5 minute read
Athletic Facility Evaluation & Map
1. Complete facility walk-through prior to the event and ensure the facility is Game Ready prior to teams, fans and visitors arriving. This includes bathrooms, bench areas, playing surface, press box/ scoring table, parking, and surrounding areas to the facility.
2. The Game Day Administrator, staff of the in-season sport and teams for teams staff designee are to set up sound (unless pre-installed), scoreboard, signage and all pre-game equipment (nets, screens, goals) prior to pre-game activities. The team for teams sport operating the game will assist the events staff with breaking down the facility.
3. Floor cleaning, raking, dragging, and all other playing surface prep work is to be done by the head coach/ team of the sport participating. The game staff does not perform these duties. However, sweeping the court for basketball/ volleyball between sets/ halves/ games will be done by the support staff (teams for teams).
4. The Game Day Administrator is in charge of assigning game day duties to his/her staff (graduate assistants). Each sport will have specific requirements for the event staff (i.e. scoreboard, book, music, setup/breakdown, etc.)
5. Any lines that need to be painted are done by the head coach or team staff member. This includes pre-game, in between games, and practices. Training the student-athletes to do this properly is an option.
6. If there is a problem, please identify the issue with the appropriate sport, head coach or staff unless the situation is emergent. Non-emergent issues should be documented and brought to the attention of the Director of Athletics and Campus Recreation the next day.
7. Make yourself familiar with emergency support services. Your job is to administrate a safe and enjoyable game experience for student-athletes, officials, and spectators. Behavior that is contradictory to the positive game environment will not be tolerated and must be dealt with in a professional manner. Utilize campus police for assistance with unruly spectators/ participants.
1. Arrive no less than 90 minutes prior to the game. 2. Introduce yourself to the officials. 3. Introduce yourself to the visiting head coach. 4. Ensure that the facility is game ready by touching base with MUW facilities staff, athletic communications and our head coach prior to teams arriving. 5. Follow the Teams for Teams chart and assign workers to the appropriate areas. 6. Sit near or at the scorer's table/ press box or in a visible spot. 7. The officials or ref's control the game - we make sure the rest is running appropriately. 8. If there is a problem please identify the issue with an area head unless the situation is emergent. 51
9. Make yourself familiar with emergency support services. 10. Remain at the game for 30 minutes after the contest or until both teams have left the playing facility. 11. Any emergent issues must be reported to the Director of Athletics immediately. A summary of the issue should be made in writing with as much detail as possible. If there is video, retain a copy of the incident. 12. If security is at the event - be sure to introduce yourself. 13. If there are visiting administrator(s) introduce yourself and allow them to sit in an appropriate area. 14. Work with Sports Information staff to ensure all game essential equipment is operating. 15. Athletic training staff is to be on the field/ court for pre-game when activities start. Water and ice are to be in the dugouts/ benches prior to activities. Use the home team to assist with executing this. Your job is to administrate a safe and enjoyable game experience for student-athletes, officials, and spectators. Behavior that is contradictory to the positive game environment will not be tolerated and must be dealt with in a professional manner. Utilize campus police for assistance with unruly spectators/ participants.
• The Mississippi University for Women has our own Police Department. The MUW Police
Department provides professional law enforcement services to The W community. Our department’s personnel is committed to being approachable and strives to ensure that The W faculty, staff, and visitors have a pleasant experience. Officers routinely patrol campus and surrounding areas to maintain a visible presence. While our principal objective is to "protect and serve," our ultimate goal is to enhance and preserve the quality of life, learning opportunities, and life experiences of each member of The W community. We recognize that in order to accomplish our goal, we must establish professional and trusting relationships on campus. • The mission of the MUW Police Department to safeguard persons and property through preparedness and vigilance. The department holds true to the customer-service policing philosophy. Its members shall continually strive for excellence in service, training and professional development. • For extended security and crowd control we have a member of the campus security team at or near each event. Their presence helps the administrator maintain a level of safety at the event.
Workers are also strategically placed throughout the venue to monitor the crowd and notify the administrator or campus security of any issues.
Crowd Control Policy
• We have a public announcement encouraging good sportsmanship prior to the start of each contest. Repetitive statements in game day public announcements, programs, media guides help reinforce the message of good sportsmanship. • We may designate seating location of all groups in the venue (i.e. Separate fans, students, etc.) to avoid areas of possible confrontations. 52
• We will strategically place our security personnel in possible problem areas as it relates to the fan base and access to the playing field/court. When possible, we will keep the same security people in the same key areas to establish contact and relationships with fans. • We will have assigned staff and security on watch for dangerous objects, alcohol, etc. entering the venue. • When videotaping the game, we will continue to videotape the activity on the playing field/court after the team has left the playing surface. • We as an athletic department will continue to communicate to our student-athletes, coaches and staff their role in promoting good sportsmanship among the fans. • We as an athletic department will encourage our student groups to buy-in to spirited, but respectful and safe support of school teams.