Lasting Impressions Overall, my internship was a positive experience. It enhanced my research skills and my confidence in presenting new ideas and putting them into action. As ABC London is comprised of quite a small team, I was given a high level of responsibility and would see my ideas actualised quickly. While the podcast creation was rewarding, I enjoyed the setting up of the art foundation the most, given the aspects of problem-solving and the exciting possibilities available when setting up something from scratch. The internship has thus confirmed for me that I would like my future career to involve problem-solving and working face-to-face with people on a daily basis. I will definitely keep in contact with ABC London, perhaps coming back to work with them over the next year or so, and will become an ambassador for the new charitable foundation.
BRILLIANT CLUB (THE) Harry Twohig, Mansfield College, Second Year Undergraduate, BA History, Remote working Work Projects I worked with university partnerships team at The Brilliant Club, supporting the planning and delivery of a series of virtual graduation ceremony events for students who had completed the organisation's programmes in the summer term. Tasks included the creation of certificates and PowerPoint slides for each graduation ceremony, liaising with staff across the organisation to ensure that school and student details were displayed correctly, managing signups for the events via Eventbrite and ensuring that parents who had registered received the links to join the appropriate graduation ceremony. Following the events, I reviewed the briefing documents given to university partners and student ambassadors, who deliver a session as part of the graduations, to ensure that all parties were adequately briefed, and I prepared a document evaluating the events overall, with feedback that could be actioned in the future. These graduation ceremonies were attended by around 4,000 students nationally, and seeing how proud the students were of