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2023 Annual Employee Holiday Fund
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is the Employee Holiday Fund contribution required?
A: The Fund is 100% voluntary, and the contribution amount, should a Member choose to contribute, is up to their discretion. Our team members appreciate any donation you choose to make.
Q: How can I change the amount of my contribution?
A: Through the link below, you will be redirected to the “Make Payment” section of the website. You will see an area for the Employee Holiday Fund contribution, and you can change the amount in the open text field.
Q: How much should I contribute?
A: Should you choose to contribute, the amount is entirely up to you, and you can contribute as much as you wish.
Q: How will the Fund be distributed?
A: All Palmetto Bluff employees that do not receive a bonus will be eligible to participate. This includes the Club, Operations, POA, Conservancy, and the Palmetto Bluff Security team. Each employee’s contribution will be based on the total hours worked from January 1, 2023, to November 24, 2023. Tenure will be factored into the distribution.

Q: Can I choose which employees receive the contribution?
A: You cannot choose individual employees to receive the Fund as it is distributed equally to all hourly Palmetto Bluff associates.
Q: When is the deadline to contribute to the Fund?
A: Contributions will be accepted until Monday, November 27, 2023, through the member website.
Q: When will the Fund be distributed to the employees?
A: The Fund will be distributed through departmental celebrations on Thursday, December 7 and Friday, December 8, 2023.