 028 271 3238

Hein Brand Property Consultant +27 (0)84 229 4681 hein.b@fineandcountry. com

Skool skenking vir Knysna brand slagoffers 26 01 Laerskool 2017Kleinmond gee ook om vir diegene wat hul besittings in die onlangse brand geteisterde dele van ons land verloor het. ‘n Insamelings projek vir Knysna se inwoners is deur die skool geloods. Heelwat donasies van klere en

R1 750R100.00 000

KONTAK WILNA BY: 076 868 1535 OF GAAN KYK HIERNA OP www.meridianrealty.co.za Met verw. Nr. RL2802.


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910


Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 1 | Garages: 1









huishoudelike ware is ontvang, soos op die bygaande foto gesien kan word. Die skool bedank hiermee dan ook die inwoners van Kleinmond wat met oop hande en warm harte skenkings gegee het.

Largest operational deployment ever On Tuesday 20 June 2017, Western Cape Disaster Management presented their preliminary findings and observations to the Standing Committee on Local Government, in the wake of the recent storm and fire disaster, which ravaged both the Cape Metro and the Eden district. The preliminary infrastructure and 14 000 hectare of forest and fynbos damage across the Western Cape is currently estimated at just under R300 million. 13 People also lost their lives during these disasters. Masizole Mnqasela, MPP: Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Local Government and DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Local Government said: “I once again wish to express my sincere condolences to those who lost a loved one during the recent disasters and a speedy recovery to those who are currently recovering from their injuries. Furthermore, I would like to commend Disaster Management which provided an early warning of the ensuing storm, ensuring that the Province was adequately prepared for this natural

22 06 2017

occurrence and thus protecting the lives of our residents. I would like to commend Disaster Management Services, having deployed the largest operational team of firefighting personnel in a single incident in South Africa’s history, for their unwavering public service during this particularly difficult time. On 11 June, more than 1000 men and women, 78 vehicles and 19 fire vehicles fought the inferno in the Southern Cape. In addition to this, I have called on Minister Anton Bredell to ensure that his Department reflect upon the impact of these disasters in order to ensure that his department is better equipped to deal with such in future – this includes training, resources, communication and coordination. It is also vital that government continue to support those who were affected by these disasters, making sure that they can quickly get back on their feet. As the DA in the Western Cape the well-being of all residents remains our main priority, especially under such adverse weather conditions.”

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-2439

R1 200 000

Cosy cottage in Sea Avenues! This is a 2 bedroom cottage with Oregon pine floors, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen, lounge and outside entertainment area with braai and pizza oven. Outside bedroom with en-suite bathroom and single garage!



Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 1| Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-2165

R1 190 000

This 2 bedroom home is walking distance to all amenities. The house consist of open plan kitchen, lounge and dining area. 2 Bedroom with 1 Full bathroom and guest toilet. Flatlet with inter leading door to main house. Double garage with huge carport +- 4 cars. Auto gate and irrigation in garden. Outside cosy covered braai area!


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Kleinmond Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 1| Garages: 0


R1 800 000

Bedrooms: 2| Baths:2 | Garages: 1

This home is ideal for grandparents living with u. The house has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge and kitchen. Spacious braai room that separate the flat from the main house. The flat with own entrance consist of 2 bedroom, bathroom and lounge. Extra, solar geyser, 2x water tanks, outside warm showers, single auto garage and private sunny garden.


Kleinmond Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 Garages: 1


Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay Bedrooms:4| Baths:2 | Garages:0

R1 100 000

REDUCED South facing, good address, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan living area/kitchen, workshop/carport (small car), indigenous garden.


R1 420 000

Pringle Bay Bedrooms 3 Baths: 2 Garages: 1

Web Ref:

R1 500 000

And the clock stuck 12!!!


Sunday 11-- 4pm Sunday 4pm

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Web Ref:

R1 740 000

Low maintenance home on double plot. This face brick house with aluminium windows consist of open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge. Back enclosed patio with stunning mountain view. Double garage and carport. Flatlet with kitchenette/lounge, 1 bedroom and bathroom.

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Web Ref:CWSC-2399



Web Ref: CWSC-2166

Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2 Garages: 2

Sunday Sunday11- -4pm 4pm

Bay R1 700 000 Betty’s Bedrooms: 2 Baths: 1 Garages: 2

If you are looking for space, you have come to the right house. Step this way.Downstairs - 2 large bedrooms, 1 large bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining area with sliding doors onto roofed stoep leading into garden. Upstairs - main suite, 1 guest bathroom living area cum braai area with sliding doors onto wraparound stoep which offers sea views forever.




Web Ref:CWSC-2381

Bedrooms: 3 | Baths: 3 Garages: 0

R1 350 000

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Sunday Sunday22-- 4pm 4pm

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref: CWSC-2466

Cosy cottage with spacious entertainment room! This 3 bedroom cottage on a corner plot is walking distance to Kleinmond harbour. Open plan kitchen, diningroom, study, laundry and large entertainment room with braai, fireplace and single auto garage.


R 690 000

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-2471

Web Ref: CWSC-2260

Lock up and go! Ideal holiday flat with distant sea view! This 2 bedroom apartment is on the 3rd floor with south facing balcony. 1 Bathroom, open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge! Secure parking. Walking distance to all amenities.


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

View View by by appointment appointment

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Betty’s Bay Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2| Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-2057

R1 575 000

350 steps to sandy toes and sea spray .... North facing 4 Itiled open plan living/dining/kitchen area with doors to bedroomed house in quiet road in Rondevlei area. Large living garden. Direct access to house from large double garage. are upstairs with balcony and distant sea views. All bedrooms BICS in 2/3 bedrooms. Minutes to Silversands beach. are downstairs with 2 full bathrooms & 2 kitchens. This property is in need of some attention, having been rented out for a good couple of years, which would result in a very comfortable home. Tiled throughout; BICs; safety gates & burglar bars in place. Proximity to Silversands makes for great investment.


Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2| Garages: 2

Web Ref:

R1 950 000

Newly painted and renovated sea facing home in popular road on mountainside, makings of an entertainers delight!!! Upstairs: Huge living area with large open balcony & glassed braai area all with fantastic sea & mountain views. Fireplace takes pride of place in main living area with kitchen boasting granite tops/Bosch oven & glass top hob with extractor & breakfast nook. Downstairs: All 3 large bedrooms have sea views, mes & general bathroom; BICs

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other

‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

Nog ‘n koppie?


Moontlik het ons elkeen ons persoonlike "Katutura". In Otjiherero beteken dit "The place where people do not want to live”. Dis deesdae nog ‘n woongebied van Windhoek in die Khomas gebied van Namibië. Dit is in 1961 gestig na aanleiding van gedwonge verskuiwings in Windhoek. Die swart bevolking is van die voormalige sogenaamde Ou Lokasie verskuif na waar die gebied nou nog geleë is. Die Ou Lokasie moes plek maak vir die Hochland Park woongebied.

Nou ja, "Katutura". Soos met alle gedwonge verskuiwings, klink dit agterna baie makliker as wat dit was. So het baie van ons, ons persoonlike Katutura. Party het dit gehad en ander lewe nog daarmee. Ons land is waarskynlik vir ‘n groot gedeelte van sy bevolking ‘n “Katutura”. Baie mense woon dalk op ‘n plek waar hulle nie wil wees nie. Ek neem aan Kleinmond is vir menige inwoner ‘n "Katutura". Hulle woon hier omdat hulle alles verloor en/ of verkoop het

waar hulle vandaan kom. Op Kleinmond was dalk ‘n leë familie vakansie huis of ouers met ‘n ekstra kamer of twee. Die van ons wat so sielsgelukkig hier is, besef dalk nie hoe ongelukkig iemand anders hier kan wees nie, want hulle is hiér oor daar nie ‘n ander opsie of uitweg is nie. Dan word ons pragtige plek vir hulle ‘n gevangenis of doodloopstraat. Daar is egter ‘n paar klein (en dalk nie so klein nie) verskilletjies. Min mense word teen hulle sin hier afgelaai of hierheen verskuif. Daar is wel gesinne in Proteadorp wat verplig was om, ook in die sestiger jare uit die Visbaai (Hawe gebied) te trek. Moet dit nooit vergeet nie. Die dorp is nog verder soos hy altyd was. Die mense is wie hulle is en dis nie die dorp se skuld dat "wat ook al" gebeur het nie. Dit help nie jy vergelyk hierdie plek met waar jy vandaan kom nie, want elke plek het sy goeie en swak punte. Moet veral nie kla oor die reën en die wind nie, want kom dit nié, dan ly ons droogte, soos die Weskaap nou erg ondervind. Vir baie mense word hierdie

Bladsy 8 "Katutura" mettertyd hul paradys. Dan is daar ook mense wat lewenslank hier bly en ongelukkig gaan wees. Dis soos die storietjie van die Tannie wat twee meisies ingeneem het as loseerders . Sy vra vir die een hoe was die dorp waar sy vandaan kom. “Nee,” sê die Meisie, “waar ek vandaan kom, skinder die mense vreeslik en hulle gun nie die son om oor ander te skyn nie!”. Waarop die Tannie antwoord: “Ai. Ja jong, die mense is hier maar net so!” Op ‘n soortgelyke vraag antwoord Meisie nommer twee, “Sjoe, waar ek vandaan kom, het die mense mekaar ondersteun en het hulle omgegee vir mekaar!”. Die Tannie sê: “Ja jong, die mense is hier maar net so!” Nie verniet dat John Milton se “Satan in Paradise Lost” sê: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”. Dit is so, ons gaan maar elkeen af en toe deur dieptes en dale. Die wonderlike hiervan is dat mens daarna weer die uitsig van die kruin soveel meer kan waardeer.

Overstrand Herald

Bladsy 9


Ref# KN1164113

Ref# KN1171279

Ref# KN1283697

Kleinmond / R395 000

Kleinmond / R420 000

Kleinmond / R980 000

Prime location in Klein Berlyn. Lovely plot, only 300m walk to the Main Beach

Located in the mountain avenues. Offers beautiful mountain views and quiet neighbourhood.

Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Ground-floor apartment in secure complex. VIEW BY APPOINTMENT

Ref# KN1298696

Ref# KN1279264

Ref# KN1317700

Kleinmond / R1.36 million

Kleinmond / R1.53 million

Bedrooms 5 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Ample to offer. Only a short walk from the Kleinmond harbour. Newly fitted carpets.

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Situated in a commercial zoned area on main road. Centrally situated low-maintenance home in the Walking distance to amenities. sea avenues. Includes a bachelor flat.

Ref# KN1321538

Ref# KN1324850

22 Junie 2017

Kleinmond / R1.85 million

Ref# KN1213488

Ref# KN1324843

Betty’s Bay / R3.95 million

Pringle Bay / R1.95 million

Pringle Bay / R850 000

Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 3 / Garage 1 Position, Position, Position. Over 40 years old, this house is ready for a new family to embrace, update and freshen up. Lovely stand with mature trees and only a 2 minute walk to the main beach.

Beautiful Plot, Ready to Build. This lovely stand, only three houses away from the main beach, is lawned and has various mature trees. The plot has two flat areas where you can develop a single house or two, views of the Hangklip mountain and fenced on three sides.

Betty’s Bay / R4.95 million

Bedroom 5 / Bathroom 4.5 / Garage 2 Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2 Large dual living, low maintenance home. Exceptionally well maintained – no Panoramic sea views and unspoilt beauty from all aspects. Large 5800m² renovation required. Beautiful mountain and sea views. land size ensures privacy and exclusivity on the front row.

Overstrand Herald


22 Junie 2017

Thank You to a Very Good Samaritan On Fathers’ Day 18 June 2017 my cellphone rang, the call was coming from my husband’s cellphone who left home approximately an hour earlier, to go cycling. When I answered the phone there was a lady on the other end of line. I was instantly confused, as he cycles alone. She asked if it was Jennifer speaking which I confirmed. I asked her who she was and why she was calling from my husband’s phone. She then proceeded to tell me that she and her husband found my husband’s wallet, keys and cellphone somewhere on Beach Rd, Gordon’s Bay. I could not understand how this was possible. I explained to her that he had gone cycling and I am now really concerned as he is 80 years old and could not even think where he could be or that something bad had happened to him. I then proceeded to ask her to leave his property at the Spur (as she said they were close by) and to tell the manager I would collect it in approximately 10 to 15 minutes time. I still had to get dressed. The lady told me she is not from Gordon’s

Bay and they are on their way to Kleinmond. Approximately 10 minutes later, just as I was dressed, the doorbell rang. It was the lady who called earlier. At that stage I was even more confused as to how she knew where we lived, as I had not given her our home address. She then said the reason why she did not take my husband’s property to the Spur was, when she opened the wallet she saw our house keys as well our remote controls and a business card with our home address etc. She felt it would be risky to leave these items at the Spur as she was fearful it would fall into the wrong hands. In all the anxiety and confusion I forgot to ask her for her name and phone number. I wish to thank her and her husband from the bottom of my heart for their thoughtfulness in taking the time and effort to ensure the safety of my husband’s property and for their considerateness. My husband is doing fine, he had taken his belongings out of his pocket to fix his bike and just forgot to put it back. Kind regards Jennifer Turner

‘n Vriendelike “totsiens”! Na ‘n opwindende aantal jare op Kleinmond, groet ek al my vriende en kennisse aan wie ek so geheg geraak het. Soos met almal van ons kom ons by ‘n kruispad in ons lewens en

Bladsy 10

22 Junie 2017

Die duine by Bettysbaai Ons het ’n woonhuis by Bettysbaai opgerig, reg teenoor die hoof strand. Tussen ons huis en die duine was ’n beboste area waardeur gestap moes word om by die strand uit te kom. Die duine was oor groei en die natuurlike plantegroei het verhoed dat sand waai en ook verhoed dat die duine verskuif gedurende die wind maand. Op 27 Desember 2004 het ons verstom gestaan om te sien hoe die groot tsunami al die duine binne een uur verwyder en platvee. ’n Plat sand-area het ontstaan wat tot gevolg gehad het dat ’n groot duin binne twee jaar opgebou het teenaan Nerine Crescent, die naaste straat aan die strand gebied. Tussen die duin en die see het ander duine stadigaan begin vorm. Oor die jare het die duin teenaan Nerine ’n hoogte van ongeveer vyf meter bereik en het tot oor die helfte van die straat gestrek. Somtyds het die duin die hele straat bedek. Die munisipaliteit het derduisende rande gespandeer om die duinsand weg te ry en nieteenstaande advies vanuit verskeie oorde kon hulle tot op hede nog nie daarin slaag om die straat ten volle te red nie. As gevolg van konstante onderhoud van die straat het die ryvlak so gedaal dat die straat ontaard het in ’n waterkanaal. Die eiendomme

Een van die eienaars wat ’n erf besit op die plek waar die sandduin geleë is, het vir onverklaarbare redes ’n heining om sy erf gespan, nieteenstaande hewige negatiewe kommentaar van die omliggende publiek. Bettysbaai is as ’n biosfeer-area verklaar en vrye beweging van diere word as prioriteit bestempel. Halfhartige pogings om die duin laer te maak het gelei daartoe dat die duin algaande hoër gegroei het. Die draadheining het daarmee saam ook algaande hoër geword. Die eienaar het op een of ander wyse toestemming verkry om besproeiing-spuite op te sit om, so word verneem, die waaisand se beweging te verhoed. Die gevolg was dat nat sand boop nat sand opgebou het en die situasie bloot vererger het. Sodra die wind begin waai, het die spuite aangegaan. Die owerhede asook belangstellendes het ’n kundige besluit geneem en al die duine met dooie rooikrans-takke begin bedek. Die gevolg is dat die wind-spoed gebreek kon word en die beweging van sand verminder is. Op die oomblik kan gesien word dat die duine feitlik in geheel begroei is

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So pas uitgepak!!! Kleurvolle dames winter toppie’s sowel as Corduroy Barrington langbroeke.

Pragtige mans truie

Bladsy 11 hy met sy spuite. Van die vrae wat ontstaan is waarom hy toegelaat word om water, somtyds dag en nag, te mors terwyl almal besig is om water te spaar. Die spuite is skynbaar gekoppel aan ’n windmeter asook ’n tyd meganisme. Die afgelope naweek het die spuite aangegaan nieteenstaande die feit dat geen wind gewaai het nie. Dit is ooglopend duidelik dat sy erf nou die enigste deel van die duin is wat nog ontblote sand is. ’n Verdere vraag is wie vir die water betaal wat so vermors word. Volgens die munisipale bou regulasies is daar ’n bouhoogte perk en ek wonder tot wie se voordeel strek dit dat die gebou wat daar opgerig gaan word vyf meter hoër gaan wees ingeval die huidige grondvlak as “natuurlike” grondhoogte aanvaar gaan word. Binnekort gaan die erf die enigste deel van die duine gaan wees waar niks groei nie.

in Nerine se ingange was soms met ’n halwe meter sand bedek.

myne draai nou af na Namibië. Mag die Here julle seën, terwyl julle voortgaan om te doen wat “julle hand vind om te doen” tot seën van die gemeenskap. Wena Conradie

Vakansie en Permanente Huurhuise gesoek

Overstrand Herald

Die munisipaliteit veg ’n verbete stryd om die pad oop te hou. Let op die erf grens in lyn met die telefoon pale. Die hoogwater pyplyn is glo in lyn met die pale, wat beteken dat dit bykans onmoontlik is om te bereik indien daar probleme sou wees. met plante. Maar omdat die betrokke erf eienaar niemand

op sy erf toelaat nie en duidelik nie ag slaan op advies nie

is die erf nie met takke en bosse bedek nie en volstaan

Die kusgebied van Bettysbaai is vir die inwoners belangrik en enige iets wat daar plaasvind word gesien. Ek wonder of die eienaar van hierdie erf sy handeling uitvoer met die goedkeuring van die plaaslike owerheid. Danie Pienaar

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 12

Youth take center stage at Grootmond Sports Festival The Overstrand community recently came out in their numbers in support of the GrootMond Youth and Family Sports Festival that took place at the Kleinmond Sports Field on Friday, 16 June 2017. To mark the Youth Day commemoration was the Executive Mayor, Ald Rudolph Smith, fellow members of the mayoral committee and respective portfolio heads, Cllrs David Botha (Infrastructure and Planning), Elnora Gillion (Economic Development and Tourism), Arnie Africa (Protection Services) and Andrew Komani (Community Services). Also at the event was the Overstrand Constituency Head,

MP Masizole Mnqasela who eagerly engaged with the community and partook in the various activities at hand. Highlights of the day included mini sports tournaments such as softball, netball and rugby, followed by a prize giving ceremony officiated by the mayor, and a braai that the crowd thoroughly enjoyed. The Mixed Blue Team proudly held the winning trophy aloft in the Senior Youth softball category after a closely contested match that saw the local Kleinmondbased Overstrand Titans Softball Club losing by just one point. Barely able to contain his joy at bringing in the winning

run was ward councilor Grant Cohen, who said “This is such a great moment to be on the winning side of community building, and what better way than through a vibrant sport like softball which has just lately been introduced to us here in the Overstrand.”

sponsors, stakeholders and the community for their support and contributions in ensuring the success of the event. In parting he offered some food for thought by stating, “Today has been a celebration of our youth who are the future of our country.

In rugby, a mixed Kleinmond/ Hawston junior side held Zwelihle Vultures’ juniors at bay to claim victory, whilst the Hangklip-Kleinmond Juniors triumphed over the DA squad in the netball final. In his closing address, Cllr Fanie Krige thanked the organizer Petro van Dyk and her team, the municipality, participants,

I urge them to embrace every opportunity that life presents to them so that they can develop to their fullest potential. Mostly, they should understand that no matter how reduced their circumstances may be at present, it should never define how great they can become in the bigger scheme of things.”

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bloubakkie boer vooruit

Johan Olivier in sy eerste winkel Ria Burrows KLEINMOND – Van heinde en verre kyk hulle, eers op FaceBook en dan in lewende lywe hier in Botriver straat, om die uitgestalde vrugte en groente onder ‘n sierlike skaduboom te ontdek. In die dekade vandat Johan Olivier sy Bloubakkie hier op Kleinmond kom parkeer het, het die besigheid in gewildheid en omvang gegroei en bars al amper uit sy nate. Met apologie aan die digter Eugene Marais, kan ons dit amper vergelyk met Marais se beskrywing van Die koms van die reën: “Eers oor die bergtop loer sy skelm, sy lag saggies - oor haar nuut verworwe kennis wat toegepas moet word. Overstrand Titans Softball Club, runners-up in the senior youth softball category of the GrootMond Youth and Family Sports Festival held on Friday 16 June in Kleinmond, took their loss by one run to the Mixed Blue Team in good spirits. There to mark the occasion with the community was Overstrand Executive Mayor, Ald Rudolph Smith (first left, standing), Portfolio Head of Community Services, Cllr Andrew Komani (second left, standing), Cllr Grant Cohen (centre, back row), Overstrand Constituency Head, MP Masizole Mnqasela (first right, standing) and Cllr Lindile Ntsabo (first right, front row). Rugby: A jubilant mixed Kleinmond/Hawston junior side proudly show off their trophy and medals awarded for taking top honors in the rugby final played against Zwelihle Vultures. Sharing in their joy are Kleinmond ward councilors Fanie Krige and Grant Cohen, as well as Mayoral Committee Member of Protection Services, Arnie Africa (back row, right).

Bladsy 13

Sy vertel die winde van die kleurvolle groente en vrugte, sy nooi hulle uit, want die dorp is wyd en die bekendstelling van die nuwe besigheid groot. Die motors jaag uit die vlakte, hulle dam op in die hoofstraat en hulle parkeer om die verskeidenheid uitgestal, raak te sien. Die Kleinmonders hoor die klank van die bakkie met voorrade, hulle kom nader en sing saggies: 'Ons geliefde voorrade teen die billikste pryse! Jy het gekom! Jy het gekom!' Haar weeklikse advertensies blink in die koerant en in die wegraak van die son. Sy trap van die hoogte af en sprei haar verskeidenheid aanbiedinge na nie-bederfbare lekkernye met albei arms uit!

Die asem van die wind raak weg tussen die klandisie wat die winkel volstaan”. Wat min mense egter weet, is dat hier baie hard gewerk word om die konstante vooruitgang te bewerkstellig. Johan was voorheen onderwyser in Rekenaar studies, maar erken dat dit nie sy kreatiewe geaardheid gepas het nie. Hy onthou sy kinderdae toe hulle winkel-winkel gespeel het baie goed. Ook hoe hy later gereeld langarm dans geniet het, drie aande per week het hy saam met dieselfde meisie danspassies gaan oefen! Die kleinhandel en entrepreneurskap was egter in sy bloed en het harder geroep.

Die eerste gebou vanwaar Bloubakkie verkoop het, was direk langs Oupa se Boekwinkel. Toe dit te klein geword het, het hulle verhuis na die huidige gebou in Botrivierweg, langs Salon Juan’s. Die blou bakkie as vervoermiddel is later vervang met ‘n vier-ton Eveco paneelwa, wat onlangs opgegradeer is na ‘n groter Eveco van agt ton. Dit verseker dat die eenheidskoste van sy produkte so laag as moontlik gehou word, ten spyte van die lang afstande wat gery moet word. Elke Dinsdag en Donderdag ry Johan na plase in die omgewing van Paarl, Ceres, Montagu en Robertson vir vars groente en vrugte in seisoen. Maandae ry hy halfvier (03:30) in die oggend na Stellenbosch vir olies, sade, neute en speserye, sodat hy om halfses (05:30) by die mark kan wees vir vars voorrade. Teen 08:00 is hy tussen die winkels in die voorstede en die omliggende plase vir lekkernye. Vrydae en Saterdae is hy saam met sy personeel ; Corrie van Rooyen, Eunice Visser en Anita Muller aan diens in die winkel. Elke klant wat instap word met ‘n vriendelike glimlag op die naam – of die bekende “Hallo, my 'customer'!” gegroet. Kliënte oriëntasie op sy beste, hy het nie verniet ‘n B Com (US) agter sy naam nie! En die pad verder? Johan besef dat die huidige winkel alweer te klein raak en dat hulle na ‘n groter uitstalruimte sal moet beweeg. Met ‘n knipoog erken hy dat ‘n verskuiwing in volgende jaar reeds oorweeg word. “Watch this space!”

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 14

Overstrand Herald

The focus of the therapy resolves around nerve pressure points. When a nerve centre is damaged the muscle surrounding it, goes into spasm to protect that area. It also pulls vertrebra towards each other, putting stress on the discs which in turn puts more pressure on the spinal nerve system. What these spasm also do, is pull the body alignment out. By focusing on these nerve points and stimulating it by hand, you relief the spasm and align the body. Problems include:  Headaches  Lowest Back Pain  Sciatica  Stiff Neck and Shoulders  Muscle Spasm

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BOEKEVENSTER Alzheimer - Vreesaanjaende, bangmaak woord. Meer as 44,4 miljoen mense wêreldwyd het na raming demensie. Hierdie getal sal in 2030 na raming tot 75,6 miljoen en in 2050 tot 135,5 miljoen styg. Tans leef 62 % mense met demensie in ontwikkelende lande, maar teen 2050 sal dit tot 71% styg. Volgens ‘n


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22 Junie 2017 2011 sensusopname was daar ongeveer 2,2 miljoen mense in Suid-Afrika met een of ander vorm van demensie. “Still Alice”, geskryf deur Lisa Genova, handel oor Alice Howland. Sy was ‘n vyftigjarige professor op die kruin van haar loopbaan toe sy met vroeë Alzheimer siekte gediagnoseer is. Sy probeer veg daarteen deur haar normale leefwyse te handhaaf. Sy som haar stryd soos volg op: “My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment”. “Still Alice” is ‘n boek wat jy nie maklik sal “vergeet” nie. Kom deel in die bespreking van dié aangrypende boek op 26 Junie 2017 om 14:30 by die Gereformeerde kerk. Besoekers is baie welkom. Leeskringgroete

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Ek en jy… en ‘n Cameleon Saterdagaand, The Shed en Chris Cameleon. Waarvoor beter kan mens vra? Die befaamde sanger was op Kleinmond om sy nuwe CD “Ek en jy en jy en ek” hier ter plaatse bekend te stel. Ons is behoorlik vermaak met al wat musikale toertjie is deur die man met ‘n stem wat wissel van sopraan-hoog tot warm kry

Bladsy 15

bas klanke en ‘n repertoire van 28 jaar in die vermaaklikheid bedryf. Natuurlik aangehelp met baskitaar en sangstem van die baie begaafde Daniella Deysel aan sy sy. Ons sien uit na nog baie sulke aande. Willemien Marais

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Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 16

3. Wattle invasion – Wattelinfestasie The third in our series on invasive plants Driving along the R44 to Arabella and further on the R43 to Hermanus or Botriver, the impact of the wattle invasion on the fynbos landscape is evident. In some areas fynbos has been replaced by impenetrable thickets of mostly long-leafed wattle (Acacia longifolia) and Port Jackson wattle (A. saligna). This type of alien plant invasion could also have happened in the landscape around Kleinmond, now known as the Kleinmond Coastal and Mountain Reserve, were it not for the dedicated efforts of the people of Kleinmond since the establishment of the Kleinmond Coastal Reserve in 1977. At that time it only included the areas along the coast. Subsequently after the addition of mountainous areas to the west (1978) and north of the town in 1989 the reserve was renamed Kleinmond Coastal and Mountain Reserve. These efforts included the monthly hacking operations of the Kleinmond Hack Group. The dedicated work of this group over a period of almost 40 years has contributed immensely to the current healthy state of the reserve. Many alien species do still occur but at least rampant alien invasion has up to now been prevented. A steady supply of seeds dispersed into the reserve from invasive species still thriving in the Kleinmond municipal area, on vacant plots, sidewalks, and even gardens is a cause of concern. The fact that these seeds can remain in the soil for up to 50 years and still germinate when conditions are right, underlines the importance of control over seed dispersion. The main culprits in the wattle family in Kleinmond are: black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) (Afr. swartwattel), long-leafed wattle (A. longifolia) (Afr. langblaar), Port Jackson wattle (A. saligna), and red-eyed wattle (A. cyclops) (Afr. rooikrans). These were all imported from Australia and are all classified as Category 1 or 2 invasive species in terms of the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No.10 of 2004). Category 1: Invasive species requiring compulsory control. Remove and destroy. Any specimens of Category 1 listed species need, by law, to be eradi-

cated from the environment. Category 2:Invasive species regulated by area. A demarcation permit is required to import, possess, grow, breed, move, sell, buy or accept as a gift any plants listed as Category 2 plants. Die oorsprong van dié indringerplante wat groot gedeeltes van veral die Wes-Kaapse kusstreke ingeneem het, word duidelik uit hierdie aanhaling ( Old Cape Highways, E. Mossop, 1927): “By 1850 the encroachment of sand threatened the first hard road across the Flats. To bind the drift sand the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. John Montagu, imported Australian wattles (i.a. Port Jackson, long-leafed wattle and rooikans trees) and Australian myrtle which were planted along with hakea”. Dié akasias is ook sedert 1875 vir die stabilisering van duine aangeplant. Port Jackson, rooikrans en langblaarwattel is inheems aan die winterreënvalgebiede in die kusstreke van Queensland, Wes- en Suidwes-Australië. Port Jackson is geneig om oor te neem in gebiede wat dikwels brand omdat dit na ‘n brand maklik weer nuwe groei genereer (“coppice”) van die basis van die stam af terwyl rooikrans na vuur doodgaan. Rooikranssade se ontkieming word egter deur brand gestimuleer en word weer op dié manier bevoordeel. Rooikrans skei stowwe af wat die ontkieming van sade en groei van inheemse plante inhibeer. Die wortels dra ook by tot die fiksering van stikstof in die arm sanderige grond van die Wes-Kaap se kusgebiede wat die volhoubare vestiging van rooikransinfestasies bevorder en die groei van inheemse fynbos wat nie hou van stikstofhoudende grond nie, inhibeer. Port Jacksonbome kan tot 8 m groot word. Rooikrans word selde groter as 2 m in kusgebiede maar vorm digte ondeurdringbare boskasies. Langblaar gedy weer in natter gebiede langs riviere en in bergklowe. Port Jackson en langblaar is van die mees problematiese indringerplante in die KleinmondNatuurreservaat. Dit is interessant dat dié drie akasias nie ware blare het nie. Wat lyk na leeragtige blare, is eintlik plat blaarstamme of phyllodia (Eng. phyllodes) is.

Rooikrans kan beheer word deur dit uit te kap. Die stam hoef nie met plantdoder behandel te word nie want dit loop nie weer uit na dit gekap is nie. Port Jackson loop wel uit na kap of brand en moet met plantdoder behandel word. Biologiese beheer op rooikrans deur ‘n Australiese muggie ( Dasineura dielsi) wat saadvorming drasties verminder, is sedert 2002 van stapel gestuur, maar met wisselende welslae. Die muggie besoek die blomme en veroorsaak die vorming van 1.5-cm groot galle (Eng. galls) in plaas van sade. Vir biologiese beheer oor die langblaarwattel is die Australiese wespe (Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae ) ingevoer wat ook galle op die plant veroorsaak. Port Jackson word beheer deur ‘n roesfungus wat ook lei tot galvorming van die sade. Die galle is duidelik sigbaar op die akasiabosse langs die R43 en R44.

in die dorpsgebied sal ‘n wonderlike bydrae wees om ons pragtige omgewing te bewaar vir dié wat na ons in hierdie dorp sal bly.

Die swartwattel het ‘n ietwat ander geskiedenis. Die houtindustrie in Natal het swartwattels begin aanplant so vroeg as 1839. In 1904 was daar reeds 75 000 ha onder wattel in die Durban-omgewing. Die ontdekking dat die hout ryk is in tannien en dus in leerlooiery aangewend kan word, het bygedra tot die eskalasie in aanplantings. In 1858 was daar reeds ‘n groeiende boom in Kaapstad se botaniese tuin. Teen die 1890’s is die bome op groot skaal in die Kaap aangeplant vir o.a. windbreke. Dit vorm digte infestasies langs riviere en klowe in die hoër-reënvalgebiede. Die bome onttrek geweldig baie water uit die grond, tot 50% meer as inheemse plante. Dit word ingesluit in die lys: 100 of the “World’s Worst” Invaders (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Invasive Species Specialist Group). Swartwattels kom steeds baie voor in die Kleinmond-Natuurreservaat veral in dele ten noorde van die dorp. Ongelukkig is daar tientalle dorpstuine waar groot wattelbome sorg vir ‘n standhoudende voorsiening van vars sade wat in die reservaat versprei. Swartwattel kan chemies met plantdoder beheer word nadat dit geringbas of afgekap is. Onlangs is gedeeltelike sukses met biologiese beheer m.b.v. die galmuggie (Dasineura rubiformis) behaal.

Paul Coetzee

Verwydering van hierdie plante

Overstrand Herald

Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging. 19 Apil 2017

Bladsy 17


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An excellent alternative to replace any of these wattles would be the blossom tree (Eng.); keurboom (Afr.). It is a beautiful tree, suitable for both the domestic garden and big landscapes. It is fast-growing when young, attaining up to 1.3 m in a year, and reaching its full height in only a few years. It has an attractive growth form and sweetly scented, pea-shaped, pinkish mauve to violet-pink flowers. There are two species: Vigilia divaricata rarely exceeds 10 m in height and V. oroboides can reach up to 15 m. They are relatively short-lived, their average lifespan being 12 to 20 years.

22 Junie 2017

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Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 18

Overstrand Herald

Ontmoet ‘n kok wat glo die resep vir ‘n gereg is bloot ‘n riglyn, nie ‘n wet wat slaafs nagevolg moet word nie. ‘n Kok maak enige resep sy eie deur die beproefde gunstelinge wat bygevoeg word – of soms weggelaat word! Sy het van baie vroeg af die geleentheid vir sulke eksperimente in haar eie ouerhuis gehad. Vanaf 11-jarige ouderdom het sy die huishouding waargeneem terwyl haar Ma lang ure buitenshuis gewerk het. “Ek het dus nie kooklesse nodig gehad toe ek getroud is nie”, lag sy. Eintlik was haar droom om vir kliënte in hul eie huise etes te kook. Dit kan dalk eendag waar word, aangesien haar skoonseun self ‘n kok is, met baie ervaring as prinsipaal van hotel skole.

Melanie het grootgeword in Bellville en was lid van die eerste sub A-klas van die Bellville-Noord Skool. Sy het aan die Bellville Hoërskool matrikuleer en daarna Liggaamlike Opvoeding aan die US studeer. Haar belangstelling was uit die staanspoor by klasse vir volwassenes en ouer persone. In haar eie klubs het sy agt groepe afgerig, insluitend aërobiese klasse vir jonger lede. Die hoogtepunt van haar loopbaan was haar seleksie en deelname aan die Wêreld gimnastrada in Zurich, in 1980 – die eerste keer dat Suid-Afrika daaraan deelgeneem het. Verder was sy ook die eerste en jongste vroulike ouderling in die Bellville Presbiteriaanse Kerk, asook die jongste voorsitter van dieselfde gemeente se Vrouevereniging. Daar het sy haar voorkeur vir die ouer mense verder uitgeleef – sy het ervaar dat die Here haar ‘n hart vir seniors gegee het.

1 June—31 Aug 2017 114 x 14 –10% = R1436.40

Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Business hours / Besigheidsure Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00

Bladsy 19

Kok van die week – Melanie Wiles

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22 Junie 2017

Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies  Huisverbeteringsprojekte  Verf (Binne & Buite)  Houtvloere  Dakke  Eco Rubber Waterdigting  Projekbestuur  Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van

Sy het haar man Anthony ontmoet in die Oudit Departement van Mutual in Pinelands, waar hulle beide werksaam was. Eers na agt jaar het sy die ja-woord gegee, maar is vanjaar reeds 49 jaar gelukkig ‘en taamlik rustig’ met Anthony getroud. Hulle het drie kinders - en die ses kleinkinders is ouma se hart se punt! Sy kook en vries dan ook middag- en aandetes vir haar kleinseun, wat tans aan die US studeer. Hy is veral versot op haar bekers sop. Sy plaas klein plastieksakkies (toebroodjie sakkies) in die beker voordat die sop ingegooi en gevries word. Hy ontvang die gevriesde sakkies sop en bêre in sy vrieskas. Wanneer benodig skud hy die gevriesde inhoud in ‘n beker of koppie uit en verhit in die mikrogolfoond. Ideaal vir maklike laataand kragvoedsel! Sy deel met ons haar familie resep wat net vir spesiale geleenthede gemaak word – ‘n pampoen gereg wat sy “Pumpkin Pie” noem. Dit word egter as ‘pampoen gereg’ vertaal, “want dis nie ‘n pampoen tert nie”, verklaar sy met ‘n glimlag.


Pie – Ingredients: 28 07 Pumpkin 2016

ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers

Ferdi Krige 082 377 4912 fpk@telkmomsa.net www.perfectkitchensolutions.co.za

3 ½ cups pumpkin cooked and mashed 2 eggs beaten

1 cup milk R190.00 p/week 1 cup cream 1 cup flour ¾ cup sugar 4 tablespoons butter, melted

There is only one name to remember

1 teaspoon salt Method: Mix the pumpkin, milk, cream and beaten eggs

A family company looking after the needs of a family

Cremation Service Funeral Insurance Funeral Services Tombstones Kleinmar Centre 27 Main Road, Kleinmond

028 271 4971

Stir in the butter Add flour and sugar Pour into greased dish Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar Bake at 190 degrees for 15 minutes Turn heat down to 180 degrees and bake for further 45 minutes Allow to cool, and enjoy. (Easy to freeze)

Price R 1 650 000 “Serenity cottage” close to main Swimming beach- Bettys Bay

White + light, characterful and homely desirable cottage with paved walkways and driveway. A sunny conservatory serves as the main entrance which looks out onto a manicured indigenous garden with mountain backdrop. A spacious central double volume open plan living area and kitchen is located off the conservatory area. 5 minute walk onto Main Beach. 3 bedrooms (mes), a guest bathroom and a double volume tandem garage complete the under roof floor plan. Outside areas include a sunny verandah annexed to the conservatory and a wooden fenced area at side and rear of property. Features include: Wood burning stove Laminate lime wash vinyl floors Mock sash type windows Chandelier type lights U/C oven, glass top hob and extractor fan 24 hour monitored alarm and sprinkler system Web ref- A812 Contact- Sandy- 082 4143 320 / Rory- 083 5005 036/ Craig- 082 7702 783

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 20

United Nations of Hangklip/Kleinmond Hangklip/Kleinmond se Verenigde Nasies In die upcoming weeks, the Overstrand Herald will be running a series of articles on the diverse cultures in our area. As the reporter is a woman, she will be interviewing women from as many cultures and backgrounds as are willing. We

don’t intend to put people on the spot if they perhaps do not have the proper papers to be here. That is not the intention or our job. We want to celebrate the variety and diversity of cultures in Hangklip/ Kleinmond.

Afrikaans South Africans living in our area: Afrikaans is at present the main language used in the Western Cape and most of our readers are Afrikaans speaking. The first few residents we interview, will

therefore be Afrikaans speaking. Even though Afrikaans speakers are our introduction to the series, they are also diverse. They come in different shades and religions. The common denominator is that we all live in Hangklip/ Kleinmond.

Die Boonzaaiers se derde geslag op Kleinmond Tilla en Tilanie Pretorius (nèe Boonzaaier) is ma en dogter. Tilla is getroud met Schalk. Schalk se Moeder (Helmien Boonzaaier is verlede jaar in die ouderdom van 96 oorlede) het reeds jare van te vore Kleinmond toe getrek. Tilla het op 16 saam met haar ouers uit die Wesrand op Kleinmond kom bly. Van ‘n stedelike omgewing is sy verplant na die totale niksseggende ou plekkie met die naam van Kleinmond en moes sy boonop skoolkoshuis toe. Toe sy en Schalk ‘n “item” geraak het, wou sy met alle heug en meug weg. Tog is die Boonzaaiers steeds op Kleinmond en wat meer is, albei hul kinders met hul onderskeie lewensmaats woon en werk op die dorp. Tilanie Pretorius was born in this town as Tilanie Boonzaaier. She and her husband, Marco, recently moved back after ten years of studying and living in other parts of the country. One thing that Tilanie particularly learnt to appreciate, is the relative freedom that residents have here. When she and Marco lived in Rustenburg, in the Northwest Province, they had no place to walk their dogs in safety. They had to get the dogs in the car and drive to a lodge some kilometres out of town where they could have a run with their dogs at R40 per person. Everything they wanted to do, cost money – finding a place to swim, braai or hike had a price on it. Being back in Kleinmond and the wonderful surroundings and creating and finding jobs have made them aware of how privileged they are. Tilla sê die gesonde gemeenskapslewe en skool maak dat Kleinmond ‘n byna volmaakte plek is om te woon en werk. Dit motiveer jou ook om jou plek ‘n plek van uitnemendheid te maak. (Die Overstrand Herald nooi mense met kinders om foto’s vir ons te stuur om ‘n blik te gee op ons multi-kulturele samelewing in Hangklip/ Kleinmond. / The Overstrand Herald invites residents to send us pictures of their families so we can learn to appreciate our multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community)

Foto regs: Tilla en Tilanie

Pennevrugte Die Overstrand Herald bied ‘n spesiale rubriek waarin ons inwoners en lesers die geleentheid gee om hul eie skryfwerk met ons te deel. Daar is ‘n paar reëls: 1. Gedigte moet asb nie te lank wees nie – ruimte is beperk 2. Kortverhale of essays moet in die kort-kortverhaal genre wees – nie meer as 800 woorde nie. 3. Dit moet jou eie werk wees. E-pos die gedig of verhaal aan – ilna@overstrandherald.co.za As Long As We Are Together We are lost in space Somewhere between nowhere and wherever. But this we can face As long as we are together. We enter through portals Somewhere at the end of our tether. But mind not leaving as lesser mortals

As long as we are together. We are now on our way; Somewhere clouds begin to gather. But we fear not the darkening day As long as we are together. We have covered a long distance; Somewhere finding peace and fair weather. But leaving it behind is of no consequence As long as we are together. We have now reached the end of the road Somewhere where time becomes forever. But we do not mind leaving our abode As long as we are together. Daan Coetzee

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 21

Money mistakes the Kogelberg arts group youth must avoid Johannesburg; 14 June 2017: Young people should make wise financial decisions early in life to ensure they are not impacted by financial missteps committed in youth. Eunice Sibiya, Head of Consumer Education at FNB, says “There’s nothing as exciting as getting your first salary and realizing that earning an income opens up many possibilities. However, this should also be the time to step back and start thinking carefully about your finances and what you want to achieve from earning an income. During this stage, every financial commitment should be carefully considered because how you start off will have a direct impact on your finances in the long term.” “It’s quite common to see young people getting excited about earning money and then begin to take on too much debt to accumulate possession they often don’t need, without having made provision for savings,” adds Sibiya. Here are some of the common financial mistakes that young people must avoid: Not Budgeting - By creating a budget, you will be able to plan your expenses and keep an eye on what your money is spent on. A budget can help identify any wasteful spending because it’s designed to help you track your expenses and ultimately commit money to areas that take priority. Discipline is important but there’s no harm in making room for entertainment now and then to reward yourself for hard work later. Taking too much debt - When you suddenly have access to credit, it may be difficult resisting the temptation to just spend, but remember that debt is a major financial commitment; therefore it’s better to take on debt that you can manage and not feel overburdened. By taking on too much debt you may find yourself not being able to cope

with repayments. It’s better to focus on saving money and earning interest on it instead of unnecessary debt. Not having an emergency fund - An emergency fund is designed to cover shortfalls when an unexpected expense occurs. A medical emergency or a car breaking down can have a huge impact on your finances and if you don’t have funds for unplanned expenses you may end up relying on debt or having to tap into your other savings. Delaying saving for retirement – The best time to start saving for retirement is when you are still young because any delay might cost you more in the longterm. While you might think there’s enough time to save for retirement, it’s always better to save as soon as you start earning an income. Starting early will most likely help you make building blocks towards a comfortable retirement, ensuring that you benefit from compound interest and keeping in line with the depreciating value of money. “The road to financial freedom comes with self-awareness and financial discipline. Arm yourself with as much information as possible before making any financial decisions, in this way you avoid making mistakes that can possibly compromise your finances in future,” concludes Sibiya.

A rt Materials Craft Materials Décor Candles Gifts


The Yard 31D Harbour Road Kleinmond 028 2715852/082 3693253

Kogelberg Arts Group, is a group of local artists, who will be exhibiting at The Art Boutique in The Yard, Harbour Road from Friday 30 June to Sunday 9 July 2017. This will be their third exhibition this year. The group consists of ten local artists who came together at the beginning of the year to work and to exhibit together. These creative and enthusiastic people strive for quality and concentrate on professionalism, a good rotation of artworks at every exhibition and friendly attention to all visitors. Take a break from holiday activities in Harbour Road for a few moments to pop into The Art Boutique’s studio at the back of the shop to view the exhibits. Hours are from 10h00 to 16h00 Monday to Saturday and 10h00

to 15h00 on Sundays. The Artists are: Tracy Lee Snyman :Mixed media, oil on canvas Saniki Wessels :Oil on canvas Devla Roussou :Oil on canvas Daphne Richardson :Water colour, oil on canvas David Ross :Mixed Media Werda van der Westhuizen :Water colour Ann Green :Oil on canvas Christine van Vuren :Kiln formed Glass Art Bernardine Cloete :Oil on canvas Rita Brown :Oil on canvas, Mixed Media, Water colour Contact The Art Boutique for more information 028 2715852

A rt Classes Workshops Exhibitions

tracy@theartboutique.co.za www.theartboutique.co.za

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 22

Gesondheids rubriek

Hierdie week identifiseer ons Kleinmond se mees algemene siektes op hierdie stadium, met die draai van die seisoene. Soos verwag kan word in hierdie veranderlike temperature, is gewone verkoue en bronchitis baie algemeen. ‘n Ander probleem wat gedurig hier na vore kom en baie Kleinmonders ongerief aandoen, is sinusitus.

3 Sorg vir goeie ventilasie. Vertrekke wat deur ‘n groot getal mense gelyktydig besoek word, dui op moontlike swak ventilasie. ‘n Skeppie vars lug daagliks is noodsaaklik. 4 Moenie vergeet van die beproefde resep van ‘n soutwater spoel vir ontsteekte slymvliese nie. 5 Neem ‘n glas koue water voordat jy uit ‘n warm vertrek na buite beweeg. VOORKOMENDE MEDIKASIE: Vitamien C 1g per dag is voldoende – maar noodsaaklik. Viral Guard of Viral Choice. (Tablette kan daagliks voorkomend geneem word.) Airborne of Airmune voordat jy per vliegtuig reis, of voor ‘n vergadering (1 bruistablet daagliks). Linctagon C vir die behandeling van verkoues of sinusitis. Die ander algemene siektes

Bladsy 23




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2 Vermy kontak tussen jou vingers en jou oë ten alle koste, dit moedig ooginfeksie aan. Moenie onnodig aan jou gesig vat nie, veral nie aan die oog nie.

22 Junie 2017

KONTAK Johan Cloete – 083 460 2123 E-Pos: johancloete01@gmail.com

Ons het by Albertyn Apteek advies gaan soek hieroor. Apteker en mede-eienaar Karlien Venter het onmiddelik saamgestem. Haar eerste reaksie was “Voorkom verkoue sover as moontlik”. Sy gee dan ook die volgende wenke om dit te verhoed:

1 Was die hande baie gereeld. Kieme word die maklikste met die hande oorgedra. Moenie aan die reëings by trappies vashou tensy dit noodsaaklik is nie - indien wel, was dan weer die hande daarna.

Overstrand Herald

KENNISGEWING waarmee Albertyn Apteek op hierdie stadium baie te doen kry, is die kindersiektes pampoentjies en waterpokkies. Dit word simptomaties behandel vir pyn, koors en jeuk, maar Karlien beveel aan: “Besoek gerus jou dokter vir ‘n antivirale middel om die tydsduur en erns van die waterpokkies te verkort.” Ons het Karlien uitgevra oor haar beroepskeuse; was dit ‘n ideaal van kleins af, of dalk haar ouers se aanmoediging? Sy vertel dat sy gedurende st 6 (gr 8) siek was toe die Egoli Road Show Port Elizabeth besoek het en sy by hul dokter (Dr Okkie Strydom) goedkeuring wou kry om dit wel by te woon. Dr Strydom

se volledige verduideliking oor antibiotika en teenliggaampies het haar belangstelling sodanig gewek dat sy nadat sy matriek geslaag het aan die Hoërskool Outeniqua in George, Potchefstroom toe is om in Aptekerswese te studeer. In 2003 behaal sy dan ook die B Pharm aan die destydse PUK, nou die NoordWes-Universiteit. In 2004 aanvaar sy ‘n Internskap by Albertyn Apteek, doen ‘n jaar gemeenskapsdiens by Grabouw se Gemeenskap gesondheid sentrum en is sedert 2006 voltyds by Albertyn Apteek betrokke. Intussen is sy getroud met Gerhard Venter, ‘n onderwyser by Hoërskool Caledon, en

hulle is die trotse ouers van ‘n 20-maande oue seuntjie, MC. Albei hierdie ouers is vriendelike en innemende mense, bekend vir hulle onderskeie rolle in die NG kerk en geliefd in die gemeenskap. Gevolglik word klein MC baie graag deur vele plaaslike oumas en tannies bewonder en graag opgepas wanneer nodig!


073 961 2878


Boedel wyle ANTHONIE JOHANNES GERHARDUS ROSSOUW , ID 2205015011086 wewenaar van ISAACSRIVIERWEG nr 12 KLEINMOND 7195, WES KAAP en wie oorlede is op 5 April 2016. Boedelnommer 6592/2016.

22 Jun - 13

Kennis geskied hiermee dat die eerste en finale Likwidasie en Distribusie rekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae lê in die Kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Kaapstad en Landroskantoor CALEDON WES KAAP, vir die tydperk van 21 dae gereken vanaf 23 Junie 2017.



Ons laaste vraag aan Karlien was of sy toe wel in st 6 deur Dr Okkie toegelaat is om na Egoli se vertoning te gaan kyk. Sy het dit met haar gewone stralende glimlag, plus ‘n knipoog bevestig. Dit was wel vir haar die rigtingwyser na ‘n apteek! Ria Burrows Kleinmond - On Thursday, 15 June, the day before Youth day, the teachers of Siyabulela Pre Primarys decided to raise awareness for Youth Day. They dressed up in school clothes and got a lot of attention from people walking past. Principal Alta van Wyk says, “We at Siyabulela think it is very important to be involved in days like these and to let the community know that we care. Even if we don’t work with the youth, they still matter.” Thank you to the teachers for taking the initiative to make this a day to remember.


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Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Overstrand Herald

Bladsy 24

Now more than ever, NGO’s must be embraced

TRENCHERS Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation

Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND


Ralf Zipfel Qualified Installer for Solar Hot Water Systems FOR NEW AND EXISTING HOMES 083 663 7661 info@solar4u.co.za

THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679

22 Junie 2017


By Therina Wentzel, the National Director of the National Council of, and for Persons with Disabilities We’re halfway through 2017, and already this year will be remembered as the one when government became an incapable partner to society. The state and its ability to effectively deliver services have been torn apart by crony-ism, greed and corruption. Adding to the bad news is the fact the economy is now in recession. Its descent into a kind of uncaring paralysis has been carefully documented over the past few years. The near-collapse of certain sections of the state has increased the burden on civil society groups to mediate the anger felt by a nation that has come to see itself as uncared for. As things stand NGO’s, civil society groupings and other non-state players play an enormous role in filling in the gaps where the state has no capacity or desire to care for our society’s most vulnerable citizens. There have been stunning examples of this in 2017. In February, the horror of the death of more than 100 mental health patients was revealed. –In24/11/2016 a move to cut costs, the state had farmed out hundreds of patients to care facilities in Gauteng that were not adequately staffed or equipped to take care of mental health patients. In doing so it ignored warnings, and the results were predictably horrific: in some instances not only was there no license to operate such homes, but there was not even enough food or water. Patients starved to death over days in some instances. Months after the Health Ombud gave his recommendations to fix the mess, progress is still painfully slow. This inhumane tragedy will remain a stain on the state’s track record of respecting the basic human rights of citizens placed in its care. In March, there was great doubt cast over whether social grants would be paid at all on April 1 after corruption and incompetence in the Department of Social Development and its grantpaying agency, Sassa, were unpacked once more in the Constitutional Court. More than


17-million South Africans rely on the state for social grants. The attitude of the state – which dithered so much about resolving the matter that the only workable solution was to extend a grant-paying contract that had been declared illegal by the courts – was startling and cavalier. The uncertainty over the state’s ability to meet its grant obligations had a knock-on effect on NGO’s. Many NGO’s are wholly dependent on the state for their funding; yet, as Vorster notes in her report, the relationship between the state, NGO’s and civil society has eroded, and is in many instances hostile. The outpouring of anger and grief over the epidemic of violence against women and children in the past month shows that South Africans are not numb, as we are so often told we are. We do care, and we need to continue to care. We need to create agency for ourselves if we are to change our society, which allows too much of the burden of our social ills to be carried by an NGO sector that hangs by a gossamer thread. We cannot and should not tolerate violence against women. We cannot sit by and let superstition threaten persons with disabilities and albinism. We should not isolate our community members who are mentally ill so that when they are in crisis, no one is there to see and act. And we must act to protect our children, who are our future. The loss of human life as a result of a society that has forgotten how to care for all of its members, is unacceptable. Building an inclusive society begins when everyone is taken into account, and there is a place for all in the sunshine. It is not an accident that neglect and violence coalesce around our most vulnerable citizens. It is well documented that children with disabilities have access to fewer resources, and are neglected, abused and sexually exploited more often than other children. This happens because no space is created for their voices or for their faces. Daily, we witness the inequity in our country. At the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities, we confront the heart-breaking – but also life-affirming – stories of South Africans of all walks of

life. Fortunately, the council is not dependent on the state for funding, as all our funds are raised through our Casual Day activities. And we are very grateful to the thousands of South Africans who participate and continue to support Casual Day on the first Friday every September. But other NGO’s are not as lucky, and they need support to carry on the vital work they do. Now more than ever, it is up to every South African to embrace the NGO’s

Bladsy 25 around them and to lighten their load, by increasing their own involvement in caring for those in need in their own neighborhoods and cities. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights afford us many protections and freedoms, but they are rendered meaningless until each citizen takes action to ensure that their family members, their schools, their neighborhoods – all of our citizens – are able to access their rights and protections.

Can sleep help you lose weight? It’s not easy maintaining your ideal weight during winter. It’s the time of year when exercise and healthy eating normally take a back seat as colder weather drives us indoors, and drives up our kilojoule consumption. The best way to stay motivated during this time is with a personal trainer, who can offer you a realistic, effective exercise schedule. It’s also worth seeing a dietitian to find out how you can adjust your energy intake for the colder months. Visit myhealthandfitness.co.za for a comprehensive list of consultants. It’s not just about working harder though. Getting enough sleep is as essential if you want to reach your goal weight, and winter is the ideal time to catch up on your shut-eye. Curb those unhealthy cravings When you don’t sleep enough, it can trigger overeating. Studies note that sleep deprivation may affect your appetite hormones leptin, ghrelin and insulin, so that you feel hungrier, burn fewer calories, and store more fat. A study by the University of Chicago found that people who were sleep deprived were more likely to snack on unhealthy foods like cookies, candy and chips, even if they’d just had a meal. “We found that sleep restriction boosts a signal that may increase the hedonistic aspect of food intake, the pleasure and satisfaction gained from eating,” said Erin Hanlon, a Chicago research associate in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism. Another reason for extra snacking is to boost our energy levels. For each hour of sleep we lose, our body needs extra kilojoules to function. The problem is that we tend to consume way more kilojoules than our bodies actually need when we’re lacking sleep. Listen to your internal clock It’s not just about sleeping enough though, but also sleeping at the right time. According to a study by the Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, people who stayed up late every night and slept late into the morning tended to eat more calories and fast foods, and fewer fruits and veg, and they weighed more than those who got to bed earlier and woke up earlier. The study also found that eating at the right time made a difference and that the time of day had an influence on metabolism. “Human circadian rhythms (your body’s natural 24 hour biological cycle) in sleep and metabolism are synchronized to the daily rotation of the earth, so that when the sun goes down you are supposed to be sleeping, not eating,” explains senior author Phyllis Zee, M.D., medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Feinberg and Northwestern Memorial Hospital. “When sleep and eating are not aligned with the body’s internal clock, it can lead to changes in appetite and metabolism, which could lead to weight gain. ”Staying up late often means you are eating at odd hours late at night, when your body is not able to process the food optimally. Give your body what it needs Not only does sleep impact your eating habits, it is also an important time for your bodies to recover. When we sleep our body releases growth hormone that stimulates tissue growth and muscle repair. When you’ve had a good night’s rest, you’re bound to get more out of your gym session the next day. Not only will you push harder mentally, but you’ll also be stronger physically and tire less quickly. So make the most of the longer nights and catch up on your R&R. Your body will thank you for it.

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

DAGBOEK 23 Junie & 24 Junie: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08h30 - 13h00 in Tweedestraat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249 22 Junie: Dementia Support group meeting, at 10:00, Kogelpark Hall. Guest speaker : Clinical psychologist. Topic to be discussed: Depression. All welcome. Contact 082 434 7377 for information. 25 Junie: 15h15 is Anneke Rabe van Piet Retief hier om te getuig van die wonderwerke wat gevolg het op die interkerklike en kruis kulturele gebed byeenkomste sedert 16 Junie 2016. Dit vind plaas in die NG Kerksaal in Eerstelaan, Kleinmond. Anneke Rabe is ‘n intersessor en sy gaan praat oor die verdieping met jou vriendskap met God. Verversings sal bedien word. ( Navrae: Hesta Smit - 028 271 4000) 26 Junie: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 14h30 in die Gereformeerde Kerk . Still Alice deur Lisa Genova(2007) word deur Isabel van Niekerk bespreek. Koste vir besoekers is R20.00. Almal is welkom. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting. 27 Junie: Skaakklub: Speel skaak elke Dinsdagaand om 18h30 in die Biblioteeksaal. Besoekers welkom. Skakel Floris: 0833770367 27 June: Chess Club: We play chess every Tuesday evening at 18h30 in the library hall. Visitors welcome. Contact Floris: 0833770367 29 Junie-8 Julie: WINTERMARK (Fynbos Dienssentrum Fondsinsameling) Weeksdae 10h00 – 15h00 en Saterdae 10h00 – 13h00. Verskeidenheid pragtige artikels en eetgoed te koop en heerlike eetgoed, bv. Pannekoek ens. te eet! N G Kerksaal, Kleinmond. Skakel Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 -14:00) vir meer inligting. 29 June-8 July: WINTER MARKET (Fynbos Service Centre Fundraising) Weekdays 10h00 – 15h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 13h00. a Variety of beautiful goods and eats to purchase and delicious pancakes etc. to eat! D R Church Hall, Kleinmond. Contact Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 -14:00) for more information. 13 July: The Friends of the Library will be hosting a fun and games morning at the Betty’s Bay Library at 10h00 for 10h30. The theme will be “Beetle Drive”. Please come and join in the fun and stand a chance to win a prize. All taking part are requested to bring their own pens, pencils, etc. and the cost involved will be R5 per sheet of 9 Beetles. A cup of delicious hot soup will be served afterwards. Look forward to seeing you there.



'n Saamry geleentheid vanaf Kleinmond na Onrus, Hermanus. Werksure vanaf 8h00 tot 17h00 Maandag tot Vrydag. Skakel, sms , of WA asseblief vir Sandra 074 067 6556. A pair of binoculars size 7x35 or larger. Call 028 271-4288 or 0790184380. Motorhuis te huur om motor in the stoor. Bel 083 525 2311 My very reliable, honest and hard-working gardener/ handyman, Patrick, is looking for another job once a week. For more info call Natalie on 083 456 25 93. Om te huur – ‘n garage of soortgelyke plek om klein boot in te stoor. Bel 079 132 0028. Rhona is op soek na huiswerk vir Maandag, Dinsdag en Woensdag. Bel 028 271 5786/ 082 4116984.


Hisense 10 bottle wine cooler - brand new still in its box R1700.00

Bladsy 26

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017


:0834849617 Versamelde werke van CJ Langenhoven - 16vol (1972uitgawe) Langenhoven in Volkleur (1983 uitgawe) TO Hannibol se Adoonshulle 3vol (1977uitgawe) R50.00 per boek : 0834849617

Harris Portaweld Oksi - Aksetileen sweisstel R6500 Ligte Aluminium Sleepwa R5500 1,80 x 1,20m x 0.40m

Martlett industrial Drill Press,3x skimming trowels (plastering), 2x car jacks, 2x 3m levels, Ryob electric planer, B&D Small circular saw, Skil Drop Router, Assorted DIY tools, Hand made wooden doll’s cot and large train -Canon copier. Tel: 0282729875 / 0845801298

083 226 8471

Sitkamerstel R750.00, 2 Kombuis stoele R25.00 elk, 2 Sneakers R75.00 elk. 082579258 of 028 271 3496. Sunbeam 3 panel gas heater R500.00 Call 028 271 4288 or 0790184380.


Foot spa R250.00 asook nuwe en goeie tweedehandse dames klere te koop. Skakel 072 867 0947 of 028 277 3430.


(Still brand new) Samsung Digital Inverter Technology eco bubble 7.05kg/5.0kg washing machine for sale. AEG Electrolux stofsuier (benodig geen sakkies nie) wasbare Hepa filter, 2000 Watt in goeie toestand en in daaglikse gebruik. R800.00 Bel 082 357 1883/ R028 271 5498.

KONTAK Johan Cloete – 083 460 2123 E-Pos: johancloete01@gmail.com

1000 lt plastiek tenk met stewige raamwerk. R500.00 Bel 028 271 4230.

22 Junie – 19 Julie

Dubbelbed matras en basis. R400.00 Bel 072 456 1340. Aluminium uittrek leer. 6m lank R650. “Camping cot” met dik matras R350.00 Bel 076 673 3757/ 076 204 4426. Panasonic TV (Old model). Single pine bed. Ph 079 613 7485. Enkel meranti motorhuisdeur Coromaster 200 motor. R3000.00 Franke dubbelkombuiswasbak en kraan R400.00 Fibreglass buitewasbak R150.00. Bel 082 783 0694. Peugot tandem Pathfinder fiets R1500. Defy Maximaid 720 W wasmasjien R1500.00. Bel 082 783 0694.

Bladsy 27

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens

01:26 02:17 03:08 03:58 04:46 05:35 06:23 07:14 08:10 09:17 10:33 11:44 12:41 00:45 01:27 02:05 02:40 03:14 03:48 04:22 04:58 05:35 06:15 07:01 07:57 09:10 10:34 11:50

13:59 14:49 15:37 16:25 17:12 17:59 18:47 19:39 20:37 21:45 22:54 23:54 —— 13:26 14:03 14:38 15:10 15:42 16:15 16:49 17:25 18:04 18:47 19:37 20:40 21:53 23:07 ——

07:48 08:36 09:23 10:09 10:55 11:41 00:18 01:12 02:12 03:19 04:31 05:38 06:32 07:15 07:50 08:22 08:53 09:24 09:55 10:27 11:01 11:37 00:12 01:00 01:59 03:10 04:28 05:41

20:05 20:55 21:45 22:35 23:26 —— 12:27 13:16 14:12 15:20 16:36 17:45 18:39 19:22 19:59 20:33 21:06 21:39 22:14 22:50 23:29 —— 12:17 13:03 14:02 15:21 16:47 18:03

Handy Man

All general home maintenance painting, tiling, roofs etc.

22 06 Call: Audey 0713253158 R114.

Dstv & Tv

Instel van Dstv en tv - koppeling van kabels en probleme, ens.

09 0

Andrew Loxton 028 272 9869/082 955 1449


JOHAN VAN STRAATEN HOME OMPROVEMENT Maintenance includes the following:  Plumbing  Cleanup sites  Painting  Waterproofing  Electrical  Fencing palisade  Pool services  Gates  Tiling / Paving  Renovation NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL Contact Johan van Straaten @ 083 451 0411 E-mail: jwvanstraaten@gmail.com

13 0

www.overstrandherald.co.za R114

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 28


NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND NG KERK: 25 Junie 2017 - 028 271 3268 Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2018 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone institute contact: 072 5112311(Antionette)- 2017 registrations closed. Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 68 Main Road (A.G.S Heal the Land premises) Thursday 19h00 Build one Church in many locations Contact Niël 079 139 5121 Pastoor Ernest 072 084 3454 A.G.S. KERK KLEINMOND Hoofweg 68 (Kompleks Langs Bouhandel) Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Sondagoggend diens 09:30 / Woensdagaand Biduur 19:00 Kinderkerk 9:30 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Dinsdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com) LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI

H/v Delport en Serruria Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik na ons byeenkomste: 18 Junie - GRATIS Fliekaand om 17h30 by Simply Coffee/ Bistro 365 in Pringle Baai, en 25 Junie en daarna weer soos gewoonlik om 17h00 in Bettiesbaai tot verdere kennisgewing Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê.

Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039.

VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19:00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Kallie Jonkers 082 877 0800 Jeug byeenkoms om 18:00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 09:00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19:00;

08:30 Kerksaal 09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai 09:30 Kerkgebou

Dr. Chris Malan Ds. Steven Sass Ds. Jannie Hougaardt

KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Ds. Leo van Schaik

Overstrand Herald


Bergspanne wen Berg-en-See Kleinmond - Die jaarlikse Bergen-See Rolbal kompetisie het op 11 Junie, in tipiese winterweer, koud en bewolk, plaasgevind. Die twee groepe het elk 8 spanne vir die driespelkompetisie ingeskryf. Die See moes van sy spelers vir die Berg leen om die spanne op te maak. Die twee kapteins, Kallie de Kock (See) en Ockie Marais (Berg) het mekaar die hand gegee en hulle spanne sterkte toegewens. Ockie, het met `n paar “boggoms” die spangees by sy spelers aangewakker. Kallie, kon hom maar net aanstaar, want

22 Junie 2017

hy kon nie `n geluid uit die see naboots nie! Die formaat vir die kompetisie was twee rondtes van 10 koppe elk. Die spanne het mekaar behoorlik die stryd aangesê. Na die kompetisie was daar groot opgewondenheid in die klubhuis, in afwagting om te hoor wie gewen het. Groot was die toejuiging toe Valerian Strydom, klub-president, die wenspan aankondig. Vanjaar het die Bergspan die bordjies verhang en moes Kallie, verlede jaar se wenners, die beker afstaan aan Ockie, wat dit namens die Bergspanne in ontvangs geneem het. Die Bergspanne het met 36 – 28

gewen. Na die Berg-en-See kompetisie, het die klub vise-president, Divvie van Deventer, die 2016 / 2017 klub kompetisie bekerprys wenners aangekondig en die president het die bekerprys oorhandiging, gedoen. Valerian het daarna almal bedank wat vir die kompetisies ingeskryf het. `n Dankwoord is ook tot die dames gerig, wat na afloop van al die formaliteite, heerlike “hamburgers” voorgesit het. Winners of Club Competitions 2016 / 2017 Mens Fours: Kallie de Kock (skip), Divvie van Deventer,

Bladsy 29

Alan Bryant, Roelf Beukes Ladies Fours: Sandra Helmbold (skip), Rina van Rensburg, Hannie de Kock, Irene Cawood Mens Trips: Kallie de Kock (skip), Graham Utton, Roland Tarr Ladies Trips: Sandra Helmbold (skip), Elsabe Liebenberg, Irene Cawood Ladies Pairs: Sandra Helmbold (skip), Elma Visagie Selected Pairs: Kevin Sandy (skip), Paul Wilsenach Mens Singles: Kallie De Kock 101 Mens Singles: Kallie de Kock 101 Ladies Singles: Sandra Helmbold Novices: Jacques Fourie

LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Worship Singing: 09:15 Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30 Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com.

Mens Fours L. to r. Roelf Beukes, Divvie van Deventer, Valerian Strydom (President), Kallie de Kock (skip), Alan Bryant

Jacques Fourie ontvang die Novices trofee

Mens Trips L. to r. Roland Tarr, Valerian, Kallie (skip), Graham Utton

Kallie de Kock, Mans Enkels en 101 Klub kampioen word geluk gewens met sy prestasies.

PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 18:00 / Thurday 17:00 / Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397 Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECRUCH & HOMECELL 1519 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service: 9:00 - 10:30. (Afirkaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19:00 - 20:00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 080 2129

Pringle Bay House of Prayer

1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay

Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sundayschool for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com

Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 30


Overstrand Herald

22 Junie 2017

Bladsy 31


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Golf results



Rugby Die afgelope naweek het Kleinmond Rugbyklub teen die Rangers van Bredasdorp gespeel. Die A span wedstryd het begin met Kleinmond wat hard verdedig teen die Rangers se sterk aanvallende spel. Die verdediging het ongelukkig in die laaste minute van die eerste helfte gefaal en die span van Bredasdorp het die eerste drie van die wedstryd aangeteken. Kleinmond het daarin geslaag om etlike oomblikke na die drie hulle eie drie te druk en dit wou voorkom of Kleinmond uiteindelik hulle aanval sou begin. Die eerste helfte eindig met 7 – 8 vir die Rangers. Die tweede helfte het begin en binne die eerste 10 minute het die Rangers hulle tweede drie aangeteken, ‘n drie waarvan Kleinmond nie kon terugkom nie. Die res van die spel is gekenmerk deur swak balhantering van Kleinmond. Die enigste positiewe spel van die tweede helfte was uitmuntende skopwerk en ‘n strafskop wat Kleinmond deur die pale gejaag het. Die wedstryd eindig 10 -18 in die Rangers se guns. Die B span het baie beter gevaar en hul wedstryd 29 – 12 gewen.



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