PAINTS A GOOD OUTCOME FOR THE COMMUNITY RUGBY LEAGUE: The Hervey Bay Seagulls clubhouse is undergoing a makeover thanks to young apprentice painters brushing up their skills.
Hervey Bay Seagulls A-grade captain Steve Dwyer who completed his apprenticeship with Aussie Painters Network, believes it only has pluses for all involved.
In a partnership that is a win/win for apprentices, community groups and business, Aussie Painters Network, Inspiration Paints, and Hervey Bay Seagulls are working together for positive results.
“The apprentices get the benefit, and the club gets a new coat of paint as well,” he said.
The Aussie Painters Network is giving their apprentices real-life training by painting the Seagulls Clubhouse.
Dwyer wanted to thank Aussie Painters Network for the labour and Inspiration Paints who have donated all of the materials for the project. “It is great that we can all support each other,” he said.
“It is an opportunity for us to give something back to the community,” Nigel Gorman from Aussie Painters Network’s said.
Inspiration Paints, Aussie Painters Network, and Steve Dwyer of Dwyer Painting Services check out the painting of the Hervey Bay Seagulls clubhouse.
He has to conduct on-site training of young apprentices on the Fraser Coast every year and believes it is a win for the community and the apprentices.
“It is the first time we have done a community project like this,” he said.
Brendan Bowers
Editor | FC Sports Media P: 0401791631 | E:
2021 April Issue | 17