PACES Magazine Nr.12 - Martie 2012 EN

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PACES We believe in your happiness!

Promoted & Applied Social Economy Concepts

Published by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs

Nr. 12, March 2012

79-81 Dornei Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel: 0372-770.126, Fax: 021-224.46.95

Legal liability for the content of this publication belongs Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs © PMI, 2011

Published by Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs 79-81 Dorna Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel: 0040-372.770.126, Fax: 0040-

SCRIB PUBLISHING, 2011 Editorial Team Editor in Chief: Editorial secretary: Commentators:

dr. Aurel Storin

Iancu Elena Cătălina Octavian Andronic Florin Condurăţeanu Editors: Irina Ghiţă-Cioroba Cornelius Popa Clement Sava Beatrice Iordache Larisa Toader Photo Image Editor: Silvia Mandler WEB Administrator: Mihai Breahnă English Translator: George Wainer Editor: Gabriel Ionescu

ISSN 2247 – 0573


We believe in your happiness!



The “PACES” Magazine Celebrates Its First Year of Existence!

n March 15, 2012, the PACES Magazine, published by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, celebrated its first year of existence. Here is how it all happened: In February 2011, I visited my good friend, Dr. Aurel Storin, a leading personality of Romanian theater, culture and literature, and he told me: “Liviu, you and your colleagues at the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs are all doing wonderful things in favor of vulnerable people (whether disabled or cancer patients). Don’t you think that your experience should be more widely known and spread? I know you have an Internet site, but a magazine would be much more! There should be a monthly publication about your work and about the many people whom you target!” I replied with a question: “What should be the budget, circulation, format and editing staff of such a publication?” Dr. Aurel Storin took his phone, called two people, I do not know whom, then answered all the questions and told me that, in case I say “OK” on the spot, the first issue of the magazine will appear on March 15 (it was February 21 at the time...). “Well, Aurel,” I said, “it’s a deal, but I want to have the magazine on my desk on March 16!” This is exactly what happened, actually even sooner. On March 15, at 11h. sharp, Aurel Storin took a copy of the packages that contained the magazine and put it on my desk. The name of the magazine is PACES (the Romanian acronym for Promotion and Implementation of Social Economy

Concepts). I liked so much this word, which was proposed by one of our colleagues, as she considered it was best for our projects, that I had no objection to use it for naming our magazine. This year, the PACES magazine tried to depict the activity and role of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs to our targeted readers. We published materials on various topics. We referred to institutions, not people, as we did not look for guilty parties. We just wanted to see more clearly what we had to do in order to get things done better. We published touching and sometimes astounding stories about human strength and dignity in difficult, unimaginable conditions... We picked-up touching cases of people in situations when winning seemed impossible, but they prevailed, just the same. The magazine also facilitated our collaboration with various communities and state authorities, as well as the actions we organize together with various NGOs which have similar activities to ours. At the end of the editorial, I would like to thank Dr. Aurel Storin, the Editor in Chief of the PACES magazine, as well as our collaborators, such as NGOs which supported us. Last, but not least, I would like to thank our readers and to kindly ask them to never forget that “real wealth is in our soul, not in the bank account”. May You Be loved and happy! LIVIU MANDLER President of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Mission To promote, develop, adopt and implement integrative medicine as part of the medical practice in Romania. The concept of Integrative medicine places the patient in the center of the medical team and means to use all proven safe and efficient therapies, no matter where the system of medical thought these therapies may originate from.

Nr. 12/March 2012

About us



Our vision considers that integrative medicine is the common solution and meeting place for medical doctors, educators and researchers all for the benefit of the patient. P.M.I. will act as a central reference point and as a representative, communication, education and collaboration factor, in connection with the public and private authorities who rule and/or coordinate this field in the country and abroad. We also identify the specific issues faced by providers of integrative medicine, as well as the optimal solutions to solve them.

• To represent and protect the interests of integrative medicine service providers from Romania, both at a national and international level. • To develop a framework for the associated members to discuss and ask questions, mention various issues, proposals for situations of common interest, as well as to help creating and developing unitary strategies for their support and for finding solutions. • To represent and to plead for the support of the strategies adopted by the Entrepreneurs when approaching the Parliament, the Government, other authorities and/or national/local institutions, as well as when approaching the media and any other relevant entity from Romania and from abroad. • To promote the best practices among its members, by assuring ethical, responsible means of organization and function for the integrative medicine, meant to comply with the expectations of the community, at the highest standards of integrity. • To take all legal actions for the creation of a proper normative framework meant to develop the organization and functioning of the integrative medicine. It should also best reflect the compatibility process of the requirements of this economic group and the needs of the larger society. Thus, the Entrepreneurs will be able to initiate contacts with the authorities in charge of implementing approved projects of normative acts and to actively participate, as far as the legal system allows it, in the creation, approval, public debate and implementation of normative act projects which refer to our field of interest, as well as to other related fields. • To become an affiliate or full member, from case to case, of those international associations which are actively involved in the organization and functioning of integrative medicine, so that the interests of the integrative medicine in Romania will be represented internationally, and for the correlation of its organization and functioning in Romania with the international standards in this field. • To organize meetings, conferences, exhibitions and work-shops for exchanging experience with various associations, foundations or other institutions which have a similar profile. To sign agreements of partnership with medical or non-medical institutions, foundations of associations whose objectives are common or close to those of the Entrepreneurs.

Projects under development ● Supporting disadvantaged persons A regional network for the promotion and application of the social economy concepts, meant to increase the chances of social reinsertion of disabled people. • Supporting patients who suffer from cancer A multiregional network for integrative therapy, counseling and social reintegration of persons who were diagnosed with cancer. • The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs – PMI The site, where you can find more information about our current activities.


We believe in your happiness!

Early Cancer Detection

Interviurile PACES

Talking about Cancer with Dr. Ana Maria Boeru, MD Medical Oncology C.S.: How can we quickly detect the disease, so that it does not lead to so many victims? Dr. ANB: The World Health Organization (WHO) believes, on early detection and screening as cancer, that, if it is possible, it greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. Sometimes, cure is possible, as well. There are two major components of early detection of cancer: education to promote early diagnosis and screening. Every year, on February 4, WHO and IARC (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) supports UICC (the International Union Against Cancer) to promote both educational and effective screening means that simplify the process leading to a decreased incidence and mortality caused by this illness. Cancer prevention and improving the quality of life of patients diagnosed with cancer are the two basic objectives of these two international organizations. This year, in 2012, they focus more on screening. The World Cancer Day for the fight against cancer, celebrated on February 4, 2012, was named “Together, it is possible”. It is possible to overcome the illness if we work together. Therefore, let us promote important pieces of information to underline the need for screening, so that we may later learn how, when and who should pay more attention to these investigations, in order to find the disease at a curable stage. C.S.: What are the most common types of cancer in men? Dr. A.M.B.: The most common, newly diagnosed, types of cancer in men are prostate (29%), lung (14%), colon and rectum (9%), as well as bladder cancer (7%). For women, the newly diagnosed, most common types of cancer are: in the first place: breast (29%), lung (14%), colon and rectum (9%), cervical (6%), thyroid cancer (5%) and melanoma malignant (4%). In men aged over 40, the causes of cancerrelated deaths, in decreasing order of the frequency are: lung, colorectal, prostate, pancreas, liver, gall

bladder and esophagus cancer. In women having the same age, cancer-related deaths, in descending order of frequency, are: breast, lung, pancreatic and ovarian cancer. C.S.: Since the incidence and frequency of so many types of cancer in women and men is so high, what should we do? Dr. A.M.B.: Early discovery, i.e. stage zero (with premalignant lesions and dysplasia with a high risk of malignancy), stage I and even in stage II, is essential in some types of cancer, so that the disease may be 100% cured! C.S.: Please give a brief definition of the need for staging, the need for fitting into evolutionary stages, without providing academic details. Dr. A.M.B.: The division of cancer into four stages is meant to classify patients after similar degrees of evolution of the disease. This is a way to speak the same language for all the members of the multidisciplinary team involved in the treatment, depending on the stage, also being a very good prognostic marker. Therefore, patients with similar stages of evolution of the same type of cancer will have a similar treatment and prognosis, in a very broad sense. It can vary from one patient to another, depending on many factors, such as the general state of health, whether or not other more or less serious diseases are associated, the patient’s convictions and preferences related to the treatment, way of thinking, acceptance and preferences for further treatment or not, the association or alternative therapies and how to stop possible factors that may worsen the situation. Recorded by C.S.


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

„Solving psychological problems of the patients is the greatest satisfaction“ Interview with Ileana Cercel, Psychologist at the Bucharest-Ilfov Center Reporter: What made you become a psychologist? Ileana Cercel: Since college, I was impressed by the suffering people who did not know whom to call about their problems, given that there were very few psychologists, nationwide. Problems such as panic attacks, depression, autism, ADHD, the Down Syndrome, as well as physical and mental disabilities cannot be fully solved by medicines, so that it is necessary to have specific psychological therapies. Rep.: What are the main problems faced by disabled people? I.C.: Disabled people consider themselves (and are) not understood by others. For these reasons, they are often marginalized and excluded from society, and their integration is difficult and longlasting. Rep.: Do you think disabled people are more vulnerable, from the mental point of view, than those who do not have such problems? If so, why? I.C.: Because they have disabilities, these individuals are more vulnerable. They are restricted in many ways, are not understood and helped by others, and they often feel excluded. Could it be otherwise? Rep.: What are the methods of counseling that you use the most? Please, give some details. I.C.: There are many psychological methods used in the daily work of a psychologist. They depend on each person’s problems, as we apply specific individual therapy focused on the problem. We use cognitive-behavioral therapy, applied behavioral analysis (ABA), Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), TEACCH, role play, support therapy, etc. Rep.: What results did you get from the counseling sessions? I.C.: There is no greater satisfaction for a psychologist than to observe that, in counseling, the problems faced by beneficiaries were solved and improved because it is, in fact, our purpose. One is happy, together with the beneficiaries, when one finds that depression or panic attacks are gone, children with various disorders utter the first words and spell them correctly, when family members on the verge of separation come back to terms, or when the blood tests of presumably incurably ill patients return to normal, etc. Rep.: Tell us a story that impressed you, during the

Interviurile PACES

counseling sessions. I.C.: There are lots of true stories that make one change one’s way of thinking and one is marked for life. The most impressive cases of disabled people are of those who were abandoned by their family since childhood, the dramas of families whose children were born disabled, who are partially recoverable or plain unrecoverable, as well as the cases when a person acquired a disability and is suddenly abandoned by the family. Equally touching are the cases of children with and without disabilities who were abandoned in maternity wards or foster centers by their parents or relatives when their disability was identified. That is the time when family members are down and need support to accept reality and start the rehabilitation therapy. Rep.: How do you think we can help disabled people fit into the society? What can we offer to support them (materially, morally, financially, etc.)? I.C.: Most disabled people do not consider themselves to be DISABLED / PROBLEM PEOPLE. If they think they are nearly normal, why should we believe they are otherwise? Just because they move slower or hear less, are more silent or have a certain physiognomy, know or no don know to solve math problems or write novels? There is the law of compensation: if a perception means is less developed, the other grows more, so that the person can manage almost as well as we, the “normal” ones, can. Even mentally-retarded people can be trained to perform simple tasks and work in sheltered workshops. These people need help more than all of us, some more and some less. These people need both material and moral support to improve the quality of their life. Rep.: How often should we use the services of a psychologist? I.C.: We need to call a psychologist at the first signs or problems, so as to increase the quality of our life. Unfortunately, many people refuse to go to a psychologist because they think others might consider them “crazy”. Many problems, such as misunderstandings in the family or serious diseases, may be fully or partially solved if we call for specialized help in due time. Rep.: How can we choose the best psychologist? I.C.: Choosing a psychologist should be done with great care and attention because we depend


We believe in your happiness! on them to have our problems solved. The first step is to check if he or she is a member of the College of Psychologists, if he or she is acknowledged as a specialist by this institution and if he or she is actually specialized in the respective issue. Recommendations are very important in this field

and you may want to verify the previous results of the psychologist in treating other beneficiaries.


Knowledge Shared from the Heart There are many people who believe that, in order to be a teacher, one needs to read a lot, to see everything, to accumulate knowledge all of one’s life. There are many people who believe that a person lacking a sense could never teach. Here too... as everywhere in our society, there is discrimination, certain attitudes and disabilities.


n a society in which the role of the teacher, and less that of the reader, is more necessary, but less present, as teachers offend their students or laugh at them, in the same society in which the role of schools ranges from that of fi ght yard between colleagues, a place of meeting with the gang or the dictatorship of the teacher, there are still people who want to learn, but that nobody wants them to be in that position. Nevertheless, there are teachers who would provide their students with all their knowledge, making them grow in their own eyes and conscience and helping them choose the best way for their heart. Gigi Pană is 32 years old. He has not seen at all since he was child. Difficulties and the lack of a sense that is so important made him back down and resign to himself. But, not long ago, Gigi has found his purpose. He found out what he wanted to do all his life, from now on – to be a teacher and to help those like him. Now, he teaches IT courses to the blind persons who attend the center. It is all organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, as part of the „Regional Network for the promotion and implementation of social economy concepts in order to increase the chances of social reintegration of disabled persons” project, funded from the European Social Fund by the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013. He worked a lot to help young disabled people. He had to work with the trainers of the project to be able to create a curriculum that suits their needs. In addition, he translated all instructions of the programs in the Braille language. However, he did it all with love. This way, he can help blind youngsters, whom he teaches, to find, in their turn, a purpose

in life. Many of them need this the most: to start somewhere, to get a job that someone else did not have the patience or commitment to share with them. Courses have already reached mid term and the students are proud of their teacher. They like to learn, being diligent and trying to accumulate as much information as possible, especially since they are extremely aware of the importance of working with computer in everyday life and for finding a job. Dana Orban, one of the students at the „Ray of Light” Day Center, for example, is also attending the entrepreneurship class. She is aware that she will need a computer, regardless of the direction she may want to follow in life. „I know it does not even matter what field I choose to start a business in. And I really want to have my own business. But I could not do anything without working with a computer. Everything that is related to documents, the easiest part of accounting, everything is done with the computer. Also, there is much information available online. They can help me a lot, every day. That’s why I really wanted to attend this course. I think it will help me as a person, in general, as well as to start a career,” says Dana. The courses for blind people began in midJanuary, in Brașov. The Art Director courses for disabled people, organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs will soon start at the Territorial Center in Brașov.




Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

Leukemia in Children, a Major Problem in Romania

orldwide, circa 200.000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, most of them suffering from leukemia. In Romania, things are not better. The average healing rate of children is relatively small, between 30 to 60%, and it largely depends on the accurate detection of the disease. In Romania, one of the main reasons that hinder the healing process of children with leukemia is the delayed diagnosis. Leukemia and cancer in children is generally very rare. For example, an oncologist may not meet in his career more than 2-3 such cases. Therefore, there are not many physicians who specialized on this issue, in our country. this is also why leukemia treatment in children is problematic. Prognosis depends on several key factors: • the extent of cancer • the genetic inheritance • the age and health of the child • the response to treatment

• tolerance and resistance of the child to different types of treatment and therapies In most cases, survival chances cannot be calculated generically, as in adults, but rather depend on each child and on how they adapt to the conditions listed above. The way in which children react to the many side-effects of aggressive therapies is also important. Also, in case of survival, children should receive full attention from their parents. For a long time, they have to watch the health of their child, not to risk a relapse. This is an unwanted event that could happen if not detected in due time. As a conclusion, the best thing parents can do for their children, as far as leukemia is concerned, is to constantly monitor their child’s health, as they should benefit from early diagnosis in case of cancer or other serious illness. This increases the chances of the child to survive. C.S.

Fibrosis Entailed by Cirrhosis Is a Serious Continuation of Inf lammation


patient having an advanced cirrhosis looks really bad, just like a doughnut stuck in thin sticks. His or her muscles melted and the legs look like grissini. The belly is swollen like a balloon filled with liquid. The liver is full of fibrosis, hardened cells looking like ugly scars, which prevents blood from crossing the liver. Thus, liver cells no longer fulfill their mission. The blood coming to the liver from the intestines is loaded with toxins, which cannot be decomposed and neutralized by the liver, since fibrosis stops the passage of blood from the abdomen, through the liver. As such, the toxins remain in the blood circuit, reach the brain and cause disturbances, by hepatic encephalopathy. There occur psychological and neurological disorders. For example, the hepatic encephalopathy patient no longer masters fine movements, cannot close his or her buttons, and cannot speak properly. Being blocked before the liver, blood pressure increases “upstream”, in the portal vein. Thus,

blood seeks collateral circuits, swelling the veins in the esophagus. Esophageal varices occur. They may break, leading to serious gastro-intestinal bleeding. The increase of blood pressure in the vessels before the liver forces the liquid to get to the abdomen. The belly swells and cirrhosis is worsened, by ascites. Cirrhosis is the scarring of inflamed areas of the liver. The liver has areas of fibrosis, looking like smoked muscle, with those hardened, rope traces. Liver becomes fibrous, hardened, sclerotic, with lumps, losing its functions of secretion and excretion (detoxification). What are the causes of cirrhosis? The first is alcohol. Some medicines may entail hepatitis and cirrhosis. Both the B and C type viruses cause chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. There is also an autoimmune hepatitis, in which antibodies attack certain parts of the liver. Certain genetic abnormalities may lead to cirrhosis. Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis, or fatty liver, may lead to cirrhosis, as well. F.C.


We believe in your happiness!

A Hard Eye Is a sign of Glaucoma


here is always a large crowd in the lobbies of old hospitals. People come there as unexpected objects hit their eyes. Others see as if they were eternally caught is a fog. Handkerchiefs are placed on watery, red eyes. There are many people, as in the place called Maglavit, where the stuttering shepherd

boasted of having spoken with God, some 80 years ago. There are also many people who simply burst in ophthalmology clinics for minor inconveniences, such as a banal conjunctivitis or an eyelash that moved accidentally on the cornea. In the chaos of the waiting rooms, one commandment should be heard: the red and painful eye is a true medical emergency. This is a real reason to hurry and take the tram to the eye clinic, as it could be a glaucoma attack. Glaucoma is the increased pressure in the eye. Professor Dr. Monica Pop, General Manager of the Emergency Eye Hospital, explains what the glaucoma attack is. The symptoms of narrow-angle glaucoma, the socalled primitive glaucoma, i.e. not related to another disease, can be summarized as follows: there is a violent pain in the eye and vision decreases sharply. The eye becomes red, but moderately red and one pupil is larger than the other and fixed. When putting light into the eye, the pupil does not become smaller, as when exposed to too much light and it thus decreases. The glaucoma attack may also include nausea and vomiting. The glaucoma crisis may be discovered by the person who

experiences it. One has to look down and use the index finger to press the top of the eye through the eyelid. He of she will feel a much higher consistency of the eye in the glaucoma attack, being more sensitive to the touch. the doctor will find a high intraocular pressure at the hospital. This high pressure also determines a high blood pressure in the skull. After one to two hours, one will feel a great headache. The glaucoma attack cannot be confused with conjunctivitis, for the eye hurts a lot and the patient sees badly. The doctor should first remove the patient from the state of glaucoma attack. This is done with medicines. He or she will use pilocarpine every fifteen minutes to decrease the size of the pupil. After the attack is fought back, action is required in both eyes, for narrow-angle glaucoma affect both eyes. If the patient comes to the ophthalmology hospital quickly and the glaucoma attack is fought in due time, he or she may benefit from a laser intervention, that makes a small hole for reducing eye pressure. In other cases, after stopping the glaucoma attack, surgery is the next step. Here is another piece of advice: those with narrow angle glaucoma should be in a lot of light, even by watching TV, for the pupil dilated because of the dark may help a glaucoma attack begin. FLORIN CONDURĂŢEANU


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

The Music of the Angels


t is said that, as far as artists are concerned, most of the times, it is wise not to try to know them closely, so that you may avoid an unimaginable disappointment. It seems that, many times, the spotlight provides a nicer, incorrect view of people whose behavior is lowly, who may lack education or who show feelings of ... a “minima moralia”! So many scandals appeared in the pages of tabloids lately, that I think less and less good people would actually like to have children with an artistic gift. But, if for one second, I should have to appear before a divine court to defend artists, my plea would be simple and it would start like this: Once upon a time, there were two sensational tenors, whom God had endowed with angelic voices. Their names were Jose Carreras and Placido Domingo. And, because no creature of God escapes the work of the “devil”, they were born one in Madrid (Domingo), the other in Catalonia (Carreras). As in a tragedy written by Shakespeare, given the example of the Montague and Capulett families, the Catalans and Madrilens were enemies. Of course, political reasons for enmity should not have regarded the two tenors who had conquered the hearts of the planet, but, being sensitive and innocent artists, they were trapped in the irreconcilable rivalry entailed by their places of birth and continued the war in the open, under the spotlights. Each of them stipulated in their contracts that they would not perform in any show where the enemy was invited. But, one sad day, Jose Carreras found out he had a merciless disease – leukemia. His wealth, amounts he had gathered in triumphant tours, simply disappeared, as he was subjected to complicated medical procedures, revolutionary treatments, bone marrow transplant and a monthly commute to the United States for treatment. When all seemed lost, his friends found out about a foundation that helps people with leukemia. The financial

aid received by the Hermosa Foundation, whose main donor was anonymous, helped Carreras miraculously heal. Having returned in full swing to the world’s greatest stages, he came back to his former glory and restored their financial situation. Moreover, he wanted to show his gratitude and help others who looked for help at the Hermosa Foundation. He found out that the foundation had a president: the founder and sole donor was Placido Domingo, his eternal enemy. The Foundation was created specifically to help him and Domingo wanted to remain anonymous so as not to humiliate Carreras by the fact that salvation came from an enemy. The most beautiful show was nameless, in which the audience of a scene whose star was Placido Domingo saw the not less famous Jose Carreras breaking the performance, getting on stage and, on one knee, like a Medieval knight, thanked his former enemy for having saved his life. A warm hug was Domingo’s response and that was the beginning of a magical friendship. I would like to conclude my plea by reminding the court of the story of the flock of geese flying in a V-shaped formation, because, as each goose beats its wings, it creates an upward current of air which supports the goose behind. When a goose gets sick or is wounded, two geese in the flock get out of the formation and fly down after it to provide help and protection. They remain with the sick goose until it recovers or dies, and then continue on their way with another flock. If people took the example of geese, they would learn something from their habits and we could all enjoy the music of angels all our life. ANGELA S.


We believe in your happiness!

The Evil Thoughts of a Cancer Cell


et me introduce myself: I am the cancer cell. You can see me smiling in the group photo! Personally, I differ from my other sisters in that I will reveal to you my evil plans to conquer the human population in general and the Romanians in particular. How will I do that? I’ll tell you in detail. You may wonder why I started to act now and I am revealing my weapons and associates? No, I am not a traitor. I’ve gone too far. But, in fact, those who lead you, consciously or unconsciously, help me a lot. I got to know you very well, both inside... (see the bodies that I conquer, especially since I have examined your brain) and outside ... (see the people in power). I studied them, for it is on their ability to empathize with the people they lead that depends our victory or defeat. Nevertheless, we rely on human weaknesses: pride, selfishness, hatred and all negative feelings that came out of Pandora’s box. Perhaps you know that we have enemies, too. British scientists claim to have discovered a way to stop us, cancer cells, from developing in the brain, by treatments that remove a protein from our surface. We appear in the brain in patients suffering from lung or breast cancer. We invade blood vessels in the brain, stopping blood circulation and eventually leading to metastasis. An important role in this process is played by a protein from the cell surface, allowing us to stick to blood vessels. So far, it was thought that cancer cells grow on nerve cells of gray matter, but it seems that, in fact, we are attached to blood vessels. It is normal, since we need a means of transportation, right? Although researchers are still far from finding a cure to stop from multiplying in the command center (the brain), British studies provide a new perspective on the war waged against us. We have developed with humanity and we are part of the human genome. Who are we? Whole tomes have been written about us. Those who beat us, have used fair treatment methods. We may be exterminated as a result of the community’s reaction towards our hosts. Siddhartha Mukherjee, a researcher, has actually caught us. He wrote a manifesto against us, called “The King of All Diseases”. If we infect the blood, then it must be cleaned. If we invade from the outside, the tissue is cleaned and the hosts are mutilated. This causes

many problems and especially the critical attitude of the society helps us multiply a lot. The fact that our hosts are confined to the margins of the society and isolated is all we need. Scientists, doctors and people who host us have conspired against us. They have passion, persistence and, despite many failures, they are constantly chasing us. We have the power to divide people. “Divide and conquer” is our motto. But we met a man who beat us. He was a normal, family guy. He had two daughters and went to work every day. He was a good, fair and very intelligent man. He even made a few inventions for his country. When we infected him, his youngest daughter was 10. We still have a disturbing memory imprinted on our “retina”. When he announced that we are inside his body and he began the battle against us, the look of his younger daughter penetrated his retina to the depths of his soul and she said: “Father, we are with you all the way. With our help and for us, you will win. You were my guide in life, so far. I cannot go on without you. Our love will keep you here, on Earth. Angels can wait to take you in their arms. There may be peace and joy with them, unlike in this world, but their Master knows you have fighting qualities. “And indeed, he fought with us until he won ... He was part of a program run by French researchers for specialists in Romania. The program lasted 30 years. Cobalt-therapy, blood exchange and an injection of a secret substance every month. Of the 300 people who participated in this project, he is the only survivor. Those who gave their job up simply broke down. Those who had no peace of mind could not fight, those who were not motivated and for whom to live, passed away. Now, that man lives on. Love was his secret weapon. The love that exists inside him, as well as in those around him. All these thoughts were disclosed to me, that man’s daughter, and I wrote them down for you to see who we are and the power we were endowed with.



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

The Most Innovative Complementary Therapies in Cancer


ancer patients should always be well informed and aware of the new discoveries in the treatment of cancer. Thus, here are some of the most interesting new complementary therapies:

Alcohol-based therapy Yes, it is not a joke. This type of therapy does exist. It was recently invented by an international team of researchers and deals with cases of inoperable cancer, such as liver cancer. This method is based on the toxicity of alcohol, which exterminates cancer cells. Alcohol is injected directly into the tumor. Although it appears to have results, the method is still in experimental stage.

Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of different oils and herbs, being one of the oldest natural therapies. Of course, we cannot talk about aromatherapy as a direct healing factor in case of cancer, but it can be a good companion of conventional therapies, through its beneficial effects upon the body. Therefore, aromatherapy sessions

can help a lot those patients who are undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy. Thus, many infections, nausea, dizziness and other side-effects of this invasive treatment can be prevented.

Heat-based therapy The method is based on the idea that cells cannot survive at high temperatures. In this case, cancer cells die before the rest of the body is subjected to any danger. Therapy can be performed both locally and centrally, in each tumor. Thus, at certain times of day, a temperature of about 42 degrees is applied for several hours. Sauna is also a type of heat therapy and, if the patient does not have cardiovascular problems, it is very appropriate. Of course, this article is only informative. These therapies are usually supplementing standard therapies and, before being adopted, it is necessary to have an open discussion with your doctor. CLEMENT SAVA

A Relaxed Body Is a Healthy Body


or cancer patients, a good overall condition of the body is the greatest need. The best way to keep oneself in good shape is, of course, sport. But the practice of demanding sports, such as running or aerobics, can be too strenuous for the weak body of a cancer patient. However, one should not give the idea of sport up. There are pleasant, easy and even relaxing ways to practice sports. For example, society dances, tennis, swimming and short walks are very pleasant and not demanding ways to move. However, to ensure the energy and comfort needed to practice these sports, one should include in one’s schedule breathing exercises. The best known breathing exercise is that for relaxation, based on a deep, long breathing. Here’s what to do: Stretch your back, with your spinal bone in the correct position. Breathe through your nose. Pull air deeply and

try to fill the abdomen and chest at the same time. When the air reaches the chest, hold it for two, three seconds. Breathe the air out through your mouth, in a slow and controlled manner. Before you repeat the procedure, pause for a few seconds. Repeat it at least 10 times. While performing the exercise, try to close your eyes and relax. This type of exercise can be made while sitting in an armchair, in a seated position, and then while standing, later on. Perform these exercises every day and you will see that you feel more relaxed and you can easily gain the energy you need to perform easy physical exercises. C.S.


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Liver Cancer and Alcohol


s far as cancer is concerned, we are all tempted to make associations, not without good reason: cigarettes – lung cancer, alcohol – liver cancer, fried foods – stomach cancer or sun exposure – skin cancer. Of course, these associations are relevant, but, in reality, things are not limited to that. Therefore, in case of liver cancer, surprisingly, alcohol consumption is not among the main determining factors. Many medical treaties do not mention alcohol in the list of major risk factors in liver cancer. The argument is that alcohol, by itself, does not produce mutations in the liver cells. However, excessive consumption of alcohol over a long period of time can lead to cirrhosis, and cirrhosis is likely to turn into cancer. Interestingly, there are very rare cases when a cirrhosis patient immediately gets cancer. Typically, liver cancer appears some 10 years after the end of alcohol consumption. This happens because of the fact that, as the patient ends alcohol consumption, the cells tend to regenerate, but, most of the times, they develop mutations that lead to cancer, later on.


But these grim consequences affect only inveterate alcoholics. They do not apply to persons who consume alcohol moderately. On the contrary, a glass of wine when taking our meal is considered to be very healthy. But it should not exceed the thin line between medicine and poison. C. S.

Breast Cancer Strikes Among Men, As Well

sually, when speaking about breast cancer, we refer exclusively to women. Well, it seems that men are not exempted from this ordeal, either. Breast cancer aims the breast tissue and it may be present in men, too. It is true: only 1% of the types of breast cancer target men, but this percentage should not be neglected. Breast cancer in men can theoretically occur at any age, but basically, most cases are discovered at ages 60 to 70. Regarding risk factors, this type of cancer can occur in men as a result of inherited mutations in the family, but it can also be the unpleasant consequence of diseases associated with high levels of estrogen in the body. Survival of men with breast cancer is similar to

that of women suffering from the same condition. Thus, the stage of cancer at diagnosis is very important. The sooner it is diagnosed, the more the chances of survival increase. Unfortunately, however, male breast cancer is mostly diagnosed in advanced stages, most likely because this possibility is unthinkable for men and they do not have serious check-ups in this area. It is therefore important for men to be careful and go to check-ups, since, despite the fact that it is not a most common condition in men, they too have chances of developing breast cancer.




Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Because… She Is Worth It!

ow strange it seems to me that today, telling a young girl that she is beautiful, has become obsolete, insignificant and it even “sucks”. Today, girls want to be divas, Queens, fairies and, in any case, they want to be SUPER! All newspapers, TV and radio shows are “suffocated” by diets and tips for removing extra matter on the abdomen and back. Advertisements of cosmetic surgery clinics, malpractice scandals referring to silicone, botox, liposuction and other tricks that... “improve” the chest, have become vital, important, being the triumph of existence in the Third Millennium. I have recently discovered, absolutely by chance, the story of a young woman who is really SUPER. Aimee Mullins was born with a rare disease, fibular hemimelia. Just like hurricanes, which have beautiful names of women, but are a terrible event, the same disease has a somehow sweet-sounding name, but is terrible. It means that there is no fibula bone in her body. For Aimee, both legs required amputation at the knee, since she was one year old. As a child, Aimee made her first steps directly


Nr. 12/March 2012

on the prosthetic legs. She has an amazing inner strength, being a happy, self-confident child, though she was clearly not like other children. She grew up beautifully, having an incomprehensible inner harmony in this quick, hard, cruel, ironic and cruel age. She became a perfect athlete, having won many sports medals as she ran with her carbon fiber legs. The prosthetic legs were designed to be similar to the back legs of cheetahs. This woman became an international, supermodel, with a divine body, so that her prosthetic legs become a negligible element. Aimee is so beautiful that one may believe she is part of God’s plan for a future project to populate the planet in harmony. Aimee Mullins is optimistic, confident and she does not considers herself to be disabled. A famous cosmetic brand has recently chosen her to be the image of the company. For a supercompany... they chose a super woman to represent them... Because she is worth it! ANGELA S.

Cervical Cancer, a Serious Concern for Women in Romania

fter breast cancer, cervical cancer is the disease with the highest occurrence among women in Romania. It occurs even more often than ovarian cancer, colon cancer or lung cancer. Cervical cancer or the cancer of the cervix, as it is commonly called, like other types of cancer, does not have clear symptoms and there is no accurate method to keep away from it. On the other hand, unlike other types of cancer, it can be detected through safe and accurate methods, so that early diagnosis is a great advantage, because it provides an opportunity for speedy recovery. In this regard, women should perform a gynecological examination once a year, including the Pap test to check whether or not there are

modified cells in the cervix. Another method of diagnosing cervical cancer is colonoscopy. By this method, a sample of tissue is taken for biopsy. Also, the pelvic exam allows the check up of the vagina, cervix, ovaries, rectum and uterus. Young women should perform a Pap test no later than age 21, regardless of the age when they became sexually active. After age 30, if all previous tests were negative and there were no cases of cancer in the family, check-ups can be performed more seldom, i.e. one Pap test every three years. CLEMENT SAVA


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Commandment: Keep the Mobility of Your Hand!


n any inconvenience of the hand, one should choose a solution in order to keep its mobility. For example, in case of broken hand bones, the restraint should be as short as possible, no more than three weeks, because, if they do not move for a long time, the fingers tendons and muscles are “stuck”, become stiff and difficult to get over this situation. Note that medicine calls “hand” the part with the fingers and palm, up to the wrist. The upper part, from the wrist to the elbow is called forearm. Further on, to the shoulder it is called “the arm”. It is well to recall that human superiority to the rest of living things consist of lifting upright on two legs, and position the thumb of opposite hand so that hand movements can start and run fine. People should be informed to understand that jewelry is hand the critical component. The hand has two “arches”. One arch from the fingers to the wrist, as well as a transversal

arch, from the far right to the far left, which helps cover a wide area by the hand, explains Prof. Dr. Andrei Firică, who founded the orthopedic clinic at the Colentina Hospital. One must retain the ability to bend one’s fingers to the end of the palm, so that one may be able to grab a piece of paper, for example. In order to continue to bring one’s fingers to the end of the palm, thus being able to grab things, one must keep the mobility of the tendons that move the bones. Flexor and extensor tendons bend and straighten the fingers. The tendon that makes the “hook” of the finger is the strength tendon, which is used in carrying a burden. Other tendons are linked to the muscles among the bones of the hand, which use fine movements, used in writing, for example. All these tendons and muscles need to have their mobility assured. For example, in case of broken bones in the hand, the orthopedist should restore the normal axis between the finger bones and metacarpals (the five bones in the palm) so that, when opening up, their axes should gather in the middle of the palm. One should note that the most sensitive nerve endings of the body are found in one’s fingertips. This great sensitivity of the top of the fingers should be maintained in order to feel and to touch by hand. The skin of the hand is in the right amount, there is no excess, so that any transplant of the hand skin will be made with skin grafts from other parts of the body.



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

He Removed the Snow Despite Being in a Wheelchair


orn in Suceava, Florin Cornel Diaconiţă, aged 35, cannot move his legs since he was one year old, when doctors diagnosed him with polio. The man told us, at, that he wanted to go shopping, but the snow that had gathered overnight in front of his block prevented his wheelchair from moving out of the block, down to the exit into the street. “After I finished removing the snow from the ramp of the block, several neighbors came to the window and saw what I was trying to do. Although I have not done this to make them get out of their homes, I confess that I would have done better with a little help from them, “said the man to the abovementioned source. After about one hour, when he managed to remove the snow from much of the alley, three employees of the Electrificare CFR SA Company in Galaţi saw him from the windows of their office and decided to go out and help him. “Three men came with shovels and asked me if I did not find anyone to help me get the snow to one side of the alley. Then cleaned the remaining portion covered by snow and the ramp for disabled people “, said Florin Diaconiţă.

One of the three men who came to help also told us what happened. He explained that he was in the office with his colleagues, when their boss saw Florin struggling to remove the snow. “We took three shovels and went to help the man in the wheelchair. The three of us asked ourselves if things got so wrong in Romania that nobody helped him. I saw some of his neighbors standing at the window and they just watched. No one came down, in front of the block, with a shovel,” said the employee, who preferred not to reveal his name. Source: Comment of a reader: We are already seeing the end! That man may be in a wheelchair, but he went out of his house for a reason! I think he is more lucid and has more common sense than his neighbors, soap opera viewers, who have not left the comfort of their kitchen to go out and clean the alley in front of their block... this does not happen only in Galaţi, unfortunately... Isn’t this the effect of social welfare given to anyone for anything??? After such a lack of activity, some of them no longer have common sense at all, as well as no enthusiasm for work!


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Stubbornness of the child or attention deficit in children?


ow do we know it? How do we reach the conclusion? When do the first signs appear? How is the behavior of the child? Why are they stubborn? Whose fault is it? Why don’t we gat along? How to teach the child to have more patience? When does it all become a diagnostic?... There are many other more questions expressing the thoughts and concerns of the parents whose child has a hard to accept, hard to understand and hard to decipher behavior. The first, perhaps most common question of these parents, which also induces a state of confusion, is the following: “How do I realize if I just have a stubborn child or he or she really suffers from attention deficit?” For starters, let us make a short presentation and description of terms, symptoms and behavior seen in children with attention deficit. About attention deficit: • Low capability to focus is one of the most frequent signs in children who suffer from attention deficit. On the other hand, the child finds it almost impossible to keep interest and to pay attention to one task. He or she cannot mobilize or organize himself/herself in order to finalize an activity, no matter of the degree of complexity. • The child does not maintain visual contact with the others or, when it appears, visual contact lasts very little, so that it seems that he is not

interested or he does not hear anything around him or her. • Presence of agitation and impulsiveness manifested in the incapacity of listening and of being quiet and still for a few minutes, is another feature of the child who suffers from attention deficit. Such a child also has a tendency to rush towards a person or object, agitates/moves around his or her legs and simply disappears from the sight of the adults, etc; • Difficulty in respecting the rules/norms of a specific framework (either in the family ambiance or at school), which the child is required to comply with. Still, because of his or her impulsiveness, most of the times, he or she cannot o it. For example, when the child becomes impulsive, he or she tends to speak/intervene in the classroom, despite the fact that he or she was not asked to (while another colleague/the teacher is speaking). He or she may grab certain objects from somebody else’s hand, before they are offered to him or her, etc. These tendencies may sometimes lead to aggressions or to behavior disorders. What other signs and behaviors show us the presence of attention deficit in children? - difficulty of the child to play individually or together with other children/in a group; (further in the next edition) Diana MORARU – Psychologist Psychotherapist

How to Cope with a Cancer Diagnosis


eing diagnosed with cancer is certainly one of life’s worst moments. A single consultation can change one’s life permanently. Pressure and mental stress are huge. Therefore, if you are facing such a time now, it has to be managed and organized properly. If you are going to go to the doctor for a check to detect cancer, this is what we recommend: Do not go alone. Take along a friend or a family member. Ask your companion to take with him or her a pen and a notebook so as to accurately write down the recommendations of the doctor. It may be that, in case of bad news, you may not be in a state of shock and unable to remember what the doctor said, which is, in fact, very important. Encourage your companion to ask questions on your behalf. Whenever something is not clear, you should ask questions. It is vital to know all the details of your situation.

Get a second opinion. It is best to do this because there are many false alarms and, even if the diagnosis is correct, there are several approaches and methods of treatment. You must choose the one that works best for you. Be sure to consult a specialist in the exact type of cancer that you are suspected of. In no case should you go to a general clinic. There, you will not find all the necessary information. Do not start treatment in a haste. Is it okay to wait for a week or two to think, to learn and choose the best method for you. That is the case unless there is no emergency that requires surgery. Research as much as possible. Be up to date with all discoveries in the field or even with the available complementary therapies. If you have any proposal that you would like, do not hesitate to tell your doctor.



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

Escape From the World of Silence


motion. Excitement and fear of the unknown. I look at them, at their faces. They are young. All are young. They scrutinize each other, being obviously embarrassed. There is no other reason but, as I feel them, at their first moments together, they do not know how to approach one another. For now, there are two distinct groups and they just watch each other. They stand aside, as knights. No, it is not a joke, they are knights of the Fortress Knights’ Rank. They are a group of young people who decided to revive the traditions of ancient times, the spirit of chivalry. They do not necessarily seek the Holy Grail, but want to spread the ideals of honor, respect and justice. They made medieval armors - one could swear they are authentic - swords, shields, maces and helmets. From time to time, they organize Medievallike performances. They always participate in the Tournament of Transylvanian Fortresses. On the other side, I see the others. They are a group of deaf and dumb people. Curiosity drove them to this meeting. “The idea came to me”, tells me Fănel Stroe, a social worker at the Brașov local center of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, “during the stages of Live Healthily! caravan. We made a journey in the county and talked to people about how important it is to move, as well as not to abuse of unhealthy foods, alcohol and tobacco. We also took the blood pressure of those interested and measured their weight. We taught them some maintenance movements... But I thought the best thing, an educational situation, would be to make young and healthy people face the troubles created by an unhealthy life-style, for most disabilities

are entailed by this. Thus, I had the idea of this meeting. Of course, you will ask me: why the knights? The answer is simple: because these young people have very open mind and they travel a lot. Because they are already ambassadors of honesty and honor, and I thought that they would be even better ambassadors, in many places, among the young and not so young they get in touch with, as well as the ambassadors of a healthy lifestyle. And it’s best for them to see with their own eyes. Why the deaf and dumb? Because they, in turn, form a very united community. Also because, as strange as it may seem, they are very communicative.” The transition from silence to communication was sudden. One of the young deaf and dumb women took a helmet, despite her fear, and put it on her head. Then people smiled. There was laughter. Communication. And suddenly, the ambiance became relaxed, the knights and the deaf and dumb community members having broken the barriers. They found incredible ways to communicate, to share each others’ thoughts, feelings and joys. Then, they started to act. The Knights taught their new disciples certain secrets of handling medieval weapons. Things related to movement and sports. The new disciples, in their turn, taught the young knights about non-verbal communication. Ionel Pascaru, one of the knights of the city, told me: “It was an incredible experience. I learned a lot from these wonderful youngsters. And I got a fantastic life lesson. Tonight, I for one, became much richer, spiritually. We also discovered a new world and I discovered new friends “. From Simon Miclea, by sign language (blessed be he who has donated to us, at the

We believe in your happiness!

Brasov Territorial Center of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs a manual of communication for the deaf and dumb persons) I found out: “I’m happy, today. I met new people, I discovered a new world. And we enjoyed being together. I would like us to meet again. I like playing with swords and shields and to do gymnastics together.” The room is not very large, but the youngsters, knights and their new friends seem to have discovered new worlds. I can only remember what Simona told me by signs and a few guttural words, extremely little articulated: “I escaped from the world of silence”. Or, at least, I think this is what she said... Now, 24 hours after the original meeting of the Live Healthily! Caravan, organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, under the “Regional Network for the promotion and implementation of


social economy concepts in order to increase the chances of social reintegration of disabled persons” project, funded from the European Social Fund by the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Invest the people! I can conclude: Yes, it was an unusual meeting. This time, we did not take the blood pressure of the participants. And no doctor talked to them about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol. It was just that two groups of people from different worlds had the opportunity to meet. They did move together and learned of a new type of communication. And that really is part of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs have enlarged their huge family with new friends, as well as with excellent ambassadors of human health and beauty. IOANA MARINESCU

Free ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Courses for Disabled People


tarting in March, two groups of students will able to take part in free induction courses of computer use, in March-May 2012, developed by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs and the Phoenix Post-High School Institute. “So far, 60 people with various disabilities registered to take part in this training module, which is almost double the number of available places. Since almost half of the applicants are people with visual disabilities, we decided to increase the number of places and make a special group for the blind, for the Bucharest-Ilfov region“, said Liviu Mandler, President of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs. This training program is conducted under the “Regional Network for the promotion and implementation of Social Economy concepts to increase the chances of social reintegration of

disabled persons” project, funded by the European Social Fund, through the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013, Invest in People! Following the courses of professional training, participants will get a free qualification in ICT. Other qualifications are approved by the National Council for Adult Vocational Training (CNFPA), being acknowledged by the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, as well as by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, being considered a certification of graduation in an initiation class.



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

The “Live Healthily!” Caravan


ore than 530 persons in the Bucharest-Ilfov region have acquired information about a healthy lifestyle in the “Live Healthily” caravan, organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs. For eight months, the “Live Healthily” caravan stopped in 12 locations, in Bucharest and Ilfov County: The St. Vasile Centre, The Sheltered Workshops Association, the Special School. No. 9, the Disabled Children’s Association of Romania, The Viaţă și Lumină (Life and Light) Foundation, the Estuar Foundation, Club A, the Consim Center (1), the Consim Centre (2), Howard Johnson, the localities of Cornetu and Balotești. The events were organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs in various NGOs in Bucharest and Ilfov County, as well as in the Center for Counseling and Labor Market Integration for disabled people in the Bucharest-Ilfov region. Over 530 people participated in the activities of the caravan, taking advantage of the pieces of information and medical tests performed by Dr. Catrinel Popescu. In the Caravan, 250 T-shirts were distributed along with hundreds of leaflets and brochures for a healthy lifestyle. The “Live Healthily” caravan was organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, more precisely, the Center for Counseling and Labor Market Integration for disabled people in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, as part of the “Regional Network for the promotion and implementation of social economy concepts in order to increase the

chances of social reintegration of disabled persons” project, funded from the European Social Fund by the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Invest the people! Each event had two parts: a chat session for a healthy lifestyle (e.g. the importance of eating healthily, regular physical activity needed to maintain a good tonus, etc) and a session of medical investigations (e.g. tests for determining the glucose level, the body mass index and blood pressure). The events of the Caravan were also attended by the staff of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, beneficiaries of the Center, employees and collaborators of other partner organizations, the general public.

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A unique meeting I am referring to the time when the Live Healthily Caravan was organized in Covasna by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, more precisely the Territorial Center of Brașov. It was a special period! This time, the meeting was... small: a group of nine deaf and dumb people, WITHOUT an interpreter, came face to face with a group of young people from the Castle Knights organization which aims at reviving the traditions of chivalry. The meeting, a first for both groups, was more than exciting. The stated aim was to create sporting,

21 healthy life skills for disabled youngsters, as well as to make the Knights more aware of the need to do sports and live healthy. The Knights pledged that, in the future, they would support a healthy life style. But the real purpose was much deeper, because the young people present at the event, in the few hours they spent together, became close friends. IRINA GHIŢĂ CIOROBA

The “Hybrid” Aspirin Was Invented and it Could Be used to Treat 11 Types of Cancer


group of American scientists invented the “hybrid” aspirin and they claim it could be used in treating 11 types of cancer. Apart from the fact that recent studies have condemned this drug, scientists at the City College of New York say that the new pill has no sideeffects. The new treatment does not lead to stomach bleeding, ulcers or other problems caused to the kidneys - side-effects seen in classic aspirin, the Daily Mail informs us. Researchers believe that the drug they invented would be more effective than traditional aspirin. The “Super Aspirin” can shrink 11 types of cancer tumors. Because this action of the pills is strong, experts recommend for this type of Aspirin to be administered in lower doses. Professor Khosrow Kashfi, who led the team of scientists, said the new treatment would be effective in treating colon, pancreas, prostate, breast cancer and leukemia - the blood cancer. “The Aspirin we created reduces cancerous tumors and does not attack other healthy cells in the body,” said Kashfi. So far, the treatment was tested on animals only, and some of the results were encouraging, the researchers said. Cancerous rats were given the new drug which is called Aspirin Nosh by the experts. The tests later showed that cancerous tumors had shrunk by 85%. As they obtained these data, scientists hope that their new drug will help patients with cancer, as well as to replace chemotherapy. * According to a survey conducted in 16 countries, the pills can prevent cancer up to 50%. The study was conducted on a sample of 861 people who have family members suffering from

the Lynch syndrome (colorectal cancer) or other forms of cancer, divided into two groups. Thus, the first group was treated with two aspirins a day for two years, while the second group and were given placebo pills. Initially, the researchers found no difference between the two groups. But, after an observation period that lasted five years, by 2010, they noted that 19 people among those who took aspirin were diagnosed with bowel cancer, while in the placebo group no less than 34 were diagnosed. “We have finally proven that aspirin has a strong preventive effect on cancer, only that it is only seen after several years,” says Professor John Burn of Newcastle University. Another important study, which was performed last year, showed that low doses of aspirin, after five years of use, reduce chances of dying (by cancer) by a third. Nevertheless, there are contrary views. The biggest concern in the use of aspirin is stomach bleeding and stroke in healthy people. It is estimated that there are about 30.000 people suffering of colorectal cancer in the United Kingdom. “If we gave each of them two aspirins every day, in the next 30 years, we could prevent cancer in 10.000 persons. On the other hand, we could cause ulcers to about 1.000,” says Professor John Burn. According to experts, other surveys will be made in the future to discover which is the ideal dose of aspirin. (Sorina Ionaşc,


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 12/March 2012

Despite my Blindness, I Refuse to Give Up


t is said that eyes are the mirror of the soul. But what can one do when one’s eyes are blurred and empty, when sight is struggling away at a distance that one can barely understand and which seems somehow strange and difficult to get over? Most times, one runs away. Just like that, without asking questions or listening. Without trying to understand what one does not know, because one does not even recognize this to him or herself, I guess. By abandoning a man, one abandons a look and, according to a saying, one abandons a soul. It sounds hard, but this is how they feel like. And still, there are souls who do not give up, even when facing collective abandonment. Moreover, they try to be sincere and warm, making one feel bad for oneself. I met such a man. He is very intelligent and curious to experience and know, being incredibly natural. His gestures and words of wisdom are expressed directly, going to the right place, like a very good shot. This man, believe it or not, has empty eyes. They are empty of a sense, that is, he is blind. His name is Costi and he is 30 years old. His short viewing experience came down to his first few years in life. He was born with a disease that allowed him to see his mother’s face, but not to remember it. He started to see colors, but he could never match them by name and meaning. He started to learn games, but never got to practice them. He was blind by the age of three. Nevertheless, he never gave up because of the disability, because he

lacks the sense of sight. One of the first amazing things about him is that he graduated from the university. Without Braille, counseling programs or psycho-social orientation. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters. Then, if you one takes him in a car, one is struck by a sense of direction that the sighted could not get in several lives. He knows exactly which street one should go when one is close enough to his house. In fact, one should only say that the car is going in a certain place. After that, one is astonished to realize that he directed the car on the right way. He works, has friends and had the courage to leave the country for several times, in trips and delegations. He casually explains exactly what is to be seen in those countries and cities, especially what to look for, to explore and listen. Just like that, if one has the time or has to spend one day with him, one realizes just how many details we lose in our lives. One may realize how ignorant we are when we are not able to introduce yourself to a man with a kind expression, somebody who is not tired, who does not simply shake hands in a soft manner and does not say anything when he is watched, being more or less absent in the conversation. Little by little, one feels a certain sadness. And I hope you will be able to do it, not just to say to yourself: Tomorrow, I will start seeing! D.P.

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Pentru toate aceste categorii de persoane Diperia Vitamed, împreună cu Patronatul Medicinei Integrative, lansează “Campania Suflet pentru suflet!”. • Testările pe dispozitivele DDFAO respectiv ESG şi ESTECK - 50,00 RON • Şedinţa de acupunctură - 25,00 RON • Şedinţa de terapie BOWEN - 25,00 RON În doar 25 minute poţi afla care este starea ta de sănătate. Contactează-ne la numerele de telefon afişate sau pe email şi vei beneficia de informaţii suplimentare. De asemenea, la aceleaşi numere de telefon te vei putea programa pentru investigaţii. Vă mulţumim şi vă aşteptam cu drag !

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