December/January 2012

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P.O. Box 41430 San Jose, CA 95160

Pacific Showcase Magazine

December 2011/ January 2012


20th Annual Modesto Junior College

Our feeds will vault Cattle Exhibitors to the top of their class! SHOWTIME HEIFER & STEER DEVELOPER~MED A 13% protein, 5% fat, coarse textured, flaked corn and whole cottonseed-based feed


• A 12% protein, 5% fat, coarse textured, steam-flaked corn-based feed

All Showtime Beef Feeds now have the Amaferm Advantage!

Showmaster ic

i s s Cla

: n o i t a c N e w Lo n o i l i v a gP A C J M

Saturday Feb. 11th: Steers, Lambs and Meat Goats Sunday Feb. 12th: Hogs and Heifers

We're proud to sponsor

Red Wave Classic will NOT be mailing entries. Access all information on their website —

Fresno State's 19th Annual

RED WAVE CLASSIC Jr. Livestock Show

Entry Deadline: All entries must be POSTMARKED by Friday, January 20th, 2012

Held at Big Fresno Fairgrounds

February 11th-12th, 2012

Steer & Heifer Show

Hog, Sheep, & Goat Show

January 28th– 29th, 2012

February 4th- 5th, 2012

Please Register Online at:

For more information about this event or Fresno State's program, call:

Dr. Randy Perry — 559/278-4793 John Cordeiro — 559/278-2804

For more information regarding nutrition and feed related questions, contact our support staff at


John Mendes

Amanda Schnoor

Marlies Boyd

For More Information

(209) 575-6205

(209) 575-6210

(209) 575-6212


Naturally Healthy Hair ... HOW?

Kleen Sheen Kleen Sheen is the daily hair care formula for show cattle that is naturally healthy for hair. It is a fantastic conditioning sheen for producing healthy looking, well managed hair with that “Ultra” shine. Features the VITA HAIRTM nourishing vitamin package and moisturizers that boost hair strength and create better conditioned hair coats. Refer to the bottom to learn how VITA HAIRTM will enrich your hair coat. Repels dust and dirt to keep animals cleaner. This light sheen is perfect for daily hair care, clipping and show day grooming.

Do you need more life to your hair? . . . Revive it. A great product to promote healthy and beautiful hair coats! The foaming action of Revive dissipates into the hair to moisturize and bring life, body and freshness to dull, dry hair without leaving the hair waxy or limp. High in Vitamin E and the VITA HAIRTM package to be naturally healthy for skin and hair. Refer to the bottom to learn how VITA HAIRTM will enrich your skin and hair. The natural antioxidants contained in Revive stimulate circulation within the scalp to increase nutrient absorption into the hair follicles for faster, healthier hair growth. Great for daily use at home to nourish the hair or use it at the show as a grooming aid.

• Naturally Healthy for Hair • Biodegradable • Purified: non-toxic, non-petroleum, non-abrasive

Same successful formulas, with an added Vitamin Package to help boost the quality of hair.

• Nourishing High-Grade Lanolin, Olive Oil and Plant Seed Oils • Organic Natural Conditioner

VITA HAIR™ is an advanced nutrient package that infuses the hair with proven hair vitamins for ...

• Faster Hair Growth • Thicker Hair • Increased Shine • More Body & Volume • Healthier Skin • Improved Nutrient Absorption How do the VITA HAIR™ Nourishing Vitamins work? Biotin vitamin is the first vitamin thought of when considering HAIR GROWTH. The major benefit of Biotin is its ability to strengthen both the hair follicle and the hair shaft, where the hair is produced, which prevents hair breakage and dryness. This is a scientifically proven crucial step in the natural hair growing process. One of the chief things that slows hair growth is damaged hair. Biotin enriched hair has increased elasticity of the cortex which prevents breakage. This enables healthy, FASTER HAIR GROWTH. Biotin also thickens the actual hair cuticle providing a fuller appearance. Pro-Vitamin B-5 is considered the king of all HAIR CARE vitamins. Pro-Vitamin B-5 stimulates healthy scalp circulation which leads to improved hair health. It coats the hair and seals its surface, lubricating the hair shaft making the hair shine. It possesses superior long term moisturizing properties because of its unique ability to penetrate and nourish the hair shaft. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that stimulates circulation to the skin and supports capillary growth. The skin needs to have proper circulation in order to keep the hair follicles alive and thriving. When there are more capillaries, the circulation improves leading to increased nutrient absorption into the hair follicles, which speeds hair growth.


The Distinguished Sullivan Supply Youth Scholarship program application deadline is March 15, 2012! Go to for more information.

Order Line: 1-888-914-5972 Lodi, California • Find us on ... 1

December 2011/January 2012


California State Fair 2011 Results Reserve Champion 4-H Hampshire

Reserve 4-H Champion Crossbred

Sold in the BNS Sale

Sold in the BNS Sale

Reserve FFA Champion Crossbred Shown by Kristen Smith

Shown by Nicole Baynes

Shown by Kristen Smith

Shown by Kaitlyn Morrison; sired by Tommy

4-H Reserve Champion Lamb, and Champion Crossbred Shown by Shane Smith; sired by Tommy

Sold in the Golden Opportunity Sale

Champion FFA Suffolk

Supreme Champion Ewe Shown by Kristen Smith

Sold in the BNS Sale

Sold in the Golden Opportunity Sale

One fair's results — but we had many shows with the same results!

ending Plan on att les! a these two s

January 21st, 2012:

Exhibit Building @ Turlock Fairgrounds • Preview 9:00 a.m. • Sheep Sale at 11:00 a.m. Selling 75 to 85 Lambs – Something for every budget –

Including a very special EWE LAMB OFFERING

february 25th, 2012: * Brought to you by Nicewonger, Beam, Sampson, Rosewood Ranch and Modesto Jr. College New Location: MJC new Pavilion • Preview: 10:00 • Sale: 11:00 Visitors always welcome to look at lambs at the ranches of the consignors!

2 John & Carol Nicewonger • (209) 847-8976 December 2011/January 2012

(Oakdale, CA)


December 2011/January 2012

2011 was a great year for us...

...Winners and Great Memories!

monterey County Fair

Santa Cruz County Fair

Reserve Gramd Champion Outstanding — Cassi Calabro!

Other winner from MONTEREY COUNTY Fair * Reserve Wt. Champion — Chayse Caprara

We greatly appreciate all those who have supported our program over the years! 4-H Champion • Way to Go — Scott Gardoni!

Other winner from SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Fair * Wt. Champion Gilt — Nick Gardoni

Winners from san benito county Fair * 4-H Res. Champion Barrow — Dominic Souza * 4-H Wt. Champion Barrow — Ashley Sparrer * 4-H Wt. Champion Gilt — Sydney Kunz * 4-H Wt. Champion Gilt — Savannah Souza * 4-H Res. Champion Gilt — Emilee Hitchcock * 4-H Res. Champion Gilt — Ireland McAbee

* We farrow for May fairs and Aug./Sept. fairs — they go fast, so get your order in early!

We've had a 2011 show season to be proud of!

Where Quality Breeding Breeds Success!

• 2011 Jr. Grand Nationals-Cow Palace Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe Shown by Josh Mendez • 2011 Southern California Fair Supreme Champion Lamb, Shown by Santana Zarate • 2011 Southern California Fair Supreme Champion Breeding Ewe, Shown by Jacey Gottlieb

2011 Jr. Grand Nationals - Cow Palace Reserve Supreme Champion Lamb Sired by MVP Shown by Josh Mendez

• 2011 San Benito County Fair Supreme Champion Lamb, Shown by Erica Bianchi

2011 Santa Barbara County Fair FFA Champion Lamb Sired by MVP Shown by Jessica Miller

• 2011 Sonoma County Fair FFA Champion Suffolk, Shown by Cole Pruett • 2011 Madera District Fair Reserve Supreme Breeding Ewe Shown by Daphne Norman • 2011 Monterey County Fair Reserve FFA Champion Lamb Shown by Lauren Ivey

• 2011 Hawaii State Fair Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Sydney Porter

• 2011 Yolo County Fair Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Mariesa Cramer

• 2011 Colorado River Fair Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Francesca Kontilis

• 2011 Ventura County Fair FFA Reserve Champion Lamb Shown by Juliet Wilson • 2011 Mid-State Fair FFA Reserve Champion Hamp Shown by Caitlyn Heely • 2011 Pacific International Reserve Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Mariesa Cramer • 2011 Santa Barbara County Fair 4-H Champion Hampshire Shown by Danielle Buchan • 2011 Santa Barbara County Fair FFA Reserve Champion Hampshire Shown by Jayme Llamas

• 2011 Pacific Coast Jackpot Reserve Supreme Champion Shown by Josh Mendez • 2011 Pacific Coast Jackpot Champion Prospect, Shown by Josh Mendez • 2011 Monterey Bay Classic Jackpot Reserve Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Josh Mendez • 2011 Monterey Bay Classice Jackpot Reserve Champion Market Lamb Shown by Danielle Caldeira • 2011 Yuma SAILA Jackpot Show Supreme Champion Lamb, Shown by Sebrina Hall

2011 Monterey County Fair Reserve Supreme Champion Lamb Sired by Vision Shown by Danielle Calderia

• 2011 Red Wave Classic Reserve Progress Champion, Shown by Josh Mendez

Don't miss this upcoming sale...for a 2012 show season YOU can be proud of!

• West Coast Sale-Nipomo: April 7th, 2012 Preview at 10am; Sale at Noon

2011 Orange County Fair Supreme Champion Lamb Sired by MVP Shown by Kayla Welch

2011 Tulare County Fair Supreme Champion Lamb Sired by MVP Shown by Preston Berra

Del Petersen (Nipomo, CA) (805) 478-7963 • Clemente Ayon (805) 896-4183 You can also find more info on our website: December 2011/January 2012 5

FEATURES: Spotlight: The Rusher Ranch - The Legacy Continues Today!.......... 12 Your Fair and You: A Golden Opportunity Awaits!............................... 16 Product Feature: Winter on the Road..................................................... 18 Lamb and Meat Goat Carcasses: At the Processing Facility.........30-31 Open Junior Show Breakdown......................................................46-47, 56 Livestock Judging........................................................................................ 52 Raising Market Hogs — The End Result................................................. 58

DEPARTMENTS: About the Cover.............................................................................................. 9 CJLA News & Points...............................................................................20-22 “Sittin' Round the Showbox” with Celeste............................................. 26 Kathleen's Korner........................................................................................ 34 CJLA 2012 Membership Application........................................................ 35 Breeders Directory.................................................................................38-41 Products and Services................................................................................. 41 Show Results............................................................................................42-44 Subscription Form ...................................................................................... 45 Livestock Industry News and Notes........................................................ 48 Hot Shots........................................................................................................ 54 Upcoming Events.......................................................................................... 56 Pacific Showcase Advertising Services................................................... 57 Advertisers Index......................................................................................... 60

December 2011/January 2012


Clippers that Win! Clipper Head— • 3-year warranty • Sleek, low-profile ribs • Shorter tension bolt • Internal roller bearings • Improved stainless inserts • Round steel drive

Premier Blades & Combs Shear Head— • 3-year warranty • Sleek, low-profile design • Suspended fork system • Internal roller bearings • Advanced tension system • No cutter retainer 1-800-282-6631

Excellent Quality— • Enters & combs dense fiber easily • Holds an edge longer • Leaves a smooth finish • Professional sharpening service

Contact us for free catalogs. Free shipping on qualified internet orders— or see our dealers nationwide.

from the

editor Happy, Happy Holidays to all of you from the office of Pacific Showcase. When you receive this issue, you will already have started your New Year. Back to school, small animal sales and the start of Jackpots. You can keep your weekends pretty full with lots of livestock events. Don’t push to hard and get burned out early, because you have many months of shows, events and sales to go too.

P.O. Box 41430 • San Jose, CA 95160 (408) 776-7611 • Fax (408) 776-9811 Publisher & Managing Editor: Heidi Beljean — (408) 888-2503 Email:

In this issue of Pacific Showcase, you will find the Jackpot Breakdown. This is a list of all upcoming shows to be held in 2012 that we know of as of printing time. While there are still plenty of shows to participate in, some shows have been cancelled due to the high expense of putting on a show or due to people not having the time it takes to plan, organize, and hold an event. In many cases, the cost of renting the facilities has increased and adding to that, the expenses of awards or finding sponsors for awards has made it much more difficult to afford to put on a jackpot.

Production Manager & Art Director: William Crump — (662) 257-1998 Email: Representatives: Katina Costerisan (661) 330-6392 (TX) Mike Rusher (503) 888-1823 (OR) Tiffany Carter (530) 409-5143

I hope you all realize the importance of jackpot shows – not just as a place to win awards, but as an avenue to learn more about your project, gain confidence with your animals, to improve fitting and showing skills, to make friends that are interested in the same thing you are, and to spend time with family doing something you all enjoy. These are also the reasons most people put on jackpot shows – to offer an opportunity for you to develop and showcase these skills. Yes, awards are nice – but they are not the whole picture.

Pacific Showcase limits its liability resulting from any and all errors, misprints and/or other inaccuracies in the advertisements and editorial content. The opinions or views expressed in all editorials are those only of the writer or persons interviewed and not the Pacific Showcase.

The jackpot scene is a big part of California, so everyone needs to work together to support them. PLEASE take time to thank the people who are putting on a show – they are all volunteers who spend many hours organizing and planning a show for your benefit. Offer to pitch in and help where needed, and be sure to say thank you when you leave. You can also help out by offering to sponsor awards or premiums. All jackpots need your support in order to continue.

Reproductions or other use of this magazine in whole or part of the contents without written permission of the editor is prohibited. Pacific Showcase welcomes readers contributions. Articles of interest, show results, sale results, and calendar dates are welcome and will be printed on space available. To have articles or pictures returned, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Send all submissions to address above.

Talking about Support – The CJLA Needs Everyone’s Help too! As we enter our 13th year, the CJLA is definitely a huge part of the Jackpot Show scene in California. Almost every show is sanctioned for members to earn their points at. Like the shows that face increased expenses and may struggle to hold their event, the CJLA is also facing financial struggles. Everyone agrees the economy is taking its’ toll, and most people and businesses are watching where their money is spent. We all have to agree, that we cannot afford to lose the programs that offer great opportunities and are important to our children, our families, and our agriculture industry. It takes a huge amount of money to fund the CJLA award program each year, and we rely entirely on donations and sponsorships. Please consider donating to this youth program now. Any amount helps us out and is gratefully accepted and appreciated. We are also selling tickets on several raffle items – this is a great way to contribute – by purchasing tickets and having the chance to win a great prize in return. Check out our ad in this issue for more information and give me a call anytime to discuss the CJLA.

Pacific Showcase is published bimonthly. It is mailed first class and third class bulk mail at Morgan Hill, California. Postmaster: send address changes to Pacific Showcase, P.O. Box 41430, San Jose, CA 95160. Subscriptions: (Bulk mail - one year - $25; two years - $45.) (First class - one year - $35; two years $65.) For processing of new subscriptions - please allow 4 to 6 weeks. For address corrections, send current mailing label along with new address to Pacific Showcase.

Time to Plan Ahead! The February/March Issue is our

Club Lamb, Project Hog & Meat Goat Issue

As always, if you move, send us your new address right away so you don’t miss an issue. Send us your Hot Shots, show results, and news, so we can get them published. Be sure to get your photos sent in for the upcoming features – the “All Around Kid” section and the “Graduate” section. If there is something you would like to see in a future issue, send us your ideas too. The Pacific Showcase makes a great gift for any occasion and is a great way to help someone new learn more about their projects and what is available or going on in their field.

Give us a call!

408-776-7611 Check us out on Facebook! — Become Friends —

December 2011/January 2012

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year full of joy and great experiences!



about the


Pac ific Sho wca se Mag azin e

Dec em ber 201 1/ Jan uar y 201 2

Ottenwalter Show Pigs has spent years assembling our breeding program and utilizing the best show pig genetics available throughout the country. We’ve traveled many miles in search of the best females in the United States, and selecting the best sires to breed them to. In the past couple of years, we’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy many successes, including the following: the $130,000 and $100,000 Reserve Champion Crossbred Boars at the Indiana State Fair two consecutive years, over 15 boars placed in major boar studs across the United States, the Champion barrow at Tulsa, the World Record Selling Crossbred Gilt, the Champion York Barrow at Oklahoma City, the Supreme Champion Gilt at the NJSA Western Regional the Supreme Champion Market Hog at Cow Palace, and countless County, State, and Jackpot Champions. We will be farrowing over 130 litters from November 20th to February 15th. This set of litters represents what we feel may be our best effort yet -- with our deepest set of females ever, bred to the most proven boars in the country! There will be 7 Hillbilly Bone litters, 10 Warfare litters, 20 Shoot Em litters, 8 WOW litters, 8 County Fare litters, and 5 Drop Shot litters. For more information and to view the Service Sires and expected litters, check out our website at We hope to see you at our sales this spring!

Mark and Sandy Ottenwalter — Colusa, CA Mark: 530-681-9799 Herdsman, Russell Pedrett: 530-681-9811 9

December 2011/January 2012

We appreciate all the youth who have purchased and shown our wethers so successfully.

Thank You All! We wish you the best of luck at your fairs and shows in 2012!

Featuring the Meat Goat Sires at UC Davis! AABG/NBD Blazn Hot! Champion Sr. Buck, 2010 California State Fair Sire of: • SSR1 Hot Chanel, SSR1 Coco Chanel, SSR1 Chanel Classic — Reserve Supreme Champion, Oktoberfest; Progress Champion, 2011 Jr. Grand National: #1189, Michael Ackley-Grady • Prospect Champion, Valley Classic (both shows): #1167, Bridgette Eldridge • Grand Champion, 2011 Plumas-Sierra County Fair: #1160, Wyatt Van Fleet

BDF Hallmark

Pictured: Erin Johnson and Duddley, Grand Champion, Classic Goat Jackpot, 2010 Jr. Grand National

We would like to thank the Fowler Family, Shadow Ridge Ranch, Wildflower Meat Goats and Kim Dougherty for making these fine bucks available to us. Frozen semen is available.

Rawhide Makin Big Bucks

Pictured: Michael Ackley-Grady and “Jake” Res. Market Champion, 2011 Jr. Grand National Sire of: • Res. Market Champion, 2011 Jr. Grand National, Supreme Champion, Golden Empire Classic, Res. Market Champion, Oktoberfest: “Jake”, Michael Ackley-Grady • Res. Progress Champion, Great Western, Champion Market, Valley Classic (both shows), Champion Market, Monterey Bay Classic, “Dave”, Erin Johnson • Res. Champion Prospect, Chico State Circle of Champions, “Bentley”, Rio Pagliaro

Sire of: • Grand Champion, 2010 Jr. Grand National: “Duddley”, Erin Johnson • Class winner, 2010 Denver Stock Show: “Fred”, Erin Johnson • Grand Champion, Merced County Spring Fair, Market Champion, Monterey Bay Classic, #9177, Clayton Sardella

BDF 6102 daVinci

daVinci is now in California — his first kids were born in November! Sire of: TH National Treasure (now owned by Pair-ADocs Boer Goats) and many fine does in the Fowler Livestock and Trueheart Meat Goat herds.

Don't miss our


December 2011/January 2012

Jan Carlson —

hampshires STANLEY POE II — Franklin, Indiana KALEN POE — Manhattan, Kansas Facebook: KPOE LIVESTOCK/ POE HAMPSHIRES On the Web: Kalen's Cell: 317-797-7387 Email: Stan II's Cell: 317-439-8395 Email:


3rd Annual Season Opener March 3rd, 2012 -Online sale managed by Willoughby Sales.. closes at 6pm, March 3rd... Free BBQ at 5pm...

Poe Hamps 23rd Annual Production Sale


April 21st, 2012 --

can be easily arranged to most parts of the country, through Premier 10 weekend/Ohio Dorset sale/Ohio Showcase sales.

Online sale managed by Willoughby Sales.. closes at 6pm April BBQ at noon.

OPEN HOUSE ALL DAY both days-Tour the repro buildings, view stud rams and book your 2012 AI days and semen orders now!! 11

December 2011/January 2012

Clendon Gilbert

Cool Calf specializes in custom built cool rooms and refrigeration systems for your show cattle needs.

Milton Gilbert

Cool Calf is a subdivision of Supermarket Services Co., Inc.

800 711-8982, 580 371-0220 1529 Industrial Lane Tishomingo, OK 73460 We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Yuma/SAILA JACKPOT SHOW Start Your Show Season Off at the...

January 28th, 2012

Yuma County Fairgrounds

— Bring Your —

Steers • Heifers • Lambs • Meat Goats

Remember... “Practice Makes Perfect!”

For more info, call

Vicky & Clyde Sharp: (928) 785-9317 Email:

SAILA Office: (520) 792-1060

So start your year by attending this Jackpot.

Or get info from... 13

December 2011/January 2012

Serving the Western States and Hawaii

Sincere Appreciation to all of our Customers

Providing Quality Embryo Transfer Services

— Happy Holidays! —

— 34 Years of Experience —

Office: 541-496-3914 • Mobile: 530-945-6525 11380 Little River Road • Glide, OR 97443

Don't wait until the last minute to figure out where to get your next project pig...

Look for our consignments at the

CA Pork Spectacular, March 9-11 and at the MJC Champions Choice Sale, March 24th

Look to proven genetics that can get you results...

Loin Eye Hog Farm December 2011/January 2012

U.S.D.A. Approved Mobile Export Laboratory

(Ceres, CA)

Paul Fernandes: (209) 608-2697 QUANTITY AND QUALITY — • Year-Round Availability • Breed Selection Show Pigs ~ Semen ~ Seedstock 14

Join us at the

Wild, Wild Western Bonanza! 9 to 19 Years Market Show 9 to 21 Years Heifer Show

28th l Annua

• Exhibitor Social and Fun Night • Barrow Derby • Regional Maine-Anjou and MaineTainer Show • Market Heifer Show • Added Premiums for Shorthorn and Hereford Shows!

Schedule of Events Friday

Gates Open 9 a.m. Trade Show Exhibitor Social


Heifer Shows A&B Swine Show A Sheep Show A Meat Goat Show A Showmanship A


Steer Shows A & B Swine Show B Sheep Show B Meat Goat Show B Showmanship B

Entries Due by Feb. 1, 2012 Download the entry form at our website —

February 17-19, 2012

or enter online at

Champion Premiums A & B: • Ch. Steer $750 / Res. Steer.....$500 • Ch. Heifer, Lamb & Hog.....$500 • Res. Heifer, Lamb & Hog.....$350 • Ch. Meat Goat .....$250 • Res. Meat Goat .....$150 • Ch. Bred & Owned.....$100

Paso Robles Event Center

— Showmanship Premiums —

Over $50,000 in Sponsored Awards and over $45,000 in Premium Payouts!

Paso Robles, CA

Platinum Sponsors:

Corporate Awards Provided by these Generous Sponsors:

• Res. Bred & Owned.....$50 • $100 Division Premiums • Barrow Derby.... Champion $200/Res. $150

Diamond Sponsors:

Emerald Sponsors: Bar ALE, Inc. Delta Farms Trucking Sullivan Supply, West Cowfoto • Levisay Family Allflex, USA • Manna Pro Cattaneo Bros.


Sanctioned Show

CJLA Banquet — Saturday Night

Sanctioned Show

For information: Western Bonanza Office - 805-756-2180 • Jacky Eshelby - 805-756-5418 • Wendy Hall - 805-756-5398 Megan Silcott - 805-756-2892 • Blake Dunlap -

Visit us on our Facebook fan page!

Come enjoy a fun family weekend -- it's The Best in the West! 15

December 2011/January 2012

More info at: Presents the 1st Annual

Presents the 4th Annual

Nor-Cal Lamb Camp & Jackpot

NW Lamb Camp & Jackpot

Colusa County Fairgrounds • Colusa, CA

Boatman Ranch • Prineville, OR

April 13-15, 2012

May 18-20, 2012

Where Champions Happen! Prizes:

Camps focus on:



• Buckles • Fitting Stands • Ewe Lambs • Jackets • ...and more!

• Hands-On • Feeding & Management • Fitting & Preparation • Selection The clinician:

Tracy Dendinger of Ohio

A well known and respected judge, breeder and clinician in the sheep industry.

Learning for all levels!

Beginner-Intermediate & Advanced camps offered LIMITED ENTRIES

Contact Info:

DAVID BOATMAN 541-815-0205


• Nor-Cal Camp: Mention this ad and receive early bird pricing through January 15, 2012! 17 December 2011/January 2012

1st Annual


SWINE JACKPOT Thank you to all our customers this past year - it has been a pleasure to work with you!

"The Smart Way to Feed" Presented by JS West Milling Co.

May 5th, 2012

831-623-4316 2345 Salinas Road San Juan Bautista, CA 95045

Stanislaus County Fairgrounds


Maine-Anjou Chimaine • Club Calf Steers Available Year-Round – Just Give Us a Call! Lou & Suzanne Seever 3687 Old Santa Rita Rd. Pleasanton, CA 94588

Day – 925.463.3443 Night – 925.820.5392 Mobile – 925. 989.9069

• Cash and Prizes for Class Winners • Buckle For Supreme, and Banner for Reserve • Plaques for division and showmanship winners • Shavings sold at Fairgrounds • Weigh in from 7:00-8:00 a.m. May, 5 2012 Show begins at 10:00 a.m. • $25.00 per Market Entry; $10 for Showmanship. Cash payment at Weigh-in! For more information, contact C.J. Brantley‚ 209-480-3774

Set your trailers for Arizona's Premier Junior Show...

March 10th-11th, 2012


Pima County Fairgrounds — Tucson, Arizona

NEW Two Shows — One Weekend! Breeding, Market and Feeder Classes; and Showmanship for Cattle, Sheep, Swine & Meat Goats Call for Premium Book

(520) 792-1060 19

For more information and entries: December 2011/January 2012

list of shows that will be held in the upcoming year. The sanctioned CJLA shows are noted and there is contact information for each show. A few shows cancelled but some new ones came on board, so you have plenty of opportunities to show youíre animals in 2012. Keep this list for future reference and also be sure to read upcoming issues of this magazine for advertisements and updates on CJLA happenings. I will also be sending out emails and an email Newsletter to CJLA members throughout the year, and our website is continuously updated. Please read your CJLA emails!! This saves us postage and gets updates to you faster!!

important Hello CJLA Members!


By the time you receive this magazine, the 2011 CJLA show year will have officially ended! CJLA members hit the highways and competed at events throughout California to earn points for year-end awards. In this issue, the lamb and hog points are complete. All the goat shows are entered except for Oktoberfest. All the cattle shows are entered except for the Jr. Shorthorn Field-day and the two Holiday Classic shows. As soon as I get these recorded, I will update the points on the website. If you attended more than eight shows, then your top eight point shows are entered here.

One last reminder, if you plan to join CJLA in 2012, be sure to get your membership application in before the first show you attend. Points do not accumulate until you have paid your dues. Also provide us with your email address so you can receive updates from us. We are in the process of getting our 2012 Rules Book printed and they will then be sent to all 2012 members. Contact: Mary Ann Bush (831) 623-4316

In past years, every member was mailed a spreadsheet at the end of the year to verify their points. This year to save time and expense, I am not mailing out spreadsheets. Instead, once I get these last shows recorded, you will be mailed a notice to check the website for your final points total. If you have ANY QUESTIONS, or just want to confirm your points, you will need to call or email me by the date specified on your mailed notice. After that date, all points will stand as recorded and posted on the website. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, I want to make sure we have everything correct!


Heidi Beljean (408) 888-2503


Points from the following shows included in this issue: Sierra Winter Classic................................................................. Steer, Heifer Mjc Showmaster Classic............................Steer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Red Wave Classic............................. Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Western Bonanza - (Shows A & B).Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Orange Blossom Klassic.......................................... Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Cattlemens Jackpot................................................................... Steer, Heifer Pork Spectacular........................................................................................ Hog Great Western................................... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Monterey Bay Classic..................... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Bar Ale/Sunglo “Circle of Champions” Chico.... Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Valley Classic Boer Goat Show - (Shows A & B).......................Meat Goat Siskiyou Golden Jackpot Show............................................... Steer, Heifer Pacific Coast Jackpot of Gold (Shows A & B)................................... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat California Poppy Classic...............................................................Meat Goat Calif. Jr. Angus State Field/Day & Preview Show.......................... Heifer Calif. Jr. Charolais Assn. Field/Day & Show.................................... Heifer Southwest Regional Hereford Show.................................................. Heifer Golden Empire Open Jr. Show..... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Surf-n-Turf Jackpot Show............. Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Limousin Jr. Fieldday........................................................................... Heifer Grand National................................ Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Northern Exposure (2 shows).................................................. Steer, Heifer CNPHA Hereford Classic Jackpot...................................................... Heifer Angus Days Jr. Show............................................................................. Heifer (Not Included - Oktoberfest, Jr. Shorthorn Field Day, Holiday Classic)

Included with your notice will be your invitation to the CJLA Award Banquet. Please send in your RSVP as quickly as possible so we can plan for the dinner and event. We hope you will all plan to come and enjoy the evening of awards, fun, and good food! If you are unable to attend, we ask that you make arrangements with someone to have your awards picked up on that Saturday. . Once again I would like to remind you that our award program relies entirely on the generous donations of the many people and businesses that support the CJLA and its members, and your help is needed in order for us to meet our goals. We have e-mailed, and also mailed to you, a Sponsor Letter and Donation Form, for your use. Please make copies and spread the word about the CJLA and your participation in the Association, and ask for donations from those who you think would be interested in supporting the award program. If you need more information from us, just let us know and we can contact them or provide you with more forms and information to pass along. As an added incentive, each year we give a SPECIAL PRIZE to the person who brings in the most sponsorships, so keep that in mind as you talk to people about the CJLA! You have also been sent raffle ticketsPLEASE do your best to get them sold. This is really important!! The CJLA desperately needs income to fund the award program. We are also still in need of items for the silent and live auctions. This is always a good fundraiser for CJLA, so let Heidi know what you will be bringing. In this issue you will find the 2012 Jackpot Breakdown. It is a complete

Steer Division English 1. Sherwood, Brandon............. 396 2. Fien, Garrett........................ 335 3. Patton, Samuel.................... 325 4. Andres, Stewart................... 288 5. Roseman, Rex...................... 276 6. Brossard, Chad.................... 232 7. Hofman, Stefani.................. 210 8. Rodriguez, Jacob.................. 191 9. Castaneda, Clarissa............ 168 10. Tarap, Tommy.................... 160 11. Kling, Dylan....................... 155 12. Schuler, Sarah................... 128 13. Sardella, Grant.................. 100 14. Pozzi, Steven........................ 55 15. Andrade, Madison............... 50 16. Brewen, Emily..................... 50 17. Brossard, Kate..................... 48 18. Grimsley,Austin................... 45 19. Blanton, Zachary................. 35 20. Clevenger, Sam.................... 30 21. Denier, Brandon.................. 30 22. Matteson, Michael............... 30 23. O’Neil, Steven...................... 15

Black/Black Cross 1. Kerlee, Aaron....................... 460 2. Clark, Sarah........................ 443 3. Thompson, Austin................ 300

4. Brossard, Emily................... 255 5. Brossard, Kate..................... 239 6. Hire, Taelor.......................... 234 7. Sherwood, Devinann........... 229 8. Matteson, Michael............... 225 9. Wisecarver, Madeline.......... 223 10. Emmert, Marcus................ 205 11. Andres, Stewart................. 193 12. Brewen, Emily................... 188 13. Hefner, Nicole.................... 183 14. 0’Neil, Steven..................... 175 15. Stoneham, Samantha........ 170 16. Kelton, Jenna.................... 167 17. Levisay, Savannah............. 164 18. Grimsley, Austin................ 156 19. Olsen, Connor.................... 148 20. Alexander, Joshua............. 143 21. Hefner, Brittany................ 143 22. Brossard, Chad.................. 140 23. Castaneda, Clarissa.......... 135 24. Schuler, Sarah................... 135 25. Andrade, Madison............. 130 26. Tyler, Taylor....................... 128 27. Yerian, Nathan.................. 120 28. Dierberger, Amy................ 110 29. Welch, Kayla...................... 110 30. Rodriguez, Jacob................ 103 31. Menjivar, Nico.................... 100 32. Denier, Brandon.................. 95 33. Denier, Chance.................... 95 34. Fenn, Matthew.................... 90

December 2011/January 2012

35. Torres, Kristyn..................... 90 36. Wygal, Alyssa....................... 83 37. Berrington, Breanna........... 80 38. Mancino, Kellie.................... 80 39. Sherwood, Brandon............. 80 40. Bradford, Katelynn............. 75 41. Machado, Brandon.............. 75 42. Beckwith, Jamie.................. 65 43. Mcglothern, Pookie.............. 65 44. Pozzi, Regina....................... 65 45. Tasker, Tyler........................ 65 46. Osborn, Faith....................... 60 47. Dealba, Brooke.................... 50 48. Carrol, Justin....................... 45 49. Crawford, Dalton................. 45 50. Hofman, Stefani.................. 45 51. Blanton, Zachary................. 40 52. Egan, Rylie.......................... 40 53. Egan, Emily......................... 35 54. Hefner, Austin..................... 35 55. Morrell, Bailey..................... 35 56. Menjivar, Kayla................... 30 57. Roseman, Rex...................... 30 58. Largen, Aaron...................... 25 59. Pozzi, Steven........................ 25 60. Clevenger, Sam.................... 20 61. Hofman, Kassidi.................. 20 62. Mcphee-Bayha, Royce......... 20 63. Mercier, Chase..................... 15 64. Cockrell, Taylor.................... 10 65. Debusk, Ryan...................... 10

66. Cockrell, Wyatt...................... 5

All Other Color 1. Andres, Stewart................... 359 2. Stoneham, Samantha.......... 313 3. Blanton, Zachary................. 248 4. Torres, Kristyn..................... 235 5. Patton, Samuel.................... 210 6. Bechtold, Ashtin.................. 206 7. Levisay, Calvin.................... 172 8. Hofman, Kassidi.................. 165 9. Brown, Raeann.................... 160 10. Hofman, Stefani................ 150 11. Brossard, Kate................... 136 12. Rotter, Becca...................... 125 13. Tasker, Tyler...................... 125 14. Johns, Brett....................... 120 15. Matteson, Michael............. 120 16. Kelton, Jenna.................... 118 17. Yerian, Nathan.................. 118 18. Kerlee, Aaron..................... 110 19. Ivey, Lauren....................... 100 20. Beckwith, Jamie.................. 75 21. O’neil, Steven....................... 75 22. Watje, Alexius...................... 65 23. Mcphee-Bayha, Royce......... 60 24. Miller, Anna......................... 60 25. Egan, Rylie.......................... 55 26. Wokal, Samantha................ 50 27. Rodriguez, Jacob.................. 45 28. Andrade, Madison............... 43


29. Allen, Lauren....................... 40 30. Mancino, Kellie.................... 40 31. Woodcock, Chelsea............... 35 32. Emmert, Marcus.................. 30 33. White, Brooke...................... 25 34. Osborn, Faith....................... 20

Steer Overall Points

1. Andres, Stewart................... 630 2. Patton, Samuel.................... 500 3. Kerlee, Aaron....................... 485 4. Sherwood, Brandon............. 476 5. Stoneham, Samantha.......... 470 6. Clark, Sarah........................ 443 7. HoFman, Stefani................. 370 8. Brossard, Kate..................... 368 9. Matteson, Michael............... 345 10. Fien, Garrett...................... 335 Torres, Krisyn.......................... 325 Blanton, Zachary..................... 323 Brossard, Chad........................ 307 Roseman, Rex.......................... 306 Thompson, Austin................... 300 Rodriguez, Jacob..................... 294 Kelton, Jenna.......................... 285 Schuler, Sarah......................... 263 Castaneda, Clarissa................ 258 Brossard, Emily....................... 255 Brewen, Emily......................... 238 Yerian, Nathan........................ 238 Emmert, Marcus..................... 235

Hire, Taelor.............................. 234 Sherwood, Devinann............... 229 Andrade, Madison................... 223 Wisecarver, Madeline.............. 223 Bechtold, Ashtin...................... 206 Grimsley, Austin...................... 201 Tasker, Tyler............................ 190 HofMan, Kassidi...................... 185 O’neil, Steven.......................... 185 Hefner, Nicole.......................... 183 Levisay, Calvin........................ 172 Levisay, Savannah................... 164 Brown, Raeann........................ 160 Tarap, Tommy.......................... 160 Kling, Dylan............................ 155 Olson, Connor.......................... 148 Alexander, Joshua................... 143 Hefner, Brittany...................... 143 Beckwith, Jaime...................... 140 Tyler, Taylor............................. 128 Denier, Brandon...................... 125 Rotter, Becca............................ 125 Johns, Brett............................. 120 Dealba, Brooke........................ 110 Dierberger, Amy...................... 110 Ivey, Lauren............................. 100 Menjivar, Nico......................... 100 Sardella, Grant........................ 100 Denier, Chance.......................... 95 Egan, Rylie................................ 95 Fenn, Matthew.......................... 90

Mancino, Kellie.......................... 90 Wygal, Alyssa............................ 83 BeRrington, Breanna................ 80 Mcphee-Bayha, Royce............... 80 Osborn, Faith............................. 80 Pozzi, Steven.............................. 80 Bradford, Katelynn................... 75 Machado, Brandon.................... 75 Mcglothern Pookie..................... 65 Pozzi, Regina............................. 65 Watje, Alexius............................ 65 Miller, Anna............................... 60 Welch, Kayla.............................. 55 Clevenger, Sam.......................... 50 Wokal, Samantha...................... 50 Carrol, Justin............................ 45 Crawford, Dalton....................... 45 Allen, Lauren............................. 40 Egan, Emily............................... 35 Hefner, Austin........................... 35 Morrell, Bailey........................... 35 Menjivar, Kayla......................... 30 Woodcock, Chelsea.................... 30 Largen, Aaron............................ 25 White, Brooke............................ 25 Mercier, Chase........................... 15 Cockrell, Taylor......................... 10 Debusk, Ryan............................ 10 CockreLl, Wyatt........................... 5 Emery, Kyle................................. 0 Greer, Brandon............................ 0 Jeffery, Heather........................... 0 Perry, Bryce................................. 0 Perry, Taylor................................ 0 Perry, Wyatt................................. 0 Rohrmann, Kyle.......................... 0 Smith, Katerina........................... 0 Stephan, Bailey........................... 0 Tercero, Ashley............................ 0 Tunzi, Robby................................ 0

Heifer Division Angus 1. Dal Porto, Dawson............... 588 2. Tower, Shannon................... 563 3. Watje, Alexis........................ 407 4. Silveira, Megan................... 341 5. Kerlee, Aaron....................... 335 6. Pozzi, Steven........................ 295 7. Wisecarver, Madeline.......... 266 8. Pozzi, Regina....................... 218 9. Perry, Macy.......................... 216 10. Dierberger, Amy................ 216 11. Grimsley, Austin................ 150 12. Giles, Lindsey.................... 140 13. Levisay, Savannah............... 95 14. Matteson, Michael............... 95 15. Levisay, Calvin.................... 75 16. Osborn, Faith....................... 65 17. Coleman, Tyler.................... 35 18. Fenn, Matthew.................... 35 19. Souza, Adam........................ 30

Hereford 1. Bianchi, Erica...................... 582 2. Morrell, Bailey..................... 454 3. Hartzell, Caitlyn.................. 351 4. Goss, Kallie.......................... 323 5. Bianchi, Hannah................. 308 6. Kling, Dylan......................... 300 7. Bradford, Katelynn............. 270 8. Dewar, Meagan.................... 264 9. Dewar, Madison................... 198 10. Bianchi, John..................... 135 11. Menzes, Marissa.................. 90 12. Sozzi, Kelsey........................ 40 13. Sozzi, Kacey......................... 35 14. Menzes, Mitchell.................. 20

Shorthorn 1. Hood, NatalynNe................. 529 2. Wolfe, Adam......................... 444 3. Brossard, Emily................... 198 4. Matteson, Michael............... 198 5. Sardella, Grant.................... 196 6. Souza, Dana......................... 150 7. Osborn, Faith....................... 143 8. Souza, Adam.......................... 43 9. Dewar, Meagan...................... 40 10. Dewar, Madison................... 35

Limousin 1. Pozzi, Steven........................ 213 2. Tunzi, Robby........................ 145

Maine-Anjou 1. Watje, Alexis........................ 356 2. Sherwood, Devinann........... 329 3. Lusk, Allyson....................... 268 4. Andres, Stewart................... 265 5. Hefner, Nicole...................... 250 6. Brossard, Emily................... 165 7. Miranda, Marc..................... 161 8. Brewen, Emily..................... 125 9. Amaral, Alina........................ 80

Charolais 1. Tower, Shannon................... 319 2. PaNkey, Forrest................... 300 3. Woodcock, Chelsea............... 240 4. Matteson, Michael............... 190 5. Andrade, Madison............... 160 6. Woodcock, John.................... 105 7. Menzes, Marissa.................... 88 8. Bianchi, Erica........................ 70 9. Woodcock, Josie...................... 30

All Other Breeds 1. Mcphee-Bayha, Royce......... 518 2. Machado, Brandon.............. 473 3. Miller, Anna......................... 405 4. Matteson, Michael............... 358 5. Vietheer, Elizabeth.............. 255 6. Hofman, Ashley................... 248 7. Lusk, Allyson....................... 240 8. Bianchi, Erica...................... 236 9. Dierberger, Amy.................. 228 10. Yerian, Nathan.................. 208 11. Sherwood, Brandon........... 198 12. Wolfe, Adam....................... 193 13. Hire, Taelor........................ 163 14. Watje, Alexis...................... 158 15. Patton, Jennifer................. 145 16. Tasker, Tana....................... 125 17. Buttermore, Kassidi.......... 120 18. Grimsley, Austin................ 118 19. Emmert, Marcus................ 115 20. Perry, Macy........................ 113 21. Egen, Rylie......................... 100 22. Fien, Garrett........................ 95 23. Goss, Kallie.......................... 80 24. Kerlee, Aaron....................... 80 25. Brossard, Chad.................... 75 26. Egan, Emily......................... 70 27. Morrell, Bailey..................... 70 28. Rodriguez, Jacob.................. 65 29. Suttles, Sierra...................... 65 30. Wolfe, Evan.......................... 65 31. Bechtold, Ashtin.................. 60 32. Peterson, Andrew................ 60 33. Rotter, Becca........................ 60 34. Osburn, Faith...................... 45 35. Andrade, Madison............... 40 36. Brossard, Kate.................... 40 37. MenzeS, Marissa................. 40 38. Castello, Alexandra............. 35 39. Pozzi, Steven........................ 30 40. Kelton, Jenna...................... 25 41. Pozzi, Regina....................... 20 42. Woodcock, Josie.................... 15 43. Castello, Courtney................. 5

Heifer Overall Points

1. Watje, Alexis........................ 725 2. Matteson, Michael............... 601 3. Hood, Natalynne.................. 529 4. Tower, Shannon................... 522 5. Mcphee-Bayha, Royce......... 518 6. Lusk, Allyson....................... 508 7. Machado, Brandon.............. 473 8. Wolfe, Adam......................... 459 9. Bianchi, Erica...................... 457 10. Dal Porto, Dawson............. 438 Miller, Anna............................. 405 Morrell, Bailey......................... 381 Brossard, Emily....................... 363 Kerlee, Aaron........................... 362 Sherwood, DeVinann.............. 329 Hartzell, Caitlyn..................... 316 Goss, Kallie.............................. 315 Pozzi, Steven............................ 310 Kling, Dylan............................ 270 Andres, Stewart....................... 265 Pankey, Forrest........................ 260 Vietheer, Elizabeth.................. 255 Osborn, Faith........................... 253 Hefner, Nicole.......................... 250 Hofman, Ashley....................... 248 Silveira, Megan....................... 248 Grimsley, Austin...................... 243 Dierberger, Amy...................... 228 Dewar, Meagan........................ 221 Menzes, Marissa...................... 218 Perry, Macy.............................. 216 Yerian, Nathan........................ 208 Sherwood, Brandon................. 198 Sardella, Grant........................ 196 Wisecarver, Madeline.............. 191 Dewar, Madison....................... 188 Bradford, Katelynn................. 175 Bianchi, Hannah..................... 173 Rodriguez, Jacob..................... 168 Hire, Taelor.............................. 163 Miranda, Marc......................... 161 Souza, Dana............................. 150 Woodcock, Chelsea.................. 150 Andrade, Madison................... 145 Patton, Jennifer....................... 145 Brewen, Emily......................... 125 Tasker, Tana............................ 125 Buttermore, Kassidi................ 120 Emmert, Marcus..................... 115

Bianchi, John........................... 100 Egan, Rylie.............................. 100 Tunzi, Robby............................ 100 Fien, Garrett.............................. 95 Levisay, Savannah..................... 95 Pozzi, Regina............................. 95 Giles, Lindsey............................ 85 Amaral, Alina............................ 80 Souza, Adam.............................. 78 Brossard, Chad.......................... 75 Egan, Emily............................... 70 Qualls, Briana........................... 65 Stephan, Bailey......................... 65 Wolfe, Evan................................ 65 Bechtold, Ashtin........................ 60 Peterson, Andrew...................... 60 Rotter, BeccA............................. 60 Levisay, Calvin.......................... 50 Brossard, Kate........................... 40 Sozzi, Kacey............................... 40 Castello, Alexandra................... 35 Fenn, Matthew.......................... 35 Smith, Katarina........................ 35 Woodcock, John......................... 35 Kelton, Jenna............................ 25 Menzes, Mitchell....................... 20 Coleman, Tyler.......................... 15 Woodcock, Josie......................... 15 Castello, Courtney....................... 5 Berrington, Erin.......................... 0 Braught, Madyline...................... 0 Carrol, Justin.............................. 0 Carroll, Jarret............................. 0 Clevenger, Sam............................ 0 Cockrell, Wyatt............................ 0 Debusk, Ryan.............................. 0 Forster, Jenna.............................. 0 Hefner, Austin............................. 0 Hefner, Brittany.......................... 0 Johns, Brett................................. 0 Kellman, Natalie......................... 0 Sozzi, Kelsey................................ 0 Suttles, Sierra............................. 0 Tasker, TyLer............................... 0 Torres, Kristyn............................ 0 Wokal, Macie............................... 0

14. Menzes, Marissa.................. 35 15. Pozzi, Regina....................... 35 16. Grimsley, Austin.................. 30 17. Tasker, Tyler........................ 30 18. Bianchi, Hannah................. 25 19. Fenn, Matthew.................... 20 20. Ivey, Lauren......................... 20 21. Mcglothern Pookie............... 20 22. Hartzell, Caitlyn.................. 15 23. Hefner, Austin..................... 15 24. Buttermore, Kassidi............ 10 25. Castello, Alexandra............. 10 26. Allen, Lauren......................... 0 27. Braught, Madyline................ 0 28. Carroll, Jarret........................ 0 29. Crawford, Dalton................... 0 30. Denier, Brandon.................... 0 31. Egan, Rylie............................ 0 32. Emery, Kyle............................ 0 33. Johns, Brett........................... 0 34. Kellman, Natalie................... 0 35. Menjivar, Kayla..................... 0 36. Miller, Anna........................... 0 37. O’neil, Steven......................... 0 38. Perry, Bryce............................ 0 39. Peterson, Andrew.................. 0 40. Smith, Katarina.................... 0 41. White, Brooke........................ 0 42. Wokal, Macie.......................... 0 43. Woodcock, Josie...................... 0

16-21 1. Fien, Garrett........................ 270 2. Hood, Natalynne.................. 150 3. Machado, Brandon.............. 140 4. Goss, Kallie.......................... 120 5. Sherwood, Devinann........... 120 6. Clark, Sarah........................ 115 7. Hefner, Nicole...................... 115 8. Patton, Jennifer................... 110 9. Wolfe, Adam......................... 110 10. Levisay, Savannah............. 105 11. Matteson, Michael............... 95 12. Yerian, Nathan.................... 85 13. Wisecarver, Madeline.......... 70 14. Brossard, Emily................... 65 15. Emmert, Marcus.................. 60 16. Dierberger, Amy.................. 45 17. Rodriguez, Jacob.................. 45 18. Bechtold, Ashtin.................. 40 19. Bianchi, Erica...................... 35 20. Wygal, Alyssa....................... 30 21. Hofman, Stefani.................. 25 22. Torres, Kristyn..................... 25 23. Olson, Connor...................... 20 24. Woodcock, Chelsea............... 15 25. Beckwith, Jaime.................. 10 26. Blanton, Zachary................... 5 27. Pankey, ForRest..................... 5 28. Amaral, Alina........................ 0 29. Bradford, Katelynn............... 0 30. Carrol, Justin......................... 0 31. Castaneda, Clarissa.............. 0 32. Clevenger, Sam...................... 0 33. Dealba, Brooke...................... 0 34. Debusk, Ryan........................ 0 35. Forster, Jenna........................ 0 36. Giles, Lindsey........................ 0 37. Hofman, Ashley..................... 0 38. Jeffery, Heather..................... 0 39. Largen, Aaron........................ 0 40. Mancino, Kellie...................... 0 41. Miranda, Marc....................... 0 42. Qualls, Briana....................... 0 43. Rohrmann, Kyle.................... 0 44. Rotter, Becca.......................... 0 45. Sardella, Grant...................... 0 46. Schuler, Sarah....................... 0 47. Stephan, Bailey..................... 0 48. Suttles, Sierra........................ 0 49. Tercero, Ashley...................... 0 50. Tyler, Taylor........................... 0 51. Welch, KaYla......................... 0 52. Wokal, Samantha.................. 0 53. Woodcock, John...................... 0

Beef Showmanship 9-12 1. Kerlee, Aaron....................... 310 2. Andres, Stewart................... 305 3. Hire, Taelor.......................... 245 4. Lusk, Allyson....................... 195 5. Dal Porto, Dawson............... 155 6. Brossard, Chad.................... 150 7. Mcphee-Bayha, Royce......... 120 8. Patton, Samuel.................... 115 9. Thompson, Austin................ 100 10. Alexander, Joshua............... 90 11. Silveira, Megan................... 80 12. Morrell, Bailey..................... 60 13. Hofman, Kassidi.................. 55 14. Roseman, Rex...................... 55 15. Andrade, Madison............... 50 16. Brewen, Emily..................... 50 17. Osborn, Faith....................... 45 18. Hefner, Brittany.................. 40 19. Tarap, Tommy...................... 35 20. VietHeer, Elizabeth............. 35 21. Souza, Dana......................... 20 22. Souza, Adam........................ 10 23. Castello, Courtney................. 5 24. Cockrell, Wyatt...................... 5 25. Dewar, Madison..................... 5 26. Berrington, Erin.................... 0 27. Bianchi, John......................... 0 28. Cockrell, Taylor...................... 0 29. Coleman, Tyler...................... 0 30. Denier, Chance...................... 0 31. Dewar, Meagan...................... 0 32. Egan, Emily........................... 0 33. Greer, Brandon...................... 0 34. Menzes, Mitchell.................... 0 35. Mercier, Chase....................... 0 36. Perry, Taylor........................... 0 37. Perry, Wyatt........................... 0 38. Sozzi, Kacey........................... 0 39. Sozzi, Kelsey.......................... 0 40. Tasker, Tana........................... 0 41. Tunzi, Robby.......................... 0 42. Wolfe, Evan............................ 0

Hog Division 9-12 1. Scarborough, Jenna............. 601 2. Nelson, Dane....................... 431 3. Mcintyre, Cameron.............. 413 4. Johnson, Elijah.................... 310 5. Borba, Eleanor..................... 300 6. Kiser, Madeline.................... 258 7. Verdegaal, Clay.................... 245 8. Verdegaal, Gracie................ 233 9. Conder, Kade....................... 205 10. Nelson, Dirk....................... 190 11. Weinrich, Shelby................ 170 12. Nylander, Taeber............... 105 13. Butimore, Kaitlyn................ 85 14. Bennett, Lily........................ 75 15. Coonce, Adriana................... 70 16. Seymore, Hannah................ 60 17. Johnson, Noah..................... 55 18. Coonce, Cole......................... 50

13-15 1. Stoneham, Samantha.......... 265 2. WaTje, Alexis....................... 160 3. Pozzi, Steven........................ 145 4. Kelton, Jenna...................... 135 5. Sherwood, Brandon............. 135 6. Brossard, Kate..................... 130 7. Tower, Shannon................... 110 8. Perry, Macy.......................... 110 9. Levisay, Calvin...................... 95 10. Kling, Dylan......................... 80 11. Brown, Raeann.................... 70 12. Menjivar, Nico...................... 50 13. Berrington, Breanna........... 35


19. Bennett, Lucy...................... 45 20. Debusk, Wyatt..................... 25 21. Stewart, Bailee.................... 25 22. Enos, Anna........................... 20 23. Stewart, Brooke................... 20 24. Huseby, Kyle........................ 15 25. Jones, Alexis.......................... 0 26. Rush, Justine......................... 0

13-15 1. Mcintyre, Baylie.................. 669 2. Peters, Kiana....................... 628 3. Cramer, Mariesa.................. 614 4. Miller, Savannah................. 566 5. Hanson, Nelson................... 533 6. Bowen, Chase...................... 475 7. Zittel, Madison.................... 475 8. Anderson, Morgan............... 410 9. Johnson, Caleb ................... 295 10. Dustra, Dusty.................... 260 11. Bisnett, Hazen................... 160 12. Johnson, Zach.................... 160 13. Gonzales-Salazar, Maddy.... 75 14. Lee, David............................ 65 15. Enos, George........................ 55 16. Lee, Devin............................ 55 17. Whitaker, Whitney.............. 50 18. Thomas, Andrea................... 45 19. Huseby, Danielle.................. 40 20. Seymore, Nick...................... 35 21. Thomas, Amanda................. 25

16-19 1. Shively, Darrah.................... 640 2. Conant, Matthew................. 626 3. Serna, Artie.......................... 550 4. Hanson, Laurel.................... 490 5. Lehfeldt, Travis................... 418 6. Ferrero, Jd........................... 385 7. Brem, Kyle........................... 376 8. Vasquez, Claire.................... 373 9. Conant, Greg....................... 265 10. Tarbell, Jace....................... 253 11. Debusk, Ryan.................... 235 12. Borba, Alex........................ 200 13. Allen, Lucas....................... 175 14. Lopez- Sarah Ann.............. 120 15. Machado, Brandon.............. 98 16. Butimore, Amber................. 95 17. Durfey, Taylor...................... 30 18. Moreno, JoShua................... 15 19. Mendez,Angelica................... 0 20. Tercero, Ashley...................... 0

Overall Hog

1. Mcintyre, Baylie.................. 669 2. Shively, Darrah.................... 640 3. Peters, Kiana....................... 628 4. Conant, Matthew................. 626 5. Cramer, Mariesa.................. 614 6. Scarborough, Jenna............. 601 7. Miller, Savannah................. 566 8. Serna, Artie.......................... 550 9. Hanson, Nelson................... 533 10. Hanson, Laurel.................. 490 Bowen, Chase.......................... 475 Zittel, Madison........................ 475 Nelson, Dane........................... 431 Lehfeldt, Travis....................... 418 Mcintyre, Cameron................. 413 Anderson, Morgan................... 410 Ferrero, Jd............................... 385 Brem, Kyle............................... 376 Vasquez, Claire........................ 373 Johnson, Elijah........................ 310 Borba, Eleanor......................... 300 Johnson, Caleb ....................... 295 Conant, Greg........................... 265 Dustry, Dusty.......................... 260 Kiser, Madeline....................... 258 Tarbell, Jace............................ 253 Verdegaal, Clay....................... 245 Debusk, Ryan.......................... 235 Verdegaal, Gracie.................... 233 Conder, Kade........................... 205 Borba, Alex.............................. 200 Nelson, Dirk............................ 190 Allen, Lucas............................. 175 Weinrich, Shelby..................... 170 Bisnett, Hazen......................... 160 Johnson, Zach.......................... 160 Lopez- Sarah Ann.................... 120 Nylander, Taeber..................... 105 Machado, Brandon.................... 98 Butimore, Amber....................... 95 Butimore, Kaitlyn..................... 85 Bennett, Lily.............................. 75 Gonzales-Salazar, Maddy......... 75 Coonce, Adriana........................ 70 Lee, David.................................. 65 Seymore, HanNah..................... 60 Enos, George.............................. 55 Johnson, Noah........................... 55 Lee, Devin.................................. 55 Coonce, Cole............................... 50 Whitaker, Whitney.................... 50 Bennett, Lucy............................ 45

Thomas, Andrea........................ 45 Huseby, Danielle....................... 40 Seymore, Nick............................ 35 Durfey, Taylor............................ 30 Debusk, Wyatt........................... 25 Stewart, Bailee.......................... 25 Thomas, Amanda....................... 25 Enos, Anna................................. 20 Stewart, Brooke......................... 20 Huseby, Kyle.............................. 15 Moreno, Joshua......................... 15 Jones, Alexis................................ 0 Mendez,Angelica......................... 0 Rush, Justine............................... 0 Tercero, Ashley............................ 0

Hog Showmanship 9-12 1. Nelson, Dane....................... 315 2. Scarborough, Jenna............. 255 3. Verdegaal, Clay.................... 225 4. Borba, Eleanor..................... 185 5. Verdegaal, Gracie................ 185 6. Mcintyre, Cameron.............. 150 7. Nelson, Dirk......................... 105 8. Johnson, Elijah...................... 80 9. Weinrich, Shelby.................... 65 10. Kiser, Madeline.................... 60 11. Conder, Kade....................... 55 12. Nylander, Taeber................. 50 13. Seymore, Hannah................ 45 14. Coonce, Adriana................... 25 15. Huseby, Kyle........................ 10 16. Butimore, Kaitlyn.................. 5 17. Johnson, Noah....................... 5 18. Bennett, Lily.......................... 0 19. Bennett, Lucy........................ 0 20. Coonce, Cole........................... 0 21. Debusk, Wyatt....................... 0 22. Enos, Anna............................. 0 23. Jones, Alexis.......................... 0 24. Rush, Justine......................... 0 25. Stewart, Bailee...................... 0 26. Stewart, Brooke..................... 0

13-15 1. Peters, Kiana....................... 320 2. CraMer, Mariesa.................. 275 3. Zittel, Madison.................... 225 4. Mcintyre, Baylie.................. 220 5. Bowen, Chase...................... 195 6. Hanson, Nelson................... 115 7. Anderson, Morgan............... 105 8. Johnson, Zach........................ 80 9. Dustry, Dusty......................... 70 10. Johnson, Caleb ................... 65 11. Miller, Savannah................. 50 12. Bisnett, Hazen..................... 35 13. Seymore, Nick...................... 35 14. Huseby, Danielle.................. 25 15. Thomas, Andrea................... 25 16. Enos, George........................ 10 17. Gonzales-Salazar, Maddy...... 0 18. Lee, David.............................. 0 19. Lee, Devin.............................. 0 20. Thomas, Amanda................... 0 21. Whitaker, Whitney................ 0

16-19 1. Shively, Darrah.................... 310 2. Lehfeldt, Travis................... 305 3. Conant, MatthEw................ 240 4. Vasquez, Claire.................... 200 5. Tarbell, Jace......................... 110 6. Ferrero, Jd............................. 95 7. Borba, Alex............................ 90 8. Conant, Greg......................... 75 9. Brem, Kyle............................. 55 10. Serna, Artie.......................... 55 11. Hanson, Laurel.................... 40 12. Lopez- Sarah Ann................ 40 13. Debusk, Ryan...................... 15 14. Allen, Lucas......................... 10 15. Butimore, Amber................... 0 16. Durfey, Taylor........................ 0 17. Machado, Brandon................ 0 18. Mendez,Angelica................... 0 19. Moreno, Joshua..................... 0 20. Tercero, Ashley...................... 0

Sheep Division 9-12 1. Smith, Shane....................... 353 2. Moses, Justina..................... 310 3. Layne, Amber...................... 285 4. Mcclure, Sarah.................... 245 5. Colbert, Weldon................... 216 6. Pankey, JeNna..................... 215 7. Colvard, Brittnie................. 155 8. Farao, Samantha................. 100 9. Layne, Allison........................ 85 10. Mattes, Shyann................... 80 11. Teresi, Jacob........................ 25 12. Gottlieb, Jacey..................... 20 13. Bayne, Sarah....................... 15

December 2011/January 2012

14. Pendleton, Marissa.............. 15 15. Whiteford, Alexis................. 10

13-15 1. Smith, Kristyn..................... 683 2. Mendez, Joshua................... 635 3. Bowles, Kelsie...................... 583 4. Teresi, Jessica...................... 508 5. Lewis, Isaac......................... 493 6. Eldridge, Bridgette.............. 493 7. Nelson, Tate......................... 475 8. Vieira, Lindsey..................... 453 9. Kerlee, Kyle......................... 444 10. Alexander, Morgan............ 440 11. Truax, Timothy.................. 420 12. Castello, Alexandra........... 300 13. ZurlienE, Emily................. 198 14. Hoogendoorn, Emily.......... 190 15. Madden, Maggie................ 155 16. Larsen, Peyton................... 125 17. Snyder, Holland................. 100 18. Miller, Jesse......................... 55 19. Pendleton, Gianna............... 45 20. Norman, Daphne................. 40 21. Klinger, Allysa..................... 30 22. Whiteford, Joseph................ 30 23. Russell, Kortney.................. 20 24. Hahlbeck, Alexandra........... 15 25. Mcneely, Isabella................... 5 26. Townsend, Michael................ 0

16-19 1. Hanks, Amy......................... 628 2. Strasser, Taylor.................... 545 3. Zimmerman, Steven............ 385 4. Edelman, Brooke................. 340 5. Snyder, Skottlyn.................. 328 6. Durfey, Taylor...................... 295 7. Switzer, Hailey-Rose........... 275 8. Dutra, JuStine..................... 205 9. Bayne, Nicole....................... 196 10. Spaman, Makayla............. 175 11. Hagle, Samantha............... 165 12. Miller, Robert..................... 155 13. Strand, Emilie................... 155 14. Castro, Kelsey.................... 100 15. Welch, Kayla........................ 70 16. Tackmier, Kate..................... 65 17. Morrison, Caitlyn................ 63 18. Edmondsen, Tyler............... 60 19. Robinson, Kathren.............. 55 20. Sumpter, Shannon............... 50 21. Bradford, Katelynn............. 35

22. Ryan, Joe.............................. 25 23. Slocum, Kayla...................... 20 24. Boggs,Marcee......................... 0 25. Hofman, Stefani.................... 0 26. Purkey, James........................ 0 27. Strahan, Brittany.................. 0 28. Tercero, Ashley...................... 0

Overall Lamb

1. Smith, Kristyn..................... 683 2. Mendez, Joshua................... 635 3. Hanks, Amy......................... 628 4. Bowles, Kelsie...................... 583 5. Strasser, Taylor.................... 545 6. Teresi, Jessica...................... 508 7. Lewis, Isaac......................... 493 8. Eldridge, Bridgette.............. 493 9. Nelson, Tate......................... 475 10. Vieira, Lindsey................... 453 Kerlee, Kyle............................. 444 Alexander, Morgan.................. 440 Truax, Timothy........................ 420 Zimmerman, Steven................ 385 Smith, Shane........................... 353 Edelman, Brooke..................... 340 Snyder, Skottlyn...................... 328 Moses, Justina......................... 310 Castello, Alexandra................. 300 Durfey, Taylor.......................... 295 Layne, Amber.......................... 285 Switzer, Hailey-Rose............... 275 Mcclure, Sarah........................ 245 Colbert, Weldon....................... 216 Pankey, Jenna.......................... 215 Dutra, Justine......................... 205 Zurliene, Emily........................ 198 Bayne, Nicole........................... 196 Hoogendoorn, Emily................ 190 Spaman, Makayla................... 175 Hagle, Samantha..................... 165 Colvard, Brittnie..................... 155 Madden, Maggie...................... 155 Strand, Emilie......................... 155 Larsen, Peyton......................... 125 Miller, Robert........................... 115 Castro, Kelsey......................... 100 Farao, Samantha..................... 100 Snyder, Holland....................... 100 Layne, Allison............................ 85 Mattes, Shyann......................... 80 Welch, Kayla.............................. 70 Tackmier, Kate.......................... 65

7. Nelson, Tate......................... 160 8. Eldridge, Bridgette.............. 115 9. Vieira, Lindsey..................... 135 10. Alexander, Morgan............ 105 11. Castello, Alexandra........... 105 12. Norman, Daphne................. 45 13. TrUax, Timothy................... 45 14. Zurliene, Emily.................... 15 15. Hoogendoorn, Emily.............. 5 16. Russell, Kortney.................... 5 17. Hahlbeck, Alexandra............. 0 18. Klinger, Allysa..................... 10 19. Larsen, Peyton....................... 0 20. Madden, Maggie.................... 0 21. Mcneely, Isabella................... 0 22. Miller, Jesse........................... 0 23. Pendleton, Gianna................. 0 24. Snyder, Holland..................... 0 25. Townsend, Michael................ 0 26. Whiteford, Joseph.................. 0

Morrison, Caitlyn...................... 63 Edmondsen, Tyler..................... 60 Miller, Jesse............................... 55 Robinson, Kathren.................... 55 Sumpter, Shannon..................... 50 Pendleton, Gianna..................... 45 Norman, Daphne....................... 40 BrAdford, Katelynn................... 35 Klinger, Allysa........................... 30 Whiteford, Joseph..................... 30 Ryan, Joe................................... 25 Teresi, Jacob.............................. 25 Gottlieb, Jacey........................... 20 Russell, Kortney........................ 20 Slocum, Kayla............................ 20 Bayne, Sarah............................. 15 Hahlbeck, Alexandra................. 15 Pendleton, Marissa.................... 15 Whiteford, Alexis....................... 10 Mcneely, Isabella......................... 5 Boggs,Marcee.............................. 0 Hofman, Stefani.......................... 0 Purkey, James............................. 0 Strahan, Brittany........................ 0 Tercero, Ashley............................ 0 Townsend, Michael...................... 0

16-19 1. Hanks, Amy......................... 270 2. Zimmerman, Steven............ 240 3. Strasser, Taylor.................... 165 4. Durfey, Taylor...................... 140 5. Bayne, Nicole....................... 100 6. Switzer, Hailey-Rose............. 95 7. Snyder, Skottlyn.................... 90 8. Spaman, Makayla................. 75 9. Edelman, Brooke................... 60 10. Miller, Robert....................... 55 11. Dutra, Justine..................... 50 12. Tackmier, Kate..................... 50 13. Hagle, Samantha................. 40 14. Castro, Kelsey...................... 25 15. Sumpter, Shannon............... 15 16. Morrison, Caitlyn................ 10 17. Ryan, Joe.............................. 10 18. Boggs,Marcee......................... 0 19. Bradford, Katelynn............... 0 20. Edmondsen, Tyler................. 0 21. Hofman, Stefani.................... 0 22. Purkey, James........................ 0 23. Robinson, Kathren................ 0 24. Slocum, Kayla........................ 0 25. Strahan, Brittany.................. 0 26. Strand, Emilie....................... 0 27. Tercero, Ashley...................... 0 28. Welch, Kayla.......................... 0

Sheep Showmanship 9-12 1. Moses, Justina..................... 240 2. Mcclure, Sarah.................... 220 3. Colvard, Brittnie................. 190 4. Smith, Shane....................... 170 5. Layne, Amber...................... 105 6. Mattes, Shyann..................... 95 7. Colbert, Weldon..................... 75 8. Pendleton, Marissa................ 15 9. Layne, Allison........................ 10 10. Pankey, Jenna........................ 5 11. Bayne, Sarah......................... 0 12. Farao, Samantha................... 0 13. Gottlieb, Jacey....................... 0 14. Teresi, Jacob.......................... 0 15. Whiteford, Alexis................... 0

13-15 1. Smith, Kristyn..................... 285 2. Mendez, Joshua................... 235 3. Teresi, Jessica...................... 220 4. Lewis, Isaac......................... 190 5. Kerlee, Kyle......................... 180 6. Bowles, Kelsie...................... 160

Goat Division 9-12 1. Johnson, Erin...................... 645 2. Moses, Justina..................... 488 3. BRem, Tyson........................ 428 4. Smith, Jared........................ 318 5. Macdonald, Elise................. 311 6. Welcher, Heather................. 310 7. Hudson, Brad....................... 295 8. Andrade, Madison............... 223 9. Kelly, Joshua........................ 215 10. Ratkovich, Nathaniel........ 215 11. Ratkovich, Nicholas........... 160 12. Cano, Alexis....................... 155 13. Newton, Kennedy.............. 125 14. Hudson, Nikolas.................. 50 15. Kerlee, Aaron....................... 30 16. Diniz, Katelyn...................... 25 17. Bartholomew, Cody................ 5 18. Arroyo, Andraya.................... 0 19. Castello, Courtney................. 0 20. Whiteford, Alexis................... 0

Results from CJLA Raffle #1 —

13-15 1. Woods, Samantha................ 655 2. Shelton, Codi....................... 633 3. Heaton, Jenna..................... 571 4. Cocagne, Baylee................... 546

Guess Who Won the Half Beef and Freezer?

16-19 1. Adam, Caroline.................... 647 2. Ackley-Grady, Michael........ 501 3. Zimmerman, Steven............ 438 4. Smith, Nicole....................... 368 5. Sumpter, Shannon............... 348 6. Jimenez, Juan-Cesar........... 345 7. Kehn, Briana....................... 335 8. Dutra, Justine..................... 305 9. Hudson, Andy...................... 305 10. Andrews, Justin................. 235 11. Clark-Webb, Kristin.......... 195 12. Andrews, Amy.................... 135 13. Smith, Chanie...................... 85 14. Mcbirney, Amy..................... 65 15. Boggs, Marcee........................ 0 16. Robinson, Kathren................ 0 17. Ryan, Joe................................ 0 18. Strand, Emilie....................... 0

Overall Goat

1. Woods, Samantha................ 655 2. Adam, Caroline.................... 647 3. Johnson, Erin...................... 645 4. Shelton, Codi....................... 633 5. Heaton, Jenna..................... 571 6. Cocagne, Baylee................... 546 7. Bisnett, Hazen..................... 539 8. Doolittle, Katherine............. 535 9. Mccarty, Colleen.................. 520 10. Van Allen, Logan............... 506 Ackley-Grady, Michael............ 501 Moses, Justina......................... 488 Zimmerman, Steven................ 438 Brem, Tyson............................. 428 Sardella, Clayton..................... 413 Smith, Nicole........................... 368 Sumpter, Shannon................... 348 Jimenez, Juan-Cesar............... 345 Kehn, Briana........................... 335 Smith, Jared............................ 318 Macdonald, Elise..................... 311 Welcher, Heather..................... 310 Dutra, Justine......................... 305 Hudson, Andy.......................... 305 Hudson, Brad.......................... 295 Norman,Daphne...................... 278 Bowles, Kelsie.......................... 245 Andrews, Justin...................... 235 Andrade, Madison................... 233 Kelly, Joshua........................... 215 Ratkovich, Nathaniel.............. 215 Clark-Webb, Kristin................ 195 Ratkovich, Nicholas................ 160 Cano, Alexis............................. 155 Ivey, Lauren............................. 155 Andrews, Amy......................... 135 Newton, Kennedy.................... 125 Andrews, Anna........................ 105 Macdonald, Patrick................. 100 Smith, Chanie............................ 85 Mattes, Robert........................... 75 Mcbirney, Amy........................... 65 Hudson, Nikolas........................ 50

Joe & Marlene Amaral

The lucky winner of the CJLA raffle is Frank Farao from Santa Maria, CA.

Kerlee, Aaron............................. 30 Castello, Alexandra................... 25 Diniz, Katelyn........................... 25 Grimsley, Austin........................ 20 Bartholomew, Cody..................... 5 Arroyo, Andraya.......................... 0 Boggs, Marcee.............................. 0 Castello, Courtney....................... 0 Robinson, Kathren...................... 0 Ryan, Joe..................................... 0 Strand, Emilie............................. 0 Taylor, Ashley.............................. 0 Whiteford, Alexis......................... 0

Goat Showmanship 9-12 1. Johnson, Erin...................... 320 2. Moses, Justina..................... 240 3. Macdonald, Elise................. 230 4. WElcher, Heather................ 220 5. Kelly, Joshua........................ 200 6. Brem, Tyson......................... 190 7. Cano, Alexis......................... 175 8. Hudson, Brad....................... 130 9. Andrade, Madison................. 90 10. Hudson, Nikolas.................. 90 11. Smith, Jared........................ 50 12. Ratkovich, Nathaniel.......... 30 13. Newton, Kennedy................ 20 14. Ratkovich, Nicholas............. 10 15. Diniz, Katelyn........................ 5 16. Kerlee, Aaron......................... 5 17. Arroyo, Andraya.................... 0 18. Bartholomew, Cody................ 0 19. Castello, Courtney................. 0 20. Whiteford, Alexis................... 0

13-15 1. Van Allen, Logan................. 295 2. Woods, Samantha................ 265 3. Shelton, Codi....................... 260 4. Heaton, Jenna..................... 250 5. Bisnett, Hazen..................... 245 6. DoolittLe, Katherine........... 195 7. Bowles, Kelsie...................... 175 8. Cocagne, Baylee................... 155 9. Ivey, Lauren......................... 145 10. Sardella, Clayton................. 85 11. Andrews, Anna.................... 70 12. Castello, Alexandra............. 70 13. Norman,Daphne.................. 70 14. Mattes, Robert..................... 35 15. Macdonald, Patrick............. 30 16. Mccarty, Colleen.................. 30 17. Grimsley, Austin.................... 0 18. Taylor, Ashley........................ 0

16-19 1. Zimmerman, Steven............ 310 2. Ackley-Grady, Michael........ 285 3. Adam, Caroline.................... 275 4. Dutra, Justine..................... 270 5. Mcbirney, Amy..................... 195 6. Smith, Nicole....................... 160 7. Andrews, Justin................... 130 8. Kehn, Briana....................... 120 9. Jimenez, Juan-Cesar............. 90 10. Hudson, Andy...................... 75 11. Sumpter, Shannon............... 75 12. Clark-Webb, Kristin............ 55 13. Boggs, Marcee...................... 30 14. Smith, Chanie...................... 25 15. Andrews, Amy...................... 10 16. Robinson, Kathren................ 0 17. Ryan, Joe................................ 0 18. Strand, Emilie....................... 0

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The CJLA member who sold the most raffle tickets is Madison Andrade. December 2011/January 2012

5. Bisnett, Hazen..................... 539 6. Doolittle, Katherine............. 535 7. Mccarty, Colleen.................. 520 8. Van Allen, Logan................. 506 9. Sardella, Clayton................. 413 10. Norman,Daphne................ 278 11. Bowles, Kelsie.................... 270 12. Ivey, Lauren....................... 155 13. Andrews, Anna.................. 105 14. Macdonald, Patrick........... 100 15. Mattes, Robert..................... 75 16. Castello, Alexandra............. 25 17. Grimsley, Austin.................. 20 18. Taylor, Ashley........................ 0

3348 Zeering Rd. Modesto, CA 95358

E-mail: 22

TWO GREAT FUNDRAISERS! Get Your Tickets for a Chance to Win...


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Tickets for both drawings available until February 18th, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. Drawing will be on February 18th, 2012 at the CJLA Awards Banquet Tickets can be purchased from any CJLA member, or you may contact Heidi Beljean at 408-888-2503 or to order yours. Each year, the CJLA works hard to raise enough money to support its’ Award Program. In an effort to expand our fund-raising, we are having these raffles. The funds raised will go a long way in helping out the CJLA financially. It is our goal to recognize and reward the efforts of all CJLA members as they raise and show livestock, and your support will help us continue to expand our objectives. 23

December 2011/January 2012

February 25 & 26



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Reply from Beefy Dude's Family: always choose Bio-Mos® as it is the best thing to have in your feed in times of stress because it reduces the impact of bad bacteria in your digestive system. Bio-Mos has more than 511 research articles on gut health that make for great reading while traveling between shows. Your father really likes that it is so well researched because it gives him confidence in recommending it.

Junior, your Father and I are just so proud of you this year, Grand Champion and Best in Breed! It goes to show it’s what you are and what you eat that makes you a winner. Just think of the genetics and knowledge you are going to pass on to your little dudes or dudettes! That’s your mother for you, Junior, always thinking ahead. She’s right though, winners are what they eat. You need to remember how everything you eat impacts your health and your efforts at future shows. As you grow and start thinking about a family, understanding the impact of ingredients in your diet can be an important factor. Eating right at your age can impact the future generation and their performance.

Junior, remember the roll that good nutrition plays in keeping you healthy and in tip top shape. Like I always say, drink lots of good clean water, eat your meals on time and make sure you read the labels of your feed. You just can’t afford to get sick during all of your travels. In order to compete at peak performance our immune system needs to be at its best, by having Sel-Plex in your show ration it could mean the difference in placing at the next event. All of these things go a long way in carrying on the tradition of taking home the Best in Show.

Your father and I were ever so careful to make sure Sel-Plex® was in our diets before you were even a gleam in your father’s eye. Sel-Plex, from Alltech®, which is an organic selenium, can have a positive impact on fertility. It not only increases the male sperm count but also helps maintain egg quality, which makes for better conception rates.

How’s that pretty little heifer from your last letter? She can probably relate to the need for a good diet to keep your body in top form. I know from experience that those muscles are just so eye catching, after all you are your father’s son. The judges must have thought so too.

Keeping your immune system in tip top shape is very important too. All those long trips to and from shows and jackpot events can really stress your immune system. Always make sure you read your feed tags to ensure Sel-Plex is in every pound of feed you eat. I know how you and your father hate those needles that Farmer Brown brings out and by keeping Sel-Plex in your diet it makes those injections a thing of the past.

Stay well, Love your Big Beefy Family Sent from my Bphone

Junior, don’t forget that frequent travels can create mountains of stress to put you off your feed. Do you remember your little heifer friends visit to the vet? This is why your father and I December 2011/January 2012


WHO CARES... …if the outlook for the beef industry is as tasty as a juicy burger? As feed prices soar and feed stocks plummet, cattlemen must maximize feed efficiency to stay on the menu. Backed by three decades of research, Alltech’s Beef Advantage Program continues to demonstrate improvement in beef health which leads to an animal that feels good and looks good. So, who cares about your profits in these tight times? Remember…


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December 2011/January 2012





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April/May Issue:

"All Around" Kid June/July Issue:

"Graduating" Send photos and information to:

This is for kids who play sports besides doing their livestock projects. Send a photo of them in their uniform andRV a picture Park of them showing their animal. • Please include sportsto they Easy the access I-5play, the school they attend, and the livestock they show... and of course their name! Reasonable rates with use discounts! • Send photos by multi March 20th.

Have a senior graduating? Send in a picture of them Call: 865-1168 FIRST showing, and(530) their graduation picture. • Please include the high school or they are graduating from, the college they will be attending, the email Susan Taylor livestock they show... at of course their name! these photos by May 20th. Visit ourSend website at

Pacific Showcase

P.O. Box 41430 • San Jose, CA 95160

Or email them to -please put "All Around Kid" or "Graduating" in the subject line of the email! 27

December 2011/January 2012

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SUMO combines high quality 70% fat and milk components in a unique blend to ensure immediate acceptance and rapid change in bloom and consumption. #F103650037 (25 lb bag)

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LiquaFAT is a liquid oil top dress to add additional energy in the form of fat to the diet. #F103650020 (18 lb pail) #F103650021 (44 lb pail)

FINAL CONTROL is a unique “top dress” product designed for use with Sunglo formulated show feeds when total feed intake is being restricted to achieve desired body weight or condition.

Our new G-line Feed and our new distributor for Southern California and Arizona — Arty Galindo #F103206193 (35 lb bag)

4-SURE is a water-soluble electrolyte, amino acid, energy and vitamin mixture to use during times of stress and during the final conditioning period prior to the show.

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DEFINITION is a water-soluble product containing a complex formula that has been researched to enhance appearance and definition of muscle as needed prior to entering the show or sale ring. #F100283400 (tub containing of 10 - 5 oz. packets)

Contact Arty at (530) 312-1619 or by email at to find out more about our great new G-line Feeds! EXPLODE is a pelleted supplement containing Paylean® and extra nutrition designed to be mixed with Sunglo pelleted or G-Line show feeds. (8 oz of #F1003206188 (25 lb bag)

InMOTION is a joint, hoof and skin conditioner. InMotion contains a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate at high levels along with Biotin and chelated trace minerals for complete joint and hoof care. #F103206199 (15 lb pail)

These Winners Did!

Jake Booth — Reserve Grand Champion Overall at the 2011 Houston Stock Show

Yimmi Fontenot — Grand Champion Overall Purebred Barrow at the 2011 World Pork Expo

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Give any of our Show Feed Specialists a call to find out how to put yourself in the Winner's Circle! Adam Mendonza 209-602-6106

Sarah Hanks 530-218-8221

Bob Baylor 530-518-2884

Bar Ale Feeds — 530-473-3333 • Sunglo Feeds — 1-800-366-1354 •

Bar ALE...a family owned business with a track record of great results! 28

December 2011/January 2012

Purebred Boer Goats and Market Wethers Don't Miss These

RED WAVE CLASSIC Justina Moses and Peanut — won at Red Wave, Western Bonanza and Valley Classic! Sired by Jack Knife. DYNASTY SALE Mariesa Cramer — Grand AND Reserve at Yolo County. Sired by Krome. YOUNG GUNS OF THE WEST SALE Haley Imhof and Bob — won Supreme Champion at Alameda County Fair! Sired by Krome.

YOUNG GUNS OF THE WEST SALE Shannon Sumpter and Chuck — won Reserve Grand Champion at Madera District Fair! Sired by Krome.

January 7th — Red Wave Classic Fresno State January 14th — Dynasty Sale Manteca Unified Farm January 28 — Young Guns of the West Dixon May Fairgrounds March 17 — Dynasty Sale #2 Manteca Unified Farm March 24 — MJC Champion's Choice Sale April 28 — California Elite Jackpot Sale

Chuck & Judy Kaye • 559-788-1085 • Cell: (707) 548-1486 22819 Avenue 124, Porterville, CA 93257 • Email:

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Kelly Bianchi Kunzler

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December 2011/January 2012

Lamb & Meat Goat Carcasses:

At the Processing Facility

By Greg Ahart

animals….nothing that could snag them or poke them, and all pens must have fresh water at all times. They are subject to these guidelines while they are still breathing. A few years ago there was some video footage of some downer cows at a beef plant that were being moved with a forklift – and that caused a huge public outcry – as it should! We know how seriously the public takes animal handling, we know how serious the government takes it, and we also know how serious livestock producers should take it. When we’re giving tours at the plant we will comment that we understand how hard livestock producers work to make sure that their animals only have one bad day, and until that moment happens we do our very best to respect the animal as well.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture responsible for ensuring that the nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged. That is the mission statement of the FSIS. Few people realize how highly regulated the harvesting and processing of meats is. For meat of any species to be processed so that it can enter commercial channels (think grocery store), it must be processed in a federally inspected facility. From the time that lambs or goats arrive at the facility, they are subject to the rules and regulations set forth by the FSIS. The first two portions are tied to the animals while they are still alive. Humane Handling guidelines specify how they are to be handled and moved. No “hot shots” can be used on the premises. They can’t jump from the back of a pickup to the ground. They can’t be grabbed and dragged. They can’t be forced to move at anything faster than a “natural” pace. There must be enough traction so that there are no observed slips or falls during the movement process. All of the livestock pens are routinely inspected to make sure that they are safe for the

The other portion of the inspection process that happens is called ante mortem inspection. From Latin, meaning before death, this inspection is performed by USDA FSIS personnel. They will walk the pens to inspect all live animals before we can move them towards the kill floor to verify that they all appear healthy and that there is no suspect of disease. If there is anything in question, they are set aside and the USDA veterinarian must inspect them to determine a disposition. We use lead (or also referred to as judas) sheep in the pens to move the animals around and minimize stress. They are trained to go into the trucks and mill around and then lead the animals off the truck and down the ramp. They also move slowly through the pens and lead the animals towards the kill floor. We all know that it’s much easier to move animals in a specific direction if they think it is their own idea. The idea behind the lead sheep is to help them be comfortable in a foreign environment and try to minimize the stress as much as possible. They live at the plant full time and all wear bells so we can tell them apart from the other animals who are just visiting for the day. While one inspector is performing ante mortem inspection prior to the start of operations at the facility, another inspector (or inspectors depending on the day) will perform a pre-operational inspection of the facility to verify that we have followed all of our processes and the facility is clean and ready to start the day. ANY deviation will result in the operation not starting until it is suitably corrected, so it is important to make sure that EVERYTHING in the sanitation process is done correctly. Having a full crew standing and waiting for a deviation to be corrected costs money, and isn’t good for anyone. All of this has to happen seamlessly before 6:00 a.m. every morning before we even begin the process of harvesting the animals we received. We know that the industry is so small that we can’t have a hidden camera expose us doing something wrong and make it on to the evening news…and besides that, humane handling is the right thing to do. As livestock producers we know that comfortable, stress free, appropriately managed animals perform and produce better.

December 2011/January 2012


Chico State Sheep and Goat Educational Day and Sale February 11th, 2012

Since 1980

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Don't Miss It!

806.499.3749 • 806.499.3759 fax 14200 FM 1062 - Canyon, Texas 79015 •

America’s Premier Youth Livestock Magazine since 1980 serving the Youth and those involved with the Junior Livestock Show Industry. With no added costs we’ll advertise your cattle, goats, hogs, lambs, show supplies, feed or trailers - whatever you have to sell we’ll get the word out to bring in the buyers. Besides our magazine we can also put together your brochures. Give us a call for all your advertising needs 806.499.3749.

• Trade Show: 8:00 a.m. • Educational Program begins: 9:00 a.m. New this year: $5 charge Workshops to cover project lamb and kid per person selection, fitting and grooming, nutrition, for educational day showmanship, health. • Sale begins: 1:00 p.m. Lambs and Goats will be consigned from breeders in California and Oregon.

24 hours a day / 7 days a week 365 days a year since 1980 on the internet and in our publication.


Nationwide with subscribers in 45 states, Canada and Mexico. Free distribution to all major livestock shows, numerous state fairs and dozens of jackpots and sales.


Because you want to spend your hard earned advertising dollars with the BEST! It’s a smart move to advertise with the Purple Circle - we get the job done for the best prices! The Purple Circle serves as a showcase, a public arena, from which people from coast to coast can promote their livestock and products and to acknowledge 4-H and FFA exhibitors from other areas of the Country. You’ll also keep up to date with the latest trends and find what you are looking for by subscribing to Purple Circle.

For more information (such as consignors, trade show vendors, schedule, etc.), visit our website at Call the Sheep and Goat Unit for private treaty lambs/kids for late summer fairs! Sheep and Goat Unit: 530-898-6024 or Dr. Celina Johnson — 530-898-4147


December 2011/January 2012

December 2011/January 2012



December 2011/January 2012

Continued on Page 50 December 2011/January 2012


* You must be a member of the first show you attend to receive points for that show *

Jr. Memberships are accepted until March 31, 2012. To receive points you must be a member.

How do you join?

Fill out the form and exhibit at as many sanctioned shows that you want to. You can attend one or all the shows - It’s up to you!

Why should you join?

You’re attending jackpots throughout the year, so why not accumulate points too? Get recognition at the end of the year for all your work and effort to be your best!

What will you get out of it?

For more information, contact: Heidi Beljean 408-776-7611 Mary Ann Bush 831-623-4316

Our goal is to reward all kids that join with some form of compensation (by awards, scholarships, things for your future - personal & project, etc). At the end of the year, points will be tabulated and a banquet held for members, their families and CJLA supporters. It is our belief that all participants in this program are equally important - therefore, our goal is to include and reward every member for their involvement and efforts.

California Junior Livestock Association – Year 2012 Membership Application Name: _ ______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________ Parents’ Names_ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: __________________________________ Zip: _____________ County: __________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email address:_____________________________________________________________________________________

I wish to participate in (check divisions you will compete in): ______ CJLA Lamb Membership (Age 9-19) ______ CJCA Steer Membership (Age 9-19) ______ CJCA Heifer Membership (Age 9-21) (Reg. Heifer Division Only)

______ CJPA Pig Membership (Age 9-19) ______ CJGA Goat Membership (Age 9-19)

Next Year’s Shirt/Jacket Size (circle one): Adult Size: XS S M L XL XXL Mail this form with your check to:

FEES: Please enclose a check for: One Division – $40.00; Two Divisions – $70.00 Three Divisions – $100.00; Four Divisions – $130.00

California Junior Livestock Assn. P.O. Box 41430 • San Jose, CA 95160

Note: You must be 9 yrs. old or older on January 1, 2012, to join. Total Amount Enclosed: ______________________ * Last Day to Join: March 31st, 2012 * Points start once membership is paid 35

December 2011/January 2012

March 24-25, 2012

Jr Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Cross Bred March Ram Lamb, 2011 All-American Nugget, Sired by White Rock.

2437 Dakota Ave., Modesto, CA 95358

Cell: (209) 531-4367

Email: Please plan to attend the

We are grateful to all those who have purchased, looked at, and inquired about our lambs. The positive comments have been overwhelming and much appreciated. Thank you!!

Cover/Franklin Lamb Sale January 21, 2012

at the Modesto Junior College Agriculture Facility on West campus in Modesto, CA The sale will start at 3 pm with a complimentary BBQ lunch from 1-2pm. Lambs can be previewed Friday afternoon from noon on and then Saturday morning from 8am on. Please take this opportunity to take a close look at our select offering of wethers, ewe lambs, and buck lamb prospects, mostly sired by White Rock. We feel these lambs are our best set yet!!!! Questions? Call or e-mail Alan, or call Wade Franklin at (806) 470-6910. December 2011/January 2012


Grand Champion Wether Dam, 2011 Stanislaus Co. Fair, Sired by White Rock.


Two shows... One place! MARCH 9-11 Stanislaus County Fairgrounds • Turlock, Calif.

Entry deadline: Feb. 10

Western Regional ownership deadline: Jan. 13


Pork Spectacular

Enter online at Download entry forms online at Exhibitors must enter each show separately! • Showmanship • Purebred & Crossbred Barrow Show • Purebred & Crossbred Gilt Show • Skillathon • Barnyard Olympics

• Breeding Gilt & Boar Show • Judging Clinic • Jackpot Show (CJLA points show) • Breeding Gilt, Boar and Club Pig Sale • Sweepstakes

Joint supper with dessert and silent and live auctions

For more information visit our websites or contact: Cally Hass: • 765.463.3594 Lesa Carlton: • 916.447.8950 37

December 2011/January 2012

• J/4 Cattle Company


Joe & Marlene Amaral (209) 538-1540 3348 Zeering Rd., Modesto, CA 95358 E-mail:

directory Beef:



(Show Heifers & Steers)

• James Bright / Leo Bros. (209) 389-4880 7953 Le Grand Rd., Merced, CA 95340

• Double E Hay & Cattle Ed & Eric Bright; Ed (209) 389-4060 Eric (209) 761-6607 16120 Buchanan Hollow Rd. Le Grand, CA 95333

(Reg. Herefords, Shorthorns, Angus, ChiMaines and Xbred Show Steers)

• Johns Cattle Co.

(Chi-Maine, Short, Angus, X-bred)

Deron, Karen, Layton, and Brett Johns Deron (559) 647-1611; Layton (559) 359-6843 27613 Avenue 196, Strathmore, CA 93267

• Fair Cattle Co. • alto herefords Larry Alto Family (707) 822-9478; Kevin: (707) 839-0170 3545 Bayschool Rd., Arcata, CA 95521 (Bulls, Heifers, Steers)

• Applegate Trail Ranch Owner: Dave & Jeanette Dillabo Manager: David Dillabo (530) 695-9322; (530) 667-4300 (C) (541) 281-9240 952 County Road 108A, Tulelake, CA 96134 (Club Calves)

• Azevedo Cattle Brian Azevedo (209) 200-3832 Elk Grove, CA Email: (Show Steers & Heifers)

• Backer Cattle Co. Nick Backer (916) 531-0908 Elk Grove, CA Email: (Show Steers & Heifers)

• Bennett land & Cattle Mike, Marti, Casey & Brooke Bennett – (559) 534-2396 P.O. Box 549, Ducor, CA 93218

(Reg. Shorthorns & Herefords; X-Breds; Steers & Heifers)

• Bigelow Farms Matt Bigelow (559) 647-2817 PO Box 43, O'Neals, CA 93645

(Reg. Shorthorn - Breeding & Show Steers)

• Blackjack Ranch Joe Lopes (916) 753-9896 PO Box 213, Wilton, CA 95693 (Club Calves & Show Heifers)

• Boneso Livestock Steve, Mary Ann, Wes and Maggie Boneso (805) 227-4031 (H) • (805) 294-3816 (C) 5995 Martingale Circle San Miguel, CA 93451 Email: Website: (Maine & Chi Show Heifers and Club Calves)

• Brocco Show Cattle Ron, Justine & Audra Brocco (707) 996-6224 1189 Solano Ave., Sonoma, CA 95476 (Show Heifers & Steers)

• Colburn Cattle Co. Ron, Lisa, Tyler, Ryan & Wyatt (559) 269-3175 PO Box 568, Five Points, CA 93624 (Club Calves, Reg. Maines, Reg. Shorthorns)

• D-B Club Calves David Sr. & David Brown (209) 874-3943 1560 Ellenwood Rd., Waterford, CA 95386 (Club Calves)

• Dillabo Livestock David & Jeanette Dillabo (530) 695-9322 5127 Pennington Road, Live Oak, CA 95953 (Shorthorn & Angus – Steers & Heifers)

• Dismukes Ranch Jim Dismukes (M) (916) 995-3549; (H) (916) 682-8648 11070 Bradley Ranch Rd. Elk Grove, CA 95624

Todd Fair - (209) 667-9220 (C) (209) 648-8240 5731 N. Hickman Rd., Denair, CA 95316 Email: Website:

(Show Steers & Heifers, Market Heifers, Breed Heifer Prospects)

• M&M Livestock

(Club Calves & Show Heifers)

Martin & Stacey Machado (209) 357-0912; (209) 564-8361; (209) 652-6946 8171 North Buhach, Winton, CA 95388

• Flynn Cattle Jim or Matt Flynn (559) 534-2367 or 534-2423 PO Box 57, Ducor, CA 93218

(Club Calves, Heifers)

• Mission Angus/ Mission Club Calves

(Competitive Club Calves)

• G/M Cattle Company

Mark & Tom Perez (209) 837-4721; (209) 531-7455 (cell) P.O. Box 97, Crows Landing, CA 95313 Email:

Kevin & Stacey Griffith (209) 785-3013; (209) 610-7616 cell P.O. Box 283, 3434 Rock Creek Road Copperopolis, CA 95228 Email: Website:


• Noble Cattle Company

(Show Steers)

Chad Noble (559) 788-0659 28679 Mtn. Rd. 120, Porterville, CA 93257

• GBJ Beef Cattle Gary & BJ Flint (530) 268-6768 Ranch (916) 995-7103 Gary's Cell (916) 995-7183 BJ's Cell 20902 Big Spring Drive Grass Valley, CA 95949 Email:

(Reg. Shorthorns & Club Calves)

• Poncetta Shorthorns David & Michael Poncetta (661) 978-3320 10454 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA 93313

(Club Calves - Maine X Black & Black Baldies, Reg. Angus Breeding Stock)

Faris Simon: (209) 769-8427 Layne Simon: (209) 769-8429 Barn: (209) 374-3429 Catheys Valley, CA Email:

(Steers & Heifers Available Year-Round)

• Spring Valley Land & Livestock Jim, Kristi, Bobby & Shyann Mattes (559) 276-5704; Barn (559) 868-3323 PO Box 22, O'Neal's, CA 93645 (Reg. Angus & Shorthorns, Club Calves)

• Strickler Livestock Shane Strickler (530) 570-6634 7253 County Road 24 Orland, CA 95963 (Show Steers, Heifers, Bulls)

• Sunnyday Shorthorns Alpha & Sherri Gipe (209) 358-9377 6885 West Oak Ave., Merced, CA 95340

(Registered Shorthorn Show Heifers, Bulls, Steers — X-Bred Steers)

• Teixeira Cattle Co. John and Heather Teixeira; Allan and Cee (805) 595-1416 855 Thousand Hills Road, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 (Club Calves and Show Heifers)

• Wagner Livestock, LLC Jeff & Nicole Wagner (Rch) (209) 887-2291; (Cell) (209) 351-0351 11149 Shelton Rd., Linden, CA 95236 Email: Website: (Charolais & Angus Heifers; Show Steers)

(Show heifers, Club Calves, Bulls)

• R&R Farms

• Geist Cattle

Bob Ross (408) 776-0333 (H); (408) 221-3023 (Cell) Dennis Lee (775) 217-2280 P.O. Box 20668, San Jose, CA 95160

Gary & Linda Geist (559) 674-4117 Shane, Kimberly, Kendall & Kayden (559) 674-4174; (C) (559) 363-4117 16540 Road 31, Madera, CA 93638

(Reg. Hereford Genetics Show Heifers, Bulls, Embryos, Semen)

(Reg. Maines, Club Calves)

• Gilardi Show Cattle

• Reed Valley Ranch

(530) 518-2312 8640 Sherwood Blvd., Los Molinos, CA 96055 Website:

Ranch Managers: Don & Janet Moore (951) 767-0524 Hemet, California E-mail: Website:

(Show Steers and Fancy Heifers)

(Club Calves, Commercial Heifers, Bulls)

• Gonsalves Ranch Joey, Kristy,Riley & Reese Gonsalves (209) 526-3006 Mike Gonsalves - (209) 578-3252 7243 Maze Blvd., Modesto, CA 95358

• Reis Livestock Tony, Mary, Nathan, Natalie & Nicole Reis (530) 846-3940 (H); (530) 682-0305 (Nathan's Cell) 648 Cowee Ave., Gridley, CA 95948

(Reg. & Commercial Angus, Club Calves)

• Grimsley Cattle & Goats

(Charolais Heifers, Bulls & Steers; X-Bred Heifers & Steers)

Austin Grimsley (831) 207-7564 P.O. Box 1009, Tres Pinos, CA 95075 Email: Website:

• Rodgers Livestock Blaine & Melissa Rodgers (C) (559) 314-4630; (H) (559) 287-6619 2399 N. Riverbend Ave., Sanger, CA 93657

(Club Goats & Purebred Seedstock)

• H.A.V.E. Angus Mel & Darrell Hansen (707) 838-4463, Windsor, CA Jim & Karen Vietheer (916) 687-7620, Wilton, CA

(Club Calves)

• Schnoor Sisters Cattle Co. Amanda and Kirbe Schnoor (559) 665-1991 11564 Ave. 26, Chowchilla, CA 93610

(Angus Heifers & Bulls)

• Hyder Cattle Co.

(Show Steers & Heifers; Reg. Angus Cattle)

Troy & Cliff Hyder Dave DeRose (559) 539-3220 36786 Hwy 190, Springville, CA 93265

• Seever & Son Cattle Co. Lou Seever (M) (925) 989-9069 (Day) (925) 463-3443 (N) (925) 820-5392 3687 Old Santa Rita Rd. Pleasanton, CA 94588

(Club Calves)

• Imhof Cattle Co. Frank Jr., Haley & Andrew Imhof (925) 600-7735 (h); (925) 580-2245 (c) (510) 377-9556 P.O. Box 174, Sunol, CA 94586 Email:

(Maines, Chimaines, X-Breds – Show Steers & Heifers)

• Silva Cattle

(Club Calves, Show Heifers, Bulls)

Randy & Rhonda Silva (559) 897-0311; (559) 288-3856 (cell) 37378 Rd. 20, Kingsburg, CA 93631

(Charolais & Angus Show Heifers, X-Bred Club Calves)

December 2011/January 2012

• Simon Cattle

(Reg. Maine Heifers & Club Calves)


IDAHO breeders • Malson Angus and Herefords Josh Malson (209) 739-0725 (C) 2901 SW 9th Ave., Parma, ID 83660 Email: Website: (Angus and Hereford bulls and females)

nevada breeders • Brumley Farms Don, Skeeter, Kari, Brooke & Bryce Brumley (775) 272-3152; (C) (209) 479-0287 P.O. Box 239, Orovada, NV 89425 (Reg. Herefords – Heifers, Bulls & Steers)

• Genoa Livestock (775) 782-3336 Michelle Coker (916) 207-1142 (cell) 640 Genoa Lane, Minden, NV 89423

(Registered Hereford Show Heifers, Steers, Bulls. Visitors always welcome!)

• Witte Shorthorns Gary & Pegi Witte (775) 423-1571 4205 Shurz Hwy., Fallon, Nevada

(Purebred project animals & Replacement Heifers; Visitors always welcome!)

BEEF (cont.) oregon breeders • Ellis Club Calves Frank & Darlene Ellis (541) 546-8290 (H); (541) 419-9183 (C) 3786 SW Ford Lane, Madras, OR 97741 Email: (Club Calves & Show Heifers)

• Prestige Club Calves A Division of Rubicon Ranching Trust Ken Hershey (541) 347-3099 88822 Polly Creek Lane Bandon, Oregon 97411

(Angus, Limousin, Maine, Shorthorn and Crossbred Club Calves - performance genetics since 1963)

Washington breeders • Damar Farms, Inc. Randy & Debbi Repp (509) 648-3885 3001 Pennington Road St. John, WA 99171 (Shorthorn Show Heifers & Steers)

• KR Club Lambs

• Beam Ranch

Robbie Rowlett (805) 610-4235 (C) 10960 Carrisa Hwy. Carrisa Plains, CA 93453

Ben, Terri, Lacey, Andrew, Casey & Shaylynn (209) 838-6791 25050 Mariposa Rd., Escalon, CA

(Show Lambs)

(Club Lambs, Wether Dams)

• Labrucherie Land & Livestock

• Bianchi Club Lambs

Bob & Leslie Labrucherie (559) 673-4332 or 675-0663 9671 Road 28 1/2, Madera, CA 93637

Karen Bianchi (209) 847-0694 13500 Valley Home Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361

(Club Lambs, Wether Sires and Dams)

(Club Lambs, Wether Sires)

• Leventini Club Lambs

• Brem Club Lambs

Mike Leventini Sr. (209) 529-2774 Mike Leventini Jr. (209) 634-7262 624 South Indiana Ave. Modesto, CA 95357

Jim & Pam Brem (559)568-0358 19387 Rd. 248, Strathmore, CA 93267

(Club Lambs, Wether Sires & Dams)

(Club Lambs)

• Lopez Club Lambs

• C&E Club Lambs

Don, Marcia & Andrea Lopez (916) 777-5911 15913 Hwy. 160, Isleton, CA 95641 E-mail:

Kimmelshue Family (530) 345-4456 E-mail: Wilkinson Family (530) 891-4964 E-mail: Durham, CA

(Club Lambs)

(Show Lambs, Wether Sires & Dams)

• Maddux Ranch / Outlaw Club Lambs

• Chesser Farms

Harry, Jan, Todd, Nikki Maddux (209) 966-4942 2675 E. Westfall Rd., Mariposa, CA 95338

Jeffey & Virgle Chesser (661) 589-4214 14810 Meachan Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93312

(Blackface, Dorset, Specks, Southdowns – Club Lambs)

(Club Lambs, Wether Sires)

• Chico State Sheep & Goat Unit

Sheep: arizona breeders • Dusty Acres Sheep Ranch Diane Bales (520) 834-5198 Breana, Kayla & Jarrett Carpenter 2806 W. Skyline Rd., Benzon, AZ 85602

(Club Lambs, Reg. Oxfords & Southdowns)

california breeders • Abatti/Wills Club Lambs Steve/Tina (760) 554-0424 (C) (209) 669-1410 (H) 6019 N. Hickman Rd., Denair, CA 95316 Email: (Club Lambs, Rams & Ewes)

• Ahart Club Lambs Greg and Mary Ahart (916) 928-9336 Greg's Cell: (916) 396-2333 Mary's Cell: (916) 612-1241 7 Carvel Place Sacramento, CA 95835 (Club Lambs, Wether Sires and Dams)

• Ansolabehere Club Lambs Fred Ansolabehere Jr. (661) 589-5521 Lance Carter (661) 873-8492 33383 7th Standard Road Bakersfield, CA 93314

(Dorsets, Suffolks, Hampshires, Club Lambs)

• Asmus Club Lambs Jed & Brandi Asmus (530) 304-0389 5547 Waterhole Loop, Linda, CA 95901 (Club Lambs)

• Azevedo Club Lambs Art Azevedo (707) 762-1579 545 Marshall Ave., Petaluma, CA 94952

• Mayo Club Lambs

Dr. Celina Johnson, Faculty Supervisor (530) 898-6024 311 Nicholas C. Schouten Lane Chico, CA 95928 Email: Website:

Don & Denise Mayo (530) 695-1555 (H); (661) 978-1364 (C) 1844 McDonald Ave., Live Oak, CA 95953 (Club Lambs & Wether Sires)

• Merced College

(Sheep and Goats)

Jaime Farao: (H) (209) 854-1033 (C) (209) 384-6299 3600 M. Street, Merced, CA 95348

• Clifford's Sheep Connection Mike Clifford (805) 735-7957 807 San Pasqual Road, Lompoc, CA 93436 Email:

(Show Lambs)

• Mitchell Farms

(Club Lambs; Color & White Lincolns)

Ken & Charlotte Mitchell (916) 685-9700 E-mail: 9651 Grant Line Rd., Elk Grove, CA 95624 Website:

• Cummings Club Lambs Bob & Joanne Cummings (805) 239-2635 4115 Vineyard Dr., Paso Robles, CA 93446 (Club Lambs & Wether Sires)

(Club Lambs)

• Echo Basin Suffolks & Club Lambs

• Modesto Junior College Marleise Boyd (209) 575-6210 435 College Ave., Modesto, CA 95350

Mary McMurphy (530) 534-7783 3589 Cherokee Rd., Oroville, CA 95965

(Show Lambs)

(Reg. Suffolk & Club Lambs)

• Morino Brothers Club Lambs

• Estes Show Lambs

Dan & Celeste Morino (209) 838-7208 Paul & Carri Morino (209) 599-3168 25053 Dove Road, Escalon, CA 95320

Hop, Debbie & Ryan (909) 627-1762 11720 Harding Ct., Chino, CA 91710

(Club Lambs, Wether Sires & Dams)

(Show Lambs)

• Farao Club Lambs

• Nicewonger Club Lambs

Jaime Farao (209) 854-1033; (209) 777-1033 Frank Farao (805) 934-2097; (805) 354-2317 28803 Gun Club Road, Gustine, CA 95322

John & Carol Nicewonger (209) 847-8976 6706 Lon-dale Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361 (Club Lambs)

• Nunes Club Lambs & Project Goats

(Club Lambs, Breeding Stock)

• Fish Club Lambs

Ernie & Judy Nunes (707) 762-7135 190 Walker Road, Petaluma, CA 94952

Karin Fish (916) 214-0078 4005 Karchner Road, Sheridan, CA 95681 Email: Website:

(Club Lambs, Project Goats)

• Pavletich Club Lambs

(Club Lambs)

Scott, Annette, Jason & Courtney (661) 589-5669 17324 Rosedale Hwy, Bakersfield, CA 93312

• Image Club Lambs/ Layne Suffolks Dan & Marlys Layne (Scott, Keri & Stacy) (209) 632-8623; (209) 549-7849 1013 N. Gratton Rd., Turlock, CA 95380

(Club Lambs)

• Penfold Dorsets & Club Lambs

(Club Lambs, Reg. Suffolks)

Ken, Teri, Jared & Cody (559) 897-4878 14585 E. Caruthers Ave. Kingsburg, CA 93631 E-mail:

(Hamps, Suffolks, Comm. X-Breds)

(Club Lambs, Dorsets, Brockles, Breeding Stock)


• Del Petersen Club Lambs (805) 478-7963 710 N. Thompson Road Nipomo, CA 93444

(Hampshire, Suffolk & X-Bred Club Lambs – Wether Sires)

• Ridenhour Club Lambs Floyd Ridenhour (707) 431-7701 667 Alexander Valley Rd. Healdsburg, CA 95448 E-mail:

(Black Face Club Lambs, Breeding Stock)

• Riverbend Southdowns Dean & Nomie Kautz (559) 897-5470 (H); (559) 859-5230 (C) Shelbi Kautz (559) 859-2249 5619 Chico Ave., Kingsburg, CA 93631 Email: Website: (Registered Seedstock, Club Lambs)

• Rosewood Ranch Myron & Lois Strasser (209) 847-9171 7120 Dorsey Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361 (Club Lambs, Reg. Hamps)

• Sampson Sheep Harry & Jeannine Sampson (530) 435-2476 PO Box 1115, Gazelle, CA 96034 Email: Website: (Club Lambs)

• Shadow Oaks Ranch Club Lambs Jim Clayton (559) 688-7645 Cell: (559) 901-5990 1084 W. Prosperity Ave., Tulare, CA 93274 Email: Website: (Club Lambs)

• Shining Star Club Lambs Paul & Ginny Strametz (831) 634-1044 702 McMahon Rd., Hollister, CA 95023 (Quality Club Lambs)

• Siebert genetics Jeffrey & Nancee Siebert (H) (661) 724-2441; (C) 805) 358-3716 19235 W. Ave. C, Lancaster, CA 93536 Email: Website: (Club Lambs, Southdowns & Club Pigs)

• Snyder Club Lambs Dustin, Hilary, Skottlynn & Holland Snyder (559) 659-2512; (C) (559) 706-9540 6353 Road 8 1/2, Firebaugh, CA 93622 (Club Lambs, Wether Sires & Dams)

• Spring Creek Ranch Club Lambs Stornetta Family (Steve, Diana, Stefanie, Dawn & Tori (707) 823-7516; (707) 490-2607 4901 Gravenstein Hwy. North Sebastopol, CA 95472 (Club Lambs)

• Spring Valley Land & Livestock Jim, Kristi, Bobby & Shyann Mattes (559) 276-5704; (B) (559) 868-3323 PO Box 22, O'Neal's, CA 93645 (Club Lambs)

• Sunrise Sheep Company Gypsy, Gary & Calder Keene (209) 613-7015 E-mail: Website: 13736 Lambuth Road Oakdale, CA 95361 (Club Lambs, Wether Sires and Dams)

• Thompson Bros. Livestock (805) 922-6270 422 N. Western Santa Maria, CA 93454

(Club Lambs and Wether Sires) (Suffolks, Hamps, X-Breds)

December 2011/January 2012



idaho breeders • Potter's Emmett Valley Ranch Kevin Potter (208) 365-3621 3738 County Line Road Emmett, ID 83617 Website:

(Club Lambs, R.R. Rams; delivery to Calif.)

• Turnbough Club Lambs Denise, Donna & Dave (208) 887-0886 P.O. Box 841, Meridian, ID 83680 (All Sheep QR or RR)

oregon breeders • boatman club lambs David Boatman (541) 815-0205 5700 N.W. Rye Grass Rd. Prineville, OR 97754 Email: (Club Lambs, Wether Sires & Dams)

utah breeders • Kunzler Club Lambs Tony & Kelly Kunzler (435) 871-4511 P.O. Box 817, Park Valley, UT 84329 (Club Lambs)

• Tomlinson Club Lambs Trent Tomlinson: (435) 790-5458 Home: (435) 247-2185 P.O. Box 133, Lapoint, UT 84039 E-mail: Website:

(Wether Sires — Hamps, Suffolks, Crossbred, Speckle Faced & White Faced; Club Lambs)

(East of the Rockies) breeders • Cabaniss Club Lambs Riley Cabaniss (580) 445-6240 Norman Cabaniss (580) 445-7553 22220 E1010 Rd., Arapaho, OK 73620 Website: Email: (Reg. Hamps, Reg. Shrops; Ram Lambs for sale at farm.)

Swine: california breeders • AAA Elite Genetics Heather, Andrea & Amanda Thomas Kathy & Alyssa Sankey (530) 218-1968 Colusa, CA 95932 Email: (Project Pigs, York & Crossbred Seed Stock)

• A One Show Pigs Russ Miller (530) 277-7375 125 Sutherland Dr., Auburn, CA 95603

(Specializing in Black Exotic and Hamp Show Pigs)

• Bar-One Swine Farm Wes Barone: (408) 981-4881 6093 Mountain View Road Caruthers, CA 93609

• Day's Swine Farm

• Pork Palace

Tony Day (559) 909-2369 A.J. Day (559) 967-4388 24950 Ave. 212, Lindsay, CA 93247

Randy Jones (805) 350-1459 (Cell.) (805) 688-0337 (Home) E-mail: 1503 S. Hwy. 101, Gaviota, CA 93117

(Club Pigs - Hamps, Yorks, Durocs, Landrace, X-breds)

(Yorks, Hamps, Durocs, X-Breds – Breeding Stock & Show Pigs)

• Desert Show Pigs

• posse show pigs

Dion Ashurst - (760) 427-0468 Mike Heim - (760) 535-9678 Brock Ashurst - (760) 427-0464 Jayson Scarborough - (559) 647-9359 Email: Website:

Billy Barnes (661) 201-2330 10600 S. Union, Bakersfield, CA 93307 (Show Pigs)

• Power House Farms Nathan Copp (Los Banos) H: (209) 827-0460; C: (559) 280-0119 2129 S. 10th St., Los Banos, CA 93635

(Hamps, Durocs, Yorks & X-Breds; Show Pigs & Seedstock)

• G n G Genetics

(Show Pigs & Breeding Stock)

John & Nick Gonzales (530) 824-4292 John's cell (530) 320-5304 Nick's cell (530) 520-8361 E-mail: 23582 River Rd., Richfield, CA 96021

• Seaver Show Pigs Jerry Seaver: (530) 458-2026 4209 Hwy. 45, Colusa, CA 95932

(Hamps, Yorks, X-Breds – Show Pigs)

(Yorks, Hamps, Durocs — Show Pigs and Breeding Stock)

• Small Town Genetics James Backman (209) 620-4106 (c) (209) 667-4144 (farm phone/fax) 2812 N. Hickman Rd., Denair, CA 95316

• Golden State Genetics Rachelle Bailey (209) 277-2509 (cell) (209) 656-9550 (Office) 445 S. Blaker Rd., Turlock, CA 95380 Email:

(Yorks, Hamps, Durocs, Show Pigs)

(Hamps, Yorks, Durocs, Landrace, X-Breds; Breeding Stock, Show Pigs, Semen)

• swine valley Farms Ron & Regina Roberts (209) 599-3909 (H); (209) 450-3153 (C) 4350 Woodland Ave., Modesto, CA 95358 Email: Website:

• Homen Farms Henry Homen (209) 526-2337 (H); (209) 613-3678 (M) 3749 Blue Gum, Modesto, CA 95358

(Hamp & York Breeding Stock, Project Pigs)

(Duroc, Hamp, York, Berk, X-Bred Show Pigs)

• KV Swine

• Triangle L Farms

Debbie Violini (831) 675-2662 P.O. Box 19, Gonzales, CA 93926

David & Josh Luis (209) 604-8695 14545 East Donahue Rd., Ripon, CA 95366 Email:

(Hamps, Yorks, X-Breds — Show Pigs)

• Loin Eye Hog Farms

(Show Pigs)

Paul J. Fernandes, Jr. H (209) 664-0309 • M(209) 608-2697 4362 Esmar Rd., Ceres, CA 95307 Email:

• Tyauve Farms Anne Dawson (530) 894-8493 David Smith (530) 518-2416 2366 Dayton Rd., Chico, CA 95928 Email:

(Yorks, Hamps, X-breds)

• M.B. Show Pigs

(Yorks, Hamps & X-Breds)

Mario & Michele Buoni (661) 397-8940; (661) 201-3042 (c) 10400 Old River Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93311

• Western Stars Farm Cy Hawkins (530) 473-2264 P.O. Box 1326 2299 Zumwalt Rd., Williams, CA 95987 Email:

(Hamps, Durocs, Yorks, Chesters, Spots – Show Hogs)

• Millar Show Pigs

(Breeding Stock — Hamps, Duroc, X-Breds, Project Pigs)

Tom Millar (530) 934-0220, (530) 990-6465 8209 County Road 29, Glenn, CA 95943 (Durocs, Hamps, Yorks, X-Bred Show Pigs, Semen Sale)

(East of the Rockies) breeders

• Modesto Junior College John Mendes (209) 575-6205 435 College Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 (Breeding Stock, Project Pigs, Semen Sales)

• RW Genetics Rick Whitman (402) 440-5898 285 North 8th Road, Palmyra, NE 68418 E-mail:

• Moench Farms Wilbert & Dennis Moench (559) 535-4347 24701 Ave. 106, Terra Bella,CA 93270

(Duroc, Hamp, York & X-Breds; Club Pigs)

(Hamps, Yorks, Durocs, X-Bred • Breeding Stock & Project Pigs)

• No Limit Genetics

Market Goats:

Adam, Becky & Carson Mendonza (209) 602-6106 (Adam) or (530) 682-9262 (Becky) 2500 S. Walton Ave., Yuba City 95993 Website: (Year Round Show Pigs & Seedstock)

• Ottenwalter Show Pigs

arizona breeders

Mark & Sandy Ottenwalter (530) 458-5700 (o); (530) 681-9799 (m) 2260 Lurline Ave., Colusa, CA 95932 (Show Pigs, Seedstock)

• Dusty Acres Meat Goats Diane Bales & Derek Carpenter (520) 834-5198 2806 W. Skyline Rd. Benson, AZ 85602

• Panero Farms Rhys & Jeanine Panero (209) 838-7570 (H) 11935 S. Van Allen Rd., Escalon, CA 95320 e-mail:

(Project Goats & Percentage Boer Does)

(Showpigs and breeding stock)

(Hamps, Yorks, Durocs – Show Pigs & Semen)

December 2011/January 2012


california breeders • Ariaz Mtn. Ranch Pat Ariaz (209) 969-4307 (cell) home: (209) 852-9606 1904 State Hwy. 132, La Grange, CA 95329 Email: (Fullblood & percentage does & wethers)

• B&B Boers Mitchell Schultz (661) 706-5042 16229 The Lords Way Bakersfield, CA 93314 (Club Goats)

• Cuneo Valley Ranch Vicky Ehrhardt (209) 256-4924 Jackson, California Email: Website:

(Show Wethers, Championship bloodlines, Full Bloods, Percentages)

• Flying S Livestock Jack, Sarah, Nicole & Jared Smith (661) 399-0507 7156 Golden State Highway, Unit B Bakersfield, CA 93308 Email: (Show Wethers)

• Grimsley Cattle & Goats Austin Grimsley (831) 207-7564 P.O. Box 1009, Tres Pinos, CA 95075 Email: Website: (Club Goats & Purebred Seedstock)

• HJ Boer Goats Kyle Jefferson & Stephanie Horton (209) 614-5664 30110 Grooms Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361 Email: Website: (Show Wethers & Percentage Does)

• Lazy B3 Boer Goats Reb, Stacey & Hazen Bisnett (916) 715-6053; (916) 769-8235 Website: 9286 Sheldon Rd., Elk Grove, CA 95624

(Project Mkt. Goats, Fullblood & % Boer Goats)

• Moonstone Ranch, Inc. Bruce & Rebecca Cogswell (661) 393-2457 Bakersfield, CA 93308 E-mail: Website: (Club Goats, % Does)

• N-Bar-D Ranch Dave & Nancy Hall (951) 769-9073 Beaumont, CA Email: Website:

(Reg. Boer Goats, Fullblood & %'s, Project Wethers, Reg. Nubian Goats. Buck service for Boers & Nubians. Discounts for 4-H, FFA & Grange.)

• Olive Knoll Ranch Catherine Acly (209) 754-4580 5887 Romel Road, Angels Camp, CA 95222 (Wether Goats, percentage & fullblood does)

• Rocking 4R Boer Goat ranch Mike & Maureen Reis (H) (707) 693-1893 Mike - cell (707) 483-6303 Maureen - cell (209) 601-5892 7320 Hackman Rd., Dixon, CA 95620 Email:

(Quality Purebreds & Percentage Does & Bucks; Market & Projecat Wethers)

• Staz A Fraz Ranch Mark & Julie Stasinowsky (916) 655--3160 P.O. Box 641, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668 (Project Mkt. Goats, FB & % Boer Goats)

Meat goats (cont.) • Sundance Kids The Schallbergers (209) 333-0543 Website: 8989 E. Live Oak Rd., Stockton, CA 95212 (Project Mkt. Goats, FB & % Boer Goats)

• UC Davis Goat Facility Jan Carlson (530) 752-6792 Dept. of Animal Science Davis, CA 95616 Email:

(Project Wethers and % Boer Does)

• White Rail Ranch Chuck & Judy Kaye (559) 788-1085 (707) 548-1486 (cell) 22819 Avenue 124, Porterville, CA 93257 Email: (Club Goats, % Does)

(East of the Rockies) breeders • Dynasty Meat Goats Cameron Sasser (980) 521-7458 12131 C Oak Grove Rd. Stanfield, NC 28163 Email: (Club Meat Goats & Does)

Products & Services • Bob May Livestock & Hauling Bob & Nancy May (530) 200-0866 Red Bluff, CA Email: (For all your livestock needs. Check out our website for all we have to offer!)

• Grainery


th Join us at

t r e s e D High ssic a l C MAY

Diane Bales (520) 834-5198 2806 W. Skyline Rd., Benzon, AZ 85602 Email:

(Full line of show supplies, equipment & feed)

• Photos by Tracy Tracy Bjornestad — Photographer (530) 339-0165 P.O. Box 2368, Flournoy, CA 96029 E-mail:

(Livestock & Special Events Photography)

• Lautner Semen Sales Spencer Leo (209) 756-4880 James Bright (209) 761-9833 7953 Le Grand Rd., Merced, CA 95340 Email:

26 & 27, 2012

(Lautner Semen Available — we deliver)

• Show Photo by Katina

Show Double Points



ino Count d r a n r e B n a , CA Location: S Victorville — s d n u o r Fairg

Katina Costerisan (661) 330-6392 P.O. Box 40, Castroville, TX 78009 E-mail: Website: (Livestock Photography)

• STAT Livestock Supply

CJLA Sanctioned

Amy Lehfeldt (209) 321-2832 Travis Lehfeldt (209) 321-5977 5472 Wilkins Ave. Oakdale, CA 95361 Email: Website:

College Division Offered

(Show Supplies)

• Webb & Son Deron & Karen Johns, Lic. No. 335463 678 N. Plano St., Porterville, CA 93257 Phone: (559) 784-2951; Fax: (559) 782-1804 Deron Johns: (559) 647-1611 Kari Rivera: (559) 306-7010

Contact Info: Kelly O'Brien-Secord Email:

(Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Institutional Construction. Fairgrounds Construction, Show Barns, Sale Facilities, Equestrian Arenas, Metal Buildings)

The Smart Decision All Aluminum Showmaster — New 6x12 model designed for smaller livestock. Affordable with standard aerodynamic front. Comes with 14 standard features.

"The Leader in Heavy-Duty Construction" All-Aluminum Trailers • Customizing Available • Many models to choose from • Double Deck Models All-Aluminum Livestock Toppers and Poppers® • Carries our 10-year warranty • Models to fit any truck

Our popular livestock Poppers® weigh only 200 lbs. Features include all-aluminum construction, double rear doors, full swing center gate and "easy on - easy off" convenience.

Nationwide Delivery 41

PO Box 59, Hwy 9 West Cresco, IA 52136 Phone: 800-446-1407 Fax: 563-547-5366 California Rep: Pat Ariaz (209) 969-4307 December 2011/January 2012

Grand Champion Classic Steer Shown by Nicole Heffener

Reserve Grand Champion Classic Steer Shown by Kohl Bright

Supreme Champion Heifer Shown by Haley Traynham

Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer Shown by Megan Albers

Supreme Champion Bull Shown by Nicole Reis

Reserve Supreme Champion Bull Shown by Shelly Pick

Grand Champ. Mkt. Hog (Supreme Jackpot Hog) Shown by Matteo Abreu

Res. Champ. Mkt. Hog (Res. Supr. Jackpot Hog) Shown by Matteo Abreu

Grand Champion Prospect Hog Shown by Kiana Peters

Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Hog Shown by Meghan Weinrich

Grand Champion Progress Hog Shown by Kailey Estudillo

Reserve Grand Champion Progress Hog Shown by Maddie Kiser

October 14-23, 2011 San Francisco, California Congratulations to all the exhibitors! Supreme Champion Gilt Shown by Shelby Weinrich

December 2011/January 2012

Reserve Supreme Champion Gilt Shown by Kiana Peters

Grand Champion Classic Lamb

Supreme Champion Ewe

Shown by Rio Pagliaro

Shown by Rio Pagliaro

Reserve Grand Champion Classic Lamb

Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe

Shown by Josh Mendes

Shown by Bridget Eldridge


Supreme Champion Ram

Grand Champion Classic Meat Goat

Shown by Bridget Eldridge

Shown by Bailey Cocagne

Reserve Supreme Champion Ram

Reserve Grand Champion Classic Meat Goat

Shown by Taylor Strasser

Shown by Erin Johnson

Grand Champion Market Steer Shown by George Schmidt

Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer Shown by Quinten Thomas

Grand Champion Replacement Heifer Shown by Leah O'Reilly

Reserve Grand Champion Replacement Heifer Shown by Sam Clevenger

July 20-31, 2011 • Paso Robles, CA Congratulations to all the exhibitors! Grand Champion Market Hog Shown by Savannah Levisay

Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog Shown by Ann Lopez

Grand Champion Market Lamb

Grand Champion Meat Goat

Shown by Nolan Hildebrand

Shown by Carly Roth

Reserve Champion Market Lamb

Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat

Shown by Caitlin Morrison

Shown by Alexis Whiteford


December 2011/January 2012

Grand Champion Market Steer Shown by Hunter Jacobsen

Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer Shown by Stefani Niesen

Grand Champion Replacement Heifer Shown by Costin Allen

Reserve Grand Champion Replacement Heifer Shown by Regan Fowler

July 13-17, 2011 • Santa Maria, CA Congratulations to all the exhibitors! Grand Champion Market Hog Shown by Steven Garcia

Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog Shown by Corrin Bowman

Grand Champion Market Lamb

Grand Champion Meat Goat

Shown by Karli Huguenard

Shown by Caroline Adam

Reserve Champion Market Lamb

Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat

Shown by Kyler Vernon

Shown by Josh Mendez

June 30-July 4, 2011 • San Rafael, California

Grand Champion Steer Shown by Tony Menini

December 2011/January 2012

Reserve Grand Champion Steer Shown by Jessie Jones

Grand Champion Heifer Shown by Robby Tunzi


Reserve Grand Champion Heifer Shown by Robby Tunzi

Don't get caught in the breeze... A year's worth of Pacific Showcase will keep you anchored! • Advertisers with "Top Quality" Products • Show Results • Dates for Sales and Shows • And much, much more!

Representing Junior Showmen West of the Rockies! Send this back in with your check made out to Pacific Showcase or call with your Visa/Mastercard information. Name___________________________________________

 1st Time  Renewing RATES: Bulk 1st Class

Give us a call...


(408) 776-7611 or mail your payment and information to


1 Yr. $25

2 Yr. $45

Phone #_________________________________________



Area of Interest:  Cattle

Email __________________________________________

U.S. Rates Only — call us for intl. rates

 Sheep

 Hogs

 Meat Goats

Send back to: Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430, San Jose, CA 95160 ...or mail in your credit card info!

Type of credit card (circle):




Card #_____________________________________________________________ Name on card____________________________________________ Exp. Date___________

• Is the billing address for the card the same as your mailing address? If not, please include the billing address. 45

Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430 • San Jose, CA 95160

Don't Miss One Issue!

December 2011/January 2012

2012 Open Junior Show

Feb. 17-19

Western Bonanza Junior Livestock Show (Mid-State Fairground - Paso Robles) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Wendy Hall (805) 756-5398 Jacky Eshelby (805) 756-5418 Western Bonanza Line (805) 756-2180 Megan Silcott (805) 756-2892 website:

Feb. 25-26

Orange Blossom Klassic (Porterville Fairgrounds) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Porterville Fair (559) 781-6582 website:

Mar. 3-4

Cattlemen's Jackpot (Plymouth Fairgrounds) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Susie Clark (209) 304-6335 website:

Mar. 9-11

NJSA Western Regional Hog Show (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) Species: Market & Breeding Hogs Contact: Kelli Reiff (765) 463-3594 email:

Mar. 9-11

Pork Spectacular (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) CJLA Sanctioned Specie: Hog Contact: Calif. Pork Producers Lesa Carlton (916) 447-8950 email:

Mar. 17

Gold Country Jackpot (Calaveras Co. Fairgrounds-Angels Camp) Species: Steers Contact: Shawna Davis (209) 736-0630 email: Melissa Walraven (209) 736-0761 email:

Mar. 17-18

Northern Exposure Swine, Sheep and Goat Show (Glenn Co. Fairgrounds – Orland) CJLA Sanctioned (2 Shows) Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Natalie Reis (530) 682-0356 email:

Mar. 24-25

Monterey Bay Classic (Monterey County Fairgrounds-Monterey) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Lauren Heath (831) 372-5863 website:

Mar. 31

TCA Classic Steer & Heifer Show (Roseville Fairground) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Jackie & Chris Davis (916) 645-3085 or Daryl Consulo (916) 652-7764 or (916) 782-3550

Apr. 21-22

Valley Classic Boer Goat Show (San Joaquin Co. Fairgrounds-Stockton) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Specie: Meat Goat Contact: Judy Kaye (559) 788-1085 email: Contact: Chris Schallberger (209) 333-0543

May 5

1st Annual Intelli-Show Swine Jackpot (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) Presented by: JS West Milling Co. CJLA Sanctioned Specie: Hog Contact: Colton Brantley (209) 480-3774 email:

May 11-13

Siskiyou’s Golden Jackpot Show (Yreka) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Janet Eastlick (530) 842-2767 email: website:

May 11-13

Pacific Coast Jackpot of Gold (Kern County Fairgrounds-Bakersfield) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Kern County Fairgrounds Livestock Office (661) 833-4934 website: > click on “annual events”

May 26-27

Calif. Jr. Angus State Fieldday/Preview Show (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Amanda Leo (209) 723-5113

May 26-27

High Desert Classic (San Bernardino Co. Fairgrounds - Victorville) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Kelly O'Brien-Secord (909) 844-8073 email:


Yuma/SAILA Jackpot Show (Yuma County Fairgrounds) Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt. Sheep, Breeding Sheep, Meat Goat, Breeding Goat Contact: Vicky Sharp (928) 785-9317 email: website:

Feb. 18-19

Feb. 11-12

U of A Collegiate Cattle Growers Jackpot – 2 Shows (U of A Ag Center - Tucson) Species: Breeding & Mkt. Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat Contact: Jessica Zamudio (520) 221-1992 email: website: website: Arizona Showmaster Classic (Pinal County Fairgrounds-Casa Grande) Species: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Meat Goat Contact: Patty Young (602) 910-1860 email: Contact: Holly Norris (520) 251-3588 website:

Feb. 25

Yuma Belt Buckle Blowout (Yuma County Fairgrounds) Specie: Swine Contact: Brent Harken (928) 246-7043 website:

Mar. 10-11

SAILA Spring Junior Livestock Show — 2 Shows (Pima County Fairgrounds-Tucson) Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: SAILA office (520) 792-1060 website:


Kingman SAILA Jackpot website:


Safford SAILA Jackpot website:


Holbrook SAILA Jackpot website:


Sonoita SAILA Jackpot website:

For additional information regarding above shows, please contact the SAILA office at (520) 792-1060


Sierra Winter Classic (Porterville Fairgrounds) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Diane Ennis (559) 784-2802 Contact: Porterville Fair (559) 781-6582 website:

Jan. 28-29 Feb. 4-5

19th Annual MJC Showmaster Classic (Agriculture Pavilion-MJC West Campus-Modesto) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Jan. 28-29 Steer & Heifer Shows / Feb. 4-5 Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Shows Contact: John Mendes (209) 575-6205 Amanda Schnoor (209) 575-6210

Feb. 11-12

Red Wave Classic Jr. Livestock Show (Big Fresno Fairgrounds-Fresno) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Beef-Randy Perry (559) 278-4793 Lambs-John Cordeiro (559) 278-2804 Hogs-Dr. Scott Williamson (559) 278-5398 website:

December 2011/January 2012


May 26

Calif. Jr. Charolais State Fieldday (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer Contact: Randy Perry (559) 278-4793

June 16-17

Southwest Regional Hereford Show (Calaveras Co. Fairgrounds-Angels Camp) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Casey Overmier (209) 753-7464 Stateline Spectacular Jackpot Show (Tulelake) Species: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Meat Goat Contact: Tulelake-Butte Co. Fair / Dave Dillabo (530) 667-5312

June 16

Aug. 4

Golden Empire Open Jr. Show (Kern County Fairgrounds-Bakersfield) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Sharon Wonderly (661) 833-1774 email: Contact: Mike Giannini (661) 201-1532

June 23

Treasure Valley Swine Spectacular (Western Idaho Fairgrounds-Boise) Specie: Swine Contact: Travis Lowber (208) 919-5387

June 30

Southern Idaho Extravaganza (Twin Falls Co. Fairgrounds-Filer) Specie: Swine Contact: Christy Adams (208) 431-9108

July 14

Eastern Idaho Summer Classic (Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds-Blackfoot) Specie: Swine Contact: Steve Harrison (208) 427-6217 Robert Johnson (208) 785-0650

Aug. 29-Sept. 2

Twin Falls Co. Fair / Open Mkt. Steer & Breeding Cattle Show (Twin Falls) Specie: Steer Contact: Sarah Fuller (208) 308-3371

OREGON April 14

Northwest Regional Jr. Hereford Show & Jackpot (Albany) Contact: Jenny Hill (541) 480-6100

Aug. 10-12

Surf n Turf Jackpot (San Benito Co. Fairgrounds - Hollister) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Becky Doty (831) 801-3891 email:

April 21

Umpqua Valley Jr. Classic (Douglas County .Fairgrounds-Roseburg) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Tony Brumbach (541) 430-4954 email:


Limousin Field Day (location to be announced) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Specie: Heifer Contact: Candy Whitcomb (530) 741-9006 email:


LBCC/OSU College Classic Jackpot Show (Benton County Fairground-Corvallis) Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Meat Goat Contact: Clay Weber (541) 990-8770


Oktoberfest Boer Goat Show (location to be announced) CJLA Sanctioned Specie: Meat Goat Contact: Sue Hobby (209) 632-4492 email:

May 5-6

Oct. 18-27

Grand National Rodeo, Horse & Stock Show (Cow Palace - San Francisco) Junior Show: October 17-22 CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Meat Goat Contact: Vanessa Schneider (559) 288-3475 email: website:

Southern Oregon Junior Classic (Central Point) Species: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat Contact: Traci Dulaney (541) 601-2058 Website:

May 26

5 Peaks Classic Jackpot – 2 Shows (Madras) Specie: Steer, Heifer Contact: Cathy Bartels (541) 420-2470 email:


“Spotlight on Quality” Shorthorn Jackpot (Amador Co. Fairgrounds-Plymouth) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Krista Vannest email:


Stockman Spring Classic (Canby) Species: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Meat Goat Contact: Rhonda Rathjen (503) 341-9932 email:

Nov. 3-4

Northern Exposure Jr. Cattle Show (Glenn Co. Fairgrounds-Orland) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Natalie Reis (530) 682-0356 email: website:

June 2

Juniper Jackpot Show (Deschutes Co. Fairgrounds - Redmond) Species: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat Contact: Candi Bothum (541) 548-6088 email: website:

Nov. 18

CNPHA 12th Annual Hereford Classic Junior Jackpot Show (Amador Co. Fairgrounds-Plymouth) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Karen Perrin (916) 663-1142 email:

June 17

Klamath Jackpot (Klamath) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Lee & Glenda Stilwell (541) 884-4881 email:

June 20-23

Pacific International Jr. Livestock Show (Prineville) Species: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Meat Goat Contact: Brad Gohr (503) 932-6494 website:

Dec. 1-2

Angus Days (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer Contact: Amanda Leo (209) 723-5113

Dec. 7-9

Holiday Classic (Kern Co. Fairgrounds-Bakersfield) CJLA Sanctioned (2 Shows) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Kern County Fairgrounds Livestock Office (661) 833-4934 website: > click on “annual events”


IDAHO May 12

Treasure Valley Classic Jackpot Show (Homedale) Species: Heifers, Prospect & Mkt. Steers, Breeding & Mkt. Boer Goats Contact: Scott & Kim Holt (208) 459-2013

May 31-June 2

Northwest Jr. Hereford Invitational & Jackpot Show (Split Butte Livestock-Minidoka) Specie: Heifer Contact: Ron Schurtz (208) 431-3311

June 2

Magic Valley Classic (Gooding) Specie: Beef Contact: Patty Hooper (208) 837-4950


Stateline Swine Showcase (Payette Co. Fairgrounds-New Plymouth) Specie: Swine Contact: Jason or Melissa Sherman (208) 741-0132

June 16

Magic Valley Classic (Gooding) Specie: Swine Contact: Tim Hooper (208) 837-4213

June 15-16

Idaho Jr. Beef Expo (Filer) Species: Beef Contact: Sarah Fuller (208) 731-3371

Feb. 17-18

2nd Annual Sweetheart Livestock Extravaganza (Washington Co. Regional Park - Hurricane) Species: Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Goat (2 shows) Contact: Marty Bundy (435) 669-3169

April 6-7

1st Annual Breeders Elite Club Lamb/Goat Sale & Jackpot Show (Heber) Website:

Apr. 14

USU True Blue Aggie Classic Jackpot (Logan) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Brett Bowman (435) 770-4440 website:

June 8-9

Golden Elite Jackpot Show (Box Elder Fairgrounds – Tremonton) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Scott Newman (435) 757-3690 or Chris Beins (435) 452-1806

July 27-28

3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Jackpot: The Finale (Heber) Contact: Ed Wade (435)671-3069 email:

Nov. 1-3

RMJSS Fall Kick-off Steer & Heifer Sale & Jackpot (Spanish Fork) Contact: Mandy Long (801) 664-3311 email:

Note: See page 56 for more upcoming events! 47

December 2011/January 2012

Livestock Industry News and Notes from Around the Country National Agricultural Proficiency Winners Announced Winners in the National Agricultural Proficiency Awards Pageant were announced on Friday, Oct. 21, at the National FFA Convention. Awards were give in 47 categories

sponsored by Archer Daniels Midland Company and CHS. 2011 Diversified Crop Production—Placement:Kurt Parsons— California

2011 Sheep Production—Entrepreneurship/Placement: Nolan Robert Hildebrand—California

Kurt Parsons works for an operation that harvests nearly 15,000 acres of field crops each year. He has learned about the farming enterprises including tractor and harvester operation, planting and hay work. Kurt has also focused his efforts on marketing, customer acquisition and equipment design and fabrication. He is a member of the Porterville FFA Chapter. Kurt’s FFA advisors are Isaac Robles, Gabriel Ponce and Todd Coons. This award is sponsored by Crop Production Services and National Crop Insurance Services.

Nolan Robert Hildebrand started his sheep enterprise with one ewe and expanded to 35 wether ewes and two wether sires. He produces market lambs to show and sell to other FFA and 4-H members across the state. Nolan has also had success at fairs and jackpot shows. He is a member of the Templeton FFA Chapter, and his FFA advisors are Chris Hildebrand, Robin Schroeder and Erin Thompson. This award is sponsored by Bimeda Inc. and New Holland.

2011 Environmental Science and Natural Resources—Entrepreneurship/Placement: Alexandra Marie Macedo—California

2011 Specialty Animal Production—Entrepreneurship/Placement: Damon E. Pombo—California Damon E. Pombo raises a herd of Boer goats. He has 150 breeding does and three bucks. Originally, Damon sold his goats for purebred breeding stock, market show goats and ethnic niche meat. He expanded his enterprise to also market his goats as weed control. Damon is a member of the Tracy FFA Chapter. His FFA advisors are Nikki Maddux, Pat Rooney, Laura Kellery and Jason Gentry. This award is sponsored by Land O’Lakes Purina Feed and Tractor Supply Company.

Alexandra Marie Macedo works with her mother as a lab technician. She began collecting environmental samples and taking photos. Alexandra learned to be a steward of the environment and study rules and regulations that pertain to agriculture. She has gained many insights that she will use as she pursues a career as an agricultural engineer. Alexandra is a member of the Tulare FFA Chapter, and her FFA advisors are Michael Maderos, Dave Caetano, Kevin Koelewyn, Jennifer Sousa and Chris McKenna. This award is sponsored by Triscuit.

2011 Agricultural Processing—Entrepreneurship/Placement: William Brewster—California

2011 Equine Science—Placement Brittani Alexandra Green—California

William Brewster of the Hanford FFA Chapter works with his father in a cheese processing company. The plant produces traditional style and specialty Portuguese cheese, as well as fruit baskets, jellies and snacks. William has been involved in mixing, cutting curds, pasteurizing, and molding cheeses. His FFA advisors are Sam Rodriguez, Brian Combes, Dennis Fuller, Jared Castle, Lilly Pimentel and Susan Moran. This award is

Brittani Alexandra Green of the Chino FFA Chapter works at horse barns for her SAE. She began by exercising horses and her duties grew to include training, riding, showing, clipping, body shaping and other requests made by trainers. Brittani looks forward to more opportunities in the equine industry. Brittani’s FFA advisor is Laurie McCormick. This award is sponsored by Nutrena and Tractor Supply Company.

California Student Named National Agriscience Student of the Year at National FFA Convention Mary Steves of Escalon, Calif., a senior at Escalon High School in Escalon and member of the Escalon FFA Chapter, conducted research comparing the immune responses of Barbados Blackbelly hair sheep and Suffolk crossbred sheep to gastrointestinal nematodes. Her study concluded that hair sheep produce a greater immune response. Now this research has also won her top honors.

crossbreeding,” she said.

Steves was named Agriscience Student of the Year on Oct. 21 at the 84th National FFA Convention during an onstage ceremony and was presented with a scholarship.

The National FFA Agriscience Student of the Year program recognizes high school students who, through scientific research and reasoning, find creative solutions to challenges within the field of agriculture. Eight national finalists are selected for the student of the year award. Those competing to win the honor develop hypotheses, conduct research and develop theories pertaining to an agricultural issue and report findings to a panel of judges with a detailed application, written report, display, presentation and an interview.

Steves is currently serving as the 2011-12 California Association FFA state secretary and after high school plans to attend California State University at Chico and major in animal science. She is the daughter of Lisa and Rob Steves, and her FFA advisors are Jennifer Terpstra, Stacy Ingalls and Bruce Campbell.

“Knowing there is a difference in resistance, future studies may include performing the same research on offspring from a cross of hair sheep with typical wool-type sheep breeds European in origin, such as the Suffolk, which would hopefully generate data that might be useful for sheep producers looking to increase parasite resistance and decrease losses from parasite infections by a more practical and more economical means through

California Pork Producers Association Announces Junior Member Programs CPPA Youth Ambassador

CPPA Loaner Gilt Program

The California Pork Ambassador Program is designed for youth to develop strong relationships with producers and members of the swine industry. The main goal of the Pork Ambassador Program is to promote California Pork Producers and the swine industry at various events throughout the year. Eligible age at least 18 and no older than 21.

The main goal of this program is to promote interaction between the leaders of today and those of tomorrow by providing junior members high quality purebred gilts for a period of one year. CPPA Show Pig Scholarship The Directors of the California Pork Producers Association and the CPPA Youth Committee invite the breeders and junior members of the association to participate in the Show Pig Scholarship Program.

William “Bill” Silveira Scholarship As each year passes, more and more people realize the impact that William “Bill” Silveira had on the California Pork Producers Assn. A visionary, Bill poured his heart and soul into making CPPA work for pork producers. This legacy still lives today. The Silveira Scholarship Fund was established to help cultivate CPPA and agriculture industry leaders.

In order to apply for these CPPA Jr Member programs, you must be a CPPA Junior Member. Application Deadline: January 31, 2012 Applications are available online at:

December 2011/January 2012


Stop by our trailer for all your show supplies — we have everything you need! Proudly selling Weaver Livestock Products — the Winner's Brand!

Oakdale, CA Grooming and Fitting Products • Tack • Clippers • and so much more!

Travis Lehfeldt: 209-321-5977 • Tom, Amy & Shelby Lehfeldt: 209-321-2832 Present this coupon for

10% OFF 49

ALL LIQUIDS AND AEROSOLS! December 2011/January 2012



lamb and goat sale January 28th,

Dixon May Fairgrounds — Dixon, California

List of s: Consignor

Animals on display: 10:30 a.m. • Sale Starts at 12 Noon Selling approximately 40 Lambs and 30 Meat Goats


SHEEP: MWD Club Lambs • Asmus Club Lambs • 3 Sisters Sheep Walking S Club Lambs • Fish Club Lambs

MEAT GOATS: White Rail Ranch • HJ Boer Goats • Rockin 4R Boer Goats • Boers by Hobby For more information, contact:

Donnie Whitworth: (C) (530) 979-2006 • Jed Asmus: (530) 304-0389

For sale and consignor info, go to or

December 2011/January 2012


Congratulations to these MoorMan’s ShowTec Champions!

2011 Cow Palace Jr Grand National

Matteo Abreu Champion Market Hog

Matteo Abreu Reserve Champion Market Hog

Kiana Peters Champion Prospect Hog

Kiana Peters Reserve Supreme Champion Gilt (Champion York)

Nelson Hanson Reserve Champion Yorkshire Gilt

Nelson Hanson Champion Hampshire Gilt

Scan here with your smart phone.

Like MoorMan’s® ShowTec® on Facebook!

For more information about MoorMan’s® ShowTec® products and programs, or to locate a dealer, contact OH Kruse Grain & Milling at 800-729-5787 or log on at Like ADM Alliance Nutrition® Equine on Facebook! MoorMan’s ShowTec products are distributed by OH Kruse Grain & Milling.

Livestock Judging What is Involved?

By Amanda Schnoor

Why Livestock Judging?

Although many hours throughout the week and many weekends traveling are dedicated to practice, members are given the opportunity to travel across the country and compete at national contests. National livestock judging contests attended included: American Royal in Kansas City, MO; North American International Livestock Exhibition in Louisville, KY; National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO; Ft. Worth Stock Show in Ft. Worth, TX; San Antonio Livestock Show in San Antonio, TX; and Houston Livestock Show, Houston, TX.

When I think of livestock judging, two things come to find: friendships and preparation for the future. Livestock judging offers many benefits to individuals who participate on a team. If a student has an interest in breeding, raising, or showing livestock, then it is important to develop those skills required to visually evaluate livestock and understand performance records. Not only does livestock judging teach evaluation, but it also builds confidence and stimulates one’s mind. Equally important, this experience helps refine the decision making process through making logical, rational decisions based on information gathered, and helps improve oral communication and observation skills. Being a member of the livestock judging team also helps to build self-discipline and improve leadership skills essential for future career success. The team gives members the opportunity to meet people with the same interests and goals as themselves. Students have the opportunity to meet prominent livestock breeders, view their facilities and make acquaintances that will often last a lifetime. Finally, team members develop a competitive attitude and edge that will make them more valuable, and marketable upon graduation. Ultimately, the benefits one gains from being on a livestock judging team are lifelong and life altering - they help shape an individual into the adult they will be.

About the Author: Amanda Schnoor is an Animal Science instructor and Livestock Judging Team coach at Modesto Junior College in Modesto, CA. Amanda received a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science from Oregon State University in 2008. She was a member of the livestock judging team at Oregon State, where she received many national recognitions for her judging skills. Amanda continues to judge shows across the country evaluating sheep, cattle and swine. Her family still actively participates in the livestock arena, as well showing market steers and Angus cattle.

Angus Offers Internship and Scholarship Opportunities Investing in the next generation of agriculture leaders is what will keep the industry strong. The American Angus Association and its entities announce four paid internships and two scholarship programs for college students.

Scholarship programs, established by the Angus Foundation and certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB), reward undergraduate and graduate students who are passionate about beef and the Angus brand.

Available internships offer students experience in the industry and the chance to gain real-world working knowledge – a musthave in today’s competitive market.

To learn more about the available internships, scholarships, and Angus opportunities and programs, visit www.angusfoundation. org and

CJLA Sanctioned Show

4th Annual

$1,250 Purse - Grand Champion Steer & Heifer

Jackpot BBQ Mother’s Day Showmanship

$750 Purse - Reserve Champion Steer & Heifer 75% Payback in all classes

Fitting Contest

Sponsored by NB Ranches

Grenada & Cottonwood, CA

Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds - Yreka, CA May 11-13, 2012

For more information & entry forms contact Siskiyou Golden Fair: (530)842-2767 or December 2011/January 2012


Northern Exposure

g Announcin ing a new Spr Show!

A & B Show Format


March 17-18, 2012 Glenn County Fairgrounds • Orland, CA

2 Sets of CJLA Points

Entries and more information at

For more information, contact Natalie Reis at 530-682-0356 (or by email at or Susan Taylor at 530-865-1168. 53

December 2011/January 2012

We love getting your Hot Shots photos! Have one to share? Send it to pacificshowcase and put "Hot Shot" in the subject line!

December 2011/January 2012


22nd Annual Modesto Junior College

Champion's Choice Sale Saturday, March 24th, 2012 Preview Begins at 11:00 a.m. • Sale Begins at 12:00 Noon

2011 Reserve Grand Champion Santa Cruz County Fair Shown by Adam Escobar

ation: New Loc mpus st Ca MJC We llion Ag Pavi

HOG CONSIGNERS: Alternative Genetics • Bar One Swine Farms CSU Chico • Gen X Farms • Loin Eye Hog Farm No Limit Genetics • Priority One Showpigs W-D Swine Farm

MJC Swine Herdsmen: Kyle Brem • Tara Glidden • Jon Neugebauer • John Traini

— CONTACT INFORMATION — JOHN MENDES: (209) 575-6205 • AMANDA SCHNOOR: (209) 575-6210 •

GOAT CONSIGNERS: Bender Boers • Boers By Hobby Alves Livestock • Pat Ariaz White Rail Ranch

In Memoriam: Frank LaMacchia Frank Peter LaMacchia, 74, of Gonzales passed away at his ranch on November 2, 2011. He died as he lived: patient, kind, accepting of whatever was thrown his way, tough, compassionate and surrounded by the family, friends and animals he loved.

or on committees. He instilled his love of the land, fat cows, green grass, a good rain storm, running creeks and all that nature had to offer to his children and grandchildren. Frank was also an avid hunter and was a member of the National Rifle Association. He enjoyed spending time with his hunting buddies scouting for deer, duck, quail and dove.

Frank was born on Christmas Day 1936 to Pete and Mary LaMacchia in Salinas, California. He was a graduate of Salinas High School and Hartnell College. He served in the Army Reserve.

Frank is survived by his wife, Irene; daughter Lori (Tom) Madden of Paso Robles; Pete (Trisha) LaMacchia of Soledad; Lisa (Mark) Wright of Hollister; grandkids, Maggie and Jacob Madden; August, Autumn and Laci Jo LaMacchia and Taryn and Trevor Wright. Frank is also survived by his sisters, Terrie (Frank) Filice of Gilroy and Pattie (Pat) Perry of Salinas; and his sister-in-law, Erma Franscioni of Soledad Mission. Additionally, Frank is survived by numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and too many friends to count. Significantly, Frank is survived by his constant companion, his dog, Sam. A special thanks to those who helped Frank through his cancer diagnosis, Dr. McDermott, Dr. Haghighat, Dr. Christine Ponzio and his most special hospice nurse, Joanne Brown, who, true to her word, saw Frank through to the end in a most compassionate way.

He was a member of the Gonzales Young Farmers, and served as chapter President and State Treasurer. He was also a director and member of the Gonzales Rural Firemen and St. Theodore’s Catholic Church.

In 1964, Frank married Irene Radavero. Frank always felt that Irene was his greatest gift from God. Frank and Irene raised three children on the ranch Frank cherished in the Gabilan Mountains. They were married for 47 years and their relationship was admired by many. Frank was the ultimate cowboy. He was a member of the National Cattlemens’ Association, Monterey County Cattlemens’ Association and San Benito County Cattlemens’ Association. He was very progressive with his range management, holding multiple control burns and planting clovers from all over the world to improve his grazing lands. In 1987, Frank recieved the Excellence in Range Management Award from the Society for Range Management. Frank’s cattle herd was one of the first in the State of California to be certified organic.

Visitation will be from 4 to 7 PM on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, at Struve and LaPorte Mortuary. A funeral mass in celebration of Frank’s life will be held at 11 AM on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, at St. Theodore’s Catholic Church in Gonzales. Donations in Frank’s memory can be made to the California Rangeland Trust, 1225 H Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814 (; St. Theodore’s Catholic Church Memorial Fund, P.O. Box B, Gonzales, California or a charity of one’s choice.

Frank was also a conservationist. He was a member of the Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club. Frank was very involved with the American Soil Conservation Service for over 30 years, serving as its Chairman


December 2011/January 2012

upcoming events

(pg. 63) Feb. 25 Small Town Champion Drive Sale (Merced Co. Fairgrounds) (Front Cover) Feb. 26 Ottenwalter Show Pig Sale (At the ranch - Colusa) (pg. 37) Mar. 9-11 NJSA Western Regional Hog Show/California Pork Spectacular (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) Mar. 17 Central Coast Boer Goat Sale (San Joaquin Co. Fairgrounds-Stockton) Mar. 17 Dynasty Sale #2 (Manteca School District Farm-Manteca) (pg.55) Mar. 24 MJC Champions Choice Project Hog & Lamb Sale (Modesto Jr. College Ag Pavilion) (pg. 63) Apr. 1 Small Town Genetics "Focused on Quality" Sale (Mid-State Fairgrounds, Paso Robles) (Front Cover) Apr. 7 Ottenwalter Show Pig Sale (At the ranch - Colusa) (pg. 5) Apr. 7 West Coast Sale (Nipomo) (pg. 17) Apr. 13-15 Nor-Cal Lamb Camp and Jackpot (Colusa Co. Fairgrounds, Colusa) April 21-22 Valley Classic Boer Breeding Goat Show (San Joaquin Co. Fairgrounds-Stockton) (pg. 56) April 28 California Elite Jackpot Goat Sale (San Joaquin Co. Fairgrounds-Stockton) April 28 West Coast Alliance Boer Goat Sale (San Joaquin Co. Fairgrounds-Stockton)


CSU Fresno’s Red Wave Classic Sales (Ag. Pavilion-CSU Fresno) (pg. 10) Jan. 8 UC Davis Aggie Classic Lamb Sale (UC Davis Sheep Unit-Davis) (pg. 61) Jan. 9-10 "In It To Win It" Online Wether Goat Sale (pg. 63) Jan. 14 Small Town Genetics Barn Sale (Small Town Genetics Show Barn) Jan. 14 CaMGA Central Select Wether Sale (Manteca School District School Farm-Manteca) Jan. 14 Dynasty Sale (Manteca School District Farm-Manteca) (Front Cover) Jan. 15 Ottenwalter Showpig Sale (At the ranch - Colusa) (pg. 2) Jan. 21 BNS “Kick-Off” Club Lamb Sale (Turlock Fairgrounds) Jan. 21 UC Davis Goat Day (Freeborn Hall – UC Davis) (pg. 3) Jan. 21 W-D Swine Farm “Kick-off” Pig Sale (Turlock Fairgrounds) (pg. 32) Jan. 21 Cover/Franklin Lamb Sale (MJC Pavilion - Modesto Jr. College) Jan. 26 Desert Showpigs Elite Barrows & Gilts Online Sale (pg. 50) Jan. 28 Young Guns of the West Lamb & Goat Sale (Dixon May Fairgrounds - Dixon) Jan. 29 Chico State Swine Educational Day (University Farm-Chico) (pg. 10) Feb. 4 UC Davis Show Pig Sale (UC Davis college) Feb. 4 Hands-on Junior Livestock Educational Expo (Redwood Empire Fairgrounds-Ukiah) Feb. 4-5 MJC Showmaster Classic Hog, Sheep & Goat Show (Modesto Jr. College Ag Pavilion) (pg. 31) Feb. 11 Chico State Sheep and Goat Educational Day and Sale (University Farm-Chico) (pg. 2) Feb. 25 Golden Opportunity Sale (Modesto Jr. College Ag Pavilion)

OREGON (pg. 17) May 18-20

OTHER Jan. 7-22, 2012 National Western Stock Show (Denver, CO) (pg. 11) March 3 Poe Hampshires 3rd Annual Season Opener (Indiana) (pg. 11) Apr. 21 Poe Hamps 23rd Annual Production Sale (Indiana) Note — If you know of any shows we may have missed or don’t have a date listed for...let us know! We update this section in each issue.

See pages 46-47 for the 2012 Jackpot Breakdown

~ New in 2012! ~

Join us at the 22nd Annual ...

One Day New Weekend!

NW Lamb Camp and Jackpot (Boatman Ranch, Prineville)

California Elite Jackpot Sale About 10 of California's most successful market goat breeders are getting together to sell their top wethers and does!

SALE - April 28th

Steers Only Show


March 17th, 2012

- August 25th

— Held At —

Calaveras County Fairgrounds (Angels Camp, CA)

Over $1000 in Prize Money!

For Entries and Information:

Both events at the San Joaquin Fairgrounds, Stockton

Shawna Davis — 209/736-0630 Melissa Walraven — 209/736-0761 Email: December 2011/January 2012

Check for more info! 56

What can

do for you? Don't miss the show that rings in the holidays!

* It's 2 Days * It's 2 JuDges * It's 2 sets of cJLa PoInts

December 9th — 11th, 2011


Steers & Heifers

Kern County Fairgrounds, Bakersfield, California (Sponsored by 15th DAA)

For more information or entry forms, contact:

(661) 833-4934 • Fax (661) 833-4936

or visit us on the web at

• Flyers • Build ads for other publications • Catalogues • Pamphlets •Breeders Directories ...and more!

(Click on Annual Events)

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F A L L S ,


2011 LimouSiN BreederS directorY

We love getting your Hot Shots photos! Have one to share? Send it to and put "Hot Shot" in the subject line!

Your Source for Finding the Genetics You Need

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Email Blasts

Check out our website! Representing the Junior Showman West of the Rockies...but read nationwide from East To West and North to South!


Pacific Showcase is distributed by subscription, and set out at sales, events and organizational meetings.

Advertise in Pacific Showcase!

Call 408/776-7611

Get your name in the Breeder's Directory or the Products and Services section and you'll get two placements — in the magazine and on our website — for one price!

We combined Top Females with the Best Boars in the States and got Competitive Show-Quality Hogs. We are constantly enhancing our program with Top Genetics.

Come see Hamps, Yorks, Durocs & X-Breds • Show Pigs • Seedstock what the Palace Holds (Gaviota, CA) for you.... (805) 350-1459 (C) (805) 688-0337 (H)


December 2011/January 2012



December 2011/January 2012


27th Annual Show!


Steer and Heifer Show

Heifer Show Market

Cash and prizes for Heifer Divisions, Supreme Show and Reserve Champion

MJC Showmaster Classic....................... Inside Back Cover

Associated Feed.................................. 59

Monterey Bay Classic........................ 36

Bar-ALE / Sunglo............................... 28

MoorMan Showtec............................. 51

Bianchi Club Lambs.......................... 29

Nicewonger Club Lambs...................... 2

Big Jims Cattle Service..................... 60

NJSA Western Regional.................... 37

Bio-Mos............................................... 24

Northern Exposure Swine, Sheep & Goat Show........................... 53 Nutrena / Showmaster.............. Back Inside Cover

California Pork Spectacular.............. 37

Orange Blossom Klassic.................... 24

Cal Poly's Western Bonanza.............. 15

Ottenwalter Show Pigs........................Front Cover, 9 Petersen Club Lambs........................... 5

CJLA News & Points.................... 20-22

Pork Palace......................................... 58


CJLA Membership Application......... 35

Precision Embryonics........................ 14

CJLA Raffles...................................... 23

Premier One......................................... 7

Colburn Cattle Co............... Back Cover

Purple Circle Magazine..................... 31

Awards and Cash for Divisions and Supreme.

Cool Calf............................................. 13

Red Wave Classic.... Front Inside Cover

Cover/Franklin Lamb Sale........... 32-33

SAILA................................................. 19

Dan Bush Hoof Trimming................. 19

Seever & Sons.................................... 19

California Elite Jackpot Sale............. 56

Sel-Plex............................................... 24

Evans Feed & Livestock Supply........ 36

Showmaker......................................... 59

Farmers Warehouse............... Front Inside Cover

Small Town Genetics.......................... 63

Steer Show

Franklin Club Lambs.................... 32-33 Gist Silversmith................................... 9 Glenn County Fairgrounds................ 27 Gold Country Jackpot........................ 56

Entries must be postmarked by Friday, Feb. 25th.

Graduating......................................... 27 High Desert Classic........................... 41 Intelli-Show Swine Jackpot............... 19

NOTE: The Bull Show has been removed from the schedule.

J/4 Cattle Co. ..................................... 22 J & J Livestock................................... 61 Junior Livestock PRO........................ 64

See our website for updates and listing of division breaks, and other important revisions to classes and schedule.

King Feeds.......................................... 26

— Sponsorship — Reba Hansen 503/951-3719

Jim Vietheer 916/687-7620

Hugh Mooney 209/712-6692

Siskiyou Golden Jackpot Show.......... 52 STAT Livestock.................................. 49 Subscription Form.............................. 45 Sullivan Supply.................................... 1 Sunrise Sheep..................................... 62 Superior Farms.................................. 30 The Showtimes Magazine.................. 34 UC Davis Animal Science.................. 10 W-D Swine Farm.................................. 3 White Rail Ranch..........................29, 56 Young Guns of the West Sale............. 50 Yuma/SAILA....................................... 13

Hoof Trimming • Show & Sale • Cattle Preparation

— Chairman — Darrell Hansen • 707/328-9349 — Entry Secretary — Susie Clark 209/304-6335

Poe Hampshires................................. 11

Available for:

For information & entries, contact:

December 2011/January 2012

Alum-Line........................................... 41

Chico State Sheep and Goat Educational Day and Sale................. 31

Presented by the Amador-El DoradoSacramento Cattlemen’s Association

NOTE: To collect CJLA points, exhibitors must be at least 9 years old as of 1/1/2012.

MJC Champions Choice Sale............ 55

Alltech........................................... 24-25

Cattlemen's Jackpot........................... 60

Cash, Belt Buckles, Other Awards & more...


Loin Eye Hog Farm............................ 14

All Around Kid................................... 27

California Pork Producers Assn........ 37

Amador County A weekend for competitive exhibitors Fairgrounds and family fun! Plymouth, California New this year!

KV Swine.............................................. 4

ADM Alliance..................................... 51

Boatman Club Lambs........................ 17

March 3rd & 4th, 2012 Saturday

A.A. Cover Club Lambs...................... 36

We Are Handling...

Paul Livestock Scales and WW Gate Panels/Equipment

Jim Vietheer

(916) 687-7620 P.O. Box 217 • Wilton, CA 95693

“Keep up the feet, or you will get beat!”



December 2011/January 2012

SHE E P CO. . ...that continues year after year! . . n o i t i d a r T nning

A Wi

Introducing our new keeper buck...


Sired by Hindman 108 on a Bianchi 1673 daughter — his lambs should hit the ground in February!


We have approximately 30 Lambs that will be sold starting in January — which one of these lambs will take you to the Winner's Circle?

Just a few of our outstanding lamb crop — all sired by King of Queens

Oakdale, CA

(209) 847-0945 • (209) 613-7015 • Email:

Check out our website at 62

December 2011/January 2012

Year after Year, our genetics have moved on from the Sale Barn to the Winner's Circle! Champion X-Bred Gilt, 2011 NJSA Western Regional

Don't miss our upcoming sales!

January 14, 2012 — Small Town Genetics Barn Sale

Location: Small Town Genetics Show Barn

February 25, 2012 — Champion Drive Sale Location: Merced County Fairgrounds Preview: 10:00 a.m. • Lunch 12:00 noon Sale: 1:00 p.m.

Champion FFA Hampshire, 2011 Stanislaus County Fair

April 1, 2012 — "Focused on Quality" Sale

Reserve Champion Chester, 2011 National Western Stock Show

Location: Mid State Fairgrounds Preview: 10:00 a.m. • Lunch 12:00 noon Sale: 1:00 p.m.

Serving the nation's Showpig Enthusiasts! 2812 N. Hickman Rd. Denair, CA 95316

Reserve Champion Chester Barrow, 2011 World Pork Expo and Team Purebred National Show

James — 209-620-4106 We have pigs for sale all the time — call to set up an appointment! We proudly use and recommend

December 2011/January 2012 For a complete list of show winners, go 63 to

Register for your next jackpot show on!

mjc showmaster classic Steer & Heifer Show Feb. 4th & 5th, 2012 Feb. 11th & 12th, 2012 Sheep, Hog & Goat Show

Fresno state's red wave classic February 11th-12th, 2012

cal poly's western Bonanza February 17th19th, 2012

event cAlenDAr Post your next show, event, sale or clinic on our calendar. Email with your event name and date and we'll post it for FREE. If you are looking for online registration or more details on your event page, please contact us today!

r e d

e re B y r r ou cto ! n re ay For information, contact: o t Di od Megan Rogers: / 408.499.6573 s T Heidi Beljean: Po


20th Annual Modesto Junior College

Our feeds will vault Cattle Exhibitors to the top of their class! SHOWTIME HEIFER & STEER DEVELOPER~MED A 13% protein, 5% fat, coarse textured, flaked corn and whole cottonseed-based feed


• A 12% protein, 5% fat, coarse textured, steam-flaked corn-based feed

All Showtime Beef Feeds now have the Amaferm Advantage!

Showmaster ic

i s s Cla

: n o i t a c N e w Lo n o i l i v a gP A C J M

Saturday Feb. 11th: Steers, Lambs and Meat Goats Sunday Feb. 12th: Hogs and Heifers

We're proud to sponsor

Red Wave Classic will NOT be mailing entries. Access all information on their website —

Fresno State's 19th Annual

RED WAVE CLASSIC Jr. Livestock Show

Entry Deadline: All entries must be POSTMARKED by Friday, January 20th, 2012

Held at Big Fresno Fairgrounds

February 11th-12th, 2012

Steer & Heifer Show

Hog, Sheep, & Goat Show

January 28th– 29th, 2012

February 4th- 5th, 2012

Please Register Online at:

For more information about this event or Fresno State's program, call:

Dr. Randy Perry — 559/278-4793 John Cordeiro — 559/278-2804

For more information regarding nutrition and feed related questions, contact our support staff at


John Mendes

Amanda Schnoor

Marlies Boyd

For More Information

(209) 575-6205

(209) 575-6210

(209) 575-6212


P.O. Box 41430 San Jose, CA 95160

Pacific Showcase Magazine

December 2011/ January 2012

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