2 minute read
Exam, eat, watch play, repeat
from Indigo 862
by Palatinate
Stage Editor, Amelie Lambie-Proctor, shares upcoming pieces from two local theatres
With exam season in touching distance, it is crucial to make time for yourself and have a break from revision. Two local theatres are showing a pleathora of mind transporting plays that can distract from the pressure of current exams or be used as something to look forward to after the exam period. Below are some highlight performances from both venues as well as an exciting opportunit for scriptwriters that could be taken advantage of after exams!
Gala Theatre
Right on our doorstep, the Gala Theatre has an adundance of upcoming shows. If in the mood for some escape in a show but can’t quite find the time to look up upcoming performances, then look no further! Below are some of the upcoming shows at the Gala Theatre
At the end of exam season, this play will have your belly aching from laughter
Best of Enemies
When: Thursday 18th May
Price: £15 or £13 concession
This will be a screening of the recent West End tenant Best of Enemies. The play is set in 1968 America in the lead-up to a presidential election and focuses on one debate between two politically opposing party members. Receiving stellar reviews and two Olivier Award nominations has earned an impressive reputation. Catch it at the Gala Theatre!
Right on our doorstep, the Gala Theatre has an adundance of
experiences of young dads. The play focuses on Alfie whose life is about to get turned upside down when he finds out he is going to be a dad while studying GCSE geography.
Door-to-Door Poetry: Nationwide
When: Thursday 18TH May 2023
Price: £12 or £10 concession
Door-to-Door Poetry: attempts to win back her ex, (whom she lost to her only friend), all while building a soapbox car, which she will drive down a hill!
Two local theatres o ering such great
The unique opportunity the theatre provides is one all hopeful scriptwriters should consider! The ‘Response Writing’ competition is open to anyone age 16 or older. How it works is you will go and see one of Alphabetti’s shows in its first week of production. Then you have until midnight on Friday of the same week to write a 15-minute play responding to one aspect of the play. You can collect a Writers Pack from the box o ce for guidance The winning play will be performed professionally by the theatre immediately after the original play’s performance, and will friend. At the end of exam season, this play will have your belly aching from laughter.
Father Unknown
When: Thursday 15th June
Price: £10
Father Unknown has collaborated with both Newcastle University and the young dads from The North East Young Dads and Lads and is inspired by the real-life at its heart, The Alphabetti Theatre was established to nurture the performing arts in the North East. As well as an upcoming show, they have a unique writing opportunity.
Soapbox Racer
When: 25th April- 13th May
Price: £3-£15
Written by Ben Schwarz and directed by Rosie Bowden, Soapbox Racer follows Kay’s visual.arts@palatinate.org.uk
This term, this opportunity is available for the play Chop, Dissolve, Burn and the deadline for the response piece is on Friday 23rd June. For aspiring writers, this is not one to miss!
With two local theatres o ering such great viewing, an escape from exams or having something to look forward to, does not have to be di cult to achieve and I would highly recommend loosing yourself in a show to do this!