Pacific Union Recorder—February 2022

Page 18


Acting Out of Love: a Christian Responsibility


t the heart of God’s kingdom is the principle

How have Adventists considered vaccination

that others are just as important as

in the past?

yourself. In fact, the nature of sin is based

Replying to a question regarding Ellen White’s

on selfishness—the very opposite of this principle.

attitude toward vaccinations, one of her secretaries

God shows His true nature in His self-sacrificial love.

wrote: “This question can be answered very briefly

Jesus put it very bluntly: “Greater love has no one

for so far as we have any record, she did not refer

than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”

to them in any of her writings. You will be interested

(John 15:13, NIV).

to know, however, that at a time when there was an

So, when it comes to our behavior as followers

epidemic of smallpox in the vicinity, she herself was

of our loving Lord, who laid down His life for us,

vaccinated and urged her helpers, those connected

we need to be practicing what we preach. Take the

with her, to be vaccinated. In taking this step Sister

COVID-19 vaccination debate. Much of it centers on

White recognized the fact that it has been proven

“What is best for me?” Yet, as Christians, shouldn’t

that vaccination either renders one immune from

we be asking “What is best for my neighbor?”

smallpox or greatly lightens its effects if one does

18 Pacific Union Recorder

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