Levels and expectations

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PAGODA SLE Levels & Expectations (Students should be able to...) Please use this chart to explain to the students what they can expect from the level you are giving them. Level/Book Level 1 Book 1A

Level 2 Book 1B

Functions        

Introduce yourself Tell time Refer to days and dates Describe preferences Express likes & Dislikes Discuss weather and seasons Describe friends & family Talk about clothing & appearance

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Express ability Present progressive tense Countable/uncountable nouns Simple future tense Simple past tense Prepositions of location

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Talk about frequency & duration Describe objects, similarities & differences Make recommendations Speak briefly on the phone Make, get and decline invitations Ask for and give directions Making complaints. Discuss hobbies and sport Talk about transportation Talk about social events, restaurants & social occasions.

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Causative verbs Modals for: a) speculation b) necessity c) precaution d) prohibition Past progressive tense Gerunds & infinitives

Respond to difficult/unclear questions Express your opinions confidently Find out detailed information Ask for and decline favours / permission Describe changes over time. Ask for and give advice Talk about shopping, dating, work and jobs, money and prices, friendship.

Present perfect simple and progressive. Superlatives Passive & active voice Reported speech


        Level 3 Book 1C

Language Structures

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PAGODA Level/Book Level 4 Book 2A

Functions     

Level 5 Book 2B

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BUILD Level 6 Book 2C

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Understand how to use formal/informal questions Describe jobs & qualifications Making suggestions and demands Giving/receiving advice Describing feelings and emotions/personalities Making decisions Describing personalities Discussing health Being vague & precise Checking * confirming information Resolving misunderstandings. Expressing levels of importance (modals) Interpreting and using non-verbal communication. Expressing degrees of certainty & uncertainty. Talking about regret and remorse. Discussing living situations. Making contrasts Describing & defining abstract concepts. Raising considerations Negotiating & compromising Describing responsibilities & expectations Stipulating conditions Discussing resolutions for complex problems Euphemism, exaggeration and stress. Expressing scepticism Making inferences.

Language Structures        

Indirect questions Tag questions Comparatives/superlatives Cause and effect First/second conditionals Active & Passive voice Present perfect Reflexive pronouns

        

'Used to' & 'didn't use to' Go + verb + ing and Go + to Prepositions of time Past speculation (modals) Even though + although Relative pronouns Adjective clauses Imperatives Future speculation (modals)

Strength of opinion using for and to. - ever words Be supposed to and be expected to. Even if, only if, and unless Order of adjectives Using the verb 'to wish' Gerunds as subject.

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Level/Materials Level 7


Level 8

Topics Marketing Predictions Jobs Habits Personality Clothing Media Decisions Reality Superstition Appearance Bad habits Friendship Priorities Television Marriage Moving Crime Parenting Food

Food Heroism Regrets Romance Travel Beverages Driving Perspectives Communication Education Money Housing Romance Technology City life Culture Inventions Advertisement Annoyances Intelligence

Advanced Changes daily and monthly

Functions Topics and questions are designed to lead to interactive and spontaneous communication between two or more people who are following rules of etiquette. Conversation is light, surface-level communication.

Topics and questions are designed to lead to a focused and deeper level of communication. Discussions involve the sharing of varied and increasingly complex feelings, opinions, and experiences about subjects brought up in light conversations.

Native level vocabulary, pronunciation and rhythm, with no set language points.

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