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Golf results
Wednesday 18/01/17 4b stableford 6x6x6 1)K.Olivier & p.Odendaal 87 points 2)C.Brand & g.Mitchell 84 points 3)E.Van zyl & m.Arendse 80 points
Ma soek antwoorde na seun se vreemde dood
Friday 20/01/17 sundowner final 2016 Winner p.Benade Sundowner 1)Wp.Van wyk 25 points 2)A.Bredenkamp 23 points 3)G.Baxter 23 points Saturday 21/01/17 Singles medal 1)J.Wylbach 64 net 2)E.Van zyl 66 net 3)J.Whitehead 68 net
Kleinmond Rugbyklub kies nuwe bestuur Kleinmond Rugby Klub het pas ‘n nuwe bestuur vir die 20172018 seisoen gekies. Dit volg na ‘n voorval verlede jaar waar daar bottels op die veld gegooi is. Kleinmond was beboet en vir twee wedstryde geskors. Daar is nou besluit dat daar geen voertuie aan die westekant van die rugbyveld toegelaat sal word nie. Namens die bestuur vra hulle om verskoning oor die gemeenskapslede wat hulself wangedra het. Die Rugby Klub vra ook dat alle gemeeskapslede wat belangstel om as lid van die klub te dien die Saterdag om 09h00 by die Rugby Klubhuis aanmeld, registrasie gelde
beloop R150 per persoon. Wedstryde vir Februarie. 4 Feb – Stanford vs Kleinmond te Hawston 11 Feb – Kleinmond vs Valsbaai te Kleinmond 18 Feb – Semi-finale Burgemeesterstoernooi te Kleinmond 25 Feb – Kleinmond vs Botrivier te Kleinmond Kleinmond Rugby Klub bied op 27 Februarie ‘n dans aan in die Gemeenskapsaal. Die nuwe klubvoorsitter, Edward Appollis het ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap gedoen om hul span te ondersteun.
Hoërskool op Kleinmond bly vir eers net ‘n droom
J.du Toit.(Seef) P.Benade
W.van Heerden(com.member) WP.van Wyk
h/v Hoofweg & 6de Straat, KLEINMOND
Stoney Point en die gewraakte heining
Tel/Fax: 028 271 3898
Stettyn Stone Chenin R30.00 Star Tree Dry Red R23.00 Balance Range R35.00 BC Chenin Blanc R26.00 Badsberg 3l R80.00 Cape Style Gr Cru 5l R75.00
USN: Garcinia Combogia 90 cap Green Coffee Bean Extract 60 cap Raspberry Ketone 60 cap Diet-Fuel Low-GI 900g Quickslim Medico Herbs 50ml Kel 6 Tabs 45’s Relislim Herbal Tabs 45
R117.90 R69.90 R135.90
R119.90 R116.90 R149.90 R359.90 Bsmart Cape Consumers Kaarte / Cards word aanvaar / accepted
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment
Stockist of:
Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags
Bladsy 2
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Wanneer krewe uitstap … KLEINMOND – Hierdie week het inwoners ‘n rooibruin skynsel in die see opgemerk. Die bespiegelings het gelei tot bevestiging dat die gevreesde sogenaamde rooigety wel in die waters om die kus van die Overstrand tot so ver as Walkerbaai opgemerk is. Die Kleinmond munisipaliteit het Maandag (23 Januarie) inwoners gewaarsku om nie enige vis of skulpvis te eet nie, omdat dit giftig kan wees. Dit was gebaseer op inligting wat van mnr. Rob Fryer van Whale Coast Conservation ontvang is, en is bevestig deur die Departement van Seevisserye. Volgens ‘n woordvoerder van die perlemoenplaas op Romansbaai is daar ook rooigety in Valsbaai, en het die rooigety gister verby Kleinmond gestrek tot by Danger Point. Rooigety dui op ‘n spesifieke algsoort wat al die suurstof uit die water opneem, sodat die krewe vrek. Dit het al gebeur aan die Weskus dat die rooigety so erg geraak het dat krewe uit die see gestap het. Tonne kree arkasse moes met skopgrawe van die strand verwyder word. Enige seeorganismes wat tydens hierdie fenomeen uit die see kom, kan dodelik wees indien ‘n mens dit sou eet. Volgens Wikipedia is rooigety die volgende: “Red tide is a common name for a phenomenon known as an algal bloom (large concentrations of aquatic microorganisms) when
it is caused by a few species of dinoflagellates and the bloom takes on a red or brown colour. Red tides are events in which estuarine, marine, or fresh water algae accumulate rapidly in the water column, resulting in coloration of the surface water. It is usually found in coastal areas. It kills many manatees every year. These algae, a form of phytoplankton, are singlecelled protists, plant-like organisms that can form dense, visible patches near the water’s surface. Certain species of phytoplankton, dinoflagellates, contain photosynthetic pigments that vary in colour from green to brown to red. When the algae are present in high concentrations, the water appears to be discoloured or murky, varying in colour from purple to almost pink, normally being red or green. Not all algal blooms are dense enough to cause water discoloration, and not all discoloured waters associated with algal blooms are red. Additionally, red tides are not typically associated with tidal movement of water, hence the preference among scientists to use the term algal bloom.
Bladsy 43
TRENCHERS Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation
Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND
Hoewel dit nie moontlik is om te bepaal hoe lank hierdie gety aan ons kuslyn sal wees nie, is alle Kleinmonders – vissers, handelaars en inwoners – is dit eens in hulle hoop dat dit vinnig verby sal wees!
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 Solar Maximum (Pty) Ltd RegistraƟon Number 2016 / 370747 / 07
084 577 2926
y System Design/Consultung Thermal Hot Water Swimming Pool Heating Maintenance & Repairs
y y y
Jacques van Dyk 082 447 9073 E-mail:
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 42
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 3
Protecting our community since 1998
In the Hangklip – Kleinmond Tourism Bureau, Shop 1, Protea Centre
Tel: 028 271 3420
email: IATA and ASATA licensed agency
OďŹƒce: (028) 271 4637 Be y’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email:
Weer tot u diens Instel van Dstv en tv - koppeling van kabels na vertrekke, ens. Andrew Loxton 028 272 9869/082 955 1449
Administrators & Planners of Estates *Free draĹŒing of wills *Estate planning * Appraisals / ValuaĆ&#x;ons *PreparaĆ&#x;on of Deeds of Trust More than 35 years experience in estate administraĆ&#x;on and valuaĆ&#x;ons. Contact Niel Theron / Linda Dixon Tel / Fax: 028 271 5944 Cell: 083 459 9419 / 082 325 2022 38 Fonteinhout Avenue Kleinmond No VAT on Executors Fees Executors Fees negoĆ&#x;able
HoĂŤrskool vir Kleinmond net ‘n droom vir nou‌ KLEINMOND – Die onlangse probleme met busvervoer vir hoĂŤrskoolleerders, veral na Hawston, het weer opnuut oproepe laat opklink vir ‘n plaaslike hoĂŤrskool. Die dorp het twee laerskole wat uit hulle nate bars, maar vir hulle hoĂŤrskoolopleiding moet die meeste van ons kinders die daaglikse tog aanpak na naburige dorpe soos Hermanus, Caledon, Grabouw en selfs verder. Daar is wel ‘n plaaslike alternatief in die vorm van me Gerda Ha ngh se Overberg Academy. DiĂŠ privaatskooltjie, wat opleiding en ondersteuning bied vir leerders van graad 8 tot 12, het tans 15 studente en kan tot 20 akkommodeer. Kinders loop soos by ‘n gewone skool klas in hulle vakke en hulle skryf die nasionale eksamen. Die enigste verskil is dat hulle nie ‘n skooluniform dra nie. Dit, en die feit dat ouers nie busgeld hoef te betaal nie, maak volgens Ha ngh haar skool eens goedkoper as elders. Ten einde meer leerders te kan akkommodeer sal bykomende klaskamers en geriewe gebou en natuurlik bykomende personeel gehuur moet word. Dit sal miljoene kos, maar blyk op die oomblik die enigste uitweg
Trust is earned
te wees. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat die groot private ontwikkelaars van skole soos bv Curro tans ‘n hoĂŤrskool op Kleinmond as ‘n goeie belegging sal sien. Hulle fokus meesal op meer welgestelde woongebiede, waar die ouers kan bekostig om die duurder as normale skoolgelde te kan betaal. Intussen het die Wes Kaapse department van onderwys vandeesweek, by navraag deur die Herald, gesĂŞ daar is tans, gegewe die getal hoĂŤrskoolleerders, geen planne om ‘n hoĂŤrskool op Kleinmond te bou nie. Die department sĂŞ daar is op die oomblik sowat 200 leerders wat hoĂŤrskole in die omgewing bywoon. Volgens hulle het diĂŠ syfer die afgelope aantal jare min of meer dieselfde gebly en dit is doodgewoon nie genoeg om ‘n nuwe skool te regverdig nie. Intussen sĂŞ die department werk hulle hard saam met die skole in die omgewing en busmaatskappye om die vervoerkwessie uit te stryk. Op ‘n vraag of die department ‘n skooltjie soos Overberg Academy sou subsidieer (Vervolg op bl.4)
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Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
(Vervolg van bl.3)
Hoërskool vir Kleinmond net ‘n droom vir nou… het hulle gesê die department subsidieer wel privaatskole, maar dan moet daar ‘n minimum van 20 leerders wees en moet die skool voldoen aan die kriteria vir registrasie as privaatskool. Die skool moet onder meer opleiding bied gelykstaande aan die in openbare skole, ‘n goedgekeurde kurrikulum volg, die geboue moet deur die munisipaliteit goedgekeur word en gekwalifiseerde onderwysers wat geregistreer is, moet die kinders onderrig. The Western Cape Education Department says there are no plans to build a high school in Kleinmond, given the number of high school learners involved. They say about 200 learners in the town currently attend high schools in the area. According to them this figure has been fairly stable for the past few years and this is not enough to
justify a new high school. “Our district officials are working with schools in Hawston and the service provider to resolve the transport as soon as possible. The main issue has been that there are not enough buses to transport 176 learners needing transport.” The department says it does not subsidise home schooling, but does subsidise private schools. Private schools must have a minimum of 20 learners and have to meet criteria for registration as a private school. These include offering a standard of education equivalent to that in a public school, an approved curriculum, suitable premises approved by the local municipality, and qualified teachers registered with the South African Council of Educators.
Bladsy 4
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Vreemde dood wek vrae. BETTYSBAAI – Die ma van die 30-jarige James Borchers wat op 31 Desember vanjaar klaarblyklik hier selfdood gepleeg het by ‘n vriend se huis is desperaat op soek na antwoorde. Me Margaret Borchers sê al wat hulle weet is dat James in die vroeë oggendure van 30 Desember (omstreeks 03:00) in ‘n ongeluk met hul motor op die hoek van Clarence Rylaan en Edwardweg was. Hy was klaarblyklik ongedeërd. James het op die een of ander manier van die ongelukstoneel tot by ‘n vriend se huis in Bettysbaai gekom. Sy ouers wil graag weet waar hy was voor die ongeluk en hoe hy by sy vriend se huis gekom het. Het iemand hom ‘n geleentheid gegee? Niemand weet nie. James het na bewering later by die vriend se huis in die
Die oorledene James Borchers Bass Lake-omgewing selfdood gepleeg deur homself te hang. Indien enige iemand vir James gewaar het in dié tydperk skakel asb vir ao Jakkie Human by die speurtak op Kleinmond (tel.0282718200). James het ten tye van die voorval ‘n ligte blou langmou oorhemp aangehad. Die saaknommer is 229/12/2016.
12 JAN– 08 FEB Kleinmond main beach
This weeks Specials From Friday 3rd February 2017 Toasted Sandwiches Scones Jam / Cream Coffee + Cake
R22 R 7 R28
Lunch Specials WEDNESDAY 1st February 2017 2x Tuna Fish Cakes Potato Salad / Tomato Salad
Bladsy 41
Bottomless Filter coffee with Breakfast Monday– Friday
Nuwe installasies en toevoegings Badkamer opknapping Dreineering Water lekke Lekkende storte FouƟewe/ Beskadigde toileƩe Suig Kop verskuiwings Alle water vewarmer verwante Probleme!! Ons kan help!!
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens
03:07 03:52 04:34 05:13 05:52 06:30 07:10 07:57 08:58 10:16 11:32 00:29 01:18 01:57 02:32 03:05 03:38 04:12 04:48 05:25 06:04 06:48 07:40 08:46 10:09 11:33 00:21 01:24
15:24 16:08 16:50 17:30 18:08 18:46 19:29 20:24 21:46 23:19 —— 12:31 13:18 13:57 14:34 15:09 15:44 16:20 16:56 17:34 18:15 19:01 19:59 21:19 22:58 —— 12:44 13:42
09:14 09:59 10:42 11:23 12:04 00:07 00:43 01:24 02:19 03:42 05:13 06:20 07:10 07:50 08:26 09:00 09:36 10:12 10:49 11:29 12:13 00:17 01:04 02:06 03:36 05:17 06:35 07:35
21:37 22:17 22:55 23:31 —— 12:45 13:30 14:27 15:44 17:10 18:19 19:08 19:45 20:18 20:50 21:21 21:53 22:26 23:01 23:37 —— 13:02 14:02 15:19 16:50 18:11 19:13 20:03
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 40
NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inlig ng verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inlig ng nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND @ the Dutch Reformed Church Hall, 1st Avenue: Sunday 11th Dec. - at 8:30 & 17:00 Sunday 18th Dec. - at 17:00 only Saturday 24th Dec. - at 18:00 (CHRISTMAS SERVICE) @ the Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond: Saturday 31st Dec. – at 22:00 (2017 NEW YEARS CELEBRATION) Sunday 1st Jan. - 17:00 only General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer @ 076 204 4250Note: CFCI Bible College registration for 2017 has commenced:17th of Jan. - Open day (1st Floor Kleinmond Library at 19:00 Enquiries: Antionette Koekemoer @ 072 5112311 (johank@
NG KERK: 29 Januarie 2017 08:30 Kerksaal Dr. Chris Malan 09:30 Kerkgebou Dr. Chris Malan 09:00 Sentrum Ds. Steven Sass KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45
Chris an Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 8th Avenue 37, Kleinmond Wednesdays: 20:00 / “The word of God goes where no man can go. It does what no man can do, and it change when you don’t even think you need change” Victor 083 327 6753 / Adine 072 717 9075
GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Ds Leo van Schaik LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 Prayer meeting Tuesdays at 08:00 / Sunday Servies time at 09:30
A.G.S HEAL THE LAND Hoofweg 68, Kleinmond Pastoor Stiaan Duvenage 078 810 3632 Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagoggend 09:30 / Elke Woensdagaand biduur 19:00
ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9875 / 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153
HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI
H/v Delport en Serruria Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik uit na ons byeenkomste elke Sondag om 18hoo by bogenoemde adres in Bettysbaai Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 0983 251 6039.
VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19:00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Kallie Jonkers 082 877 0800 Jeug byeenkoms om 18:00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 09:00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19:00;
KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 and Sunday School (two groups) Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 18:00 / Thurday 17:00 / Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397 DEUTSCHE EV.-LUTH.KIRCHENGEMEINDE STELLENBOSCH Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zum Go esdienst mit Heiligem Abendmahl jeweils um 15h30 im Hause Kiessling Harbour Road 19 Kleinmond Gottesdienste 2016: 24/07/2016 25/09/2016 04/12/2016 PRINGLE BAY HOMECELL 1518 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Mondays: Women’s Homesell 10:00 - 11:30. Wednesdays: Family Homecell 18:30 - 20:00 Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 680 3586 - 028 273 8111
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 5
Kokke rus en ons pas lewenstyl aan Volgende week sal ons die eerste kok van 2017 voorstel en sy gunstelingresep aanbied. Intussen het ons ‘n paar suksesverhale opgespoor. Eers gevalle van verstandige eetgewoontes en oefening opgespoor, en daarna die resultate van gereelde stap of ander oefening gesoek. Hieronder ‘n paar antwoorde. Miena Apollis het in Maart 2013 die Kleinmond Kliniek opgesoek vir hulp en advies om gewig te verloor. Haar lengte is 1,57m en sy het op daardie stadium 123kg geweeg. Die dieetkundige Amelia-Jean Williams het destyds waargeneem dat Miena vasbeslote was om gewig te verloor en het haar ondersteun. Miena het ‘n vaste stapprogram aangekweek. Sy het konstant gewig verloor en aan die einde van 2013 was haar gewig 96.5kg. Dit het verder die voordeel gehad dat sy die gevaar van chroniese siektes, hartprobleme of ‘n beroerteaanval geweldig verminder het. Miena stap steeds elke oggend saam met haar man, baie vroeg voordat die dag met al sy verpligtinge begin. Sy glo vas dat die daaglikse stap haar gewig konstant hou, en haar boonop hope energie gee. Sy beveel dit aan vir elkeen wat graag die lastige vakansierolletjies weer in posisie wil kry. Ida Mouton vertel dat ‘n gesonde eetpatroon haar gehelp het om oor twee jaar 12 kg te verloor en dit steeds weg te hou behou. Sy glo dat die brood en aartappels wat sy uitgeskakel het, die deurslag gegee het. Hoewel sy ‘n redelike vaste patroon vir elke ete het, byvoorbeeld hoofete in die middag en saans provitas, het sy sonder verskonings sosiaal saam met vriende geëet. Haar leuse is ‘nie souse oor kos nie’, en om nooit ‘n tweede porsie te vra nie. Ook was daar geen drastiese oefeninge nie, net eie
huiswerk en tuinwerk. En elke oggend se stappie natuurlik! Geylie Basson het meer as ‘n paar jaar gelede ‘n uitdaging van haar dogter aanvaar om die Banting dieet te volg, en het so baie gewig verloor. Sy hou haar gewig nou vir ‘n jaar lank al konstant deur matige oefening en reg eet. Lorraine Edwards vertel dat sy gevind het ons eet maklik te veel. Sy het minder begin eet, en die verskuilde gevaar van suiker in gaskoeldranke en in vrugte besef en in haar eetstyl aangepas. Sannie Bosman het nie veel verander aan haar leefstyl nie, maar tog die glasies wyn verminder. Twee ander anonieme vroue het genoem dat hulle meer stap, maar baie moeilik die daaglikse glasie witwyn uitskakel! Ilna Grobler het ook die afgelope twee weke vroegoggend gestap en genoem dat sy daarna baie energiek voel. Wat vir haar opvallend is, is die groter aantal stappers wat sy vanjaar soggens teëkom – meer as in die vorige jare. Johannes van die Merwe voel ook sterk oor gereelde oefening, of dit nou alleen of in groepe gedoen word, en of dit kragoefeninge of stap is. Hy waarsku egter dat indien op stap besluit word, jou ouderdom ‘n rol speel in die afstand wat jy stap, sowel as die snelheid waarteen jy stap. Elkeen moet probeer uitvind wat die beste vir hom of haar werk. Dit klink dus asof Kleinmonders bewus is van die voordele van ‘n gesonde leefstyl, wat gereelde oefening en ‘n gepaste eetplan insluit. Geen dramatiese dieet nie, wel matige maar gereelde oefening. Die grootste voordeel hiervan bly die uitskakeling van stres, daardie stille gevaar wat onverwags groot probleme kan skep. Geniet ‘n stresvrye 2017!
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Tourism investigation ongoing KLEINMOND – The HangklipKleinmond Tourism Bureau says it has concluded an internal audit of the Bureau’s financials for the year 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016. The Bureau says in a statement released this week that an internal investigation
into alleged irregularities has been completed and that all evidence have been submitted to SAPS for further action. A Special General Meeting is to be convened in February where more details will be disclosed to members.
Paula Calitz
Hoofweg 36 Main Road, Kleinmond / Tel: 028 271 4994 / 5799 / paulaceiendomme@ Paula Calitz Johan Calitz Werner Calitz Kotie Pieters 076 426 0142 082 826 0990 083 277 8334 082 788 3211 Prinsipaal / Principal Master Agent Master Agent Volstatus Agent CEA PDE MPRE CEA PDE PPRE CEA PDE PPRE CEA
SIERSTEEN WENNER!! Heuningkloof!
TREK NET IN!! NUUT OP DIE MARK! 230m² Sierteen in mooiste, stil buurt! Spog met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite). Hoofslaapkamer met in-stap klerekaste! Oopplan ontwerp vloei na sonnige braaikamer met ekstra privaat tuin! Dubbel motorhuis en aparte wood kombuis uis met m gasstoof vir Ma en nog ‘n aparte werkskamer vir pa! “Beachwood” TE: Ommuur vir kinders en diere, ekstra naaldwerk /was/ strykkamer!! PLUSPUNTE onderdak inrit vir boot of gaste, veiligheidshekke, lae onderhoud, alarm, teëldak aluminium vensters, elektroniese motorhuisdeure, TV skottel, kragbesparende LED ligte, “Heatpump” verskaf warmwater teen 70% besparing aan krag, “Well point”, JoJo watertenk, sprinkelbesproeiing, buitebraai, 800m² erf en direkte rioolaansluiting! Per afspraak! R1 730 000 o.h.b!
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 6
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
van guana gestroop. Maar die mens het nie hier gestop nie. Derduisende pikkewyn eiers is ook op grootskaal gestroop. Die eilande is verder dikwels met die land verbind en dit het veroorsaak dat rotte, katte en ander preditore op die eilande kon kom. McGeorge het verduidelik dat die pikkewyne se voortbestaan in wese om drie dinge draai. Kos, skuiling en veiligheid. Ek het reeds hierbo verduidelik hoe die mens die laasgenoemde twee vereistes vir hul voortbestaan vernietig het. Ons het ook die eerste vereiste tot ‘n groot mate vernietig – hul bron van kos - vis, hoofsaaklik sardyne en ansjovis. Ons kuswaters is met die jare gestroop van vis, dikwels om daarvan vismeel te maak en dit dan uit te voer na groot verbruikers soos China. Dit neem nagenoeg 5 ton vis om 1 ton vismeel te maak. U kan self die sommetjie maak. Hierdie aksies van die mens, tesame met ander faktore soos klimaatsverandering, wat ons nog nie mooi verstaan nie, het tot die uitwissing van groot kolonies pikkewyne op dosyne eilande gelei. Op baie van die eilande is daar glad nie meer pikkewyne nie en op ander het die getalle drasties afgeneem. Terselfdertyd was daar ‘n duidelik sigbare beweging van pikkewyne van wes na oos. Daar is vandag feitlik nie meer brilpikkewyne aan die Weskus nie. Die eerste pikkewyne het rondom 1982 by Stoney Point geland. Die drie dinge wat hulle nodig gehad het was duidelik hier. Die mariene reservaat het genoeg kos opgelewer, daar
was skuiling en dit was relatief veilig. Vandag is Stoney Point een van net twee kolonies langs ons kuslyn wat groei toon. Die ander is volgens CapeNature by
St Croix in die Oos Kaap. Die groei in getalle by St Croix is waarskynlik toe te skryf aan die feit dat visvangste in die omgewing van die eiland verbied word.
Die vreugde en pyn van ‘n kusdorptuin Gardiol Theron Waarom moet party van my plante so swaarkry in hierdie sanderige grond ondanks planne wat gemaak is om iets te laat groei? Soms lyk dit kompleet of ons op ‘n olierykdom geleë is. As ek deur die dorp ry dan sien ek sulke mooi tuine en is ek sommer trots op Kleinmond en Be esbaai se inwoners. Hoekom kry sommige dit reg om sulke mooi tuine te hê en ander nie? Saam met my, is ek seker, is daar heelwat mense wat wil weet watter plante en bome gepas is vir hierdie grond en watter behandeling ’n kusdorptuin soos Kleinmond en Be esbaai se grond behoort te kry. Wanneer ek by my twee impala-lelies, reg uit die Krugerwildtuin, verbystap dink ek julle arme goed, doen ek jul nie ‘n onreg aan om in hierdie klimaat te probeer om vir jul ‘n plekkie in die son te gee nie. Seker dié dat hul nog net eenkeer ‘n blommetjie gestoot het. Die ander knoppe vrek voor dit kan blom. Dalk moet ek ‘n voorliefde vir ander plante ontwikkel en nie treur oor my eertydse gunstelingplante wat nie hier aard nie. Leer kan ek leer, by verskeie inwoners wat pragtige fynbostuine aangelê het en net inheemse bome, endemies aan ons omgewing, gevestig het. Fynbossoorte is boonop spaarsaam met water. Dit is ook belangrik om te onthou dat Kleinmond en Be esbaai in die oorgangsone van ons internasionaal-erkende Kogelberg Biosfeer is, m.a.w. deel van ons biosfeer-reservaat. Sal dit nie hartseer wees as ons, of ons nakomelinge, oor twintig jaar besef dat sommige van die huidige inwoners, waarvan ek sekerlik een is, met hul plantkeuses dalk die oorsaak was van ‘n indringerplant-geïnfekteerde biosfeer nie? Dus behoort ons almal ons bydrae te lewer om ook in ons tuinmaak die doelstellings van die biosfeer-reservaat na te streef. Net so behoort ons te sorg dat ons nie self die oorsaak is van biologiese besoedeling van die buffer en kern-sones wat in verskeie areas aan ons dorpe grens nie. Kleinmond Natuurbewarings Vereniging bied binnekort aan ons die geleentheid om meer te kan leer van boomsoorte wat ons biosfeeromgewing kan bederf. By dieselfde geleentheid hoor ons van gepaste boomsoorte wat in ons kusgebied aard en aangeplant kan word. Trouens, die vereniging loods dan ‘n projek waarin daar genoegsame inligting en ook raad beskikbaar sal wees om inwoners by te staan. Die projek skop af op Woensdagaand 1 Februarie 7nm. Alle tuin- en natuurliefhebbers word genooi om die byeenkoms by te woon. Daar sal twee sprekers wat by die Nasionale Biodiversiteit Instituut werk, optree. Ons nooi graag ook inwoners wat reeds suksesvolle inheemse tuine gevestig het om dit by te woon en ons van raad te bedien asook om vir ons van hul ervaring te vertel. Verversings sal agterna voorgesit word. Toegang is gratis. Datum: 1 Februarie. Tyd: 19:00h. Plek: Gereformeerde kerkgebou, h/v 13e laan en 6de straat. Vir meer inligting skakel gerus vir Peter Muller 082 978 5680 of Botha Maree 081 769 4731
Ek is op soek na ‘n lugdraad (aerial/antenna) vir ‘n motorradio. Kontak asb. vir Kokkie by 028 / 271 5045. Heideland is looking for cutlery and kitchen utensils for children Call Mary(principal) at 028 2714134
DRINGEND gesoek na ‘n eenslaapkamerwoonstel om te huur vir verantwoordelike 2 persone (moeder en seun). Bel Amanda op 079 183 1526/ of werk by Gerimed 028 271 4122.
Miniatuur Maltese-reunhondtjie gesoek om mooi klein tefie te dek. Kontak asb. Edna by 081 468 9549 of 028 271 4109
Soek dringend ‘n bekostigbare 3 slaapkamer huis, verkieslik met motorhuis om op LANGTERMYN TE huur. Ek het goeie verwysings van vorige eienaar. Kontak Sandra van Schalkwyk – 0823200344
Any old jeans or denims. Size and colour does not matter. They are to be upcycled so it does not matter if there are holes etc. I will pick up or you can drop off at the Pam Golding office in Kleinmond or at photo Click in the Spar Centrum. Please whatsapp or contact 0798956340.
Michael is looking for gardening or painting work. Available any day of the week. Ref. 072 226 2090. Call Michael at 063 223 0294.
Die kolonie brilpikkewyne by Stoney Point is een van ons streek se grootste toerisme aantreklikhede en duisende mense stroom jaarliks daarheen om dié koddige diertjies van nader te beskou. Die tragedie is dat hulle waarskynlik binne die volgende paar jaar nie meer met ons gaan wees nie. Die brilpikkewyn, endemies aan die wes-en suidooskus van Suider-Afrika, is toenemend onder druk – hoofsaaklik weens menslike aktiwiteit – en hulle getalle het in die laaste paar dekades dramaties afgeneem. Cuan McGeorge, ‘n senior mariene bewaarder by CapeNature het die afgelope Saterdag op Pringlebaai ‘n interessante praatjie gelewer waar hy die benarde situasie van die brilpikkewyne mooi uiteengesit het. Ek gaan dit kortliks probeer saamvat. Wat ‘n mens eerstens moet verstaan is dat die pikkewyne in werklikheid eilandbewoners is. Dis hoekom hulle nie weghardloop as mense naby hulle kom nie – hulle is in wese nie gewoond aan preditore nie. Landgebaseerde kolonies, soos die by Stoney Point, is die uitsondering, trouens daar is net twee van hulle, die by Boulders in Simonstad en die een op Bettysbaai. Hulle broei op eilande al met die kus langs in neste wat hulle uit guano (voël en ander mis) maak. Wanneer die guano in die son bak word dit sponsagtig en dit is hier waarin hulle hul neste prakseer. Gedurende die vorige eeu het die mens egter ontdek dat die einste guano geldwaarde het, en die eilande waar die pikkewyne broei, is stelselmatig
Looking to buy a second hand reliable washing machine (Toploader). If you have anything suitable contact: 0713601087
Urgently seeking bachelor’s accommodation. Call 083 741 9914 Posia is looking for domestic work from Monday to Friday. Ref. 083 302 9336.
Daar is ‘n sterk moontlikheid dat die Stoney Point kolonie, soos ons hom ken, teen 2025 nie meer sal bestaan nie
Bladsy 39
Ivy is looking for domestic work for Thursday and Friday. Refer, is Zirk at 082 496 6751. Isaac is a Malawian man looking for a full- time or part-time job as a house-keeper. He has 5 years ‘, an SA Code 8 driver’s licence and a home management certificate. Ref. at 082 923 6233. Contact Isaac on 078 263 4850. ‘n Elektriese tikmasjien om te koop (moet in redelike goeie toestand wees). Bel 082 462 8226. Rita soek werk as huishulp. Rook of drink nie. Goeie verwysing. Bel 073 142 3980. Portia is looking for domestic work 3 days a week. Ref. at 082 299 6624. Felix is a Malawian man looking for a gardener and/ or housekeeper full time or on particular days. Call him at 073 650 8070. Farai is a Zimbabwean lady looking for work as a house-cleaner for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Ref. at 062 036 7303. Call Farai 060 321 9838. Ek soek ‘n yskas. Bel 028 273 8404. Mavis is looking for domestic work from Monday to Friday. Call 073 918 3397. Urgently looking for 10x Toyota Ventures to buy, as well as 10x Toyota Avanzas and Condors. Also other cars and bakkies. Clean stock please. Call/ whatsapp/ sms 083 734 3392 or 073 277 1940. Rosina is looking for work as a house-cleaner of baby-sitter every day of the week. Ref 082 399 6069. Call Rosina on 062 741 7209. Constance is looking for a job as care-worker 3 days a week. She has 4 years experience. Her ref. is Mrs Van der Riet at 028 273 8463. Call Constance on 076 323 8281. Amos is looking for garden work any day of the week. Call 076 162 3883. Locadia is a Zimbabwean Lady looking for a cleaning job for every day. Call her at 064 278 1845. Margarette is looking for work as a House-cleaner from Monday to Friday. She also bakes good biscuits. Ph 078 702 9191 Nosimphiwe is looking for work as house cleaner. Available from MondayFriday. Ph 071 924 2968 Starnford is ‘n man wat al meer as tien jaar lank tuinwerk doen. Hy soek weer werk vir drie dae per week. Verw is Liana op 082 820 4058. Bel Starnford 078 231 5881.
TE KOOP / FOR SALE Skud die feesvetjies af met hierdie Orbitrek Platinum oefenmasjien, R600. Skakel 072 805 1157 4 Eetkamer stoele Bruin opgestopte kunsleer, netjiese toestand. R125elk 028 271 3044/0724502287. Dons slaapsak (Daimor-Murren ultra)in goeie toestand. Min gebruik. Groen. Geen zip. R500 Skakel 082 578 1710 74cm Colour TV Philips met remote R 500. Skakel 082 578 1710 Phillips 400 Series electric razor R120.00 Salton electric hair trimmer R120.00. Numerous BBC Homes and Antiques Magazines R2.00 each. English magazines, Period House, Country Living, Home, House Beautiful, etc. 50c each Phone 028 271 5014 Vrieskas, general electric, groot staan tipe. Hoogte 1260 cm Wydte 720cm Diepte 600cm. Goeie werkende toestand. R750. Kontaknr 082 8211 807 For free LARGE (2m height) green Christmas tree with built-in lights; suitable for a school, church, charity organization or community hall with lots of space! 0833807892 “Garage Sale” in Kleinmond met lekker “Bargains”. Kontak 0724810658 of 0793334404 om te kom kyk. CURTAINS , Fabrics and Wool etc , Fabric Paints , etc Please contact Eddie : 082 697 0534 Spitsbraai met rooste volledig vir heel skaap of chops R2500 Bel:0725509791 Plaatgasbraai met twaalf branders R3000 Bel:0725509791 Dubbeldeur Kroegyskas R2500 Bel:0725509791 Oorspronklike ossewa wat omskep is in kroeg met ses stoele. Bel:0725509791 50 stukke. R550. Bel Breekgoed. 20th Century eetservies (meer as 50 stukke). Bel 079 812 7784. Motorhelm oop. Feitlik nuut R300. Ryobi tafelsaag met toebehore min gebruik. R1500. Bel 072 370 7225. 1x Primwood table (1400x860 mm) + 4x Primwood chairs. R3100 for set. Ph 074 380 0273 Battery-aangedrewe rystoel. Soos nuut. R6 500. Bel 083 289 8362 Manspakke #38 R100 elk. Goeie mansbaadjies #38 R50 elk. 1x mansreënjas #38 R75. Bel 079 138 1122/ 028 271 3687 Blou VW City Golf 1991 2 lt enjin. Bakwerk netjies – geen roes. R30 000. Bel 073 0805 3826.
Aphelele is looking for cleaning work. Ref. at 028 272 5835. Call Aphelele on 073 573 8725
“Garage Sale” in Kleinmond met lekker “Bargains”. Kontak 0724810658 of 0793334404 om te kom kyk.
Nomvelisois looking for a job as cleaner. Ref 073 805 3826. Call Nomveliso at 073 918 2229
3x birdfeeding bottels @ R80 elk. Bel 074 855 8595/ 028 271 3093.
Lucy is looking for a job as house cleaner and baby-sitter any day of the week. Ref. at 082 782 3252. Call Lucy at 078 214 2512 AJ Maree doen klein take en herstelwerk in en om die huis. Bel 082 466 4060. Looking to rent a two or three bedroom house/cottage located in either Bettysbay/ Pringle Bay/ Rooiels. If you have anything suitable contact: 0713601087 Looking to buy a reliable campervan/ motorhome and or enclosed trailer.If you have anything suitable contact: 0713601087
Wolf angle grinder. Metabo angle grinder. Wolf drilling machine and stand. Bench grinder. Ph. 082 342 2942. Nokia selfoon (x2) R300. Kenwood broodrooster R120. Ice crusher R50. Bel 084 517 6664. Russel Hobbs 8.5 l Stainle 35 pressure cooker (new) R700. Delux Gazebo 3mx3m centre height 2.85m (new) R1100. Call 083 683 9655. Battery aangedrewe rystoel soos nuut R26 000. Bel 082 466 4060.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
27 & 28 Januarie: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vryddag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08:30 - 13:00 in Tweedestraat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249 26 January: The Friends of the Hangklip Library will be holding their Annual General Meeting on 26 January 2017 at 10h00 for 10h30 in the Betty’s Bay Library Hall. Refreshments will be served. Please make every effort to attend and bring all your ideas for outings, talks, etc. for 2017. 26 Januarie: Die Vriende van die Hangklip Biblioteek hou hul Algemene Jaar Vergadering op 26 Januarie 2017 – 10h00 vir 10-30 in the Biblioteek Saal in Bettysbaai. Verversings sal bedien word. Almal is welkom. 27 Januarie 2017: Vetkoek en pannekoek verkope by fynbos dienssentrum – n g kerksaal 1ste laan kleinmond vanaf 10:00 – 12:00. Fynbos dienssentrum fondsinsameling projek. Navrae kontak melanie wiles 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) 27 January 2017: Curry bunnies and pancakes being sold at fynbos service centre – d r church hall, 36 1st avenue, kleinmond from 10:00 – 12:00. Fynbos service centre fundraising project. For more informaction contact melanie wiles 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) 30 Januarie: Kleinmond leeskring vergader om 14h30 in die gereformeerde kerk . A man of good hope deur jonny steinberg word deur marieda visser bespreek. Koste vir besoekers is r20.Almal is welkom. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting. 31 Januarie: VLV-maandvergadering om 14:30, NG Kerksaal, 1ste Laan. Kom ontmoet die gasspreker vir die middag, Grant Cohen, raadslid vir Wyk 9 (Kleinmond). R20.00 vir nie-lede. 1 Februarie: (Woensdag) Kleinmond Natuurbewaringvereniging openbare vergadering te Kleinmond Gereformeerde Kerk om 7nm. Twee navorsers van SANBI (South African National Biodiversity Institute) vertel van hul navorsingwerk in ‘n praatjie getiteld “Bestuur van Indringerplantsoorte in Kleinmond”. Alle belangstellendes word hartlik uitgenooi om dit by te woon asook die versnapperinge agterna te geniet. 1 February: (Wednesday) Kleinmond Nature Conservation Society public meeting at Kleinmond Reformed Church at 7 pm. Two researchers from SANBI (South African National Biodiversity Institute) will tell us about their research work in a talk titled “Managing Invasive Plant Species in Kleinmond”. All interested persons are cordially invited to attend and enjoy refreshments afterwards. 2 Februarie 2017: Lieflappers Kleinmond Kwilt en Laslappiegroep begin die nuwejaar met hul eerste vergadering op Donderdag om 9h30 in die Rolbalklubhuis. Die spreker van die oggend is Diana Kraak, bekende kwilter van Kaapstad. Besoekers of almal wat belangstel in Laslap en Kwiltwerk is baie hartlik welkom.Kom net. Mariette Hugo 083 324 2404 2 Februarie 2017: Kleinmond Senior Burger Klub vergader in die N.G. Kerksaal om 15h00 .Ons nooi almal hartlik uit om te kom deel word van ‘n baie op en wakker groep mense . Ons deel kennis, speel bordspeletjies, hou konsert, gaan op daguitstappies. Kom drink ‘n koppie koffie/tee saam met ons. Kontak Marietjie 0824455962 6 February: LINE DANCING at Kleinmond Town Hall. Ladies and Gents. Mondays 14:00 and Fridays 08:30. Beginners classes start Monday 6 February @ 13:30Phone Lynette 073 4242 526/Denise 083 5765 010. 14 Februarie: Fynbos Dienssentrum Valentynsdag 3 gangete om 12:00 @ R85.00 pp. Bespreek kaartjies by Fynbos 028 271 3602 kantoorure 08:00 – 14:00. Bring asseblief u eie drankies, glase sal verskaf word. 14 February: Fynbos Service Centre Valentine 3 course Lunch at 12:00 @
Bladsy 38
R85.00 pp. Book tickets at Fynbos 028 271 3602 office hours 08:00 – 14:00. Please bring own liquid refreshments, we will supply the glasses.
Die snoepie was Saterdag gedurende die kleuresport van Laerskool Kleinmond, soos altyd baie gewild.
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Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 7
Stoney Point: Die gewraakte heining Gerard Grobler Daar is die afgelope maande bladsye vol, op veral sosiale media, geskryf oor die nuwe heining wat CapeNature by die Stoney Point kolonie laat oprig het. CapeNature is beskuldig daarvan dat die heining die voortbestaan van die kolonie, en dus die spesie, in gevaar stel. In wese was die argument dat die heining die pikkewyne verhoed om te broei waar hulle eintlik wil – in die fynbos rondom die huise in die onmiddellike omgewing. ‘n Paar duisend mense het selfs ‘n petisie onderteken waarin hulle aangedring het dat die heining verwyder moet word. Die petisie is gerig aan die minister van toerisme, mnr Derek Hanekom, wat toevallig die verkeerde man is, aangesien hy as minister van toerisme geen seggenskap oor die heining het nie, maar dit daar gelaat. Die feit is mense het erg emosioneel geraak oor die gewraakte heining en die potensiële gevolge daarvan. Dit het die fokuspunt geword van ‘n sosiale media veldtog wat hoofsaaklik deur ‘n bekende omgewingsjoernalis, Johann Botha en sy eksvrou, Hermien de Vos, ‘n inwoner van Stoney Point, gedryf is. Nou dit klink baie eenvoudig. Ons slaan die heining (wat toevallig R2m gekos het) plat. Ons verander die groter Stoney Point in ‘n bewarea waar daar geen heinings is. Nou kan die pikkewyne broei waar hulle wil en dit sal seer sekerlik daartoe lei dat die kolonie groei, die spesie bewaar bly en ons so ons deel vir die nageslag doen. Dit was in breë trekke die argument van die groep wat teen die heining gekant is. Ongelukkig is bitter min dinge in die lewe eenvoudig. Om die heining te kan verstaan moet jy die geskiedenis van die heining verstaan. Die twee erwe waarop die kolonie tans gevestig is, erwe 2411 en 2412 het aanvanklik aan die Overstrand munisipaliteit behoort (tegnies gesproke nog steeds, aangesien oordrag nog nie plaasgevind het nie.) Die eerste heining is reeds in 1986 opgerig deur grondeienaars langs die twee erwe, juis om die pikkewyne uit te hou. Kom ons probeer dit sien uit hul oogpunt. Op daardie
tydstip is die pikkewyne nie as bedreig beskou nie. Hulle was eerder ‘n interessante, maar ‘n stink ongerief. Rondom 2000 besluit die munisipaliteit dat die grond hersoneer moet word. Op die stadium is die partye betrokke die munisipaliteit, die grondeienaars, die bootklub (en natuurlik die pikkewyne.) Die eerste sg. “record of decision” tussen die onderskeie partye oor wat met die grond moet gebeur, word dan ook in 2002 gemaak. Vroeg in die proses reeds noem die munisipaliteit die opsie van ‘n bewarea, maar daar word daarteen besluit. Oor die volgende tien jaar word die proses voortgesit en die voorwaardes waarop ooreengekom telkens aangepas, tot ‘n formele ooreenkoms aan die einde van 2011 aan die regering voorgelê word. Dit was nie ‘n maklike geboorte nie, glo my, ek het deur die dokumentasie gewerk. Die grondeienaars was moeilik en daar is selfs met die hof gedreig. Hul besware het hoofsaaklik gewentel rondom die veranderinge aan die geboue, hul uitsig wat bederf word, die gebruik van alkohol by die restaurant, toegangspaaie, verkeer ens. Die heining was, sover ek kon vasstel, nooit werklik ‘n kwelpunt nie. Trouens, sover dit die inwoners aan betref het, was dit ‘n gegewe. Kom ons probeer weer in hulle skoene staan. Dis een ding om te sê die pikkewyne is ‘n bedreigde spesie en ‘n heel ander saak as 20 van hulle voor jou kamervenster nes maak en jou uit die huis uit stink. Die uiteindelike dokument spel elke aspek van die ontwikkeling uit en bepaal spesifiek dat daar ‘n 1,2m hoë heining gespan moet word. Dit is waarop op ooreengekom is tussen die partye. In 2014 word die grond ingevolge wetgewing wat dit voorskryf van die munisipaliteit na CapeNature oorgedra, met al die verpligtinge en ooreenkomste daarmee saam. Intussen staan die heining al die jare daar. Kom ons klim nou vir ‘n oomblik in CapeNature se skoene. Hulle sit met die verantwoordelikheid van ‘n bedreigde spesie aan die een
kant en ‘n klomp moeilike grondeienaars aan die anderkant. Die meeste van die grondeienaars wil die heining hê. Terselfdertyd moet jy die pikkewyne probeer beskerm teen mense, ja mense en honde en nog wat. Kyk, ‘n 1,2m heining gaan nou nie ‘n luiperd of rooikat uithou nie, maar ten minste is die gebied duidelik afgebaken en kan jy behoorlik beheer daaroor uitoefen. Die bestaande heining is vervalle en van die grondeienaars dring aan daarop dat dit vervang word. Wat doen jy? Intussen woed daar woeste gevegte op sosiale media waar die munisipaliteit beskuldig word van wreedheid oor hul bosse afsny rondom padtekens. Bosse waarin pikkewyne broei. Hulle doen dit want ander inwoners kla dat dit onveilig is. CapeNature kry pakslae oor die konstruksie van die nuwe septiese tenks onder teen aan die see. Ja, dit is seer sekerlik ontwrigtend en versteur die pikkewyne, maar wat moet jy doen? Die goed moet reggemaak word, anders loop die riool die see in reg langs die pikkewyne. CapeNature is in elk geval nie regstreeks betrokke nie, dit resorteer onder ‘n ander staatsdepartement. Stoney Point is ‘n klassieke geval van waar die mens en dier se belange bots. Aan die een kant is daar ‘n wonderlike dier wat uitwissing in die gesig staar en aan die ander kant die mense, wat in baie gevallle voor die pikkewyne daar was. Die grondeienaars voel hulle het
ook regte en dring aan daarop. Gaan die heining bydra tot die agteruitgang van die spesie? Ek weet nie, dit gaan beslis nie help nie. Is die heining hoegenaamd die vernaamste kwessie sover dit die voortbestaan van die kolonie aangaan? Ek dink nie so nie. Onthou die drie noodsaaklike dinge wat die pikkewyne nodig het, is kos, skuiling en veiligheid. Hulle is relatief veilig waar hulle nou is. Daar is skuiling, weliswaar nagemaakte skuilings en bos wat ingedra word om skuiling te bied. Dit is nie die ideaal nie, maar onder die omstandighede wat is die alternatief? Kos – dit is hier waar ek sou fokus. Hoe lank gaan daar nog genoeg kos vir hulle wees teen die tempo wat die vis nou langs ons kus gevang word. Hoe dikwels sien ons nie skuite wat tot feitlik teen die kus vaar om vis te vang nie? Die werklike gevaar, dink ek, lê hier. Die pikkewynne sal bly tussendeur die nagemaakte skuilings en rooikrans, maar as die kos opraak is dit neusie verby vir hulle. Intussen moet daar ‘n balans tussen mens en dier gevind word. Ons moet alles moontlik doen om hierdie wonderlike diere van uitwissing te red. Dit is hier waar CapeNature na vore tree. Hoe meer ons weet van die pikkewyne hoe beter kan ons help om hul voortbestaan te probeer verseker. Red: Ons het mnr Johann Botha die geleentheid gebied om sy saak hier te stel, maar hy het nie geantwoord op ons e-pos nie.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 8
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GESOEK: Oumawoonstel of 1 slaapkamer woning te huur, BeƩysbaai tot Rooiels vir 55jarige verantwoordelike en onaĬanklike mans persoon. R3000-R4000 p/m
Kyk hierna op ons webtuiste: Of skakel WILNA by 076 868 1535 vir besigƟging.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
News from the Bowling green KEINMOND - The second round of the Business League was played on Thursday afternoon. A full report appears elsewhere. Die ander groot kompetisie was die Spar Super Singles wat op Vrydag en Saterdag gespeel is. Die uitslae was soos volg:Op Vrydag 20 Januarie het die volgende spelers teen mekaar meegeding: Wynand Neethling 22 – J.C.Carstens 16; Tiki Rossouw 21 – Hubert Bock 13; Kevin Sandy 21 – Phillip Graham 14; James Watt 21 – Pitte le Roux 9; Kallie de Kock 22 – Dirk Kotzé 15; Roy Galloway 21 – Alan Bryant 4; Peter Davidson 21 – Frank Cawood 8; Roland Tarr 21 – Cai Classen 17; en Ingrid Erasmus 13 – Rina Janse van Rensburg 6.Op Saterdag 21 Januarie is daar net 2 wedstryde in hierdie kompetisie gespeel. Tiki Rossouw het met 22 – 12 teen J.C.Carstens gewen en Dirk Kotzé het met 21 – 14 teen Pitte le Roux gewen.The
Ladies Pairs that were played on Wednesday 18 January produced the following results: Elsabé Neethling and Ingrid Erasmus won 27 – 11 against Sandra Hembold and Elma Visagie,while CelestePrice and Bekkie Galloway succeeded with 19 – 17 against Christa Steenkamp and Irene Cawood. In the Selected Pairs, played on Thursday 19 January, Valerian Strydom and Cai Classen won 22 – 18 against Jan Stubbe and Eddie de Vos. Celeste Price with partner Albert Louw beat Sandra Hembold and Ingrid Erasmus 19 – 14; Elsabé Neethling and Louis Swart won with 23 – 12 against Divie van Deventer; Kevin Sandy and Paul Wilsenach 24 – 14 against Ockie Marais and J.C Carstens; and Roy and Bekkie Galloway 24 – 13 against Christa Steenkamp and Jacques Scholtz. (- Louis Muller)
4 Slaapkamer huis met ingeboude kaste in sƟl single. Sit/eetkamer, Tv kamer, studeerkamer, groot kombuis, waskamer, 2 volledige badkamers, soliede hout vloere. Braaikamer. Dubbel motorhuis.Wynkelder onder huis. Huishulp kwarƟere met toilet en stort. Boomryke groot erf.4x10m swembad, met veiligheidsnet en bedeksel. Sonverwarmer. Loop afstand van 5 skole, insluitend Tegniese skool. R1 750 miljoen
Skakel 082 466 4060 WINKELRUIMTE TE HUUR Goeie ligging in Hoofweg, 120m2, netjiese gebou
Kallie de Kock and Hartmut Spiegies joined Ms Theresa Els and other members of OCYCC when the equipment was delivered.
Rotarians help lends helping hand
KLEINMOND – Money raised at the annual steak braai of the Rotary Club contributed to the club helping needy institutions in our town.
and new blood pressure and temperature monitors could be acquired. This makes it easier for the nursing staff to take care of the community.
In partnership with the RC of Claremont as well as the Norderney RC in Germany, out local club to purchase much needed equipment for the Overstrand Child and Youth Care Centre. A request from the local clinic could also be met
The Rotary Club have great plans for April when they will celebrate 30 years of service locally. Former members are requested to please contact club members to be part of the coming event.
084 387 8897 / 074 699 0319
ROLBAL: Besigheidsliga uitslae Jigsimur steeds bo KLEINMOND – Who can stop Jigsimur? The reigning champions are once again top of the table after narrowly beating Spar A who have dropped to 9th position, only one point ahead of 6 other teams who each have 14 points. Harbour Corner behou hul 2de plek, gevolg deur Sharpa en Spar B in 3de en 4de plek. Whale Tail, Caprichem, Chas Everitt, Kleinmond Apteek en Bouhandel het almal mooi opgeskuif. Onthou, na vandag (Donderdag) se 3de rondte word die 24 spanne in 2 gelyke afdelings gedeel. The log stands as follows: 1.
Harbour Corner
Spar B
Whale Tail
Kleinmond Pharmacy
Spar A
10. Jukskei
11. Hoofpad
12. Municipality
13. Safe Security
14. Ghol lub
15. Bouhandel
16. Albertyn Apteek 12(-8)
Kontak: 073 975 9755
x Garden Service x Paving- Painting x Plumbing x Building Maintenance
Bladsy 37
17. Seeff Properties
18. Chas Everitt
19. Datastoor
20. Pep Stores
21. Pudding&Pie
22. Ghol lub
23. Du Toit Stegmann 6(-26) 24. Guthrie&Theron 4(-26) The catering ladies wish to thank everyone for their co-operation regarding food ordering which has made their task much easier. Happy rolling! (- Alan 082 923 0675) (-Elma Visagie 072 658 1689)
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 36
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 9
Laerskool Kleinmind atletiekbyeenkoms Laerskool Kleinmond se kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms het Vrydag, 20 Januarie en Saterdag, 21 Januarie op die rugbyveld van die skool plaasgevind. Van die velditems asook die hekkies en 1200 m is gedurende Vrydagmiddag afgehandel en die res van die items gedurende Saterdag.
/( 7( 621'$ $ 0
/( 7( 621'$ $ 0
Die goue span het soos gewoonlik die blouspan aangevat, maar aan die einde van die dag was dit die blouspan wat die meeste punte op die telbord gehad het. Die goue span het die beker verower vir die beste spangees. In elke ouderdomsgroep is die atlete aangewys wat die meeste punte volgens die ASA tabelle verdien het in al die items waaraan hul deelgeneem het. Hulle het goue, silwer en brons medaljes ontvang. Die medaljes was ‘n welkome skenking van ‘n anonieme persoon. Die atlete wat die beste in elke ouderdomsgroep was, het ook sertifikate ontvang. Atlete wat uitgeblink het, gaan op Vrydag, 3 Februarie, aan die Walkerbaai byeenkoms deelneem wat by Laerskool Hermanus plaasvind.
21 6+2:
Sunday 2 - 4pm 6XQGD\ SP
Sunday 1 - 4pm 6XQGD\ SP
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Die hoogtepunt van elke atletiekbyeenkoms is die aanwys van die Lammermeyr Victor en Victrix Ludorum. Hierdie jaar het ‘n boetie en sussie dit reggekry om hierdie gesogte toekennings te verower. Timo Zipfel (gr. 4) is aangewys as die Victor Ludorum, terwyl Enya (gr. 6) vir die tweede jaar agtereenvolgende die Victrix Ludorum ontvang het.
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Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler
Nog ‘n koppie?
Die ewige trouman Nou die dag gesels ‘n paar van ons oor die begrip “trouman”. Een van die drie is geskei en het haar kinders alleen grootgemaak. Een was al twee maal getroud (eerste keer geskei en toe ‘n weduwee) en ek met wederhelf wat vir my sit en kyk en ons beluister. Die eerste een sê die volgende ronde, trou sy vir geld. Die eerste keer was sy so verlief sy wou na geen woord teen die ridder luister nie. En sy kon kies en keur onder die manne. So het sy drie pragtige kinders hoofsaaklik alleen grootgemaak
met baie trane en klippe kou. My ma was nooit een wat vreeslik raad gegee het tensy sy daarom gevra is nie. Oor hoe weet ‘n mens die man met wie jy trou is die regte een, het sy twee dinge gesê: Kyk of jy dink hy sal ‘n goeie pa wees vir jou kinders, en trou met ‘n man met integriteit. Nou kyk, ek wil nou niks sê oor mense se vermoë om ‘n oordeel te fel wanneer hulle verlief is nie, maar ja, dit blyk dikwels afwesig te wees. Of soos iemand wat ek ken, sê: “Verliefde meisies dink met hul eierstokke”.
In die wysheid van ‘n mens se grysheid, weet jy: Dit help nie om ‘n lysie op te stel soos die kinders in Mary Poppins oor hoe hul perfekte kinderoppasser daar moet uitsien nie. Wanneer jy kruideniers van ‘n “notisietjie” af koop, kry jy nie altyd alles wat jy soek nie, hoeveel moeiliker sal dit nie wees om ‘n man op bestelling te kry nie. Dit is uiteraard een van die redes hoekom ek so kriewelrig raak oor TV-programme wat deesdae so gewild is: Die bolling mans of meisies wat soek na ‘n ander helfte ten aanskoue van die wêreld en sy maat. Verder verstaan ek dat “date sites” baie gewild is. O Griet, dís nou moeilikheid soek, as jy my vra! Wel moontlik is dit ‘n alternatief vir jongmense wat net ander jongmense in ‘n pub ontmoet, maar dank Vader ek hoef nie so te werk te gegaan het nie. Al die voorafgaande is natuurlik daaraan onderworpe of die persoon ter sprake hoegenaamd wil trou. Gelukkig is “wat ander mense sê” nie meer so belangrik in alle kringe nie. Trou, moenie trou nie, doen net wat jy wil. Onthou maar net om nie moontlike kinders aan te
Bladsy 10 veel probleme bloot te stel nie: die lewe het genoeg kinkels, sonder om kinders te betrek. My dierbare ouma was ‘n besonder preutse vrou, veral sover dit morele sedes aangegaan het. Eendag praat ons oor ‘n niggie wat getroud is met ‘n man na wie niemand in die familie gek was nie. “Hoe kon sy met hom trou!”, vra Ouma op ‘n keer kopskuddend. “Ag Ouma,” sê ek toe in my jeugdige voortvarendheid, “sy’t seker gedink hy’s ‘n mooi man!”. Waarop Ouma, tot my stomme verbasing, baie beslis antwoord: “Alle mans lyk in die donker dieselfde!” Nou toe, daar het jy dit. ‘n Mens se keuse van lewensmaat behoort sterk beïnvloed te word met wat in die lig gebeur, lei ek nou maar daarvan af. Kan jy hoegenaamd ‘n gesprek voer met die potensiële “significant other”? Belangriker nog, wíl jy? Ek reken dit sal half sleg wees as ‘n mens se gesels opraak. Maar nou ja. Al wat ek wil waag om te sê, is: “Gooi maar die notisietjie weg en kry ‘n lepel om sakke sout op te eet, want kou sal jy kou as jy wil trou.” En geniet die goeie tye. Amen en sela.
Ref# KN1263769
Ref# KN1300082
Pringle Bay / R2.6 million
Rooi Els / R4.2 million
Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Mediterranean style home situated three minutes from the beach. In immaculate condition offering panoramic views.
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 3 / Garages 3 Seamless flow from the reception rooms to the undercover patio with exp sive vies across the ocean. Ideal for entertaining with wood burning firepl
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
General Maintenance New Houses Renovations / Alterations Boundary Walls Painting Paving
Bladsy 35
GRATIS Voorskrif Sonbril/Leesbril met die aankoop van ‘n volledige bril
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 34
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 11
“Up the West, Down the East” Kleinmond - From South West Africa up the West coast to Sierra Leone, then onto Portugal and Switzerland. From Switzerland to Italy and south to Egypt, through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, around the horn of Africa, down the East coast to Mombasa and Zanzibar and finally even further South to Durban and the Cape of Good Hope. Then Pretoria, Paris in France and back to Pretoria. And for the past seven years in Kleinmond! This is the travels of Uli Rietmann, whose life began exactly 80 years ago, on 22 January 1937 in Windhoek, South West Africa. His parents were on their way to FreeTown in Sierra Leone. His father took over the Grand Hotel in FreeTown and they lived there very comfortably and in grand style. “Life was good until the British declared my Mother as ‘persona non grata’ due to her German origin, although she was a Swiss citizen through marriage. We were forced to leave with nothing”, he states, smiling sadly. Their life continued in Berne,
Switzerland, where they arrived in the winter of 1942 with the city blanketed in snow. But the war changed the circumstances and the countries, and in 1945 they left on the Toscana, a classic Immigration Ship, transporting thousands of immigrants to Australia, South Africa, Rhodesia and New Zealand. Passage was cheap, but Uli describes the living conditions on the Toscana as “mediocre to bad”. From Venice their first call of port was Brandish, on the Adriatic side of Italy, then onwards across the Mediterranean to Port Said, Egypt; through the Suez and down the Red Sea to Massawa, Ethiopia. He remembers the Red Sea passage as very hot. It was around the Horn of Africa where strange things started. “One morning three canvas clad objects were slid into the sea with a small contingent of passengers and crew gathered around. Mother told us the cause was Typhoid Fever” Uli recalls. They continued on to a hot and humid Mombasa, but after a few days departed for Zanzibar, where most of them became ill
and they were all placed under quarantine on a small island, named “Prison Island”. The sick passengers were hospitalised in the summer palace of the ruling Sultan, which was transformed into a temporary hospital. Those who were not sick, remained on Prison Island. Uli himself became seriously ill for three weeks. After they had all recuperated they were transferred back to Zanzibar. Their next port of call was Beira, then Mozambique and Durban - three months after leaving Berne. A train took them to Germiston and eventually to Kraaifontein. Uli remembers “Upon hearing spoken Afrikaans, I vowed never to speak this gutteral language. And Kraaifontein was a massive contrast to Weissenbühl in Bern - from paradise to the gravel roads, sandy soil, dust, Port Jackson bush, and snakes of Kraaifontein.” But eventually he came to love it, especially when he was enrolled at the Paarl Gymnasium High School. And believe it or not, he learned to speak Afrikaans and to play
rugby within a year – and was chosen for the U/13 team! His life took on a new dimension when he met the love of his life, Ina. They have been married for 55 years. After his successful academic career at Stellenbosch he held several positions in Agricultural Research, including two sessions as attachè in Paris, France. His life story is part of the book: The Swiss at the Cape of Good Hope 1652 – 1971, by Adolphe Linder. And he declares wholeheartedly that he is a South African now – and may we add: a Kleinmonder as well!
Kleinmond Pet Shop
Ref# KN1074839
Ref# KN1249496
Kleinmond / R765 000
Kleinmond / R790 000
Kleinmond / R850 000
Sit back, relax and soak up the peace and quiet of this ideally positioned 1199M² plot.
Rare find. One of the last 1st avenue plots still available. Prime location.
Perfect trade-off to city living. Only a short walk to the harbour. No transfer duty payable.
Ref# KN1201952
Ref# KN1058347
Ref# KN1296280
Ref# KN1294223
Kleinmond / R1.1 million
Kleinmond / R3.75 million
Kleinmond / R3.995 million
Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 1 / Garages 1 Well secured family home in mountain avenues.
Bedrooms 6 / Bathrooms 5 / Garages 2 Prime location at Main Beach with stunning views.
Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 3 / Garages 2 Uncompromising style with stunning views.
Kleinmar Sentrum, 27 Main Road, Kleinmond, 7195 Tel: 028 271 3111
*Montego *Jock dog food *Menu Dog food *Complete dog food *Ideal dog food *Wuma Plus *Zogo dog food *Good for you dog food *Supreme Pet Maintenance
Ref# BB1090275
Ref# 360094
Ref# BB1132166
Betty’s Bay / R215 000
Betty’s Bay / R220 000
Betty’s Bay / R280 000
Lake front plot with magnificent views, flora and fauna
Lakefront plot with lake views, tranquillity and reflections.
Between the 2 lakes with splendid command of views.
*Golden Products *Annique *Silwer Ions *Bait
Specials: Rooikrans R17.00 per bag Budgies R45.00 each Rabbit R35.00 each Hamsters R25.00 each Montego 2kg R40.00 each Business hours: Monday – Friday 09:00-17:00 Saturdays & Public holidays 09:00-13:00
Ref# KN1204787
Ref# KN1249286
Betty’s Bay / R2.6 million
Betty’s Bay / R4.2 million
Betty’s Bay / R8.5 million
Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Beach cottage oozing character set on large plot.
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 4 Bedrooms 5 / Bathrooms 4.5 Beachfront home with entertainment areas & more Prize Location with views over Beach & Bass Lake.
Ref# KN1248835
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Shocking behaviour I became aware of shocking behaviour this week and have to share it with your readers. The ladies at KAWS went about their business as usual yesterday - Monday 23 January, 2017 - when a gentleman arrived in the KAWS office with a box containing five nine day old puppies - their eyes are not even open yet. He insisted KAWS accept and take care of the puppies. The KAWS Field Manager then proposed that the gentleman bring the “mother” in as well for at least six weeks so the puppies can be fed and KAWS will take care of them all. The man refused and stated he is keeping two of the litter, besides the five he brought in. He stated that the bitch started killing the puppies but could not explain why the two he kept would not be killed. The gentleman would not give his name or any particulars to the KAWS staff (all required
when animals are brought to KAWS as well as certain fees). He then used psychological blackmail and stated he would just “dump” the five puppies if KAWS would not accept them. (This is a loose translation of what transpired as the conversation was in Afrikaans). He then walked away and left the puppies at KAWS. Riekie, the KAWS Field Manager, then went to work. Soon she had a volunteer that would take care of the puppies 24/7 until they are big enough to be adopted. What a sorry tale of shocking behaviour. However, with a wonderful ending in fantastic compassionate behaviour by the KAWS volunteer, I suppose there is always reason to be optimistic. We would like to thank Natalie van Wulven so much for her kindness in taking care of these puppies. Pieter Oosthuizen. Chairman, KAWS Management Commi ee
Unacceptable behavior in a biosphere On 12 January this year, just before dark, I came upon a scene along Porter Drive in Betty’s Bay that broke my heart: a female ‘grysbokkie’ was lying passively but upright on the grass by the roadside... which I found strange. These little antelope are extremely shy and cautious, especially before dark. When I stopped and got out of the car to investigate,
she felt the urge to flee; and then I saw what tragedy had struck: she could barely drag herself to shelter in the dense bushes, because both hind legs appeared to be totally disabled. In those few seconds I could gather that a (speeding?) car had hit her, probably in the preceding minutes. And whoever was behind the wheel, had left her there. To suffer and
die... I knew she must be terrified and it was fast ge ng dark. I could not get to her, either. I made a frantic phone call to CapeNature Senior Field Ranger Cuan McGeorge, and asked if he could help. He soon arrived with fellow Senior Field Ranger Vernon Munnik. With the help of a flashlight that I happened to have in the car, and with a good deal of bundu bashing, they could reach the terrified and suffering little being. The sound of her bleating was unbearable: she was in excruciating pain. And she was pregnant... The two men handled her with the utmost gentle care, for which I was (and am) extremely grateful. They assured me that
Bladsy 12 she would spend the night in the special ICU at Stony Point. At least she did not die alone and abandoned. But Cuan informed me the following day that she had been euthanized. This was the report: “Injuries sustained to both hind limbs. Left limb broken at femur and right limb broken at the hoof junction. “Suspected vehicle collision caused the injuries.” In a biosphere reserve? Unacceptable. If you were the driver in this particular incident, or if you have been the cause of a similar tragedy, please urgently rethink your a tude. Lisel Krige. (Betty’s Bay resident for 21 years)
Know your rights At 8H00 in the morning of 13 Jan 2017, my mom (70 years old) was stopped at a roadblock in Main Rd by a traffic officer. He came to the vehicle with a hostile a tude and immediately asked her if she had a drink in already and then went as far as to accuse my mom of “looking” drunk and asked her if she was under the influence. My mom said no, but he continued accusing her that he thinks she is driving while drunk, so he ordered her out of her car. She tried desperately to explain that she just dropped of some workers and was not under influence at all. But he ignored her and told her to get out of car. He asked her for her driver’s license , which had expired due to a few issues. She did however have an affidavid with her to confirm compliance – but he said “ I don’t have time for stories” and demanded she get out of the vehicle. Once she got out of the car with a bit of a struggle, because she is 70 and was in shock that she was being treated like this. He said to her she smells of alcohol, and she is trembling like a person that was a drinker. Again she franticly explained she is 100% sober and also explained to him
she is 70 years old. Once out of the vehicle and at the back of his vehicle, with other younger traffic officers staring, he ordered her to blow on the breathalyser. She did, with onlookers staring at what was happening.The reading said 0.00... and she said to him, I told you I am not under the influence. He just ignored her, no apology or shame for his behaviour at all. He then laughed loud as to show the other traffic cops how he has humiliated this lady. Please know that this kind of behaviour is not allowed by any traffic officer and must be reported. We took this matter up with the Kleinmond Police and reported the incident . They were very sympathetic and helpful in this matter and also helped to identify which department the traffic officer was from. They identified the officer as a provincial traffic officer. Thanks to Mr Africa from the Hermanus traffic Dept and Mrs E. V Der Merwe, the state prosecutor in Hermanus, who will be lodging a formal complaint on my mom’s behalf and take the matter up further with the provincial department. We await further feedback in this matter. Kleinmond resident
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
INGXELO YONYAKA 2015/16 Kwenziwa isaziso ngokwesahluko se 127(5)(a)(i)somthetho wezo Masipala wolawulo mali, ka 2003 (Umthetho 56 ka 2003) ukuba Ingxelo Yonyaka ka 2015/16 iyeya fakwa kumhlangano we Bhunga ngo Mvulo umhla we, 23 Janywari 2017. Kumenywa abahlali ngokwesahluko 127(5)(a)(ii) salomthetho ungentla ukuba bafake izimvo zabo malunga nalengxelo yonyaka ku Masipala ngokuthumela imbhalelwano phambi okanye ngomhla we 23 Febhuwari 2017 ku Mphathi ka Masipala (isiya ku Nksz. R Louw) kule dilesi nenombolo ingezantsi. Ibhunga lizakuyihlalela Lengxelo Yonyaka kwakunye nezimvo ezithe zathunyelwa kumhlangano oyakube ubanjwe ngomhla we 29 ka Matshi 2017. Lomhlagano uyokube uvulekile kubahlali. Lengxelo Yonyaka izakuba khona kwi ofisi Zabaphathi bengingqi e-Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Klenmond, nakuwo wonke amathala encwadi e Overstrand, kwi Ofisi eziphezulu zikaMasipala e-Hermanus na kuledilesi kamasipala Abantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala bangandwendwela aba Phathi be Ngingqi e-Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond ngamaxesha omsebenzi apho lomtu anokufumana uncedo ekubhaleni ezakhe izimvo. C GROENEWALD Umphathi Kamasipala
Umasipala weOverstrand PO Box 20 Hermanus 7200
inombolo ye feksi: (028) 313 8030
Inombolo yesaziso: 06/2017
Vosloo Sat Systems Our services: DSTV & OVHD Installations Fault findings Repairs Maintenance
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Die tuiste van egte, tuisgemaakte, boerewors, biltong, droëwors en patties. Hoender Stukke – Vark Tjops en “Belly” Bees vleis - in voorraad:Vir die mees bekostigbare pryse, bestel by
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Cleerbar Gerhard Hayward
. Porter
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Qualified Installer for Solar Hot Water Systems
4233 ADENANDRA ST - Bettysbaai / Hein 083 228 7304
Bladsy 33
Kleinmond – Donderdae Pringlebaai en Rooiels Vrydae
Kaart fasiliteit nou beskikbaar
Cell: 083 677 4261 gerhard@cleerbarsolu www.cleerbarsolu CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTE
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 32
ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 No ce is herewith given in terms of sec on 127(5)(a)(i) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the Annual Report of the Municipality for the 2015/16 financial year has been tabled in Council on Monday, 23 January 2017. The local community is in terms of sec on 127(5)(a)(ii) of the above-men oned act invited to submit representa ons in connec on with the Annual Report to the Municipality by submi ng such representa ons on or before 23 February 2017 to the Municipal Manager (for a en on: Ms R Louw) at the undermen oned address or fax number. The Council will consider the Annual Report together with all the comments and representa ons received during a mee ng which is scheduled to take place on 29 March 2017. This mee ng will be open to the public. The Annual Report will be available for perusal during office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand, the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus and on the municipality’s website at Persons who cannot write can visit the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representa ons. C GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200
Fax number: (028) 313 8030
No ce number: 06/2017
JAARVERSLAG 2015/16 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge ar kel 127(5) (a) (i) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van 2003) dat die Munisipaliteit se Jaarverslag ten opsigte van die 2015/16 finansiële jaar op Maandag, 23 Januarie 2017 in die Raad ter tafel gelê is. Die plaaslike gemeenskap word ingevolge ar kel 127(5) (a) (ii) van bogemelde wet uitgenooi om vertoë met betrekking tot die Jaarverslag aan die munisipaliteit voor te lê deur hul vertoë voor of op 23 Februarie 2017 te rig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (vir aandag Me R. Louw) by onderstaande adres of faksnommer. Die Raad sal die Jaarsverslag tydens ‘n vergadering wat op 29 Maart 2017 gehou staan te word tesame met alle kommentaar of vertoë wat ontvang is oorweeg. Hierdie vergadering is oop vir die publiek. Die Jaarverslag is gedurende kantoorure ter insae by die kantore van die Areasbestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korpora ewe Hoo antoor van die munisipaliteit in Hermanus en op die munisipaliteit se webwerf by Persone wat nie kan skryf nie kan gedurende kantoorure by die onderskeie Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus of Kleinmond besoek aflê waar daardie persone gehelp sal word om hul kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. C GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 Kennisgewingnommer: 06/2017
Faksnommer: 028 313 8030
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Nog jukskei dankies Met ons heerlike geborgde jukskeidag het ’n paar dankies ongelukkig agterweë geraak. Ons wil ook baie graag by al die ander borge die volgende borge hartlik bedank dat hulle ons
gehelp het om ‘n baie lekker dag te hê: Chas Everitt, Taurus Konstruksie, Pizza World, en Liza en Wilma Engelbrecht. Jukskeiklub
Bladsy 13
Middag om jou siel te vul KLEINMOND – Laerskool Kleinmond bied op 9 Februarie ‘n spesiale middag aan met om die wat luister te inspireer. Die tema is “Geloof, hoop en liefde”. Die sprekers is Herman Jordaan, ‘n fisioterapeut op die dorp wat sy sig verloor het; Rita
Linde, motiveringspreker wat ‘npersoonlike tragedie beleef het en Riekert Botha, ‘n bekende prediker wat gereeld op RSG gehoor is in sy program Pleisters vir die Siel. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is beskikbaar by die skool en die koste beloop R75 p/p.
Annual report tabled and available for public comment The annual report for the 2015/16 financial year was tabled at the first Council meeting of 2017 on 23 January. The annual report reflects the Municipality’s performance between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016 and aims to promote accountability to the local community for decisions taken throughout the year. It furthermore provides information on the Municipality’s activities and financial state, se ng out the municipality’s performance in service delivery and budget implementation, including its accomplishments and challenges as well as
comparison between targets and performance in the previous financial year, and measures taken to improve performance. Overstrand Municipality received a clean audit status for the fourth consecutive year. A clean audit outcome confirmed the Municipality’s endeavors in terms of good governance and management, control and compliance with legislation and audit requirements. Further highlights listed in the Annual Report included that 220 Breaking New Ground (BNG) units were built, completed and handed over and 132 sites serviced. In addition to
that, the Municipality provided electricity to 823 informal households. Overstrand achieved a ‘Blue Drop’ water score of 90.79% that puts us in 3rd position in the Western Cape and scored 100% in the ‘No Drop’ water conservation and demand management report. The Mt Pleasant Public Library was recognized as the Western Cape Government/s Best Library in terms of its children services. The public is encouraged to comment on the report. Comments received during this process will be considered when the report is considered
by Council on 29 March 2017. The comment period closes on 23 February 2017. The Annual Report will be available for perusal during office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand, the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus and on the municipality’s website at; go to popular links and click on Annual Reports. For more information and enquiries contact: Rochelle Louw or Sylvia Block on 028 313 8000/8108/8071.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017 “‘n Boek is ‘n vriend; en goeie boeke is uitstekende vriende. ‘n Boek sal met jou praat as jy geselskap soek en stilbly as jy moeg is vir praat - en daar is min ander vriende wat dit vir jou sal doen.” - Lymann Abbott Kleinmond se Leeskring bied hierdie jaar weer ‘n verskeidenheid van boekbesprekings aan. Ons is in die bevoorregte posisie dat pryswenner- skrywers soos Dan Sleigh (“1795”), Johan Fourie
(“Struisvoël”) en die digter Hennie Nortjé (“In die skadu van soveel bome”) persoonlik die bespreking van hul boeke sal waarneem. Ons sien ook met groot verwagting uit na die praatjie van ‘n plaaslike inwoner, Jacqueline Leuvennink, oor haar loopbaan as skrywer en joernalis Op die leeslys vir die jaar is ook boeke soos “ All the light we cannot see” deur
Mthimkhulu V i l l a g e C e n t r e
Mthimkhulu Community Development
computer literacy (evening classes) Modules:
Parts of the computer,Windows Operating System, Wordprocessing (MsWord) (learn to create and print your own cv and more)
06 - 04 February 2017 from 17:00 to 20:00 Cost: free Mthimkhulu Village Centre, 102 Main Road, Kleinmond Dates: evenings
Contact Sylvester 028-2715213 or e-mail HEALTH
Bladsy 14 Anthony Doerr, “Still Alice” deur Lisa Genova, “The Glass Castle” deur Jeanette Walls, “Emily Hobhouse Geliefde Verraaier” deur Elsabé Brits en “Huilboek” deur Ryk Hattingh Die Leeskring begin met die bespreking van “ A man of good hope” deur J Steinberg, twee keer die wenner van Sunday Times Alan Paton toekenning. Dit is die verhaal van die Somaliese vlugteling Asad, wat sy lewe lank suidwaarts in Afrika reis met die hoop op ‘n beter lewe. Emma Kotze se kommentaar oor die boek is as volg: “Met toenemende globale druk rondom vlugtelinge en emigrante, is hierdie verhaal meer relevant as ooit tevore en dra dit ‘n noodsaaklike boodskap van medemenslikheid oor.” Hou gerus die Dagboekinskrywings in die Herald dop vir verdere inligting. Die byeenkomste vind gewoonlik op die laaste Maandag van die maand by die Gereformeerde Kerk in Dertiende Laan plaas. Die eerste byeenkoms vind op 30 Januarie 2017 om 14:30 plaas.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
AANSUIWERINGS BEGROTING EN HERSIENE DIENSLEWERING EN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLAN (DBIP) VIR 2016/17 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge ar kel 21A van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die Raad ‘n Aansuiwerings-begro ng vir 2016/17 en ‘n Gewysigde DBIP vir 2016/17 op 23 Januarie 2017 goedgekeur het in terme van ar kel 28(2)(b) en 54(1)(c) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van 2003). Afskri e van bovermelde dokumente sal gedurende kantoorure by die kantore van die Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korpora ewe Hoo antoor van die munisipaliteit te Hermanus en op die munisipale webwerf by vir die publiek, ter insae wees. CC Groenewald MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 Kennisgewing nr. 08/2017
ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET AND REVISED SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) FOR 2016/17 No ce is hereby given in terms of Sec on 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that Council approved an Adjustments Budget for 2016/17 and a revised SDBIP for 2016/17 on 23 January 2017 terms of Sec on 28(2)(b) and 54(1) (c) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003). Copies of the aforemen oned documents are available for public perusal during normal office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand, the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus and on the municipality’s website at
Besoekers is baie welkom, kom deel in die geleentheid om meer te wete te kom van skrywers en boeke. Leeskringgroete
CC Groenewald MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality P O Box 20 HERMANUS 7200
No ce No. 08/2017
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Chemdry uses no shampoo, no dry powder or steam Chemdry gets rid of allergens and bacteria Phone: 0282715274 / 0842507995 Email:
Bladsy 31
UHLAHLOLWABIWOMALI OLUHLENGAHLENGISIWEYO LOKUQALA NESICWANGCISO SOKUSEBENZA KOHLAHLOLWABIWOMALI ESIHLAZIYIWEYO SONIKEZELO-ZINKONZO SONYAKA- 2016/17 Esi sisaziso ngokomhlathi wama-21A woMthetho wooMasipala: Iinkqubo Zolawulo zikaMasipala, ka-2000 (uMthetho 32 ka-2000) sokuba iBhunga lamkele uHlahlolwabiwo-mali oluhlengahlengisiweyo lokuqala ne-SDBIP ehlaziyiweyo, yonyaka- 2016/17 ngomhla we 23 ka Janyuwari wama 2017 ngokomhlathi we- 28(2)(b) nowe-54(1)(c) womThetho wooMasipala: uLawulo lweeMali zikaMasipala, wowama-2003 (Umthetho 56 ka 2003) Iikopi zala maxwebhu achazwe apha ngentla ziza kufumaneka ngexesha lomsebenzi kwii-ofisi zabalawuli eGansbaai, eStanford, eHermanus naseKleinmond, kuwo onke amathala eencwadi eOverstrand, kwi-ofisi enguNdlunkulu kamasipala waseHermanus nakwiwebhusayithi kamasipala ukwenzela ukuba uluntu luwafunde lunike izimvo zalo. CC Groenewald UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA Umasipala iOverstrand Ibhokisi yePosi 20 HERMANUS 7200 Inombolo yesaziso. 08/2017
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 30
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 15
Siblings at local school victorious!
No ce is hereby given in terms of Sec on 47 of the Overstrand Municipality By-Law on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2016 of the applica ons men oned below applicable to Erf 106, Rooiels namely: 1.Applica on for a removal of restric ve tle condi ons with reference to Clauses A, B, C, D, E, F.A, F.C and F.D(a) – (g) of Title Deed T15960/2016 applicable to Erf 106, Rooiels in terms of Sec on 16(2)(f) of the aforemen oned By-Law. Detail regarding the proposal is available for inspec on during weekdays between 08:00 and 16:30 at the Department : Town Planning at 16 Paterson Street, Hermanus and at the Kleinmond Library, Fi h Avenue, Kleinmond. Any wri en comments must be submi ed in accordance with the provisions of Sec ons 51 and 52 of the said By-law to the Municipality (16 Paterson Street, Hermanus / (f) 0283132093 / (e) lore on or before Friday, 3 March 2017, quo ng your name, address, contact details, interest in the applica on and reasons for comments. Telephonic enquiries can be made to the Senior Town Planner, Ms. H van der Stoep at 028-313 8900. The Municipality may refuse to accept comment received a er the closing date. Any person who cannot read or write may visit the Town Planning Department where a municipal official will assist them in order to formalize their comment. Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal No ce No. 14/2017
OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT ERF 106, PRIESTLEYAWEG 2, ROOIELS, OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : VOORGESTELDE OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES : A WIEHAHN (nms STRUPA INGENIEURSDIENSTE PTY LTD) Kragtens Ar kel 47 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit Verordening vir Munisipale Grondgebruikbeplanning, 2016 word hiermee kennis gegee van die onderstaande aansoeke van toepassing op Erf 106, Rooiels, naamlik: 1.Aansoek om opheffing van beperkende telvoorwaardes met verwysing na Klousules A, B, C, D, E, F.A, F.C en F.D(a) – (g) van Titelakte T15960/2016 van toepassing op Erf 106, Rooiels in terme van Ar kel 16(2)(f) van bogenoemde verordening. Besonderhede aangaande die voorstel lê ter insae gedurende weeksdae tussen 08:00 and 16:30 by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning te Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus en by die Kleinmond Biblioteek, Vyfdelaan, Kleinmond. Enige kommentaar moet skri elik ingedien word in terme van Ar kels 51 en 52 van die bogenoemde Verordening aan die Munisipaliteit (Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus / (f) 0283132093 / (e) lore voor of op Vrydag, 3 Maart 2017, s puleer u naam, adres, kontak besonderhede, belang in die aansoek en redes vir kommentaar. Telefoniese navrae kan gerig word aan die Senior Stadsbeplanner, Me. H. Van der Stoep by 028-3138900. Die Munisipaliteit mag weier om kommentare te aanvaar na die slui ngsdatum. Enige persoon wat nie kan lees of skryf nie kan die Departement Stadsbeplanning besoek waar hul deur ‘n munisipale amptenaar bygestaan sal word ten einde hul kommentaar te formuleer.
Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr. 14/2017
UMASIPALA WASE-OVERSTRAND ISIZA 106, 2 PRIESTLEYA ROAD, ROOIELS, KUMMANDLA KAMASIPALA WASE-OVERSTRAND: UKUSHENXISWA OKUCETYWAYO KWEMIQATHANGO ETHINTELAYO: A WIEHAHN (egameni STRUPA INGENIEURSDIENSTE PTY LTD) Kukhutshwa isaziso ngokwemiba yeSolotya lama-47 loMthethwana kaMasipala iOverstrand ngeSicwangciso Sokusetyenziswa Komhlaba kaMasipala, 2016 ngokwezicelo ezikhankanywe ngezantsi nezisetyenziswe kwiSiza 106, eRooiels: 1.Isicelo sokushenxiswa kwezithintelo kwitayi le ngokwamaGatya A, B, C, D, E, F.A, F.C no-F.D(a) – (g) we-Title Deed T15960/2016 esisebenza kwiSiza 106, eRooiels ngokweSolotya 16(2)(f) salo Mthethwana ukhankanywe apha ngentla. Ngeentsuku zokusebenza phakathi kwentsimbi ye-08:00 neye-16:30 iinkcukacha malunga nesi sindululo ziyafumaneka ukuba umntu azifundele kwiCandelo:Izicwangciso ngeDolophu kwa-16 Paterson Street, Hermanus naseKleinmond Library, Fi h Avenue, Kleinmond. Naziphi na izimvo ezibhaliweyo mazingeniswe kuMasipala (16 Paterson Street, Hermanus / (f) 0283132093 / (e) lore ngokwezibonelelo zamaSolotya ama-51 nama-52 alo mthethwana ukhankanyiweyo ngoLwesihlanu, umhla koLwesihlanu, wama- 3 eMarch 2017 okanye ngaphambi kwalo mhla, unike igama lakho, idilesi, iinkcukacha zonxibelelwano nawe, umdla wakho kwesi sicelo nezizathu zokunika izimvo. Ungafonela uMphathi kuCwangciso lweDolophu, Nks. H van der Stoep ku-028313 8900. UMasipala angala ukwamkela izimvo ezifike emva komhla wokuvala. Nabani na ongakwaziyo ukufunda okanye ukubhala angaya kwiCandelo loCwangciso lweDolophu apho igosa likamasipala liya kumnceda avakalise izimvo zakhe ngokusemthethweni. UMlawuli kaMasipala, Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala, PO Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Inombolo yesaziso sikaMasipala 14/2017
Pringle House Eco School has welcomed its new class of grade 1 learners, up from 6 learners to 8 this year. The learners from le to right are Grace Ellis, Djuna D’Ambrosio, Leela Knight, Olivia Rohland, Kara Smith, Simone Simon and at the back Moné Simon, si ng with their teacher Ms Retha Kruger.
KLEINMOND – Two young athletes from Laerskool Kleinmond have achieved something remarkable. Enya (u.12) and Timo Zipfel (u.10) were respectively the best girl (victrix laudorum) and boy (victor laudorum) athletes at the school’s athletics’ day.
Junior leiers van ons skole
Die leerderraad van Laerskool Kleinmond is aangewys. Hulle is agter: v.l.n.r James Derby (Onder-hoofseun), Mary-Jane Coetzee, Amy le Roux, Anita Brand Voor: Emma-Mé Grobler, Adré Kleyn, Shantelee Trytsman (Onderhoofmeisie), Donné Fourie, Kayla Freyer, Lara Oosthuizen, CarolLynne Green (Hoofmeisie), Dénis Kaplan (Hoofseun)
Die leerderleiers by Keinnmond Primêrverskyn bo. Hulle is: Voor: Amy Barry (Hoofdogter), R.N.Brikkels (Prinsipaal), Slade Jacobs (Hoofseun). Middel : Jamie Barry, Lekiesa Aploon, Luzuko Ntsukumbini. Agter: CassidyAdams, Bladen Carels, Sisipho Tukani, Massimo Wilkinson, Danell August, Morgen Floris, Culumanco Zwelifile
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 16
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 29
Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai. Overstrand Municipality, an equal opportunity employer, strives to render a dynamic and effective service to the community. Competent and self-motivated people who enjoy challenges are invited to join our leading team and to apply for the following vacancy:
• Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning • (Ref.: WC0320544) • Salary: R215 040 per annum Minimum requirements: • a Grade 12 Certificate • a 2-year certificate (NQF level 5) in Office Administration • 5 years’ relevant administrative experience • computer literacy in MS Office • excellent typing skills • a valid Code B/EB driver’s licence with no restrictions • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • physically fit and able to perform site visits and inspections • the ability to work under pressure.
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Recommendations: • knowledge of Local Government administration procedures and “GRAP” standards • experience in property administration.
Main functions: Responsible for: • compiling, maintaining, coordinating and managing the fixed asset register in line with “GRAP” standards • implementing of procedures and executing Council decisions related to selling/renting of municipal properties • compiling tender documents • compiling, administering and managing property contracts • public liaison and client services care • supervising subordinates. More information may be obtained from Ms A Kotze on tel. 028 316 3724. In addition to the above-mentioned salary, this position offers competitive benefits which include a 13th cheque, medical aid, pension, housing subsidy/allowance and removal costs under certain conditions. To apply, please forward a comprehensive CV with a covering letter to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200.
Please note: Original certified copies of your qualification/s and driver’s licence is a requirement for selection and must be attached to your CV. Candidates who do not submit all the supporting documentation as requested, will not be considered for this position. Please quote the reference number of the position for which you are applying. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and no supporting documentation will be returned. Overstrand Municipality is an Equal Opportunity employer. Candidates from the designated groups are encouraged to apply. Closing date: Friday, 10 February 2017 at 15:00. If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. The Council reserves the right not to make any appointments.
CALL: STUART JENSEN 082 766 8080 / Email:
Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid waar die gebied se besonderse potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing ontsluit word. Ons taak is om ewewigtige groei en ontwikkeling binne ons natuurlike omgewing tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai areas in. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n werkgewer met ’n beleid van gelyke geleenthede wat daarna streef om ’n dinamiese en effektiewe diens aan sy gemeenskap te lewer. Bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet, word genooi om deel van die topspan te word en vir die volgende pos aansoek te doen:
• Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning • (Verw.: WC0320544) • Salaris: R215 040 per jaar Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 12-sertifikaat • ’n 2-jaar sertifikaat (NKR vlak 5) in Kantooradministrasie • 5 jaar toepaslike administratiewe ondervinding • rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Office • uitstekende tikvaardighede • ’n geldige Kode B-/EB-rybewys sonder enige beperkings • kommunikasievaardighede in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap • fisies gesond en in staat om terreinbesoeke en -inspeksies uit te voer • die vermoë om onder druk te werk. Aanbeveling: • kennis van Plaaslike Owerheidsadministrasieprosedures en “GRAP”-standaarde • ondervinding van eiendomsadministrasie. Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • opstel, onderhoud, koördinering en bestuur van die vastebateregister volgens “GRAP”-standaarde • implementering van prosedures en uitvoering van raadsbesluite wat verband hou met die verkoping/verhuring van munisipale eindomme • samestelling van tenderdokumente • samestelling, administrasie en bestuur van eiendomskontrakte • openbare skakeling en kliënte-diensversorging • toesighouding oor ondergeskiktes. Meer inligting kan van me A Kotze by tel. 028 316 3724 verkry word. Benewens die bovermelde salaris bied hierdie pos mededingende voordele wat ’n 13de tjek, mediese bystand, pensioenvoordele, ’n behuisingsubsidie/-toelaag, asook meubelvervoer onder bepaalde voorwaardes insluit. Rig asseblief ’n omvattende CV met ’n dekbrief aan die Senior Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne, Munisipaliteit Overstrand, Posbus 20, Hermanus 7200. Let wel: Oorspronklik gewaarmerkte afskrifte van u kwalifikasie/s en rybewys word vir keuring vereis en moet u CV vergesel. Kandidate wat nie al die ondersteunende dokumentasie indien nie, sal nie vir hierdie pos oorweeg word nie. Meld asseblief die verwysingsnommer van die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen. Ontvangs van aansoeke sal nie erken word nie en geen ondersteunende dokumentasie sal terugbesorg word nie. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n Gelyke Geleenthede-werkgewer. Kandidate vanuit die aangewese groepe word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen. Sluitingsdatum: Vrydag, 10 Februarie 2017 om 15:00. Indien u nie binne ses weke ná die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Die Raad behou die reg om geen aanstelling te maak nie. 129621GANSBAAICOURANT
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 28
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
There is hope…….
For all your bedding needs we have ultrasoft Percale with high thread count of 180-250
Hotel & Guesthouse quality For more informaƟon call 083 403 7229 NEW STOCK ARRIVED Shop 19, Kleinvlei, Botrivier Road, Kleinmond,7195
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Bladsy 17
‘Walking bus’ continue their good work KLEINMOND – A handful of volunteers are still accompanying learners to and from school daily. The form the “walking bus” that was introduced last year as a measure to ensure learners safety and to see that they reach school. These volunteers also returned to school on Wednesday 11 January. They remain on the premises of Kleinmond Primary though-out the day to keep an
eye on those who may want to abscond or others who trespass on school grounds. The team accompany learners to other venues connected with school as well. These volunteers perform a laudable task at no remuneration, solely for the safety of the children of the community. Any donation of a cool drink over the hot summer months would be greatly appreciated.
This year the theme for CANSA’s countrywide Relay for Life celebrations, is HOPE. Kleinmond can participate wholeheartedly because we have in this town and area a large number of people who can say: I have had cancer . . . . . .and I’m fine again! Een so ‘n persoon is Johan. Pas terug na ‘n vakansie in Natal in 1999, het sy gevoel van ongemak verander in akute pyn. ‘n Nood kolonoskopie het ‘n groot gewas in sy dikderm gevind en hy is dadelik geopereer. Baie kliere in die buik is ook verwyder en die opening vir ‘n stomasakkie in sy sy was iets ontstellends. Die spesialis het hom ‘n 50% kans op herstel gegee. Vir 6 maande lank was daar elke drie weke ook chemobehandeling en hy onthou die vreeslike moegheid. Geleidelik het
die hoop deurgebreek en in 2000 kon die hersteloperasie gedoen word. Die twee groter operasies het ‘n derde, herstel van 4 groot breuke veroorsaak. Vir ‘n tyd was daar nog gereelde ondersoeke maar vandag geniet Johan goeie gesondheid en speel hy ‘n groot rol in gesins-, kerk- en gemeenskapsaktiwiteite. “We learnt that the spouse of a patient is affected just as much, that you need to know the Source of your strength, you become involved in a whole new world of fellow sufferers and sometime may even play the role of encourager, you meet people with different philosophies of life. It was an enriching experience.” Let us Celebrate hope with CANSA on March 4 (Contact Dorenn 028 316 3678 for team entry forms.)
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 18
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 27
Links: Hier sit juffrou Eleanor Barry by haar besige graad 1 klassie vir 2017
IZICELO ZEMALI YESIBONELELO SIKARHULUMENTE SONYAKA-MALI WAMA-2017/18 Kunikwa eli thuba iintlangano namanye amaziko ukuba afake izicelo zemali yesibonelelo sikarhulumente kuMasipala wase-Overstrand ngenjongo yokuxhasa ngemali iiprojekthi zoluntu kummandla walo masipala ngonyaka-mali wama-2017/18. Ezo zicelo ziya kunikwa ingqwalasela phantsi koMgaqo-Nkqubo WeSibonelelo SeMali KaRhulumente kamasipala. Lo mgaqo-nkqubo kunye nefomu efanelekileyo yesicelo uyafumaneka kwijelo likamasipala elileli okanye unokucelwa kwi-Ofisi kaSodolophu okanye eyoMphathi wezoNxibelelwano. Iiprojekthi eziya kunikwa ingqwalasela yokufumana le mali yesibonelelo sikarhulumente kufuneka zihambisane nezinto ajolise kuzo, iinjongo, iinkqubo kunye nemisebenzi kaMasipala wase-Overstrand. Injongo kukuxhasa iintlangano zangaphandle ekuhambiseni iinkonzo ezinokuthanani noxanduva analo umasipala kuluntu, nokufaka isandla kuphuhliso loluntu kwanokuyila amaqhina obudlelwane obuhlala buhleli ukuze sikwazi ukuphumeza iinjongo zesiCwangciso SikaMasipala SezoShishino njengoko sandlalwe kwi-IDP. Lo mgaqo-nkqubo ukwavula amathuba okubonelelwa ngemali kwamaphulo adibeneyo kunye nee-arhente zangaphandle ngelokuhlangabezana neenjongo zophuhliso kurhulumente wezekhaya. Ziprojekthi eziphantsi koludidi kuphela eziyakunikwa ingqwalasela yokufumana isibonelelo semali sikarhulumente: ezempilo, ezendalo esingqongileyo, ezenkunkuma (ukucoca), uphuhliso lwentlalo yoluntu kwanezemidlalo nolonwabo, nceda ujonge incwadi yenkqubo “policy” yesicelo semali yesibonelelo “Grant-in-Aid” ukuba ufuna inkcazelo ethe vetshe. Ezi zicelo zifanele zifike kuthi engadlulanga uLwesiHlanu umhla woku-17 Febhuwari wama-2017, ekupheleni komsebenzi, ngentsimbi yesi-16h00. Ncede uthumele imbalelwano ziye kuMongameli: Wenkonzo zabasebenzi nakweyiphi idilesi kwezikhankanyiweyo ngezantsi ze ubhale ngokucacileyo ukuba sisicelo semali yesibonelelo. “Grant-in-Aid Applica on” Postal Address: Physical Address: PO Box 20 Overstrand Municipality Hermanus Corporate Head Office 7200 1 Magnolia Street Hermanus 7200 Izicelo ezifike imvakwexesha, nezingagqitywanga ukugcwaliswa kunye nezingathobeli ngokwesicelo azisayi kunikwa ngqalelo. Izicelo zabaxhamli zangaphambili abangazange bangenise iingxelo yokugqibela ebanzi aziyi kuqalaselwa. Umasipala unelungelo lokunganikezeli ngemali yesibonelelo kuyo nayiphi na okanye kuzo zonke iintlangano ezifaka izicelo zemali yesibonelelo. Imibuzo/nesicelo sefomu yesicelo nxibelelena no: Elize Verrij: kulenombolo: 028 313 8004, imeyili: no Gerhard Smit: kulenombolo: 028 313 8035, imeyili: UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA Isaziso 16/2017 Umhla we-24 ka Janyuwari wama-2017
Clean audit for Overstrand municipality Overstrand Municipality achieved an unqualified (clean) audit for the 2015/2016 financial year, which confirms its reputation as being one of the most financially sustainable and best managed municipalities in the Western Cape. This is the fourth consecutive year in the history of the Municipality that a clean audit has been achieved for good governance and financial management indicating effective management systems and proper internal controls that are in place. Executive Mayor Rudolph Smith thanked each and every employee of the Municipality for their dedicated contribution towards compliance with legislation and team work to retain the clean audit status. “The wealth of the Overstrand lies in its people and not only
Right: Ms Neliswa Twalinkomo has 41 new Grade 1s in her class. The receive their educa on in isi-Xhosa
Links: Hier sit me. Marquene e Gossen met haar graad 1’s van hierdie jaar.
in natural resources and he announced 2017 as the year of the official! “I want us to focus on the heart of service and see that our municipal values are not just reflected outwardly, but that it is also demonstrated in our internal structures. May 2017 be a year of prosperity and peace; and may we all discover true wealth through giving. Let us care and serve generously.” “I encourage staff to continue with the quality work performed over the past years and to be committed to maintaining the high standard of corporate governance.” He also congratulated the municipal manager, Coenie Groenewald and his management team for high standards that are maintained continuously. Burton van Staaden, Chairman
of the the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) , said it was good to see Overstrand reach this point of achieving a clean audit year after year, but cautioned officials to continue the hard work. He congratulated municipal officials on reports well prepared and thanked them for being responsive to issues raised as his committee has an oversight role to play to ensure accountability through auditing. He said “it is important to focus on maintaining this achievement going forward”. Gina Schultz, from the Auditor General’s office, applauded the efforts of the municipal leadership on the hard work it took to reach this milestone. She thanked municipal officials for their co-operation and
working closely with her team Schultz confirmed: • There were no findings of any material misstatements in the financial statements prepared by the Municipality in accordance with S122 of the MFMA. • There were no material findings of any instances of material non-compliance with specific matters in laws and regulations applicable to the Municipality. • There were no material findings on the annual performance report concerning the usefulness and the reliability of the reported performance information for the basic service delivery key performance area by the Municipality.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 26
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS-IN-AID FOR THE 2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR Herewith the opportunity is presented to organisa ons and other ins tu ons to submit applica ons to Overstrand Municipality for grants-in-aid for the purpose of suppor ng community projects in the municipal area financially in the course of the 2017/18 financial year. Such applica ons will be considered in terms of the municipality’s Grant-in-Aid Policy. This policy and the relevant applica on form are available on the Municipality’s website or can be requested. Projects that will be considered for a grant-in-aid should complement Overstrand Municipality’s goals, objec ves, programmes and ac ons. The objecve is to support external organisa ons in delivering services to communi es which fall within the municipality’s area of responsibility, to contribute towards community development. Only projects under the following categories will be considered for a grant-in-aid: health, environment, solid waste (cleansing), social development and sport and recrea on, please refer to the Grant-in-Aid policy for more detail. Applica ons should reach us by no later than Friday, 17 February 2017, at close of business, viz 16h00. Please address mailed applica ons to the Director: Management Services on any of the addresses below and clearly indicate that it is a Grant-in-Aid Applica on. Physical Address: Overstrand Municipality Corporate Head Office 1 Magnolia Street Hermanus 7200
Postal Address: PO Box 20 Hermanus 7200
No late, incomplete or non-compliant applica ons will be considered. Applica ons from previous beneficiaries who did not submit final comprehensive reports will not be considered. The Municipality reserves the right not to allocate a grant-in-aid to any or all organisa ons applying for grants. Enquiries / requests for applica on forms: Gerhard Smit: Tel: 028 313 8035; MUNICIPAL MANAGER No ce 16/2017 24 January 2017
Die groepie gr. 1’s ontvang onderrig in sowel Engels as Afrikaans by me. Delene Nel.
AANSOEKE OM HULPTOEKENNINGS VIR DIE 2017/18 BOEKJAAR Hiermee word geleentheid aan organisasies en ander instansies gebied om aansoeke vir finansiële hulptoekennings ter ondersteuning van gemeenskapsprojekte gedurende die 2017/18 boekjaar in die munisipale gebied van Munisipaliteit Overstrand in te dien. Sodanige aansoeke sal kragtens die bepalings van die Munisipaliteit se Hulptoekenningsbeleid oorweeg word. Dié beleid tesame met die voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm is op die munisipale webtuiste,, beskikbaar of kan aangevra word. Projekte wat vir hulptoekennings oorweeg sal word, moet die Munisipaliteit Overstrand se doelstellings, oogmerke, programme en aksies aanvul. Die doel is om eksterne organisasies te ondersteun met gemeenskapsprojekte wat binne die Munisipaliteit se area van verantwoordelikheid val, om gemeenskap ontwikkeling te bevorder. Slegs projekte onder die volgende kategorieë sal vir hulptoekennings oorweeg word: gesondheid, omgewing, vaste afval (reiniging), welsyn en maatskaplike ontwikkeling en sport en ontspanning, verwys asseblief na die Hulptoekenningsbeleid vir meer besonderhede. Aansoeke moet ons teen sakeslui ng, naamlik 16h00, op Vrydag 17 February 2017 bereik. Adresseer asseblief geposte aansoeke aan die Direkteur: Bestuursdienste by een van onderstaande adresse en dui duidelik aan dat dit n Aansoek vir n Hulptoekenning is. Fisiese Adres: Overstrand Munisipaliteit Korpora ewe Hoof Kantoor Magnolia Straat 1 Hermanus 7200
Pos Adres: Pos Bus 20 Hermanus 7200
Geen laat, onvolledig of onvoldoende aansoeke sal oorweg word nie. Aansoeke van vorige beguns gdes wat nie volledige finale verslae ingedien het nie sal nie oorweeg word nie. Die Munisipaliteit hou die reg voor om nie ’n hulptoekenning te maak aan enige of alle organisasies wat om toekenning aansoek doen nie. Navrae / versoeke vir aansoekvorms: Gerhard Smit: Tel: 028 313 8035; e-pos: MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Kennisgewing 16/2017 24 Januarie 2017
Me. Chrisda de Wit sit met haar gr. 1’s vir 2017 op die mat.
Bladsy 19
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 20
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Vosloo Electrical Worx Our services: Installations Fault findings Repairs Maintenance
Bladsy 25
Call or WhatsApp Ryan 076 504 9300 14DE STRAAT 17A POSBUS 327 KLEINMOND 7195
Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, EdiƟng & AdverƟsing: Melany Cedras Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: BçÝ®Ä ÝÝ «ÊçÙÝ / B Ý®¦« ® ÝçÙ Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679
Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00
Clean4u Overberg (Pty) Ltd
Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies x Huisverbeteringsprojekte x Verf (Binne & Buite) x Houtvloere x Dakke x Eco Rubber WaterdigƟng x Projekbestuur x Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
* " + ( + ! " #$ % , % ) $ % $ & '(% $) % - & & &
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Bladsy 24
Sure Shine
Stainless Steel
We restore, clean and maintain your stainless steel balustrade to its original luster.
Aandag! Mark! Pringlebaai CraĹŒ market het ‘n verskeidenheid arĆ&#x;kels naamlik verversings en ander ware. Kom besoek ons gerus in die Pringlebaai Gemeenskapsaal op 4 Feb en 4 Mrt.
Rooi Els We also do brass, aluminium and copper
Hermanus Contact: Herman- 082 584 3536
Neem asseblief kennis: Heinrich van Eeden is genoodsaak om dienslewering vanaf 77 10de Laan te staak tot verdere kennisgewing nadat ‘n klagte ingedien was by Overstrand Munisipaliteit. ‘n Groot dankie vir almal wat my ondersteun het oor die laaste 18 jaar. Dit was vir my ‘n voorreg om aan jul ‘n diens te lewer.
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 21
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 22
Overstrand Herald
26 Januarie 2017
Bladsy 23
R94.99 BUY 4 FOR
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All Gold Tomato Sauce 700ml
R13.99 Coca Cola, fanta Orange, Sprite or Stoney Ginger Beer (Excl.Diet and Zero Range) 2.25 litre
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While stocks lasts
While stocks lasts