1 minute read
Thanks for checking out this latest issue of PAJE Magazine! Man, Volume 3, Issue 3 - already! This issue is EXTRA special as it's the annual SUMMER edition! This is where we center the majority of our content around you enjoying your Summer while embracing your Christian walk!
Interestingly, there have been significant changes as it relates to most things regarding PAJE and you'll be able to make note of them, perhaps. To name a few, we've shortened the length of the magazine, renamed most sections, and shifted some of the contributions that you grew accustomed to. We also, decided to formalize PAJE being a non-profit organization, meaning that accessing all elements of PAJE will always be FREE.
The past 3 months have been significant in the PAJE Magazine journey, to say the least. We continue to trust God in everything He does, noting that He is the Author of our stories and ultimately, His will shall indeed prevail above all else.
We look forward to continuing this journey and playing our part in positively adding to your Christian walk!
Cheers to what's ahead! Enjoy PAJE! Charmian-Marie
(Founder, Designer & Editor-In-Chief)
James PAJE Contributors