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Developing A Community Based Management Model of Lesan River Protection Forest


Record Date: _________________________

Proposal Number: _______________________

Note: _________________________________________________________________________________ Result:



PART A – DATA OF APPLICANT 1. Name of organization:Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) 2. Address: Taman Cimanggu, Jl. Akasia III Blok P VI No. 4 Bogor-Jawa Barat

3. Type of organization:


❒Foundation ❒Association❒University❒Others

Legality Document:Notary Deed Hamid Prioegi, SH No.: Deed No. 01 date 1 October 2004,Establishment ofOrganization:Date 1 October 2004. Adjustment of the institution legality according new foundation law: Notary Deed Ny. Yatni Sudiyatni, SH No. 05 date 19 August 2013.Concerning that the foundation name should be in Bahasa Indonesia, we adjust the name of Operation Wallacea Trust, so that its abbreviation is still OWT (because this name has become our brand), to become Operasi Wallacea Terpadu (OWT). With the change of deed, besides complying with the foundation law and regulation, the institution domicile which was formerly in Baubau, Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, was moved to Bogor, West Java. 4. No. NPWP Organisasi :03.317.511.8-404.00 5. Organization goal:Empowering community for conservation, empowermentof community and government in managing natural resources and environment 6. Person in charge: Dr. Edi PurwantoPosition:Chairman of Foundation 7. Telephone no.:




+62 251 8111145 HP:08129655233 8. Email: purwanto.owt@gmail.com

Website: www.owt.or.id

9. Management structure of organization (name of Governing Board, Executive Board, and Supervisory Board, and division name within the organization:


Governing Board

Supervisory Board Chairman

HRD and Administration Manager

Research & Development Division  HHBK specialist  Forestry, Agriculture, and Plantation specialist  Livestock specialist  RE specialist  SIG specialist  Governance specialist

Program Manager

Finance Manager

Media and Communication Manager

Area Coordinator

 Film specialist  Graphic & Design specialist  IT specialist

Subdistrict Facilitator

Governing Board: Ilham Budi Santoso, Enggar Widyastuti. Supervisory Board: Daning Nursilasari Executive Board: Chairman: Edi Purwanto; Secretary: Ujang Susep Irawan;Treasurer: Aryudi Reza Fifthdianto Staff Number: 25 people 10. Number of projects done by your organization in the last three years: 15projects 11. Mention name of project, period of project, name of donor, and project’s budget which have been carried 1

out in the last three years: Period Name of Project



Name of Donor

Budget Project

Community Based Fishery Management in Kaledupa Island, Wakatobi National Park PNPM-Green in South and SE Sulawesi Provinces PNPM-Green in West Sumatera and BengkuluProvinces Feasibility Study on Productive-Use of Energy in Mamasa and Luwu Utara Districts. Grand-Design of Community Entrepreneurship on Coconut Value-Added in Silo Bonto Village, Asahan District, North Sumatra Capacity Building on Catchment Areas Management and Conservation to Sustain Micro-Hydro Power Scheme in Mamasa and Agam Districts, West Sumatera Training Material on Community Based Catchment Area Rehabilitation and Protection Agroforestry and Forestry (AgFor) Program in Kolaka and Konawe Selatan Districts, SE Sulawesi Province Productive Use of Energy pilot projects in South and West Sulawesi



Darwin Initiative

USD 750,000



CIDA/World Bank

USD 1,466,600



DANIDA/World Bank

USD 265,000



USD 12,000



GIZ, Kombifnanzierung Indonesien, Komp2 (Endev) PT Johnson Home Hygiene Product (Baygon)



The Royal Danish Embassy

1,483,949 DKK



World Bank/Pamsimas

IDR 150 millions




USD 320,000



GIZ Kombifnanzierung Indonesien, Komp2 (Endev)

IDR 260 millions

USD 20,000


Training on microhydro power Management Team in North Sulawesi, South and SE Sulawesi Provinces Design communication strategy to promote management effectiveness of ASEAN Heritage Parks Assessment on Human and Institutional Capacity Building Needs in South East Asia A National Communication Strategy on Invasive Alien Species Management in Indonesia Develop Awareness Film on Pamsimas II: Pamsimas Concept and Cycle, Procedure on village selection, and Sub-projects Menu. Technical Assistant for Sustainable Mangrove Rehabilitation Post Project PNPM-Green at Bola Sub-District, Wajo District, South Sulawesi





GIZ Kombifnanzierung Indonesien, Komp2 (Endev)

IDR 900 millions


GIZ/Asean Biodiversitatszentrum

1000 EUR


GIZ/Asean Biodiversitatszentrum

USD 34, 218


UNEP/GEF//Litbang Kehutanan

USD 30,000


World Bank/Pamsimas

IDR 150 millions


The Ramsar Regional Center-East Asia (RRC-EA)

KRW 12,500,000

12. Mention at least three names of donors which can give references related to performance of your organization:

Name of Donor CIDA

Name of contact person Hari M. Basuki (Senior Program Officer Canadian Embassy – Jakarta)

Address World Trade Centre, 6th Floor. Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29-3 PO Box 8324 / JKS.MP Jakarta 12920

Telephone Number& E-mail Phone : (021) 2550 – 7800 (reception) (021) 2550 – 7813 (direct) Fax : (021) 2550 – 7813 E-mail : 3

Hari.basuki@international.gc.ca World Bank – PNPM Mandiri Support Facility (PSF) Danida



World Bank – Pamsimas

Susanne Holste – Lead Social Development Specialist

Jl. Diponegoro No. 72 Jakarta 10310 – Indonesia

Devina Fitrika D. Anasruron – Programme officer

Embassy of Denmark – Jakarta Menara Rajawali, 25th Floor / Kuningan, 12350 – Jakarta Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH ACE (Asean Centre for Energy) Building, 6th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-2 Kav. 7-8 12950 Jakarta – Indonesia German Development Cooperation GIZ Office Indonesia, Menara BCA, 48th fllor. Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta Indonesia

Rudolf Rauch – GIZ Programme Director Renewable Energy

Dina Susanti

George Soraya

Bursa Efek Indonesia Building Tower 2, 12th Floor. Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52 – 53, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Phone : (021) 3148175 HP : 0811 1085 206 E-mail : Sholste@worldbank.org Phone : (021) 576 1478 Ext. 117 HP : 0815 9500 739 E-mail : Devana@um.dk Phone : (021) 527 8025 Fax : (021) 527 7762 E-mail : Rudolf.rauch@giz.de Web : www.giz.de

Phone: (021) 2396019 Email: dina.susanti@giz.de

E-mail : Gsoraya@worldbak.org

13. If your organization in partnership with other organizations for this proposal, mention names of partner organizations and attach profiles of the partner organization: Name of Partner Organization Yakobi

Nemdoh Nemkay

Name of contact person Gilang Ramadhan (Ketua)

Samuel Hatsong (Sekretaris)

Address Jln. Dr. Sutomo No. 9 Tanjung Redeb 77311Berau, Kaltim Kampung Lesan Dayak, Kecamatan Kelay Kab. Berau

Telephone Number& E-mail HP : 085346809591 Email : gramadhan@yakobi.org HP : 085250522276 Email : hatsong_samuel@yahoo.co.id 4

Makmur Jaya

Rahman (Ketua)

Kampung Sidobangen , Kecamatan Kelay, Kab. Berau

HP : 082149278556

14. Information on bank account of the organization (account name should be the organization name, account number, name and branch of the bank, address of the bank): PT BANK Negara Indonesia(Persero) Tbk, Kantor Cabang PembantuCimanggu, Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No. 1 Kav A. Bogor, Telp;/Fax: (0251) 7543064,No. Rekening Giro (Rupiah) Operasi Wallacea Terpadu (OWT): 0311178038. PART B – PROPOSAL GENERAL INFORMATION 15. Title of Proposal: Developing A Community Based Management Model of Lesan River Protection Forest 16. Project location: Kawasan Hutan Lindung Sungai Lesan (HLSL), Kecamatan Kelay Kabupaten Berau, Pendampingan Lintas kampung di sekitar HLSL dilakukan di 4 Kampung,: Sidobangen, Merapun, Muara Lesan dan Lesan Dayak. Periksa Peta di Lampiran 2. 17. Time Period: Time period of the project is 4,5 years (54months), consists of four phases, i.e: (a)Diagnostic phase (6months), (b)Capacity improvement phase (12 months), (c)Collaborative management phase(24months), and (d)Exit strategy phase (12 months). 18. Proposed budget in total: Total budget proposed to be funded by TFCA program isRp 11.037.450.000, contribution(cost-sharing) OWT is Rp,- consists of awareness material and training material (Rp 500.000.000,-)and operational car/Strada double cabin (Rp 500.000.000,-). Total cost of the project is Rp. 12.037.450.000. 19. Name of Other Donor: At time of the proposal submission (12 October 2013), we have not submitted any other proposal to other donors. In the future we will invite partners and other donors to support this program. PARTC – PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION (no more than 20 pages) 20. Context of the project (among others explain background of the problems that should be overcome, how the project can help to solve the problems, and justified reasons why this project is important to gain funding from TFCA Kalimantan Program; explanation is no more than 1 page): Lesan River Protection Forest/HLSL with an area of ± 11.342,61 ha, is located at heights of 40 to 430 m above the sea level; it is a representative of lowland forest in Berau District which is still in good condition, 85% of which is log over forest in healthy condition and dominated by Dipterocarpaceae family. HLSL is the important habitat of Orangutan/Pongo pygmaeus (population 1,5-4,64 head/km², TNC, 2006), Storm Stork/Bangau Storm (Ciconia stormi), 5

Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus), Long tail monkey/Monyet ekor panjang (Macaca facicularis), Black Kangkareng/Kangkareng Hitam (Anthrococerus malayanus), Lizard/Biawak (Varanus salvator) and Rangkong Bird/Burung Rangkong (Aceros cassidix). It becomes source of livelihood for its surrounding community, i.e., the source of animal protein and various types of non forest product. As a protection forest, Sungai Lesan Protection Forest/HLSL has an important hydro-orologic function for its surrounding areas, the areas is the water catchment areas (DTA) of Pesan River and Leja River which the estuary is in Lesan River. The damage of HLSL ecosystem will give impact on the degradation of downstream watershed, especially the increasing sedimentation of Kelay River which estuary is in Tanjung Redeb. Since 2001, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has facilitated community empowerment, the drafting of spatial planning and wild life survey in HLSL. Since 2008, Civil Community Organization/OMS has started to grow and supported TNC activities, among others: (a) Menapak, facilitates the social economic strengthening of Non-Government Group/Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) Makmur Jaya, Sidobangen and KSM Nemdoh Nemkay, Lesan Dayak; (b) YAKOBI facilitates KSM Nemdoh Nemkay in assisting environmental education; (c) World Education, facilitates: (i) the drafting of spatial planning of Sidobangen, Merapun and Merabu; (ii) the drafting of village regulation (Perkam) in Sidobangen, Merabu, and (iii) cultivation of rubber and peanut in Merabu and Lesan Dayak Village. At least four important problems are threathening HLSL sustainability: (a) low governance of forest; (b) limited source of livelihood surrounding HLSL; (c) decreasing quality of HLSL ecosystem; (d) speed rate of forest convertion into palm oil plantation and forest plantation surrounding HLSL. The problems were caused by ineffective and not optimum management of HLSL. This project is aimed to empower the management institution of HLSL (KPHP Model Berau Barat), community and stakeholders of HLSL to improve the effectiveness of HLSL management, furthermore this project is also aimed to improve land cover quality inside and nearby HLSL to improve ecosystem quality, biodiversity, and increase carbon stock and reduce on-site or off-site carbon emission. The increasing off-site carbon stock is done through smart practice replication of HLSL management outside the project location. Besides facilitating sustainable utilization of HLSL for local community, this project is also tried to manage private sector pressure in surrounding HLSL through technical assistance in managing (High Conservation Value/HCV) area in consession area, certification and advocation of CSR fund utilization to sustain HLSL and develop sustainable village resources. Strategy and steps of community involvement will refer to Methodology and Operation Framework of Community Involvement/Kerangka Metodologi dan Operasional Pelibatan Masyarakat (KMOPM) in PKHB which has been developed by TNC and implemented in Merabu and Long Duhung Village, Berau District, see Annex 1. Community based management of HLSL in this project will refer to the Ministry of Forestry’s Decree/Permenhut No. P.6/Menhut-II/2010 about Norms, Standard, Procedure and Criteria of Forest Management in Protection Forest Management Unit/Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) and Production Forest Management Unit/Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi (KPHP) which allows the area’s utilization for collecting non-timber forest products. (HHBK/non timber forest products), ecotourism and environmental services by surrounding forest community without disturbing land cover and its function for protection. We consider this project is very strategic for PKHB and TFCA Kalimantan, because: (a) HLSL condition is still relatively good and now it has a concrete management institution, i.e. KPHP Model West Berau, thus the effective management will provide high benefit value for the people, for sustaining biodiversity, improving hydrology function and increasing carbon stock; (b) HLSL has a moderate area and good accessibility, it is worth to manage effectively and potential as the show-window for TFCA and PKHB (c) HLSL is potential to be developed as scientific ecotourism area for students, foreign and local researchers. Reviewing its geographic location which is near marine tourism Derawan Island (about 100 km); it is worth to be ecotourism replica, as what we developed in Lambusango Forest (2004-2008) which has become an integrated tourism destination with Wakatobi National Park. Becoming the wellknown ecotourism destination in the world, at least 600 student/university student/researcher from UK and US come to Lambusango Forest for scientific expedition every year; (d) The high opportunity to create sustainable green livelihoods such as rubber, coffee, pepper, fruits or HHBK (agarwood, honey, orchid, rattan, etc.) in this area will increase the community’s quality of life so that they can sustain their forest independently; (e) The management success of HLSL will give impact to increasing stock and reduction of carbon emission of which the trend we monitor 6

using the standard of Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) prior, during, and post intervention; (f) No less important issue, the successful management of HLSL and the lessons learnt gained will become the input for the development of forest protection management pattern which has no role model up to now; (g) To strengthen the mentoring process, we will invite our partners, among others are ASEAN Centre for Biodivesrsity (ACB) to support the research on The economic of ecosystem and biodiversity (TEEB), Climate changes impacts to biodiversity; Tropenbos International-Indonesia Programme in research and mentoring of HCV and RSPO/ISPO certification for palm oil plantation in surrounding HLSL, productive landscape management, mine reclamation/ecosystem where all the funding activities will be covered by each institution; (h) The management success of HLSL will become an important milestone for development model of sustainable forest in Kalimantan; (i) Big lessons learnt will be gained from the management experience of HLSL which will become the source of inspiration in implementing REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhancing forest carbon stock in developing countries) and effort to replicate the implementation of sustainable forest management at national, regional (ASEAN) or internasional level. 21. Mention purpose and project indicator and explain in detail how the purpose and indicator can be in line and contribute to the achievement of the purpose and indicator of TFCA Kalimantan Program (see Implementation Plan to learn about purpose and indicator of TFCA Kalimantan in detail; explanation is no more than 1 page): First goal:Protecting and increasing landscape productivity of HLSL as carbon stock and carbon absorption, environmental services, biodiversity and protection of water catchment area. The first goal of this project is to contribute to carbon emission reduction effort done through:(a)Protection of the ecosystem integrity to stabilize carbon stock through controlling forest convertion, illegal logging, forest encroachment and forest fire; (b) Forest and land rehabilitation (RHL) with local indigenous types, multi purposes tree species (MPTS) orhigh quality timber species (HQTS) either from enriching and or full rehabilitation inside and outside HLSL as part of the climate change mitigation effort. The protection effort of ecosystem integrity is in line with the first goal of TFCA Kalimantan, namely protecting forest biodiversity which has important value, rare and endangered ecosystem and species, watershed ecosystem services, connectivity between forest ecology zone, and forest corridor which benefit biodiversity and climate change, at local, national, and global level. Meanwhile, RHL effort is in line with the third goal of TFCA Kalimantan, i.e. conducting various activities to reduce emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation to achieve relatively significant emission reduction in target regency by still supporting the implementation of biodiversity conservation. Second goal:Developing source of low emission sustainable livelihood (non-extractive) based on HHBK, plant cultivation, ecotourism, and new renewable energy. The development of source of livelihood for surrounding community of HLSL is done using two approaches:(a)Utilization of HHBK/non wood forest products (agarwood, rattan, honey, mushrooms, orchids, etc.) in a sustainable way, including ecotourism development, and utilization of water energy to develop ecotourism, andutilization ofwater energy for pico-hydro power plant; (b)Development of low emission livelihood outside HLSL, through the development of potential agriculture, plantation, forestry, HHBK, agarwood agroforestry and rubber agroforestry or the combination of both. It is hoped that the two approaches can increase people income from forest withsustainable consideration and opening opportunity for new low emission livelihood nearby HLSL. It is in line and contributing to the second goal of TFCA Kalimantan,i.e. increasing people livelihood in nearby forest area through sustainable management of natural resources and utilization of community land which has low emission orientation, but still pay attention to forest protection rules. Third goal: Replicating smart practice of HLSL management to regional and national levels. This project will document and promote smart practice of community based management of HLSL which gives impact on reducing emission, increasing stock and carbon absorption; the various smart practicesare hopefully able to 7

encourage management initiation of sustainable forest inside and outside Berau Regency, especially the sustainable forest management with REDD+ scheme, so that this goal is in line and contributing to the fourth goal of TFCA Kalimantan, i.e. giving support to exchange ideas and sharing experiences related to the implementation of forest conservation and REDD+ program in Indonesia and informing national conservation progress and REDD+ framework. Project goal indicator and its suitability with TFCA indicator: Goal Indicator 1: (1.1)Increasing trees canopy coverof HLSL and 4 nearby villages for 5% of the baseline condition; (1.2)Increasing carbon stock/absorption of HLSL and 4 nearby villages for 5% out of the baseline condition; (1.3) The developed utilization of HLSL environmental services through ecotourism business; (1.4)The addition of effective area of DTA protection, including HCV managed by private sector in nearby HLSL for 5%; (1.5)The increasing population of local flagship types of trees in HLSL area and 4 nearby villages for 5%; and(1.6) The decrease of area conflict compared to baseline condition. Successful protection and DTA (PR-DTA) rehabilitation indicator is the increasing number of trees population which add effective area of DTA Protection Pesan and Leja River, it is in line with goal indicator 1 TFCA poin 3, i.e. additional area (hectar) of main DAS (watershed) area, under an effective management in Kalimantan. The increasing trees population broadenscanopy cover thus increasing carbon stock and absorption; the steadiness of area status and effectiveness of HLSL management will guarantee carbon stock stability in the long run. It is in line with Goal Indicator 3 of TFCA point 1, i.e. area addition (hectar) of forest protection with high carbon stock and high or moderate threat under effective management in Kalimantan. Successful indicator of HLSL protection and safety collaboration is area conflict reduction, more manageable pressure within the area by the growing utilizationbusiness of environmental services (ecotourism, etc). Both indicators are conducieve for ecosystem protection so that support the viability of protected plants and animals (orangutan, long tail monkey and native species), in line with point 2 of Goal Indicator 1 TFCA, i.e. the increasing percentage of the viability of orangutan population, long tail monkey and local species. Goal Indicator 2: (2.1) At least 50 households (RT) which livelihood increase and or potential to increase from the utilization of HHBK; (2.2) At least 50 households which livelihood increase and or potential to increase from plant cultivation; (2.3) At least 50 households which livelihood and income increase from ecotourism source; (2.4) At least 50 households which livelihood and or household spending for consumption reduce due to source availability of new renewable energy. The indicator of sustainable livelihood management is the availability of livelihood variety choices in accordance with natural resources potential and local community typhology, it is in line withpoint 1 of goal indicator 2 TFCA, i.e., forest dependant householdswhich increase in income and source of livelihood (for types of permanent or subsistent work). Goal Indicator 3: (3.1) There are 3villages outside HLSL in Berau Regency, which replicate smart practice of natural resource preservation at HLSL. The replication of smart practice in community based of low emission ecosystem management of HLSL is in line with point 1 of goal indicator 4 TFCAKalimantan, i.e. funding model of sustainable forest carbon which can be replicated. 22. Mention outcome and outcome indicator and explain how the outcome and indicator can be in line and contribute to the goal achievement and goal indicator of TFCA Kalimantan Program: (Implementation Plan mentions several outcomes and potential outcome indicators which can be used (please use the ongoing year’s Implementation Plan for reference). However, the applicant can propose outcome and new outcome indicator as long it can explain the logic relationship on how the outcome and indicator in line and contribute to the achievement and goal of TFCA Kalimantan Program; explanation is no more than 2 pages):


The project proposal gives 8 outcomes, with outcome indicators are as follows: Outcome 1: The strengthening natural resource governance at village and district levels, with indicator:(1.1)Facilitate composing process of community based conservation forest management Perda (district regulation) in Berau Regency. (1.2)Facilitate composing process of 4 Medium Term Development Plan/Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) Villages/Green RPJM based on sustainable natural resources management (including protection of HLSL); (1.3)Facilitate composing process of 4 Village Regulation (Green-Perkam) in the utilization and protection of HLSL(1.4)Facilitate composing process of 4 Perkam administration and village development funding management; (1.5) The draft of carbon calculation method guidance in Berau Regency; (1.6)The strengthening institution of KPHP Model West Berau, especially the availability of work force, regulation, budget allocation and manpower quality in managing HLSL. Strengthening natural resources management by village government, HLSL by KPHP Model West Berau and regency that pro natural resources management by implementing the principle of good governance, namely accountability, transparency, and people participation in decision making is in line with outcome of Program Strategy 3 TFCA, i.e., increasing transparancy and participation in natural resources management. We will facilitate local government (Pemda) to set up local regulation (Perda) on natural resources management as the law umbrella for the formulation of Regulation and Village RPJM, it is in line with the Outcome of Program Strategy 2 of TFCAProgram, i.e., increasing capacity of natural resources management at village level indicated by the existence of natural resources management plan and capacity improvement of village institution in managing natural resources and the development of policy and institution which support conservation through the release of local or village policy and regulation which support conservation effectively. We monitor status, trend and carbon stock change and emission reduction in line with effectivity improvement of HLSL management, therefore we will facilitate the uniformity arrangement of calculating method, report and verification (MRV) which are compatible to each other, it is in line and contributing to the outcome of Program Strategy 4 of TFCA Kalimantan, i.e., the owned program of calculation, report, and verification of carbon emission from landuse change in regency level. The strengthening natural resources management in district level, HLSL and village will be conducive for forest biodiversity protection which has important value, rare and endangered species and ecosystem, including ecosystem services of HLSL water catchment area which indicated by the increasing viability percentage of wildlife population and endemic plants in HLSL area, so that Outcome 1 is in line with Goal 1 TFCA (protecting important forest biodiversity, rare and endangered species and ecosystem, watershed ecosystem services, connectivity between forest ecology zone, and forest corridor which has benefit for biodiversity and climate change, at local, national, and global levels) andindicatorpoint 2(increasing percentage of orangutan population viability, long tail monkey and significant local species in Kalimantan) ofTFCA Program Kalimantan. Outcome 2:Stability status of Lesan River’s forest as protection forest area, with indicators: (2.1) The accomplishment of participative boundary mapping of HLSL as the foundation for HLSL boundary mapping by Central Forest Region/Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan (BPKH); (2.2)The accomplishment of participative HLSL boundary establishment with BPKH. The establishment of HLSL boundary area which is clean and clear and the boundary area commitment from the people along with HLSL stakeholders are important supports to the effectiveness of HLSL management, it is in line with Program Strategy 5 of TFCA Kalimantan, i.e., support to the improvement of protection area management with an Outcome to the increasing management of national park, protection area, nature preserves, and protection forest. It’s also in line with outcome indicator Program Strategy 5 of TFCA Kalimantanpoint 3, i.e. less threatened area of protection forest from illegal logging, forest fire, encroachment, etc., ensuring successful planting inside HLSL area that expanding protection forest area, it is in line with Outcome indicator Program Strategy 5 of TFCA Kalimantanpoint 2, i.e., additional area (hektar) of forest inside the restored protection area.Stability status of forest area will guarantee forest sustainability including biodiversity protection in it. The stability of HLSL area will also be crucial part for forest carbon stock stability, besides giving guarantee on source of livelihood for people based on 9

HHBK and ecotourism. The Outcome 2 will support biodiversity protection effort, the improvement of people’s source of livelihood, and emission reduction activity as stated in Goal 1, 2, and 3 of TFCA Program. The essence is the existence of biodiversity protection of forest ecosystem, the increasing business of people livelihood, and the implementation of various activities in reducing carbon emission. Outcome 3: The increasing carbon stock and absorption,with indicators:(3.1)The accomplishment of HLSL rehabilitation in area with seldom tree vegetation using local High Quality Timber Species/HQTS); (3.2)The accomplishment of HLSL rehabilitation in area with no tree vegetation using Multi Purposes Tree Species (MPTS) andhigh quality timber species (HQTS); (3.3)The establishment of permanent plot of Forest Health Monitoring(FHMor forest health permanent plot/PKH Plot) inside HLSL area as natural laboratory to monitor biodiversity,forest productivity, site quality, forest vitality, carbon sequestration and stock; (3.4)The accomplishment of PKH Plot monitoring process periodically by research institution, universities involving KSM/host LSM and KPHP Model of West Berau; (3.5) The existence of HLSL research facility in Sidobangen Village. Ecosystem quality recovery of HLSL is done by rehabilitating forest and land (RHL) inside or outside HLSL that give impact not only in ecosystem recovery but also in increasing carbon stock, it is in line with Goal 3 Indicator point 1 of TFCA Kalimantan program,i.e.the implementation of various activities to reduce emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation which is indicated by additional HLSL area with high carbon stock. To know the occurance of stock increase and carbon absorption (including biodiversity and canopy cover area) regular measurement will be done in PKH Plot either inside or outside HLSL area in response to conducted intervention (RHL). The establishment and measurement of PKH Plot periodically will be in line and support the Outcome of Program Strategy 4 of TFCA Program,i.e. the development of monitoring program of forest biodiversity and with the measurement, report, and verification of carbon emission from landuse change at regency level which is indicated by the involvement of stakeholders in controlling forest health and the approved MRV system at district level. Outcome 4:The reduction of area conflict, with indicators: (4.1)The facilitated composing process and implementation of forest security information system based on community; (4.2)The reducing case of encroachment area, illegal logging, and other utilization of forest products illegally. The reducing conflict area indicated by the lower forest disturbances in the form of area encroachment, illegal logging, and other utilization of forest products illegally is in line with the Outcome of Program Strategy 5 TFCA, i.e., the improvement of protection forest management, indicated by reducing threat to forest protection area from illegal logging, forest fire, encroachment, etc. The reducing forest disturbance will become supporting factor for sustainability of wildlife, plants, microbe, and abiotic environment that formed HLSL ecosystem, so that Outcome 4 of the project proposal will be in line and supporting to Goal 1 of TFCA Program, i.e.,protecting forest biodiversity that has crucial value, rare and endangered spesies and ecosystem, watershed ecosystem services, connectivity between forest ecology zone, and forest corridor that benefit biodiversity and climate change, at local, national, and global level. The reducing disturbance is also implicated to stability guarantee of carbon stock so that the Outcome 4 of the project proposal will support Goal 3 of TFCA Program, i.e. conducting various activities to reduce emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation to achieve significant emission reduction in every target regency with still support the implementation of biodiversity conservation. . Outcome 5: The increasing activity of environment preservation initiated by community, student, teacher, local KSM/NGO and private sector, with indicator: (5.1) The accomplishment of environment education curriculum witih local content in elementary school and junior high school in nearby HLSL; (5.2) The accomplishment of school based environmental preservation activities; (5.3) The increasing area and number of households which implement low emission agriculture business; (5.4) The establishment of independent counselor from 4 villages nearby HLSL; (5.5) The accomplishment of environment preservation actitivies facilitated by local KSM/NGO; (5.6) The existed and managed HCV in concession license holder of oil palm plantation, industrial plantation (HTI), and HPH/IPHHK in 4 villages nearby HLSL; (5.7) The implementation of environment preservation activity facilitated by private sector in 4 10

villages nearby HLSL. This project will increase capacity of community, student, teacher, local KSM/NGO and private sector in capacity improvement phase of natural resources management, create sustainable livelihood and various smart practice of other natural resources management. It is in accordance with Program Strategy Outcome 2 of TFCA Kalimantannamely the existence of capacity improvement of independent institution and community group especially in natural resources management.This project will also conduct raising awareness activities about environment using various materials. The increasing capacity and environment awareness is hoped to initiate various environment preservation activities inside and outside HLSL. Those environment preservation activities will contribute to biodiversity protection effort and emission reduction, so that Outcome 5 will be in line and support Goal 1 and 3 of TFCA Program,i.e. protecting forest biodiversity which has important values, rare and endangered ecosystem and species, watershed ecosystem services, connectivity between forest ecological zone, and forest corridor which has benefit to biodiversity and climate change at local, national, and global levels. And conducting various activities to reduce emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation to achieve significant emission reduction in every Target Regency while also supporting biodiversity conservation. The initiated environment preservation activities done by community is the outcome of education program and environment awareness at community level, student, and private sector in terms of biodiversity, green development, water catchment area function, and sustainable management of natural resources. It is in line with Outcome Program Strategy 3 of TFCA Kalimantan,i.e the development of education program and community awareness at district level on biodiversitiy and green development. Outcome 6: The increasing income of community nearby HLSL; with indicator: (6.1)The increasing (potential) income of 4 villages in nearby HLSL resulted from the utilization of HHBK in a sustainable way; (6.2)The increasing (potential) income of 4 villagees nearby HLSL resulted from sustainable plant cultivation; (6.3)The increasing potential for income of 4 villages in nearby HLSL resulted from environmentally friendly forest ecotourism; (6.4)The reducing households’ expense of 4 villages in nearby HLSL as the impact of new renewable energy utilization. The increasing community income resulted from inside and outside HLSL area is in line with Goal 2 of TFCA Kalimantan Program, i.e. increasing community livelihood in nearby forest through sustainable natural resources management and community landuse which has oritentation to low emission, and still considering forest protection rules. The establishment of HHBK source of livelihood in HLSL area especially for people who are mostly dependant on forest resources will be in line with reinforcement of community based natural resources management. HHBK resulted from HLSL can also be cultivated outside the area using low emission agroforestry pattern by opening land without fire and permanent agriculture business as climate change mitigation effort. It is in line with Outcome Program Strategy 7 of TFCA Kalimantan, i.e. strengthening community based natural resources management. Outcome 7:Replicating smart practice of natural resouces management outside project location:with indicator: (7.1) The replicated smart practice of natural resources outside project location in Berau Regency; (7.2) The documented and promoted smart practices of HLSL management at regional and national levels; (7.3) The documented and promoted methodologies and research result of HLSL. Various smart practices of natural resources management will be documented and promoted at national and regional levels so that can be replicated in various place outside project location especially in Berau Regency. Those smart practice documentation of HLSL management will support the exchange ideas and sharing experience related to forest conservation implementation and REDD+ program especially in Berau Regency therefore in line with Goal 4 of TFCA Kalimantan Program, i.e. providing support to exchange ideas and sharing experience related to forest conservation implementation and REDD+ program in Indonesia and informing national conservation development and REDD+ framework. Smart practice promotion HLSL management can also be done through print and electronic media and through ensuring stakeholders by facilitating field visit for leaders of SKPD and members of the Provincial House of Representatives to location of smart practice HLSL management as indicated in Indicator point 3 (Clipping of national 11

media (print, television, etc.) which givedetails on TFCA Kalimantan Program) and 4 (Field visit by organization or policy-makers, who are interested to TFCA Kalimantan Program) Goal 4 of TFCA Kalimantan. Outcome 8:The existence of sustainable funding for HLSL management, with indicator: (8.1)Village government success to collect development fund sourced from CSR fund, government, and various other sources of fund; (8.2) The success of KPHP Model West Berau to collect HLSL management fund sourced from CSR, government, and various other sources of fund; (8.3)The success of KSM/partner NGO to collect development fund of HLSL sourced from CSR fund, government and various other sources of fund including TFCA. This project is aimed to develop the foundation for growth and continuation of HLSL management by KPHP Model West Berau and local actors.They do not only have commitment in managing HLSL but also to collect fund, therefore besides increasing capacity in drafting proposal, we will promote KPHP Model West Berau and local actors to international level of funding network. Funding sustainability received from various sources become supporting factor to sustainable HLSL management, it has positive correlation to guarantee biodiversity protection in HLSL and the implementation of various emission reduction activities as stated in Goal 1 and 3 of TFCA Kalimantan, i.e. protecting forest biodiversity which has important values, rare and endangered ecosystem and species, watershed ecosystem services, connectivity between forest ecological zone, and forest corridor which hhas benefit to biodiversity and climate change, at local, national, and global levels. And conducting various activities to reduce emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation to achieve significant emission reduction in every Target Regency while still also supporting the implementation of biodiversity conservation. 23. Mention output (keluaran) of every outcome and explain shortly activities that will be done to create the output and benefit receiver of those activities (proposed activities and output integrate social security and environment; explain no more than 5 pages): Output from every outcome of the proposed project will be achieved through 4 phase as follows: (a) Diagnostic Phase (6 bulan): The phase implementation is aimed to understand the whole initiativesand to find the gap to meet important factorsneed to be initiated and or strengthened and to know initial situation (before project intervention). Forms of the activities consist of: (i) Socialization and coordination with people and stakeholders; (ii) Diagnostic studyto identify problems and to collect baseline data before conducting activity intervention (iii) Workshop to compose intervention strategy involving many parties. (b) Capacity Improvement Phase (12 months): This phase implementation is aimed to improve capacity of community, village and district government, NGO/KSM through training, mentoring, counseling, and technical assistance. Forms of activities include:(i) Socialisation and coordination, (ii) Technical assistance in preparing training facilities, (iii) Facilitating activities in order to improving capacity, in the form of training, mentoring, or comparative study. (c) Collaborative Management Phase(24 months):The phase implementation is aimed to develop collaborative management involving all stakeholdelrls in the protection, restoration, environmental service utilization and the creation of sustainable livelihood. Forms of the activities include: (i) Socialization and coordination, (ii) Facilitation for the development of collaborative management, (iii) Technical assistance, (iv) Delivering village donation and small grant for KSM (independent community group), (v) Smart practice replication in village and or KSM nearby HLSL in Berau Regency. (d) Exit StrategyPhase (12 bulan): The phase implementation is aimed to facilitate slow ending of mentoring to make sure that the whole initiation and project facilitation continued completely by HLSL stakeholders at the same various smart practice conducted during the project are promoted to international level. Forms of the activities include: (i) Follow up workshop and preserving activities, (ii) Facilitating and providing technical support to guarantee activity continuity in the post project period, (iii) Promotion and mainstreaming smart practice to provincial, national, and 12

international levels. Major assistance is given not only to people nearby HLSL, KPHP Model West Beratu, but also to village government, local NGO/KSM partner, among others Yakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay and Makmur Jaya, besides strengthening human resources capacity, also developing and strengthening institution. Time allocation stated in every phase above is just estimation. Shorter period may occur in the implementation, for instance the implementation of some parts of collaborative activities can be overlapped with capacity improvement or promotion. This project proposal has 8 Outputs to achieve: Output 1 : The increasing capacity of village and district government in natural resources management. Output 1 is expected to give impact to Outcome 1, i.e.strengthening natural resources governance at village and district levels. Besides that, Outcome 1 is expected to achieve with the support from other output, concerning that every output in this project proposal is initiated by capacity improvement activities of district government, subdistrict, and village. (Check project phase above). Output 1 is achieved through Diagnostic Phase activities: (a) Sosialization in district, subdistrict, and village levels including village people outreach about PKHB, (b) Diagnostic Study on performance status of development and financial administration of village which will be done in six months where village workshop will be conducted at the end of the phase.Capacity Building Phase: (a)Organize training at regency level and KPHP mode West Berau will be followed up by technical support and assistance, (b) Facilitating carbon calculation guide which is agreed by stakeholders in Berau District, (c)Training and assisting carbon calculation process in district and tread levels, (d)Capacity improvement at village level is done with the principle of “learning by doing” in the form of facilitating village people refering to KMOPM (Check Annex 1), especially for the following phase: (i) Participative Mapping of Rights, Rights Holder, Area Boundary, and Land use, (ii) Identification and mapping of people ‘asset’, (iii) Development of Collecting Vission and Land Governance, (iv) The making of Village RPJM,Collaborative Management Phase: (a) Facilitatingthe drafting process of regional regulation on natural resources management at district level and creating possible condition for improving performance of KPHP Model West Berau, (b) At village level, collaborative management phase is conducted through advanced facilitating phase refer to KMOPM: (v) Source of funding identification and follow-up to SKPD and Companies, (vi) The arrangement of Collaboration Plan and Benefit Sharing, (vii) The arrangement of People Agreement and Collaboration Agreement, (viii) Capacity Strengthening and Technical Support, i.e.: (i.1) Facilitating the drafting of Village Regulation(Perkam) village natural resources protection and (i.2) Facilitatingvillage government in managing and administrating ADK fund effectively and efficiently.Exit Strategy Phase: (a) Monitoring and evaluation, (b) Giving incentive based on performace to village government that provides input, output, and outcome in preserving natural resources/SDA. Beneficiaries:(a)Government and village people nearby HLSL, (b) KPHP Model West Berau; (c)Government and people in Berau Regency; (d) PKHB.Social security and environment:Village people and government assistancy as well as drafting Perda and Perkam is not done under the imposition of will, but starting from creating awareness process and capacity improvement. If the beneficiaries are interested to our offered choices, then we will cary out the assistancy process in accordance with facilitation phases based on assistancy guide developed by TNC. Colaborator: TNC,KPHP Model West Berau, PKHB, Pemda Berau Regency, Village Government nearby HLSL, Yakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya. Output 2:The accomplishment of HLSL announcement Output 2 is expected to give impact to Outcome 2, i.e.: Status stability of HLSL as protection forest area. In regard to the appointment decree of forest group Sungai Lesan as protection forest dated 2 August (MoF decree No. 554/2013),as the follow up effort needed to encourage boundary mapping, announcement up to appointment based on MoF regulation No. P.62/II/2013. The creation of possible situation is done through facilitating participative boundary 13

mapping of HLSL area which involves people nearby HLSL. Diagnostic Phase:Facilitating follow up effort of HLSL Announcement Process with Central Forest Region/Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan (BPKH)of East Kalimantan Province. Capacity Building Phase: Capacity improvement of village people regers to facilitating phase as clarified in Output 1, especially(i) Participative Mapping of Rights, Rights Holder, Boundary Area and Land-use, (ii) Identification and community’s “asset” mapping, (iii) The development of collaborative vision and Land Governance.Capacity building is done through Training on Participative Mapping followed up by facilitating participative mapping of community land use in border with HLSL to help the boundary set up team to determine boundary traject in boundary determination effort which is clear and clean. Collaborative Management Phase: (a) Coordination with Local Government and BPKH to guard the announcement phase up to the appointment of HLSL, (b) Facilitatingsocialization and implementation coordination of HLSL boundary establishment at village level. Exit Strategy Phase: Fasilitating KPHP Model West Berau and Village Government to socialize and to protect wholeness area boundary of HLSL. Beneficiaries of activities: KPHPModel West Berau andPKHB, the certainty of HLSL area is crucial precondition of secured area management and managed carbon stock in the long run. Social security and environment:Participative mapping of HLSL boundary is done by involving community and the whole stakeholders to fulfill the principle of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).Colaborator: KPHP Model West Berau,BPKH, Village and Subdistrict Government, District Forestry Agency, KSM Yakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya. Output 3 : The increasing quality of HLSL ecosystem and the creation of land governance witih low carbon emission in 4 villages nearby HLSL. Output 3 is expected to give impact to Outcome 3. The increasing carbon stock will happen along with HLSL and nearby ecosystem recovery as well as reducing pressure to HLSL. In line with reducing pressure resulted from the achievement of Output 1, Output 2, Output 4, Output 5andOutput 6. Concerning the present ecosystem damage, quality improvement of HLSL ecosystem will be done through approach from inside and outside HLSL area: (a) The approach inside HLSL area; effort needed to stimulate controllable carbon stock recovery through monitoring effort of natural succession in HLSL area, where the plant’s density number of individual tree type > 700/ha, conducting enrichment planting using qualified local types including endangered endemic types in HLSL area where the density is between 500 – 700 trees/ha and full rehabilitation with intolerant types (need lighting) from the groups of MPTS and HQTS in HLSL area with the plant’sdensity of trees of raretype (< 500/ha). (b) The approach outside/nearby HLSL area; ecosystem recovery in 4 villages nearby HLSL is done through the development of various agroforestry model based on rubber which can be combined with various types of choices in accordance with people need, market availability, and village flagship, such as: coffee, cacao, and pepper. To know the increase carbon stock/absorption along with HLSL ecosystem change, monitoring PKH plot will be done to investigate the changes of biodiversity,forest productivity, site quality, forest vitality, carbon sequestration and stock; which involvesresearch institution, university, local KSM/NGOand KPHP Model West Berau. To support research activity done by Indonesian or foreign researcher, a laboratory of Field Data Management will be built that has also the function as field accommodation for researchers. Thus, activity’s type of Output 3 in each phase will be done as follows: Diagnostik Phase: (a) Diagnostic Study Diagnostik on HLSL Ecosystem Quality (Potential of Biodiversity, Carbon Stock, Hidrology Condition, Land Fertility, Micro Climate), (b) Workshop on Improvement Strategyof HLSL Ecosystem, (c) Development of PKH Plot.Capacity Building Phase: (a) Drafting manual about: Monitoring Forest Health andChoosing Plant Type for RHL, (b) Training for government staff, partners, and community about DTA management, Seedling Technique and the making of Village Seedbed, Forest and Land Rehabilitation Technique, and Monitoring Carbon Stock based on People, (d) Facilitating Training to Smart Practice Location of Forest Management. At village level, capacity building is done with the principle of “learning by doing” (belajar sambil berkarya) in the form of facilitating village people according to people’s involvement framework phase as detailed in Output 1 and 2. Collaborative Management Phase: At village level, collaborative management phase is done through advance facilitation phase which refers to people’s involvement framework as detailed in Output 1 and 2, Capacity Strengthening and Technical Support is done through:(a) Facilitatingthe development of village Seedbed, (b) Facilitating Seed Source Development of Local Flagship Plant, (c) FacilitatingVegetative Plant Seedling of Fruit and Forest Plant, (d) Facilitating the Development of Commercial Plant “Seed Bank”, (e) Facilitating Selection and 14

Determination of Parent Tree inside and outside HLSL area, (f) FacilitatingKPHP Model West Berau in Forest Rehabilitation activity inside HLSL area through enrichment and full rehabilitation.(g) FacilitatingKPHP Model West Berau in RHL plant maintenance, (h) FacilitatingKPHP Model West Berau, Research and Development in monitoring activity of KPH Plot year I. Exit Strategy Phase: (a) Follow Up Workshop on Quality Improvement of HLSL Ecosystem, (b) FacilitatingKPHP Model West Berau in the Establishment and Training of Maintenance Team of HLSL Ecosystem, (c) FacilitatingKPHP Model West Berau in Implementation of Plant Maintenance Year Iand II, (d) Facilitating community in seed production to expand forest rehabilitation area nearby HLSL, (e) Facilitatingsmart practice replication, (f) Documenting quality change of HLSL ecosystem. Beneficiaries of this activity is KPHP Model West Berau, TFCA, PKHB and local community, due to the increasing quality of forest environment services andthe increasing source of income resulted froom sustainable plantation/agriculture and environment recovery. Social security and environment:Agroforestry development is land use option that gives opportunity to people in short term, middle term and long term period; the introduction will be done through awareness process, capacity building, mentoring/assistancy, and technical support. To achieve quick-win, the mentoring process will be started from community leader who is most ready to be assisted, before then gradually replicated to other leaders. The rehabilitation activities in HLSL area give priority to local types (indigenous species) and avoid the use of invasive alien species type. Research activity done by foreign people is done through strict operational procedure with the approval from LIPI (the Indonesian Institute of Science) and assitancy to local and national universities to increase researcher and lecturer capacity as well as to avoid the theft of genetic material (biopyracy). Field Data Processing Laboratory will be built outside forest area. Colaborator: KPHP Model West Berau Barat, District Forest Agency, Unmul, local and foreign Forest Research Institution, TNC, KSM Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya, Yakobi. Output 4 : The establishment of forest protection collaboration. Achievement resultant of Output 4 strengthened byOutput 1, Output 2, Output 3, Output 5, and Output 6 will give impact to Outcome 4. Implementation of forest protection is aimed to guard forest, forest product, forest area and its environment, so that the protection function, conservation function, and production function, can be achieved optimally and sustainably. Activity of Output 4in every phase will be done as follows: Diagnostic Phase: (a) Diagnostic Studyof HLSL Protection Status, Lessons Learned and threat and disturbance, (b) Workshop on StrategyandAction Planning of Community Based HLSL Protection. Capacity Building Phase: (a) the drafting of training material on protecting and securing forest, (b) Training on forest protection and safeguard based on community. Collaborative Management Phase: (a) Facilitating the development of safeguard communication system and forest protection based on community, i.e., information system that involves local community leader who lives inside and or domiciled nearby forest area to report on forest disturbance in stages starting from village government to KPHP Model West Berau, (if necessary) Police will act up to investigate, arrest, until court process, (b) The construction of warning board nearby HLSL, (c) Facilitatingthe drafting of Perkamon HLSL Area Protection Mechanism. Exit Strategy Phase: Facilitating the implementation of hierarchical report system to guarantee forest safeguard. Beneficiaries of this activityis KPHP Model West Berau Barat and the whole stakeholders of HLSL, including PKHB and TFCA. Social security and environment:This activity is done in stages and adjusted to community readiness, started by socialization process, creating awareness, community knowledge improvement about natural resources management regulation then ended up at forest safeguard drafting assistancy heading to collaboration agreement for forest protection and the achievement of agreement on forest safeguard communication system based on community. Colaborator: KPHP Model West Berau, Forestry Agency, village government, KSM Yakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya. Output 5 :the increasing awareness of community, student, teacher, and stakeholders in HLSL preservation. Output 5 is expected to give impact on Outcome 5. Activity of Output 5 in every phase will be done as follows: Diagnostic Phase: (a) Diagnostic Study on Awareness Level of Community, Student, and Government Staff to HLSL Area, (b) Workshop on the Drafting of Raising 15

Awareness Strategy of HLSL Preservation in reference to Lessons Learned and Pride CampaignRecommendation done by TNC and RARE. The program has not reached people awareness to function and benefit of forest protection as life support system, provider of environment services and source of livelihood for community around forest, suggestion in this output will give stronger pressure in the aspects and become effort to develop the continuity initiated by Pride Campaign. For formal study this suggestion will develop curriculum with local content on environment education(Mulok PLH) at elementary and junior levels in the neighbourhood of HLSL. Capacity Building Phase: (a) The drafting of awareness material:film, poster, leaflet, billboard, T-shirt, sticker, Lestari Desaku magazine, etc., (b) the drafting of HLSL Biodiversity book, (c) Distribution and installation of awareness material, (d) The formulation and or strengthening of Village Champion as campaigner of HLSL preservation, (e) Raising awareness campaign on Environment through Car Operation and or Awareness Boat“My Darling” (People Aware to Environment), (f) Training and raising awareness to teacher of elementary and junior high school, student, KSM/NGO, community and private sector about the importance of recovering natural resources management. At village level, the focus of raising awareness activity is done by introducing permanent agriculture business through simple land fertility management using flagship type commodity which has high value, develop agreement to control shifting cultivation. In this activity we will collaborate with KSM Makmur Jaya, Kampung Sidobangen, TNC (which developed similar initiation in Merabu Village and Long Duhung).(g) Providing assistancy on the implementation of best practice environment management in big companies or small-holders palm oil plantation around HLSL and focuses the CSR of big companies of palm oil plantation to strengthen natural resources management fund for the village that is in accordance with Village RPJM;(h) Assistancy to Elementary and Junior High School teacher in drafting Mulok PLH curriculum. Facilitating development and implementation of Mulok PLHat elementary and junior high school levels along with YAKOBI. Collaborative Management Phase:In this phase we will facilitate collaborative activities that grow the love for environment, among others: (a) Facilitating plant campaign at district and subdistrict levels done inside and around HLSL, (b) Facilitating Annual Conservation Camp for Student, Community, and Village Government, (c) Facilitating the implementation of Environment Education in Elementary and Junior High School around HLSL. Exit Strategy Phase: (a) Facilitating Elementary and Junior High School around HLSL in the implementation of Mulok PLH, (b) Facilitating activity of religious leader, community leader/custom and village government in raising awareness for environment.Beneficiaries of this activity is student,village community around HLSL, private sector and PKHB. Social security and environment:the change of community’s attitude is a social process that cannot be forced, all initiation and mentoring activities done for the people will be adjusted with culture, people capacity with voluntary principle, those who are involved in the assistancy are those who are really interested, and not for short term interest. Colaborator:Education Agency, Village Government, KPHP Model West Berau, Forestry Agency, Industrial Plantation/HTI, TNC, KSMYakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya. Output 6:The creation of various sources of livelihood coming from inside and outside HLSL. Output 6 is expected to give impact on Outcome 6. The creation of various sources of livelihood for community is in fact can come from inside and outside HLSL. For livelihood coming from HLSL, facilitating business license can be done: (a) Non wood harvesting, for instance: medicinal plant, ornamental plant, mushroom, honey, agarwood, rattan, sap, fruit, swallow’s nest, forage fodder, etc., (b) The utilization of environmental services, for instance: the use of water flow for pyco-hydro power plant, clean water source utilization, ecotourism, carbon storage/absorbent. The HLSL utilization activity is done through Land Share approach, i.e., utilizing HLSL without reducing its main function as Protection Forest. Meanwhile, type of livelihood comes from outside HLSL include plant cultivation based livelihood, either plant for agriculture, plantation, forestry, or combination of them. HHBK cultivation can be done outside HLSL with agroforestry pattern. Besides that, non plant cultivation activity can also be developed outside HLSL such as honey and mushroom cultivation. To achieve Output 6, activities done in every phase are as follows: Diagnostic Phase: (a) Diagnostic Study on Potential, Problems, and Opportunity in Developing Source of People’s Livelihood (including ecotourism, level of people income, access to new renewable energy, access to drink water, sanitation, electrification, and prevalency of diarrhea in 4 villages around HLSL, (b) Workshop on Potential, Problems, and Opportunity in Developing Source of People’s Livelihood inside and around HLSL. Capacity Building Phase: At village level capacity improvement is done with the principle of “learning by doing”in 16

the form of facilitating village people in reference to KMOPM as detailed in output 1, 2 and 3. Strengthening Capacity and Technical Assistance done through the drafting of various manual and training implementation which is in line with community need and choice formulated in the level of Collaborative Vision Development and Land Governance andthe making of Village RPJM. Collaborative Management Phase: At village level collaborative management phase is done through advance facilitation stage in reference to KMOPM to formulate types of livelihood development based on land and ecotourism, the creation of new renewable energy and improvement of environment sanitation. To stimulate the development of productive economic business this suggestion will provide incentive in the form of small grant for community business group (KSM).Types of environmentally friendly and sustainable livelihoods appropriate for the community will be replicated. Grant is given to farmer group (either inside the project location, or the coming group outside project location) that shows the performance of real livelihood development and potential to develop in its scale of business with criteria as follows: (a) The establishment of strong business group institution, with indicator (i)the establishment of group organization, (ii) high sense of ownership among group members, (iii) financial management system which transparent and accountable, (iv) Democratic, participative, and sensitive gender in the process of decision making, (b) Partisipation of grup member, indicated by high enthusiasm to assistancy proven by the presence of grup member from training phase to activity implementation, (c) Group performance quality, indicated by group adoption level to given initiation, (d) The spirit of mutual cooperation and independence, identified by group initiation to replicate activity independently with the spirit of mutual cooperation, (e) Business Plan, indicated by group agreement to develop initiation activity stage rationally toward business scale. To guarantee obyektifity in grant delivery, group performance evaluation will involve KPHP, Village/Sub District Government, etc. Grant is directly given to group’s account, the use of grant is monitored by OWT and partner NGO, and implementation activity receives technical assistance and market information support from OWT and partner NGO. Exit Strategy Phase: (a) Follow up Workshop on the Development of Sustainable Source of Livelihood for community around HLSL, (b) Facilitating development continuity of environmentally friendly source of livelihood along with people.Beneficiaries of the activity are Farmer Group/KSM, village champion and community around and outside HLSL and local NGO.Social security and environment:Plant cultivation based business must be selective in determining type of plant that will be cultivated in order not to be invasive and harmful to indigenous environment. So as the utilization of HHBK types thus they will not disturb the type’s preservation. Therefore in capacity building phase various understanding about nature and sustainable cultivation technique will be explained clearly and completely. Changing community’s attitude to adopt certain new technology in plant cultivation is not easy, thus demplots will be built along with assistancy and technical support intensively and completely until product marketing. Colaborator: KPHP Model Berau Barat, Forestry Agency,Small scale and middle enterepreneur and Industrial Agency, Village Community Empowerment Agency (BPMD), KSM Makmur Jaya, Nemdoh Nemkay, Yakobi, Forestry Research and Development Agency, Tourism Bureau, TNC, Village Government, Tour Operator and Travel Agent. 1. Output 7: The promoted smart practice of HLSL Management at national andinternational levels. Output 7 is expected to give impact on Outcome 7. Smart practice promotion of HLSL management is done through activities as follows: Diagnostic Phase: Diagnostic study of smart practice documentation status during previous assistancy. Capacity Building Phase, types of activities during this phase are: (a) Training on Film Production Technique and Graphic Design for partners - KSM and Government; (b) Training Identification and traditional knowledge(TK) documentation. Collaborative Management Phase: (a) Identification and documentation ofTK; (b) Promotion of Smart Practice HLSL Management through regency, provincial, and national scales exhibition, (c) Promotion of Smart Practice HLSL Management through local and national media, and website, (d) Film production of smart practice HLSL management, Exit Strategy Phase: (a) Promotion ofHLSL Management Model at regency, provincial and national levels, (b) Documenting various smart practice HLSL management, to support conservation program and REDD+ at national level. Beneficiaries of this activitiesare local partners, HLSL stakeholders, PKHB, and forest conservation actors at national and international levels. Information distribution strategy:We will collaborate with PKHB. Collaborator:PKHB, KPHP Model Berau 17

Barat, District Forestry Agency, TNC, KSM Yakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya, Small scale and middle enterepreneur and Industrial Agency, Tourism Bureau, BPMD, print mass media at regional and national levels. 2. Output 8: The establishment of various proposals for village resource empowerment and HLSL management. Output 8 is expected to give impact on Outcome 8. The establishment of various proposals to strengthen village resources and to manage HLSL is expected to achieve through activities in every phase as follows: Diagnostic Phase: (a) Diagnostic Study on the Potential Development of Environmental Services, CSR, and other national or international Sources of Funding. Capacity Building Phase: (a) the Drafting of Proposal Project Writing Guidance, (b) Training on the Drafting of Budget Proposal for partner, government staff, and village government. Collaborative Management Phase: (a) Facilitating the Drafting of Budget Proposal in HLSL Management to donor at national and international levels. (b) Facilitating meeting with donor institution, (c) Facilitatingdonor candidate’svisit to HLSL, (d) Facilitating intensif communication with potential donor candidate, (e) Facilitating the drafting of final proposal adjusted to donor requests. Exit Strategy Phase: (a) Follow up implementation of HLSL management projects funded by donor institution, (b) Assistancy in budget management. Social security and environment:Budget proposal coverage is related to conservation and natural resources preservation and not investment proposal to exploit natural resources. Collaborator: TNC,KPHP Model Berau Barat,District Forestry Agency, Private Sector around HLSL, KSM Yakobi, Nemdoh Nemkay, Makmur Jaya. 24. Mention names of key stakeholders which support sustainability of project implementation that will be done by applicant and explain project sustainability strategy that will be done by applicant to ensure every key atakeholder remains support project implementation sustainability when the grant is over (explanation is no more than 2 pages): Project sustainability in the long run will happen if only, (a) Main actors of this project is local champions. Applicant guarantees the quick transfer of skills and knowledge in accordance with local champion’s capacity and level; (b) Applicant guarantees that offered activities can answer the basid needs of local community, so that genuine participation can be received, i.e, sincere involvement, not because of momentary material gimmicks and short-term interest; (c) Applicant guarantees the growth of sense of ownership in all local development actors to initiated and facilitated activities. The implementation of every activity is done inclusively by giving space as vast as possible to development actors to get involved and or becoming the beneficiaries; (d) Applicant guarantees the government’s involvement and high interest. Appreciation and trust from the government is usually growing in line with the applicant capability to proof the initiated benefit and offered facilitation and the government feels improved in its capacity and lightened in its duty. Besides partners and collaborators as mentioned in No. 23, other key stakeholders who are expected to support the sustainability of the project are: (a) Key village championsor tokoh masyarakat kampung:Each community has its own champions, the champion cannot be directly found, but should be searched. The success of an initiation much depends on the right choice of local champions. An initiation will spread fastly and progress constantlyif it has the champions. We will choose local champions thoroughly, and then give motivation, facilitation, and technical support continuously. It is the local champions who will replace our role in the period of exit strategy and post project. (b) Local development actors;The development actors are NGO, government staff in village, sub district (including agriculture/forestry counselor), District House of Representatives (DPRD), KPHP Model Berau Barat, Village Community Empowerment Agency, Forestry Agency, Agriculture/Forestry Agency, Mining Agency, Mineral and Energy Resources Agency, Small Scale Entrepreneur and Industrial Agency, including Indonesian Army (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (POLRI) in the context of forestry safeguard. The principle is that we will develop the involvement of all agents of change who work at grass-root level in accordance with each specialization and working area so that high sense of ownership will be developed as well as the spirit to continue the initiation and facilitation 18

that we have done. (c) Local research institution: Since the very start we will involve universities and Forestry Research Agency to utilize HLSL as tropical forest laboratory which is instrumenting and having well documented research serial data. We will involve this institution in monitoring ecosystem quality of HLSL:(i) the development of KPH plot to learn on status, change, and trend of forest health including stock measurement plot and carbon absorption, micro climate change, land fertility, biodiversity, forest productivity, and hidrology before, during, and after project intervention, (ii) selection of commercial type of parent trees, development of seed source, development of livelihood (agarwoodand endemic type preservation), identification and development of herbs/medicinal plants, etc. (d) National Education Agency, elementary, and junior high: We cooperate with National Education Agency and elementary and junior high education institution around HLSL to develop curriculum with local content on environment education for elementary and junior high school. Environment education curriculum should be able to introduce student to biodiversity and HLSL benefit as life system support and low carbon development. We will involve National Education Agency (Diknas) and representatives of elementary, junior high school, and senior high school (vocational school) to develop local content curriculum, to design reading books for students and support the implementation of environment education. (e) Ecotourism operator: We will facilitate the involvement of international ecotourism operator, among others is Operation Wallacea Ltd. (Opwall) to develop HLSL as scientific tourism destination which involves international student and researcher to conduct research just like what is going on now in Lambusango Forest (Buton, Southeast Sulawesi). The establishment of ecotourism business is expected to give impact on local people’s welfare and will develop the world’s concern to HLSL preservation. The business sustainability in the long run will stimulate the growth and development of local ecotourism institution. (f) Private Sector: Since the first time we will involve private sector in forestry/agriculture around HLSL to develop concern to sustainable uses of natural resources and the willingness to allocate their CSR fund in preservation activities of HLSL continuously. 25. Mention various assumption used so that the project can produce outcome as stated above and mention various possible risk so that the outcome cannot be achieved (explanation is no more than 1 page: Various assumptions and risks which can happen during project implementation is presented in table below: Asumption Risk  The support of Ministry of Forestry (MoF) in the  Less support from the MoF in the announcement announcement of HLSL area process of HLSL.  Community, KPHP Model Berau Baratand stakeholder  Weak commitment of community, KPHP Model HLSL have high commitment in HLSL preservation Berau Barat, stakeholder HLSL in HLSL preservation  Strong support from District Education Agency in the  Weak support from District Education Agency implementation of Environment Education (PLH) around HLSL  The existence of ecotourism operator that is interested  Less interested ecotourism operator to develop ecotourism business of HLSL  The existence of support from donor in preserving  No support from donor. HLSL


26. Explain strategy to avoid risk as stated above (avoidance strategy) and strategy to mitigate if each risk takes place (mitigation strategy) (explanation is no more than 1 page): Strategy to avoid risk and mitigate if the riks happen is presented in table below: Risk Strategy to avoid risk Less support from the MoF in Provide technical support in mentoring the announcement process of community and bridging intensive HLSL relationship between local government (Pemda) and Ministry of Forestry in the announcement of HLSL Weak support from Give high priority to awareness effort to community, KPHP Model develop sense of ownership and pride to Berau Barat, commitment of the benefit and strategic value of HLSL stakeholdersin preserving HLSL Weak support from District Give technical support and facilitate the Education Agency drafting of curriculum with local content, training teacher and mentoring the implementation of local content curricullum

Mitigation if risk happens Maintain Pemda’s commitment to retain HLSL spatial

Promoting strategic value to natural conservation community at national and international levels to support the preservation effort of HLSL

Include Environment Education (PLH)in extra curricular activities (scout, student camp), facilitate environment education done by community champion, facilitate the development of “House of Environmental Learning�, etc. Less interested ecotourism Promote ecotourism selling point of Invite Operation Wallacea Ltd. operator HLSL at national and international levels, (ecotourism operator) to operate in supporting work of tourism operator to HLSL. evaluate business feasibility, give technical support in implementation of the ecotourism activities, etc. No support from donor Promote strategic value of HLSL in Encourage Pemda and MoF to allocate carbon trade scheme or biodiversity adequate fund in the management of preservation, KPHPand local partner to HLSL draft local, national and international levels of budget proposals

27. Explain how the outcome and indicator as stated above can be in line and contributing to goal achievement and goal indicator of the program : (please see Strategic Planand Action Plan of PKHB and National Action Plan of HoB; explanation is no more than 1 page): Outcome 1The project proposal is Strengthening natural resources (SDA) governance at village and district levels. The strengthening natural resources governance is indicated by the development of sustainable natural resources management policy at village and district levels, among others the landuse governance policy that supports low emission development. Therefore Outcome 1 is in line with Goal 1 PKHBi.e. The increase and perfection of plan, especially related to spatial, land use, and spatial utilization license process at district level. Spatial planning perfection at district level implicates the improvement of natural resources/SDA governanceat village level. The accomplishment of Outcome 1 will encourage village participation around HLSL that gives impact to biodiversity protection of HLSL ecosystem. Therefore, Outcome 1 will support Goal 4 PKHBthat is the protection of high value ecosystem.Ecosystem protection will stabilize carbon stock, and it will support Goal 2 PKHB that is reducing emission and increasing carbon stock.One of indicators of Outcome 1 is the drafted guidance of carbon measurement in Berau 20

Distric, it is in line with the development of measured system, can be reported, and can be verified for emission reduction calculation at national level as stated in Output strategy of PKHB. Outcome 2:Stability status of …….. as protection forest area, indicated by the accomplishment of participative mapping and setting boundary as the foundation for boundary commitment establishment and area stability status that will guarantee forest sustainability including biodiversity protection within the area, eradicated deforestation and forest degradation as one of the biggest contributor to carbon emission will be in line with Goal 2 and 4 PKHB. Outcome 3: The increase of Carbon Stock and Absorption. Deforestation and forest degradation is resulted from legal or illegal logging, natural forest conversion to become forest plantation, shifting cultivation, forest conversion from natural forest to become oil palm plantation, mining, including mangrove conversion to become fish pond.PKHB as partnership program to develop samples of carbon emission reduction from deforestation and forest degradation and to increase carbon stock through sustainable forest management activities, forest conservation, ecosystem restoration, and forest rehabilitation. It is in line withOutcome 3, which is the implementation of RHL inside and outside HLSL. Therefore, Outcome 3 is in line and supporting to Goal 2 PKHB.Not only that, the agroforestry pattern developed in this proposal also contributes to the development of livelihood source, so that Outcome 3 is in line with Goal 3 PKHB, that is increasing community’s welfare for 5.000 people living inside and outside forest area. Outcome 4:The reduction of area conflict, indicated by the reduction of disturbance to HLSL and the strengthening protection of high value ecosystem. It is in line with Goal 4 PKHB. Outcome 5: The increase of environment preservation activities initiated by communities, student, teacher, local KSM/NGO, and private sector. Various environment awareness activities are expected to encourage community, student, KSM/NGO, teacher and private sector in environmental preservation activities indicated by on going environment education, settled agriculture business, the establishment of independent counselors, school based environment preservation activities or facilitated by local KSM/NGOor private sector. Various environment preservation activities such as planting trees, forest area protection, and implementation of settled agriculture system, HCV management and land fire reduction will contribute to reducing carbon emission activities so that Outcome 5 is in line with Goal 2 PKHB. Protection effort of HLSL also contributes to the achievement of biodiversity preservation so that Outcome 5 is in line with Goal 4 PKHB. Outcome 6: The increasing level of community income around HLSL. Various alternatives in source of sustainable livelihood are developed to increase people income. Therefore, Outcome 6 supports the increase of community’s welfare as stated in Goal 3 PKHB. The implementation of community livelihood source based on low emission plant cultivation will also be in line with Goal 2 PKHBin the reduction effort of carbon emission.Various choices of livelihood sources are expected to reduce pressure to HLSL. Therefore, Outcome 6 is also in line and supporting Goal 4 PKHB. Outcome 7:Replicating smart practice of SDA management outside project location. Documentation and promotion as well as replication of smart practice of HLSL management can enrich the implementation readiness of REDD+ Therefore the Outcome is in line with Goal 6 of PKHBthat is lesson learned and replication of the implementation of district scaled sample stage of REDD+, either to national or international level. Outcome 8:The availability of Sustainable Funding for HLSL Management The success on collection fund for village development by village government and on HLSL management fund by BP Lesan and KSM/NGO becomes important factors in HLSL management sustainability. HLSL management sustainability will support effort in maintaining stability of HLSL area so that it will reduce area disturbances and guarantee HLSL biodiversity protection effort, it is in line with Goal 4 PKHB. HLSL management sustainability will also support carbon emission reduction by stabilizing carbon stock and increasing carbon absorption so that it is in line with Goal 2 PKHB. 21

28. Explain how the project will be done and able to give contribution in improving gender equality in natural resources management, appreciation to human rights, and eradication of corruption (explanation is no more than ½ page): The project strategy to give contribution to the improvement of gender equality, appreciation to human rights, and eradication of corruption is as follows: (a)Ensuring that men and women are involved in all activities facilited by the project, this will be mirrored from list of participants prepared in every facilitated activity; (b) Facilitating women to get involved in the process of decision making in the management of natural resources especially that gives direct impact to the prosperity (activity/life) of the women; (c) Sustainable livelihood development strategy will give priority to businesses that can utilize spare-time and productivity of women (housewives), and at the same time increase the role and contribution of women in increasing family economic income. (d)Livelihood development will give balance attention between increasing income, repairment of clean water access, improvement of sanitation, the use of new renewable energy, in such a way that it can lighten women’s burden and marginal groups which are not touched by development (human rights) so far; (e)The project gives special attention especially to marginal groups to get involved in decision making process of natural resources management, especially that influences their welfare (human rights); (f)The project conducts capacity improvement for village officer in administration and village development budget management, it is important concerning ADD/K for each village that will be given by district government. The drastic increase in budget allocation for village without the improvement of village officer capacity in administration and financial management will be vulnerable to corruption; (g)To increase village capacity in sustainable management of natural resources and the utilization of budget effectively and right on target, the project will conduct assistancy in drafting and or reviewing village RPJM. With the village RPJM which is composed based on participative mapping of natural resources, the village government will have guidance in village development, including effort to increase the prosperity of marginalized groups, at the same time avoid improper use of village budget for irrelevant need of the village (corruption).

29. Explain how this project support District Mid-term Development Plan/Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) (explanation is no more than ½ page): 1.


All Output in project proposal will conduct capacity improvement activities either for community, partner, government staff, or private sector in the management of HLSL; therefore it will support Agenda I of RPJMD Kab. Berau, that is to improve human resources quality and community’s welfare. Output 1 (The increasing capacity of village and district government in natural resources management), Output 2 (The accomplishment of HLSL announcement), Output 3(the increasing quality of HLSL ecosystem and the creation of land governance with low carbon emission in villages around HLSL), and Output 4 (The establishment of Forest Protection Collaboration) in project proposal will support Agenda II Goal 3 of RPJMD, that is tocreate sustainable nature through the enforcement rules of natural resources and land utilization, and coordination of spatial planning area. Besides that, Output 1 will also support Agenda III Goal 2 i.e. creating clean and 22




authoritative apparatusthrough the principle of good governance. Output 5 (The increasing awareness of community, student, and stakeholders in the preservation of HLSL),will support Agenda I Goal 1 of RPJMD, that is to increase human resources quality, to have mental resilience, physical and spiritual so that they can play the role and have high competitiveness in every field, either in provincial or national level. Output 6 (The creation of Various Source of Livelihood from inside and outside HLSL),will support: Agenda I Goal 3, i.e. to make inland and coastal, beach area, and ex-transmigration as flagship area that can give contribution in realizing prosperous community physically and spiritually, Agenda II Goal 2, that is to improve community’s welfare through reliable economic improvement based on agribusiness and ecotourism,and Agenda III Goal 5, that is to increase community’s welfare in border, inland, and remote areas. Output 7 (The promoted Smart Practice of HLSL Management to Regional and Inter(national) levels andOutput 8 (The development of various proposals for village resource reinforcement or HLSL management), will support Agenda I Goal 3 of RPJMD, that is to make the inland, coastal, and shoreline areas, and ex-transmigration as flagship areas which can give contribution to the achievement of community’s welfare.

30. Budget (explain cost component needed in no more than 5 pages) Total budget proposed to be funded by TFCA Program is Rp 11.037.450.000,-. Besides the budget proposal, in order to support the project implementation OWT will also contribute (cost-sharing) Rp,-consists of awareness material and training material (Rp 500.000.000,-) and operational car/Strada double cabin (Rp 500.000.000,-). Thus, the total of the budget proposal is Rp 12.037.450.000,-. The budget proposal is presented in details in Annex3.Budget proposal recapitulation is presented below: No


Amount (Rp)






A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4

Personnel Cost Office equipment Monitoring and Evaluation Equipment

2,551,125,000 493,500,000 295,000,000 256,600,000

23.11% 4.47% 2.67% 2.32%


Activity Output 1 : Increasing capacity of district and village government in natural resources management







A.5.1 A.5.2

Ouput 2 : The accomplishment of Appointment Process of HLSL


Ouput 3 : The increasing quality of ecosystem and the creation of low emission land governance in 4 villages around HLSL


Output 4 : The establishment of Forest Management Collaboration




Output 5 : Raising Awareness of Community, Student and Stakeholder in HLSL Preservation




Output 6 : The creation of Various Sources of People Livelihood inside or outside HLSL




Output 7. Promoted Smart Practice of HLSL Management to regional and international levels





Output 8. The availability of sustainable funding in the management of HLSL :

B B.1 B.2

INDIRECT COST Personnel Cost Operational Head Office



1,502,137,500 1,242,637,500 259,500,000 Total 11,037,450,000

13.61% 11.26% 2.35% 100.00%

KEHATI – Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation Jl. Bangka VIII No. 3B, Pela Mampang, Jakarta 12720 T. (021) 718 3185, 7179 93492 – 93 F. (021) 719 6131 E. tfca.kalimantan@kehati.or.id www.tfcakalimantan.org

OWT – Operasi Wallacea Terpadu Taman Cimanggu Jl. Akasia III Blok P6 No. 4, Bogor 16161 Telp. (0251) 8361180, Fax. (021) 8361180 Email. owtbogor@gmail.com www.tfcakalimantan.org


Annex 1:Methodology and Operation Framework of Community Involvement (KMOPM) in PKHB (TNC, 2013)


Annex 2.Map of Project Location Plan


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