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Growing in Jesus 1 & 2 Becoming More Like Jesus by Studying His Life “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” ~ John 12:32, NIV The greatest power in the universe that draws people to Jesus is an understanding of His love as revealed in His life. This interactive series of inspirational lessons on the life of Christ covers Christ’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection, high priestly intercession, and second coming. Each chapter leads the readers into a deeper relationship and closer fellowship with Jesus.

BIBLE STUDY US$12.99 each Paperback, 192 pages Vol. 1: 9780816366767 Vol. 2: 9780816366774

PROMO BLURB Growing in Jesus is a chronological twovolume series of thirteen chapters each. Book one begins with an introduction to who God is and the conflict in heaven and continue until to Christ’s death on the cross. Book two picks up at Jesus’ resurrection and carries readers to the climax of history through eternity.

The series is ideal for Bible study and small groups, Sabbath school classes, or personal studies. It would certainly be helpful in anchoring newly baptized members in their faith. Scripture is primary throughout the lessons, and the gift of prophecy manifested in the writings of Ellen White adds insights on each subject. By studying Jesus’ life through these lessons, readers will be amazed and gain a new appreciation of His character—charmed by His love, moved by His sacrifice, and motivated by His example. Growing in Jesus is a chronological two-volume series of thirteen chapters each. Book one begins with an introduction to who God is and the conflict in heaven and continue until to Christ’s death on the cross. Book two picks up at Jesus’ resurrection and carries readers to the climax of history through eternity. NOTES

Mark and Ernestine Finley have been involved in ministry for more than 50 years. They have traveled the world to approximately 100 countries sharing the good news of Jesus’ love and grace. Mark has served as a television speaker, world evangelist, vice president, and assistant to the president of the General Conference of Seventhday Adventists. Ernestine has conducted evangelistic meetings, lay-training, and health seminars around the world. She is an author, a speaker, and a health educator. 4

Growing in Jesus Handbook Becoming More Like Jesus by Studying His Life Mark and Ernestine Finley have been in ministry for more than 50 years. They have traveled the world to approximately 100 countries sharing the good news of Jesus’ love and grace. Mark has served as a television speaker, world evangelist, vice president, and assistant to the president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Ernestine has conducted evangelistic meetings, lay training, and health seminars around the world. She is an author, a speaker, and a health educator.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” ~ Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." — MATTHEW 24:14

ark and Ernestine Finley’s two-vol- lessons Mark and Ernestine Finley’s two-volume Growing In Jesus ume Growing in Jesus lessons take Bible students on a chronological (previous page) take Bible students on a chronological journey journey through the life of Christ. Each entry focuses on what the Bible and through the life of Christ. Each entry focuses onteach what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy about Christ’s life and ministry and contains a wealth of the Spirit of Prophecy teach about Christ’s life and topically organized references.ministry and volume, Growing in Jesus Handbook, contains a wealth of topically organizedThis references. features the main content of every Bible


and Ellen G. White reference cited within the two-volume set. Used as a stand-alone resource or in conjunction with the original volumes, it is the perfect tool for both review and study in a variety of settings.

The Growing In Jesus Handbook features the main content of every Bible and Ellen G. White reference cited within the two-volume set. Used as a standalone resource or in conjunction with the original volumes, it is the perfect tool for both review and study in a variety of settings.

ISBN 978-0-8163-6738-2


BIBLE STUDY US$9.99 Paperback, 176 pages 9780816367382

PROMO BLURB The Growing In Jesus Handbook features the main content of every Bible and Ellen G. White reference cited within the original two-volume study set. It is the perfect tool for both review and study in a variety of settings.


Rediscovering the Glory of the Sabbath “The Bible is its own interpreter. With beautiful simplicity one portion connects itself with the truth of another portion, until the whole Bible is blended in one harmonious whole. Light flashes forth from one text to illuminate some portion of the Word that has seemed more obscure.” ~ Ellen G. White, Our High Calling, 207 Seventh-day Adventists have rightly focused on which day is the biblical Sabbath. However, there is a lot more to discover about the true Sabbath than just knowing the correct day. Its glorious nature needs to be restored!

BIBLE STUDY US$22.99 Paperback, 224 pages 9780816366651

PROMO BLURB Seventh-day Adventists have rightly focused on which day is the biblical Sabbath. However, there is a lot more to discover about the true Sabbath than just knowing the correct day. Its glorious nature needs to be restored!

This study begins as Genesis opens and examines the Sabbath through all sixty-six canonical books. Through the Bible’s stories, its praise and promises, its commands and corrections, from the Creation story of the Old Testament through the closing scenes of Revelation, the Sabbath is emphasized and celebrated. Discover the truth about which day is holy, when the Sabbath started, and whether it has been lost in the mist of history. Along the way you’ll find answers to important questions, such as: How is the Sabbath related to salvation? and Is keeping it required to be saved? Equally important, learn what the Bible says about the Lord of the Sabbath and how He can help you celebrate this most precious gift. NOTES

Jo Ann Davidson teaches systematic theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Davidson earned a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 2000. She has contributed chapters to various books, published many magazine and journal articles, and written books, including Jonah: The Inside Story (Review and Herald), Toward a Theology of Beauty: A Biblical Perspective (University Press of America), and Glimpses of Our God (Pacific Press). 6

Risen Finding Hope in the Empty Tomb The entire Christian hope rests upon the claim that Jesus, a man dead for days, returned to life. And that’s not us saying it—but the apostle Paul. “And if Christ is not risen,” he declared, “your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” (1 Corinthians 15:17). With so much riding on Christ’s resurrection (our hope of eternal life), suppose the evidence for it is so compelling, so logical, and so solid that it takes a leap of faith, piggy-backed on some far-fetched speculation, in order to deny it? Suppose belief in the resurrection of Jesus is—given the evidence—by far the most rational and sensible explanation of events? And that’s exactly what this book claims: reasons for belief in the resurrection of Jesus are vastly more credible than reasons to deny it. In this fast-paced examination of the events that followed Jesus’ death on the cross, Risen looks at claims made by skeptics in order to deny the Resurrection as the explanation for those events. Everything from the disciples stealing the corpse, to Jesus having a twin brother who faked being the resurrected Christ—and a host of other claims, including that aliens stole the body! How well do these explanations work? How credible are they? Should we believe any of them? Or, instead, as Risen claims, is the evidence for Christ’s resurrection so compelling, so convincing, and so logical that the only rational explanation is, yes—“Christ is Risen!”? And, with His victory over death, indeed, our own hope is confirmed.

BIBLE STUDY US$24.99 Paperback, 256 pages 9780816366361

PROMO BLURB In this fast-paced, tightly argued examination of the events that followed Jesus’ death on the cross, Risen looks at claims made by skeptics in order to deny the Resurrection as the explanation for those events.

Clifford Goldstein is a writer and editor who lives in Tennessee. He is the bestselling author of many books, including By His Stripes, The Remnant, Day of the Dragon, and 1844 Made Simple.


The 144,000 And the Nearness of Christ’s Return “Oh Lord, I want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in.” ~ Spiritual, unknown origin Who exactly are the saints? Are they the 144,000? Is 144,000 a literal number or is it symbolic? Are the 144,000 the “great multitude which can’t be numbered”? One thing is for certain, there is a lot of mystery surrounding the 144,000. In order to understand the 144,000 we need to unpack the scenario surrounding the prophetic timeline. What makes them special? Are they sinless? What part do they play in the great controversy between God and Satan?

BIBLE STUDY US$20.99 Paperback, 244 pages 9780816366309 eBook Available

PROMO BLURB Marvin Moore once again digs deep into Scripture and sorts through the questions surrounding this unique group of people and the apocalyptic time in which they go through. With an understanding of prophecy, Moore brings you, the reader, to a clearer picture of the 144,000 and what it takes to be part of that number.


Marvin Moore once again digs deep into Scripture and examines the questions surrounding this unique group of people and the apocalyptic time, which they go through. With an understanding of prophecy, Moore brings you, the reader, a clearer picture of the 144,000 and what it takes to be part of that number. The 144,000 have a mission to fulfill. They will have God’s seal on their foreheads. There is a spiritual preparation that God’s people, the 144,000, must make in order to be ready for His coming. Are you going to be in that number? NOTES

Marvin Moore is the editor of Signs of the Times® magazine, and a prolific author with dozens of books to his credit. Among his published works are The Case for the Investigative Judgment, Challenges to the Remnant, How to Think About the End Time, How to Survive the Coming Global Crisis, and The Antichrist and the New World Order. Marvin Moore’s knowledge of Bible prophecy and end-time events has kept him in constant demand as a speaker at churches and camp meetings in the U.S. and internationally.

Through the Eyes of the Ancients Are you ready to unlearn what you thought you knew? Fully understanding words mentioned almost 3,000 years ago can be challenging. We tend to project our culture, our preestablished beliefs, and our language into a story. In doing so, we may miss the point of the original dialogue. “Written in a heart-warming and condensed story form, Through the Eyes of the Ancients is an inspirational and instructional guide that unveils how the original Hebrew audience interpreted the books of Moses. Author Dean Davis points the way by acquainting us with ancient Hebrew customs, expressions, and literary style. As we follow stories of the gradual spiritual growth of the patriarchs, we begin to better understand the heart of a tender, loving, personal God and His everlasting covenant of grace. That revelation can draw us closer to God.” —Shelley Quinn, author and television host on Three Angels Broadcasting Network “For those of you who wish to walk in the footsteps of God’s people, this is a book for you.” —Jack J. Blanco, ThD, retired dean of theology, author of The Clear Word Bible paraphrase. “Dean Davis’s 50-plus years of mission service, pastoral care, and classroom teaching have coalesced in this volume to make available to thousands of readers what only a few Old Testament scholars know. The writing is clean and clear; the insights are fresh and vivid. In a word, this study of the Books of Moses is “accessible.” —Excerpt from introduction by Bill Knott, executive editor, Adventist Review Dr. R. Dean Davis has taught Bible and college-level theology courses since 1959 when he began teaching Bible while he attended Seminary. He has taught and served in administrative roles at Northeast Brazil College, Brazil College, and Atlantic Union College. Dr. Davis is married to Vera (Bock) Davis and lives in Lancaster, Massachusetts, where they both enjoy gardening and various church activities. The couple has three grown children and four grandchildren.

BIBLE STUDY US$19.99 Paperback, 320 pages 9780816367566

PROMO BLURB When stories become legends, often some of the key elements of the story are lost. We tend to project our culture, our beliefs, and our language into a story. In doing so, we may miss the point of the original dialogue. Through the Eyes of the Ancients, by Dean Davis, is a clarifying study into the original books of Moses.


Three Cosmic Messages Earth’s Final Conflict Two titanic powers in our universe have been at war for thousands of years. It’s a battle between love and selfishness, between good and evil, between Jesus and Satan—once named Lucifer, the highest of heaven’s angels. Today, as we arrive at the final conflict of the war, God has sent us— you, me, and everyone on Earth—three cosmic messages. They are Love’s final appeal to us, urging us—pleading with us, to make the most important choice we will ever make.

BIBLE STUDY US$15.99 Paperback, 218 pages 9781878046796

PROMO BLURB Calling out in loud voices, the three angels of Revelation 14 announce last-day messages of warning, of hope, of love, and of what we most need to know as the final days of time on this earth are running out.

Just as Satan the enemy never rests, doing his best 24/7 to entice us to choose his way of selfishness, Jesus, through His Spirit, constantly reaches out to us. He invites us to give Him our minds and our hearts—our thoughts and our feelings—the response of all that we are, to His limitless, overwhelming love. Calling out in loud voices, the three angels of Revelation 14 announce last-day messages of warning, of hope, of love, and of what we most need to know as the final days of time on this earth are running out. Long, long ago, Lucifer the rebel angel declared that God was unjust—that He could not be trusted. Ever since, two opposing views have been demonstrated: love that leads to abundant and eternal life; and selfishness that leads to death. The good news of the three angels is that Love wins!

Mark Finley is a well-known evangelist and speaker. He has served as assistant to the president of the General Conference and was speaker/director of It Is Written. He has written nearly 100 books and teaches seminars, field schools, and evangelism classes.


Hope’s End-Time Secrets Ancient Prophecies Reveal the Future of Our Troubled Planet The mysterious dream of an ancient Babylonian emperor, decoded by a wise Jewish man, recounts the fall of four great empires, the rise of the European monarchies and shares historic details that took place just as they were predicted. The last part of this millennial prophecy is about to be fulfilled. What will take place will radically alter the world’s panorama and the life of every person living on this planet. This book is full of details regarding ancient prophecies, their historical fulfillment and their future consequences. In a world filled with uncertainty and conflicts, you will find the assurance to face history’s most disturbing moments. Upon opening this book, you will discover a glorious future, where there will be no more suffering. Also in Spanish: El Misterio de la Profecía NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$19.99 Hardcover, 336 pages English: 9781786652645 Spanish: 9781786652638

PROMO BLURB In a world filled with uncertainty and conflicts, you will find the assurance to face history’s most disturbing moments. This book is full of details regarding ancient prophecies, their historical fulfillment and their future consequences. Mark Finley (left page) and Loron Wade. Wade is a theologian and an educator. He has worked in eleven countries for the past forty years. He has written several books; among them, the best seller The Ten Commandments, with more than two million copies distributed.


Understanding Daniel and Revelation – Audio CD An audio summary of the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation compiled from Pastor Mark Finley’s sermons during his tenure as speaker/director of It Is Written. Discover how easy it is to understand these two great prophetic books of the Bible and grasps the golden thread that runs through each chapter.

BIBLE STUDY US$14.95 3 Audio CD Set Runtime: 2 hours 50 minutes 643330048702

In these compact yet powerful messages, Mark Finley carefully summarizes the entire books of Daniel and Revelation. Discover how easy it is to understand these two great prophetic books of the Bible and grasp the golden thread that runs through each chapter. You’ll receive new insights about a God who cares enough to tell us what is to come. Prepare to open your Bible and follow along as Mark Finley explains the details of prophetic history and describes what will happen in the last days of earth’s history. This audio presentation is not a reading of the new book by the same name but another look at the same topics. NOTES

PROMO BLURB Discover how easy it is to understand these two great prophetic books of the Bible and grasps the golden thread that runs through each chapter. Recorded when Pastor Finley was the speakerdirector at It Is Written. Mark Finley is a well-known evangelist and speaker. He has served as assistant to the president of the General Conference and was speaker/director of It Is Written. He has written nearly 100 books and teaches seminars, field schools, and evangelism classes.


Approaching Armageddon Discover Hope Beyond Earth’s Final Battle Riots. Pandemic. Divisions. Confusion. Mayhem. Wars and rumors of wars. The world around us is changing quickly; we find ourselves wondering what will be next. As the world seems to be getting crazier by the moment, we are actually in a season of wonderful expectation for the Kingdom of God! Approaching Armageddon takes a detailed look at the Word of God, shedding a very hopeful light on this hour in history and revealing what is to come. He explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy, that God is fully in charge, and that there is a very real, fantastic future for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom. Jesus told us there would be signs pointing to His return and Scripture gives us some specific details about how these things will unfold. Turn off the daily news and hear a good report! Learn about biblical prophecy and embrace the hope of the Lord for all who follow Him! NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$14.95 Paperback, 208 pages 9780768458077 Distributed / White Horse Media


Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media. The author of 40+ books, he has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows and has also spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. He has been featured in three History Channel documentaries and one National Geographic International documentary offering insights into the book of Revelation. Mr. Wohlberg currently lives in Priest River, Idaho, with his wife Kristin, their son Seth Michael, and their daughter, Abigail Rose.

A detailed look at the Word of God that sheds a very hopeful light on this hour in history and revealing what is to come. He explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy, that God is fully in charge, and that there is a very real, fantastic future for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom.


Through Jesus’ Eyes How the Christ of the New Testament Interprets and Unfolds the Old Hans LaRondelle was a giant in biblical understanding to the previous generation. In this book, Jon Paulien makes LaRondelle’s final manuscript come alive for the new generation. The capstone of LaRondelle’s life work focuses on two things: his passion for a Christ-centered understanding of the Old Testament, and the implications of that understanding for the interpretation of the book of Revelation. If one truly grasps these two points, one’s reading of the Bible will never be the same. NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$15.99 Paperback, 158 pages 9788472087958 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB This capstone of LaRondelle’s life work focuses on his passion for a Christcentered understanding of the Old Testament, and the implications of that understanding for the interpretation of the book of Revelation.

Jon Paulien did his masters and doctoral work at Andrews University, completing a Ph.D. in 1987. He pastored churches in New York City from 1972–1981, taught at the Andrews University Theological Seminary from 1982–2007, was Dean of the School of Religion at Loma Linda University from 2007– 2019 and is now Professor of Religion there. He is best know for his work in the Gospel of John, the book of Revelation, and the intersection between church and society.

Hans Larondelle was born in the Netherlands and became a Seventh-day Adventist when he was 20 years old as a result of reading the book The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White. He served as a pastor, evangelist, youth leader, and teacher in the Netherlands for 14 years, from 1953–1966, before going to the Andrews University Theological Seminary for his long teaching career. Hundreds of pastors who completed their studies in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s sat in his classroom and were profoundly influenced by his teaching of the Scriptures. 14

Living 28 Fresh Perspectives on Practising Our Faith Knowing what you believe is helpful. Living what you believe is transformational. How can the truths expressed Seventh-day Adventist Church’s fundamental beliefs make a practical difference in your life? A collection of 29 contemporary writers from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and at times challenging perspectives that will revive your faith and how you practise it. Each chapter, first published in Adventist Record, includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection. Ideal for personal reading, youth and small groups, a Bible study or Sabbath school resource or even a baptismal gift. NOTES

BIBLE STUDY US$15.99 Paperback, 166 pages 9781922373007 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB A collection of 29 contemporary writers from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and at times challenging perspectives that will revive your faith and how you practise it. Jarrod Stackelroth edits the Australian Signs of the Times magazine and the Adventist Record magazine.


9 Habits of Healthy Christians Have you ever known a Christian who almost seems to glow with authentic goodness, regardless of their circumstances? Do you want more joy, love, positivity, and contentment in your life but don’t know how to get it? If you’d like to build a genuine relationship with Jesus so powerful that even people around you can feel it, then Nine Habits of Healthy Christians is the book for you. Authors Annette and Julian Melgosa look at nine key habits— including resilience, serenity, and humility—that when cultivated, produce a deep-rooted, fruitful spirituality. The book’s self-help format brings dozens of DIY, how-to assignments that make the principles easy to apply day-to-day.

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367191

PROMO BLURB Nine Habits of Healthy Christians explores nine key Christian habits, including resilience, serenity, humility, and more. It uses a Bible-based, self-help format brings dozens of DIY, how-to assignments that make the principles easy to apply day-to-day, as well as thought questions for individuals and study groups.


Finally, because sincere reflection helps people adopt new habits, each chapter closes with thought questions that will deepen your understanding of the principles and help motivate you to action and commitment. While Nine Habits offers scientific research and psychological strategies for personal growth, the authors also emphasize biblical content throughout the book. This complementary approach shows you how through the grace of God these healthy Christian habits can truly take hold. Dive into Nine Habits today and begin to experience the joy, love, and contentment that comes from a life fully surrendered to Jesus. Julian Melgosa is Associate Director of Education at the Seventhday Adventist Church’s world headquarters. He worked as a college professor and administrator for decades and has written several self-help books with a Christian perspective. He has a doctoral degree in educational psychology.

Annette Melgosa is a strategic planning and research analyst for Information Technology Services at the Seventhday Adventist Church world headquarters. She is a professional librarian and worked for decades at academic libraries in several countries. She has a doctoral degree in educational research—technology.

Thirst for God Unlocking the Power of Matthew 5 “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1, 2). Insightful, creative, and relevant—Valdivia’s Thirst for God offers a fresh approach to the timeless Beatitudes of Jesus found in Matthew’s Gospel. Highlighting a reversal of values in light of the Cross, this book invites the reader to embark on a spiritual journey of total dependence on God. — Elizabeth Viera Talbot, PhD, speaker/director of the Jesus 101 Biblical Institute (Jesus101.tv). In Thirst for God, Miguel Valdivia unlocks the power of the Beatitudes through personal stories and reflections that will move the reader to both prayer and action. The eight blessings from the Sermon on the Mount are a revolutionary call to being like God in a world that has no room for Him. —Randy Maxwell, author, If My People Pray, and pastor, Renton Seventh-day Adventist Church. In a time of pandemic, racial tension, economic crisis, and political divide, the followers of Jesus must take their cue not from political leaders of any party, nor from the media, but from the heart of Jesus. As you read Thirst for God you will be able to see into His heart and into an infinite universe of blessings. —Jose Cortés Jr., associate ministerial director for Evangelism, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. If you want to move onto higher ground spiritually and appreciate in a new way the blessings that Jesus gives us when we follow Him, Thirst for God is a must read book for you. —Joseph Kidder, professor of pastoral theology and discipleship, Andrews University.

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367580

PROMO BLURB Thirst for God offers a fresh approach to the timeless Beatitudes of Jesus found in Matthew’s Gospel. Highlighting a reversal of values in light of the Cross, this book invites the reader to embark on a spiritual journey of total dependence on God.

Miguel Valdivia has worked as a church pastor, editor, conference administrator, and currently serves as the vice president for Product Development at Pacific Press Publishing Association in Nampa, Idaho. He has degrees in biology, theology, and a doctorate in education. He and his wife, Olga, have three grown children and five grandchildren.


Stormy Seas Understanding God in the Midst of Life’s Tempests Trouble can come from any direction and at any moment. When it hits, it hurts. It can leave us shocked and surprised. When we cry out to God and He doesn’t respond when and how we hope, we may demand, “Why?” and insist on a full report to justify our pain. Yet God rarely gives a complete answer. When the storms of life rage around you and you wonder who and where God is, you can trust the Good Shepherd. Through the experiences of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus, and others, you

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367542

PROMO BLURB Trouble can come from any direction and at any moment. When it hits, it hurts. If you want to understand who God is and where He is in tragedy and affliction through the experiences of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus, and others Stormy Seas can grab the Savior’s outstretched hand and keep your eyes on Him.


• • • • •

learn God’s promises about your future; find peace even without answers; overcome bitterness, anger, and hurt; understand that God is in the boat with you; and find blessings in life’s detours.

If you want to understand who God is and where He is in tragedy and affliction, Stormy Seas can help. Grab the Savior’s outstretched hand and keep your eyes on Him. NOTES

Wendy Armfield is a full-time artist, writer, designer, and manager of JOYFULwonderment Ministries, where she creates watercolor prints and greeting cards integrated with biblical messages of love, hope, and encouragement. She is currently working on designing an illustrated Bible Studies series. “All I can do and all I am made to be is meant to be used by Jesus” She lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with her husband of seventeen years, and their seven wildly adorable, ever-hairy cats.

Overcoming Through Jesus Embracing His Death and Receiving His Victorious Life Are you struggling with temptation and sin? Are there things in your life that seems Christ has been unable to overcome? Are you wondering if victory will ever happen? Are you getting discouraged beginning to think you are a lost cause? Is your faith at a low ebb? Perhaps you’ve even come to the point where you’ve started to believe that you might as well enjoy the sin if you are going to be stuck with it! Or maybe you just don’t feel that you are measuring up to the high standard of God’s character. If any of this is true in your life do not despair! There is hope for you! Because every now and then someone comes along who can preach teach or write about salvation and the gospel so clearly that it’s as if doors and windows suddenly fly open all around you and you see truth as you’ve never seen it before. One such speaker and writer is the author of this heartwarming and mind-expanding book. Pastor Liversidge is committed to making the difficult plain—the complicated easy to understand. With liberal use of real-life illustrations he shines light on the writings of Paul in the book of Romans making Paul’s theology practical and real. He believes that God wants the way of salvation to be so clear that even a child can understand it. That is Pastor Bill’s goal in every chapter. By the time you finish this practical guide to victory you’ll no doubt conclude that he has succeeded in that effort.

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$16.99 Paperback, 216 pages 9780979340918 Distributed

PROMO BLURB Are you struggling? There is hope! With liberal use of real-life illustrations, the author shines light on the writings of Paul in the book of Romans making Paul’s theology practical and real.

Bill Liversidge (d. 2015) a native of Melbourne, Australia, spent ten years as a missionary in New Guinea, attended Avondale College, Andrews University Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary. He also served as ministerial director in the Columbia Union and president of Creative Growth Ministries, which equipped believers to develop their spiritual gifts and move into effective ministry.


Live More Happy, Pocked Ed. Scientifically Proven Ways to Lift Your Mood and Your Life Share the invitation to the journey toward living more, feeling better and finding happiness. A condensed version of the full Live More Happy book designed to share with your friends and family. Drawing on the best of this research and his own published scientific research, Dr. Darren Morton offers an easy-to-read and practical guide on how you can lift how you feel every day.

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$4.99 Paperback booklet, 124 pages 9781922373113 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB Drawing on the best of this research and his own published scientific research, Dr. Darren Morton offers an easy-to-read and practical guide on how you can lift how you feel every day.

Over the past decade, neuroscience, positive psychology and lifestyle medicine have exploded as areas of cutting-edge study, research and healthcare. The research indicates that almost half of our enduring happiness can be influenced by our daily choices and habits and this is how we do it. Wherever you are on the feelings scale, you can lift your mood and you will likely lift your wellbeing in the process. ENDORSEMENTS “Want to ramp up how much you get out of life? This engaging book can lift your mood and save your life! Based on the latest scientific evidence, the practical tips are desperately needed by all those trying to discover purpose and find happiness in this modern world.” Dr Sue Radd, Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian, speaker and author, Food As Medicine Darren Morton is a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and Course Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Lifestyle Medicine at Avondale College of Higher Education in Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. His research has been published in leading medical scientific journals, and this is his third book.


Cooling Down Stress How to Take the Heat Out of Life’s Stress A unique and fun stress management book written in story format. It is the story of Chris Brooks whose start-up business is booming and everyone thinks he is a success, but his personal life is spinning out of control. But when his young sales manager unexpectedly drops dead of a heart attack and his partner’s wife Kate is diagnosed with cancer, Chris is forced to take an honest look at life. Cooling Down Stress follows Chris and his wife Jessica as they learn strategies for managing stress effectively including fear and death. The chapter on burnout, “What if your stress has been too hot for too long?” focuses on burnout and how to avoid or recover from excessive stress. Cameron Johnston’s extensive experience in consulting and presenting seminars on this topic and his analogy of cooling down soup makes this a must read. This engaging, updated, and expanded book provides simple, practical steps to relieve stress, anxiety and depression and deal with deep-seated issues like anger and grief. Discover eight stress hardiness secrets that everyone needs to know including several stress assessment tools to help you understand how stress is affecting you. Cameron’s books and the stress soup concept is outstanding. The content and design is marvelous. Congratulations to a wonderful concept well executed. — Dr. Hans A. Diehl, bestselling author and director of the Lifestyle Medicine Institute, Loma Linda, California NOTES

Cameron Johnston holds a Master of Science in Public Health from Loma Linda University and a Master of Divinity from Andrews University. After 20 years as a successful pastor, Cameron became a lifestyle consultant, presenting the “Cooling Down Stress” seminar to business and professional groups in Australia, Canada, and the United States.

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$15.99 Paperback, 160 pages 9781922373144 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB The story of Chris Brooks whose personal life is spinning out of control and he teeters on the edge of burnout. This book presents stress assessment tools plus practical ways to cool down. This expanded edition includes four chapters on resolving deep stressors, including anger and grief.


Cooling Down Teen Stress Stress Strategies Every Teenager Needs to Know It is not a figment of their imaginations. The unrelenting influx of information and change make the turbulent teen years especially dangerous. Teen suicide rates are higher than ever as our 24/7 world moves faster and faster. Teens need to feel more relaxed, more safe and more in control. Delight Johnston Chandler wrote this book while still a teen, for teens. She presents eight easy to follow steps to cool off the teen stress soup that will make teen life more focused and enjoyable. The interactive wellness activities and story format distinguishes it from every other teen stress book on the market.

CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY LIVING US$14.99 Paperback, 112 pages 9781922373120 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB All teens are stressed today because life is moving faster and faster. This unique and fun teen stress management book, written by a teen for teens, is written in story format, offers assessment tools, helps identify and solve big stressors, and gives eight practical ways for teens to manage their stress effectively.


The book tells the story of energetic and likeable Derisa Moore, a high school senior who experiences the near suicide of one friend and the untimely death of another. All this while juggling the usual teen stressors of parental hassles, dating, grades, and work. Collapsing under the pressure, she is helped by her older brother’s wellness counsel and support. She completes a difficult year with the necessary stress hardiness and skills to succeed and enjoy life. ENDORSEMENTS I highly recommend this book for its practical, easy-to-read approach to teen stress management. The students enjoy the story approach. In student book reviews, they often recommend this book as one that all students should read. — Carol S., High School Guidance Counselor, Oregon, USA Delight Johnston Chandler is a wife, mother, and emergency nurse working in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Known for her capacity to enjoy life, Delight was elected president of her high school student association and quickly discovered the pressures of providing leadership in addition to managing her academic and personal responsibilities. While still a teen, Delight wrote this book in which she tells a story that reflects the day-to-day reality of high school life—from the joys of friendship to the despair of terminal illness—a story that encourages teens to see there are ways to control their response to the stress in their lives. Cameron Johnston (see previous page) is Delight’s dad.

In the Name of Jesus Power to Pray for People and Places What if, instead of praying for an effective strategy to reach the lost, we realize prayer is the strategy? In most industrialized nations, the spread of the gospel is painfully slow. “The workers are few” (Luke 10:2, NIV) due in large part to the prevailing culture of protecting privacy and personal space. Though some are willing to knock on doors or to preach in public, most would never consider participating in such assertive outreach. Yet introverted and privacy-conscious Christians need not be left out of evangelism! We usually think of prayer in a supporting role to ministry; but when it comes to large cities or other challenging fields, small or large, a prayer plan that works is the first and most important step. If you know how to walk and talk to God at the same time, you can have an effective soul-winning ministry. Prayer walking is something everyone can do: youth with their friends after school, young mothers with their children in strollers, retired people who walk for their health, or those who walk during work breaks. Read inspiring stories about successful prayer walkers and learn: the historical precedent for prayer walking, Bible promises related to answered prayer, legal issues God faces related to answering prayers on behalf of others, and strategies for developing your own prayerwalking program. NOTES

Ron E. M. Clouzet serves as the Ministerial secretary of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. He has been a church pastor, a theology professor, an academic administrator, an evangelist, and a missionary with international experience in 70 countries and five continents. He is married to Dr. Lisa Clouzet and they are the parents of two sons and one daughter.

PRAYER US$18.99 Paperback, 208 pages 9780816366842 eBook Available

PROMO BLURB What if, instead of praying for an effective strategy to reach the lost, we realize prayer is the strategy? Learn about prayer and prayer walking, the most effective evangelism strategy for reaching big cities, small towns, neighborhoods, and loved ones.


40 Days of Prayer on the Spirit-Filled Life Prayers and Devotions on Spirit-Filled Life “We cannot use the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is to use us. Through the Spirit God works in His people ‘to will and to do of His good pleasure.’ Only to those who wait humbly upon God, who watch for His guidance and grace, is the Spirit given.” –Ellen G. White

PRAYER US$13.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816366972

PROMO BLURB The devotional studies in this book focus on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life. Pull some close friends together and commit 40 days to focused prayer and devotion, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform your life.

The devotional studies in this book focus on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life. God wants to fill you with His Spirit. Once we surrender ourselves to God, He can then develop the character of Christ within us. Many qualities of Christ’s character are presented in both the Old and New Testaments. In this 40 Days devotional study we will consider those described in Paul’s fruit of the Spirit list, the list called “Peter’s Ladder” in his second letter, and Christ’s description of character development given in the Beatitudes. This 40 Days of study and prayer devotional is the eleventh in the series of 40 Days devotionals. As with the first ten, this devotional is designed to prepare God’s church for Christ’s second coming as well as reach out to others in preparation for that glorious event. Pull some close friends together and commit 40 days to focused prayer and devotion, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform your life. NOTES

Dennis Smith has been studying biblical teachings and living by those principles for almost two decades. He is a pastor and the author of several other books.



The ancient Jews could not fully achieve their mission to the world because they claimed their rich history for themselves, instead of sharing it. — DRAGUTIN MATAK

A A collective vision of pastors’ members, and administrators to multiply the kingdom of God in North America through baptizing, equipping, and planting. re we as Seventh-day Adventists repeating history? An exclusive faith is incompatible with an inclusive Father who sent His Son to die for everyone. Broken people, scarred by failed trust, past abuse, loneliness, and suffering, are looking for places to be accepted, places to exhale, places to be fulfilled on their life journey. Is your church that place? Are you sharing your safe place with them? When Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (MATTHEW 28:19, ESV), it was not a call for addition; it was a call for multiplication. This book, Multiply, presents six actions that will revolutionize mission and evangelism for you and your church. 







As you read and highlight in this book, you will see practical applications for each action and discover what it can look like in your church. The objective is to make it easy to come in and hard to leave. We are not talking about a prison system, we are talking about a type of church that is accessible, welcoming, loving, and empowering to such a degree that once you are in, you love it so much that you want to stay and share what you have found with others. Multiply.

Are we as Seventh-day Adventists repeating history? An exclusive faith is incompatible with an inclusive Father who sent His Son to die for everyone. Broken people, scarred by failed trust, past abuse, loneliness, and suffering, are looking for places to be accepted, places to exhale, places to be fulfilled on their life journey. Is your church that place? Are you sharing your safe place with them? CONTRIBUTORS

   

David B. Franklin  Joseph Khabbaz  Gabriela Phillips  Daron Pratt  Michael Dauncey  Paulo Macena  Jerome M. Hurst  Patty Crouch Roger Hernandez  Dustin Hall  John T. Boston II  Abdiel Del Toro  Vanessa Hairston  Roy Ice  Hyveth Williams  Steve and Melissa Leddy Sergio Quevedo  Matt and Amy Stockdale  Tara VinCross  DP Harris  Jessie A. López  Steve McHan  Sue Smith  Nicholas Snell  Allan Martin Timothy Gillespie  Benjamin Orian José Cortes Jr.’s greatest passions are God, his family, and ministry. His experience includes close to 25 years of pastoring and youth and young adult ministries as a conference and union departmental director. He currently serves as associate director of the North American Division Ministerial Association and leads evangelism, church planting, global mission, church growth, and mission to the cities. He holds an MDiv from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University and a BA in theology from Columbia Union College. José and Joanne Cortes, his wife and companion in ministry, have two sons, José III and Joel Benjamin.

Ivan L. Williams Sr. sensed a call from God at the age of thirteen while serving in an evangelistic meeting and singing with a quartet. He had the privilege of planting a new congregation and is passionate about giving people hope in Jesus. He currently serves as the director for the Ministerial Association of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. He is grateful to have his wife, Kathleen, and their two young adult children, Imani and Ivan II, with him on his ministry journey.

This book presents six actions that will revolutionize mission and evangelism for you and your church. ISBN 978-0-8163-6672-9

Love • Serve • Baptize • Equip • Plant • Revitalize As you read and highlight in this book, you will see practical applications for each action and discover what it can look like in your church. The objective is to make it easy to come in and hard to leave. We are not talking about a prison system. We are talking about a type of church that is accessible, welcoming, loving, and empowering to such a degree that once you are in, you love it so much that you want to stay and share what you have found with others. Multiply. José H. Cortes Jr. has spent 25 years in pastoring, youth and young adult ministries, soul winning, church planting, and leadership. He holds an MDiv from the Andrews University Theological Seminary and a bachelor’s in theology from Washington Adventist University. José and Joanne Cortes, his wife and companion in ministry, have two sons, José III, and Joel Benjamin.

Ivan L. Williams Sr. sensed a call from God at the age of thirteen while serving in an evangelistic meeting as a tent master and singing with a quartet. He had the privilege of planting a congregation and has had a heart for people since his ministry’s inception. He is passionate about relevant, sustainable ministry beyond personalities. He currently serves as the director for the NAD Ministerial Association.

CHURCH LIFE US$ Paperback, 224 pages 9780816366729 Also availabe in Spanish.

PROMO BLURB Grow a church that is accessible, welcoming, loving, and empowering to such a degree that once you are in, you love it so much that you want to stay and share what you have found with others. Multiply.


The Giving Equation Working out your relationship with God and money It’s logical that if I give a certain amount of money, I have less money left to live on, right? That’s simple mathematics. But it’s also an equation that makes many people reluctant to give. The Giving Equation provides a fresh way of thinking about stewardship, explaining two different mindsets towards our personal finances: the G-economy and the Me-economy. Far from causing us to lose out, giving has things to offer us that lead to an abundant life—now and for eternity. ENDORSEMENTS

CHURCH LIFE US$9.99 Paperback, 86 pages 9781922373168 Signs Publishing


The Giving Equation provides a fresh way of thinking about stewardship, explaining two different mindsets towards our personal finances: the G-economy and the Me-economy. Far from causing us to lose out, giving has things to offer us that lead to an abundant life—now and for eternity.


“Ken Long’s into biblical stewardship are exciting, fresh, transformative and hope filled. The Giving Equation show that we don’t need to clutch our wallets, afraid of what we might lose, because giving has a lot to offer us. Filled with practical examples and illustrations from the Bible, this book will inspire individuals and families to better understand the heart of the Giver -and to give joyfully themselves! The more households there are living out this transformed mindset, the more powerful the impact of the church will be.” Christina Hawkins, Discipleship Ministries - Stewardship, SPD NOTES

Ken Long is a highly experienced business consultant, based in Sydney, Australia. He holds a Doctorate of Business Administration, along with qualifications in Law and Commerce. Ken is a stewardship champion and is passionate about helping people understand how generous giving benefits them.

How To Make a Visit Eliminating Fears and Breaking Down Barriers with Time-Tested Tips That Work For many Christians, cold-calling for Jesus sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. The thought of sharing Jesus with strangers door-to-door or visiting former church members in their homes can elicit paralyzing fear. Even so, some feel called to this personal ministry. In How to Make a Visit, you’ll learn tips and best practices for making effective in-person visits to people who request Bible studies, former members, the sick or homebound, and others. Get the specific tools you’ll need to • • • • • •

plan your visit, communicate effectively, diffuse tension, share the gospel, pray with power, and develop friendships.

The twenty-first-century church is quickly adopting digital evangelism tools, including social media, websites, email, and so on. To be sure, those platforms are critical tools for reaching modern people. Yet boots-on-the-ground, face-to-face connection is still valuable and often necessary. Sharpen your skills in the art of personal evangelism today with How to Make a Visit. NOTES

Kurt Johnson is the Bible school director for the Voice of Prophecy ministry and coordinates Bible correspondence schools for the General Conference. Pastor Johnson’s training seminars and books on the topics of home-based small groups, Bible study ministry techniques, and sharing your faith have impacted lives worldwide. In addition, he has written numerous sets of Bible study guides and books including, PrayerWorks, Face to Face With Jesus, Focus on Prophecy, How To Give A Bible Study and When Heaven Pauses.

CHURCH LIFE US$3.49 (volume discounts) Paperback booklet, 80 pages 9780816366880

PROMO BLURB The twenty-first-century church is quickly adopting digital evangelism tools, including social media, websites, email, and so on. Yet boots-on-the-ground, face-to-face connection is still valuable and often necessary. Sharpen your skills in the art of personal evangelism today with How to Make a Visit.


If You Are Thirsty, You Can Be Spirit-Filled Be Empowered for Life and Witness Who is the Holy Spirit? How did Jesus relate to the Spirit? And what does this mean for us and our relationship with God? The feeling of thirst tells us we are dehydrated—we need water to live. But just like we sometimes try to quench our thirst in ways that don’t truly refresh us, many people try to quench their spiritual thirst with things that can never really satisfy. We need living water. And that’s what Jesus offered.

CHURCH LIFE US$9.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9781922373182 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB Throughout Christian history and in the church today, the Holy Spirit is a topic littered with misconceptions, controversies and concerns. However, the Spirit is also the true Source of our conversion, transformation, growth and power for living and sharing our faith. Discover how you can be Spirit-filled—if you are thirsty.


Throughout Christian history and in the church today, the Holy Spirit is a topic littered with misconceptions, controversies and concerns. However, the Spirit is also the true Source of our conversion, transformation, growth and power for living and sharing our faith. Discover how you can be Spirit-filled—if you are thirsty. If You Are Thirsty, You Can Be Spirit-filled also includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection, as well as an appendix that specifically discusses questions about speaking in tongues and lastgeneration holiness. NOTES

Peter Roennfeldt (DMin) has spent his life sharing the gospel, planting churches, and serving as a pastor to pastors. Having lived in four countries and equipped church-planting teams in almost 60, Peter now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with his wife Judy, but continues to equip and coach church planters, pastors, and movement leaders around the world.

21 Tools to Teach Kids About Jesus Helping Parents and Teachers Find Ways to Connect Kids with Jesus in an Increasingly Chaotic World I wrote this book for you if..... • You are a Christian parent that wants to raise your children to love and follow Jesus. • You are a Christian school or church teacher looking for new creative ways to teach your students to love Jesus. • You are a children’s ministry leader looking for inspiration and ideas as you plan new, exciting ways to guide kids to live for Jesus. You’ve probably noticed that the world around us is getting more chaotic every day. Kids are distracted by hundreds of sights and sounds that surround them. The secular culture we’re living in continually demands the attention of our children and students. What can we do? I’ve been working in children’s ministries for almost 30 years. Sometimes we get in a rut and we feel like we’ve hit a wall. Sometimes we feel like our creative batteries need recharging. This book is a collection of my best ideas, suggestions, tips, tools, and inspiration for teaching kids about Jesus. I truly hope that what I’ve learned can be a blessing for you and the children you minister to!

CHURCH LIFE US$12.95 Paperback, 96 pages 9781735286907


This book is a collection of Rich Aguilera’s best ideas, suggestions, tips, tools, and inspiration for teaching kids about Jesus.


Rich Aguilera loves to travel and has currently visited 82 countries on six continents. He has been serving in children’s ministries since the early 1990s. He’s also the author of several books and has produced popular TV programs, such as Kids’ Time, The BIG 3, and The Creation Case. He also wrote and produced The Mysterious Note. Rich has produced and toured several live stage shows, including DINOSAURS! What Does the Bible Say? His ministry is called One Mustard Seed. Rich lives in Michigan, is married, and has two sons. 29

Face Masks Uniquely Adventist Double-Layer Face Coverings These double layer face masks will put a smile on your friends faces even if they can’t see yours. Go to church safely and in style with these washable and reusable masks. EACH MASK IS SOLD SEPARATE - Choose from five different designs: Happy Sabbath Black 643330048764

MASKS US$4.99 Fabric, 2-layer One-size; runs a little small. Happy Sabbath: 643330048764 I Miss Potluck: 643330048757 Got Haystacks: 643330048733 Side By Side: 643330048740 Feliz Sábado: 643330048771

I Miss Potluck Red 643330048757

Got Haystacks? Green 643330048733

PROMO BLURB Uniquely Adventist, these double layer face masks will put a smile on your friends faces even if they can’t see yours. Go to church safely and in style with these washable and reusable masks from AdventistBookCenter.com. Available only while supplies last.

Side By Side Blue 643330048740

Feliz Sábado Black 643330048771


Preparing for Your Marriage Holy matrimony—is it a sacred covenant until death parts you or just what comes after a fairy–tale romance with butterflies, glittering couture, and overpriced cake? Could it be, should it be, both? If marriage is on your mind because you’re dating someone special, engaged, or you’ve just watched too many cheesy romance movies on cable, Preparing for Your Marriage will help ensure your future marriage will be the kind of relationship that endures the test of time and honors God. You’ll learn to

FAMILY US$17.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367368

PROMO BLURB If marriage is on your mind because you’re dating someone special, engaged, or you’ve just watched too many cheesy romance movies on cable, Preparing for Your Marriage will help ensure your marriage will be the kind of relationship that endures the test of time and honors God.


• • • • • • •

choose—and be—the right partner, recognize red flags, distinguish between chemistry and caring love, communicate clearly and respectfully, manage conflict, develop a healthy financial plan, and avoid relationship pitfalls.

You’ll even get some helpful advice on planning the wedding and honeymoon! What if you’re considering a second (or third) marriage? There’s a whole chapter with content just for marriage veterans. Preparing for Your Marriage complements the Prepare/Enrich assessment tools your pastor or counselor may use as you work through premarriage counseling. Work through it with your intended and watch the ties that bind you together—and to God— grow stronger each day. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra currently serve as Family Ministries directors for the North American Division. Claudio has pastored, worked as a conference departmental director, and served as an administrator. He also volunteers as a lawenforcement and hospice chaplain. Claudio holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in Family Ministries from Andrews University. Pamela has a background in Adventist education, having served as a teacher, principal, and superintendent of schools. She holds a Ph.D. in Leadership from Andrews University. Together, have served in conference ministries, hosted radio and TV programs, and authored numerous articles and books.

Enriching Your Marriage ’Til Death Do Us Part Marriage. Hollywood tells us it’s about passion and romance and beautiful weddings. Yet a sparkling dress, a sharp suit, and fancy petit fours surrounded by twinkling reception lights don’t predict a healthy, successful marriage any more than getting pregnant and giving birth make someone an excellent parent. So if a perfect wedding isn’t the key to a successful marriage, then what is? In Enriching Your Marriage, relationship experts Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra explain God’s purpose for marriage and take readers step-by-step through the best practices for healthy covenant relationships. In this book, you will • • • •

spot pitfalls that can wreck a marriage, explore the different core needs of men and women, develop communication and conflict management skills, learn best practices for finances and debt, and more.

Gain the tools necessary to build a life-giving legacy of faith and family that has a lasting impact on your entire sphere of influence for generations. Whether you’re dating, engaged, newly wed, or well into your marriage, these tools will strengthen and grow your relationship, now and for eternity. NOTES

FAMILY US$24.99 Paperback, 288 pages 9780816366866 eBook Available

PROMO BLURB The authors explain God’s purpose for marriage and take readers step-bystep through the best practices for healthy covenant relationships. Learn to spot pitfalls, identify needs, develop communication and conflict resolution skills, handle finances, and more to build a legacy of faith and family through your home.


Boost Your Immune System Strengthen Your Immune System Using God’s Natural Remedies It takes a pandemic. If we learned nothing else from the COVID-19 pandemic, it was the importance of our own immune system. Prior to the release and deployment of vaccines, the only defense was our own immunity. Your body has a defense system and depending on your lifestyle choices you can either strengthen or destroy that system.

HEALTH US$3.49 (volume discounts) Paperback, 80 pages 9780816367306

PROMO BLURB Your body has a defense system and depending on your lifestyle choices you can either strengthen or destroy that system. In Boost Your Immune System, Dr. Hall outlines four key strategies to lower your risk of chronic and infectious disease.

In Stay Well Boost Your Immune System, Doctor Hall outlines four key strategies to lower your risk of chronic and infectious disease. These four steps based on God’s natural remedies, bring together common sense and current data in a practical “how to” guide. You will learn how to, limit exposure to disease, and how to maintain a healthy immune system. You will learn steps to develop a healthy lifestyle, and you will learn the importance of getting good medical care. Follow these four easy strategies and you will boost your immune system and build up a wall of defense against infections and disease. NOTES

Don Hall is a Registered Dietitian and holds a doctorate in Public Health. He is the founder and board chair of Wellsource, Inc., a company that develops and markets health assessment software, educational materials, and other health tools and training programs for health professionals. He is a published author, a fitness enthusiast, and an educator currently teaching at Loma Linda University. 34

Our 55 Favorite Healthy Recipes Vibrant Life Magazine Special Issue I’s a beautiful thing to look at health with a wholistic perspective to acknowledge that every part of us – mind, body, and spirit – is connected. It’s good to remember that when one part of us suffers or heals, the other areas will too. Every part of you is woven together. This special issue of Vibrant Life® celebrates all the parts of you that create true whole health, including your faith, focus, friends, family, fitness and food.

HEALTH US$2.50 (volume discounts) Periodical, 48 pages 643330048788

PROMO BLURB Every part of you is woven together. This special issue of Vibrant Life® celebrates all the parts of you that create true whole health, including your faith, focus, friends, family, fitness and food.

Whether you are fit and vigorous or have just received a frightening diagnosis, Vibrant Life has health information that will help you move closer to the life you were designed to live. It is perfect for sharing with people who may have never heard of this Christian approach to wholeperson health. It’s a wonderful way to introduce people to God’s plan for us to have harmony of mind, body, and spirit. 35


mind • body • spirit

Since 1885

America’s Oldest Health Magazine


Vibrant Life Magazine Special Issue For so many cultures and families, food is love. It’s a way of bonding, showing affection, and sharing life. It’s no surprise, then, that research has confirmed that when people eat together, they feel closer to each other.


Eating IS

The Joy of Eating




Connection Want to make more friends?

Serve them food!

Not only does food unite us, it nourishes and delights us. It is such a central part of life that it influences everything from our health and relationships to our schedules and budgets.

Kitchen Rx



dazzling dinner



HEALTH US$2.50 (volume discounts) Periodical, 46 pages 643330048603

PROMO BLURB Every part of you is woven together. This special issue of Vibrant Life® celebrates all the parts of you that create true whole health, including your faith, focus, friends, family, fitness and food.

In this issue, we’re talking all about food, including how to build friendships over meals (p. 22), how to cook to improve your health (p. 34), how to elevate the flavor and creativity of your meals (p. 6), and how to make peace with your food and your body (p. 26). We’re also exploring the unexpected face of food insecurity in America— what it really looks like and how you can help (p. 30). You have to eat, so you might as well enjoy it. Dig into these pages to discover new ways to make meals that improve your health, strengthen your relationships, and brighten your days. NOTES

Whether you are fit and vigorous or have just received a frightening diagnosis, Vibrant Life has health information that will help you move closer to the life you were designed to live. It is perfect for sharing with people who may have never heard of this Christian approach to wholeperson health. It’s a wonderful way to introduce people to God’s plan for us to have harmony of mind, body, and spirit. 36

Flavors of the World 90 Vegetarian Recipes for International Cuisine Eating is one of the basic needs of human beings, one which brings pleasure and directly influences our health. Thus, food should be tasty, healthy, and nutritious. Furthermore, when we add diversity and versatility to what is already delicious and healthy, we get what might be considered an ideal proper diet. This book aims to present the ideal diet. Flavors of the World is a collection of 90 delicious vegetarian recipes, typical of eight geographical regions of the world. It uses ingredients that are easy to find. It lets you discover the gastronimic reality of Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia, among others. Flavors of the World offers various options of salads, sauces, appetizers, desserts, soups, and main courses so you can enjoy unique flavors as well as take care of your health. May the best dishes of the international cuisine be a part of your meal, bringing variety, flavor, and health! This hardcover, spiralbound book features a stand-up cover with QR code links to step-by-step videos for every recipe! NOTES

HEALTH US$29.99 Hardcover/Spiral, 207 pages 9788472087491 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB Flavors of the World is a collection of 90 delicious vegetarian recipes, typical of eight geographical regions of the world, including Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and more. Create salads, sauces, appetizers, desserts, soups, and main dishes with easy-to-find ingredients!

Raquel Caja Galán has a master’s degree in pedagogy and a master’s certification in nutrition and dietetics. She continues her education by attending various courses on health and vegetarian cuisine both in Spain and the United States. As a lover of fine cuisine, Raquel has transformed her passion into a profession, devoting herself to healthy cuisine. Currently, she teaches classes and workshops on cooking and health in Spain and the United States. 37

Low-FODMAP and Vegan What to Eat When You Can’t Eat Anything The IBS Diet for Vegans. Digestive problems are a pervasive concern, with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) alone affecting an average of 14 percent of the population worldwide. FODMAPS, found primarily in plant- based foods, are naturally occurring but poorly absorbed carbohydrates that can wreak havoc on a sensitive gut.

HEALTH US$19.95 Paperback, 138 pages 9781570673375 Distributed

PROMO BLURB The IBS Diet for Vegans. FODMAPS, found primarily in plant- based foods, are naturally occurring but poorly absorbed carbohydrates that can wreak havoc on a sensitive gut. Restricting FODMAPs is particularly difficult for vegans, but author and food-intolerance expert Jo Stepaniak has eliminated the guesswork.

Restricting FODMAPs is particularly difficult for vegans because many grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes, are flagrant offenders. But author and food-intolerance expert Jo Stepaniak has eliminated the guesswork. Following her nutritionally sound, scientifically proven approach, vegans with IBS will be able to pinpoint triggers, plan safe meals, and greatly improve their quality of life. You’ll find detailed tables that delineate which vegan foods are IBS friendly and which should be avoided. Easy-to-follow guides outline safe food alternatives, simple meal plans, and comprehensive shopping lists. Over 100 scrumptious, low-FODMAP recipes cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, as well as spectacular seasonings, sauces, salad dressings, and condiments. With LowFODMAP and Vegan as your resource, you’ll learn how to better manage your symptoms, meet your nutritional needs, and satisfy your taste buds all while pampering your delicate digestive system. NOTES

Jo Stepaniak, MSEd, is the author and coauthor of more than two dozen books on vegan cuisine, health, and compassionate living. Having struggled with IBS for decades, Jo knows what it’s like to feel that no food is safe, even when eating healthy vegan fare.


The Book of Isaiah Thoughts as High as Heaven People naturally look for ways to survive and thrive. They look to their families, friends, and organizations, and they strive to acquire lands, buildings, and material possessions for security and prosperity. Food, comfort, and safety are high priorities. When hardships or dangers arise, we look around for solutions. But what if we cannot find answers to the problems that threaten our existence? The book of Isaiah challenges people, including us, to stop just looking around and start looking up to the Lord, whom Isaiah saw “sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up” (Isaiah 6:1). In author Roy Gane’s The Book of Isaiah, readers will get a fresh look at some of the poetry and parallelism, imagery, and contrasts, and musical rhythms that for the symphony of the human journey through judgement and restoration. See key aspects of God’s character in a new light, take a fresh look at how He leads and comforts broken people, and marvel at the glorious destiny waiting God’s redeemed. NOTES

BIBLE BOOK SHELF US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816366583 eBook Available

PROMO BLURB Get a fresh look at some of the poetry and parallelism, imagery, and contrasts, and musical rhythms that for the symphony of the human journey through judgement and restoration. Roy Gane is professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages at the Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He has published numerous journal articles and book chapters, and was the primary translator for the Leviticus portion of the Common English Bible. He has published more than ten books, including God’s Faulty Heroes; Altar Call; Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application; and The Sanctuary and Salvation: The Practical Significance of Christ’s Sacrifice and Priesthood (new edition of Altar Call). 39

The Promise God’s Everlasting Covenant Originally published in 1982 under the title Covenant in Blood, The Promise is revised edition of Dr. Gerhard F. Hasel’s classic work on the meaning of the biblical covenants. What is humanity’s responsibility in salvation? What kind of works must one do to please God? How does the covenant theme relate to our role in these last days of earth’s history? And how can the Christian have the assurance of salvation?

BIBLE BOOK SHELF US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367092

PROMO BLURB The Promise provides answers to questions and powerfully illuminates God’s gracious arrangement with men and women signed in blood. You owe it to yourself to read this book and how the sure foundation on which you stand as redeemed child of God.


Revised and updated by Dr. Hasel’s son Dr. Michael G. Hasel, a university professor and archaeologist, The Promise provides answers to these questions and powerfully illuminates God’s gracious arrangement with men and women signed in blood. You owe it to yourself to read this book and how the sure foundation on which you stand as redeemed child of God. Michael G. Hasel, PhD, is professor of Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology at the School of Religion, Southern Adventist University, and director of the Institute of Archaeology and Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum. He has published ten books and over 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals, dictionaries and encyclopedias. He has appeared on documentaries for AnchorPoint Films, the Hope Channel, 3ABN, and National Geographic. His work in the Middle East as an archaeologist spans 30 years at eleven sites and he currently serves as co-director of The Fourth Expedition to Lachish in Israel.

Gerhard F. Hasel, PhD, (1935–1994) served as J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology and Dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He authored sixteen books including The Remnant Motif from Genesis to Isaiah, Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate, New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate, and Speaking in Tongues: Biblical Speaking in Tongues and Contemporary Glossolalia, as well as more than 400 articles and reviews for journals, dictionaries, and reference works.

Rest in Christ Rest has become a hot commodity in our restless age. Managers and CEOs pay hefty sums to participate in workshops and seminars on ways to really find rest. Therapists and counselors diagnose an increasing sense of restlessness and disconnectedness—from ourselves and from the people around us. For some, the idea of biblical rest is little more than a day off from the rigors of secular life. Yet the true biblical notion of rest is much deeper-rooted, much more profound. Readers will discover that God’s call to rest complements many other tenets of Christian faith, including health, sin, salvation, surrender, death, and more. This is not a self-help book, offering “10 easy steps” to find rest. Instead, it follows closely the invitation of the Man from Galilee to “come”—especially those who feel “weary and burdened”—and experience His kind of rest (Matthew 11:28). Each chapter is divided into six easy-to-read sections. Following an overview, the authors examine the effect of worldview on the topics before digging deep into the foundation and supporting Bible texts. Next, practical implications for applying the concepts to real life and an invitation to take a breather make the principles personal. So “come,” let go of the restlessness, the pride, the struggle, the strife, and surrender to the health, the rhythm, the restoration of true rest in Christ. Gerald and Chantal Klingbeil spent more than 15 years as professors at Adventist universities in South America and Asia, and currently both serve at the General Conference. Gerald is an associate editor of Adventist Review Ministries, while Chantal serves as associate director in the Ellen G. White Estate. Gerald was born and raised in Germany and earned a doctorate in Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Stellenbosch University in South Africa in 1995. Chantal was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and is currently writing a doctoral dissertation in linguistics at Stellenbosch University. They enjoy team-teaching and -preaching and co-wrote an earlier Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide and companion volume in 2010 focusing on background figures of Scripture. More than anything else, having their three young adult daughters walk with Jesus is their greatest joy.

BIBLE BOOK SHELF US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367054

PROMO BLURB Explore the concept of biblical rest by accepting the invitation of the Man from Galilee to “come”—especially those who feel “weary and burdened”—and experience His kind of rest.


Last Call Jacob had settled into the long ride wondering how they could possibly survive the lethal temperatures and biting wind swirling around them in the open cattle truck. He was sure God would preserve them. The world’s probation had closed, but God’s people would be safe. The changes around us are obvious. Every screen, newspaper, and magazine vibrate with the unending torrent of bad news. Yet to those who are familiar with Bible prophecy, none of these gutwrenching scenes are surprising.

ADULT STORIES US$19.99 Paperback, 288 pages 9780816366248

PROMO BLURB Go on a dramatic journey with Jacob and Alexandra, a young, married couple inspired by the grim headlines to return to Scripture and to live by faith through the unfolding of end-time events. Rediscover Bible prophecy, imagine your own endtime experience, and build a relationship with the One who promises to sustain you through the hardest times.


In Last Call, author Bradley Booth takes readers on a dramatic journey with Jacob and Alexandra, a young, married couple inspired by the grim headlines to return to Scripture and to live by faith through the unfolding of end-time events. As catastrophic weather events, dangerous false religious movements, famine, pandemics, geo-political strife, and economic crises threaten all they know, Jacob and Alexandra commit themselves to Jesus and His mission to bring hope to others in the last days of Earth’s history. Through Jacob and Alexandra’s story, which is based on a traditional Adventist interpretation of end-time events, you will • rediscover Bible prophecy, • imagine your own reaction to end-time threats, and • build a relationship with Jesus that can sustain you through the hardest of times. “Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world. I am coming soon.” —Revelation 3:10, 11, NLT Bradley Booth has taught in Adventist schools in the United States, West Africa, Russia, and Thailand, and is currently a pastor in Rochester, Minnesota. Bradley has many interests which include writing, sports, archaeology, and family reunions. He and his wife Maribel have three children, and enjoy working with One Voice Youth Ministries, a men’s a cappella evangelistic group. Dr. Booth’s mission in life is to stand up as a witness for Jesus in good times and bad.

Playing the Devil’s Game Debbie suddenly exclaimed, “Look!” Her finger pointed shakily at the heart-shaped message indicator on the Ouija board. Our eyes followed the moving device. . . . DJ and I repeated the letters aloud as the indicator moved and stopped at each one: “KILL . . . SUE.” I stared in disbelief at Mom’s name. Have you ever wondered if there’s another dimension to our world where unseen beings and forces work to disrupt our lives? Most Christians believe Satan and his traitorous legions wander the earth doing just that. Yet many unwittingly fall into unholy communion with these evil spirits through games and social situations that present themselves as innocent fun. This is the story of how little Becki and her three siblings grew up in a house where evil spirits were welcome guests. Sue, Becki’s mom, invited Satan into their home by communicating with demons through a Ouija board and, gradually, via more intentional occult activities. If you’ve felt Jesus tugging at your heart or have struggled to understand the Bible or how it relates to the occult, this book is for you. It’s time to find out where you stand with God. “There is hope for everyone,” says Becki. “Jesus, who has saved my life physically, healed me emotionally, and helped me spiritually, is waiting with open arms to welcome you into a new life!” After years of homemaking, Cathlynn Doré Law spent years teaching in the classroom. Now retired, she continues adventuring with her husband, Mark, her two sons, daughters-in-law, and ten grandchildren. Her best days include hiking, worshipping God with friends and family, sewing, biking, writing, cross-country skiing, and baking.

Becki Rogers was born and raised in the western side of Washington. She and her pastorhusband Steve have two grown daughters. Becki enjoys speaking at church, schools, and various retreats. She also enjoys playing the guitar, camping, and the outdoors.

ADULT STORIES US$14.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816366996

PROMO BLURB Playing the Devil’s Game invites readers to peek into the fearsome world of the occult and to witness the power of the Living God as He crushes the enemy on behalf of His children when they cry for help.


Kidnapped in Angola The Abduction of the Bongo Mission Medical Staff “This can’t be true; it can’t really be happening! I told myself again and again.” Victoria Duarte’s passion for mission outweighed any fear. As a young nursing graduate, she accepted a call to the Bongo Adventist Mission, landing her in the middle of the Angolan civil war. The pounding on the door in the middle of the night was the beginning of an ordeal that would test her mental and physical endurance. Held captive and forcibly marched by the UNITA, Victoria along with other mission staff clung to their faith finding strength and hope in the promises of God.

ADULT STORIES US$19.99 Paperback, 244 pages 9780816367320

Victoria’s vivid narrative Kidnapped in Angola, holds you from the first page. “I dream that other people can know something about us. I write and sleep. Silence and solitude, and I ask myself: Why? Why?!” NOTES


Victoria Duarte’s passion for mission outweighed any fear. Her call to the Bongo Adventist Mission, landing her in the middle of the Angolan civil war. This vivid narrative Kidnapped in Angola, holds you from the first page. Victoria Duarte was born in Misiones, Argentina. From early childhood, she dreamed of becoming a missionary. Inspired by the stories of a missionary in the Amazon, she decided to become a nurse and serve on mission boats. God had a different mission field in mind. At 27, Victoria received a call to work at Bongo Mission Hospital in Angola in the midst of civil war. 44

True Stories of Changed Lives How God’s Final Message is Transforming People What happens when . . . • • • • •

you pray for the neighbors that drive you crazy, the man with two wives is baptized, a believer with a bad temper wants to overcome, you’ve made a deal with the devil but want out, or you discover what you were taught was wrong?

When people encounter Jesus, lives change. Dan Serns’s Changed Lives presents a dozen true stories of real people who chose to fully open their hearts to the powerful truth of Christ’s saving grace. Each one faced incredible obstacles—from physical addictions to spiritual strangleholds—but by surrendering to the powerful promises of the Bible, the way forward became clear: Jesus. Each short story, just two to five pages, is followed by a number of thoughtful study questions (with Bible verses and space to write answers), plus opportunities to commit to transformational action. It is ideal for small groups, personal study, and new–member growth. Jesus, final message is going around the world to prepare for His return. Now is the best time to embrace it—and share it. NOTES

ADULT STORIES US$10.99 Paperback, 96 pages 9780816367177

PROMO BLURB A dozen true stories of radically changed lives, plus complementary thought questions. Perfect for personal study and small groups. Each short story, just two to five pages, is followed by a number of thoughtful study questions (with Bible verses and space to write answers), plus opportunities to commit to transformational action.

Dan Serns has traveled the world teaching and preaching about Jesus, Bible truth, and God’s final movement on Earth. As evangelism director for the Texas Conference, Dan loves to see renewal, revival, and growth within God’s people. He has been publishing in numerous magazines, including Ministry and Adventist Review. He and Lois, his wife, have three grown children. 45

Far Away from Home As World War I raged across Europe, an 18-year-old machine gunner waited for a Russian attack. He promised God that he would follow Him if he didn’t have to kill anyone. His gun jammed! Later captured and taken to a prisoner-of-war camp, Mirko met his first Seventh-day Adventist a fellow prisoner and challenged him about the Bible Sabbath. He lost the debate but what he won changed everything. This is the remarkable true story of the Kavur family from the perspective of Mirko’s youngest son, Josip. It traces their missionary work in Macedonia, the military service of Mirko’s sons in World War II, and the risky escape of three sons—one with a new bride—from post-war Communist Yugoslavia to religious freedom in Australia.

ADULT STORIES US$15.99 Paperback, 148 pages 9781922373083 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB This is the remarkable true story of the Kavur family from the perspective of Mirko’s youngest son, Josip. It traces their missionary work in Macedonia, the military service of Mirko’s sons in World War II, and the risky escape of three sons—one with a new bride—from post-war Communist Yugoslavia to religious freedom in Australia.

Filled with stories of danger, determination and faithfulness, this book will strengthen your resolve to stand for God until He comes to take us home. Josip Kavur lives in the Lake Macquarie region of New South Wales, Australia with his wife Jeanette, and they reamin active in their local church and community. Clive Nash is a retired pastor of the Kavur’s home church, Lakeside Seventh-day Adventist church. NOTES

Josip Kavur with Clive Nash; Signs Publishing 46

Sisters in Arms Courageous Women of the Reformation The Reformation was led by men like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli who revolutionised their world and ours. But there were also many remarkable women who defied social biases and traditions with a dauntless commitment to God’s Word. These are the true stories of eight of these women: follow Katharina von Bora as she escapes from a convent to start a revolutionary new life; flee Paris with Charlotte Duplessis de Mornay, who wrote an eyewitness account of the gruesome St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; and learn about the new faith with Queen Katherine Parr, the only one of Henry VIII’s wives to survive him. These women were heads of state, writers, activists, poets and scholars but they were also very human, with their own loves, fears, heartbreaks and temptations. When we are called to stand for our faith, we can be inspired by their legacy. NOTES

ADULT STORIES US$19.99 Paperback, 244 pages 9781922373243 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB True stories of eight women— heads of state, writers, activists, poets, and scholars—who defied social biases with a dauntless commitment to God’s Word during the Reformation.

Sukeshinie Goonatilleke; Signs Publishing 47

What We Believe 28 True Stories with Study Guides for Guide Readers Ever heard a bull talk? It really happened and you’ll read about it in this book! What We Believe for Guide Readers has 28 true stories about modern-day Daniels and Esthers who lived what the Bible teaches. Through those stories and the accompanying Bible Studies, learn about the Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs. Get to know Jesus—and your Church—better than ever before! Taken from the pages of Guide magazine, these stories answer such life-changing questions as

KIDS US$13.99 Paperback, 144 pages 9780816366781 eBook Available

PROMO BLURB What We Believe for Guide Readers has 28 true stories about modern-day Daniels and Esthers who lived what the Bible teaches. Through those stories and the accompanying Bible Studies, learn about the Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs. Get to know Jesus—and your Church—better than ever before!


• What if you don’t feel that you’re good enough to be saved? • Can you be hopeful when your loved one dies? • Should you save someone else’s life if it means ending your own? • What if the government threatens your religious freedom? Through these pages, readers will love getting to know their church and Jesus better than ever before. NOTES

Laura Samano, ed., was born in Veracruz, Mexico, and grew up in Southern California. She loves kids, plays several instruments, and enjoys singing with family and friends. Perhaps most impressive, she can wiggle her ears without touching them. Laura lives in Nampa, Idaho, where she is managing editor of Guide magazine.

Guide’s Greatest Brave Believer Stories Sakshem couldn’t possibly outrun the pack of hungry dogs. His older brother knew they would soon overtake him—and surely end his life. Sakshem had always been “different.” But he was also known for his caring and trusting heart. Could this brave believer’s faith in God save him? Find out in this book’s pages! You will also be inspired by 22 other true stories of brave believers— people who risked their reputations and even their lives. They shared the gospel by handing out a tract or by smuggling Bibles into a country. They befriended the unpopular and showed kindness to the ungrateful. They modeled Jesus’ teachings despite personal cost. Jesus warned His followers that they’d be hated and persecuted. He also promised that believers who were faithful to the end would be saved. As you read these stories of courageous Christians, you will find yourself renewing your commitment to be a brave believer. NOTES

KIDS US$12.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367238

PROMO BLURB A collection of 23 true stories of brave believers—people who risked their reputations and even their lives to share Jesus—pulled from the pages of Guide magazine.

Lori Peckham, ed., is a professor of English and communication at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. This is her seventeenth “Guide’s Greatest” story collection. When she doesn’t feel brave, she loves reading about those who found their courage in Jesus.


Tucker Digs In A new metal detector leads Tucker Barnes and his pals on a wacky adventure that includes waking up to a trio of school bullies! Thanks to their sneaky ways, they’ve tracked Tucker and his friends to their secret treasure spot! Along the way, Tucker discovers there’s a lot more to treasure hunting—and prayer—than he realizes. Have you, like Tucker, ever wondered • • • • •

KIDS US$13.99 Paperback, 160 pages 9780816366828 Target: Ages 10–14

Does God really hear and answer prayer? Is “being good” the key to getting answers to prayer requests? Is putting out “fleeces” to learn God’s plan a good idea? Do “impressions” always come from God? Is there more going on behind the scenes than we realize?

With its one-of-a-kind, kid-engaging humor, Tucker Digs In answers these questions and more while pointing kids to a deeper, more rewarding prayer life. NOTES


With its one-of-a-kind, kid-engaging humor, Tucker Digs In answers questions about communicating with God and more while pointing kids to a deeper, more rewarding prayer life.

Randy Fishell is a former editor of Guide magazine. He has written and coauthored several books, and his stories and articles have appeared in Campus Life, The Christian Reader, Christian Standard, Focus on the Family Magazine, Junior High Rock, Power for Living and other publications.


ories about John man chosen to inthe world; Mary, an who became chaeus, the tax Jesus; and the en followers. Most teaches kids lesGod and following ves. series uses beaufascinating, true children to the m understand the ng and learning d.

God Said It (Books 7–10) Book 7: Old Testament Heroes 4 — This book tells stories about Esther, the beauty queen who saved her people; Shadrah, Meshach, and Abednego, the young men who chose a fiery furnace over dishonoring God; Daniel, the man who faced the lions rather than pray to the king; and Jonah, who learned about following God’s plans from a fish.

Book 8: New Testament Heroes — This book tells stories about John the Baptist, the man chosen to introduce Jesus to the world; Mary, the young woman who became Jesus’ mother; Zacchaeus, the tax collector who loved Jesus; and the disciples, the Jesus’ chosen followers.


Said It

Jesus, the Son of God

he United States, West Africa, ently a pastor in Rochester, rests, which include writing, reunions. He and his wife, d enjoy nistries, p based

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Bradley Booth


Book 9: Jesus, the Son of God — This book tells stories about Jesus’ birth and the angels, shepherds, and wise men who welcomed Him; what Jesus was like as a boy and about His first visit to the temple: how Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness: and Jesus first miracle. Most important, this book teaches kids lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives.

Book 10: The Miracles of Jesus — This book T people tells stories about some of the many who spent time with Jesus: the centurion who had faith Jesus could heal his servant, the blind man whose sight Jesus restored, the ten lepers healed by Jesus, and the boy who shared his lunch with Jesus. Most important, this book teaches kids lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. his book tells stories about John the Baptist, the man chosen to introduce Jesus to the world; Mary, the young woman who became Jesus’ mother; Zacchaeus, the tax collector who loved Jesus; and the disciples, Jesus’ chosen followers. Most important, the book teaches kids lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their lives. The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

Bradley Booth has taught in Adventist schools in the United States, West Africa, Russia, and Thailand, and is currently a pastor in Rochester, Minnesota. Bradley has many interests which include writing, sports, archaeology, and family reunions. He and his wife Maribel have three children, and enjoy working with One Voice Youth Ministries, a men’s a cappella evangelistic group. Dr. Booth’s mission in life is to stand up as a witness for Jesus in good times and bad.


US$0.99 (volume discounts) Paperback, 32 pages Book 7: 9780816365425 Book 8: 9780816365449 Book 9: 9780816365463 Book 10: 9780816365487

PROMO BLURB The God Said It series uses beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories to introduce children to the Bible. It helps them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

Said It

The Miracles

of Jesus

BRADLEY BOOTH has taught in the United States, West Africa, Russia, and Thailand and is currently a pastor in Rochester, Minnesota. Bradley has many interests, which include writing, sports, archaeology, and family reunions. He and his wife, Maribel, have three children and enjoy working with One Voice Youth Ministries, a men’s a cappella evangelistic group based in Michigan.

Kids: Ages 5 –10 ISBN 978-0-8163-6548-7

Bradley Booth


Surprising Nature Lessons from God’s Creation If we slow down and look around, we can find powerful spiritual lessons in nature. Frozen frogs, hickory horned devils, blue dashers, singing cicadas, and magnificent monarchs all reveal God’s tender care for His creation. In this devotional-style book featuring 45 fascinating, colorful creatures, readers young and old will see clearly how God designs each of us for a unique purpose and gently meets our every need. Each entry features a spectacular photograph and a Bible verse to highlight the scientific information and spiritual lesson. The last pages feature a journal section for logging additional animals and their photos, plus a pledge to care for animals.

KIDS US$14.99 Paperback, 112 pages 9780816367078


These stories were originally published in Primary Treasure, the weekly 16-page faith-building magazine for kids. Follow the grasshopper’s lead and pray, sing, and praise louder. Be joyful louder. Tell God that you love Him louder. And then announce to the noisy world, “God loves you!” NOTES

In this devotional-style book featuring 45 fascinating, colorful creatures, readers young and old will see clearly how God designs each of us for a unique purpose and gently meets our every need.

Charles Mills is the author of more than 50 published books and hundreds of magazine articles. His goal is to paint new and vibrant portraits of Jesus, revealing the Savior’s love through fresh, relevant words, images, and sounds. Besides writing, producing videos, and creating and hosting radio programs, Charles enjoys music, photography, and exploring West Virginia with his wife, Dorinda. 52

The Creation Case DVDs, vols. 1–13 Rich, the field investigator is assigned by Headquarters to look for clues in nature and make a report. The investigation takes him to some of the most beautiful places in nature. Come along and investigate with Rich on his adventures. You’ll discover the evidence for yourself—God is our Creator!


Rich Aguilera loves to travel and has currently visited 82 countries on six continents. He has been serving in children’s ministries since the early 1990s. He’s also the author of several books and has produced popular TV programs, such as Kids’ Time, The BIG 3, and The Creation Case. He also wrote and produced The Mysterious Note. Rich has produced and toured several live stage shows, including DINOSAURS! What Does the Bible Say? His ministry is called One Mustard Seed. Rich lives in Michigan, is married, and has two sons.

US$8.95 DVD ISBN 1: 643330048474 ISBN 2: 643330048481 ISBN 3: 643330048986 ISBN 4: 643330048504 ISBN 5: 643330048511 ISBN 6: 643330048528 ISBN 7: 643330048535 ISBN 8: 643330048542 ISBN 9: 643330048559 ISBN 10: 643330048566 ISBN 11: 643330048573 ISBN 12: 643330048580 ISBN 13: 643330048597

PROMO BLURB Science and nature DVDs for the whole family!


Discovering the Miracles of Jesus Coloring Book, Vol. 2 Color your way through the miracles of Jesus and learn about God’s plan to save us! When Jesus walked on this earth, He performed many miracles that were amazing! Jesus is God, and has power over everything: nature, demons, diseases and death. And He also has great compassion, therefore He delivered those who were fearful, relieved those who were suffering, and provided for those who had needs. Each Miracle points to Jesus as the One who wins the war against evil. Exciting isn’t it?

KIDS US$2.99 Paperback, 24 pages 9780816366965

PROMO BLURB In this coloring book from Jesus 101/4Kids, you’ll join your guide, Lizzy, for a fun journey through some of Jesus’ best-known miracles. Each coloring page features a short summary of the miracle illustrated on the page, as well as a QR code for smart phones/tablets that links to a complementary 90-second animated video that tells each story.

In this coloring book from Jesus 101/4Kids, you’ll join your guide, Lizzy, for a fun journey through some of Jesus’ best-known miracles. Each coloring page features a short summary of the miracle illustrated on the page, as well as a QR code for smart phones/ tablets that links to a complementary 90-second animated video that tells each story. Above all, in this coloring book we will get to know Jesus a little bit better. So... are you excited? Grab your favorite coloring pencils or crayons, and let’s get started! Woo Hoo! NOTES

Elizabeth Viera Talbot is speaker/director for Jesus 101 Biblical Institute (www.jesus101institute.org), a teaching/training media ministry of the NAD that offers biblical training and develops resources for seekers, church members, lay leaders, and ministers to motivate and equip for the study of God’s Word. Elizabeth has a PhD in Biblical Studies from the University of Gloucestershire, England. She also has a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Behavior, and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. She is an international speaker/lecturer and a passionate gospel evangelist. She is married to Patrick Talbot, a marriage and family therapist. 54

Dollars and Sense from Grandmother Dollars and Sense From Grandmother is an interactive storybook with activity sheets that introduces five- to eight-year-olds to what the Bible says about money. It includes such topics as saving, spending, tithe, offerings, work, honesty, debt, contentment, seeking counsel, and sacrifice. The book features the adventures of Eduardo and Carlos as they learn important lessons from Grandmother on these topics. These character-building stories and lessons are an ideal tool for parents, homeschoolers, Sabbath School leaders, and church-school teachers. The eleven lessons include full-color illustrations, Biblebased study guides, and practical activity sheets that are designed to engage children in the joys of faithful stewardship. NOTES

KIDS US$8.99 Paperback, 64 pages 9780816367115 Target: Ages 5–8

PROMO BLURB This eleven-lesson interactive storybook series features full-color illustrations, Bible-based study guides, and practical activity sheets designed to engage children in the joys of faithful stewardship.

Kathy Reid has traveled around the world with her husband, G. Edward Reid, former stewardship director of the NAD, as he has presented his popular It’s Your Money seminar to thousands. As a lover of children and the mother of two, she has served on school boards and has been active in Vacation Bible Schools, children’s Sabbath School, and evangelism programs. For more than forty years, she has served as her family’s personal money manager. 55



Wings of Love A Story of God’s Just and Merciful Love for Children of All Ages Plagues of stinging flies, dying animals, painful boils and devastating hail are destroying Egypt. The superpower is crumbling in chaos. Will the invisible God of the Hebrews protect His people from ruin? Caught up in the breathtaking drama, Asher and his sister Zara watch God unleash justice on the stubborn, cruel Egyptians, while pouring out mercy on those who obey and trust Him. As their family tenderly cares for a wounded robin, they discuss the secrets of God’s lovingkindness. They discover how He delicately balances constructive mercy with perfect justice in His efforts to save as many Hebrews and Egyptians as possible. Listen as Moses explains how faith in God’s lovingkindness unlocks the secret of hating injustice without hating those who are unjust. Your grasp of the righteous justice and mercy of God will never be the same. With its blend of exciting story and optional thought-provoking discussion questions at the end of each chapter, Wings of Love is perfect for: • • • • •

Family Worships Personal Reading Bible Classes Ages 9-109! Homeschool Assignments

KIDS US$12.99 Paperback, 160 pages 9798652948146 Distributed

PROMO BLURB Wings of Love is a story of God’s Just and Merciful Love for Children of all ages. Listen as Moses explains how faith in God’s lovingkindness unlocks the secret of hating injustice without hating those who are unjust. Your grasp of the righteous justice and mercy of God will never be the same.

Nicole Parker is a biblical counselor, speaker, homeschooling mom and adjunct faculty member in the religion department of Southern Adventist University. In her spare time she enjoys reading, experimenting in the kitchen, adventuring, and laughing hard. She is the happy wife of Alan Parker, a professor in the religion department at SAU. She has a master’s degree in biblical counseling from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary and a master’s degree in pastoral ministry from Andrews University. 57

Beware of HIV/AIDS, book/CD Pro-Active Kids Adventure in Learning About the Immune System, HIV, and AIDS! BOOK HIV/AIDS is a major public health problem and has claimed the lives of more than 32 million people. Close to 40 million are living with HIV and AIDS, two-thirds of them in Africa. Social and economic circumstances, ignorance, and myths continue to fuel the crisis. This comic-style book dealing with HIV and AIDS is a much-needed educational resource to help children and adults fully comprehend the risks. CD

KIDS Book: US$4.99 Paperback, 64 pages 9780828028684 CD: US$4.99 Audio CD, 14 tracks, 32 minutes 643330048726


This comic-style book and companion CD dealing with HIV and AIDS is a muchneeded educational resource to help children and adults fully comprehend the risks.


• • • • • • •

I have Been Smiling My Friend Happy Birthday Natasha I Have a Sneaky Feeling Let All Children Know The Shaha Song They Cannot Stop Me Help Me Honor This Temple

Music by: Kids Chori (Arie Born Kids Choir); Natasha (Emery Allen); Uncle Saustin (Layke Jones and Clayton Nunes); Paida (Heather Bays); Daniel Birai (HIV Monster) Music and Lyrics written by: Saustin Mfune and Dumisani Mfune Saustin Sampson Mfune currently serves as an associate director of Children’s Ministries at the General Conference, and enjoys developing teaching aids for children. He was born and educated in Malawi, holds a Bachelor in Theology from Solusi University in Zimbabwe, and MDiv and DMin degrees from the Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He has authored four other books and produced two children’s DVDs and music books. He is married to Gertrude, and they have four grown children and several grandkids.

A Healthy Little Me Introduces kids to basic health principles that they can do daily to keep themselves and others well. Kids will love the poetic story line. Colorful illustrations in this 9x9 wipe-clean book provide hours of reading fun for toddler to early elementary age children.

KIDS US$6.99 Paperback, 28 pages 9780998030869 Target: Ages 2–7 Distributed

PROMO BLURB Colorful illustrations in this 9x9 wipeclean book about basic health principles provide hours of reading fun for toddler to early elementary age children.

Lisa Kack, RN, BSN, a nurse with 20+ years of experience in emergency and intensive care, has observed what factors may predispose kids to illness of many kinds and how best to stay healthy. Lisa has written seven children’s books and has two little ones of her own.


8 Doctors for Little Me Being healthy is lots of fun for kids like little me! Sharing a collection of valuable health principles which include simple everyday practices that kids can do to stay well or improve a present health condition. Kids will enjoy reading the poetic story and learning how much fun it is to prevent illness and stay healthy. Colorful illustrations in this 9x9 wipe-clean book provide hours of reading fun for toddler to early elementary age children.

KIDS US$6.99 Paperback, 28 pages 9780998030876 Target: Ages 2–7 Distributed

PROMO BLURB 8 Doctors For Little Me introduces kids to eight “doctors” that improve health for both well and sick kids. Children will love to learn and read how much fun it is to stay healthy!

Lisa Kack, RN, BSN, a nurse with 20+ years of experience in emergency and intensive care, has observed what factors may predispose kids to illness of many kinds and how best to stay healthy. Lisa has written seven children’s books and has two little ones of her own. 60

Sabbath is for Me Boardbook about the Sabbath for the youngest believers. This little book teaches children about the Bible Sabbath and how special it can be each and every week! NOTES

KIDS US$5.99 Boardbook, 16 pages 9780985170257 Target: 0–5 Distributed

PROMO BLURB Board-book on the Sabbath for the youngest believers. This little book teaches children about the Bible Sabbath and how special it can be each and every week!

Robert Koorenny has worked in GLOW and literature ministries leadership for over ten years and has a passion for seeing church members take up this heaven-appointed work. He currently serves as the Assistant Personal Ministries Director for the Upper Columbia Conference.


The Week that God Made Earth Boardbook about creation for the youngest believers. Learn how God made our world in just one week. See how much He love you! NOTES

KIDS US$5.99 Boardbook, 16 pages 9780985170271 Target: Ages 0–5 Distributed

PROMO BLURB Boardbook about creation for the youngest believers. Learn how God made our world in just one week. See how much He love you!

Robert Koorenny has worked in GLOW and literature ministries leadership for over ten years and has a passion for seeing church members take up this heaven-appointed work. He currently serves as the Assistant Personal Ministries Director for the Upper Columbia Conference.


Find Me If You Can Search Activity Books, New and Old Testaments Find Me if You Can! Old Testament features scenes found in the Old Testament. Travel back in time and learn details from the creation of the world, the tour of Babel, Noah’s ark, the fall of Jericho, the reunion of Joseph and his brothers, and many others. With these detailed and full-color stories, you will take a closer look at what’s behind each Bible story. Find Me if You Can! New Testament features scenes found in the New Testament. Travel back in time and learn details like the birth of Jesus in a manger, his first visit to the temple, the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the resurrection of Lazarus, the Last Supper with the disciples and many more others. With these detailed and full-color stories, you will take a closer look at what’s behind each Bible story. NOTES

KIDS US$3.99 each Paperback, 32 pages Old Testament: 9788472087644 New Testament: 9788472087651 Target: Ages 9–12 Safeliz Also available: Spanish, French.

PROMO BLURB Search activity books from both Old and New Testaments bring scenes from the Bible to life with hours of where-is-it fun.


Play & Learn Activity Books, New and Old Testaments Kids like to play. They enjoy any activity that is fun, colorful, and entertaining. And when you add learning from the Word of God to the entertainment, the result is excellent for the smaller ones. NOTES

KIDS US$3.99 each Paperback, 28 pages Old Testament: 9788472087569 New Testament: 9788472087576 Target: Ages 6–12 Safeliz Also available: Spanish, French

PROMO BLURB Kids like to play. They enjoy any activity that is fun, colorful, and entertaining. And when you add learning from the Word of God to the entertainment, the result is excellent for the smaller ones.


God Heals Me Study Guide My Bible-based Plan for Health and Happiness This powerful nine-part Bible study offers an educational and entertaining way for children to discover the practical tools God has provided for mental, physical, and spiritual healing. God’s Health Plan, set in motion in the Garden of Eden, contains timeless instructions for living in harmony with the way we were designed to live. Today, working in partnership with modern medicine, this plan helps restore health, brings relief from doubt and fear, and energizes the mind and body for a lifetime of service to others. Each of the nine “God Heals Me” lessons includes: • A compelling story that illustrates the theme for that lesson. • Eight fill-in-the-blanks Bible study texts (called “prescriptions”) that highlight God’s Health Plan along with a short commentary to drive important points home. (All texts are included in the “Bible Pharmacy” section of the course, so no other resources are needed.) • Four engaging and creative activities that reinforce the theme and help children put into practice what they’ve learned. Use this unique Bible study course for: • • • •

Personal enhancement and growth Homeschool learning Vacation Bible School Supplementing weekly health, science, or Bible classes at school, church, small groups, Bible camp, worship, and spiritual growth classes

KIDS US$19.99 Spiralbound, 184 pages 9781642880823 Target: Ages 8–12 Distributed

PROMO BLURB This powerful nine-part Bible study offers an educational and entertaining way for children to discover the practical tools God has provided for mental, physical, and spiritual healing.

James L. Marcum, M.D., earned his degree in medicine from the University of Texas at San Antonio and completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at the Medical Center of Delaware. He completed his fellowship in cardiovascular disease at the University of Kentucky at Lexington. He is the author of Heartwise, a book dedicated to patient education, and Heartbeat, a book focusing on the biblical approach to understanding and treating heart disease. Dr. Marcum is the director of, and speaker for, HeartWise Ministries. Dr. Marcum is board certified in cardiology and is a fellow in the American College of Cardiology. 65

Just Believe Talitha has been sick for a long time. She hears about the miracles Jesus is doing, but her Papa, Jairus, is not sure that they should ask Him for help. After all, Jesus seems to be a Sabbath-breaker! But will Papa learn to trust Jesus in time to save Talitha’s life? David Edgren’s retelling of the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter is sure to capture the imagination. Written especially for early independent readers, this book explores themes such as faith in Jesus and the purpose of the Sabbath in a way that appeals to the heart. It is also perfect for family worship, with discussion questions at the end of the book. NOTES

KIDS US$9.99 Paperback, 76 pages 9781922373267 Signs Publishing

PROMO BLURB Talitha has been sick for a long time. She hears about the miracles Jesus is doing, but her Papa, Jairus, is not sure that they should ask Him for help. After all, Jesus seems to be a Sabbath-breaker! But will Papa learn to trust Jesus in time to save Talitha’s life?


David Edgren is a storyteller, author, and chaplain in Melbourne, Australia. He is passionate about sharing stories that build faith and values and has done so at churches, camps, and schools around Australia, New Zealand, and beyond. He is author of the “Adventures in the Bible” series and other books for children and young people.

My First Bible Do you know what is the most precious present parents can give to their children? An education based on values, on the Word of God. Among these values are loving God and loving your neighbor as fundamental pillars for life. Through the 51 short stories that the book contains, kids can get closer to the biblical narratives of creation, Sabbath, and the flood, among others. Likewise, they could learn from the example of many of the characters like Abraham, Joseph, or Daniel, and especially with the story of Jesus and the promise of His returning. Are you ready to start? NOTES

KIDS US$14.99 Hardcover, 320 pages 9788472087422 Target: Ages 4–8 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB Do you know what is the most precious present parents can give to their children? An education based on values, on the Word of God. These 51 short stories that the book contains, kids can get closer to the biblical narratives of creation, Sabbath, and the flood, among others.

Mirian Montanari Grüdtner; illustrations by Henrique Barbosa Seribelli 67

Hope for Troubled Times How to Thrive in a Shattered World (MBY 2021) FEAR. WORRY. STRESS. These emotions can overwhelm and consume us. They fill our minds with unanswerable questions. • • • • • •

SHARING US$2.49 (volume discounts) Paperback, 96 pages 9780828028707

PROMO BLURB God is larger than our fears, bigger than our worries, and greater than our anxieties by our side, and He has practical, down-to-earth, real solutions to our problems.

What will I lose? My health? My family? My job? My home? Will our lives ever be normal again? What is “normal”?

We live in a sin-sick world. Catastrophes surround us, but we can surrender our fears to Jesus. He is the answer to overwhelming fears that consume our energy, rob our joy, and ruin our health. Fear is an emotion. Faith is an attitude, and focus is a choice. Fear must give way to faith as we adjust our focus. Discover with Pastor Mark Finley as he shows us that we have One who is larger than our fears, bigger than our worries, and greater than our anxieties by our side, and He has practical, down-to-earth, real solutions to our problems. We have the assurance of the One who said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Mark Finley is a well-known evangelist and speaker. He has served as assistant to the president of the General Conference and was speaker/director of It Is Written. He has written nearly 100 books and teaches seminars, field schools, and evangelism classes.


The Exodus Journey Choosing Trust Over Anxiety on Our Way to the Promised Land (WMBY 2021) We are on our way to the heavenly Promised Land, yet we are still here on earth, a place of pain and suffering. Jesus’ perfect life and perfect death on our behalf is the guarantee of how this story ends: Jesus wins! His resurrection confirmed His victory over sin and death. And because we are His, we know the end of our story. We struggle with anxiety on our way to the Promised Land because we all like to feel in control, and yet we are not. Yet God has given us His redemption as a gift, and the assurance of His presence for our journey to the Promised Land. And we face a choice: will we depend on God or on ourselves? Faith or fear. Trust or anxiety. The book of Exodus is the story about Israel’s redemption from Egyptian slavery. And even though God performed amazing miracles to liberate them, the children of Israel constantly struggled and grumbled on their way to Canaan, their promised land. In this book we will analyze some of their stories in order to learn from their experience, as they were crossing the wilderness toward that land flowing with milk and honey. In this process we will relive their journey in our own lives, asking some of the same questions they asked, and hopefully trusting God’s answers, which they didn’t always accept. Can God be trusted to be our Redeemer, Guide, Protector, and Provider? After reading this book your answer will be a resounding, yes!

SHARING US$3.49 (volume discounts) Paperback, 128 pages 9780816367016 eBooks Available

PROMO BLURB We are all on a journey, a journey of trusting God with our redemption—an Exodus journey. Choosing trust over anxiety on our way to the Promised Land.

Elizabeth Viera Talbot is speaker/director for Jesus 101 Biblical Institute (www.jesus101institute.org), a teaching/training media ministry of the NAD that offers biblical training and develops resources for seekers, church members, lay leaders, and ministers to motivate and equip for the study of God’s Word. Elizabeth has a PhD in Biblical Studies from the University of Gloucestershire, England. She also has a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Behavior, and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. She is an international speaker/lecturer and a passionate gospel evangelist. She is married to Patrick Talbot, a marriage and family therapist. 69

The Bloody Woman and the Seven-Headed Beast I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. But the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.” Revelation 17:6-7 These Bible verses have captured the interest of prophecy students for centuries. Who is “the woman” drunk with “the blood of the saints”? What does the seven-headed beast represent? Do these strange symbols involve real people, real places, and real nations? Even more, what do they have to do with you? To discover startling facts that affect your personal destiny, read this book! ENDORSEMENTS

SHARING US$2.99 Paperback, 144 pages 9780816367405

PROMO BLURB The verses of Revelation 17:6-7 have captured the interest of prophecy students for centuries. Find out about “the woman” drunk with “the blood of the saints” and the seven-headed beast.

When I first heard the truths presented in this book, I knew with 100% certainty that the Holy Spirit had led Steve Wohlberg in his understanding of the book of Revelation. The Bloody Woman and the Seven-Headed Beast contains a boatload of truth for God’s people for such a time as this. — Will Fults, Bible instructor NOTES

Steve Wohlberg is a Jewish Christian from Los Angeles, Mr. Wohlberg has earned a B.A. degree in Theology from La Sierra College (Riverside, CA) and his Masters of Divinity degree from Andrews Seminary (Berrien Springs, MI). A prolific writer and speaker, he has written 30+ books on a variety of Bible topics, has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows. Deeply appreciated for his solid biblical teaching and Christ-centered focus, Steve Wohlberg’s ministry has become known throughout the world. 70

Vive Sin Temor / Live Without Fear (Spanish MBY 2021) El miedo es la emoción más destructiva del alma. En estos tiempos de pandemia y crisis, el temor se ha instalado repentinamente en la humanidad y se ha apoderado del planeta. Quiere robarnos la esperanza y la paz de espíritu. Pero el miedo no es un enemigo invencible. El Espíritu de nuestro Creador puede expulsarlo del alma. Dios puede darte paz y nuevas fuerzas para vivir. Este libro habla precisamente de esto: cómo vencer el miedo y convertir esta crisis en un tiempo de oportunidad. Vive sin temor puede ser más que el título de un libro. Puede ser la llave que destrabe tu espiritu, para reencontrarte contigo mismo y volver a soñar. Para que la “nueva normalidad” te encuentre con ánimo renovado, a fin de realizar los deseos más profundos de tu corazón, que los miedos quisieron bloquear. Bajo el cuidado de la gracia divina, tu vida retoñará. Fear is the most destructive emotion of the soul. In these times of pandemic and crisis, fear has suddenly taken hold of humanity and taken over the planet. He wants to rob us of hope and peace of mind. But fear is not an invincible enemy. The Spirit of our Creator can expel it from the soul. God can give you peace and new strength to live. This book shows how to overcome fear and turn crisis into a time of opportunity. Live Without Fear can be more than the title of a book. It can be the key that unlocks your spirit, to rediscover yourself and dream again. So that the “new normal” finds you with renewed spirit, in order to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart, which fears wanted to block. Under the care of divine grace, your life will sprout. Yeury Ferreira posee una maestría en Liderazgo y un doctorado de la Universidad Andrews. Es colaborador de la revista El Centinela, columnista de Prioridades, y conferenciante internacional. Actualmente se desempeña como coordinador de las actividades de las iglesias adventistas de habla hispana en el Gran Nueva York. Está felizmente casado con Mariel Ferreira y es padre de dos hijos, Ernesto y Elizabeth.

INTERNATIONAL SHARING US$2.49 (volume discounts) Paperback, 128 pages 9780816391233

PROMO BLURB El miedo es la emoción más destructiva del alma. Vive sin temor puede ser más que el título de un libro. Puede ser la llave que destrabe tu espiritu, para reencontrarte contigo mismo y volver a soñar.


Multiplícate (Spanish) Cómo usar los grupos pequeños para formar, afirmar y hacer crecer la iglesia Multiplícate es una fuente de ideas para el dirigente de iglesia comprometido en el crecimiento y el desarrollo espiritual de su congregación. Con estilo sencillo y didáctico, el autor, de gran experiencia en el trabajo con grupos pequeños misioneros y saludables, contagia la alegre experiencia de la multiplicación. La presentación en cuatro etapas de la vida de un grupo pequeño (entrenamiento, afirmación, enfoque y multiplicación) aviva el deseo del lector de alcanzar a otros con el evangelio y llevarlos a los pies de Jesús. El libro Multiplícate es una maravillosa aventura de crecimiento y desarrollo espiritual. Léalo y participe de esa aventura.

INTERNATIONAL SHARING US$3.49 (volume discounts) Paperback, 128 pages 9780816391226

PROMO BLURB Multiplícate es una fuente de ideas para el dirigente de iglesia comprometido en el crecimiento y el desarrollo espiritual de su congregación. Con estilo sencillo y didáctico, el autor, de gran experiencia en el trabajo con pequeños grupos misioneros y saludables, contagia la alegre experiencia de la multiplicación.


How to use small groups to form, affirm, and grow the church. This book is a source of ideas for church leaders committed to the spiritual growth and development of their congregations. With a simple and didactic style, the author, with great experience in working with small healthy missionary groups, spreads the joyful experience of multiplication. Learn the four stages of the life of a small group (training, affirmation, focus, and multiplication), which fuels the reader’s desire to reach others with the gospel and bring them to the feet of Jesus. Multiplícate is a wonderful adventure of spiritual growth and development. Read it and participate in that adventure. NOTES

Elvis Díaz is the Director of Sales and Marketing for International Trade Books and Magazines at Pacific Press. Dr. Díaz has a bachelor’s degree in theology; master’s degrees in family therapy, leadership, and religion; and a Doctorate of Ministry with an emphasis in leadership and church growth. He pastored in New Jersey and Arizona for 15 years before joining PPPA.

Oraciones en la adversidad / Prayers in Adversity (Spanish) Diez plegarias en tiempos de crisis “Mirad las aves del cielo, que no siembran, ni siegan, ni recogen en graneros; y vuestro Padre celestial las alimenta. ¿No valéis vosotros mucho más que ellas?... Considerad los lirios del campo, cómo crecen: no trabajan ni hilan; pero os digo, que ni aun Salomón con toda su gloria se vistió así como uno de ellos” (S. Mateo 6:26-29). Te alabo, Señor, porque cuando creaste los lirios, miraste la tierra y hablaste. Cuando creaste las aves, miraste el cielo y también se oyó tu voz. Pero cuando nos creaste, te miraste a ti mismo y dijiste: “Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen y semejanza”. Gracias, porque nos diste al Palabra, y con ella la posibilidad de conocerte y hablar contigo mediante la oración. Amén. NOTES

INTERNATIONAL SHARING US$0.99 (volume discounts) Paperback, 32 pages 9780816391219

PROMO BLURB Pero cuando nos creaste, te miraste a ti mismo y dijiste: “Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen y semejanza”. Gracias, porque nos diste al Palabra, y con ella la posibilidad de conocerte y hablar contigo mediante la oración. Ricardo Bentancur is a speaker, a writer, a poet, and the director of the International Department at Pacific Press® Publishing Association. Born in Uruguay, he obtained his higher education in Argentina. He has a degree in theology from Del Plata Adventist University, a master’s in theology from the Catholic Pontifical University, a degree in philosophy from the National University of Buenos Aires, and a doctorate in philosophy and letters from the National University of Cordoba. 73

The Healing Power of Love Now available in French, Portuguese, and Spanish


Jesus taught people that they had been given precious talents. His own life showed that every moment can influence eternity, that every moment is a treasure to be spent making someone’s life better and heaven more real. To Jesus, no human was worthless. He gave hope to the roughest, most unpromising people, assuring them that they could become gentle, obedient children of God. When He met those who had fallen completely under Satan’s control with no hope of escape, He offered help with gentle kindness. Jesus didn’t just heal people’s minds and spirits. He often healed their bodies as well. His kind words and gentle attention had a soothing, healing effect. The healing power of love went out from Him to the sick and injured. In this quiet way, He reached out and helped people from the time He was a child.

US$0.89 (volume discounts) Booklet, 32 pages English: 0816323828 Spanish: 9780816391257 French: 9780816391271 Portuguese: 9780816391264 eBooks Available

PROMO BLURB A booklet to share, Healing Power of Love contains excerpts from the Desire of Ages adaptation Messiah by Jerry Thomas. Contains nature pictures with encouraging quotes and short readings to bring hope and encouragement to all.



Jerry Thomas served as vice president for product development at Pacific Press. He authored more than 40 books, including the Detective Zack Series, and the best sellers Messiah, Blessings, and A Thoughtful Hour. He passed away on March 15, 2019, leaving behind a legacy of thoughtful inspiration.

Santa Biblia Neuva ReinaValera 2020 Actualizada, Negra This is an edition of the Spanish Nueva Reina Valera 2000 updated in 2020, and it includes cross references, a chronology, and Bible studies. NOTES

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$8.99 (volume discounts) Hardcover 9780816391196

PROMO BLURB This is an edition of the Spanish Nueva Reina Valera 2000 updated in 2020, and it includes cross references, a chronology, and Bible studies.


Elena G. de White después de su muerte / Ellen White’s Afterlife (Spanish) Mitos encantadores, hechos, inquietantes, investigación esclarecedora ¿PROFETA O PLAGIARISTA? • • • •

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$17.99 Paperback, 176 pages 9780816391301 eBooks Available

PROMO BLURB Más allá de Elena G. de White examina una de las preguntas más serias que jamás se hayan planteado sobre Elena de White. ¿Era una plagiadora o una profeta? El libro incluye un tesoro de documentos cruciales en el viaje.


Elena G. de White después de su muerte examina: los encantadores acerca de ella en la década de 1960. los hechos inquietantes descubiertos en la década de 1970. los investigación esclarecedora de la década de 1980 y años posteriores.

Se incluye un tesoro de documentos cruciales en el trayecto: • Minutas del Comité de investigador de Walter Rea sobre el uso de otras fuentes por Elena G. de White • Resumen del análisis de ocho años de Fred Veltman sobre las fuentes utilizadas en El Deseado de todas las gentes. • La reacción de Centro White al estudio de Veltman. • Minutas de la Conferencia Bíblica de 1919. • El punto de vista de W. C. White sobre la inspiración de su madre, y su uso de documentos. • Resumen del trabajo pionero de Donald McAdam sobre el uso de documentos por Elena G. de White NOTES

George R. Knight has served the church as a university professor, pastor, school administrator, and an elementary and secondary teacher. His last assignment was Andrews University where he taught for 30 years. Knight is an avid student of both the Bible and Adventist history. He has written nearly 50 books and edited another 40 in such diverse areas as Adventist history, biblical studies, Ellen White studies, theology, and the philosophy of education.

Lo que aprendí de los hombres de la biblia / What I Learned from the Men in the Bible (Spanish) ¿Puede Dios utilizar al hombre común y corriente en su obra de salvación? ¿Podrá el Dios del universo fijarse en alguien como yo para concretar sus propósitos? Los seres humanos tendemos a presuponer que Dios, con el fin de salvar a la humanidad, opta por escoger únicamente a los que exhiben las más elevadas gracias divinas. Entonces, al mrarnos en el espejo borroso de nuestra propia percepción humana, nos sentimos excluidos. Sin embargo, en la balanza divina las medidas de Dios son diferentes a las nuestras. Él no nos mide según los cálculos humanos. Jesús pudo haber escogido personas ilustres para que fueran sus discípulos, pero escogió a un puñado de hombres sin dones extraordinarios. Eligió a humildes pescadores, con todo tipo de tendencias destructivas, que aparentemente no podían calificar para una elección divina. Lo que aprendí de los hombres de la Biblia tiene el propósito de que te sientas amado yo valorado por Dios, a pesar de las circunstancias de tu vida o de tus debilidades de carácter. La lectura de este libro te hará crecer espiritualmente, y sabrás que Dios te ama y te guía a pesar de todo, con el propósito de usarte para su gloria. Olga Valdivia quien se deleita en cultivar su jardín, ha escrito decenas de artículos para revistas cristianas, y varios libros, entre ellos Amigas de Jesús. Es coautora de Herederos de promesas y Regocijo en la cumbre. Reside en Nampa, Idaho, y con su esposo Miguel tiene tres hijos adultos y cinco nietos.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$16.99 Paperback, 128 pages 9780816391318

PROMO BLURB ¿Puede Dios utilizar al hombre común y corriente en su obra de salvación? ¿Podrá el Dios del universo fijarse en alguien como yo para concretar sus propósitos? Lo que aprendí de los hombres de la Biblia tiene el propósito de que te sientas amado yo valorado por Dios, a pesar de las circunstancias de tu vida o de tus debilidades de carácter. Dios te ama y te guía a pesar de todo, con el propósito de usarte para su gloria.


Espiritualidad / Spirituality (Spanish) Vívela • Distrútala • Compártela Son muchos los creyentes que no saben a ciencia cierta qué es la espiritualidad. Anhelan ser cristianos fervientes, y hacen el mayor de sus esfuerzos para alcanzar una genuina experiencia espiritual, pero tristemente muchos no lo logran. Facasan porque no saben hacia dónde dirigir sus sinceros esfuerzos. Many believers do not know for sure what spirituality is. They long to be fervent Christians, and they do their best to have a genuine spiritual experience, but sadly many do not. They fail because they don’t know where to direct their sincere efforts.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$9.99 Paperback, 138 pages 9781535376334 Distributed


Son muchos los creyentes que no saben a ciencia cierta qué es la espiritualidad. Anhelan ser cristianos fervientes, y hacen el mayor de sus esfuerzos para alcanzar una genuina experiencia espiritual, pero tristemente muchos no lo logran. Facasan porque no saben hacia dónde dirigir sus sinceros esfuerzos.


There are many believers who do not know for sure what spirituality is. They long to be earnest Christians, and they do their best to have a genuine spiritual experience, but sadly many do not. They fail because they don’t know where to direct their sincere efforts. ENDORSEMENTS La espiritualidad es un tema desafiante para los cristianos de este tiempo. Nunca antes como ahora fue tan necesario que los miembros iglesia comprendan las implicaciones de esta verdad bíblica que, correctamente comprendida, puede ser un medio eficaz para glorificar a Dios y hacer más fuerte nuestra presencia misionera en nuestra sociedad. Recomiendo en forma entusiasta la lectura de esta interesante obra del pastor Yeury Ferreira. — Héctor A. Delgado, Escritor y pastor en el Bronx, New York S. Yeury Ferreira posee una maestría en Liderazgo y un doctorado de la Universidad Andrews. Es colaborador de la revista El Centinela, columnista de Prioridades, y conferenciante internacional. Actualmente se desempeña como coordinador de las actividades de las iglesias adventistas de habla hispana en el Gran Nueva York. Está felizmente casado con Mariel Ferreira y es padre de dos hijos, Ernesto y Elizabeth.

El Hijo de Dios / The Sonship of Christ (Spanish) Explorando la naturaleza del pacto entre dios y el hombre ¿Por qué se llama a Cristo “el Hijo de Dios”? Descubre una respuesta tan simple que te preguntarás por qué no la viste antes, y tan hermosa que te dejará sin aliento. El Hijo de Dios es un libro brilliante, simplemente brillante. — John Peckham, profesor de Teología y Filosofía Cristiana, Universidad de Andrews ¡Asombroso! En el típico “estilo Gibson”, El Hijo de Dios presenta un grandioso y espléndido retrato de Dios. Este libro es brillante. — Brendan Pratt, secretario de la Asociación Ministerial, Australian Union Conference Simplemente no puedo contener mi entusiasmo por el mensaje e este libro. El Hijo de Dios es, sobre todo, una gozosa exploración y celebración de Jesucristo, el Salvador del mundo. ¡Gracias, Ty! — Pastor David Asscherick NOTES

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$14.99 Hardcover, 269 pages 9788472087996 Safeliz


Ty Gibson is Director of Light Bearers and pastor of Storyline Adventist Church in Eugene, Oregon. A passionate communicator with a message that opens minds and moves hearts, Ty teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love as the central theme of the Bible. He has authored eight best-selling books. Ty and his wife Sue have three adult children and two grandsons.

¿Por qué se llama a Cristo “el Hijo de Dios”? Descubre una respuesta tan simple que te preguntarás por qué no la viste antes, y tan hermosa que te dejará sin aliento.


Sanctuary and Salvation Santuario y Salvacion (Spanish) Sanctuaire et Salut (French)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$17.99 Paperback, 328 pages English: 9788472086722 Spanish: 9788472086715 French: 9788472086739 Safeliz

PROMO BLURB This book shows that the Bible reveals the answers in the context of the drama of the ages: the story of Christ’s sacrifice and His priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, as illustrated and explained by activities at the ancient Israelite sanctuary on earth.


What did Jesus accomplish for you by dying on the cross? What is He doing for you now? How can you receive His salvation by grace through faith within the context of the great controversy between Christ and Satan? What is the purpose of God’s judgment? What difference does all this make for your life? Could anything be more important than the answers to these questions? With them you can enjoy closer interaction with God, have assurance that you are at peace with Him, and fully experience the joy of transformation that He offers. This book shows that the Bible reveals the answers in the context of the drama of the ages: the story of Christ’s sacrifice and His priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, as illustrated and explained by activities at the ancient Israelite sanctuary on earth. ENDORSEMENTS “Roy Gane’s scholarly but reader-friendly examination of the sanctuary system and its relevance to life in the third millennium has made a very significant contribution to my own study and understanding of the sanctuary.” —Dwight K. Nelson, Lead Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University “AWESOME book! Roy Gane has done a fantastic job of relating the book to a neat story line in real life, and has dealt with very complex issues in a clear and simple format.” —Richard M. Davidson, J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University Roy Gane is professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages at the Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He has published numerous journal articles and book chapters, and was the primary translator for the Leviticus portion of the Common English Bible. He has published more than ten books, including God’s Faulty Heroes; Altar Call; Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application; and The Sanctuary and Salvation: The Practical Significance of Christ’s Sacrifice and Priesthood (new edition of Altar Call).

El libro de Isaias / The Book of Isaiah (Spanish) Cuando surgen dificultades o peligros, buscamos soluciones a nuestro alrededor. Pero ¿qué sucede si no podemos encontrar respuestas a los problemas que amenazan nuestra existencia? El libro de Isaías desafía a las personas, incluyéndonos, a dejar de mirar a su alrededor y comenzar a mirar al Señor, a quien Isaías vio “sentado sobre un trono alto y sublime” (Isa. 6:1). El Señor es el Creador, con poder soberano sobre el mundo y con conocimiento del futuro (40-45), pero el hecho de que sea grande y poderoso no impide que escuche y se preocupe por el más pequeño de sus hijos. Sí, él habita “en la altura y la santidad”, pero también “con el quebrantado y humilde de espíritu, para hacer vivir el espíritu de los humildes” (57:15). Esta breve obra es una nueva exposición de algunas partes seleccionadas de Isaías para los lectores contemporáneos. Está diseñada para iluminar aspectos clave del carácter de Dios y de su forma de guiar a personas imper- fectas, alentándonos a contemplarlo a él. When difficulties or dangers arise, we look around for solutions. But what happens if we cannot find answers to the problems that threaten our existence? The book of Isaiah challenges people, including us, to stop looking around and start looking at the Lord, whom Isaiah saw “sitting on a high and lofty throne” (Isa. 6: 1). The Lord is the Creator, with sovereign power over the world and with knowledge of the future (40-45), but the fact that he is great and powerful does not prevent him from listening and caring for the smallest of his children. Yes, he dwells “in height and holiness”, but also “with the broken and humble in spirit, to make the spirit of the humble live” (57:15).

INTERNATIONAL TRADE US$6.99 Paperback, 144 pages 9789877982626 ACES

PROMO BLURB Esta breve obra es una nueva exposición de algunas partes seleccionadas de Isaías para los lectores contemporáneos. Está diseñada para iluminar aspectos clave del carácter de Dios y de su forma de guiar a personas imperfectas, alentándonos a contemplarlo a él.

This short work is a new exposition of selected parts of Isaiah for contemporary readers. It is designed to illuminate key aspects of God’s character and how he guides imperfect people, encouraging us to contemplate him. Roy Gane (p. 83) 81



In a large degree through our publishing houses is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with great power, and who lightens the earth with his glory.

—Testimonies for the Church 7:140

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