Bump, Bub and Beyond
Bump, Bub and Beyond Featured products, reviews and prizes. Visit www.pakmag.com.au/win for your chance to win!
Survive and Enjoy Your Baby Book $29.95 - www.belindajoyce.com This book covers all the essential areas you are desperately trying to find answers for as new parents. If you're googling it, it's probably in here! Belinda is an author, midwife, maternal & child health nurse and mother of four. She is all too familiar with the challenges and joys of parenting a baby. This book provides safe, evidence-based & non-judgmental advice and suggestions, with the aim of helping you find your own path to parenthood.
Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Bottles 260ml Four Pack $29.95 - www.chemistwarehouse.com.au Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature's award-winning range of BPA-free bottles make switching between breast and bottle feeding easier than ever before. Tommee Tippee have designed the unique, easylatch-on teat shape with breastfeeding experts to mimic the natural flex, stretch and movement of a mum’s breast. Together with the bottle’s supersensitive valve, this encourages your baby’s intuitive feeding action for comfortable, relaxed feeding.
36 April 2020 | www.pakmag.com.au
Ice Ice Booby $49.95 - www.iceicebooby.com.au Their remedial ice and heat packs have been designed specifically for women by an Australian Midwife. They provide affordable and reusable heat/ice for women to use during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, which can help ease general aches and pains associated with child birth and breastfeeding, help reduce time spent feeding and expressing and relieve blocked ducts.