Central VA Vendor Guide Spring 2022

Page 14


Stop Loss offers more ways than one to help protect residents, property management companies and owners from liability, or loss to a community!

CALL US TODAY to learn more about our alerting devices and fire extinguishment products.

First Alert Smoke Detector Can be hardwired with battery back-up or 10 year lithium ion battery.

First Alert Carbon Monoxide Detector Can be installed with 9v power supply or 10 \HDU OLWKLXP LRQ $OVR R΍HU D FRPELQDWLRQ detector that covers smoke and CO)

Stove Top Fire Stops Deploys an extinguishment agent when a VWRYH ȴUH RFFXUV 7KHVH FDQ EH LQVWDOOHG under a range hood or a microwave.

Fire Avert


6KXWV R΍ SRZHU WR WKH UDQJH LQ WKH HYHQW D VPRNH GHWHFWRU DFWLYDWHV from unattended cooking on either the stove or oven.


Schedule a Free Consultation Call 804-837-0099 StopLossVA.com

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