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Achieving Results: CNR Station

The CNR Station is home to the City’s Tourism operations, and the Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum. Water penetration of the basement has historically been an issue, and this project aimed to remove mold and ensure the basement stays dry.

Before After


All contents contaminated with mold were removed, abatement was completed, and air quality tested. Staff also snaked, cleaned and flushed the drainage pipe under the floor.

The basement is now drier than it has been in the last 10 years.

Achieving Results: Kelso Washroom

The washroom at Kelso Beach at Nawash Park closest to the beach was past its life expectancy, not accessible, and not in an ideal location. Its removal creates additional beach space, and design and construction of a new washroom facility is included in the 2024-2025 capital forecast.

Before After

Poor infrastructure combined with heavy water damage made this building unsafe. The Washroom was demolished and removed, and beach sand was hauled in as a backfill from the footprint of the building.

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