Introducing “So Close Yet So Far” Visualizing Palestine
In Palestine, distance is measured not just in kilometers, but in the insurmountable apartheid laws, bureaucracy, and infrastructure that keep so many Palestinians from a normal life in their own homeland.
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On August 29, Visualizing Palestine published “So Close Yet So Far”, a new series of short animations that tell the stories of five Palestinian families separated by Israeli policy: Amani and Adnan, Ahmad and Rokaya, Hiba and her triplets, Samaher and Yasser, and Salma and Moussa.
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These families’ circumstances may seem too absurd, bizarre, and surreal to be true. But they are real -life stories, as documented by human rights groups and reported by journalists. Understanding what these five families have experienced is key to understanding the broader system of Israeli apartheid, and the injustices that are perpetrated by it.