Insider's Guide
to Hangklip/Kleinmond 2016 • Luilekker op Hangklip-Kleinmond se 7 strande • 10 staproetes om aan te durf • 5 Plekke vir ‘n romantiese piekniek • 8 things to discover in Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens • Hangklip-Kleinmond’s wild 6 • Lekker eet en kuier: Geniet ‘n ete met ‘n uitsig • 4 Wine farms to discover • 12 things to discover in Harbour Road
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 2
voorbereid, Festive greetings Wees wees waaksaam, from the Mayor wees verantwoordelik
Shortly, we’ll be ringing in the Festive Season, with joyous merriment and celebrations the order of the day. But, as the year rapidly draws to a close and we prepare for a well-deserved break, let us do so in the spirit of harmony and peace. Let us use this as an opportunity to spread goodwill amongst our friends and family and allow the central message of grace and love to resonate. Then, too, despite being bombarded by highly commercialised messages aimed at fuelling our desire to shower our loved ones with gifts, good wishes and delectable fare,
let us not forget the many who are less fortunate. I urge you to extend your charity to those in need and, in so doing, to bring some festive cheer to an otherwise bleak situation. Most importantly, let us celebrate the season responsibly. For those who will be undertaking a journey to a remote holiday destination. I wish you a safe trip comfortable in the knowledge that you will adhere to the rules of the road and return safely. To our visitors, may your stay be a pleasant and memorable one. Let us continue to work together to ensure Overstrand is an area free of crime, fear and injustice - a place that is . the embodiment of a caring, respectful and tolerant society. Lastly, may 2016 be a year of prosperity for us all a year with plentiful rewards and few challenges.
Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, EXECUTIVE MAYOR
Sluiting van munisipale kantore oor feesseisoen Munisipale kantore, met inbegrip van biblioteke maar uitgesonder noodsaaklike dienste, sal om 13:00 op Donderdag 24 Desember en
Donderdag 31 Desember sluit, om weer onderskeidelik op Maandag 28 Desember 2015 en Maandag 4 Januarie 2016 om 07:45 heropen.
Noodnommers Overstrand Municipality: 24 Hour Emergency Control Room 028 313 8111 NSRI 028 312 3180 Marine & Coastal Management 028 313 2703 Hermanus Provincial Hospital 028 313 1166 Hermanus Private Hospital 028 313 0168 Kleinmond Police 028 271 8200/8202 Fire Department 028 312 2400 Traffic Department 028 313 8111 Overstrand Law Enforcement 028 313 8111
Dít is die boodskap wat Overstrand se brandweerhoof wil tuisbring veral aangesien nog ʼn verwoestende brandseisoen na alle waarskynlikheid op ons wag. Volgens die SuidAfrikaanse Weerdiens kan die hele Wes-Kaap in die loop van die somer droë, winderige toestande en hoë temperature te wagte wees. Aangesien Overstrand sonder twyfel binne die grense van ʼn brand afhanklike ekostelsel val, is dit belangrik dat almal hetsy inwoners of besoekers - weet watter gevare brande inhou, sorg dat hulle die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls tref en altyd verantwoordelik sal optree. As jy die eienaar van ʼn huis is, ongeag of jy self daardie woning bewoon of oor die vakansieseisoen uitverhuur, werk asseblief deur die lysie hieronder om te verseker dat alle moontlike voorsorgmaatreëls getref is om jou eiendom teen wegholbrande te help beskerm: 1. Sorg dat alle blare en ander brandbare materiaal van die dak en uit geute verwyder word. 2. Sorg dat daar geen oorhangende takke naby jou huis is nie - in die besonder behoort geen boom se tak binne 6 - 10 m van enige skoorsteen te kom nie. 3. Sorg dat daar geen dooiehout of digte, vlambare plantmateriaal in jou tuin is nie - ideaalgesproke behoort jou huis vir minstens 10 m deur ʼn groen grasperk of ʼn ander tipe brandbestande grondbedekking omring te word. 4. Hou ʼn tuinslang (minstens 30 m lank) deurentyd gekoppel aan ʼn buitekraan. 5. Maak seker dat jou brandblussers in ʼn werkende toestand en toeganklik is en dat almal weet presies waar om hulle te vind. 6. Sorg dat julle as gesin ʼn
ontruimingsplan in plek het en moenie nalaat om daardie ontruimingsplan in te oefen nie. Sodoende sal almal weet wat die plan behels en wat van hulle verwag word - ook diegene wie se taak dit is om na die gesin se troeteldiere om te sien. Selfs al sou die voorafgaande help om jou eiendom en jou geliefdes teen onbeheersde brande te beskerm, moet almal van ons nogtans ‘n paar basiese reëls gehoorsaam: • Moenie vuur maak as die wind sterk stoot nie • Moenie ʼn oop vuur onbewaak laat nie • Moenie kinders toelaat om vuur te maak nie en hou hulle weg van vuurhoutjies • Moenie ʼn smeulende vuur agterlaat nie - blus alle kole! Voorts wys Overstrand se brandweerhoof, Lester Smith, daarop dat huiseienaars dikwels groot skade ly bloot omdat die brandweer nie hul huis kon opspoor of nie toegang tot die eiendom kon verkry nie. Verseker asseblief in die eerste plek dat jou huisnommer duidelik vanuit die aangrensende straat sigbaar is. In gevalle van digte rook kan om na die huis te soek waar die brand inderwaarheid gerapporteer is, waardevolle tyd verspil. Voorts, ten einde jou eie ontsnaproete te beskerm en om te verseker dat brandweerwaens toegang tot jou eiendom kan verkry, maak seker dat jou oprit plant-vry is en dat daar ʼn vryhoogte van minstens 4 - 6 m is. Deur onverwyld ʼn brand of rook te rapporteer, kan jy lewens red en ʼn verwoestende verlies aan eiendom verhoed. Rapporteer alle brand- of reddingsverwante noodgevalle aan 028 312 2400, of skakel Overstrand se 24/7-beheerkamer by 028 313 8111.
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 3
Luilekker op Hangklip-Kleinmond se 7 strande
Kleinmond hoofstrand
• Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap Daar is iets buitengewoon wonderlik aan die spasie wat ‘n strand vul, is daar nie? Hier waar die land en die oseaan mekaar groet met ‘n somsvriendlik, soms-hartstogtelik en soms-kwaai kus, waar geheime lank verborge in die diepste kelders van die see uitspoel en weier om hul regte stories te
verklap, waar gewone aardse dinge – ‘n vergete kêps, ‘n nette-los oorbel, ‘n stukkie glas – amper gulsig ingesluk en dan stadig tot sandkorrels verteer word. Mens sien dit nog in die snakasems van opge-wonde kinders wat hul tone vir die eerste keer in die koue golwe doop en
die ver-af kyke van ou mense wat verlang: strande is soos geen ander aardse plek. Of hulle nou met spoelklippies en skulpe bestrooi is, of sagte wit sand ondervoet het, is daar ‘n buitengewone bekoring wat ons nooi om daardie ampervergete, eenvoudig-gelukkige weergawe van ons diepste self
te wees. En dan, natuurlik, bied hulle ook net die perfekte omgewing vir luilekker vakansie kaskenades. Vakansiegangers en inwoners van Hangklip-Kleinmond is bederf met nie minder nie as 7 groot strande PLUS nog ‘n menigte kleintjies tussen-in.
Kleinmond hoofstrand
As die enigste Blouvlagstrand in die gebied is Kleinmond se hoofstrand dalk die mees toeganklik. Daar is ‘n groot parkeerterrein, goedonderhoude ablusieblokke, lewensredders aan diens en, as ‘n bonus, ook nog Sandown Blues restaurant wat drankies en versnaperinge bied. Die breë, lang strand is
uitstekend vir speletjies soos krieket, rugby, strandtennis en draf, maar die see self is ietwat onvoorspelbaar, as gevolg van sterk strome en ‘n skielike verandering van vlak na diep. Die strandmeer bied ‘n veiliger alternatief vir jong kinders en diégene wat nie heeltemal gemaklik met soutwaterswemmery is nie.
Die Overstrand Herald wens al sy lesers en adverteerders ‘n vreugdevolle en veilige feesgety toe! Ons kantoor is weer op 11 Januarie oop!
Die lewensredders wat vanjaar op Kleinmond diens doen.
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 4
Palmiet strand • Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap
Effens verwyder van die dorp se warboel en ietwat wild met die Palmietrivier wat daar uitmond en die Kogelberg se pieke wat in die agtergrond die hemele in toring, is Palmietstrand ‘n droom vir enigiemand wat
wil verken. Dit is nie ‘n ideale swemstrand nie, as gevolg van strome en vratsgolwe, maar daar is wel lewensredders vir diegene wat die see wil aandurf. Die riviermonding bied ‘n rustige alternatief.
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bettysbaai hoofstrand • Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap
Besoekers wat minder bekend is met Bettysbaai se doolhof-agtige grondpaadjies, krap baie keer kop oor presies waar die strand geleë is. Dit is inderdaad een van die mees versteekte groot strande van die gebied, maar beloon dié wat hom vind
met sagte wit sand ondervoet, gunstige swemtoestande, goeie branders en baie kilometres om te stap. Die rotspoele by Dawidskraal is ‘n wonderlike natuurlike speelskool vir kinders.
Nóg meer versteek as die hoofstrand, word Silversands beskou as a goedversteekte geheim van die Bettysbaai. Die strand sluit soomloos aan by die kenmerkende Blesberg duin en neem ‘n heel anderwêrelds voorkoms aan in die vroeëoggend- en skemerure. Die water neig gewoonlik na onstuimigheid, wat swem en branderry nie hoofaktiwiteite maak nie. Dit is wel perfek vir romantiese wandelinge, visvang en foto’s neem.
• Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap
Bladsy 5
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Pringlebaai • Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap
Bladsy 6 Pringlebaai se strand bied ‘n heerlik omvattende ervaring vir families, wat oud en jonk kan geniet. Die see is gunstig vir swem en die strandmeer is gewild onder kinders wat wil rondplas. Nie nastenby so groot soos Bettysbaai, Kleinmond of Palmiet se strande nie, is dit ook redelik beskut en maklik om ‘n ogie oor almal te hou.
Maanskynbaai Rooiels
• Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap
As mens die Hangklip-Kleinmond gebied van Clarencerylaan af binnegaan, is Rooiels se skilderagtige strandjie dít wat jy met die eerste oogopslag raaksien. Die baai is redelik klein, maar die strand strek ver land-in na waar die Rooi Els rivier uitmond en ‘n meer vorm. Omring deur berge en ‘n pragtige versameling strandhuisies wat uit die fynbos uitstyg, is dit moontlik een van die mooiste liggings vir ‘n stranduitstappie in die hele Wes-Kaap.
• Swem • Branderry • Visvang • Rotspoele • Stap
As jy nou regtig wild, afgesonder en romanties soek is Maanskynbaai jou strand! In die Hangkip-gebied tussen Bettysbaai en Pringlebaai geleë, bied die strand ‘n perfekte klein wegbreekplekkie van feesseisoen bedrywigheid. Die enigste toegang na die strand is regdeur Pringlebaai en dan op die rowwe Hangklip grondpad. Dis ook net om die draai van die Hangklip hawe wat gewild is onder kreef-vangers en vissermanne.
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 7
10 staproetes om aan te durf Desembervakansies en al die feestelikheid wat daarmee gepaard gaan kry gereeld die skuld vir daardie vetjies wat skielik en sommerso oornag aan die heupe, boude en bobene saampak. En dít na daar maande lank met oefeninge, dieete en kits-‘tans’ voorberei is vir daardie ewig-ontwykende somerlyf. Wel, die goeie nuus is dat met al die berge, dale, duine en kus-kronkelpatjies wat kruisen-dwars oor die HangklipKleinmond gebied gestrooi is, daar meer as genoeg prentjiemooi staproetes is om aktief en somergesond te bly. Hier is 14 van die mees gewilde staproetes in die gebied: Hangklip, Pringlebaai Afstand: 5km Tyd: +/- 3.5 ure ‘n Redelike tawwe roete wat meer stamina as fiksheid verg en die stapper met asemrowende seeuitsigte sal bederf. Aangesien Hangklip kenmerkend van die gebied is, word die roete amper beskou as ‘n tipe vuurdoop vir enigiemand wat hulself graag as ‘n ‘local’ wil vestig. Brodie Link, Bettysbaai en Pringlebaai Afstand: 3km Tyd: 1 -2 ure As jy lus is vir ‘n maklike stappie wat ekstra toeganklik vir kinders en ouer mense sal wees, is Brodie Link ‘n goeie opsie. Die roete volg ‘n ou tweespoorpaadjie wat tussen Bettysbaai en Pringlebaai strek agterom Bleskopduin. Stappers kan ‘n motor aan beide punte van die roete laat of reël om open af gelaai te word. Rod’s Trail, Bettysbaai Afstand: +/- 3km Tyd: 1 ½ uur Nog ‘n lekker roete met panoramiese seeuitsigte wat deur die hele gesin (hond ingesluit) geniet kan word. Rod’s Trail strek tussen Kloofstraat wat aan Disakloof jeugkampterrein
grens en Pipestraat wat bo die petrolstasie uit Clarencerylaan uitdraai, en kronkel al langs die voet van die berg tussen ruig fynbos deur. Luiperdskloof, Bettysbaai Afstand: Nie meer as 1km nie, maar dis in ‘n styl kloof op Tyd: 45 minute op en halfuur af Watervalle, poele, gladde klippe, groot bome en houtlere – Luiperskloof in die Harold Porter Botaniese Tuin is nou eenmaal ‘n avontuur wat jonk en oud aan kan deelneem. Toegang tot die kloof word beperk en stappers moet ‘n permit en sleutel aanvra by die tuin se ingang voor 14:00. ‘n Deposito van R50 moet ook betaal word, wat aan die stappers terug gegee sal word met die inhandig van die sleutel voor 16:30. Zig-zag roete, Bettysbaai Afstand: 4.22km Tyd: 2 ure Ook in die Harold Porter Botaniese Tuin, kerf hierdie roete ‘n naas-perfekte Zigzag patroon teen die berg uit. Stappers moet redelik fiks wees om die roete ten volle te geniet. Die uitsig is prentjiemooi, so pak ‘n paar lekkernye om bo aan te peusel voordat die lang tog ondertoe weer aangepak word. Oubosch roete, Kogelberg Natuurreservaat Afstand: 6km Tyd: 3 – 4 ure Hierdie pragtige roete verbind die Kogelberg Natuurreservaat met Harold Porter Botaniese Tuin en gee stappers ‘n gulde geleentheid om te sien hoe die wêreld agter die eerste linie bergpieke lyk. Al is dit een van die langer roetes in die gebied, is dit nie vreeslik moeilik nie. Onthou net om genoeg kos, water en ‘n warm baadjie saam te vat. Palmiet wandeling, Kogelberg Natuurreservaat Afstand: 10km
Tyd: 3 ure Deur die kinkels en kronkels van die Palmietrivier te volg, is hierdie staproete perfek vir ‘n warm dag avontuur. As die sweet begin pêrel kan jy maar net ‘n rustige deel van die rivier soek, inspring en afkoel. Die paadjie is gelyk en verg glad nie ‘n hoë fiksheidsvlak om dit te geniet nie. Kogelberg, Kogelberg Natuurreservaat Afstand: 24km Tyd: 8ure Sit gerus ‘n hele dag opsy om hierdie asemrowende roete tussendeur fynbos en inheemse woude te ervaar. As gevolg van die afstand word stappers aangeraai om gemaklike skoene en klere te dra, genoeg water saam te neem, en peuselhappies sowel as ‘n ligte middagete in te pak. Perdekop Afstand: 22km Tyd: 7 – 8ure Die staproete begin by Iona
wynplaas net buite Kleinmond in die rigting van Bot Rivier, en neem stappers na die Perdeberg uitkykpunt en weer terug. Uitsigte oor die Bot Rivier meer en Sandownbaai is skilderagtig, terwyl die fynbos ‘n naderbye skouspelagtige vertoning maak. Hoewel dit ‘n lang roete is, is hy glad nie uitmergelend nie. Driesusters Afstand: 8km Tyd: 4 ure Driesusters is die perfekte roete vir ‘n energieke vroegoggend avontuur met die hele gesin. Dit begin by Kleinmond golfklub en neem stappers uit bergop en weer terug. Soos met Perdekop is die uitsigte asemrowend mooi en die kronkelende paatjie tussen die fynbos deur amper sprokiesagtig. Stappers benodig ‘n Cape Nature permit vir alle staproetes, behalwe die twee in die Harold Porter Botaniese Tuin en Rod’s Trail. Bel gerus die Kogelberg Natuurreservaat op 028 271 5138 vir meer inligting
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 8
5 Plekke vir ‘n romantiese piekniek Jaareindfunksies, troues, Kersfees, verjaardae, oujaar, nuwejaar en wie weet wat nog! Met een feestelikheid op die ander is daar geen twyfel dat Desembervakansies vir meeste van ons n prettige seisoen is nie, maar ironies genoeg ook een waar ons effe uit voeling kan raak met ons naastes… veral ons wederhelfdes. As jy seker wil maak dat die liefdesvlammetjie hierdie vakansie hoog bly brand, is dit belangrik om kort tydjies van alleenwees opsy te sit, al is dit net vir ‘n vinnige soentjie langs die see. Een manier om jou liefste se voete sommer ordentelik onder hulle uit te vee is om hul gunsteling lekkernye in ‘n mandjie te pak, die mooiste uitsig uit te snuffel en piekniek te hou. Hier is vyf romantiese plekke vir ‘n piekniek: Onder ‘n boom in Harold Porter Botaniese Tuin
Beste tyd van die dag: Vroegoggend vir ‘n sjampanje ontbyt As een van Suid-Afrika se 10 nasionale botaniese tuine, is Harold Porter baie meer as net ‘n mooi stukkie aarde waar bome en blomme bewaar word. Dit is een van Hangklip-Kleinmond se elite bestemmings wat toeriste van heinde en verre trek. Pak ‘n sjampanje ontbyt en mik sommer al vroeg-vroeg tuin se kant toe om die mooiste hoekie vir julself te kry. Harold Porter maak al 08:00 in die oggende oop en toegang is R18 vir volwassenes en R10 vir pensionaries. Halfpad teen Hangklip op in Pringlebaai Beste tyd van die dag: Sonsondergang As jy opsoek is na die heel, heel beste plek om die sonsondergang te aanskou in hierdie geweste, is die ikoniese Hang-
klip sonder twyfel die een. Hoewel die uitsig van bo af asemrowend mooi is, is dit beter om die roete nie skemer of na donker aan te durf nie. Soek eerder ‘n gemaklike plekkie – ‘n platterige rots werk altyd goed – iewers teen die voetenend van die berg en wag om te kyk hoe die son in die see in val. Een van Clarence Drive se inhamme naby Rooiels Beste tyd van die dag: Sonsondergang Met Valsbaai aan sy voete en die Kogelberge teen sy skouer, is dit glad nie ‘n verrassing dat Clarence Drive as een van die mooiste kuspaaie ter wêreld beskou word nie. Hoewel dit tydens die feesseisoen krioel van besoekers, is daar altyd een van die kleiner aftrekinhamme waar geen motors sal staan nie. Hou jou oë oop en wees gereed om by so een in te skiet. Die sononderuitsig oor die eindelose baai is onvergelykbaar en sal selfs die mees siniese verliefdes se hartsnare roer. Op die gladde klippe langs die Palmietrivier Beste tyd van die dag: Laatoggend/middagete. Bestee ‘n luilekker uur of twee op die gladde rotse langs die
hoër loop van die Palmietrivier in die Kogelberg Natuurreservaat. Die wandelroete langs die rivier is maklik genoeg om met ‘n piekniek mandjie (maar verkieslik rugsak) aan te durf en voetverkeer is skaars, wat dit sal laat voel asof julle die enigste mense in die wêreld is. Onthou om julle swemklere aan te trek vir afkoel en smeer maar die sonbrandmiddel aan. Die reservaat is tussen 07:30 en 16:00 oop en toegang is R40 vir volwassenes. Op ‘n kanoe in die Kleinmond strandmeer Beste tyd van die dag: Laatmiddag/skemer Daar is min dinge so romanties soos ‘n kanoe-rit vir twee… veral as daar ‘n moontlikheid is om ‘n trop wilde perde van naderby te bekyk. Pak ‘n paar versnaperinge (in waterdigte houers), neem ‘n handdoek of twee om op te sit, huur ‘n bootjie by Kleinmond Pleasureboats (op die grasperk langs die strand) en roei met die rivier op in die rigting van Rooisand vir ‘n asemrowende natuurervaring. Sodra julle ‘n ent van die besige strandfront is, begin uitkyk vir die legendariese wilde perde van Botrivier - ‘n nabye-ervaring met hulle is onvergeetlik! (Onthou net, hulle is WILD – moenie te gemaklik raak nie).
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 9
8 things to discover in Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens With its location right in the very heart of the Cape Floral Kingdom, cosily tucked between the majestic Kogelberg Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens in Betty’s Bay are without a doubt one of South Africa’s most exceptional, and still relatively undiscovered, attractions. The garden’s history can be traced back to 1940 when Harold Nixon Porter acquired a large tract of land in (the yet undeveloped) Betty’s Bay and named it Shangri-la, meaning paradise. He turned the first sod on 2 October 1950 and Shangri-la Nature Reserve was officially opened 5 years later on 13 November 1955. Sadly Porter died just more than two years later in February 1958 and the garden was adopted as one of the National Botanical Gardens of South Africa and renamed in his honour. While keeping the garden going hasn’t always been a walk in the park, with fires, floods and storms ranging through it on various occasions, Porter’s legacy has been up-help through the years by a long line of passionate curators. It is currently under the keen eye and green fingers of Berenice Carolus. No matter how long or short your stay in the Hangklip-
Kleinmond area is, a visit to this prestigious garden is an absolute must. The main circular route is wheelchair friendly, making it an accessible outing for everyone! Here are eight things to see and do while you’re there: Red Disas! One of Harold Porter’s biggest claims to fame is the fact that visitors can see the rare red disa growing in its natural environment. The tiny flower grows against mossy cliff faces close to waterfalls and can be spotted in both Disaand Luiperds Kloof from late December throughout January. Note that Disa Kloof is currently closed to visitors after severe storm damage, so get a permit for beautiful Luiperd’s Kloof instead – it’s totally worth it! Dune garden To raise awareness about one of the most prominent, but often overlooked ecosystems of the coastal area, the botanical garden has a special section dedicated to dune vegetation. Guests can navigate it on a raised boardwalk and learn all about its significance by reading the informative story boards. The Round Bridge This pretty wooden bridge is unique in its quaintness, as
its counterparts throughout the garden are all pretty functionally formed from steel and cement. Known as the Round Bridge, it was built over the Leopard Kloof River in the 1960s and provides a perfect spot for a romantic moment or fun photo opportunity. The Leopard’s Gorge waterfall The garden is home to two majestic waterfalls – one in Disa Kloof and the other in Luiperds Kloof. Since the Disa Kloof is under construction, visitors can head up to Luiperds Kloof. Access to the trail is limited and you need to get a permit and a key from the entrance, so it might be wise to book in advance. It’s an exceptionally beautiful walk with wooden ladders, mossy rock pools and gorgeous lush trees. A shady meander under the trees If you’re not in the mood to head up a gorge, you can always forfeit the waterfall, but still experience some forest magic. One of the more recent additions to Harold Porter Botanical Garden is an enchanting little meander through a patch of afrotemperate forest. Here you will find the likes of Cape Beech, Cape Holly and Yellowwood forming a shady canopy.
Tasty meals Start or end your exploration of the gardens with tea and cake or a delicious meal at the Red Disa restaurant. A pond close by is a great attraction to kids and fortunately close enough for parents to keep a watchful eye. The restaurant is open during garden hours, but if you book in advance hours can be extended. Carols by candlelight Certainly one of the biggest highlights of HangklipKleinmond’s festive season calendar, Harold Porter Botanical Garden’s Carols by Candlelight will be taking place on 19 December against its ever-picturesque backdrop. Entrance is R40 for adults and R20 for children between 6 and 18 years. Gates open at 18:00 and singing starts at 19:00. Indigenous nursery Stock up on plants suited to dune and fynbos gardens at Harold Porter’s indigenous nursery without burning big holes in your pockets. Harold Porter NBG is open between 08:00 and 16:30 on weekdays and between 08:00 and 17:00 on weekends and public holidays. Entrance is R18 for adults, R10 for seniors, R10 for students and R5 for learners.
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 10
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 11
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Bladsy 12
Hangklip-Kleinmond’s wild 6 One of the biggest privileges of residing (whether permanently or just for the holidays) in a biosphere reserve is sharing your space with a host of wild creatures. While there are many beautiful little beings that roam among the fynbos, the mountains, the rocks and the dunes, as well as in the lakes, the sea and the sky, it’s safe to say that there are six species that stand out and have become synonymous with the area. Here’s a quick overview of each: Penguins Where to see them: Stony Point, Betty’s Bay The Stony Point penguin colony was established as recently as 1982 when its first breeding pair of African penguins arrived seemingly out of nowhere (but probably from nearby Dyer Island) and decided to stay. By 1986 the colony had grown to about 40 breeding pairs and quickly became a popular attraction. These days Stony Point is managed by Cape Nature and visitors can enjoy watching these cuddly little guys from a beautifully-maintained boardwalk. Entrance is R10 per person. Wild horses Where to see them: Rooisand Nature Reserve, just outside Kleinmond There are few natural sights more thrilling than that of a herd of wild horses roaming free. Located just 5km outside of Kleinmond toward Bot River off the R44, the Rooisand Nature Reserve has become a sanctuary for two herds of about 20 horses who dwell in the marshlands of the Bot River lagoon. The horses have adapted to their living conditions by developing saucer-shaped hooves to navigate the soggy terrain with ease. A wheelchairfriendly boardwalk leading to a hide allows visitors to take in the beautiful scenery and more often than not allows
them a close-up view of these magnificent creatures. Their origin remains a mystery, with many believing one of three theories: they descend from the survivors of a massive horse cull in the 1970s, they swam ashore after the Birkenhead sank off the coast of Gansbaai in 1852 or that they were hidden in the marsh during the Anglo-Boer War and never retrieved. Whatever the case may be, these horses are just about as magic as it gets! Leopards Where to see them: Well… it’s complicated While first time visitors to the Hangklip-Kleinmond area may be surprised by the fact that leopards still roam among the valleys, cliffs and caves of the Kogelberg mountains, locals and regular holidaymakers are always keeping an eye out for one of these mysterious cats and a few have even been lucky enough to have a close encounter. They are elusive and unsurprisingly avoid interaction with humans. However, they leave signs of their presence
ever so often, perhaps the most tangible being photographs captured by camera traps monitored by the Rooi-Els community. Originally set up by the Cape Leopard Trust (CLT), these cameras were taken over by the Rooi-Els community when the project came to an end in order to continue research. They regularly capture candid shots of leopards (and a host of other creatures) going about their business, which helps the community to keep tabs on their movements, health, wellbeing and interactions. Baboons Where to see them: EVERYWHERE With their tendency to wreak havoc in the homes of unsuspecting visitors and residents, baboons have gotten themselves something of a notorious reputation in the area. Now, look, while they are naughty and potentially dangerous, there is no reason to despise them – all they want is fast food without the hassle of foraging. Of course this doesn’t
sit well with us humans, but fortunately there are a number of simple measures that can be taken to make your home entirely uninviting to them. DO NOT have ANY food on display, SECURE doors and windows when heading out for the day and BE AWARE of the sounds around you – if you hear barks and squeals, it could herald the arrival of a troop, which gives you the opportunity to take necessary measures. If, however, you do come across a baboon in your home stay calm, do not provoke it, but do make it/them know that you’re in charge by barking loudly with a large stick in hand. It all sounds hilarious, but it really does help! Seals Where to see them: Rooi Els is home to a little colony on the rocks You see them popping up in the surf here and there, but if you want to see the dynamics of a proper seal colony at work, head on over to Rooi Els’s rocks. One of the best-kept secrets of the entire area, the colony was (continued on p 13)
Overstrand Herald (continued from p 24) established a couple of years ago with the arrival of a small group of seals on one of the furthest reaches of Rooi Els’s rocky shoreline. In due course it grew to between 20 and 30, then suddenly - around the end of last year - shot up to around 160 individuals. However, in the meantime, numbers have dropped to the shallow 40s again. According to Rooi Els local, Wolfgang Steinbach, this is largely due to the relatively hostile terrain as well as hungry Great White Sharks and even Orcas roaming the waters of False Bay. Fluctuating numbers aside, their almost mystical presence is good reason to clamber over the sharp coastal rocks to take a closer look. Steinbach takes groups for viewings ever so often. Give him a call on 082 823 6821 for more details. Otters Where to see them: Beaches, rivers and lagoons… if you’re lucky Despite its undeniably cuteness, the Cape Clawless Otter is an exceptionally shy species that avoids close contact with humans, much like the Cape Leopard. They tend to build burrows close to river banks and beaches and may be spotted making their way to or bobbing around in the closest body of water. They are, however, masters of disguise and can easily pass for a rogue piece of kelp when hunting in the bay or a semi overgrown piece of driftwood when sheltering in their burrows. Early mornings and dusk are the best times of day for a chance encounter – keep an eye out for the unique tracks they leave behind on the sand, the lack of claws setting them apart from family pooches. If you spot any of the above creatures, please feel free to share photographs with the Overstrand Herald. You can also report your sightings to Cape Nature at the Kogelberg Nature Reserve on 028 271 5138
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KabelJoe's is een van Kleinmond se gewildste seekos restaurante
Lekker eet en kuier: Geniet ‘n ete met ‘n uitsig Wat is seevakansie uiteet nou sonder ‘n uitsig van die groot blou dam? Gelukkig is daar geen tekort aan restaurante wat baai se kant to kyk in HangklipKleinmond nie! Hier is sewe om van te kies (of selfs om op ‘n ry uit te toets)
– maak maar vroegtydig ‘n bespreking om ‘n goeie uitsig te verseker! KabelJoe’s, Haweweg Met sy uitstekende ligging op die verste punt van Kleinmond se kleurvolle Haweweg, rustieke
piekniekbankies, geligde houtdekke en seekos-belaaide borde voel KabelJoe’s soos ‘n regte outydse eiland-taverna. Hoofgeregte kos so tussen R85 en R215 en oesters bly een van die groot attraksies. Hulle het ‘n omvattende wyn lys en bedien ook craft bier. Bel 082 800 1677 om te bespreek. Le Rêve, Haweweg In die heel voorste ry van Haweweg se restaurante is La Rêve se uitsig, net soos sy naam in Frans aandui, ‘n droom! Die spyskaart bied ietsie van alles – van ‘n verskeidenheid ontbyte tot ligte Mediterreense disse, burgers, steaks, slaaie en seekos. Bel 028 271 5907 om te bespreek.
Boathouse, Haweweg Knus langs La Rêve, met dieselfde asemrowende uitsig, is Boathouse die perfekte plek om ‘n laatmiddag mengeldrankie, glasie wyn of lang glas bier te geniet. Hulle is ook oop vir ontbyt en maak eers toe wanneer die laaste gaste huiswaarts keer. Boathouse is gesinsvriendelik en het selfs ‘n klein speel area vir kinders. Bel 072 797 0373 om te bespreek. Sandown Blues, Kleinmond strand Sandown Blues is die enigste restaurant op Kleinmond se strandfront, met ‘n groot houtdek wat uitkyk oor die meer, die see en die sand. Die
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'n Groot verskeidenheid seekos is by restaurante te kry.
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Vakansiegangers ontspan op Le Reve se dek in die hawe.
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Lekker eet en kuier: Geniet ‘n ete met ‘n uitsig (vervolg van bl 16) spyskaart is heel omvattend en bied alles van ontbyt tot seekos en selfs ribbetjies. Sandown Blues is egter die beste plek in Kleinmond om ‘n bord vars sushi saam met ‘n mengeldrankie te geniet. Bel 028 271 3774 om te bespreek. Jack’s, Bettysbaai Die groot vensters wat uitkyk oor die duine en kuslyn van Bettysbaai, sowel as die ontspanne atmosfeer wat deur
die ruim spasies en snoesige leeshoekie geskep word, maak Jack’s ‘n puik plek om net vir ‘n rukkie weg te kruip van die warboel. Hulle bedien van die oggend tot die aand ‘n verskeidenheid heilsame geregte en versnaperinge, sowel as heerlike koffie, tee en koek. Bel 028 272 9861 om te bespreek. On the Edge, Bettysbaai Digby die beroemde Stony Point pikkewynkolonie en op die
fondasies van ‘n ou walvisstasies gebou, het On the Edge sonder twyfel ‘n uitsonderlike ligging. Die feit dat dit bedryf word deur die plaaslike Mooiuitsig Gemeenskapstrust dra by tot sy uniekheid en gee dit ‘n ware ‘local is lekker’ gevoel. Hulle ure van saam met dié van die pikkewynkolonie, wat beteken dat hulle nie in die aand oop is nie. Die spyskaart bied heerlike ontbyte, ligte middagetes en versnaperinge met ‘n sterk
aanslag op seekosgeregte. Bel 060 720 7885 om te bespreek. Bistro 365 & Simply Coffee, Pringlebaai Bistro 365 & Simply Coffee is wyd en ver bekend vir sy goeie diens, heerlike koffie en stylvolle geregte, maar raai wat… daar is ook ‘n bittermooi uitsig oor die see en berge wat Pringlebaai se kuslyn omring. Bel 028 273 8931 en vra spesifiek vir ‘n tafel bo!
Overstrand Herald
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Seekos, pizza, burgers, steak en sushi – ons het dit alles vir jou!
As die lus vir n spesifieke kossoort mens pak dan is dit nou eenmaal moeilik om af te skud! En is dit nie snaaks hoe daai lus gewoonlik om een van die volgende draai nie? Pizza – periGator’s, Pringlebaai Vir die heel beste dun-kors pizzas in die streek, mik reguit vir periGators in Pringlebaai. Die gesellige atmosfeer, sowel as eienaar Ali Croucamp se charismatiese teenwoordigheid dra by om die uitstappie in ‘n ervaring te omskep eerder as
net ‘n ete. Bel 082 457 9403 om te bespreek. Burgers – Drummond Arms, Rooiels Onder Rooielsers staan Drummond Arms bekend as die ‘klubhuis’ te danke aan die feit dat die legendariese restaurant en kroeg ‘n middelpunt van sosiale aktiwiteite op die dorp is. Een van die groot attraksies is die Maandagaand ‘burger special’ waar jy twee vir die prys van een kry. Bel 028 273 8458 om te bespreek.
Sushi – Sandown Blues Met sy pragtige uitsig oor Kleinmondstrand, is Sandown Blues vir seker een van die heel gewildste eetplekke in die Hangklip-Kleinmond streek. Maar daar is baie meer aan die restaurant as net ‘n mooi ‘gesig’: hulle bedien (ondermeer) mondwater-vars sushi van die hoogste standaard! Bel 082 566 4368 om te bespreek. Seekos – Hook, Line and Sinker Dit mag dalk vir baie mense
verbasend wees dat hierdie onopgesmukte restaurant in die hartjie van Pringlebaai seekos-liefhebbers van heinde en verre trek. Maar, met die unieke konsep dat eienaars en kokke Jacqi en Stefan Kruger hul daaglikse spyskaart bepaal volgens wat hulle daardie spesifieke dag lus voel om te kook, slegs die varsste bestanddele gebruik en alles oor ‘n knetterende vuurtjie gaarmaak skep ‘n atmosfeer van handgemaakte eliteheid. (vervolg op bl 21)
Overstrand Herald (vervolg van bl 20) Die waglys is baie lank en mens moet maar lank voor die tyd bespreek. Probeer in elk geval ‘n plekkie in Desember loslaan deur 028 273 8688 te bel. As jy lus voel vir ‘n wegneem seekossie om by die huis of op die rotse te eet, belowe die splinternuwe Hakeaway, ook in Pringlebaai, om kitsdisse van ‘n hoë gehalte te bied, terwyl Fisherman’s Take Away in Haweweg, Kleinmond met sy klassieke vis-en-tjips en comboetes homself al as ‘n gunsteling onder inwoners sowel as besoekers gevestig het.
21 Desember 2015 Steak – Tides Knus ingewikkel tussen Clarence-rylaan en Bettysbaai se sentrale kaffeetjie, het Tides vinnig-vinnig vir hom ‘n reputasie vir uitmuntende kos en diens losgeslaan. Hulle bedien ‘n verskydenheid seekos-disse, sowel as as pastageregte, slaaie, burgers en dan, natuurlik, sappige gourmetstyl steaks wat bedien word met watertand lekkernye soos bloukaas en vye. Tides is oop van Dinsdag to Sondag gedurende seisoen en is geweldig gewild. Bel 028 272 9835 om ‘n bespreking te maak.
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4 Wine farms to discover Wine tasting, picnicking and frolicking among the vineyards is an absolute must-do when holidaying in the Western Cape, whether you’re a local or a visitor. While Stellenbosch, Franschhoek and Paarl once held something of a monopoly when it came to all things wine, there has been a remarkable rise in fresh, new routes to discover all over the province. Within an hour’s drive of Hangklip-Kleinmond alone, you will find at least three different options: Elgin, Bot River and the Hemel-and-Aarde Valley just outside Hermanus. Bot River is, however, a mere stone’s throw away from Kleinmond, making it the most convenient for those residing in the area over December holidays. However, it’s not only the convenience that sets this route apart, it’s also the fact
that it’s utterly picturesque, relatively uncrowded and filled with quaint experiences and characters. Here are four wineries to check out on the Bot River route… Plus something a little different. Wildekrans Located just outside of Bot River en route to the N2, Wildekrans is one of the oldest wine-producing farms in the area. The first fruit orchards and vineyards were planted more than 100 years ago and the original wine cellar dates back to the 1930s. Tastings take place in the original cellar, giving visitors the opportunity to get a feel for the rich history. After sampling the range of delectable wines, be sure to pay a visit to Open restaurant for a wholesome and delicious lunch. Call Wildekrans on 028
284 9902 for more information. Beaumont This family-owned and run farm can be found in the very heart of Bot River town. The hands-on and homely approach to wine tasting will make you feel like you’ve stepped into the living room of an old friend… an old friend who serves exceptional wine. Staff and Beaumont family members work side-byside and are always happy to have a chat, especially about the fascinating history of the farm. Get in touch with Beaumont on 028 284 9194. Gabriëlskloof If you’ve ever come across the term ‘sweeping views’ and didn’t quite know what it meant, pay a visit to Gabriëlskloof, located just off the N2 between Bot River and Caledon to see it
in action. Built on a little koppie, the winery looks out over rolling Overberg farmlands, vineyards and olive groves, with large lawns surrounding the stonewalled property. The restaurant is an excellent breakfast choice and tastings are a pure pleasure at long rustic tables. Compared to Wildekrans and Beaumont, Gabriëlskloof is relatively young, only established in 2000. Contact Gabriëlskloof on 028 284 9865 for more details. Rivendell This boutique wine farm is located right on the corner of the Bot River t-junction outside of Kleinmond. Rivendell has become synonymous with the production of superb, exclusive wines and also offers a range of mouth-watering meals at the on-site restaurant. Chef Thomas (vervolg op bl 27)
Overstrand Herald (vervolg van bl 26) Sinn is an expert in wine and food pairing. Call Rivendell on 028 284 9025 for more details or to make a booking. And craft beer‌ Honingklip Brewery Indulge in hand-crafted, Belgian-style beers at Honingklip brewery just outside of Kleinmond. All their brews are naturally fermented, unfiltered and unpasteurised, presented in bottles sporting appropriately minimalistic design. The restaurant serves a selection of hearty meals made with fresh locally-sourced ingredients that perfectly complement the brews. Contact owner Mark on 082 542 6484 for more details.
Hierdie bylaag is saamgestel deur Nadia Krige
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Desember: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdag-oggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08:30-13:00 in Tweede-straat 14, Kleinmond. Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende 11 & 12 Desember Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende 18 & 19 Desember Woensdag & Donderdagoggende 23 & 24 Desember Woensdag & Donderdagoggende 30 & 31 Desember Daarna gaan dit weer normaalweg aan. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260/ 072 778 0249. Sosiale tennis op die Kleinmond Tennisbane word gespeel op Woensdae, Saterdae en vakansiedae vanaf 14:00. Almal welkom. Besoekersfooi op Saterdae R20 & Woensdae R10. Pringle Bay Fynbos market in your what’s on in the area. Next market is this Saturday 7th Nov. On 16th December the PB Art route artists will join the crafters for a busy market. 2nd January is the first one for 2016. Any traders can call Marion to book their space on: 074 505 1277 Community Hall Pringle Bay from 9.30am 3pm. Hope to see you all there. 21 Desember: Kerssang en Kerslig/ Carols by Candlelight tussen 18:00 en 21:00. Grasperk by die hoofstrand (bring piekniekmandjie en kombers) Almal welkom. 29 December: CANSA Spot the Spot.Free advice on skin spots by dermatologist. Under trees next to Kleinmond lagoon, 9h00 - 12h00. 29 Desember: KANSA. Gratis advies oor velmerke deur dermatoloog. Onder bome langs Kleinmondstrandmeer, 9h00 12h00 12 Januarie: Werkswinkel oor Vroeë Kind Ontwikkeling in Kleinmond. Boksies vir uksies tuissorg model. Van 14.00 tot 17.00 by die VGK Kleinmond, Proteadorp. Navrae: CJ Swart 082 908 9825 12 January: Workshop on Early Chirldhood Development in Kleinmond. Brilliant Boxes model. From 14.00 to 17.00 at the URC Kleinmond, Proteadorp. Enquiries: CJ Swart 082 908 9825. 14 Januarie: Fynbos Dienssentrum OPEN – Eerste etes word bedien. / Fynbos Service centre OPENS – First meals being served. Skakel / Contact Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) vir meer inligting / for more information. 02 Jan 2016 – Gugulethu Tenors • Gates open to concert-goers at 18h00 • Concert starts promptly at 19h00 Tickets will be available at the entrance Gate a week before the concert and on the day of the concert. Adults: R80 Children: 6 to 18 years: R40 06 Jan 2016 – Heinz Winckler • Gates open to concert goers at 18h00 • Concert starts promptly at 19h00 Tickets will be available at the entrance Gate a week before the concert and on the day of the concert. Adults: R60 Children: 6 to 18 years: R30 Phone the office on 028 – 272 9311 regarding tickets sales. Note: Botanical Society members and Senior Citizens pay full price. Bring family, friends and a picnic, watch the sun go down and enjoy the music.
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12 things to discover in Harbour Road Over the last 15 years or so Kleinmond’s Harbour Road has developed from a purely industrious fishing, flower packing and abalone research hub to a distinctive destination of culinary delight and retail enchantment. Modelled on the Cajun-style seaside villages dotting the southern US coastline, this colourful pedestrian-friendly street is full of little wonders to be discovered. Set a morning, an afternoon, a full day or even a few aside to explore it fully. Here are 12 things to discover while you’re at it: A good old fashioned soft serve ice cream
What would a seaside holiday be without at least one proper ice cream cone? A little sprinkling of magic long missing from Harbour Road, soft serve ice creams are now available from the ever adorable Sunset Café. You will find it hidden away below the embankment separating the main parking area from the actual harbour. It also serves waffles, milkshakes and floats, as well as diabetic ice cream. Books, books and more books Bookworms unite! With no less than two official bookshops PLUS a variety of other stores stocking second-hand volumes, Harbour Road is where you
want to be! Head to Between the Lines books at the top of the road for an intriguing mix of novels, esoteric, religious and Afrikana writings and to Harbour Books at the other end, for everything from R5 Mills & Boons to well-preserved collector’s items. If shelves and shelves of books leave you feeling a little overwhelmed, opt for Shopping Safari’s small, but quality collection of secondhand reading material – you’re almost sure to find a gem! Vintage goods and clothes Feeling nostalgic about your grandmother’s quaint kitchen furniture that gave the beach house that special holiday
feeling, but got chucked out in the name of more modern fashions (in the 90s - *sigh*)? Make your way to ANew, located in the far corner of the gravel parking area just off Harbour Road, to revel in charming trinkets, furniture, tea sets, vinyl records, décor and clothes from bygone eras. Hand-made décor Bella Bella is an absolute treasure trove for anyone with a penchant for stylish, minimalistic home décor. Think white linen, pastel-coloured quilts, forest creature-shaped wood carvings, dainty mobiles and ballet-inspired sketches. (continued on p 33)
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(continued from p 32) Great coffee and cake Indulging in a good dose of retail therapy can leave even the staunchest shopper a little jelly-legged and giddy. Luckily Harbour Road is home to refreshment stations a-plenty in the form of coffee shops and restaurants. Stoepsit Kaffee has offers a great vantage point of the passing parade, a sliver of sea view and a delectable selection of home-baked goodies. Snuggled into the cool garden courtyard shared with the Potter’s Gallery, Bistro 14 has an enchanting ambience and serves the kind of coffee that will keep even the biggest cappuccino snobs coming back for more! Seafood galore As with an ice cream cone, a seaside holiday is only complete once you’ve indulged in your favourite seafood
dish, preferably with a view. Harbour Road is a prime spot for all sorts of delicacies from the ocean – from classic hakecalamari-and-chip combos to sushi, mussels, oysters, prawns and even crayfish! If the view is a deal breaker, head straight to KabelJoe’s to enjoy a panoramic vista from one of its elevated decks. If you’re in the mood for a picnic on the rocks, the beach or your backyard, pop into Fisherman’s Takeaways for a mouth-watering parcel (hmmm… just smell that vinegar!). Unique pottery Apart from its delightful tea garden mentioned earlier, the Potter’s Gallery also has a shop where you can browse through and purchase unique pottery items hand-made by potter, Corinne. Her pieces are robust, earthy and utterly attractive. If your holiday budget is dwindling, not to worry! Rejects (continued on p 34)
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Die Overstrand Herald wens al sy lesers en adverteerders ‘n vreugdevolle en veilige feesgety toe! Ons kantoor is weer op 11 Januarie oop!
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12 things to discover in Harbour Road (continued from p 34) and seconds are also put up for sale at a reduced price, and hey, sometimes a flawed pot, plate or jug is the prettiest. Cocktails, beer and wine Whether you’re looking for an ice cold lunchtime beer, a refreshing glass of wine or a colourful cocktail to salute the sun, Harbour Road has places a-plenty to choose from. In the front line of restaurants alone, you will find an extensive cocktail menu at Le Rêve, a tantalising selection of local craft beers at Boathouse and all the staple refreshments your local-is-lekker heart can wish for at Gringo’s. A little further up the road Bistro 14 serves a variety of imported Belgian beers that you wouldn’t easily find elsewhere and Joe Lategan’s Photographic Gallery offers eye-catching photography with a side of
wonderful wine. Art accessories Located just off Harbour Road, Rainspider is a delight for anyone who loves to express their creativity through paints, pencils, pastels and bringing colour to blank canvasses. What makes the shop even more special is the fact that it stocks the sweetest miniature furniture designed specifically for doll’s houses. Silver jewellery with semiprecious stones The first thing you notice about Peace & Plenty is a hanging forest of shiny silver mobiles containing colourful, translucent stones, decorating the shop’s shady front porch. More of the same can be found inside, as well as an array of jewellery set with semiprecious stones – ranging from delicate silver pieces to rustic leather necklaces made by a
70-year-old hippie in the middle of the Karoo. Local art and photography Spend some time browsing through Harbour Road Art Gallery’s superb collection of fresh works produced mostly by local artists. From fascinating Picasso-inspired paintings by Geri Kruger to superb portraits by Charles van der Merwe (including one of Geri himself), sweet sculptures of hares and rabbits by Carol Slabolepszy to soulful oil paintings by Gavin Collins, the gallery is sure to capture your senses! Just a few shops up the road, Joe Lategan’s Photographic Gallery, offers a further opportunity for appreciation of the fine arts. His photographs cover a range of subjects from wildlife to rural landscapes and also a great deal of ocean-inspired scenes shot in Kleinmond and surrounds. They also offer photographic
walks and drives to a variety of local sites such as Harold Porter, Stony Point penguins and the surrounding Overberg. These excursions are headed up by Joe himself, who will offer advice and tutoring. Stylish holiday gear Floaty dresses, delicate scarves, beach wear and souvenir t-shirts – Harbour Road has it all! Village Vibe surf shop has everything you need to look hot and happening on the beach, while Shopping Safari is a great spot to get cute outfits for your kiddies or a comfy t-shirt to remind you of your holiday once you head home. For funky bracelets, necklaces, broaches and bags, check out The Fishing Cat and don’t forget to pop into the local boutique for one-of-akind items.
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The Bay Christian Family Church Kleinmond Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 8:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 06:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For information regarding registrations for 2015 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone Institute contact: 072 511 2311 (Antionette) Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 8th Avenue 37, Kleinmond Wednesdays: 20:00 “The word of God goes where no man can go. It does what no man can do, and it change when you don’t even think you need change” Victor 083 327 6753 / Adine 072 717 9075 A.G.S HEAL THE LAND Hoofweg 68, Kleinmond Pastoor Tewis De Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 / Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 Kinderdiens Woensdagaande 19:00 Jeug (C.R.C) Donderdagaande 19:00 Biduur en Bybelstudie. Almal welkom HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI
H/v Serruria en Watsonia Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik uit na ons volgende byeenkomste: Kerssangdiens 13 Desember om 09h30 by Lochnerhof Laerskoolsaal Somerset-Wes, 20, 27 Desember, 3, 10, 17 Januarie om 18h00 by bogenoemde adres in Bettysbaai. Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Brindley Pritchard 083 459 8903. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê.
Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Almal welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, Hoofweg. Ons laaste diens vir 2015 was Sondag 13 Desember. Die volgende diens is op 3 Januarie 2016. Sondagoggende 09:30. Navrae: Manie 082 331 3552/028 271 5592 / Gerrit 083 251 6039/028 271 3221 VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19H00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Debbie Hull: 083 529 7265 Jeug byeenkoms om 18H00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 9H00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19H00;
08:15 Kerk 08:30 Gras 09:00 Sentrum, Bettysbaai 10:00 Kerk
Ds. Hendrik Saayman Radio Kansel Ds. Daan Botha Ds. Hendrik Saayman
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 20 Des: Dr Kallie Opperman LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 Prayer meeting Tuesdays at 08:00 / Sunday Servies time at 09:30 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9901 / 028 272 9996 / 028 272 9875 20 Dec: 19:00 Christmas Carol Service / 25 Dec: 07:00 Christmas Service 27 Dec: 07:00 1st Sunday after Christmas KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 and Sunday School (two groups) Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707.Andrew Arendse 079 322 2357. Dienstye: 1ste Sondag 10:00 Morning Prayer; 2de Sondag: 10:00 Holy Eucharist / 3de Sondag: 10:00 Morning Prayer 4de Sondag: 07:30 Holy Eucharist / 5th Sunday Family Service: 10:00 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday Sundayschool 09:00 Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540 Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146 Priest Father Vincent Bastiaan 073 014 5149/028 284 9772 PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 17:30 Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father Pierre Goldie 078 824 5411 Christmas Mass times: 20 Dec: 19:00 Carol Service/ 24 Dec: 18:00 / 25 Dec: 09:30/ 26 Dec: 17:30 / 27 Dec: 09:30 DEUTSCHE EV.-LUTH.KIRCHENGEMEINDE STELLENBOSCH Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zum Gottesdienst mit Heiligem Abendmahl jeweils um 15h30 im Hause Kiessling Harbour Road 19 Kleinmond 24/12/2015: Weihnachtsgottesdienst mit Hannes Trauernicht in der Fellowship Church 72 6th Street Kleinmond. Gottesdienste 2016: 24/01/2016
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
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Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
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Kuns, kultuur en inkopies Lekker vakansie-lees is maklik met dié tweedehandse boekwinkels Vergeet om ‘n lekker leesboek in te pak vir die strand? Geen kommer! Met ‘n verskeidenheid tweede-handse boekwinkels in die streek sal jy sommer vinnigvinnig ietsie na jou smaak kry. Hier is ‘n paar om te besoek: Oupa se Boeke, 2de Straat en Haweweg Hierdie wonderwêreld van vergeelde papier en daardie kenmerkende ou boek reuk sal enige lees-liefhebber se tone van plesier laat omkrul. Of jy nou op soek is na ‘n cowboy verhaal, ‘n hygroman, wetenskapfiksie, geskiedenis, sielkunde of net ‘n goeie ou leesboek (en alles tussen-in), het Oupa, soos eienaar Fransie Krone vir Kleinmonders bekend staan, ietsie vir jou. Soveel so dat hy al sy versameling in twee verdeel het, met een winkel in Tweede Straat langs Allerlei geleë en die ander in Haweweg. Skuif maar ‘n paar uur opsy om die winkel/s te verken en dra maar ‘n sterk sak saam – die boeke se pryse is so bekostigbaar dat jy vir seker nie net met een sal uit
loop nie. Kleinmond Books, Haweweg ‘n Mengelmoes van romans, Christelike boeke, esoteriese skrywe, biografieë, kinderstories en geskiedkundige werke, is Kleinmond Books aan die bopunt van Haweweg nou eenmaal ‘n lekker plek om te
snuffel. Meeste gewone leesboeke kos minder as R50 en die kanse is baie goed dat jy ‘n winskopie van formaat kan losslaan. Pringle Bay Books, Pringle Cove winkelsentrum. Waar jy ook romans en ander lekker leesboeke hier kan kry, is Pringle Bay Books se groot aantrekking
hul versameling spesialiteit- en seldsame boeke. Dié rakke bied enigiets van klassieke Suid-Afrikaanse reisverhale deur Laurens van der Post na versamelings briewe deur Virginia Woolf. Daar is ‘n groot aanslag op SuidAfrikaanse skrywers, geskiedenis en verhale.
Lewendige musiek in Hangklip-Kleinmond die vakansie Trek jou dansskoene aan en maak reg om sommer lekker te skoffel, ‘jive’ en ruk en rol met hierdie lewendige vertonings om na uit te sien in die streek. periScope teater by periGators, Pringlebaai periScope het die afgelope paar jaar naam gemaak as een van die mees gesogte teaters vir lewendige musiekvertonings in die plattelandse en kus dorpe in Kaapstad se omliggende gebiede. Gedurende die feesseisoen kan musiekliefhebbers uitsien na vertonings deur groot name soos Valiant Swart (20 Desember, R60 per persoon),
Laurie Levine & Josie Fields (23 Desember, R60 per persoon), Mel Botes (3 Januarie, R60 per persoon) en Robin Auld Trio (9 Januarie, R100 per persoon), sowel as ‘n paar minder bekendes soos Mono.Pony (17 Desember, gratis toegang), Matt Carstens (1 Januarie, gratis toegang) en Saarkie (7 Januarie, gratis toegang). Besoek gerus www.perigators. om ‘n volle lys van vertonings te sien. Bespreking is in meeste gevalle noodsaaklik en kan gedoen word deur 028 273 8147 te skakel. Harold Porter Nasionale Botaniese Tuin, Bettysbaai
Buiten die jaarlikse ‘Carols by Candlelight’ wat op Saterdag, 19 Desember plaasvind hierdie jaar, (R40 vir grootmense en R20 vir kinders), bied Harold Porter Nasionale Botaniese Tuin ook twee opwindende buitelug konserte. Op 2 Januarie sal die Gugulethu Tenors optree
(R80 vir grootmense en R40 vir kinders), terwyl Heinz Winckler 6 Januarie op die verhoog sal verskein (R60 vir grootmense, R30 vir kinders). Om meer oor die buitelug konserte en Carols uit te vind, skakel gerus 028 272 9311.
Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
Last-minute gifts The festive season can be a pretty chaotic time for everyone, which means that slipping up on remembering to buy a gift for every single relative can happen to anyone. However, just because you’re 50km away from the closest mall, it doesn’t mean that you’re in trouble. Hangklip-Kleinmond offers some excellent shopping opportunities. Harbour Road, Kleinmond Inspired by the colourful fishing villages of North America, Kleinmond’s Harbour Road has become one of the Western Cape’s sought-after coastal shopping destinations. To enjoy it to the full, ask a relative without any shopping inclinations to drop you off, so you don’t need to find a parking and spend an entire morning or afternoon strolling from shop to shop. Buy beautiful hand-made crockery at The Potter’s Garden, pretty trinkets at The Fishing Cat, art supplies and dollhouse furnishings at Rainspider, sexy surf gear at Village Vibe, or delicate jewellery and semiprecious stones at Peace & Plenty. There are also a variety of shops stocking quaint vintage items, interior decorations and boutique clothing. Finally, spruce up any gift with a sweet, yet healthy selection of goodies from Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts. Pringle Bay CBD Pringle Bay is a bustling hub of creativity and if you know where to look, you’re bound to discover the most delightful, unique gifts. In the Pringle Cove
centre you will find educational toys and colourful furniture for kids at Clever Little Monkey, delicious home-baked goods at the farmyard-inspired deli and fascinating second-hand reads at Pringle Bay books. Fynbos Enterprises is located just around the corner and offers a range of candles, liqueurs and beauty products, all hand-made by owner Sunra Mostert and her husband Flip from locally sourced raw ingredients. Charm the sweet tooth in your life with a packet of delectable Tickle Mouse biscuits bought from the factory shop in the heart of Pringle Bay and visit the Saturday market outside Miems restaurant for quaint trinkets you may not find elsewhere. Creative Visions gift shop, Betty’s Bay Located in the same bright building as Café Jack, Creative Visions offers a range of locallyproduced arts and crafts as well as a selection of generic gifts to thrill anyone with a creative streak. John the Potter Ceramics, Betty’s Bay Specialising in the Japanese method or Raku firing, John Ellis has set up a little pottery wonderland in his gallery located right next to Clarence Drive in Betty’s Bay. While you can pop in just to admire his work, gifting one of his handcrafted pieces is sure to be a hit with anyone lucky enough to receive it. Not sure what someone will like? No problem! You can purchase a gift voucher too!
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Overstrand Herald
21 Desember 2015
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Overstrand Herald
SPERTYE: ADVERTENSIES Dinsdae voor 12:00 BERGITE Dinsdae voor 16:00
21 Desember 2015
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