Fall 2022 Catalog

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Spirit of Prophecy

Steps to Christ Illustrated

This new full-color, illustrated edition of the inspirational bestseller Steps to Christ is available in English, Spanish, and French! US$1.39 each US$1.19 each when purchased by the case (120 ct.)

With a brand-new compilation and illustrated versions of beloved favorites, Ellen White’s writings continue to inspire readers.


Three Angels’ Messages

The book of Revelation, with its mysterious images and symbols, lays out for the believer the outline of the great controversy between good and evil. Among its series of prophecies, the words spoken by the three angels of the fourteenth chapter stand out as a unique representation of God’s last proclamation to a lost world.

This book helps us discover the meaning of this powerful passage. It tells us about the centrality of the gospel, the Creator God, the pre-Advent judgment, the fall of Babylon, and the image to the beast. It also assures us that He who is called the Alpha and the Omega and the Lamb of God will soon return in glory.

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-69552
Hardcover – US$17.99 Paperback – US$12.99 Volume discounts available
SALE US$14.99 SALE US$9.99

The Great Controversy

Everyone you meet is worried. The world seems to be lurching forward, directionless. For most the future offers more terrifying questions than comforting answers. And for some, the answers they hear offer absolutely no hope at all. What an amazing blessing it is to not only have an inside view of the spiritual war going on around us but a preview of how the conflict will end!

In 2023 and 2024, the General Conference is encouraging all Adventists to share Ellen White’s profound classic The Great Controversy. Share the truth with those you love and offer them the comfort that the future they long for is just around the corner.

The Great Controversy – Leather US$69.99

The Great Controversy Gift Edition US$18.99

Volume discounts available

The Great Controversy Large Print US$26.99

The Great Controversy New King James Version US$17.99

Love Under Fire – Easy Reading Great Controversy

Volume discounts available


Trouble on the Blue Planet

Richard G. Edison

Engage even the most reluctant young readers with the basic themes of The Great Controversy in a comic-book format. US$2.99

War of the Invisibles Sally Pierson Dillon

Follow the themes of The Great Controversy told through the eyes of teens who would experience them. US$13.99

Michael Asks Why Sally Pierson Dillon

After a loss in his life, elementary student Michael starts asking questions. Told in an engaging story format for primary and junior young people, the answers to his simple questions lay out the entire plan of salvation. US$12.99

AdventistBookCenter.com 3

Adventist Beliefs

Written by leading Adventist scholars from around the world, the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC) provides lay members, pastors, and scholars with unique biblical commentaries featuring the following qualities:

• the foundational authority of Scripture that assumes the divine inspiration of Scripture and its unity;

• the latest grammatical, historical-cultural, literary, theological, and archaeological information;

• solid and fresh exegetical and theological material supporting specific truths that are accepted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church;

• serious consideration of Ellen G. White's interpretation of the biblical text; and

• practical lessons for life that are suitable for personal growth, witnessing, and evangelism.

About Volume 6

As the following authors promise, SDAIBC Volume 6 will cause you to praise God with the Psalms, survive life with the Proverbs, wonder with Ecclesiastes, and love with the Song of Songs. US$59.99

True North Various Authors

The moral foundations of our society are crumbling. Human opinions are being substituted for truth. Thousands are searching for answers. It’s time for a deeper commitment to Christ and the truths of Scripture. US$17.99

Understanding the Sanctuary Mark Finley

The purpose of the sanctuary is to reveal the grace and goodness of Jesus Christ. Mark Finley makes it simple to understand what the rich symbolism and willing sacrifice mean for us.


Unmistakably Christian

Tom Shepherd

First and Second Peter are the apostle Peter’s message to people going through persecution and tempted to return to their old way of life.


In Harmony With Heaven

Ted N. C. Wilson

Pastor Ted Wilson not only reviews the basis of our identity as a prophetic movement guided by the three angels’ messages but also brings into focus what these messages mean to us and how they impact our lives. US$15.99

The Ten Geoffrey Patterson God gave you the law so that you could be free from the things that are killing you. US$15.99

How Soon Is Soon?

Marvin Moore

The pioneers could never have imagined that Christ wouldn’t have returned yet. Is it unrealistic to give up anxiety and welcome trust instead?




Every news report echoes the Bible’s message of Christ’s soon return. Do you know what to expect?

Hope Through Prophecy

Dustin Pestlin


Popular YouTube evangelist Dustin Pestlin points people to the Scriptures for answers in his engaging style. Perfect for sharing. US$8.99 Volume discounts available

American Apocalypse

Dwight K. Nelson

As you look at the trajectory our country is on, you may have questions: Are we under divine judgment? Can a divided nation survive? Look at the story of America in the context of Bible prophecy and discover answers to these questions and more. US$15.99

Boot Camp for the Last Days Randy Maxwell

Boot camp is getting serious about anything you take seriously. There’s no boot camp for couch surfing. And there’s no boot camp for pew warming either! US$15.99

Present Truth and the Three Angels’ Messages

Nelson Mercado

The three angels’ messages are the writing on the wall. Once you understand them, you will be ready to both answer critics and to proclaim the reason for hope to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. US$18.99

Hope's End-Time Secrets

Mark Finley & Loron Wade

In a world filled with uncertainty, find the assurance to face history’s most disturbing moments. Get details about ancient prophecies, their fulfillment, and their future consequences. US$19.99

Three Cosmic Messages

Mark Finley

Calling out in loud voices, the three angels of Revelation 14 announce last-day messages of warning, hope, love, and what we most need to know as the final days of time on this earth are running out. US$15.99



nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way

has led us, and His teaching in our past history.— Ellen G. White


Michael Campbell

Picking up where his earlier book, 1919, left off, author Michael Campbell continues his objective exploration of the twentieth-century Adventist Church showdown between fundamentalists and modernists. Among other themes, this title takes a look at issues of race and gender. US$15.99

African American Seventh-day Adventist Healers

Dr. Ramona L. Hyman and Dr. Andy Lampkin

The experience of black Seventh-day Adventists amid the painful history of racial and social discrimination.


Social Justice

Jonathan A. Thompson

The principles of social justice as exemplified by Ellen G. White need to be seen in the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the twenty-first century.


Prophets in Conflict

George R. Knight

What do you believe about Ellen White’s gift of prophecy?


1919 Michael Campbell

In 1919, the world was reeling from the destructive forces of World War I, American Protestants were uniting against modernism in defense of the inerrancy of the Bible, and Adventists were recovering from the 1915 death of Ellen White, their beloved prophet. US$16.99

The Book That Changed the World Nikolaus Satelmajer

The Bible is God's message. It changed the world in the seventeenth century, and more than four hundred years later, it is still changing the world. US$14.99

The Unknown Prophet

Delbert W. Baker William Foy’s story, his ministry, and message still speak today. US$17.99

Ellen White’s Afterlife

George R. Knight

Was Ellen White a plagiarist or a prophet? This book includes a treasure trove of crucial documents in the case.


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the Lord

If My People Pray

Randy Maxwell

Prayer is God's chosen method for establishing His kingdom through us and supplying our greatest needs. Inspires readers to respond to God's eleventh-hour call to pray as never before. US$17.99

In the Name of Jesus Ron E. M. Clouzet

Learn about prayer walking, the most effective evangelism strategy for reaching big cities, small towns, neighborhoods, and loved ones. US$18.99

Incredible Answers to Prayer and More Incredible Answers to Prayer

Roger M. Morneau

Roger Morneau has witnessed hundreds of miracles. Some saved him from an early death. But most were in response to prayers for others. People dying in a hospital get well. A man pronounced dead by his doctor lives. A woman’s shattered relationship is suddenly filled with love and acceptance. These stories will send chills down your spine and make you rejoice that you too serve the “Lord of the Impossible.” US$12.99 each


AVAILABLEDaring to Ask for More

Melody Mason

Learn to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are within your grasp if you will only pray in faith.


Daring to Live by Every Word

Melody Mason

Relish the beauty of God’s Word and come back to the basic religion of Christ: unapologetic, devoted, and committed to a glorious ideal.


7AdventistBookCenter.com Prayer
DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL eBook ALSO AVAILABLE We always o er with a minimum purchase! Learn more at AdventistBookCenter.com/Shipping. SALE US$14.99


A Pause for Peace

Clifford Goldstein

True refreshment awaits as you discover the practical joys and spiritual blessings of the nearly forgotten practice of taking one day off as a pause for peace. US$12.99

Rediscovering the Glory of the Sabbath

Jo Ann Davidson

There is a lot more to discover about the true Sabbath than just knowing the correct day. Its glorious nature needs to be restored! US$22.99


The Gift: What the Sabbath Means to Me

Various Authors

Inspirational stories and reflections on the power and the blessing of the Sabbath. US$17.99

The Truth About the Sabbath

Steve Wohlberg

Easy-to-understand information about the Sabbath from the Old and New Testaments, the teaching of Jesus Christ, church history, and Bible prophecy.

US$2.99 Volume discounts available

Him Big God Day

Stanley Maxwell

A collection of remarkable, true stories about God’s faithfulness to those who honor His holy day. US$16.99

From Sabbath to Sunday

Carlyle B. Haynes

A brief but comprehensive history of the Sabbath, this book tells of its transfer from the seventh day of the week to Sunday. US$16.99

The Sign

Shawn Boonstra

Learn about God's sign of love and loyalty, a day to step away from your noisy, hectic life

US$2.49 Volume discounts available

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-69558
eBook ALSO
eBook ALSO AVAILABLE eBook ALSO AVAILABLE We always o er with a minimum purchase! Learn more at AdventistBookCenter.com/Shipping. SALE US$11.97 SALE US$7.99 SALE US$12.99 eBook ALSO AVAILABLE eBook ALSO AVAILABLE

Small Groups or Personal Study


Growing in Jesus Volumes 1 and 2

Interactive series of inspirational lessons on the life of Christ. Book 1 begins with an introduction to who God is and the conflict in heaven and continues through the Cross. Book 2 picks up at Jesus’ resurrection and carries readers to the climax of history through eternity. US$12.99 each

Growing in Jesus Handbook

Features the main content of every Bible and Ellen G. White reference cited within the two-volume Growing in Jesus set. US$9.99

40 Days: Nature and Ministry of the Holy Spirit Dennis Smith

Study the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and learn about Their shared purpose and varied functions. US$14.99

9 Habits of Healthy Christians

Julian and Annette Melgosa

Explores key Christian habits, including resilience, serenity, humility, and more. It uses a Bible-based, self-help format to make the principles easy to apply. US$14.99


10 Days in the Upper Room

Mark Finley

Have you ever wondered why the disciples had such death-defying faith? What gave them the courage to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth in spite of such overwhelming odds? US$9.99

The Great Controversy Countdown

The Great Controversy

Countdown is a study guide for tracing this theme through Ellen White’s Conflict of the Ages books. US$9.99

Visit AdventistBookCenter.com/SmallGroups for more great Scripture-based study books! 9AdventistBookCenter.com

Sabbath School Quarterlies

Quarterlies • The Lesson • Bible Study Guides

Whatever you call them, the church’s official Bible study books are perfect for guided personal Bible study; devotions; homeschool; family worship; and, yes, even for Sabbath School! The church offers resources for every age group. Visit the Sabbath School menu on AdventistBookCenter.com to learn more.


Talk to your Sabbath School secretary about getting these different formats through your church, or order them yourself from AdventistBookCenter.com today. Your Sabbath School class will be glad you did!

Large Print Sabbath School Lessons

The Sabbath School lesson presented in a large-print format.


Easy Reading Sabbath School Lessons

The same study each day as the standard lesson, but written in easier-to-read language. US$7.99

Despite some of the error that modern science tries to promulgate as truth (such as that our universe by itself arose from “absolutely nothing” or that all life

Standard Adult Sabbath School lesson text

Despite some of the error that modern science tries to promulgate as truth (such as that our universe by itself arose from

Large Print Adult Sabbath School lesson text

For sure modern science is wrong about many things. (One example is evolution. Evolution teaches that life on earth started because of slow changes in plants and animals over a very long time. Modern science also teaches that life started without any help from God.)

Sample from the October 4 Easy Reading Sabbath School lesson.

Loose Leaf Sabbath School Lessons

If you love to write in your quarterly, the loose-leaf Sabbath School lesson is perfect for you. Available in both the student and the teacher editions. Adult subscription


Binder not included

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SUBSCRIPTION US$20.56 Teachers US$13.99 Sabbath School Lessons SUBSCRIPTION US$43.36

Ready to take your Bible study to the next level? The Bible Book Shelf “companion book” series complements the quarterly Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide topic and pace.

On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope • Alberto R. Timm

happens when

Ellen G. Whites Notes


you die? It’s an age-old question that continues to mystify modern minds. Join Dr. Timm as he carefully unpacks what the Bible says about death. US$15.99
G. White Notes for the Sabbath School Lessons include selected quotations from Ellen White’s writings on topics that directly relate to those presented in the lesson guides. They provide extra depth and color to enrich your study. US$7.99 eBook ALSO AVAILABLE 11AdventistBookCenter.com EGW Notes and SS Helps Books SUBSCRIBE and SAVE on SHIPPING SUBSCRIPTION US$59.96 (4 BOOKS) eBook ALSO AVAILABLESUBSCRIBE and SAVE SUBSCRIPTION US$21.28 (4 ISSUES)

Living for God

Frank M. Hasel

Explore the beauty of simple biblical virtues such as gratitude, courage, patience, humility, contentment, and more. Find true stories and practical tips to apply these virtues to your own life. US$14.99

Longing for God

Frank M. Hasel

To really get to know God through His Word, you have to read the Bible for yourself. This book shows you how to do it in one year. US$23.99

Stormy Seas

Wendy Armfield

Find out who God is and where He is in tragedy and affliction through the experiences of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus, and others. Grab the Savior’s outstretched hand and keep your eyes on Him. US$14.99

Enough Tamyra Horst

Most women know the battle of feeling they’re not enough. The real lie is that you have to be enough. Find your purpose and passion and embrace the role God designed just for you. US$15.99

Living With the Mind of Jesus

S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley

Take a profoundly enriching journey that will help you understand the strength of the Christ-centered worldview. US$19.99

Journey to the Heart of God

S. Joseph Kidder

Explores our journey to the heart of God through spiritual practices such as worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, fasting, giving, forgiveness, and touching lives.


God’s Promises Solve My Problems

Glenn A. Coon

Have you ever been puzzled as to how God’s promises work?

Others talk about answers to their prayers, but somehow you do not experience such wonders. US$12.99


José H. Cortes Jr. and Ivan L. Williams, Sr.

Nothing relevant will happen until we start doing as Jesus did when He walked this earth. US$18.99


find them

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-695512 Christian Living
YOUR #1 SOURCE for Adventist eBooks online. From bestsellers to
latest releases, you’ll
at Adventist-eBooks.com! SALE US$18.99 eBook ALSO AVAILABLE AudioBook ALSO AVAILABLE


Whether you’re curious about the world of plant-based cooking or an experienced veteran, there is something exciting here for everyone!


“The recipes in this cookbook are the ones she has used for years to keep our family healthy. She has also taught these health principles to thousands of people in her Natural Lifestyle Cooking schools. In our family, we value our health as a precious gift from God. As you put these health principles into practice in your life and try these recipes, you too will be wonderfully blessed.” Mark A. Finley, MA, DD

The Powerful Plate Afia Donkor

Through our own smart choices, we can create the very best health possible both today and in the future. Learn to fight cancer one meal at a time.


The Earthy Canvas Vegan Cookbook

Fay Kazzi

This richly illustrated cookbook celebrates clean vegan eating in a unique and approachable way taking simple, plantbased recipes to an elevated level. US$29.99

Flavors of the World

Raquel Caja Galán

Ninety delicious vegetarian recipes from eight regions of the world. This book features a stand-up cover and QR codes to step-by-step videos for every recipe. US$29.99

Natural Lifestyle Cooking Workbook US$10.99

Natural Lifestyle Cooking



Secrets To Wellness

Ernestine Finley

Learn the eight keys to living your healthiest, most energetic, and joyful life.


Healthy Mind

Julian Melgosa

What depression is and how to prevent it in a simple, pleasant, and practical way.

Available in English, Spanish, and French.



Author Fay Kazzi




Clear Word

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-695514 Spend Time With God Daily
“Go daily to the Lord for instruction and guidance; depend upon God for light and knowledge.” FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, 531 Feeling stressed? Too busy all the time? Are you worried about something? Would you like to strengthen your relationship with God? Commit to spending a few minutes in a personal devotion every day. Not sure where to start? Your Adventist Book Center ® and AdventistBookCenter.com have a huge variety of devotional books for all ages and interests. Every Day a New Beginning Alberto R. Timm Hardcover US$21.99 Radiant Religion Ellen G. White Hardcover US$21.99 Both devotionals included Hardcover US$35.99 New Every Morning Tamyra Horst, editor US$18.99 20 Questions God Wants to Ask You Troy Fitzgerald US$18.99 Into the Wild Charles Mills US$18.99 Sweeeet! Jan S. Doward US$18.99 God’s Amazing Creation Vicki Redden, Joelle Reed Yamada, Dee Litten Reed US$18.99 Little Hearts for Jesus Sally Pierson Dillon US$18.99 ADULT: DAILY ADULT: EVENING BOXED SET WOMEN TEEN JUNIOR PRIMARY PRESCHOOL Contact your church’s Personal Ministries secretary or your local Adventist Book Center ® for discounts. The Devotional
Jack Blanco The Devotional Clear Word is organized into 365 daily readings that make it easy to read the entire Bible in a year. Each day includes a portion from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs. CD Hardcover US$39.99 Also AvailableSALE US$19.99 YOUNG ADULT

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15AdventistBookCenter.com Useful Websites
Orders placed on AdventistBookCenter.com can be shipped anywhere in the world. Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal are welcome! Adventist-eBooks.com digital books (such as for Kindle) audio books and spoken wordsAdventistAudioBooks.comand ReadEllenWhite.comand


SDASharingBooks.com features affordable books, magazines, and other resources from Pacific Press® and Review and Herald® that are specifically designed to share with people who aren’t members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Check out SDASharingBooks.com

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-695516
NEW ASI Conflict of the Ages series Amazing Prices on Full-Length Spirit of Prophecy Books for Sharing • Visit AdventistBookCenter.com/ASI to learn more. • Free shipping on case quantities. Single Book PriceCase of 40 Acts of the Apostles 1.92 61.20 Desire of Ages 2.80 89.60 Great Controversy 2.36 75.60 Patriarchs and Prophets 2.75 88.00 Prophets and Kings 2.18 69.60 Set price 13.97 89.42


Is God tugging at your heart, asking you to share the good news about Jesus with others? But do you feel unprepared? Visit ToolsforEvangelism.com to find a curated collection of all the resources you need to become an effective soul winner. Learn how to give Bible studies, improve your preaching skills, study with non-Christians, and much more!


Studying Together

Mark Finley

This small handbook includes Bible studies, practical Bible lessons, and information on other denominations. Use it to study the Bible with friends and neighbors. US$9.99

Your Church series

Disponible en Español

Discipleship Handbook

A 26-week mentoring or personal study program for new members, small groups, and more. US$12.99

Volume discounts available

Fundamentals of Faith

A simple study guide for those preparing for baptism. US$2.99

Volume discounts available

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Elizabeth Talbot

The stories of Old Testament conflicts clearly show that God is willing and able to fight with you and for you in your battles for understanding, reassurance, perception, and against discouragement, fear, and powerlessness. US$3.49

Volume discounts available

are part of


Spread the Word

Inspiration and preparation for witnessing and mobilizing the local church. US$11.99

Volume discounts available

of Personal Ministries resources
the Total Member Involvement strategy developed by the General Conference. These books
local churches create active disciple-making ministries. General Conference Personal Ministries Resources


Distinctive Adventist doctrines, encouraging messages, health information, and more. Your Adventist Book Center ® has over 50 different varieties of Signs, El Centinela, and Vibrant Life tracts.

18 Pocket Tracts OrderToday! • 1-800-765-6955
SALE US$ 4.99 During November only per pack of 100 (Regular $8.99)


• You Can Stop Smoking

• Tired of Being Tired

• Diet & Exercise: What They Can Do for Type 2 Diabetes

• Little Tips to Lose Lots of Weight

• Water: The Clear Choice

• Walking: Miracle Medicine

• Foods That Help Fight Cancer

• 16 Ways to Reduce Stress During the Workday

• Is Alcohol Really Good for You?

• Forgiveness: A Key to Better Health

• The Healing Power of Prayer

• What You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure

• Vaping

Pocket Tracts


• A Love Gift From Jesus

• God’s Last Message

• Three Angels

• What Prayer Can Do for You

• You Can Live Forever

• What Happens When You Die?

• Conversation With an Old Black Dog

• The Law of God

• Signs of the Second Coming

• No Greater Love

• Bible Facts About the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week

• You Can Trust the Bible

• Adventist Christians

• The Struggle Between Good and Evil

• A Day to Remember

• A Love Letter From Jesus

• How to Pray

• 25 Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in the Life of Jesus

• Does God Care That I’m Hurting?

• Someone Cares About You

• An Ancient Prophecy Reveals the Future

• There’s Not Another You

• When Jesus Comes Again

• Economic Crisis and Your Future

• Judgment Day: Are You Ready?

• Hope in Troubled Times

• What the Bible Says About the Secret Rapture

• My Dear Child


• La ley de Dios

• Declaraciones Bíblicas acerca del Sábado

• Cómo disfrutar el studio de la Biblia

• El sábado, día de la familia

• Antiguas profecías predicen el future

• El milagro de la oración

• Nuestro hogar eterno

• Del sábado al domingo

• Cómo puedo vivir eternamente

qué murió Jesús?

• Cuando Jesús regrese

• Un día para recordar

• La Biblia y la nutrición

•¿Qué pasa cuando uno muere?

•¿Le importa a Dios cuando sufro?

• Calentamiento global y el fin del mundo

•¿Quiénes son los ángeles?

• “Mi hijo, ¿pandillero?”

• Como vencer la depresion

• El último mensaje de Dios

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Cyber Monday Sale


Listen, we know TikTok influencers are working around the clock to convince you that you need to buy all whatchamjiggits from Amazon. But trust us, it’s just as easy to cut the avocado with a knife as it is to spend $8.95 on another tool you have to find space for in that overcrowded kitchen drawer.

Instead, bring your hard-earned dollars to and pour them into the publishing ministry where you’ll find faith-, hope-, and joy-filled books, magazines, games, and more to enrich this journey called life.

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A NEW FAVORITE — for an All-Time Low Price! Visit your local Adventist Book Center ® or ▶ Find everything from classic bestsellers to hidden gems. Stories, doctrinal topics, cookbooks, Selections in English and Spanish. New titles every month! Explore this month’s $ 5 SPECIALS.



For years, listeners have been thrilled by the extraordinary stories and transforming messages of Pavel Goia. From a childhood in Communist Romania to a worldwide ministry, his amazing testimonies of living in the power of the Holy Spirit deliver fresh strength and renewed faith.

In the Spirit and Power

Pavel Goia with Kelly Smith Mowrer

If you long to experience God's clear leading in your life, if you hunger to know Him more through powerful prayer, if you are ready to move from crushing discouragement to joyful freedom, let these riveting adventures of trust and obedience inspire you with practical life-changing insights—in His Spirit and power. US$16.99

One Miracle After Another Greg Budd

Pavel Goia made a covenant with God, and his dedication to that covenant was tested almost immediately. Miracles still happen—one right after another. US$16.99

An Angel Rides With Me

Bradley Booth

An amazing collection of miracle stories from around the world. US$16.99

Kidnapped in Angola

Victoria Duarte

As a young nursing graduate, the author accepted a call to the Bongo Adventist Mission, landing her in the middle of the Angolan civil war. US$19.99

Darkness Will Not Overcome

Richie Halversen

Opioid use is an epidemic. But all the statistics in the world won’t make the same impact as one true story. US$15.99

Regrets on an African River

Jeff Scoggins

Through these short but exciting stories, you’ll discover that no earthly adventure beats the one that is living life with Jesus. US$15.99

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-695522
eBook ALSO AVAILABLE eBook ALSO AVAILABLE We always o er with a minimum purchase! Learn more at AdventistBookCenter.com/Shipping. AudioBook ALSO AVAILABLE eBook ALSO AVAILABLE


Over Kisangani

Abigail Duman

Things were going well at their new mission in the Congo until a tragic accident changed everything in a single day. US$15.99

Playing the Devil's Game

Cathlynn Doré Law and Becki Rogers

Invites readers to peek into the fearsome world of the occult and to witness the power of the Living God as He crushes the enemy on behalf of His children when they cry for help. US$14.99

Preaching From the Grave

Phodidas Ndamyumugabe

In just 100 days in 1994, close to a million people were slaughtered in Rwanda. In the face of such evil carnage, a young Adventist Tutsi refused to break God’s commandments. US$17.99

Unforsaken Zdravko Stefanovic

Where was God through abuse, war, and addiction? The true story of a Bosnian boy in despair who found hope when he needed it most. US$14.99

Story Catcher

Richard Duerksen

Tales filled with angels, miracles, frustrated fishermen, fur trappers, trusting missionaries, and crazy preachers. US$15.99

Never Give Up

Pat “Doc” Nave

The true story of a young boy who grew up with a father who was a drug-dealing mobster and an active Seventh-day Adventist. It is a story of redemption and hope. US$15.99

23AdventistBookCenter.com Stories



What We Believe Activity Book

Randy Fishell Games, graphics, and great examples that reinforce the Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs. US$8.99

Intro Price US$6.99

What We Believe for Guide Readers

Laura Sámano, editor

Through these 28 true stories and the accompanying Bible studies, kids learn about the Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs. US$13.99

War in the Wilderness




The Ten Commandments

The Good Humor Guy Randy Fishell

Who says learning stuff has to be boring? A collection of character-building craziness just for kids! US$14.99

Tucker Digs In Randy Fishell

A new metal detector leads Tucker Barnes and his pals on a wacky adventure!

Tucker discovers there’s a lot more to treasure hunting— and prayer—than he realizes. US$13.99

Vision in the Storm

Rachel Whitaker Cabose

Did you know that teenagers played a significant role in the early days of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? God used them while they were young. Their amazing faith enabled them to follow what God wanted them to do. US$14.99

Tucker Barnes Series

Randy Fishell

Ten graphic adventures, each with a powerful life lesson. US$7.99

OrderToday! • 1-800-765-695524 Great Books for Juniors
e Bible (both Old and New Testaments) is the written Word of God.* e Bible is the story of God’s astonishing plan to rescue humans from sin-filled planet Earth. It’s also a guidebook showing the way to a forever home in heaven. In the Bible you’ll discover epic stories, one-of-a-kind wisdom, stunning predictions, loving commands, fascinating family trees, a heart-changing Savior, and so much more. e Bible is an inspired book. is means the Holy Spirit made sure its writers didn’t leave out anything important or add in things that were wrong. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous ness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2Timothy 3:16, 17).
Holy AdventistScriptures Belief 1: Find the answers to all of the puzzles and activities on pages 73–79
When Satan tried to get Jesus to do things that went against the Bible’s teachings, Jesus countered Satan by saying a phrase that means “ e Bible says . . .” What exactly did He say? Use the clues below to figure it out. is word is short for information technology _________ is word is found twice in Mississippi _______ is word rhymes with bitten __________ You can read about this dramatic incident in Matthew 4:1–11. It’s Alive! God sometimes “speaks” to people through His Word, the Bible. That’s one reason Hebrews 4:12 says that it’s “living.” You’ll be surprised at how often what you read can make a differ ence in your day. Most important, your reading will help you to see the lengths God has gone to in saving the world. If you’re not reading God’s Word, you’re missing out on a lot. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you each day as you read the Bible. See what God has to say to you! 7 The Holy Scriptures | *For the official belief statement visit /beliefs/fundamental-beliefs/god/holy-scriptures.adventist.org 46| What We Believe Activity Book e Ten Commandments show us how to love God and others. Whether a fire is headed in your direction or you’re tempted to do wrong, it can be easy to disobey and go your own way! Obedience is important in life—and to God. e Ten Commandments show us the right way to live for Him. Not only do they help us to obey Him, but like a mirror, they also reflect His love for us and help protect us from evil. Putting them into practice can save a lot of regret! The Ultimate Instruction Manual e Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20:3–17. Here they are, made simple. Who Needs ’Em? Some people think the Ten Commandments no longer apply to them. Use the pictures and scrambled words to fill in the blanks and discover who needs God’s rules. 1. ALL (PLOPEE)_______________ 2. in ALL (SCALPE)_____________ 3. in ALL (SMITE)______________
Law of GodAdventist Belief 19: 1. Worship only God. 2. Make no idols. 3. Use God’s name reverently. 4. Honor the Sabbath. 5. Respect your parents. 6. Value human life. 7. Be faithful in marriage. 8. Steal nothing. 9. Always tell the truth. 10 Be satisfied with what you have. Jesus and the Ten Commandments Some people claim that Jesus did away with the Ten Commandments. But here’s what He actually said: “Do not think that I have come to abolish [do away with] the Law or the Prophets; have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17, NIV; emphasis added). That Bible verse means that Jesus came to fill God’s Word full of meaning—including how to and how not to keep the Ten Commandments. Can you think of any examples of how He did this? 47 The Law of God | e pyramid below shows how God wants us to put the Ten Commandments into action. Did you notice what quality is at the top of the pyramid? How about in the middle? e apostle Paul wrote that without love, he was “nothing” (see 1Corinthians 13:2, NIV). In other words, if you try to please God and others without love, you’re going about it wrong. Next time you think the Ten Commandments are all about keeping you from having fun, remember what they’re really all about: sharing God’s love. Use colored pencils or markers to decorate the pyramid! Show Jesus Some Love “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Give Jesus your heart, and He’ll give you power to honor Him.
Love God Love Others “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God love” (1 John 4:8, NIV). “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37, NIV). (Exodus 20:3–17, NIV) Guidelines for loving God and others “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39, NIV). 1 + 2 + 10 = Love Pyramid concept by Alden ompson, Walla Walla Adventist University. Used by permission. eBook ALSO AVAILABLE eBook ALSO AVAILABLE eBook ALSO AVAILABLE

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