Pacific Union Recorder—November 2020

Page 46

God Uses Bible Work

for Baptisms at Pasadena Church

46 Pacific Union Recorder

Southern California Conference



he coronavirus pandemic has changed the nature of work for Bible workers at local churches. It is challenging to knock on doors and meet people in their homes now due to social distancing restrictions and health and safety concerns for both Bible workers and residents. Despite this setback, Ryan Lacson, who was a Bible worker at Pasadena church this summer and is now working as a CROSS Trainer at the Sunland-Tujunga and Living Stones churches, continued to pray he’d find someone to study with who was searching for the truth. LEFT: Kris is rebaptized. RIGHT: Lacson (left) shares how Thelma Thelma, a Christian who lived in first came to Pasadena church. the Pasadena community, began to feel a negative presence in her home. Determined to rid herself of this negativity, she felt impressed to go to church. The “God led someone to us. This was a divine Pasadena church is surrounded by several churches of appointment. If we hadn’t been there at different denominations; however, Thelma felt guided by the Holy Spirit to stop by this particular church. One that time, we probably wouldn’t have met.” Sabbath afternoon, after many had gone home following outdoor worship services, Thelma visited, looking to talk faith in God and share God with others. to someone. Lacson saw her first and, later, connected her “Being baptized allows me to be closer to our Savior with Michael Johnson, senior pastor of Pasadena church. and guides me in the direction of salvation,” Kris said. “It “God led someone to us,” Lacson said. “This was a also gives me the opportunity to share my testimony.” divine appointment. If we hadn’t been there at that time, Johnson, an evangelistic pastor who has worked as a we probably wouldn’t have met.” Bible worker in the past, knows the importance of this God was also stirring the heart of Kris, who recently soul-winning work. “It’s critical to have a Bible worker transferred to Pasadena church. He felt convicted to study at the church because you need someone who can so that he could learn more about Bible truth and have a spearhead giving studies themselves and also train others deeper relationship with God. to do the same,” said Johnson. “Pasadena church is shifting After months of study over the summer with Lacson, to be a true evangelistic center.” both Thelma and Kris made decisions for baptism. Thelma Though the pandemic has changed the way we reach was baptized September 12, and Kris was rebaptized the people, these baptisms were an answer to Lacson’s and following week on September 19. Johnson’s prayers of sharing Christ’s message of truth. According to Thelma, she feels safe and closer to God ____________________ after her baptism. Her hope is that she’ll keep building her By Araya Moss

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