I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday! It was great for the team to get a chance to spend some time with family, then we were right back at it with a busy weekend! A quick reminder, we don’t require reservations at your Club.However, if you know you are coming out, reservations are encouraged, just to give the team here a heads up of what to expect. Reservations are super easy to make on the app or website, or for fun, just give us a call!We want to ensure the best experience for all of our members.
Arcade and Simulators:
I hope everyone is enjoying our new Trackman Simulators, as well as the simulator area in the ballroom as a whole. It is a great place to hang out, play some golf, or enjoy some darts, Jet Pong, and more!The arcade has also been hugely popular, and we are still adding games as we speak. Buck Hunter just went in a couple of days ago, and our larger air hockey game will be here after Stag. We are still waiting on Ski ball and a racing game. Keep your eyes out for more games in the next few weeks and after New Years.
Other Winter Fun:
Aja and the team here have planned out a wonderful winter of activities for everyone, and David and team will start getting the skating rink ready as well. Please review all the fun events coming up in the next couple of months in the following pages of the newsletter. Also, I hope everyone has had the chance to see the holiday decorating of the clubhouse, it looks amazing!
Sedi Halvorson General Manager sedi@oxbowcc.comGood-Bye (again):
Lastly, as many of you know, I am leaving Oxbow CC and we are relocating back to Iowa. This was a difficult decision, but one that we know is right. Hopefully you were all able to see the email I sent a few days ago. The last 2.5 years at Oxbow have been amazing, and what we as a Club and membership have accomplished in that time is too much to explain in this article. It has truly been my pleasure to be a part of it, and know that Oxbow’s best days are ahead of it. The Board has put together a GM search committee, and I know they will be successful in finding a great fit for your club. I will also assist in whatever capacity I am asked to. In the meantime, please reach out to Aja if you need anything at all that you may have come to me for in the past. The entire team here is second to none, and I know they will do an amazing job in the interim They all know they can reach out to me at any time, for whatever I can assist with.
Thanks to all of you for letting me be a part of your lives again, it has been my privilege. I will miss many things about being here, but it’s all about the relationships, both with you, and also the managers and associates that I have the honor of working with every day That is by far what I will miss the most If you ever find yourself in the Des Moines area, my email is sedi.halvorson@gmail.com, and cell number is 701.799.2250.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and I also hope to see many of you again, even after I am gone.
Thank you again, Sedi
Aja Nyquist Director of Membership & Marketing aja@oxbowcc.com
Happy December everyone! We have the club all decorated and I am excited for our grand winter wonderland entrance this year! As we get into December and January we have a lot of great events planned for you, so please make sure you check out the app or website and get signed up
Frozen Frostival & Toy Drive:
This year we have the return of our Toy Drive as well as our Frozen Frostival event. The toy drive this year will again benefit the kids at the Roger Maris Cancer Center See the following page for more information on that. If you want you can drop stuff of at the clubhouse, can have stuff shipped to the club or can even donate gift cards we can use to buy toys for the kiddos! Contact me for more information or if you have any questions! The toy drive will run through December 18th and conclude with our Frozen Frostival event which is a fun event that features games and fun with the Frozen cast (Anna, Elsa and Olaf) The event will be $10/kid or FREE with a toy donation for our toy drive!
Santa Brunch
As you may have seen, our Santa Brunch is completely full and on a waitlist. This year we changed our format and are doing 15 minutes increments from 10am-1pm This will allow us to provide you better service and you will be able to easily get through the buffet lines. We do ask that you stick to the 1hr time frame for the brunches (as we had in the past) so that we are able to get the next groups in, but with the smaller seatings we feel you will have plenty of time to eat and see Santa If you have questions please let me know
Waitlists and Event Policy
Speaking of waitlists, I wanted to remind everyone that we do have a cancellation policy for our events (in particular the ones that do go on a waitlist). You can cancel within 48 hours and not be charged but inside that window we will have to charge you These events are typically ones that have outside costs to them that we get billed for in advance so we need to make sure we are covering those costs. So if you sign up for an event and then won't be able to make it, please let us know as soon as possible as often times if we have notice we can get people in off the waitlist
As always if you have any questions, concerns or referrals let me know! -Aja

W H A T ' S C O M I N G U P T H I S M O N T H
WHEN: FRIDAY, DEC. 2ND, 5:30PM MEN 21+ $150/Person
Get ready for the event of the year! Support your club and bid on sports tickets and memorabilia, golf items, trips, and more! Your ticket entitles you to: All you can eat and drink, guest pass for 18 holes of golf in 2023 ($100 Value),entry into raffles, rides home Bring guest(s) to Stag for a chance for them to win a Full Golf Membership!
Join us as Cookie Krums will walk you step by step on how to decorate 5 Christmas themed cookies. Limited to 30
$32/Adult $16/Child Free (5& Under)
A magical morning filled with a delicious brunch buffet and pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus! (Photos will be available for purchase). We will be offering multiple seating this year, please note that we would like to limit each table to a one hour time frame which should give you ample time to get through the buffet and to get your pictures with Santa! Thanks for your help with this!
This highly requested class is sure to be a favorite. Join us as Suzy helps you learn the ins and outs of making bread pudding. Cost is $50/person and limited to 12.
FAMILY FRIENDLY (16+) $75/Person
Join us as Alison Lunde of Floret and Foliage helps us make great winter wreaths. Cost is $75/person and is limited to 25 participants. Includes drinks and light apps!
A trendy gold wreath form, filled with greenery and dried bits to make the best dang wreath you've ever made with your own two hands. These wreaths aren't boring traditional all the way around, they are cool wreaths.
Join us for trivia starting at 7pm. There will be 3 rounds of questions on things related to certain decades. The evening's overall winners will receive a $100 food and beverage credit. Teams limited to 6 people.
WHEN: SUNDAY, DEC. 18TH, 3:30PM-5:00PM
$10/Person or FREE with toy donation
Frozen Frostival: Join us for crafts and activities with the Frozen crew: Elsa, Anna and Olaf. $10/person (FREE with Toy Donation).Toys will be donated to Roger Maris Cancer Center.Reservations Appreciated
It's New Years eve, enjoy a quiet meal in the restaurant while your children get treated to an evening of fun featuring creating drive in movie "cars", a balloon drop and more. Price includes dinner. Children must be potty trained in order to attend; limited to 40 kids. 6pm 8:45pm. Reservations required.
Parents must remain on site. Enjoy dinner & drinks in the bar/dining area and let us take care of the kids!The arcade/simulators will be closed to the general membership for this event.
W H A T ' S C O M I N G U P T H I S M O N T H
Chili Cook Off: Do you have the best chili? Be crowned the OCC king or queen of chili during our cookoff! Registration will begin at 2pm, with judging starting at 3pm. The Vikings vs. Packers game will be on and we will have drink and app specials! If you plan on bringing a chili please sign register!
Join us for a wild game wine dinner with Chef Scott. Get ready for a delicious evening with a 5 course meal paired with wines for each course.
A free craft day for the kids! Join us for hot cocoa and crafts! Limited to 40 kids
Want to learn how to make sushi? You have come to the right place! Join us ad Dylan, our sushi chef, teaches you the ins and outs! Cost is $50/person and limited to 12.

Stacey Fett Controller accounting@oxbowcc.com
December is here!Hope you are all looking forward to the holiday season as much as I am! Below I have listed some of the most commonly asked questions about member accounts:
Is gratuity automatically added to my check?
The 18% gratuity on Food & Beverage is only automatically applied if you do not sign your slip. If you would like to leave a custom tip, please ask your server for your slip.This will also give you a chance to make sure you were charged correctly, especially if you are dining with a larger group. The automatic gratuity is not applied to credit card or cash payments
I just made a payment on my account, why is it not showing up on my app?
Payments can be viewed on the app under the ‘Recent’ tab, which is found on the top lefthand corner after you click on ‘Current statement’. Statements are generated once a month, so any payments made after you receive your statement will only show on the recent tab. This is also a great way to check for any discrepancies in your charges throughout the month.
Can I set up autopay and if so, what date is the autopay ran?
We have two options for autopay ACH or Credit Card. Please reach out to me for an authorization form to set this up. Please note, there is a 3% additional fee to process autopay with a credit card. I run the autopay on the 10th of the month unless it falls on a weekend or holiday, which will then be ran on the next business day.
Currently I am receiving my statement via mail. Is there an option to send it via email?
Yes, please provide me with your email address and I will get it set up to send via email. Email is the best option to receive your statement If you are currently signed up for emailed statements and are not receiving them, please let me know by emailing me at accounting@oxbowcc.com or calling me directly at 701 598 1112.
Merry Christmas to all!

Dan Toop Clubhouse Manager dan@oxbowcc.com
Happy Holidays, everyone! Fall has quickly turned into winter and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Our annual Stag get together is just around the corner. I hope everyone is enjoying the new menus that Chef Scott put together and we have rolled out recently! The simulators and arcade are in full swing and I hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy these winter additions to your club.
We also have many holiday parties on the books, Santa Brunch on the 11th, a wine dinner in January, as well as a chili cook off and a sushi making class in early January! So, as always, we have many activities for you this winter to come out and enjoy. I look forward to seeing you in and around the clubhouse.

Logan Winters Helmbrecht Food and Beverage Manager logan@oxbowcc.com
Hello everyone! It once again is my favorite time of year! I’ve always enjoyed the holiday season. I love seeing all the lights, Christmas music filling the air, and holiday cheer is everywhere! The best time of year to share with those that we hold near and dear to our hearts!
November sure did fly past! It was a fun packed and exciting month! We sure have been busy worker bees, from kids’ night with magicians, to the roll out of the NEW arcade and golf simulators, new menus, monthly features, and different specials for all to enjoy! Everyone here has been hard at work to provide a great place for you to come and hangout, and enjoy your club!
With the changing of the seasons, some things to look forward to and keep on your calendars for the upcoming month and holiday season, we have Stag in the beginning of the month, and that is always a great night filled with great food, great fun, and great people! Then Santa Brunch is not far behind, and that will be a great time to hangout with the family, eat some tasty food prepared by Chef Scott and his team, and get your pictures with Santa! Then after that we move into the holiday party season, and then the Frozen Frostival! Make sure to check out the event guide for the dates on the Child/Parent cooking class and also wreath making! Then as we get closer to Christmas, family in town and don’t feel like cooking? Come on out to the club, we have you covered! Make sure to bring the kids out for the Kid’s Night New Years Celebration, Aja has a bunch of fun activities planned!
We sure do have a great month planned for December, and we hope to see you all, especially around the holidays! Oxbow seems to be more and more like a little family, and I know I enjoy every minute of it!
Happy Holidays! Can’t wait to see you enjoying your club! Cheers!
avid Wood perintendent vid@oxbowcc.com

I would like to thank our members that volunteered to help install greens covers on November 3rd.In total, we had 25 people and covered 3.5 acres of golf course in a little over four hours.
This past month the Greens Committee held a meeting to review the membership survey. We compiled all the comments provided and came up with several areas that the Grounds Department can focus on to improve the golf experience at Oxbow: golf course set-up/mowing heights, player etiquette, short game practice area and improving native grass areas. In the coming months we will evaluate how to address each of the concerns and have a plan to implement these changes for 2023.
We will again have the skating rink on the pond in front of the Pro Shop when the ice conditions are safe to support skaters. Lights will be installed and running from sunset to 10:00 p.m., the ice will be conditioned to smooth out the rough areas as needed.
See you on the course
David Wood
henbacher hef wcc.com
Hello, Oxbow! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! We have had our new menu out for a month now and it seems to be well received. If you haven’t been out to try the sushi, I highly recommend. We will be starting our new specials menu this month as well. I have been able to get some beautiful swordfish flown in overnight from Honolulu. Keep an eye out for that. I also plan on starting our family meals again. These meals are geared to travel. We try to make different meals that will maintain quality for a cold ride to the FM metro.
This month we have a fun event with our in house baker. Suzy will be hosting a bread pudding cooking class! Suzy’s bread pudding has been an absolute game changer. It’s always fun seeing what concoction she comes up with weekly
As you all may know Sedi is leaving the club. It wasn’t a total surprise to myself and the staff. We all know where is heart is, and that’s back home in Iowa. I know it wasn’t an easy decision for him and his wife. He has built this house and it is up to myself and the rest of the staff to maintain it. I anticipate no changes in the member experience. After some conversations with a few of the board members I feel confident that they will be taking their time to fill some enormous shoes. A lot of us were here for the first time and we know what needs to be done. If you get a chance send Sedi a note or stop by. He has moved mountains to make our club what it is today
For this month’s recipe I want to share my tomato basil soup. It’s a great soup for the cold blustery days and nights that are now upon us.


2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 yellow onion diced
2 tablespoons fresh chopped garlic
(I like to chop my own. The stuff in the jars leaves a bad taste IMO)
1 sprig fresh thyme
2 sprigs fresh parsley
10-12 basil leaves
½ cup red wine
1 28oz can crushed tomatoes
4oz heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons honey
In a large stock pot on medium-high heat add your butter and olive oil. Heat until butter is melted and add your onion and garlic. Cook until soft then add your fresh herbs. Continue to cook for 2-3 minutes. De-glaze with red wine and cook for another 2 3 minutes. Now add your crushed tomatoes, heavy whipping cream, and honey Remove from heat and blend with either a blender or immersion blender Place soup back on heat and bring to a simmer. Enjoy with a spoon and a grilled cheese!
Corey Herlickson Head Golf Professional corey@oxbowcc.com
We were able to sneak in some extra golf in November that we have not been able to since prior to 2018. However, we had 38 more days of play in 2021 vs 2022 With that being said, we only finished with 192 less rounds in 2022 than in 2021. We averaged 90 rounds of golf per day in 2022! Below are the numbers: 2021 16,207 2022 16, 015
If you have not had the time to come and check out or use our new TrackMan Simulators in the event center, please do. The atmosphere in there is fantastic and the reception we have had to the space has been incredible The entire team at Oxbow pitched into the effort and we very happy with the results
In order to keep the TrackMan Simulator area looking good we ask that you please refrain from eating while you are standing on the turf. We have had some messy popcorn issues so far and we would like to curtail them now before it becomes a real issue If you have your children with you when playing, we love it. We just ask you to provide proper supervision to those that are under 14 years of age. The TrackMan units cost $25,000 dollars and although we have protective cases over them, we would not want to be out one due to an accident. You can make tee times for the simulators just as you would a tee time for the golf course. Just make sure you block off enough time. You can make tee times on the app, online or by calling the golf shop or stopping in the golf shop. If you need assistance give the golf shop a call and we will walk you thru making the reservation
Corey Herlickson Head Golf Professional corey@oxbowcc.comTrackMan Simulator Hours are:
Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 9:00 Sunday 10:00 – 8:00
As many of you begin to travel to warmer weather for sunshine and golf, don’t forget we have partnerships with ClubCorp, OpenRounds and the Thompson Golf Group. These groups will help you get tee times across the country at their respective golf courses! See the Golf Shop Weekly Updates for more information!

Theresa Keimig Catering and Events Manager theresa@oxbowcc.com
Hello everyone!!
Has the holiday season already gotten away from you, don’t feel alone? If you still need to make plans for your office or family gatherings, January is also a great time for a party and it’s very common for those events to extend into the new year. December has very limited availability but I have several dates to offer in January.

Also keep in mind that the holiday season is engagement season, we still have openings for summer 2023. Please let me know if you have any events, large or small, that we need to save space for. I would love to have the opportunity to plan your events at Oxbow
Now that we have wrapped up our 2022 wedding season, it’s time to think about all the member events that are coming up this winter, Aja has numerous activities planned for the winter months. Thank you for celebrating all of YOUR special events at Oxbow.
Happy holidays to you and your family!!
Make sure to wish your fellow OCC members a Happy Birthday this month

1: Chelsey Mahon
Trevor Bakken
Connor Larson
Graciela Monson
2: Jeff Young
Zach Schnitzler
Jack Wold
10: Lorna Sanders
Mike Komanetz
McKenzie Sjolsvold Hudson Lapp
11: Trish Matthys Taylor Glasow Owen Wold
4: Jeremy Boniface
Kyle Althoff Kyle Campbell Audrey Kildahl
12: Michael Blankinship
Megan Bergan
Jocelyn Kluckman
Emerson Macintosh Kennedy Macintosh
16: Brian Roberts
Jill Geiger
Danielle Dockter Mitch Quick Nathan Peyerl Tyler Friesen
17: Renee Gravalin Eric Dion 18: Jesse Lunde Kinze Johnson Isaac Herlickson
5: Shawn McNeally
Sam Jelleberg
Ryan Livingood Willa Vanderhagen
6: Roger Everson
Tami Llewellyn Ben Sanders
Deacon Novak
Drake Lundblad
8: Steve Rowe
Ryan Nelson
Seth Undem
Kayla Mack
13: Gerry Hall Georgia Olson
Nicole Wogsland Tyler Burcham Hudson Kasowksi McKinley Honeyman Everleigh Borr Sophie Matthys
14: Chad Bergan
Jazmin Seivert
Aric Foster Isabel Seeley Hayden Graalum
9: Dawn Zook
Diane Harrison
Lori Pearson
24: Wendy McCrory
26: Erik Hiedeman
Julia Tiffany
27: Randy Hedberg
Trinity Holland Ryan Barth
28: Marie Talley Jeffrey Jacobson Kristina Mattson
19: Maradee Regan Alison Kluckman
20: Craig Mitchell Jessica Stephens
Taylor Cavanagh Nathan Horner Alexa Lorshbough Hunter Swanson Finley Jaehning Becker Bergan
29: Kyle Bosch Sarah Olson Hannah Brooks Zach Johnson Gabrielle Roehl
30: Randy Schneibel Hana Halilovic Louise Grussing Dylen Saucke
31: Brittni Cosette
21: Patrick Bresnahan Cody Jochim Cooper Mohl
15: Anne Vig Emma Friesen
Jack Cano Lexi Crouse
22: Luke Hanson
23: Mike Warner Mia Hoffman