Jaar skop af met skole atletiek
Nuwe familie-mark vir Kleinmond
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Genevieve Bosman
Nuwe kuns-en kos mark vir Kleinmond KLEINMOND – Die dorp gaan binnekort weer ‘n weeklikse kuns- en kosmark hê. Te midde van ‘n gestoei oor die wenslikheid al dan nie van die jaarlikse kersmark in die stadsaal, word daar hard agter die skerms gewerk om weer ‘n uitstal- en bymekaarkom plek vir plaaslike inwoners te skep. Die brein agter die nuwe plan is sakevrou en entrepreneur, Genevieve Bosman. Genevieve het vroeër op Hermanus gewoon, maar is deesdae ‘n Kleinmonder. Sy beskryf haarself as een van die grootste markie toeriste ter wêreld! “Ek was al
by die bestes in ons land en ek weet wat ek nie by ‘n mark wil sien nie en wat skort by markies en waarom sommige suksesvol is en ander doodloop.” Haar passie is mense, lekker kos, gesellige kuiers, kinders en die buitelewe. Sy vertel sy het na baie oorweging en navorsing besluit om haar te vestig in Kleinmond, want dit is hier waar sy besef het dat daar ‘n behoefte is om mense bymekaar te bring. “Kleinmond het geen sentrum waar alle mense gesellig kan ontspan nie. Daar is nie ‘n gemeenskaplike sportgrond (Vervolg op bl 3)
Overstrand Herald (Vervolg van bl 2) nie. Die winkeleienaars is dit eens dat Kleinmond voete nodig het.” Daarom het sy besluit dat die Mthimkhulu Village in die hoofstraat die perfekte tuiste sal wees vir die beoogde Kleinmond Arts, Crafts & Food Market. Genevieve sê die wêreld oor druk die ekonomie en moet mense maniere vind om hul inkomste aan te vul. Markies skep die geleentheid vir mense om dit te doen en het die mooiste handewerk, kuns, gebak en oorspronklike idees tot gevolg. “Die Kleinmond Markie gaan ‘n tuiste wees vir Overbergers en Kapenaars waar hulle hul kuns, kos, klere en allerlei aan die inwoners en binnelandse en buitelandse toeriste ten toon kan stel. Die mark gaan voorlopig elke Sondag plaasvind by die Mthimkhulu Village vanaf 10:00 tot 14:00. Mthimkhulu beteken “Groot Boom” “Hoë, ou Bloekombome wat baie skaduwee bied, baie parkering, speelruimte vir kinders, ‘n amfiteater vir kunstenaars en gehore en staanplek vir 85 - 150 stalletjies. Elke laaste Sondag van die maand gaan daar ‘n tema wees. Goed soos “Cars in the park” waar jy jou motor parkeer as jy dit wil verkoop of ‘n uitstalling van veteraan motors. Genevieve sê hulle beplan goed soos 4x4 en toerisme uitstallings . Daar gaan spitbraai en potjiekos gemaak word met rustige musiek in die agtergrond. Hulle wil fokus op familie
28 Januarie 2016 vermaak. Dus gaan daar hope doengoed vir die kinders wees soos waterballe, gesigverf, kerse maak, klimraam, treintjie, ponieritte, kraleryg, ens. “Ons gaan sover moontlik plaaslike produkte bemark. Olyfprodukte, brood, kaas, gebak, ens. Ons het reeds uitstallers wat juwele, klere en skoene gaan verkoop. Daar gaan ook vars plaasprodukte soos groente, eiers, kruie, tuisgemaakte wors wees. Ons gaan die Overberg gebeurtenisse in ag neem - soos die Cansa Walk, Blommefees, Kalfiefees, Whale Festival, Foot of Africa Race, Cape Epic en groot skool sportdae. So indien hulle van ver kom, het mense meer om te doen.” Sy sê plaaslike organisasies gaan ook voordeel trek uit die markie. KAWS gaan ‘n stalletjie hê en hulle gaan hulle gewig ingooi by Mthimkulu se ECD (Early Childhood Development) - Smartkids projek. “ ‘n Persentasie van ons opbrengs gaan aangewend word om hierdie projek te ondersteun. Daar is 41 kinders tussen die ouderdomme van 3 - 5 jaar uit alle groepe in hierdie skool waarvan sommige gestremd is. Fondse is broodnodig om die skool en terrein asook leermiddels op te gradeer.” Die plan is om die eerste mark op 28 Februarie te hou. Indien jy meer inligting oor die projek wil hê kontak vir Genevieve by 028 271 3300 / 072 600 6052 of jy kan haar epos by gbassonbosman@gmail.com
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Narrative Foundation help herinneringe behou KLEINMOND - Die Narrative Foundation in samewerking met Fynbosdienssentrum bied ‘n projek vir bejaardes aan. Een van die programme van 2015 was om hulle lewensverhale op video op te neem. Die dvds is verlede week aan hulle oorhandig. Voor: Anna Theunissen, Martha Kies, Sera Prins en Miena Baadjies Agter: Melanie Wiles (Fynbos), Elizabeth Prins, Maria Prins, Heleen Sliep (Narrative Foundation).
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
Art fun with kids
In the November 19 issue of The Herald last year, there was an article about the Overstrand Child and Youth Care Centre. The article stated, “The overall aim of the [Youth Centre] project is to provide residential care to children in need of care and protection between the 6 and 14 years of age. To protect the interests, well-being, safety and development of children within the context of family and community and to safeguard the rights of children.” The article also expressed the need for financial donations and items. However, children have other needs in addition to material needs. Last year I visited the Youth Centre and decided that I wanted to help in whatever way I can to improve their lives and the environment they live in. We managed to raise money to paint the boundary wall of the Centre to make it a more colourful space, and it looks great! Colour brings hope. We would now like to create opportunities for these kids to get involved in some art activities. Having something like art and creative expression is a great outlet and a wonderful way to spend their free time. Who knows, we might discover a Van Gogh or Michelangelo! In order to accomplish this, I need your help! Many of you
have already helped or indicated that you want to in one way or the other. At the moment I am looking for donations such as paint, brushes, plastic or Styrofoam holders for paint, canvasses, aprons or old t-shirts (to cover their clothes) or a financial contribution. I’m also hoping for a group of volunteers who would be willing to offer their time to take turns running or supervising these activities now and again so that the children can have a regular art activity to look forward to. Their worlds are filled with so much uncertainty and instability, and it’s important that this will be a stable and regular part of their lives that they can look forward to. Children are the future of this country, and as the saying goes, “it takes a whole village to raise a child.” I hope that we can come together as a community to come alongside these children who, through no fault of their own, have had a very rough start in life. We may not be able to change the whole world, but we can bring change where we are. If you would like to help, please contact me. It is that easy to change our worldJ This activity will be on a Friday afternoon at 3pm, starting 19th February. Martie Kruger at 0767318291 or marthakruger@mac.com
Volunteers painted the walls with the money raised, and donated a new entrance sign.
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za
Nog ‘n koppie? Lekker kos Ek dink ‘n mens se eetgewoontes verklap dalk dikwels hoe jy grootgeword het. Seker nie altyd nie, maar dis ‘n aanduiding. Ek hou nie van ryk kos nie. Ek hou nie van kos wat in olie gebraai is nie en ek het maar eers met tyd geleer om koek en tert en soetgoed te eet. Vleis, rys en aartappels kan my maar verbygaan. Maar kêrels, vat groente en slaai weg, en ek het ‘n probleem!
Ek eet heel gewillig sekere van ons seegoggatjies en sommige is nogal baie lekker, maar indien dit van my afgehang het, sou daar verseker ‘n perlemoenontploffing aan ons kuslyn wees. Ek vermoed ek is dalk te onnosel om te weet dis lekker, maar perlemoen kan my maar verbygaan. O, ek was tog altyd so lief vir brood! So met die ouer word kry mens mos nou allerhande skete by en brood en ek kan nie meer
sulke goeie maatjies wees nie. Af en toe, dan roep die brood te hard en ek eet ‘n snytjie of wat, maar ek het al mooi geleer om nie oorboord te gaan nie. In die huis waarin ek grootgeword het, het my ma buite die huis gewerk. Ons moes vinnig-vinnig leer om van ronde handjies ontslae te raak. En tog kon my ma sekere disse maak waaroor ander net kan droom. Sy het ‘n skaapboud gemaak dat hy van die been afval. Sy is een van die min mense waar-van ek weet wat met Kersfees regtig ‘n hele kalkoen met twee soorte vulsel kon gaarmaak. Wanneer sy bobotie gemaak het, wou almal meer hê. Die nagereg wat haar elke keer komplimente gebring het, was ‘n brandewyntert. Vir die res het ons maar geëet wat op die bord was, of ons het in die kombuis gehelp. Die wat nie help nie, eet nie! Vir my pa moes daar altyd ‘n slaai of ten minste tamatie op die tafel wees, en ek vermoed dis daar waar ek geleer het: kos is nie kos sonder slaai en/ of groente nie. Op ‘n keer het ek in st. 5 geelsug gehad en vir drie weke het ek elke middag vars slaai en ‘n stukkie oond-geroosterde steak
Bladsy 8 gehad. Mensig, dit was lekker! Dis nou nog vir my lekker. Mense is redelik kos-bedot deesdae en elkeen wat ‘n eier kan bak, voel dit my, wil ‘n boek daaroor skryf. Nie nie dat dit my pla nie, ek geniet kosboeke, solank daar prentjies by is om jou verbeelding en smaakkliere te stimuleer. Ek hou nie van bak nie, want jy moet streng by die resep hou, terwyl, indien jy kook of slaai maak, jy eintlik maar kan aangaan soos die gees jou lei. Meditereense disse is mý soort kos. Natuurlik saam met die nodige glas wyn. En onder ‘n sambreel is dit net sóveel smaakliker en, ag, stylvol. Dan raak die hele eetritueel ‘n ervaring en die kos kom tot sy reg. Ons raak almal gewoond daaraan om voor die TV te sit en die kos in te prop. Gedurende die afgelope twee maande het ons besoekers gehad en dan of uitgeëet of gesellig buite gesit en gekuier. Alles het net soveel lekkerder gesmaak. Dit het nou maar net weer eens aan my bevestig dat gewone kos buitengewoon kan raak met die regte atmosfeer en geselskap. Bring daai groentetjies! Bon Appetit!
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
Bladsy 9
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
Saam kan ons ‘n oplossing vind As nuwe inwoner (2 jaar) maar permanent, het ek en my man, ons besighede en lewe kom verruil vir ‘n rustiger leefstyl in hierdie pragtige dorp, Kleinmond. Ons groot liefde vir kuns en kultuur kan nou eindelik beoefen word! Gou het ek agtergekom, dat hier nie veel of geen geleenthede is waar handwerk en kunsartikels uitgestal kan word nie. Jou produkte moet by groter plekke soos Somerset-Wes of Hermanus se markte uitgestal word. Met besigheidskennis en as kreatiewe persoon, volg ek dus met groot belangstelling, die aktiwiteite van Kleinmond. Met groot opwinding woon ons toe 11 Desember 2015 se mark en aanskakeling van liggies by….. soos geadverteer. Wat ‘n groot teleurstelling! Soos ek verstaan, was dit op kort kennisgewing gereël. Persoonlik dink ek dit skep ‘n baie swak beeld van
Kleinmond. Hier is beslis baie talentvolle persone! Ek verstaan heeltemal dat die betrokke besighede, wat vroeër moes toemaak, de joos in was. Soos laas week berig, is die Desember Kersmark, vir my ook onverstaanbaar. Gou het ek ook agtergekom, dat dit nie vir die plaaslike kreatiewe persone is nie. Uitstallers, kom van heinde en verre en vergeet maar van plaaslikes om ooit op ‘n lys of in aanmerking te kom. Besighede is weereens baie vies, maar ek dink baie ander kreatiewe kunstenaars, voel ook so. Desember is Kleinmond se winsgewindste tyd. Nou word dit als ontneem van besighede en plaaslike uitstallers, wat hul winste moet weggee aan buitestaanders! Terloops, kort na ons aankoms, 2 jaar gelede, is ek in ‘n baie talentvolle pragtige damesgroep, met ope arms verwelkom. Die groep van +-
10 dames, is uiters talentvol en vervaardig verskeie soorte handgemaakte produkte wat skilder, naaldwerk, breiwerk, mosaik, ens insluit. Dit is van uiters goeie gehalte en is ek seker hier baie meer talentvolle handwerkers en kunstenaars, wat graag sou wou uitstal. Na 2 jaar, beskou ek myself dus as ‘n volwaardige Kleinmonder. Hoewel baie my seker nie ken nie en seker nie net blindelings kan vertrou nie, sou ek graag
Bladsy 10 wou sien dat daar vir almal ‘n oplossing sal wees. Die munisipaliteit, besighede, kreatiewe kunstenaars, ens moet saamstaan en ‘n manier vind, wat Kleinmond en sy mense kan bevoordeel. Alleen kan niemand dit doen nie, maar staan saam, staan op vir jou regte in Kleinmond en gee elkeen wat hom toekom. Hiermee, wil ek die bal aan die rol sit…. Annetjie Gouws
Dorpsbestuurder beantwoord vrae oor motorfiets byeenkoms Kleinmond se dorpsbestuurder, mnr Desmond Lakey kon nie verlede week, weens die kort kennisgewing, reageer op die Herald se berig oor die verhoogde tariewe wat die organiseerders van die jaarlikse motorfiets byeenkoms by die Palmiet karavaanpark moet betaal nie. Hy het intussen wel geantwoord: “Die tariewe is verhoog om dit in lyn te bring met die heersende tariewe vir munisipale karavaanparke. Dit moet in gedagte gehou word dat die ganse karavaanpark vir die volle naweek aan die motorfiets groep toegeken word. Die bedrag wat gehef is, verteenwoordig ‘n 50% afslag op die totale tarief wat deur die groep betaalbaar is, ooreenkomstig die Munisipaliteit se Tariewe Lys vir groepbesprekings. Hierdie tariewe is deur die Raad goedgekeur en het ek as die gedelegeerde amptenaar ongelukkig nie die bevoegdheid
om ‘n verdere korting toe te staan nie. Die feit dat die bou van ‘n lapa belowe is, maak ongelukkig geen verskil aan die betaling van die vasgestelde tariewe nie en mag ten beste neerkom op ‘n liefdadigheidsgebaar. Die bou van die beloofde lapa het ongelukkig vir die afgelope aantal jare nog nie gerealiseer nie en word dit betwyfel of dit ooit sal realiseer. Die karavaanpark moet ook telkemale na die saamtrek opgeruim word van rommelstrooiery, veral sigaretstompies. Ons paaie in die karavaanpark word ook met lelike letsels gelaat as gevolg van toertjies wat met motorfietse uitgehaal word op die teeroppervlaktes. Dit is uiteraard nie ons wens om enige kliënt in die proses te verloor nie, maar moet ons terselfdertyd ook waak teen enige inkonsekwente administratiewe optrede.”
Padwerke/Obstruksie Ek wonder watter kontrakteurs is so mal om die verkeer vanaf die N2 Noord na Hermanus/ Kleinmond by die Botrivier brug te dwing om Botrivier binne te gaan. Daarna is daar geen aanduiding hoe om by Kleinmond/Hermanus uit te kom nie! Dis absoluut verregaande,
onverantwoordelik, onbedagsaam en gewoon onbeholpe. Hul verdien om in die pad gesteek te word. Hoe lank moet dit hul neem om die kort stukkie pad tussen Salandra en Botrivier reg te kry (nie dat dit iets makeer het nie!)? WA Krige
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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10% drop in agricultural production, DA Western Cape wants help for farms hurt by fires Hundreds of Western Cape farmers have suffered damages after fires wreaked havoc on vineyards in Stellenbosch, Overberg, Simonsberg and Kogelberg. The latest estimates suggests a 10% drop in agricultural production, and that agricultural employees in rural areas are already severely affected. Seasonal farmworkers are particularly at risk, as fires rage and the drought bites. The fires
in the Winelands are said to be the worst in over 30 years, and on Friday 3 000 hectares of vegetation and vineyards were destroyed. On one farm alone, close to 100 tons of grapes were lost. In the face of this, the DA said in a press release this week, it is deeply concerning that the National Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, is reluctant to declare the situation in the Western
New teachers
Kleinmond Primary School has welcome three new educators to their staff. They are from left: Ms Linda Gova for the Gr. 5 isi-Xhosa class; Ms Marquenette Goosen Gr. 3, and Ms Akhona Nqubula for the Gr. R isi-Xhosa class.
Cape a national disaster. The situation is already a crisis, but it could get worse if national government does not take it more seriously. “We will not only see the effect on farmworkers and farmers, but also on the consumer who will have to face increasing in food prices.� According to the DA the Western Cape Department of Agriculture is already doing everything in its power to alleviate the burdens caused by fires and the drought. On Friday, the Minister
of Economic Opportunities, Agriculture and Tourism, Alan Winde, tabled a report on the anticipated impact of the drought in a meeting of MECs from all provinces and the national Minister. On Monday the department commenced an impact assessment of the recent fires on the agriculture sector. The department will present the outcome of this impact assessment to the Standing Committee on the 3rd February.
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Laerskool Kleinmond se kleuresport Verlede Saterdag, 23 Januarie, het die jaarlikse atletiekbyeenkoms van Laerskool Kleinmond op die skool se rugbyvelde in heerlike sonnige weer plaasgevind. Die goue span en die blou span het mekaar weer eens die stryd aangesê
en die mededinging tussen die twee spanne was heerlik om te aanskou. Die blou span was die wenners van die dag. Daar is 3 rekords verbeter deur Zack Coetzer en Enya Zipfel. (sien foto) Zack Coetzer (gr. 7) is ook aangewys as die Victor Ludo-
rum en Enya Zipfel (gr. 5) het die Victrix Ludorum ontvang. Die skool is baie dankbaar vir ‘n anonieme skenker wat jaarliks medaljes skenk vir die eerste drie atlete wat die meeste punte in elke ouderdomsgroep ontvang. Atlete wat die beste in elke
ouderdomsgroep was, het ook ‘n sertifikaat ontvang. Hierdie pryse is by die saalbyeenkoms uitgedeel. Die atlete wat goed presteer het, neem op Vrydag, 5 Februarie, deel aan die Walkerbaai byeenkoms by Laerskool Hermanus.
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Kleinmond PrimĂŞr hou interhuis
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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International travellers rate Western Cape hotels as world’s best Millions of international travellers have selected the Western Cape’s hotels as among the best in the world. Accommodation establishments across the province have won Tripadvisor’s Travellers Choice Awards. The list is based on ratings by millions of real travellers. It recognizes the best hotels in over 90 countries. Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities, has congratulated the four
establishments in our region which made the list. Blackheath Lodge in Three Anchor Bay was named as one of the Top 25 Hotels for Service. One guest said: “It is the perfect location to explore Cape Town and the surrounding vineyards. The perfect place to enjoy the sun, read, relax, nap or whatever it takes to rejuvenate, all while being pampered.” 2inn1 Kensington in Gardens was selected as one of the world’s
Top 25 Small Hotels, with one guest describing it as a “stylish hotel”, with “excellent service”. Villa Afrikana Guest Suites is also one of the Top 25 Small Hotels. One tourist said the Knysna property offered the “best stay in South Africa”. The Garden House in Franschhoek was recognised as one of the Top 25 B&B and Inns. Visitors praised the establishment’s hospitality. Minister Winde said the awards signalled another
great year for the Western Cape’s tourism sector. “We’re still in the middle of our peak tourism season and early indications suggest that several attractions are experiencing an increase in visitor numbers. I commend these hotels for garnering excellent publicity for themselves and for our destination as a whole. The world-class service we offer our visitors is definitely a key factor in repeat visits.”
Top achievers’ advice for acing matric and first year studies As matric celebrations die down and the Class of 2016 start their last year of school, taking a little time to bed down a solid routine can mean the difference between failure and success, an education expert says. “These past weeks have seen many celebrations and accolades afforded to the top matriculants of 2015. When considering what made them get to the top, there is one thing that really stands out – routine,” says Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information Technology at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education institution. “Almost without exception, these high achievers, regardless of their backgrounds, credited being organised and focused on their goals as being key to their success,” she says. Payne says both this year’s matrics as well as students preparing to enter higher education for the first time can make their lives much easier, and their studies more successful, if they set in place a solid structure to support them in the coming year. “Now is the ideal time for them to make resolutions about committing to their future success and structuring their learning,” she says. Payne says the following steps will assist learners and students
to do their very best in the coming year: 1. The first step to being organised is identifying your goals for the year, she says. “These goals should be realistic and achievable. It’s a good idea to write down your goals and display them where you can see them every day. This reminder of your goals will become your mantra for the year. Never lose focus of your goals, as they will drive and motivate you through the tough times.” 2. Ensure you have a dedicated study area with good lighting. “A desk or table in a quiet room or corner is preferable if possible. You will require some stationery as well. A variety of pens, highlighters and notepads will be sufficient. Studying on your bed or on the couch is not conducive for a productive study session. You will slouch, your notes will be difficult to manage and you will inevitably become lethargic and sleepy. “If you do not have access to a dedicated space, investigate the options at your institution as well as public libraries. Search for and identify a space that works for you, and schedule your study times around opening and closing times.”
3. Realistically consider your weekly schedule. “If you have certain days when you are committed to part-time work, sport, a cultural activity or a regular event such as a weekly dinner with a friend, then work these into your schedule,” says Payne. “Do not eliminate all outside interests and events as this will make you bored and demotivated. It’s important to maintain life-balance and schedule outside interests into your learning plan. However be picky about what you allow into your valuable schedule and what not. Nightly visits to the pub, for instance, will not help you at all.” 4. Begin early in the academic year with your schedule and maintain the pace. “Each day after class, make summaries of what was covered in class. These will become the core of your study notes closer to the exams. Preparing for each class beforehand can contribute significantly to being successful. That way you’re able to ask your teacher or lecturer pertinent questions and further embed the knowledge in your
memory. “Make it a routine. Don’t think about whether you will or won’t do it. Like brushing your teeth, daily revision is something that just will be done – no ifs, buts or maybes.” 5. Keep a logical filing system for your study notes. Consider creating individual files/folders for each subject. Whether these are electronic or physical files it is important to maintain order and structure. “Start your year as you hope to finish, and keep focused. This is a very important year, and you will have plenty of time to relax at the end of it. Many of the top matric achievers have spoken about their determination and sacrifice, which if you follow in their footsteps, will make this the year that sets you up for a bright future. “These star matrics gave up weekends, holidays and evenings to achieve their goals and in many instances reap the rewards of bursaries for their chosen field of study. “Know that your discipline and dedication will pay off at the end of the year, when your excellent results enable you to choose your preferred course of study and career path.”
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Cook off finalists announced
This event is set to become a sought after annual culinary treasure in the town of Kleinmond. The number of entries received was much higher than anticipated, and the quality of the entrants was unbelievable. The auditions took place in the harbour on 12th December 2015, and saw 14 contestants make it through to the semifinal. KabelJoe’s stepped up to the plate and offered a R15 000 first prize which shows the restaurant’s commitment to tourism as well as their belief in our town, Kleinmond. The Harbour Road Cook off has expert chef, Reuben Riffel (our very own masterchef), as the face behind the competition. All funds raised are for a very worthy local charity – KAWS, Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society. The final six were announced last night at a private get together at Joe Lategan Gallery in Harbour Road, where the final 6 received the much anticipated news of who made it through. The standard of cooking blew the judges away and they decided that the level was so high that all 6 who attended the function made it through to the finals, which are being judged by Reuben Riffel and mystery judges. The final six who will fight it out for the R15 000 are: Zandre Crouse Dayne Nel Annetjie Emge Lee Ludick Renay Makka Morongwe Mohlafuno We had some interesting entries for the first Harbour Road cook off and next year and the following years we plan to grow it into a National event. – Joe Lategan
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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ROLBAL: BESIGHEIDSLIGA / BUSINESS LEAGUE Newcomers shine in second round KLEINMOND – Spar A is still in the lead with last year’s winners, Jigsimur, close on their heels. Newcomers, Alimento have jumped into third position with Allrounders just pipping another new side, Caprichem, into fourth place in Section A. Afdeling B se leier is ‘n nuweling, naamlik Du Preez-Stegmann, met Bayside in tweede plek en Whale Tail derde. Die Gholfklub lê vierdie met drie ander spanne net agter hulle met dieselfde telling, maar net agter op aantal skote. Vandag (28 Jan) is baie belangrik LOGS A Spar A 25(+37) 2. Jigsimur 24(+31) 3. Alimento 21(+16) 4. Allrounders 20(+11) 5. Caprichem 20(+20) 6. Bouhandel 19(+11) 7. KM Self Catering 17(-1) 8. Municipality 16 (+6) 9. Xplore 15(+10) 10. Pudding&Pie 15(-8) 11. KM Pharmacy 14(+4) 12. Hooofpad 14(0)
om te bepaal wie vir die volgende drie weke in die twee afdelings gaan speel. Ná vandag se spel word die onderste twee spanne in Afdeling A na Afdeling B oorgeplaas, en die booonste twee spanne in Afdeling B skuif oor na Afdeling A. An unusual occurrence in the second round match between Sharpa and the Golf Club was that each team won five of the ten ends by only one shot each end. Their score cards both read 5 for and five against, shot difference 0, points 7. B 1. Du Preez-Stegmann 14(-15) 2. Bayside 13(-5) 3. Whale Tail 12(-5) 4. Golf Club 11(-5) 5. Sharpa 11(-6) 6. ABSA 11(-11) 7. Spar B 11(-21) 8. Tennis Club 0(-7) 9. Pep Stores 5(-8) 10. Jukskei 6(-11) 11. Chas Everitt 5(-8) 12. Guthrie&Theron 4(-20)
Odd numbered teams play as per log order in the next round today (28 January) See you all on the greens! - Alan
United Netball KLEINMOND – The local United Netball Club have training sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. They welcome players of any
age to train with them. To join is FREE. The club will have a disco on Friday the 29/01/2016 as a fund-raiser. (Lee Ashman)
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
Young drama learners Micayla Mollentze (left) and LuchuanĂŠ Hechter from Laerskool Kleinmond did very well in their recent drama examinations of the London
Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. LuchuanĂŠ attained 85% in her Level Award for Acting Gr 3. Micayla attained 80% in Speaking Verse Gr 2.
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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28 Januarie 2016
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28 Januarie 2016
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28 Januarie 2016
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28 Januarie 2016
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
Dringend opsoek na 2 slaapkamer huis in Kleinmond of Bettysbaai en dierevriendelik. Skakel 079 527 2896 Op soek na ‘n ¾ bed met kopstuk + pas en plat lakens. Skakel 028 271 3093 / 074 855 8595 Nezi is looking for housekeeping work every day. Has reference Hazel 084 941 2626. Phone 073 783 8246 Felicia is looking for domestic or cleaning work any day of the week. Phone 073 858 7683 Natasha is looking for domestic work any day of the week. Reference 082 582 7320. Phone 083 766 0297 Nosango Sweetness is looking for housekeeping / babysitting and cleaning work any day of the week. Phone 073 463 6685 Selinah is looking for domestic work Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Has reference 072 699 8486 / 079 899 3511. Phone 078 240 8268 Tweede handse Windbuks. Skakel 083 303 5464 Portia is looking for cleaning or ironing work Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Has reference 076 814 4061. Phone 060 452 3372 Letwin is looking for babysitting or cleaning work any day of the week. Has reference. Phone 083 504 7171 Op soek na betroubare motor om te koop. Tot en met R30’000. Skakel Mike by 082 553 2914
Netjiese 2 sitplek wit KoriKraft bank R990. Skakel 076 204 4426 Bosch yskas – tans in gebruik R1000. Skakel 028 273 8487 Klawerbord in goeie werkende toestand met heelwat ritme verstellings R450. Skakel 028 271 8015 / 072 178 9516 Mans fiets R500. Skakel 028 271 3093 / 074 855 8595 Akkerhout sitkamerstel (2x 2 sitplekbank / 2x 1 sitplekbank) met koffietafel. Server tafel (eetkamer) Pine koffie tafel. Skakel 083 657 9156 Verkoping van kombuis toerusting op Saterdag 30 Januarie vanaf 09:00 – 16:00 – De Vosstraat Palmiet. Skakel 028 271 3454 TV kas met baie pakplek R2000. 2x Kroegstoele (hout) R80 elk. Musiekstaander R100. Ronde houttafel R30. 2x Embuia T-Poys (side table) R400 elk. Wasgoedmandjie R40. Skakel 072 455 8914 / 082 829 6128 Kombuiskas R350. Sitkamer gordyne R100 elk. Stortdeur R350. Skakel 082 579 2580
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Xpanda Saftida with slamlock (brown) 840 wide x 2m high. Large chest freezer. Lawnmower. Meranti voordeur met raam. Skakel 082 563 9050 2x 51cm Tv’s R500. Nat en droog stofsuier R350. Motorhuis te huur Bettysbaai R1500. Skakel 082 927 8385 Nuwe lamskerms R20 elk. Wall mounting vir TV R50. Shanti Mat (Stress & pain) R80. Hawskins verlanking masjien (battery) R400. 6 Pine bar stoele 62cm hoog sonder lenings R60 elk. Skakel 079 534 3877 Renault Clio 2006 - Silver 1.4 16 Valve new tyres - Service history R37000. Phone 028 271 8030 Blou gestofferde 2 sitplek bank. Vou oop in dubbelbed matras. Baie goeie toestand. Prys: R600. Asook rottang “rocking chair” gemaak deur Petreanze. Prys: R500. Skakel 072 805 4804 Elektriese Waring versapper aangebied in ruil vir ‘n broodmasjien. Skakel 028 271 5918 Patroondoppies 308 WIN PMP een maal gebruik. Maak ‘n bod! Goeie 2de handse mans/damesklere. Wit tafeldoeke (damas) R70 elk. Allerhande huisware – kom kyk en koop! Skakel 084 517 6664 / 083 703 0227 2de handse boumateriaal. Binne deure met slotte goeie toestand, Buite dubbel deur met raam glas bo, handwasbakke met standers en krane soos nuut, stortdeure, hout lessenaar. Kom maak ‘n aanbod. Skakel 083 770 7787
‘n Yorkie het Saterdag verlore geraak in 10de Laan. Beloning. Kontak asseblief Anelde Maritz 084 318 0596
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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The Bay Christian Family Church Kleinmond Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 8:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 06:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For information regarding registrations for 2015 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone Institute contact: 072 511 2311 (Antionette) Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 8th Avenue 37, Kleinmond Wednesdays: 20:00 “The word of God goes where no man can go. It does what no man can do, and it change when you don’t even think you need change” Victor 083 327 6753 / Adine 072 717 9075 A.G.S HEAL THE LAND Hoofweg 68, Kleinmond Pastoor Tewis De Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 / Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 Kinderdiens Woensdagaande 19:00 Jeug (C.R.C) Donderdagaande 19:00 Biduur en Bybelstudie. Almal welkom HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome
LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI H/v Serruria en Watsonia Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik uit na ons byeenkoms elke Sondag om 18:00: Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Brindley Pritchard 083 459 8903. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê.
Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Almal is welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond elke Sondagoggend 09:30. Navrae by Manie 082 331 3552 / 028 271 5592 of Gerrit 083 251 6039 / 028 271 3221 VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19H00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Debbie Hull: 083 529 7265 Jeug byeenkoms om 18H00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 9H00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19H00;
09:30 Kerkgebou 08:30 Kerksaal 09:00 Sentrum, Bettysbaai
Ds. Ben de Wet Ds. Steven Sass Ds. Nico Rabe
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Dr Chris Malan LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 Prayer meeting Tuesdays at 08:00 / Sunday Servies time at 09:30 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9901 / 028 272 9996 / 028 272 9875 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 and Sunday School (two groups) Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707.Andrew Arendse 079 322 2357. Dienstye: 1ste Sondag 10:00 Morning Prayer; 2de Sondag: 10:00 Holy Eucharist / 3de Sondag: 10:00 Morning Prayer 4de Sondag: 07:30 Holy Eucharist / 5th Sunday Family Service: 10:00 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday Sundayschool 09:00 Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540 Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146 Priest Father Vincent Bastiaan 073 014 5149/028 284 9772 PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 17:30 Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father Pierre Goldie 078 824 5411 DEUTSCHE EV.-LUTH.KIRCHENGEMEINDE STELLENBOSCH Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zum Gottesdienst mit Heiligem Abendmahl jeweils um 15h30 im Hause Kiessling Harbour Road 19 Kleinmond Gottesdienste 2016: 24/01/2016 03/04/2016 29/05/2016 24/07/2016 25/09/2016 04/12/2016
Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
29 & 30 Januarie: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08:30-13:00 in Tweede-straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260/ 072 778 0249. Sosiale tennis op die Kleinmond Tennisbane word gespeel op Woensdae, Saterdae en vakansiedae vanaf 14:00. Almal welkom. Besoekersfooi op Saterdae R20 & Woensdae R10. 28 January: AGM Friends of the Hangklip Library at 10:00 in Betty`s Bay Library. ALL WELCOME to share ideas/suggestions for 2016! 28 Januarie: A J V Vriende van die Hangklip Biblioteek: 26 om 10h30 Bettysbaai Biblioteek. ALMAL WELKOM om idees/voorstelle vir 2016 te deel! Wykskomiteevergaderings / Ward Committee Meetings: Wyk 9: 9 Februarie 2016 om 16:00 in die Stadsaal, Kleinmond Ward 9: 9 February 2016 at 16:00 in the Town Hall, Kleinmond Wyk 10: 11 Februarie 2016 om 15:00 in die Jeugsentrum, Proteadorp Ward 10: 11 February 2016 at 1500 in the Youth Centre, Proteadorp 4 Februarie: Lieflappers Kwilt en Laslappiegroep vergader om 09:30 by Kleinmond Rolbalklubhuis. Almal welkom. Beginners en onsekeres ons sal julle baie gou touwys maak. Gwen Coetzee 028 272 9057 / 079 673 8882 4 Februarie: Kleinmond Senior Burger Klub se eerste byeenkoms vir die jaar vind plaas in die N.G.Kerksaal om 15h00. Dit gaan ‘n gesellige KEN MEKAAR wees met tee en verversings. Bring jul vriende saam. Almal welkom. Kontak nr. 0824455962 Marietjie. 12 Februarie: Fynbos Dienssentrum Valentynsdag 3 gangete om 12:00 @ R65.00 pp. Bespreek kaartjies by Fynbos 028 271 3602 kantoorure 08:00 – 14:00. Bring asseblief u eie drankies, glase sal verskaf word.
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Overstrand Herald
28 Januarie 2016
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Verlede jaar is daar besluit om die jaarlikse Gemengde Pare Klubkompetisie te vervang met ‘n Geselekteerde Pare Klubkompetisie. Entrants select their own teams in any format (one man and one lady, or two ladies or two men) Die voorwaarde is dat een deelnemer moet uit Groep A gekies word en die spanmaat uit Groep B, volgens klubgraderings. Groep A sal wees Skippers en Derdes en Groep B, Tweedes and Leis.
This competition started off on 20 January 2016. The following teams were in action: Thys Smuts and Elma Visagie v/s Alan Deitchman and Peter Davidson 18 – 21 Ockie Marais and Alan Bruwer v/s Kallie de Kock and Cai Classen 17 – 18 Phillip Grham and Monet Meyer v/s Cor Jansen van Vuuren and Johan Carstens 29 – 08 Op 21 Januarie 2016 het die volgende pare kragte gemeet:
Christa Steenkamp en Paul Kestens v/s Jan Stubbe en Willem Theron 24 – 07 Valerian Strydom en Irene Cawood v/s Roy Galloway en Bekkie Galloway 10 – 45 Graham Utton en Chris Lombard v/s Wynand Neethling en Pieter de Jager 14 – 22 Hubert Bock en Roelf Beukes v/s Marius Schutzler en Roland Tarr 13 – 21 Emile de Toit en Elsabe Liebenberg v/s Tiki Rossouw en Ingrid Erasmus 14 – 17
Alhoewel die Besigheidsliga sterk aan die gang is, wil ons almal herinner dat die Sundowner Bowls nog steeds elke Vrydagmiddag plaasvind. Follow us on our facebook page (kleinmond bowls/rolbal) to see the Business teams in action. Just a reminder that this coming Sunday is “Sunday Bowls Bring and Braai” Come and enjoy the day with us. Bring your family and friends, time is 11:30 for 12:00 and it is R10pp.