PakMag North Queensland - Collectors Edition Issue 438

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Hello and welcome to the final edition of PakMag. Wow, that feels weird writing that!

This month I’ve been flicking through the past editions of PakMag, and remembering so many amazing times, funny moments, and also the many times that crushed me. I would not be the person I am today without the many experiences PakMag has given me. I have learnt so much about myself, business, and in particular, the human race. As they say, we learn more from the tough times than we do the good times, and I have learnt A LOT.

In the early years, our office was at the radio station as I still did 20 hours a week there. Two years in, my first son was born and he grew up at the radio station sleeping next to my desk until he started to crawl and visit everyone. Then I worked from home with him and decided to launch PakMag Townsville. As fate would have it, I then found out I was pregnant with baby number two but continued with the plans for expansion. During this phase of life, there was very little sleep, and many road trips to Townsville and then not long later Mackay as we decided to launch there too. This saw me breastfeeding a screaming newborn on the side of the highway with back-to-back meetings in coffee shops with my husband Trent and the boys in hotels across the road so I could run across the road to breastfeed between meetings. Many staff had breast milk sprayed on them (accidentally!) and I honestly do not know how we survived that time. As the boys got older, I started leaving them behind for those trips as it was easier on them, and I’d cry leaving at 4am from Cairns to make my 9am meetings in Townsville fearing I’d never see them again if something happened. Fast forward to now, where they are often on stage with me doing events, and helping set up and help out behind the scenes to make it all happen. My three boys have been absolutely incredible on this wild ride, and I know you are as sad as many others that the time has come for this mumma to chill out a bit.

So thank you to my incredible family, especially my husband Trent. Thank you for everything you did to support me so I could do this passion project - it’s been a massive part of my life even before you entered my world, and you’ve endured the crazy ride. Thank you for helping me create over 438 incredible print magazines, over 45 digital-only magazines, and over 350 events for the community in the past 16 years between Cairns, Townsville and Mackay. But most importantly thanks for wiping away the tears, celebrating the wins, and believing in me - it’s helped me achieve more than I ever dreamed of and I couldn’t have done it without you.

Thanks to every advertiser that invested in us (especially Southern Cross Austereo for supporting us since day one), and to all the incredible businesses that supported this special edition. Thanks to every distribution point that gave away our publications (especially IGA and Mcdonald’s), to every person that worked for PakMag whether for a week of work experience or for 8 years, and to you, our amazing readers who turned up to our events and picked up every edition (many of you still have a collection of them!) - THANK YOU!

It has been an absolute honour for PakMag to feature stories and cover images of so many incredible people in our region, and parenting experts and entertainers from all over the world. We’ve worked with Hi5, The Wiggles, Sesame Street, Playschool, Mr Bean,

Steve Backshall, Dr Demartini, Jack Canfield, Justin Coulson, Maggie Dent, Dr Rosina and countless other amazing people through our podcast, magazines and digital content. Rest assured PakMag will continue to provide families with valuable resources and support for years to come. Just no more print magazines.

So as I sign off one last time in print, I truly hope you love this collector’s edition of PakMag. I am creating a guest book where you can submit something written or a video to share a message with us - I’d really love that. Head to to be involved, and go into the draw to win a prize.

We hope you enjoy this edition as much as we did. We got very nostalgic pulling it together for you! Thanks, Clare, Alyssa and Mia for helping make this one super speciallove you, girls.

Until next time, happy parenting and remember to tell everyone you read it in PakMag.

Our first edition

PakMag Founder and Editor-in-Chief Bree James Creative Team Leader, Designer and Editor Clare Winter Multimedia Assistant Alyssa Marino Accounts and IT Support Trent Stievano Multimedia Intern Mia Hayes Multimedia Intern Holly Dellaca-Daniel

p 4053 3331 e a PO Box 7433 Cairns Qld 4870 • • •

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The Give It A Go Group For Parents

PakMag TV

The PakMag Parents Podcast

Our NQ Channels

PakMag Cairns

PakMag Townsville

PakMag Mackay

Parents of North Queensland


Parents and Kids of North Queensland

Disclaimer: No part of this magazine, including the advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The ideas expressed within PakMag are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers. We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities.

Please keep this issue for future reference, pass onto your friends and family, use for craft projects or place into the recycling bin.

families f i | April 2023 3
Welcome Bree

Highlights Over the Yearsthe Good, the Bad and the Funny

The Good

• Launching in June 2007, PakMag has since published 438 print magazines and over 4 million copies. I am proud to say that we have published more editions than any other regional magazine publisher in Australia.

• Winning Judges Choice Float in August 2007 for the Cairns Festival. Our float, thanks to Balloons ETC, had over 6000 balloons sculpted into animals including a huge coral trout and a huge love heart,

• Featuring hundreds of amazing people in our communities on our covers and in stories.

• Giving experts from around the world the ability to share their message in our magazine, blog, podcast, YouTube channels and website.

• Putting on over 350 free community events across North Queensland.

• The GFC in 2008 hit our business hard, but also forced advertisers to be more strategic about where they spent their marketing dollars. This meant we did ok as we were so niche.

• In 2008 the Mackay floods further gave us tough times in Mackay, but we persisted.

• In 2011 cyclone Yasi devastated our region.

• The Easter Bunny left his head in Cairns for a Townsville Easter show…

• We braved the hottest day on record for an Easter event in Townsville and all the eggs were melting.

• I got gastro the night before a huge Easter event and could barely stand up - huge thanks to Natalie for helping me get through that event! I was travelling by myself at the time, so I had to book another night in the hotel in Townsville, and wake at 3am to drive to Mackay to do the Easter event at 9am the next day… That was a very tough 48 hours!

• The closure of the Nickel Mine in Townsville 2016 caused a huge downturn in the economy.

• The mining downturn in 2015 had a huge impact on the community in Mackay and thus our publication, we did our best to survive these times.

• Our Easter Eggs turning up from Cadbury totally melted as the courier left them in the truck (we had to order more meaning we paid twice).

Donating hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of money and free advertising to local charities. The incredible interns we’ve been able to mentor and grow.

The amazingly skilled team that have been through our doors over the years that invested their passion into the publication.

The hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of prizes, including the most memorable trip to Singapore for a family, $1,000 to another family, countless tickets to movies and shows, and loads of other great giveaways.

• The PakMag Parents room that we created to use at events across Cairns so parents could have a comfortable air-conditioned space to feed and change their children.

• The impact we’ve had on the local community with our support of improving the lives of parents and children whether they are long-time locals or new to the region.

• 2017 when the Wiggles put on their concerts on the same day as the PakMag Expo and Parenting Seminar we put on for our 10th birthday. Due to competing events, we didn’t sell enough tickets for the conference so we had to combine events into one day.

• When advertisers went bankrupt and didn’t pay us (so many businesses have sadly come and gone in our time).

• There were devastating Townsville floods in 2019 that impacted so many people and businesses.

• 2020 - the Covid pandemic saw us lose 95% of our revenue overnight from our advertisers. Thankfully we still managed to keep afloat thanks to Job Keeper.

• The increase in costs, and the global paper shortage.

4 April 2023 |
Thanks to Calanna & Triple M for supporting all our events!

The Funny

• The design of the magazine and covers from our early years, all the typos and poorly thought-out content. Most of it was TERRIBLE!

• Putting in our What’s On Guide that the Jimmy Barns concert was free accidentally in our What’s On Guide when tickets were over $100 each - oops!

• Accidentally putting Cairns Taipans games in for free in our What’s On Guide a few times over the years.

• Cover 9 - the Easter Bunny you can see a person inside the suit on the front cover. So bad.

• The time a reader called our office telling us that one of the images we published on a piece of sushi had a fly on it (for the record, it was a drop of soy sauce).

• The PakMag Prom - for our 10th birthday celebration, parents let their hair down, we found the Prom King and Queen and gave away Passion Pop as prizes.

• Life was so busy at one point that there was no time for hairdresser appointments, so it was decided that for filming, Bree should wear wigs to save time. The result was hilarious, and you could obviously tell she was wigged up!

• Spelling errors, especially on our cover. We misspelled “Disability” on the cover once.

• The Bopstars Bulletin Cartoon and story series based on our Bree and The Bopstars kids show. The stories written and drawn by Trent had “To be continued” at the end of each one which had our young readers waiting for the next instalment.

• The ‘12 Elves of Christmas’ promotion, which saw our readers literally digging and looking for elves we hid in playgrounds and parks across Cairns and Townsville to win huge prizes. People literally spent hours following the clues trying to find the elf.

• When Ronald McDonald and friends were going to perform at our event but Ronald’s costume got lost by the airline, I had to do a show totally unrehearsed with Hamburglar, Grimace and Birdie.

• The online “Camp out” we did for Easter in 2020 when no one could go camping for Easter due to Covid. We also did an online Easter Show (which was weird performing to a camera and no live audience).

• Alyssa, our Multimedia Assistant, showing 2000 kids she could stick her tongue up her nose on stage at an event. Kids still approach her asking her if she’s the girl that can stick her tongue up her nose! | April 2023 5 Feature

PakMag Growing, Thriving, Surviving, and Evolving

Bree was singing 5 nights a week, working part-time at the radio station and was studying to be a primary school teacher. She realised families needed to hear about things happening in the community before they occurred. She thought she’d start a What’s On guide for families (this was well before social media and businesses had websites - only 17% of people had access to the internet in 2007, and no phones had internet!).

From idea to execution, the first edition of PakMag was sent to print 6 weeks later with enough advertising revenue to pay for the print bill. After working 36 hours straight on it, it was sent to print four pages short (didn’t know the covers weren’t included in the page count - oops!). So four more pages of content had to be created in an hour to make the print deadline - the edition was filled with typos and horribly designed, but the content was well received.

Launched at Woree McDonalds thanks to Christine Vincent. Three days before the launch, Bree made handmade signs on pickets to put on the highway from the North and South of Cairns. She put them up at midnight by herself on the highway in both places. By 6.00am, the Cairns Council had removed them and it took two days to get them returned and put back up again in the allowed spots. The launch was a huge success and PakMag was born with the help of our media partner Triple M (SeaFM back then). We had the original gang from Hi5, Playschool and a host of other amazing children’s shows on the front covers this first year.

We won the Judges Choice Award for our LOVE FLOAT, an all singing and dancing balloon sculpture float that raised money for ACT for Kids by selling ‘I love Cairns’ shirts. This was the theme for Festival Cairns, as it was called back then.

Our First Halloween event at Cairns Skating Centre. Bree also painted her radio station office bright green to be the same colour as the magazine (she thought it looked great at the time - sorry everyone!)

Our first Christmas event. We gave away $2,000 worth of wrapped presents to a family in need.

Partnered with Hi5 and hosted a VIP meet and greet where they also did a special performance at Smithfield Shopping Centre. We gave tickets away to some lucky readers.

Started the dedicated Kids Mini Mag with lots of activities for kids and started holding monthly PakClub events at Cazalys with a new fun family theme every single month.

First Teddy Bears Picnic event in conjunction with Playschool to raise money for the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation Children’s Ward. PakMag’s first birthday! We had a huge party on the esplanade. We also started the PakMag Parents room stall at the Cairns show so families had a comfortable place to feed and change their babies.

Worked with The Wiggles which was very cool, and Bree and Trent announced they were having their first baby!

Bree and Trent had their first child, Jordanhe was two weeks overdue! Which meant Bree was back at work three days later to start getting the next edition ready. He then spent the next 10 months at the radio station growing up while Bree worked when he slept, and she would get as much work done in his 3-hour nap time as she used to in 8 hours.

Had our logo updated, and redesigned the look and feel of the magazine content.

Bree won Young Entrepreneur of the year at the Cairns Business Women’s Awards, and then the Young Manager of the year with the Australian Institute of Management in 2010. We also ran our second Halloween event in 2009.

Bree and Trent moved into their new house that had an office - so Bree sadly left the radio station to focus on the magazine and motherhood.

The team decided to start PakMag Townsville, Bree got married, and then fell pregnant again… oops.

Did the ‘12 Elves of Christmas’ promotion, where families across Cairns had to search the region for hidden elves to win awesome daily prizes. This promotion went crazy and we had people calling us all day begging for extra tips… And Bree and Janelle hiding elves in the middle of the night in playgrounds and parks.

Had a huge Australia Day event at Cazalys and continued our monthly PakClub’s for the year.

Bree had her second baby, Sean. Accidental 40-minute labour and home birth. Launched PakMag Townsville with an event at The Strand.

Thought it would be a great idea to do the 12 Elves of Christmas’ promotion across Cairns and Townsville this time. Let’s just say this was the last year we did it! It was a great promotion, but a lot of hard work across two regions with filming and producing the video clues, then managing the non-stop calls all day with readers begging for more clues or getting frustrated they’d been looking for several hours and couldn’t find it.

Continued monthly PakClub events in Cairns and Townsville, plus held a huge Teddy Bears Picnic in both regions in June which raised money for the local children’s wards with SeaFm/4TO’s Give Me 5 For Kids. We also grew out of the home office, and moved into a new space where we could grow and hire more people. | April 2023 7
May 2007 Aug 2008 Sep 2009 Oct 2009 Feb 2010 Oct 2010 Dec 2010 Jan 2011 Jul 2011 Nov 2011 Dec 2011 Jan 2012 Feb 2009 Jun 2007 Jul 2007 Aug 2007 Oct 2007 Dec 2007 Apr 2008 Jan 2008 Jun 2008 Jul 2008 Feature

Decided to start PakMag Mackay and started lots of road trips down to build relationships with the local business community. We also started the “Best Of” awards, and awarded businesses in the region for being the best for families in an array of categories as voted by our readers.

Launched PakMag Mackay with a reader event in the City and a client launch at Stellarossa. Held the ‘12 Deers of December’ promotion across Cairns, Townsville and Mackay to find deers in shop locations to win a daily prize in the lead up to Christmas.

Started monthly events in three regions (Cairns, Townsville and Mackay) this year, so we had over 36 events a year and 36 magazines a year too. We had different monthly themes like Bollywood, Kings and Queens, Hollywood Glamour, Pirates, and Mad Scientist. #Hectic.

Upgraded the PakMag Parents’ Room to be mobile, thanks to a generously donated caravan. We renovated it, and fitted it with baby change tables, air conditioning, and a fridge thanks to generous sponsors. This is used at local events and the Cairns Show. It’s awesome.

Started “Mummy Central” a new parents group with monthly guest speakers at events for new mums at Cairns Central and at Stockland in Townsville. Also hosted three Halloween events across Cairns, Townsville and Mackay.

Bree was one of five finalists in the Telstra Business Women’s awards for QLD.

Started PakMag TV on YouTube, and launched our PakMag Australia Digital Magazine. We brought the events back to quarterly in each region as the travel and effort going into the events with monthly magazines was getting too much.

Became Family Travel Ambassador for Cairns Airport, covering Hong Kong, Bali, Japan and Singapore.

Launched the Annual NQ Baby Guide, and the NQ Family Travel Guide. PakMag celebrated 10 years and we had a full brand refresh, a new logo, and a new magazine layout. We also had a PakMag Prom which was a huge highlight for our parent’s only 80’s night, and we held a very successful PakMag Parenting Expo at Brother’s Leagues Club. Bree also launched her first book, Business Over Breakfast with Andrew Griffiths. We outgrew our office and moved into a space 5 times the size of our previous office.

Started the PakMag Parents Podcast, and started the Schools of Cairns E-Guide. Bree also planned to launch a platform for Parentprenuers but this has been on hold! Watch this space.

Gave away a family trip to Singapore and held our largest PakMag Parenting Expo with over 5000 attendees.

Bree held her first Vision Voyage women’s retreat in Bali and launched her second Book, My Vision book. Bree had big plans for this year, but then Covid hit, and this was a really tough time for everyone. Bree realised that business can be gone in an instant. The team pulled up their socks and we did amazing during this time working remotely and creating content to help you get through isolation with the ISO guide, we did a big Virtual Camp Out Event for Easter, Hosted an online Easter Egg Hunt as we couldn’t do it in person, live craft sessions online and online parenting seminars with some of Australia’s best parenting experts. We also changed our format for the magazine to not be what’s on in the region, but what’s on at your house with lots of fun activities. Our landlord wouldn’t renew our office lease, and we had 48 hours to move out before lockdown hit. My heart is still warmed by the incredible people that came to our rescue and helped us move our two story office into storage, especially James Mousa, Stephen Boyd and my team, I would have crumbled if not for you. Then it was back to working from home for the unforeseeable future. This was a tough time, but thanks to Job Keeper, some amazing advertisers who carried on, and our incredible team we got through this time.

We simplified everything we could in the businesses and did the events we still could for the community this year, but still kept things pretty low profile as Covid was starting to go through the community. We only did one Easter event in Cairns and Townsville and one Christmas event in Cairns this year. We moved back into our old office from 2012, and even though a tight squeeze we were grateful to be in one room again.

We hosted a great Easter Event in Cairns, a Christmas event in Cairns, Townsville and Mackay, and a spooktacular event on the Esplanade for Halloween - it was great to see our readers again. Bree also held her second Reset Retreat for women and we also moved into the brand-new office that we purchased which is amazing after three months of renovations.

The future for PakMag now is digital only. We will still publish blogs, video content and podcasts. However, our focus now is empowering the youth in our region to use PakMag as a vehicle to share their content and be paid for doing so through the support of our amazing business community.

So as you can see, it’s been a huge decade and a half filled with print deadlines, events, promotions, giveaways, growing, learning, and building staff, a business and a family. Thank you so much North Queensland, we hope you continue to support our evolution as we invest more in the youth in our region.

If your child aged 11 - 18 (or your school) is interested in gaining experience and items for their portfolio send them this link to find out how they can be a PakMag Reporter.

We’d love you to add to our guest book - you can do so by heading to or by scanning the QR Code to your right. A submission will put you in the draw to win a prize!

8 April 2023 | Feature
Feb 2012 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 & Beyond 2019 Nov 2012 Dec 2012 Jan 2013 Jun 2014 Oct 2013 Jun 2013 2015 2016 2017

The Thing Is with Bree James

In 2000 I took 6 months off work to travel the East Coast of Australia. I lived in Airlie Beach for 3 of those months, then stopped in Townsville for a couple of weeks, and then Cairns for a few weeks and it rained and rained and rained - and I honestly didn’t think I’d ever come back. The plan was to get back to NSW to see my family in time for Christmas. As fate would have it, our campervan broke down with only the reverse gear left in the gearbox 1.5 hours out of Cairns. So, after being towed back North, we ended up living in a wrecking yard in Innisfail for 3 weeks while we waited for a new gearbox to arrive. That was a very interesting three weeks at Mundoo Wreckers. Put it this way, my dog, Homer, would not leave the van… except for a quick loo break. I learnt how to drive a forklift, painted tyres and even went for a ride on the tow truck flatbed with a bunch of kids for swims at Paronella Park. Finally, we were back on our way down the coast, but we certainly didn’t make it home for Christmas.

I then moved to the Gold Coast for 2 years and never thought I’d return to the North. Then my boyfriend at the time convinced me to come to Cairns for 6 months for a job, I dug my heels in, but eventually thought ‘what’re six months?!’. And, as the story goes for many of us up in North Queensland, I am still here some 22 years later with no plans of leaving.

The thing is, once North Queensland steals your heart, it has a special place in your soul forever.

My life fell into place really well here. I made great friends, my entertainment business kicked off, and I got into university to study Education… then I got sidetracked from all of those things as I decided to start a parenting magazine (even though I didn’t have kids at the time)... Fast forward 16 years, and I am writing my final The Thing Is in print thinking about how blessed my life has been up here.

I’ve had so much support from some amazing business people who invested in this idea and helped me make it work. I’ve made some wonderful friends, met the love of my life, had beautiful children,

and been mentored by some of the greatest, some who are sadly no longer with us today. I’ve lived such a wonderful life in one of the most incredible places in the world, and for that I am incredibly grateful.

They say home is where the heart is. North Queensland has a huge heart and it has mine hook, line and sinker. As a community, we come together for sports, concerts and good times but more importantly during floods, cyclones and tough times. This final edition has had so much support and it’s blown my mind, and made my heart explode with gratitude. Thank you!

So as I wrap up one last time, here’s a little poem. Thanks so much, North Queensland for your supportit’s been amazing.

BreeFor your chance to WIN a prize - sign our guest book

North Queensland’s land of sun and sea, Where the palm trees sway so free, There’s a feeling of warmth and serenity, That fills every heart and soul with glee. The people, friendly and kind, A blend of cultures that intertwine, Living in harmony, they’re inclined, To share their joy and peace of mind. North Queensland, a place so rare, With beauty that’s beyond compare, A land that captivates and ensnares, Leaving all who visit in awe and stares. We live in North Queensland’s embrace, To bask in its glory and grace, Is to know true happiness and space, And live life at a slower pace. | April 2023 11 The Thing Is

We Asked 10 Experts for their # 1 Best Piece of Advice for Parents

Parenting is the process of raising and nurturing a child from infancy to adulthood. It involves a wide range of responsibilities, from meeting a child’s basic needs for food, shelter and safety, to providing emotional support, guidance and education. Effective parenting involves a combination of love, patience, empathy, discipline and good communication skills. Parents must also adapt to the changing needs of their children as they grow and develop, from infancy to adolescence and beyond. Parenting can be challenging, but it can also be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences in life, as it helps shape the next generation of individuals who will contribute to society. With that in mind, we asked 10 of our favourite parenting experts from around the globe who have been a part of PakMag over the years to share their best pieces of parenting advice. Here’s what they had to share.

We all have those tough parenting moments. Whether they are 5 or 15, our children push our buttons. You’re not a lousy parent if you occasionally lose the plotshouting, maybe slamming a door, locking yourself in the toilet wondering why you thought parenting was a good idea. It’s OK. Nobody’s perfect and actually, all our kids need is for us to be ‘good-enough’ parents anyway.

From our child’s perspective, when they’re dysregulated, they need us to help them regulate until they learn the fine art of selfregulation.It’s hard for kids (and for us). Regulating our emotions when we’re chronically sleepdeprived and in fight or flight is hard. Like our children,

we’re flooded with cortisol and so accessing our prefrontal cortex can feel impossible.

So what can we do to show up more regulated, more often? I have a simple strategy I use called the parental pause. It will help you not only in the tricky times, but building these regulation skills in advance means you’re more likely to be able to access them when you need them. Here’s how it works.

1. Pause. Ground your feet. 2. Gently bend your knees.

3. Place your hand on your heart. 4. Take 1 - 3 deep breaths. 5. Slowly stand close by or kneel near your child. Be present. Be still. Observe the world calmly through your child’s eyes. Inwardly repeat: “My child is not bad - they’re struggling to cope. Let me be what they need right now - a safe base.”

More than almost anything, children feel our love when we invite them into our world and let them spend time with us there. Or, when we enter their world and spend time with them, there. One of my favourite parenting quotes is this:

To a child, love is spelled T – I – M – E.

It is a simple lesson. This is a reminder. Tonight (or now), pull yourself away from the screen, look into

your children’s eyes, and tell them that you love them more than anything. Then walk together, play together, ride a bike together, make something, cook something, experiment or just ‘be’ together. Whether your kids are 2 months, 2 years, 12 years, or 22 years, it’s a universal need. Give them your time. Do it now. Try it. It will change their day and yours. It might even change your life. | April 2023 13 Advice
Dr Maggie Dent is an author, educator, and parenting and resilience specialist with a particular interest in the early years and adolescence. Dr Justin Coulson is a parenting expert, author, co-host of Channel Nine’s Parental Guidance, podcast host and proud father and husband. Dr. Maggie Dent
“ “
Dr. Justin Coulson

The greatest gift you can give your child is your time and your undivided attention. In this busy world, we often forget how important it is to stop and appreciate what we have and spend downtime with each other.

With all the activities and programs available for kids these days it is easy to assume that they are getting what they need when what they need most is us.

The number one indicator of the success of a child at school is their parents’ involvement in and support of the student’s academic progress and achievements.

The best indicator of a child’s

positive emotional development is their parents’ own emotional awareness and empathic responses. The best indicator of the resilience and fortitude of a child in later life is the positive relationship they have with their parents.

Sit down, look your child in the eyes and ask them how they are feeling every morning and every evening. Wait and listen to their response and then respond in an empathic way so that they understand that you listened, you heard and you understand how they are feeling. Do this in a quiet room away from any mobile devices so they do not distract you or your child. It is the greatest gift you can give.

In the busyness of life, we can lose sight of the most important things. Ask any parent with adult children and they’ll say “it went too fast!”. Unfortunately, you can’t get those years back. So, no matter where you are on your parenting journey, you can prioritise what matters most – enjoying quality time with your child(ren). With a little imagination, a little planning and not much time - you can create loving family memories that last a lifetime.

Here are some of our family rituals to inspire you: A Sunday morning bike ride, breakfast at the café, sharing highlights at dinner, watching a movie together and walking the dogs. My favourite ritual is our family’s

annual “fake” birthday celebration. It started when our young son said “Mum I have to wait right to the end of the year for my birthday – everyone else gets their birthday sooner.” Too cute right?

So, I suggested we have a fake birthday for him in the middle of the year. Now he’s a teenager – it’s a family fake birthday on or around June 30 with cake, a special dinner, and a gift. We even sing “Happy fake birthday to you!”. What family rituals and traditions are you going to enjoy?

The number one issue I see mothers facing now is the mental load - and all the exhaustion, resentment and overwhelm it brings. Women are socially conditioned to automatically take on invisible, emotional labour. We become exceptionally good at this - always thinking ahead, planning and preparing things to make everyone around us feel at ease and keep things running smoothly.

The problem is all this work comes at a cost. It costs us time, energy, mental capacity and well-being.

From the moment women enter heterosexual relationships, we take on most of the mental load. And as we keep doing it, we become more efficient, and those around us (namely our partners) end up relying on this efficiency and skill.

If we want equality in the workplace and society at large, we have to achieve equality at home. We have to learn to give up some of the mental load, allow our partners space and time to take on their fair share, and be patient as they learn to become as efficient and skilled at the invisible labour as we are (after how many decades of practice?!).

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. There is nothing biological that makes women more capable of managing the mental load - it is just practice and experience. By allowing our partners this practice and experience, we can achieve equality in our relationships, model this shared responsibility for our children and ultimately promote equality at all levels of society for generations to come.

Dr Robyn Miller is a medical doctor and founder of The Mental Load Project. Find out how you can share the mental load at

14 April 2023 |
Dr. Mark Williams is a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Macquarie University with more than 20 years of experience in research, teaching and 70+ publications. Dr Rosina McAlpline is the CEO and Creator of the WIn Win Parenting Program. Dr. Mark Williams
“ “ Advice
Dr. Rosina McAlpine
Dr. Robyn Miller

Recently I was reading a parenting communication book and it dawned on me that all the key takeaways were the same points I give couples but in a beautiful and simplistic way. It went a little like thisWhen your child has a problem, concern, or complaint, zip your lips to stop yourself from lecturing, criticising or being defensive. Think about the emotion behind their issue and put it in a sentence.

“Oh, it’s so frustrating when I lose my keys too!”

Now imagine the same advice but for your partner.

You see, the main premise behind this takeaway is that if you don’t attend to the child’s feelings first, you have little chance of them wanting to cooperate. Then we’re left with nothing but needing to up the ante and become a little more forceful. It’s the same for your partner as well. Without attending to the emotion behind their complaint, there’s little chance they’re going to want to move their stance.

Think about it, how would you feel if someone responded to you losing your keys with “Well, how many times have I told you to put them in the drawer at the front”?

Attend to the feelings first. You’ve got this.

Relationship Therapist and founder of Whole Heart Relationships, Julia specialises in helping couples prioritise their relationship and strengthen their love.

Parenting - it’s a bit like our own Survivor reality show. Outwit. Outlast. Outplay. In all the years of parenting that I’ve loved my boys through, this is what I’d go back and tell myself if I had a do-over, and I hope it lands in your heart too.

Love the child you’ve got, not the one you imagined (If you have a partner, you’ll have some reasonable practice already). I mean just deeply love them and all their beautiful, gorgeous, frustrating uniqueness and never try and shape them into something they’re not.

(Let’s ban ‘Mini-me’ from our vocabs forever!)

Stop caring about whose baby walked, rolled or read first. Turn off your socials if that’s all you see

and invest yourself only in celebrating your child’s development.

Always trust your instincts - you know your child best. Never be told not to worry if you ‘know’ something’s not right.

“The most important jewels I’ll wear around my neck are my child’s arms.” My parenting mantra always reminded me about connection before correction. It reminded me that I was a powerful influence and protector in my child’s life. You can let it be yours too.

Claire Orange is an author, mum and parent educator who knows wellbeing matters

Discipline is not about punishment. It’s about supporting your child’s development while helping them understand the norms that guide us in life. Here are some tips when children behave in ways that are challenging.

Avoid using physical punishment or shame-based techniques. Instead, focus on building a strong and supportive relationship with your child.

Help your child regain a sense of emotional regulation in challenging moments. The more they experience your support in this, the more they will be settled in the longer term.

Understand that all behaviour is communication and building your child’s self-esteem and confidence comes from “hearing” what is

behind the behaviour, and stepping in to guide your child with firmness and kindness in equal measure.

Know that discipline always has a grey zone. It is important to be consistent in communicating rules, norms and expectations. And, it is also important to have compassion for when those things just aren’t going to be possible because your child is tired, overwhelmed, or otherwise unable to deliver.

Model the behaviour you want to see in your child and focus on building a positive and respectful environment.

Remember that discipline is about supporting healthy development, and it takes time and patience. Development can be messy so it isn’t always going to be picture-perfect, even at the best of times. Above all, prioritise connection and empathy with your child, as this is the foundation for a healthy and respectful relationship.

Dr Vanessa Lpointe is a registered psychologist, parenting educator and mum. | April 2023 17 Advice
Julia Knowland
“ “
Claire Orange
Dr. Vanessa Lapointe

Something all children need from the people around them is patience. Children are in a constant state of learning, and learning involves mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. So, if you are ever angry or frustrated with yourself for the mistakes you’ve made in the far or recent past, or if you are upset with yourself for not being further along in your life or your career, practice being more patient with yourself.

Achieving your goals often takes longer than you want because most people set deadlines without knowing everything that will be required to achieve them. Years ago, when I led ten-day workshops, I taught everyone to juggle three tennis balls. And I did it because most people would get upset at themselves every time they dropped a ball, which is a lot when you are first learning. In the first few days, people would say, “I can’t do this, It’s too hard, I’m not good at physical things, I’ll never learn to do this. What’s the point of this anyway? What does this have to do with being more successful in life?”

Every time they would drop a ball, they would say “damn it” or even worse words. On the third day, I replaced the balls with cubically shaped bean bags that wouldn’t bounce out of their hands so easily and wouldn’t roll away when they dropped them on the floor, demonstrating the principle of when you start something new, do it in baby steps and make it as easy as possible to be successful. Little successes breed confidence and that new confidence then leads to more success. I also taught them to say “oh what fun” every time they dropped a ball instead of saying “damn it” or “I can’t do this”, which is what most people were doing—replacing their negative self-talk with positive self-talk. We also practised repeating the affirmation “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.” These are universal principles and practices that work.

Lastly, all children need encouragement in order to thrive in life. They need to know that someone believes in them and thinks they have what it takes to achieve their goals.

This is an excerpt from How to Heal Your Inner Child. Reprinted by permission of Jack Canfield,

Everybody has a set of unique highest values and priorities in their life, regardless of their age. When your children can express those values, their genius is born, their energy rises, their creativity emerges and their confidence grows with every step.

Finding out what that is, is crucial, as is giving them permission to go and be that. It is wise to permit yourself to love your child enough to find out what they value, and respect them enough to communicate whatever you think will help them in terms of their values while also following their lead.

This is wiser than squashing or suppressing their creativity by forcing them to be someone they’re not. Allow them to express their natural genius and prepare to let your mind be blown by who they grow to be and what they achieve.

Immediate gratifying, compulsive, impulsive, addictive behaviours are compensations for unfulfilled, highest values. When you get your child to focus on what’s important to them, they will likely become engaged and inspired. This works for all people, not just children. If you are unclear about your child’s highest values, spend time completing the free confidential Demartini Value Determination Process on my website.

Dr John Demartini is a Human Behavior Expert, Polymath and Internationally Published Author.

18 April 2023 |
“ Advice
Jack Canfield
Dr. John Demartini

The Importance of Routines for Children and Families

Can you imagine a life without a calendar, diary or phone reminder? How would we keep track of our appointments, places we are expected to be or what our to-do list is each day? Not having a routine can lead to feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, therefore affecting the way we are able to efficiently complete tasks of daily living.

Establishing a structured routine with a visual schedule can be a helpful tool to support children’s emotional regulation, and manage anxiety and their understanding of situations.

What is a Visual Schedule?

A visual schedule is used to enhance children’s understanding of the upcoming plan and give them a sense of predictability. It provides sequential information addressing the steps within a desired activity, the day, week or month in the vibrant form of images.

The Benefits of a Visual Schedule

• Provides predictability and structure.

• Assists children with transitioning between tasks.

• Promotes emotional regulation in children, who may otherwise display feelings of anxiety.

• Allows children to be more self-sufficient in moving between activities with the guidance of a schedule, rather than relying on others to prompt them.

• Teaches the concept of first, then, next and last.

• Develops the child’s independence and reinforces the habit of seeking information.

• Can be used in a variety of settings – home, kindy and school.

• A fun way for children to learn a routine.

So, how do visual schedules and routines go hand in hand? Aren’t they essentially the same thing? They are very similar, however routines dominate most of our day from the moment we wake up and the time we go to sleep.

Each and every one of us completes a set of tasks throughout the day. This is to ensure we’re remaining productive and taking care of ourselves and those around us. Simple things such as brushing our teeth, getting to and from work, and picking up the kids from school are tasks that Occupational Therapists like to call Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) or Daily Living Tasks.

Some Examples of

Routines for Children May Include:

• Consistent wake-up and bed-time each day.

• Completing morning and afternoon tasks in the same order each day. This can include getting dressed/undressed, showering, toileting and personal hygiene.

• Having an allocated time for homework and screen time.

• Mealtimes.

“Initially, I didn’t know what was available to my daughter and had to educate myself on the key communication points to help build a great plan. The funding has allowed my daughter to learn functional movements such as walking, climbing up steps and riding a tricycle. Now, I couldn’t imagine what life would be like for us without the NDIS. Having support from our LAC provides a great level of security in the complex world of disability. It’s that piece of mind knowing that someone’s got my back when I’m trying to better my child to get off the NDIS in the long run. I also feel empowered to help and encourage others who might be unsure of their first steps with the NDIS. I’m so grateful for the NDIS, we are so lucky that we have a system that can provide assistance for people who have a disability.” - Aisling, parent of a participant with cerebral palsy. | April 2023 21 Advertorial

Boarding Schoola Beneficial Alternative

In Australia, there are several alternatives to traditional education. Some of the most popular options include homeschooling, online learning, TAFE, distance education, Steiner education, Montessori education, unschooling, same-sex schools and boarding school.

Research Shows that Boarding School Fosters: Independence and Responsibility: Living in a boarding school fosters independence and teaches students to be responsible for themselves. Students learn to manage their time effectively, prioritise tasks and balance academics with extracurricular activities. This experience can prepare them well for university and adult life.

Diverse Community: Boarding schools attract students from all over the world, providing a diverse community that exposes students to different cultures, languages and ways of thinking.

Opportunities for Extracurricular Activities: Boarding schools often offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, theatre and community service.

Close-Knit Community: Living on campus creates a close-knit community where students develop strong bonds with their peers and teachers.

Here are some boarding schools located in North Queensland:

Cairns and Surrounds

St Augustine's College - located in Cairns, this Catholic day and boarding school is for boys from Years 7 to 12. The boarding facilities include single and double rooms, common rooms and outdoor areas.

St Monica’s College - located in Cairns, this Catholic day and boarding school is for girls from Years 7 to 12. The boarding facilities are located at Saint Augustine's. This offers the students the best of both worldssingle-sex schooling and co-educational boarding.

Mount St Bernard College - situated on the Atherton Tablelands, this college offers quality, Catholic secondary education for young people from Years 7 through 12. Mount St Bernard College can accommodate 170 boarders in contemporary and comfortable facilities.

Peace Lutheran College - offers co-educational boarding facilities across four boarding houses - two houses for boys and two houses for girls. Boarding life at Peace provides a structured, supportive and caring educational environment in which boarding students develop skills and attitudes which prepare them to become contributing and caring adults in modern society.

Townsville and Surrounds

Townsville Grammar School - offers co-educational boarding for Years 7 to 12 at the North Ward Campus. There is an on-site health centre, structured study and tutoring programs, including A Team Tuition. There is a weekend and social/recreation program and school co-curricular program. On-site facilities include a 50m pool, netball courts, gymnasium and sports fields.

St Patrick’s College - an all-girls environment where students can learn and grow, free from distraction. Located on Townsville's Strand beachfront, boarders enjoy an idyllic location in which to live, learn and enjoy life. Structured recreation programs including sports, arts, music, community and relaxation. Gym, pool and sports fields are within walking distance and there is an on-site health centre, Registered Nurse, Health Centre Officer and Psychologist.

The Cathedral School of St Anne and St Jameslocated in Townsville, this Anglican co-educational day and boarding school caters to students from Prep to Year 12. Boarders live in modern, air-conditioned dormitories, complete with their own study desk, lockable storage and national broadband internet access. Year 11 and 12 students have private rooms whilst younger boarders share with 1 to 4 other students, but individual areas allow for privacy and individuality.

Columba Catholic College - Is a co-educational day and boarding school located in Charters Towers. Boarding provides students with the opportunity to grow up with children their own age and affords them the opportunity to interface with a variety of adults whose life experiences, pastoral care, and professional training enable them to provide them with constant, safe and nurturing care.

St Teresa's College, Abergowrie - an independent Catholic secondary day and boarding school for boys, located in Abergowrie, approximately 40 kilometres northwest of Ingham. | April 2023 23

9 Lessons to Raise Incredible Kids

Raising kids is one of the biggest roller coasters you will ever go on in your life. Filled with thrills, twists, turns, being pooed on and spewed on - it’s full-on, 24/7 and one of the biggest, most important jobs in the whole wide world.

From the time our offspring are conceived, our job as parents is to create the best environment we can provide for them to grow emotionally, physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually. No big deal. There are only like 10,000 things we need to teach them before they leave home!

Here are 9 things that I believe you should teach your children before they leave home.

1. Health is Your Most Valuable Asset

Children need to be careful what they allow in their bodies, whether that be the things they consume, the things they watch and listen to, and the environment they spend time in. Their body is their temple and they need to learn to look after themselves and make good decisions.

Simple personal hygiene skills and how to listen to your body to avoid illness are big ones. With so much information on the internet now about health, if you catch a cold, your kids need to learn how to heal it themselves with food, vitamins and home remedies before heading to the doctor and using pharmaceuticals. Antibiotic resistance is a huge concern for the future.

Children should also learn to look after their emotional and mental health - meditation is a great skill for children to learn as are emotional freedom techniques.

Understanding what real food is, what is in their food and how to read food labels to make considered choices is also key. They need to know how to cook quick healthy meals that are affordable (lentils and legumes are super affordable and healthy).

And of course, children need to learn the importance of moving their bodies and create strong habits of exercising daily to stay physically fit.

2. Self-Discipline and Responsibility

Many children have very little self-discipline. They are used to getting what they want straight away and rarely go without. If children aren’t taught the skill of delaying gratification, how to have self-discipline and be responsible, they will likely turn into adults that overeat, overspend and overuse technology. They are likely to live an unhappy life addicted to things like food, shopping, gaming, drugs, alcohol and porn.

Professor Walter Mischel from Stanford University studied four-year-old children to see their level of self-discipline and the impact it had on their lives 10 - 15 years later. The children were given one marshmallow each and told they could eat it, but if they waited for fifteen minutes, the researcher would come back and give them another. Two-thirds of the kids didn’t wait and ate the marshmallow straight away. The effects on | April 2023 25

them later in life were extraordinary; many that couldn’t delay gratification didn’t finish school, and or didn’t end up employed.

Gaming has increased our addiction to getting little rewards all the time for our efforts. Real life isn’t like this. Teach your child to work hard even though the reward may not be for many days, weeks, months or years. To teach your children about delayed gratification, you need to set up some things in their life that take a while to achieve. Think of some shortterm goals (within a week), medium-term goals (within a few months) and some long-term goals (over a year). It could be a toy they want, a family toy like a boat or a dream holiday. Whatever it is your child or family dreams of, bring your children in on the journey to achieve it.

Have a family meeting every week where you can discuss updates and the sacrifices and hard work it’s taking to achieve the goal. Use these times as a learning opportunity for your children. Our family is going meatfree two days a week and putting the money we would have spent on meat aside to save $2000 towards a holiday. Get your kids involved in making small sacrifices and see their motivation rise.

3. Respect for Money

Money worries are a common cause for unhappiness in life. If you can teach your children to save from an early age, be frugal, avoid overspending and spend money on experiences instead of things and stuff, they will hopefully be able to experience life to its fullest.

Teach your children about saving in simple ways. For example, “We always take our own water with us”. Ensure they know why (to save plastic from the environment, and so we don’t waste money on things we can have for free from home). Children need to learn that life costs money and that wasting money on small things daily and weekly can certainly add up.

It’s also important that our children learn how to earn money. Your kids will want to find their purpose in life and hopefully will earn money from that purpose. But until they find their purpose, they need to be prepared to work at a job they may not enjoy. Sometimes the only purpose of our work is to earn money to live, and that’s a pretty good purpose! Having a job you love and get paid for is a blessing, it’s not something everyone gets to have. They say the happiest people are those who do jobs that they do just for the money, as then they don’t put too much emphasis on their job and invest too much time and energy. Whereas those that are totally in love with their job at times overinvest and burn out. We can always have our need for purpose met outside of being paid, like volunteering and doing things we love. Not everyone finds their purpose in a career and that is ok.

It’s great to teach your kids about what to do with money. You can set up five piggy banks labelled ‘save’, ‘goal’, ‘spend’, ‘share’ and ‘splurge’. ‘Save’ is for their future home or car one day. ‘Goal’ is savings for something short-term (under two years) they are saving for, such as a family holiday. ‘Spend’ is for living expenses, such as clothes, personal hygiene or items for school. ‘Share’ is for donating to charities or buying things for others. ‘Splurge’ is to blow on dinners out, toys and things you don’t need, but want. Putting physical money in these, alongside having a budget and goals where the progress can be tracked through the piggy bank will help teach your children about money.

4. Perseverance and Managing Fear

Fear holds back so many people and it is the ultimate thing to gain control of if you want to have a great life. As a society, we are so fearful which often means we are frozen and only achieve half of what we want to in life. We need more strong people, especially parents, to master their fear and use it to their advantage.

The thing is, fear can be a wonderful thing. So our children need to learn that if they are fearful of doing something, it certainly means that they shouldn’t do it if it’s bad. But, if it’s something they are fearful of that is good, it means they care about it but need to know how to manage that so that they don’t shy away when they are scared. Like being scared of performing, sure, it’s something to be scared about but they need to learn to manage that fear and push through it so that they can do the next thing that scares them. Our kids need to use fear as a motivator. Many millionaires didn’t start their life growing up wealthy. They started poor and used their fear of being poor as a child as a huge motivator to not raise a family in the same circumstances.

Fear of failing, the fear of not being liked and the fear of being a mediocre parent or leader are all things that can make us push harder. Fear can help us try, learn, and want to be more. Our kids need to know this too.

5. Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

Children tend to be very self-focused, so teaching them emotional intelligence can easily be a parent’s hardest task. We all have that adult relative who still behaves like a teenager emotionally. They lose their cool, scream, yell, withdraw, give up or go into depression when they don’t get their way, or when the going gets tough. Use this person as motivation to raise your kids with emotional intelligence.

Magnify their emotions when they are behaving nicely. For instance, “I saw that you were smiling when leaving school today, what made you so happy? I love seeing you like that”. It’s great to magnify their feelings when our children are in a good emotional space. It’s then talking about their emotions when they are not behaving nicely. Often our children are struggling with emotions and they may be angry, sad, or frustrated and the only way they know how to deal with these emotions is to lash out at others. All feelings are meant to be felt, but children also need to learn how to manage their feelings so as

26 April 2023 |

adults they don’t get totally derailed when the going gets tough. Children who can’t manage their emotional state are likely to become young adults who turn to violence or have a negative state of mind, which can lead to depression and anxiety or negative behaviours if they don’t know how to manage their emotions.

Sure, some of these things are genetic, but that just means the individual will need to work harder at having coping mechanisms if depression and / or anxiety run in your gene pool.

6. To Love Unconditionally

Kids are born to love unconditionally. We start putting conditions on love as we get older, and kids learn this from us. We are mere mortals, and no one is perfect. To love others unconditionally, we must first love ourselves, so we need to model this with our children. We need to talk about what we love about ourselves, tell our kids what we love about them and encourage them to look for what they love in others instead of what they don’t love in others.

We must instil in our kids that sometimes people do bad things, but it doesn’t always mean that they are bad people. They just made a bad choice. That is why when our children do the wrong thing, we mustn’t make it that they are a bad person. For example, “What you have done is bad”, instead of “You are bad”. We tell them that everyone makes mistakes, but what they did was wrong and what they do to rectify it is what stands us apart. We need to be very careful as parents not to shame our children. So, when they do the wrong thing, they need to know the behaviour was bad, not that they are bad. Shame corrodes the part of us that believes we can change and do better. We need to show forgiveness and compassion to love unconditionally.

7. Do Not Compare

Comparing in any way is the biggest thief of joy. Comparing your kids to each other or other kids just leads to resentment and shame. Comparing belongings is a huge trap and it is so easy to fall into the trap of wanting more. With thousands of marketing messages being thrown at us daily to buy more stuff, it’s no wonder kids compare what they have to keep up with the Jones’s. Children will often wish their families were millionaires, and are sad when someone gets something when they don’t. It’s not a nice way to live. The world is not equal and our children need to learn this hard fact. Most of us think we will be happier when we get a new phone, new clothes, or a new car until that new toy loses its novelty. Then, we dream of the next best thing. Humans spend more money on “stuff” to make themselves feel better and increase their ego than on anything else in the world. It is scary how much time and money we waste on ego purchases.

Children need to be taught that life is about what you give, not what you get. When your child says “Sammy got more than me”, tell them

to focus on what they got, not what they didn’t get. It’s easy to try and make it equal, but it’s a trap to always make things equal. Teach your children to care more about what they actually got than what someone else received, and to care more about being a giving person.

Life is a lot happier when we stop the ‘wanting’ cycle and move to a place of satisfaction and gratefulness. This is a place where we are satisfied and grateful with our home, car, body, lifestyle, work, relationships and ourselves and not comparing things with others.

8. Respect for Self, Others and the Environment

No one wants to raise a child that turns into an adolescent or adult that has zero respect for others or for themselves. To teach children about respect, we need to respect them. Speak to your children like you would to another adult. “I told you to fold the towels properly, now go to your room” wouldn’t work on a house cleaner, so why would we speak like that to our children? We need to model being respectful at all times. That includes ourselves, others and the environment and people’s choices that are different to our own. If your child is showing you disrespect, we need to look at why. It’s easy to yell “How dare you disrespect me!”, but it’s important to ask them why. True respect has to be earned in most cases. The best thing we can do is to always act respectfully and be wonderful role models. Respect for the environment is also a biggy. Of course, we need to care for all living things and be environmentally friendly, but we also need to show respect to other cultures, countries, beliefs and traditions if they are different from our own.

9. Love of Learning

If we aren’t learning, we are dying. Too often I hear adults talking about how much they hated school and this negativity of learning rubs off on our kids. We need to be very positive about all opportunities for our children to learn, even the things they learn that aren’t so positive (like how to deal with a bully at school). Children need to see us learning through reading, watching documentaries, cooking and talking through the learnings in books and movies we watch with our family.

There are opportunities to teach our children every day. On the road driving? Talk about why we always look at intersections even if it’s a green light in case someone runs a red light, or why we soak the clothes before we wash them sometimes. Teach your kids at every opportunity, get them interested and intrigued at why you do things. You would be amazed at what they retain.

If your kids see you doing something new, explain to them what you are learning and offer for them to learn with you. The best way to learn is to teach. It’s also important to allow your children to teach you things. This cements their learning. If they are learning times tables, ask them to teach you, if they learn how to do code at school, ask them to teach you too. By showing your kids you love to learn, and by teaching them as you learn, they will also foster a love of learning. Ask your kids every day; “what did you learn today and did you teach anyone anything?” | April 2023 29

Education and NAPLANWhat is Best for Our Students?

For many years, the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test has been a topic of controversy in the education sector. While it's touted as a valuable tool to nationally assess student learning progress, it is increasingly becoming clear that it is doing more harm than good, particularly to the mental health of students.

Ms Kelly Ferguson, Head of School at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School explains “For some students, the pressure to succeed in the test can be overwhelming. The high stakes nature of the exam means that many of the year 3, 5, 7, and 9 students feel immense pressure to perform well, which leads to stress and anxiety.”

According to recent studies, the pressure to excel can lead to a decrease in mental wellbeing, with some students feeling overwhelmed and highly stressed. In addition to the psychological impact of NAPLAN, the test has also been criticised for its impact on teaching and learning. Many teachers feel that the test does not provide a complete picture of a student's abilities, but instead, puts more emphasis on rote learning and test-taking skills. This can lead to a situation where students are drilled to learn how to answer the test questions rather than understanding the concepts.

“The narrow focus of NAPLAN testing comes at the expense of other subjects and activities, such as art and music, that may be equally important for a students' development and are part of a well-rounded education,” said Ms. Ferguson.

The negative impact of NAPLAN testing is not lost on students themselves, with many expressing their dislike for the test. For students, NAPLAN can be an unpleasant experience that takes away from their enjoyment of learning with many feeling that the pressure to do well can lead to an unhealthy fixation on grades and results.

This impact is not limited to students. Educators feel the burden of preparing their students, often at the expense of other teaching and learning activities, and may see it as a reflection of their teaching capabilities. Parents can also experience stress and anxiety on behalf of their child, as low results may sometimes be equated to limited future opportunities for their child.

“At Cairns Hinterland Steiner School, we run the NAPLAN testing as all Australian schools are required to do, however, our focus is on delivering the Steiner curriculum which includes alternative assessments that concentrate on all areas of student learning giving parents a more comprehensive view of their child’s abilities and talents.” said Ms Ferguson.

“While it's essential to nationally assess students' learning progress, the current system needs to be reviewed to ensure that it is not doing more harm than good. Instead, there needs to be a more balanced approach to education that takes into account the importance of holistic learning and values students' wellbeing.”

Experience a contemporary education, meet our teachers, and tour our beautiful campus at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School’s Open Day, Saturday 13 May from 10am. All are welcome. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more information as it goes to press! | April 2023 31 Advertorial

Experience Catholic Schools

Choosing a school is an important decision for your child and your family. Have you considered experiencing the Catholic Education difference?

With excellent facilities, expert teachers and the Catholic values of social justice, faith, inclusion, peace, equality and respect underpinning our curriculum, Townsville Catholic Education schools are building the community leaders of tomorrow. Our 29 schools across North Queensland include Primary, Secondary, Prep to Year 12 colleges and Boarding colleges, but what really sets Catholic schools apart from others is our focus on educating the whole child – academically, socially, spiritually, culturally, physically and emotionally.

Students spend 13 years at school (14 if you count kindergarten), and our experience as educators tells us that a holistic approach to education is the key to giving your child a well-rounded education and nurturing them to become active citizens.

As educators, our goal is to create the ideal learning environment for each student, one that engages, challenges and extends. With access to technology, state-of-the-art facilities, a broad range of subjects, community programs and vocational education training (VET) options, as well as professional and passionate teaching staff, our Catholic schools can give students exceptional learning opportunities.

Students are at the centre of everything we do, whether that is supporting their educational goals, providing opportunities for them to engage socially, or promoting positive post-school pathways. Your child is unique, and that means your child’s journey through school will also be unique. Catholic schools work to support individual students and create opportunities along the way. These opportunities keep our student’s love for learning alive.

While Catholic schools frequently celebrate outstanding academic, sporting and cultural achievements, it is the teaching and celebration of religion that truly elevates our schools. Catholic schools embrace the importance of community connection and inclusion and integrate spirituality such as meditation, prayer and liturgy into everyday life. These elements enhance education, support children socially, strengthen minds, develop empathy and prepare your child for life beyond the classroom.

Essentially, Catholic schools create spaces for all students to experience belonging, opportunity, dedication and the very best version of themselves –that’s the Catholic school difference. Experience it for yourself.

Enrolments for 2024 are open now. To find a Catholic school near you or learn more about individual schools, visit | April 2023 33 Advertorial

The PakMag Experts

Dr Bobby Griffin

Sunbird Orthodontics

Dear Dr Bobby, why should we choose Sunbird Orthodontics?

We offer our patients exceptional care and treatment options. Best of all, if you mention PakMag, your first visit is free (you can book the whole family!). The best time to bring your child to an Orthodontist is when they start losing their baby teeth. Then we can predict if they are going to have any problems, and help mitigate these so that you may avoid braces in the future, or shorten the time they may be required. Here are three reasons you should choose us:

1. Experience and Expertise: Our team are highly experienced and skilled Orthodontists with over 20 years of experience in the field. We have successfully treated thousands of patients, ensuring that each one receives the highest quality care and a smile they are proud of.

2. Advanced Technology: We use the best technology including digital x-rays, intraoral scanners, and 3D printing. This allows for more accurate diagnosis, faster treatment times, and a more comfortable experience for patients.

3. Range of Treatment Options: We offer a range of treatment options, including traditional braces, clear brace and Clear Aligners/Invisalign. This ensures that every patient can find a treatment that works for their individual needs and preferences.

My best advice is not to wait for your dentist to tell you you need to see an orthodontist because by then it might be too late to avoid braces! You don’t need a referral to see us. We also have payment options and travel to Mareeba, and Mossman regularly too.

Don’t pay twice for your orthodontics, get it done right the first time with our experienced team. To improve your smile, and your life and come see us today to find out how we can help you and your family.

4038 1036

Darcy Houghton

Solicitor, Statewide Family Law

Dear Darcy,

How should I best protect my generational wealth?

The best and most simple way to ensure that your generational wealth is protected and that your loved ones are looked after once you are gone is to have a valid Will in place. Often overlooked, or something that you “will get to eventually”, a Will is one of the most important documents that you can make during your lifetime.

In the late US musician Prince’s case, who died without a Will in 2016 with an estate valued at approximately 156 million US dollars, approximately 45 million US dollars was spent on legal, tax and probate fees. The vast majority of these fees could have been avoided, had he had even the most basic of Wills in place.

Having a valid Will provides you with certainty. You decide who your executor is, who is the person in charge of administering your estate and ensuring that your nominated beneficiaries receive their inheritance. You decide exactly who receives an inheritance from your estate and the value of the inheritance that they receive.

On the other hand, if you pass away without a valid Will in place, you are essentially leaving it in the hands of the government as to who is in charge of administering your estate, who receives a benefit from your estate and the value of the benefit received. Not only that, you make the job of the person in charge of administering your estate more difficult and time consuming, not to mention the additional expenses that your estate will need to pay as a result of you not having a Will in place, which means less money in the hands of your beneficiaries.

So, if you want to ensure that your assets will be given to the people you want, will support your beneficiaries’ needs, in the way you want, as quickly and simply as possible and as tax-effectively as possible, you should take action now and contact our office to arrange an appointment to prepare a Will for you.

a 34 Wood St, Mackay | April 2023 35
Expert Advice

Tropical Illnesses in North Queensland

Living in the tropics often means enjoying a relatively warm, humid climate all year round. However, it is also a typical home for mosquito-borne and bacterial diseases. So, it is important to know about tropical diseases, as they can be serious and even lifethreatening. Knowing the signs and symptoms of these diseases can help prevent their spread and ensure that treatment is sought in a timely manner.

Mosquito-borne diseases can be found all over Australia but they are more common in tropical areas as the warm, humid environment is perfect for mosquitoes to breed.

Three of the Most Common Mosquito-Borne Diseases in the Tropics:

1. Ross River Fever is an infection that spreads to humans through mosquitoes. The symptoms of infection include joint pain, fever and rash. Some people recover in a few weeks however in some cases symptoms can continue for months. Diagnosis is done by a doctor who will take a blood test to measure the infected person’s antibody levels to the virus. There is no known cure for Ross River Fever however medicines can relieve pain, and plenty of rest and a healthy diet may help with recovery. | April 2023 37

2. Barmah Forest Virus - a virus transmitted by mosquitoes from animals to humans. This virus is common around inland waterways and coastal regions. Symptoms may include fever, chills, headaches, tiredness, joint pain, rashes and swollen lymph glands. For treatment, a blood test needs to be taken by a doctor who will then discuss ways to manage symptoms and may subscribe to medicine, however, the medicine may not always be necessary to treat Barmah Forest Virus.

3. Dengue Fever - This virus is carried by mosquitoes however most areas in Australia do not have mosquitoes that carry dengue fever. Outbreaks of dengue fever commonly occur in North Queensland and are usually caused by someone who has been infected overseas, and is bitten by a mosquito locally which then transmits the virus to others. Symptoms may include fever, headaches, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, bleeding nose or gums and rashes. Dengue is generally treated with rest, fluids, and over-the-counter pain medications to reduce fever and relieve body aches. Severe cases may require hospitalisation and receive intravenous fluids, blood transfusions and breathing support. There is no specific antiviral treatment for dengue.

Preventing Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Cover up in loose light-coloured clothing and footwear, use mosquito repellent or candles and sleep under a mosquito net. Also covering water tanks, emptying anything with water in it and preventing the buildup of water in the garden decreases the chances of mosquitoes making it a breeding camp.

Three of the Most Common Bacterial Infections and Diseases in the Tropics:

Bacterial Diseases are illnesses caused by infections from bacteria that are found in contaminated soils, food or water.

1. Tropical Ear , also known as Swimmer’s Ear is an inflammation or infection of the outer ear canal. It is caused by a bacterial infection from regularly getting water in the ear. Symptoms may include pain in the outer ear, squelching or a popping sensation, a feeling of pressure or fullness, tenderness and muffled hearing. A doctor will examine

the ear canal and tympanic membrane to ensure it isn’t damaged or torn and may prescribe medicated ear drops to treat the infected ear. During treatment, the ear needs to be kept dry and avoid removing earwax as it will protect against infection.

2. Melioidosis is a bacterial disease that is transmitted through direct contact with contaminated soil and water. It has a wide range of signs and symptoms that can be mistaken for other diseases. Symptoms may include pain or swelling of the joints, fever, weight loss, stomach or chest pain and in severe cases, seizures. For treatment, a doctor will diagnose an infected person and prescribe medicines to treat the disease. Patients who have penicillin allergies should notify their doctor who can then prescribe an alternative treatment course.

3. Sepsis is a life-threatening disease that occurs when the body damages its own tissues and organs in response to an infection. Sepsis is caused by an abnormal response to an infection. Symptoms may include fever or low temperature, uncontrolled shaking, rapid breathing and heart rate, tiredness and headaches. It can lead to septic shock, organ failure, amputation, and in severe cases, death, if not diagnosed and treated early - it is strongly advised to seek urgent medical care. Sepsis can develop quicker in young children and babies. A doctor will conduct a physical examination by checking a patient’s vital signs, several blood tests will be organised and x-rays or other scans may be needed for diagnosis. Sepsis is treated in an intensive care unit as patients may need help for their lungs or kidneys to work. Treatment may include antibiotics, intravenous fluids and / or surgery.

Bacterial Diseases Can be Prevented By:

• Practising good hygiene

• Keeping ears dry

• Wearing the appropriate equipment including masks when handling soils

• Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

• Avoiding food or water that may be contaminated

• Disinfecting surfaces that are touched often

• Always see your doctor if you suspect you may have an infection

38 April 2023 |

A Parent’s Guide to Living in the Tropics

Raising a family in a tropical climate can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Living in the tropics is very different to living in other regions in Australia as our climate presents some unique challenges. With the right preparation and care, you can ensure your family has a safe and enjoyable life in the tropics. Here are five things parents in NQ need to know.

1. Keep Your Family Sunsafe and Cool

The sun can be particularly harsh in the tropics. To protect your children from the sun, seek shade when possible and dress them in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibres (like 100% cotton or lyocell) that cover their arms, chest and legs. Source sunglasses that are fitted with category 3 or 4 lenses to absorb UV radiation to protect their eyes, a broad-brimmed hat and SPF 30+ minimum sunscreen that is gentle on the skin. Note that The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends waiting until your baby is 6 months old before introducing them to sunscreen. In most cases it is best to keep your baby in the shade as much as possible, however shade only provides partial protection against UV rays. UV pram covers offer sun protection and keep bugs out, but they can get hot so be aware. A portable fan that you can attach to the pram is a great addition. Staying hydrated is key, so have water bottles ready to go for each family member. Bath times and waterplay are also great to control body temperature when it’s a hot day.

Cars can get very hot in the tropics and car seats should always be checked before buckling the kids in as the buckles can get so hot that they can burn the skin. Park in the shade when possible and use sun shades on the windows. You can also buy material covered ice packs that can go in car seats and prams to keep them cool too, or cool the car down with air conditioning before hopping in.

Keep an eye out for signs of heat exhaustion, such as normal or mildly higher body temperature, cool, pale clammy skin, excessive sweating, thirst, headache, muscle cramps, rapid, weak pulse and fainting or dizziness. Help them to a cooler environment, loosen clothing, immerse their hands and feet in water and give them frequent small drinks of water. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.

2. Water Safety

Living in the tropics is perfect for spending days at the beach, at a swimming hole or in the pool. Constant

supervision is a must as is keeping your child within arm’s reach and avoiding distractions. A toddler or child can drown in 5 centimetres of water. Every exposed water source, no matter how shallow, poses a significant danger. Swimming lessons are invaluable and highly recommended for everyone. If you have your own pool at home ensure the pool’s fence is in good condition so your toddler can’t slip through the bars. Attending a first aid course and learning CPR is key to knowing what to do when managing an emergency around water.

3. Stinger Season

Stinger season occurs from the first of November to the start of May. During this season a good choice would be to visit your local pools and creeks, or set up water activities at home but don’t let the stingers stop you from visiting the beach. There are plenty of activities you can do with your family at the beach that don’t involve water, like enjoying a picnic, playing on the shore and making sandcastles. If you do want to go in the ocean during stinger season, invest in stinger suits that cover feet and hands too - they are great for sun protection which is also a bonus, and always swim in stinger nets.

Part of living in North Queensland is having to be aware that crocodiles live here too. Never swim where there are crocodile warning signs and never leave your children unsupervised when near our waterways. Always be crocwise and report croc sightings as soon as possible. You can learn more at

5. Mozzies and Midges

The tropics are beautiful but also the perfect environment for mosquitos and sandflies. Keep your family safe from those nasty buzzing pests by dressing them in long sleeved clothes and pants, be sure that the clothing is loose and lightweight to avoid overheating. Another measure to keep mosquitoes away is using mosquito repellent patches. BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Patches are designed for young children and can be put onto babies’ clothing. It’s natural, effective and is non-toxic, and can last up to 72 hours.

While we do have some unique things to be aware of, overall, living in the tropics is amazing. The warm climate, beautiful scenery, and exotic wildlife make the tropics an ideal place to raise a family. | April 2023 41
Bump, Bub and Beyond
4. Crocs Live Here Too

All Things Health

Dear Jana,

I suffer from bloating and occasional diarrhoea and I think it’s caused by what I’m eating but I’m not sure. Is it possible I have food intolerance?

Bloating and diarrhoea are two common digestive symptoms that can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors, including food intolerances, digestive disorders, medications, stress and other medical conditions.

Food intolerances are a common cause of bloating and diarrhoea. Lactose intolerance, for example, occurs when the body is unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. Similarly, gluten intolerance can cause digestive symptoms in individuals with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is another common digestive disorder that can cause bloating and diarrhoea. IBS is characterised by abdominal pain, bloating and changes in bowel habits. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, can also cause these symptoms.

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. This can cause bloating, diarrhoea and other digestive symptoms. Certain medications, such as antibiotics or laxatives, can also cause changes in the digestive system and lead to bloating and diarrhoea.

Stress can have a significant impact on the digestive system and can cause bloating and diarrhoea. When the body is under stress, it produces hormones that can affect digestion and bowel movements. Alterations in the microbiome can also contribute to how our bodies respond to stress. Other medical conditions, such as gastroparesis or pancreatic insufficiency, can also cause these symptoms.

Given that there are many causes of bloating and diarrhoea, correctly identifying the underlying cause is important for effective management and treatment. A Naturopath has a variety of safe, effective, natural treatments, specific diets and lifestyle advice that can be useful in managing digestive complaints. Consult with one today and get your gut back to health!

Calanna WholeHealth Pharmacy

Repel Mosquitos Naturally

Protect your little ones from mozzies without the use of harsh chemicals with Parakito Kids Mosquito Protection Wrist Bands.

Worn around the wrist or ankle, each cool and comfy neoprene band comes with two replacement pellets (made in France) which feature a simple and natural ingredients list: geranium essential oil, rosemary essential oil, mint essential oil, peppermint essential oil, clove bud essential oil and cinnamon essential oil.

A single pellet fits safe and snug in the mesh pocket on the outside of the band. As the essential oils are released into the air around them, they help to mask the scents of their breath and body, making it harder for mosquitoes to find them. Super simple and naturally effective. Each pellet is effective for up to 15 days.

Each band is fully adjustable to fit with a secure hook and loop closure, is refillable with replacement pellets and waterproof. Various designs are available. Get yours today from your local Calanna TerryWhite Chemmart.

42 April 2023 | Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes.

Easter Activities for Kids

Easter is a special holiday for everyone. It is a time for family gatherings, Easter egg hunts, chocolate, and other fun activities. Crafts are a great way for kids to express their creativity and develop their fine motor skills. It helps them learn about colours, shapes, textures and sizes. It also encourages problem solving skills and critical thinking. Crafts can also be used to teach children about science, maths and other important concepts. Celebrate Easter with these eggstatic Easter craft activities!

Paper Chicks

What You Need

• Yellow paper (around 20cm wide x 5cm high)

• Orange paper

• Double sided tape

• 2 small googly eyes

• Scissors

• Black gel pen

• Pipe cleaners (2 yellow and 1 orange)

• Glue stick

• Pink coloured pencil

• Single hole puncher


For the chick’s beak, cut your orange paper into a smaller rectangle and then fold. Keep your piece folded and cut on the creased side a triangle shape. The paper will now fold out in the shape of a chick’s beak. Hang onto the excess paper for you to make more chicks or for scrap paper for more craft activities.

Use the glue stick to glue the beak and googly eyes to the yellow paper. Draw the eye brows with the black gel pen, you can change the expression with each chick by changing the eyebrows. Draw round circles with the pink coloured pencil and colour in for the chick’s cheeks.

Use the double sided tape to stick the edges of the yellow paper together to form a cylinder.

With your hole puncher, punch a hole roughly in the middle on the opposite sides of your chick. This is where the wings will go. Thread a yellow pipe cleaner through the holes. Bend the pipe cleaners into little wing shapes and tuck them back into the holes. Point them upward to create the feathers on the chick’s head. You may need to tape them to the front in the inside to keep them in place. Make the feet by folding the orange pipe cleaner in half then fold into an M shape. Attach the feet with tape or use a hot glue gun to make the feet stronger. Bend the feet slightly upward.

Now you have a little paper chick. Continue the same steps to create more for a crafted chicken coop or nest.

46 April 2023 |

Edible Easter Nests

Nest Ingredients

• Butter

• Marshmallows

• Rice Bubbles

• Muffin pan

• Oil or non-stick cooking spray



• Powdered icing sugar

• Green food colouring

• Mini egg candies

• Sprinkles

Lightly grease the muffin pan with oil or non-stick cooking spray. In a large pan melt the butter over medium to low heat. Add the marshmallows and stir until melted.

Remove the pan from the heat and mix the rice bubbles into the mixture. Spoon the mixture into each muffin pan and form into nest shapes by pushing a spoon into the centre of each nest. Set aside to cool.

Create the icing by mixing the powdered icing sugar with two teaspoons of water. Add a drop or two of green food colouring and stir till you have the desired colour. Spoon the icing into the nests and add a few mini egg candies. Finish the nest off with sprinkles and serve.
For your chance to WIN a family pass to THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE, enter at Competition closes 10/04/2023. Lift-out kids activity mag! ONLY IN CINEMAS APRIL 5


Help Princess Peach find all 13 hidden words or phrases below by searching forward, backward, up, down, and diagonally!


to WIN a family pass to THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE, enter at Competition closes 10/04/2023. A E M S T T O N O I R A M P L S P L E K L P S L A T E Z E S N I O C D E H M U E R A T S K G P S K N F L I I M O O O T I W E T N A I C M G A A G S U U S R W B I R S U I D E E D A T E H H C A E P S S E C N I R P L E S A I F A H P A O R E W S T E H T S L B R S L I M P A O K O E N C C N K F W O K A O R O G E M S A L B M O O P E H U T N P V P A L E A P Q J N A J U Y R N A F N B S A E M S T T O N O I R A M P L S P L E K L P S L A T E Z E S N I O C D E H M U E R A T S K G P S K N F L I I M O O O T I W E T N A I C M G A A G S U U S R W B I R S U I D E E D A T E H H C A E P S S E C N I R P L E S A I F A H P A O R E W S T E H T S L B R S L I M P A O G R E S U O K O E N C C N K F O G N F W W W O K A O R O G V N L S A E E M S A L B M O O P O J E D A R E H U T N P V P A N R C A S T L E A P Q J N A J E Y O E A A U Y R N A F N B S
For your chance

Recipes for a Hoppy Easter

Scan for more delicious recipes

Chocolate Candy Biscuits


• 125g butter

• ½ tsp vanilla essence

• ½ cup brown sugar

• 1 egg

• 1 ¾ cups self-raising flour

• cup chocolate Easter egg candies


Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

Using an electric mixer, beat the butter, vanilla essence and brown sugar together until smooth, then add the egg. Beat until combined.

Sift in the self-raising flour and add in the Easter egg candies into the mixture and stir until combined.

Lay out baking paper on a tray. Use a teaspoon and scoop out the mixture and roll into a ball. Continue this step until there is no mixture left. Bake for 15 minutes or until browned. Once ready, carefully take the tray out of the oven and set aside for the biscuits to cool.

Shout out to Teah for being our PakMag Kids in the Kitchen creator back at the beginning - she has since graduated with honours as a Dietician!

Easter Quiche


• 8 eggs

• 1 ½ cups milk

• 3 tbsp butter, melted

• 1 ½ cups grated cheese

• 1 cup bacon

• ½ bunch spring onions

• 2 sheets of shortcrust pastry


Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

Prepare a 24cm quiche dish by lightly brushing with butter or oil. Remove the pastry sheets from the freezer, and once they have defrosted enough to be malleable, lightly press into the dish to form a base and set aside. Hard boil 4 of the eggs in a pot of boiling water for 8 minutes. Remove them from the pot once boiled and set aside to cool.

In a bowl, whisk together the other 4 eggs, milk, butter, spring onions and then fold in the cheese. Cut bacon into small pieces and mix into the quiche mixture.

Pour the mixture into your prepared quiche dish, making sure that the mixture doesn’t completely fill the dish (you will need to leave space to add your boiled eggs).

Peel the egg shells from the boiled eggs, then cut each of them in half with a sharp knife. Place the eggs on top of the quiche mixture and push slightly in but not too far as the eggs will get buried in the mixture. Bake for 40 minutes or until set.

52 April 2023 |
family for supporting PakMag throughout the years!
Thanks to the Piccones

The Best Family Holiday Accommodation in NQ

North Queensland is an incredible destination for families, offering a wide range of activities and experiences that are sure to keep everyone entertained. North Queensland is home to some of the most stunning natural scenery in Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef, tropical rainforests, beautiful beaches, unique and diverse wildlife, cultural experiences and lots of wonderful family attractions. If you are a family looking for an adventure holiday like no other you have to visit North Queensland. For us locals, we are blessed with a short drive between our sister cities to enjoy holidaying at home. When travelling, finding the right accommodation to suit your family’s needs is a key component to having a great holiday. Here are some of the best options for family accommodation in the region.

Shangri-La The Marina, Cairns

The Shangri-La Cairns is a fantastic family hotel located in the heart of Cairns. This hotel is known for its exceptional service and luxurious amenities that are sure to make any family holiday unforgettable. The hotel offers a range of accommodation options that are perfect for families, including spacious and interconnecting rooms and suites with stunning views of the ocean or city. The hotel also features a large swimming pool for families to relax and play together. In addition, the hotel has a range of dining options, including a family-friendly restaurant, and is conveniently located close to many family-friendly attractions in Cairns. The Shangri-La Cairns is an excellent family hotel, offering a perfect combination of luxury, comfort, and convenience.

Lavender Hill Lake Tinaroo

Relax in beautiful serenity in this Tuscan style accommodation with 3.5 acres of absolute waterfront, gardens and rainforest. Located on the banks of Lake Tinaroo, about an hour’s drive from Cairns and eight minutes from Atherton. This property is ideal for families who are looking for a peaceful and quiet getaway in the midst of nature. The lake itself is perfect for those that love watersports like waterskiing and wakeboarding, swimming, kayaking, fishing and boating, and the property also has a private jetty and boat ramp. You can rent out the property for a special event, or just for a relaxing weekend getaway with family and friends. The house sleeps up to 26 people with an array of bedding including bunks, double beds, queen beds and king beds. All linens and towels are provided, and the house is fully equipped to be a home away from home. | April 2023 55
Eat, Stay, Play

Cairns Colonial Club

Set amidst 11 acres of spectacular rainforest gardens, the family-friendly Cairns Colonial Club has 345 modern accommodation rooms, three gorgeous lagoon-style swimming pools (one with a slide), a man-made beach, an adventure playground with mini golf and peddle carts, a purposebuilt Conference and Functions Centre, Thirsty Flamingo Poolside Bar and Dining and a contemporary full-service restaurant. This great family hotel is located just five minutes drive from the heart of Cairns and offers a range of accommodation options that are perfect for families, including spacious rooms and suites with private balconies or patios overlooking lush gardens or pools. If you are a local, treat your family to ludicrous discounts, hours of fun and a tropical sleepover with a Club Colonial Membership! Offering insane value, a 12-month membership is just $185 which includes one FREE night in a contemporary Superior Room (valued at $169), a $50 dining voucher on your birthday, 20% off all food and beverages AND unlimited use of their facilities all day every day!

Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park

The accommodation at Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park includes a range of family cabins, villas and camping sites that can accommodate families of different sizes and budgets. The cabins and villas are fully equipped with all the necessary amenities, including kitchenettes, living areas and private bathrooms, providing families with a comfortable and convenient stay. The camping sites offer a range of options, including powered and unpowered sites, and the park provides all the necessary facilities, including BBQ areas, a camp kitchen and amenities block.

One of the best things about Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park is its location - the shores of Lake Tinaroo. The park provides direct access to the lake, allowing families to enjoy a range of water activities, including swimming, fishing, boating and water sports. The park

also features a swimming pool, playground and games room, providing additional entertainment options for families.

Big 4 Port Douglas

Big4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park is a hive for family-friendly fun. Located just 7km from the main centre of Port Douglas, there is so much on offer at this park that it is a holiday destination within itself. Sit back and relax by the pool while the kids play on the waterpark, six water slides, jumping pillow, playground and pedal carts. Come and stay for a weekend away or just visit for the day with day passes available from reception so locals can also enjoy all the fun facilities too. The park offers visitors a variety of accommodation options from deluxe villas and cabins to ensuite, powered and unpowered campsites, beautifully landscaped on 15 acres, in the beautiful Mowbray River Valley.

Fitzroy Island

Fitzroy Island is a fantastic destination for families as it offers a range of activities and amenities that cater to all ages. The island boasts beautiful beaches and hikes, crystal-clear waters, and a marine sanctuary that is perfect for snorkelling and diving. Families can take a glass-bottom boat tour, go kayaking or standup paddleboarding, or embark on a guided rainforest walk. The resort offers comfortable and spacious family-friendly accommodations, a movie theatre, a kids’ club and two on-site restaurants with stunning ocean views. There are a variety of rooms available; the 2 bedroom fully self-contained apartments are ideal for families. With its natural beauty and endless activities, Fitzroy Island is a perfect family destination that will create unforgettable memories for everyone. It really is an island paradise.

56 April 2023 |
Eat, Stay, Play

Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island is a great destination for family holidays because it offers a unique blend of adventure and relaxation. The island boasts pristine beaches, hiking trails and abundant wildlife, providing endless opportunities for family-friendly activities such as snorkelling, kayaking and wildlife spotting. Families can visit the Koala Sanctuary, take a sunset cruise, or enjoy a family-friendly game of golf. The island offers a range of accommodations, from cosy bungalows to spacious villas, ensuring that families of all sizes can find something to suit their needs. With its natural beauty and family-friendly activities, Magnetic Island is the perfect destination for a memorable and enjoyable family holiday. SeaLink Magnetic Island Ferry is the fastest way to get to the island for the day or longer stay. All four of their ferries feature air-conditioned cabins, aircraft-style and café-style seating, a fully licensed bar, outdoor viewing decks, wheelchair and pram access and access-friendly bathrooms.

Here are some other places to check out:


Novotel Cairns Oasis Resort

Located in the centre of sunny Cairns, Novotel Cairns Oasis Resort is a family favourite for holiday makers! Guests can check-in and head straight to Moku Beach Club where parents can sip on a cocktail at the new swim up bar whilst the kids enjoy the pool. Novotel creates memorable experiences for their VIK’s (Very Important Kids) and host a variety of activities every weekend and school holidays. Keeping the kids entertained (and spent) with pool pony races to sand castle competitions and movie nights, and so much more. A warm welcome awaits at Novotel Cairns Oasis Resort.

Pullman Cairns International

This luxury hotel offers spacious rooms and suites with options for families, as well as a great pool, free kids club activities during the school holidays, great restaurant and a fitness centre.

Cairns Coconut Holiday Resort

This holiday park offers a range of accommodation options including cabins and villas with full kitchens and separate living areas, as well as a range of on-site

activities and facilities for families, including a water park, mini-golf and a jumping pillow.

The Lakes Cairns Resort and Spa

This resort offers spacious apartments with full kitchens and laundry facilities, as well as multiple pools and a spa, and a location close to Cairns’ main attractions.


Aquarius on the Beach

This beachfront hotel offers spacious and modern apartments with full kitchens and separate living areas, as well as a rooftop pool and BBQ area.

Grand Mercure Apartments

Located in the heart of the city, these serviced apartments offer one, two and three-bedroom options with full kitchens and laundry facilities, as well as a pool and fitness centre.

Oaks Townsville Gateway Suites

These modern apartments offer one, two and threebedroom options with full kitchens and laundry facilities, as well as a pool and gym.

Rambutan Resort

This trendy boutique hotel offers a variety of room types, including family rooms and apartments, as well as a rooftop pool, bar and restaurant.

The Wh itsundays

Airlie Beach Hotel

This hotel offers family rooms with kitchenettes, laundry facilities and a pool. It’s located in the heart of Airlie Beach and is close to many family-friendly restaurants, shops and attractions.

Mantra Club Croc, Airlie Beach

This hotel offers family rooms and apartments with kitchenettes, laundry facilities and a pool. It’s located on the outskirts of Airlie Beach and offers a quieter, more secluded atmosphere.

BIG4 Adventure Whitsunday Resort

This resort offers a range of family-friendly accommodations, including cabins and campsites, as well as a water park, playground and mini-golf course. | April 2023 59 Eat, Stay, Play

Turn Family Time into Fun Time at the Cairns Colonial Club Resort!

It’s hard to imagine a logo more iconic than the green and gold butterfly that has symbolised the Cairns Colonial Club Resort for the past 35 years. With the 5 year 10 million dollar restoration nearing completion, the resort is now perfectly positioned to welcome local and travelling families looking for a relaxing resort experience that won’t break the bank.

Guests can enjoy a leisurely stroll while appreciating the natural beauty of 11 acres of tropical rainforest gardens then cool off in one of three large lagoon-style swimming pools. Kids of all ages can look forward to hours of fun zipping down the water slides, honing their table tennis skills, exploring the playground or simply building sandcastles on the man-made beach.

Fueling up at Thirsty Flamingo is a treat for the whole family. Think thick, juicy beef and bacon burgers, succulent pork belly and fresh battered barra and chips to name a few. This popular poolside restaurant also offers a selection of tasty kid’s meals, a range of exotic cocktails and a laid-back, tropical resort vibe.

The Colonial Club loves to party so it won’t come as a surprise that Thirsty Flamingo is also a sought-after venue for kid’s birthday parties. All-inclusive packages start at $20 per child and a flyer can be downloaded from the website.

When the sun drops behind the mountains, guests can retire to one of a variety of spacious, fully airconditioned accommodation rooms. With tropical décor, two queen beds and a private balcony or courtyard, the Superior rooms are popular for couples. Small families enjoy the convenience and space of the Studio Family rooms which boast a king bed, two single sofa beds in the living room and a kitchenette making self-catering a breeze. The Studio Quad rooms also have a kitchenette,

but these rooms have the added luxury of four separate single beds making them a very economical choice for school groups, sporting teams or friends on a budget.

You would be hard-pressed to find a Cairns local with no past connection to the resort’s stand-alone Conference and Functions Centre. This iconic, Heritagestyle building features a dramatic ballroom, wide timber verandahs looking out over ancient rainforest and a romantic fairy-lit gazebo. For more than three decades, it has been one of the most popular venues in Cairns to meet up, celebrate or tie the knot!

Looking to the future, the resort continues to incorporate new products and attractions especially suited to the family market. The first of these, due to open over the Easter Holidays, is an Outback Mini Golf and Pedal Karts attraction. “It’s exciting to have the commitment and resources to continually enhance the property to meet the expanding needs of our customers,” says Jo Neill, Director of Sales and Marketing, “We’re especially appreciative of our local community who has stuck with us through some very challenging years.”

To give back to the region, the Cairns Colonial Club has created an exclusive Club Colonial Membership package that is only available to locals. This popular annual membership is packed with value. In addition, to use of the main lagoon pool and play areas all year round, the annual fee of $185 includes one night’s free accommodation, a $50 Birthday Dining Voucher and 20% off all food and beverages year-round.

So, if you’re hankering for an affordable tropical resort escape in your backyard, check out the Club Colonial Membership and other amazing package deals at where you can book direct and save! | April 2023 61 Advertorial

Check it Out Cairns

50 Years On: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

When: 1 April, 7.30pm -10.00pm Where: CPAC

More info:

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody, starring internationally renowned Thomas Crane, are returning with a brand new show in 2023 combining Queens ‘Greatest Hits’ and a few of the most popular songs on their albums.


When: 25 April More info:

Dawn Service commences at the Cenotaph on the Cairns Esplanade, the Services Parade commences at 7.30am at Fogarty Park and Commemorative Service commences at 7.45am after the passing of the March at the Cenotaph. Visit the Cairns Council’s website for more local locations for this event.

Easter Family Fun

With HIT 103.5’s Cliffo and Bronte

Easter Adventure Carnival at Mount Sheridan Plaza - 3 - 6 April, 10.00am - 1.00pm - Get ready for some Easter fun at the Mount Sheridan Plaza Easter Adventure Carnival. There will be loads of great activities on offer including a jumping castle, egg guessing competition, Easter egg hen hunt, Easter craft activities and photos with the Easter Bunny.

Easter Sunday Fun Day at Cazalys - 9 April - There will be plenty of Easter fun including face painting, a visit from the Easter Bunny, a buffet breakfast and a fabulous carvery with a free dessert and lucky door prize. Bookings essential. Easter Fun at Cazalys - 11 April, 9.30am - 11.30am - Join in the Easter fun at Cazalys with face painting, kids activities, an up close and personal wildlife display and cupcake decorating! Numbers are limited, book your spot today at Cazalys reception.

Free Easter Pancake Decorating at The Coffee Club, Smithfield Shopping Centre - 1 - 6 April, 10.00am - 1.00pm - Hop into Easter with free pancake decorating workshops these school holidays thanks to The Coffee Club. All participants will receive two pancakes to decorate either as an Easter egg or bunny. Bookings essential.

Yoga Jam with Michael Franti

When: 13 April, 9.00am Where: Munro Martin Parklands

More Info:

Wanderlust is bringing international musical Michael Franti to Australia in 2023 for a wellness experience like no other. Wanderlust has scoured the state to find the most iconic yoga studios and teachers to host their yoga jams with Michael Franti, a high-vibe class with a spicy flow and some upbeat acoustics that will get you dancing. BYO yoga mat. Tickets $54.20. | April 2023 63

Check it Out Cairns

Cairns Art Gallery Workshops

When: Various dates and times

Where: Cnr Abbott and Shields St

More info:

Black Sun / Bold Moon by Chris Bendall

When: 14 April Where: CPAC

More info:

Black Sun / Blood Moon follows Maddy, a ten-year-old climate champion, and Katie, the underachieving assistant of a climatedenying politician, as they set out to save the planet. Featuring stunning video and projection, and amazing life-size puppetry by Erth Visual and Physical, Black Sun / Blood Moon will delight families with young people 12 years and older.

Explore Prep at Peace: Prep in Depth

When: 29 April, 9.00am - 10.30am Where: Peace Lutheran College More info:

Learn about their Prep program and discover what the start of your child’s educational experience at Peace Lutheran College will look like. A short presentation will offer you an in-depth understanding of the Prep program before you venture into the world of Prep at Peace. Meet the staff, speak with Prep teachers, learn about the curriculum, and take a look inside the Prep classrooms and playground, featuring a nature garden. Numbers are limited. Registration is essential. Register at

Celtic Illusion - The Magic Returns

Unlock your child’s creativity and book now for the exciting program of specialty art workshops. Bookings essential. Visit the website for full program details and to book.


Hinterland Steiner School Open Day

When: 13 May, 10.00am

Where: 46 Boyles Rd, Kuranda

More info: Cairns Hinterland Steiner School /

Experience a contemporary education, meet their teachers, and tour the beautiful campus at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School’s Open Day. All are welcome. Follow Cairns Hinterland Steiner School on Facebook and Instagram for more info.

Cosentino ‘Decennium’

When: 28 April, 6.30pm Where: CPAC

More info:

Australia’s world-renowned entertainer and International Magician of the Year, Cosentino, is returning to perform his brand new, 90-minute live show ‘Decennium'.

When: 16 April, 6.30pm Where: CPAC More info:

Immerse yourself in one of the most unique productions touring the world. Celtic Illusion, the Irish dance and Grand Illusion sensation that has taken Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Canada and the USA by storm and will tour nationwide in 2023.

64 April 2023 |
With HIT 103.5’s Mark Littler

Check it Out Cairns

Historic Village Herberton Pioneer Weekend

When: 6 - 7 May Where: Historic Village Herberton

More info:

Step back in time and experience a weekend of living history at the Historic Village Herberton Pioneer Weekend. There will be live music from Littmus, Steampunk Band, JC and the Tree and more, fashions on the field, live demonstrations, train rides, games, a petting zoo, working machinery and more!

St Monica’s College Open Day

When: 18 May, 4.00pm - 6.00pm

Where: St Monica’s College, 177 Abbott St, Cairns

More info:

See why a St Monica’s education may be the best fit for your daughter at their 2023 open day. Explore all St Monica’s has to offer and meet current students and the wonderful staff. There will be many exhibits and stalls set up to showcase each faculty’s specialities, with lots of things to see and experience such as music and dance performances by students, and much more.

Cairns Children’s Festival

When: 20 - 21 May Where: Multiple locations including CPAC, The Court House, Tanks Arts Centre and Cairns Botanic Gardens More info: Creative Life

The Cairns Children’s Festival is an annual celebration for children aged 12 years and under. The festival aims to put our youngest creatives in the spotlight whilst also creating a safe and fun environment for families to explore, create and imagine. To check out the full program keep an eye on the website and Facebook page above.

Sound Therapy Session

When: 20 April, 6.30pm - 8.00pm Where: 59 Collinson Street, Westcourt

More info: /

Join Bree for a relaxing sound therapy session that will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and rejuvenated. The one-hour session will be followed by a delicious cup of cacao or herbal tea and time to reflect on paper, in your journal or My Vision Book. Only 10 spots are available, book yourspot today or visit Bree’s website to find out about upcoming sessions. Bookings are $40 per person. Please bring a yoga mat and pillow for comfort. | April 2023 67
With Triple M’s Tammy and JB

Local’s Checklist: Top 26 Things to do in Cairns

Whether you’re a local, you’ve been living in or around Cairns for twenty years, you’ve just moved here or are visiting, we’ve collated this Cairns local’s checklist of must-do activities for you.

How many of these adventures have you already done, and which ones are you yet to experience for the first time? Be sure to make plans to check them all off if you haven’t already - each one is a must-do. Tally up your score and see how local you really are! Each activity is worth a point.

20 - 27 Points: Local Legend

10 - 20 Points: Emerging Local Legend

1 - 10 Points: Newbie

Rainforestation Nature Park

Get up close and personal with Australian wildlife, and give yourself two ticks if you ziplined over the 4.1-metre crocodile Goliath and navigated the high ropes courses.

Cairns Esplanade

Swim in the Lagoon, enjoy a picnic, and adventure to the Pirate Ship Playground. There’s also bouldering, beach volleyball, fitness stations, the skatepark and Muddy’s Playground.

Fitzroy Island

Take the Fitzroy Flyer to the Island, hike to the Summit, the Lighthouse, and Nudey Beach. Snorkel and paddle board in the crystal clear waters and enjoyed lunch, an ice cream or a drink at Foxy’s.

Experience the beauty of the tropical rainforest through guided tours on the Army Duck, interactive animal encounters, throw a boomerang and learn about Aboriginal culture.

Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures

Check out the world-famous Crocodile Attack Show and learn about saltwater crocodiles and other wildlife like cassowaries, crocodiles, koalas and reptiles through informative tours and shows.

Great Barrier Reef

Go diving or snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef and experience one of the world’s most magnificent natural wonders through guided tours from one of the many amazing tour companies. | April 2023 69
Cairns ZOOM and Wildlife Dome
1 5 3 2

Gallo Dairyland

See cows being milked, feed baby animals, watch demonstrations of chocolates and cheeses being made, and taste them too! There’s also a café and licensed restaurant with glorious rural views.

Swim at the Best Waterholes

There are so many amazing swimming holes around Cairns. Swim in these top five family swimming holes: Crystal Cascades, Babinda Boulders, Behana Gorge, Josephine Falls and Davies Creek.

Take a Day Trip to Port Douglas

Have Breakfast with the Birds at Wildlife Habitat

- a totally unique experience! Check out the markets on a Sunday, have lunch at one of the many cafés or restaurants and watch the sunset on the deck of the Port Douglas Yacht Club.

Cairns Art Gallery

View contemporary art from local and international artists, with a focus on works that explore the cultural diversity and unique environment of tropical North Queensland.

Historic Village Herberton

Step back in time with this fun and educational experience for families. The 19th-century mining town has authentic buildings, costumed guides, interactive exhibits and more.


a Trip to the Tablelands

Swim at Lake Eacham, enjoy scones and tea at Lake Barrine, visit the giant Curtain Fig Tree, spot a Platypus at Yungaburra, dine at the Yungaburra Pub, then visit Shaylee Strawberries.


the Botanical Gardens

Take a guided tour led by knowledgeable volunteers where you can learn the history of the gardens, the different plant species and the Aboriginal cultural significance of the area.

Reef Eye Ferris Wheel

Situated on the Esplanade, this is a great activity to do with the kids. Enjoy the stunning views and take plenty of photos. Gondolas are wheelchair and pet-friendly. Ask about their Locals VIP Club.

Live Music at the Tanks or Munro Martin Parklands

Check out the best in live entertainment in lush tropical surroundings. munro-martin-parklands

Escape Academy

Check out the themed rooms that challenge players to solve puzzles and riddles within a set time limit. The interactive and immersive games require teamwork and problem-solving skills.

70 April 2023 |
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A Day in Kuranda

Take the Kuranda Train, Skyrail or enjoy the drive. Check out The Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, wander through the markets in Kuranda Village and take a walk to Barron Falls. If you’re driving, stop at the Henry Ross lookout on your way home.

The Australian Armour and Artillery Museum

Take a step back in time to remember and explore the history of military vehicles and weaponry through a vast collection of exhibits.

Take a Day Trip to Innisfail

Grab some bananas, pick up some treats from Oliveri’s Continental Deli and head to the Warrina Lakes Botanical Gardens for a picnic, or head out of town and explore the romantic ruins and lush gardens at Paronella Park.

Cairns Night Markets

Enjoy Chinese massages, Indigenous crafts, jewellery and handmade unique gifts. Have a bite to eat at the food court with the choice of multiple cuisines, and don’t forget to grab a yummy dessert too.

Cairns Wake Park

They have cable wakeboarding, kneeboarding and water skiing on offer. Suitable for both beginners and experienced riders. Challenge yourself on the Cairns Aquapark with obstacles, slides and fun!

The Cairns Show

Go on the rides, try your luck at the sideshow ally, and see all the agricultural, horticultural and pastoral industries. Listen to live music, view the arts and crafts displays and enjoy all the yummy food stalls.

Visit the Daintree Rainforest

Take a trip on the Daintree Ferry and explore the world’s oldest rainforest (over 135 million years old!). The Daintree is the place to immerse yourself in nature and disconnect from the modern world.

Cairns Aquarium

See and interact with the plants, animals and habitats found only in Australia’s Wet Tropics, a region which borders two World Heritage Sites: The Daintree Rainforest and The Great Barrier Reef.

Crystal Caves

Explore the Atherton Crystal Caves and you’ll have a gem of a time. Traverse the caves and marvel at over 600 crystals and fossils. Take a shot and crack your own geode, then browse the shop for a keepsake.

Sugarworld Adventure Park

Set on 17 acres of lush historical parkland, the park is equipped with three epic Super Slides, Splash Town (the ultimate kids water zone), a 9-hole mini golf course, swimming pools and more! | April 2023 73
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Cairns Community Noticeboard

New Children’s Contact Centre Launches

Where: 38 Mabel St, Atherton

More info:

Better Together is proud to announce the launch of its new Children’s Contact Centre. The new centre will provide a safe environment for contact arrangements between children and their parents experiencing separation in the Atherton Tablelands. Their focus is to put a child’s well-being above all else to keep them safe and for children to have control of the visit.

First 5 Forever at Cairns Libraries

It’s never too early to talk, read and share stories with your child. First 5 Forever is a family literacy program aimed at supporting stronger language and literacy environments for children aged 0 - 5 years and their families. Cairns Libraries delivers a range of Free First 5 Forever family literacy programs across the community with an aim to make talking, reading, singing and playing part of your daily routine. Check out the full Cairns Library Event Program at

Created to upskill volunteers in growing produce and sustainable growing practices. Chat to the staff and volunteers to learn more about growing produce in the tropics on Wednesdays 9.30am - 3.30pm or Fridays 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Jess Mitchell Park, Edge Hill.

Mission Australia Early Childhood Approach

Supporting families with children aged 0 - 6 to help them develop the skills to participate in daily activities. ECA partners are the first point of contact for parents concerned that their child may have a developmental delay or disability, and they can access short to medium-term support without necessarily becoming an NDIS participant.

Inaugural Cairns Fashion Week

Cairns Regional Council has endorsed $25,000 in support of Cairns Fashion Week 2023, proposed to be held from 20 - 25 June. The event aims to showcase the best in local, national and international fashion.

74 April 2023 |

Townsville Community Noticeboard

Have Your Say Townsville

The Townsville City Council welcomes you to participate and have your say on a range of projects and initiatives in the community. Your feedback will contribute to shaping our city, and guide the Council on decision making and planning for the future. Register now at

Free Microchipping in May

When: 6 May, 9.00am - 2.00pm

Where: CityLibraries Aitkenvale

More info:

Townsville City Council is offering FREE microchipping to all registered dogs and cats with an approval in Townsville. Your pet must be registered with Council prior to booking your appointment. Bookings are required, phone 13 48 10 today as early registration is encouraged to avoid missing out. Dogs must be on leads and cats must be in cages, and kittens and puppies must be at least 8 weeks old.

Volunteer to support the RMHC Hospitality Cart, launching soon in Townsville. ‘Cart Crew’ volunteers push the Hospitality Cart through the Hospital’s Children’s Ward, offering free care items for sick and injured children and their parents. Apply to volunteer at

Upgrade to a 360L Recycling Bin

Supersize your recycling and swap your 240L bin to the 360L bin. Townsville Council are waiving the establishment fee for the first 2,000 residents who make the switch - that’s a saving of $33.20. Please note that a charge of $29 per annum on the property rates will still apply.

Regional Disability Expo

19 May, 9.00am - 3.00pm, 40 - 48 Murray Lyons Crescent, Annandale. An annual event celebrating and promoting the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities in the community. It features workshops, entertainment, and exhibitions. | April 2023 75

Check it Out Townsville

Grill’d Kids School Holiday Masterclasses

When: 2 - 4 April and 9 - 11 April, 9.00am - 10.30am

Where: Grill’d Palmer Street, Grill’d Fairfield Central Shopping Centre and Grill’d Willows Shopping Centre

More info:

Grill’d teach your kids the tricks of the trade and show them how to make their famous burgers from the bun up. $15.00 per child. Register today by emailing info@grilldtownsville.

Geckos Cake Decorating Class

When: 12 April Where: Geckos Family Centre

More info: Geckos Family Centre - North Queensland

All the materials and a morning tea are included in your purchased ticket. Visit their Facebook for more information and ticket prices for this delicious class.

Velvet Rewired

When: 12 - 16 April, various times Where: Townsville Civic Theatre More info:

For an exhilarating night of fun, funk and fabulous music, join Marcia Hines, DJ Joe Accaria and a dazzling array of acrobats, aerialists and amazing vocalists. Tickets are from $48.60.

Julia Creek Dirt n Dust Festival

When: 21 -23 April Where: Julia Creek

More info:

The festival is a 3-day weekend jam-packed with horse races, live music, Australia’s Best Butt contest and much more for the whole family to enjoy.

Morning Melodies - Best of West End

When: 19 April, 11.00am - 12.30pm

Where: Townsville Civic Theatre

More info:

Take a nostalgic musical journey with critically acclaimed Tenor Paul Ettore Tabone through the most popular musical theatre showstoppers from such shows as The Phantom of The Opera, Les Miserables, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and more. Presented by Townsville City Council and AAA Entertainment. Tickets are from $15.00. Suitable for all ages.

Celtic Illusion - The Magic Returns

When: 18 April, 7.30pm - 9.20pm Where: Townsville Civic Theatre More info:

Immerse yourself in Celtic Illusion, the Irish dance and Grand Illusion sensation! Starring the multitalented former lead dancer of Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance and Star Illusionist Anthony Street, with Georgia May, a marvel in both dance and Illusion. Tickets are from $69.90. | April 2023 77

Check it Out Townsville

With Triple M’s Pricey

Around the World in 80 Days

When: 21 April, 6.30pm Where: Riverway Oval

More info:

Riverway Movies brings Around the World in 80 Days to their openair cinema. “To win a bet, an eccentric British inventor, beside his Chinese valet and an aspiring French artist, embarks on a trip full of adventures and dangers around the world in exactly eighty days.”

Wide Open Space Festival

When: 28 April Where: Ross River Resort

More Info:

An annual 3-day music, arts and desert culture festival.This festival will feed your mind, tickle your fancy and get you moving with art, music and creativity amidst the stunning landscape. From folk to live hip hop to poolside discos to Indigenous reggae to late-night dancefloors. Take in one of the many performances including a tapestry of cabaret and burlesque, circus, aerials and lots of dress-ups. The main accommodation option is camping, or book a private cabin at Ross River Resort in advance.

Jimmy Carr - Terribly Funny

When: 29 April, 8.00pm - 11.00pm

Where: Townsville Entertainment Centre

More info:

Star of the UK’s most streamed Netflix comedy special of 2021, Jimmy is back on the road with brand new material for 2023. Jimmy’s show will contain plenty of jokes about all kinds of terrible things but will leave the audience laughing. Tickets are from $89.90.

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

When: 26 April Where: Townsville Civic Theatre

More info:

Australia’s biggest and best comedy festival is hitting the road for a huge 25th year! Featuring the best and brightest of the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, they’re bringing the funny to you! Get ready for a stellar line-up with Roadshow favourites alongside the most talked about breakthrough stars of the moment, together in one jam-packed show that’s sure to leave the whole nation laughing. Presented by Townsville City Council and Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Tickets are from $30.00. Parental guidance is required for 15 years and under.

78 April 2023 |

Check it Out Townsville

Sweet Days Hot Nights Festival

When: 26 - 27 May

Where: Home Hill Showgrounds

More info:

Sweet Days, Hot Nights Festival is all about showcasing and celebrating what is great about the rich agricultural region of the Burdekin and the enviable lifestyle that comes with it. Enjoy the truly unique experience of witnessing a cane fire up close, and step back in time to watch the hand cane cutters battle it out for the title. Enjoy fresh produce and culinary delights, country hospitality, great music and family-friendly fun and entertainment.

The Cathedral School Open Day

When: 13 May, 9.00am - 12.00pm

Where: 154 Ross River Road, Mundingburra

More info:

Experience what makes Cathedral exceptional. Take a guided tour or just follow their Open Day Trail to discover school exhibits, sports academy exhibitions, workshops, information sessions and dance, drama and music performances. Break for a coffee or a bite to eat under the shade of their towering trees along the banks of their lagoon. Bring the whole family and make a morning of it.

Cathedral School Boarding Experience

When: 13 - 14 May

Where: 154 Ross River Road, Mundingburra

More info:

This is an opportunity for new boarding students entering in 2024 to experience Cathedral boarding first hand. Bookings are essential.

The Wind in the Willows by David Gooderson

When: 3 May Where: Townsville Civic Theatre More info:

A delightful story about animal friends; Mole, Rat, Badger and the often-mischievous Mr Toad. With original music and playful whimsical characters, The Wind in the Willows is bursting with imagination and excitement. This classic story is re-imagined by RAVA Productions for 21st-century audiences. Tickets are from $20.00. Suitable for all ages.

Ephemera Seaside Sculptures

When: 22 July - 6 August

Where: The Strand

More info:

Immerse yourself in the North’s most anticipated outdoor sculptural spectacular. | April 2023 81

Local’s Checklist: Top 26 Things to do in Townsville

Whether you’re a local, you’ve been living in or around Townsville for twenty years, you’ve just moved here or are visiting, we’ve collated this Townsville local’s checklist of must-do activities for you.

How many of these adventures have you already done, and which ones are you yet to experience for the first time? Be sure to make plans to check them all off if you haven’t already - each one is a must-do. Tally up your score and see how local you really are! Each activity is worth a point.

Go to a Cowboys Homegame

Watch a game at Queensland Country Bank Stadium and experience the excitement of rugby league. The energy in the air at a game is unreal, and it’s just not the same watching it on TV.

Museum of Tropical Queensland

Witness the history and culture of tropical North Queensland through interactive displays, exhibitions, and artefacts. From dinosaurs to WW2, there’s something for everyone.


Discover nature and have fun at this park, which features a lagoon, great bike and walking paths and a playground. There are plenty of places for a picnic and there is even an art gallery.

20 - 26 Points: Local Legend

10 - 20 Points: Emerging Local Legend

1 - 10 Points: Newbie

Walk up Castle Hill

Climb to the top of Castle Hill for a panoramic view of Townsville. There are walking trails, picnic areas and even a fitness circuit. It’s a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the scenery.

Splash at the Strand Water Park

Cool off and have fun at this water park, which is perfect for families with young children. With shallow water and plenty of play equipment, it’s a great place to play and stay cool.

Explore Jezzine

Explore this historic site, which has been transformed into a park with walking paths, playgrounds and plenty of space to play. Learn about the military history of the area and enjoy the views. | April 2023 83
1 5 3 2

Adventure to Billabong Sanctuary

See native Australian animals at this sanctuary, which features crocodiles, koalas, kangaroos and more. Learn about conservation and see these animals in their natural habitat.

Sealink Ferry Ride to Magnetic Island

Whether going for a day trip or longer, families can explore the island’s national park, snorkel or swim at the beach or take a hike. There are plenty of accommodations and dining options available.

Townsville Heritage Trail

Discover the history of Townsville through this self-guided tour, which takes you to historic buildings and sites around the city. Learn about the early settlers, the gold rush and the development of the city.

Townsville Ice Skating

The rink offers public skating sessions, ice skating lessons, ice hockey, figure skating and ice skating parties. It’s a fun and unique activity for visitors and locals of all ages.

Townsville Strand Night Markets

Held on the first Friday of the month - the markets are a great family-friendly night out. Pick up dinner from one of the many local food vans and browse the shops.

Townsville Train Park

Open on the last Sunday of the month with trains running from 10.00am - 3.00pm, depending on customers. The Townsville Train park is a great activity for kids who love trains!

Botanical Gardens

Townsville has three unique botanic gardens including Anderson Gardens, Palmetum and Queens Gardens. Each garden features a diverse array of plants and wildlife.

Perc Tucker Regional Gallery

Explore the world of art and culture at this regional gallery, which features exhibitions, events and workshops. It’s a great way to get inspired and learn about different art forms.

Army Museum North Queensland

Learn about the military history of NQ at this museum, which features displays, artefacts and memorabilia. It’s a great way to learn about Australia’s involvement in wars and conflicts.

Townsville Civic Theatre

Catch a live show or performance at Townsville Civic Theatre, which features a variety of events throughout the year. It’s a great way to experience the arts and culture.

84 April 2023 |
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Ninja Parc Townsville

An indoor obstacle course and fitness facility inspired by the popular TV show “Ninja Warrior.” The facility features a range of challenging obstacles, such as the warped wall and salmon ladder.

Tyto Wetlands Ingham

Experience a diverse range of wildlife and ecosystems. The park features walking trails, birdwatching hides and an interpretive centre where visitors can learn about the wetlands and their inhabitants.

Pitstop Karting

Experience the ultimate adrenaline rush at Townsville’s only go-karting hire facility. This outdoor kart track offers the ultimate fun and thrill in a Junior, Senior or Dual Kart, so everyone can enjoy the fun.

Harveys Range Heritage Tea Rooms

Offer a charming heritage-listed tea room located in the Townsville hinterland. The tea rooms offer a variety of high tea options, homemade cakes and light meals.

Kingpin Townsville

Features a range of activities including bowling, laser tag, arcade games, karaoke, pool tables, table tennis, as well as a bar and a restaurant.

Paluma Range

Paluma Range National Park features lush tropical rainforests, crystal-clear creeks and stunning waterfalls. Visitors can go hiking, birdwatching and swimming in the park, making it a perfect day trip for nature lovers.

Townsville Ten Pin and Fun Centre

Enjoy a game of bowling at the Townsville Tenpin and Fun Centre, which offers tenpin bowling, laser tag, mini golf, dodgem cars and an arcade.


Barra and Fun Park

Huge inflatable water park, slip-n-slide, fishing ponds for barramundi, paddle boats, stand-up paddleboards, banana boat rides, water skippers and one inline cable skis for wakeboarders.


Drive In Cinema

Just a 1.5 hr drive west of Townsville, Tors has been showing films since 1966, and now screens the latest movies in 4K. Perfect for an entertaining family adventure.

Escape Academy

Check out the range of themed rooms that challenge players to solve puzzles and riddles within a set time limit. Interactive and immersive games require teamwork and problemsolving skills. | April 2023 87
19 17 23 21 25 20 18 24 22 26

Check it Out Mackay

Will Robots Take Over The World?

When: 3 - 6 April, various times

Where: Sarina Library

More info:

Check out the robots at the Sarina Library and have an overview of how your teen makes them do what they want them to. This event is for teens from 12 - 18 years of age.

Easter Fun and Hamper Draws

When: 4 April, 6.00pm

Where: Souths Mackay, 181 Milton Street

More info:

Hop along to the Souths Leagues Club for some familyfriendly Easter fun. There will be face painting, a visit from the Easter Bunny and an Easter egg hunt! Bookings are essential for the Easter egg hunt with a $2 entry fee. There will also be over $4000 worth of eggstravagant Easter hampers to win.

Hamper draw tickets are $5 for a strip of five numbers and can be purchased at the reception or online.

BMA Kidspace - Free Art Classes

When: 18 April

Where: Artspace Mackay

More info:

Join local artists for one Tuesday each month for creative art activities and music, designed for toddlers and their parents. The morning art session is from 10.00am to 11.30am, live music is from 11.30am to 12.15pm, and the afternoon art session is from 12.15pm to 2.00pm. A great activity for you and your little one. Free entry.

Baby / Child First Aid Session

When: 11 Apr, 9.30am - 11.30am

Where: ‘The Loft’ Above Trinity Op Shop, 39 Gordon St

More info:

Parentmedic Programs are designed to enable you to identify when your child is unwell and empower you with the skills and knowledge to know when and where to seek help, as well as provide a first aid response in an emergency situation. Tickets are $88 per person + booking fee. | April 2023 89
With HIT 100.3’s Cliffo and Bronte

Check it Out Mackay

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

When: 27 April, 7.30pm - 11.00pm

Where: Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre

More info:

Australia’s biggest and best comedy festival is hitting the road for a huge 25th year! This show will feature the brightest of the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, a shwow not to be missed. Suitable for all ages. Visit their website for more information and ticket prices.

Free Easter Activities at Caneland Central

When: 3 - 16 April

Where: Caneland Central

More info:

3 - 6 April: Kids can decorate their own Easter biscuit and tote bag at the Easter Craft Village at Centre Court.

8 April: The Easter Bunny is coming to Caneland! Join the Bunny Bonanza Easter Egg Hunt and follow the bunny trail for a free Easter pack and win some great prizes! Bookings essential for the Easter Hunt, register on their website.

10 - 16 April, 10.30am - 1.00pm: The Magic Two will be performing live. Direct from the Gold Coast, watch these magical, dancing, funny guys as they wow the whole family with their dazzling tricks and amazing dance moves. No bookings required.

Dittman Bucking Bulls

When: 29 April, 2.00pm - 11.30pm

Where: 145 Midge Point Road, Bloomsbury

More info:

This family-friendly event will be showcasing local entertainment for the whole family. Entry cost for all ages is from $35 and children under 10 are free.

90 April 2023 |

Check it Out  Mackay

Mayor’s Charity Ball

When: 6 May, 6.00pm - 11.00pm

Where: Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre

More info:

The Mayor’s Charity Ball returns in May 2023. There will be some amazing entertainment, items up for auction and prizes up for grabs. The 2022 event was a huge success, attracting a record attendance of more than 400 people, and raising more than $120,000, split 50/50 between two local charities. More details on this year’s event are soon to come.

Elvis One Night in Vegas

When: 5 May, 7.30 - 11.00pm

Triple M's Jay and Dave

Where: Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre

More info:

Back by popular demand comes the Elvis Presley Live in Concert! Mark Anthony who has been regarded as the very best Elvis Presley Tribute artist in the world today will transport you to that very time when Elvis Presley ruled the world and dominated the record charts in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Davida Allen - Colourful Expressions Exhibition

When: Until 14 May

Where: Artspace Mackay, Main Gallery

More info:

Davida Allen’s colourful, expressionist paintings have documented her everyday experiences for over 40 years. In this major exhibition of work from northern regional gallery collections and the artist’s archive, Allen’s joyful interrogation of daily life as an artist, mother and grandmother is seen. Drawing on the artist’s connection to South East and Central Queensland, Allen’s paintings are honest expressions of everyday life. | April 2023 93

Local’s Checklist: Top 16 Things to do in Mackay

Whether you’re a local, you’ve been living in or around Mackay and The Whitsundays for twenty years, you’ve just moved here or are visiting, we’ve collated this local’s checklist of must-do activities for you. How many of these adventures have you already done, and which ones are you yet to experience for the first time? Be sure to make plans to check them all off if you haven’t already - each one is a must-do. Tally up your score and see how local you really are! Each activity is worth a point.

Airlie Beach Lagoon

Located in the heart of Airlie Beach, the Lagoon is a man-made swimming pool with a sandy beach, perfect for families with young children. airlie-beach

Bredl’s Wild Farm

An interactive wildlife park where visitors can get up close and personal, feed and interact with native Australian animals, including crocodiles and kangaroos.

Sarina Sugar Shed

Tour the sugar mill and learn about the sugarmaking process and sample locally produced treats. There’s also a Rum Distillery Tour and Tasting Sessions. Group tour bookings are available.

10 - 16 Points: Local Legend

5 - 10 Points: Emerging Local Legend

1 - 5 Points: Newbie

Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens

See the flora of the Central Queensland Coast Bioregion, a diverse area featuring lush tropical rainforests, wide sweeping beaches, mangrove lined waterways and open eucalypt forests.

Whitsunday Crocodile Safari

Explore the unique tropical environment of the Whitsunday coastline as you experience the wildlife and vegetation in the estuaries and wetlands. Spot crocodiles in their natural habitat.

Cape Hillsborough National Park

Located 50km north-west of Mackay, this is a beautiful national park featuring walking trails, wildlife spotting and stunning views of the coastline. Visitors can camp and bushwalk. www.parks. | April 2023 95
1 5 3 2

Mackay Aqua Park

A water park with inflatable obstacles and slides, suitable for children and adults alike. There is also cable skiing, kneeboarding and wakeboarding for various skill levels.

Proserpine Historical Museum

A brilliant historical museum showcasing the history of the Proserpine region, including displays on agriculture, mining and the sugar industry.

Eungella National Park

One of Queensland’s most ecologically diverse parks and offers a range of walking trails, camping areas and picnic spots. It is also a great place to spot wildlife, including the elusive platypus.

Bluewater Lagoon

The Bluewater Lagoon is a free swimming and recreational area featuring three pools, a water playground and picnic areas. There are also barbecues and a cafe on site.

Lake Proserpine

An ideal spot for water sports and freshwater fishing of barramundi which can be fished all year round. Also a popular place for water skiing, kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding.

Cedar Creek Falls

You will find Cedar Creek Falls about half way between Airlie Beach and Proserpine on Saltwater Creek Road. A picturesque waterfall and swimming hole, perfect for a family day trip.

Whitsunday Jetski Tours

A multi-award winning guided jet ski tour of the Whitsunday Islands, with opportunities to spot marine life and explore secluded beaches. A great family adventure. www,

Finch Hatton Gorge

Finch Hatton Gorge offers a range of walking trails, swimming spots and a zipline tour through the rainforest canopy. There is also a cafe and picnic area available.

Artspace Mackay

A regional art gallery operated by Mackay Regional Council which provides access to a wide range of cultural services including art exhibitions, collections and a range of public programs.

Sarina Field Of Dreams

Boasts a range of facilities, including walking trails, playgrounds, an outdoor gym and a skate park. There’s a large picnic area, complete with shelters, barbecues and tables.

96 April 2023 |
9 7 13 11 15 10 8 14 12 16

Daddy Diary

Seven years ago a woman by the name of Bree came to me with an idea. A monthly column called “Daddy Diary” in which I would write about life as a newly minted parent. Bree admitted the money wasn’t great (or there at all), but the piece would be a good opportunity to promote my breakfast radio show. In a market where budgets are tight it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. I thought to myself “let’s give it a few months and see how it goes”. Fast forward seven years and here I am writing my very last print column for PakMag. Sad face emoji.

Back then I was pretty naive when it came to the world of parenting. My wife Michelle and I only had the one back then. Little Matilda. Only 12 months old and barely out of newborn nappies. Now she’s a bright, bubbly and intelligent eight going on 18-year-old. Where did the time go?

Of course about halfway through my tenure at PakMag our little Charlie boy came along. He turns four this

month and is proof that no two siblings are ever the same. If Matilda was the “easy” child, let’s just say Charlie was the one sent to challenge us. As second borns so often are. Our little boy, so full of life and personality. We wouldn’t change a thing.

Honestly, the best thing about writing for this publication over the last seven years has not been the full-page story or the opportunity to promote the radio show. Not even close. It’s been the opportunity to reflect on the joys of being a father to a couple of really incredible children. To once a month just sit and type about the hardest, yet best job in the world - being a parent. That has been absolutely priceless.

To my beautiful wife and children, Michelle, Matilda and Charlie, thanks for the content. And most importantly thanks for letting me publish it. To the readers that chat to me about my column and have a laugh, thanks for reading. And Bree and the team at PakMag, thanks for making me stop once a month and focus on what is really important in life - Family!

98 April 2023 |
Cliffo Hit Cairns 103.5 • Hit Townsville 103.1 • Hit Mackay 100.3 Scan to read more of Cliffo’s Daddy Diaries Daddy Diary

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