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Athletics Budget
V. Describe the policies for awarding financial aid and compliance with NCAA policies regarding financial aid. What are the per student averages for scholarships, grants in aid, work-study, other work opportunities, etc.
All students-athletes or non-athletes-are all packaged and treated with the same standards. Education and communication are essential in this process. It is vital that all of our constituent groups, especially our athletics staff, the financial aid office and the student-athletes understand that financial aid awarding is not based on athletics leadership, ability, participation or performance. Our athletic staff and student-athletes are provided this information throughout the process, but also through our compliance educational sessions and our opening meetings with each of our teams. The Financial Aid Office participated in the NCAA Financial Aid videoconference with the NCAA staff which confirmed that no financial aid shall be awarded to any student conditioned upon his or her ability, participation or leadership in intercollegiate athletics and that the NCAA Division III financial aid rules will be followed at all times. We conduct and will conduct an annual review of Bylaw 15 and utilize the Staying Compliant with Division III document to provide open discussion to ensure compliance. We complete and will continue to complete the Financial Aid Report which calls for the equitable treatment of studentathletes and other students within the domain of the financial aid packaging process. We are confident that we have the policies, procedures and processes in place to ensure compliance with this requirement. Of note, since 2003, the University has not awarded athletic scholarships, because of the decision to cancel the women’s sports programs (formerly NCAA II). In 2017, the University began bringing back sports for women and creating opportunities for men by establishing men’s sports’ teams. The University's Financial Aid Department establishes the standards and follows the standards set forth to them.
The Mississippi University for Women Financial Aid programs operate on the premise that college costs are primarily an individual and family responsibility, and University merit and need based assistance allows students and their families to make college more accessible and affordable. The academic scholarship is the foundation of every financial aid package. This scholarship is awarded by an Office of Admission Advocate using a matrix based upon high school and/or college academic performance measures. Academic award amounts are set annually by the University, and are assigned to prospective students at the time of their application to the University via the Office of Admission. Awards are renewable annually. There are additional supplemental scholarships available such as church matching, arts scholarships and scholarships in specific colleges within the University.
Office of Admission is aware of all scholarship possibilities and work individually with prospective students and their families to create appropriate financial aid packages, and to complete their Financial Aid file. Following the academic scholarship, students may qualify for additional need-based aid. Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Teachers Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH), Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Mississippi State Grants, and/or Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG). All financial assistance 43