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Commitment to Gender Equity
Mississippi University for Women (MUW) NCAA Eligibility Regulations
Student-athletes will be allowed to represent Mississippi University for Women in intercollegiate athletics competition provided they meet all applicable eligibility requirements and have been certified as eligible by the University. All student-athletes who are in good academic standing and meet minimum Mississippi University for Women and NCAA standards will be eligible to compete in intercollegiate athletics. Any student-athlete who is not in good academic standing and does not meet minimum Mississippi University for Women and NCAA standards will be ineligible to compete in intercollegiate athletics.
Before participation in intercollegiate competition each academic year, a student-athlete shall sign a statement in a form prescribed by the NCAA Division III Management Council in which the studentathlete submits information related to eligibility, recruitment, financial aid, amateur status, previous positive drug tests administered by any other athletics organization and involvement in organized gambling activities related to intercollegiate and professional athletics competition under the NCAA’s governing legislation. Failure to complete and sign the statement shall result in the student-athlete’s ineligibility for participation in all intercollegiate competition.
To be eligible to represent Mississippi University for Women in intercollegiate athletics competition, a student-athlete shall be enrolled in a full-time program of studies (12 semester hours minimum), be in good academic standing and maintain satisfactory progress toward a baccalaureate degree. A studentathlete’s eligibility shall be determined by information provided by the Department of Athletics and by information contained in the Registrar’s Office and certified by the Registrar, Director of Compliance and the Faculty Athletics Representative. Standards of athletics eligibility are set forth in NCAA Bylaw, Article 14, and are highlighted below: Academic Status (14.01.2)
To be eligible to represent an institution in intercollegiate athletics competition, a student-athlete shall be enrolled in at least a minimum full-time program of studies, be in good academic standing and maintain satisfactory progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree. A student-athlete enrolled in a two-year program shall be eligible only if that student-athlete was admitted to the institution under the same standards as four-year degree-seeking students and if the two-year degree program is not a terminal program. A waiver of the minimum full-time enrollment requirement may be granted for a student enrolled in the final term of the baccalaureate program (see Bylaw Also, a student may represent the institution while enrolled as a graduate or professional student or while enrolled and seeking a second baccalaureate degree at the same institution (see Bylaw 14.1.9)
Good Academic Standing ( To be eligible to represent an institution in intercollegiate athletics competition, a student-athlete shall be in good academic standing as determined by the academic authorities who determine the meaning of such phrases for all students of the institution, subject to controlling legislation of the conference(s) or similar association of which the institution is a member. 32
Good Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress (14.02.5)
The phrases “good academic standing” and “satisfactory progress” are to be interpreted at each member institution by the academic officials who determine the meaning and application of such phrases for all students, subject to the controlling regulations of the institution; the conference(s) (or similar associations), if any, of which the institution is a member; and applicable NCAA legislation (see Bylaw 14.4).
1) Full-time student athletes must maintain a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. Should a student-athlete fall below 12 credit hours, he/she will become immediately ineligible for practice and competition (Note: Mississippi University for Women student-athletes may not make changes to their advisor-approved academic schedule [drop or add] without the written approval of their advisor, the Registrar or her designee, and the Director of Athletics or designee).
2) In the last semester of a student-athlete’s senior year he/she may carry fewer than 12 credit hours if he/she is registered for the appropriate number of courses required to complete the degree requirements. Degree Audit must approve this reduced load in writing.
3) A student-athlete must complete his/her four seasons of eligibility during the first ten semesters he/she is enrolled at the University.
4) A student who transfers (see Bylaw 14.5) to a member institution from any collegiate institution is required to complete one full academic year of residence at the certifying institution before being eligible to compete for or to receive travel expenses from the member institution (see Bylaw, unless the student satisfies the applicable transfer requirements or receives an exception or waiver as set forth in this section.
Mississippi University for Women Eligibility Definitions and Regulations
The Mississippi University for Women Bulletin, published by the Office of the Registrar, is the authority for all University academic and eligibility definitions and policies, and is available online at the University website (www.bulletin.muw.edu).
An overview of key University eligibility definitions and regulations pertaining to athletics participation is listed below:
Good Academic Standing
A quality point index (Mississippi University for Women attempted hours x 2) is calculated for each student at the end of each semester or summer session, by dividing the number of quality points earned at The W by the number of semester hours attempted at The W. All students are expected to maintain a 33