Panache E-Magazine - Issue 16

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We celebrate

Father's Day SUNDAY JUNE


HAPPY FATHER’S DAY The History of Fathers Day By Kris Sookma


athers’ Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. It is a day set aside to honour fathers everywhere, whether they are the new father of a baby who is too young to say thank you by themselves, the proud patriarch of a young family, or the father of grown children who have flown the nest but still choose to remember him on that day. Whether he is a foster or adoptive father, a step father or simply a beloved father-figure, a Dad, a Daddy or a Father, this is the day to show him how much he means. Fathers’ Day was first celebrated in the US in 1910, when a woman called Sonora Dodd decided that fathers should be shown the same appreciation as mothers, who had been officially celebrated in the US on Mothers’ Day since 1870. The tradition on which Mothers’ Day was based could be traced back to ancient Greece, with Mothering Sunday having been used as an opportunity to give gifts and a break from work to mothers in Europe since the 16th century. Mothers had traditionally been the main caregivers, who looked after the family and took care of the home. They were often underappreciated and hard-worked, as demonstrated by the proverb “a woman’s work is never done”.

Mrs Dodd believed that her father deserved the same show of appreciation, having raised six children alone. Although Fathers’ Day was often seen as less important than Mothers’ Day, and considered by some to be just a commercial enterprise, the changing role of the father in family life means that they are equally as deserving of a show of appreciation as our mothers. Fathers are no longer the stern head of the family who goes out to work and rarely spends any time with his children. Fathers’ Day is a chance to thank your father for everything he has done for you. Giving him a card and a gift basket is a great way of doing this, particularly when you can’t be there in person, while taking over the chores or giving him breakfast in bed can be a way of getting him to relax when you do share the same home. Let him take the day off and treat himself for once. For many people Fathers’ Day is an important chance to set aside some time to spend with their father, whether this means having a special meal together or taking him out for the day. Not everyone can make it on the day, but sending a card or calling him up can let him know that you are thinking of him.

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Fathers will always appreciate the personal touch, so a handmade card or fathers day gift basket is always going to be special. Older children and adults tend to show their appreciation with a bought gift. The best thing which a father can receive is something that shows how much care and thought has gone into choosing it. A personal gift that appeals to his particular likes and interests will really serve the purpose of Fathers’ Daydemonstrating his importance in the lives of his children. If he has a special hobby or he enjoys a certain sort of chocolate, or there is something you know he has had his eye on for a while then you can get him something you know he will appreciate. If you are having trouble finding something, or you live too far away to deliver it in person, then the internet can offer some more options. Everyone enjoys getting a surprise delivery, and unwrapping the parcel to discover something wonderful inside. One thing that confuses many people who are writing their cards is how exactly the day should be written. Where does the apostrophe go? “Fathers” is just the plural of father, “Father’s Day” means the day belonging to a particular father, and “Fathers’ Day” means the day belonging to fathers in general. Father’s Day is probably the most common spelling, although Fathers’ Day may be more technically correct. Ultimately though, unless your dad is a pedant when it comes to grammar, he is likely to be too happy with his gift to worry about apostrophes.

Father’s Day gifts at:

£17.95 Callaway Travel Mug Gift Set With Warbird Golf Balls, Divot Tool And Hardwood Golf Tees

£5.99 Daddy Mug - Great gift for Fathers Day, pocelain mug with I Love Daddy red heart slogan on the front


£11.97 Personalised Fathers Day Jack Daniels Gift Set


PANACHE E-Magazine


Happy Father’s Day “Fathers can be solitary mountains, All their love rock-like, steep, and strong. Though warm and caring, somehow they belong Halfway home to mothers’ bubbling fountains. Each of us needs love that knows no quarter, Reminding us of bonds that cross a border, Strengthening our sense of right and wrong”. Author Unknown

Welcome to our Sixtenth edition of:


Panache E-Magazine spent a pleasant afternoon getting an insight into the life and thoughts of one of our modest heroes - Dr. Frank Chinegwundoh.


Oris Erhuero, the highly acclaimed for being the most photographed and publicised, international fashion runway and print model of his time.


Panache E-Magazine is privileged to interview Patrick Isaacs the leader of StudioOne Syndicate who have being entertaining crowds here and abroad for over 30 years.

24-33 Panache E-Magazine had

the pleasure of interviewing an outstanding and blessed reggae vocal group KWEST


Claudia Andrews

David F. Roberts

Esther Austin

George Ameyaw

Julian Hall

Kieran Etoria-King

Leah Salmon

Marie Parris

Mr. Lekan Olujinmi

Natalie Eastmond

Pastor Chidi

Patrick Lewis

Peter Branch Photography

Rodney Hinds

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INTERVIEW By: Jacqui Brown


nfortunately there are only a few of us who can say that we really enjoy the work that we do and derive complete job satisfaction from it. Dr. Frank Chinegwundoh professes to be one of the few. Dr Frank Chinegwundoh MBBS MS MML(med law) FRCSEng FRCSEd FRCS(Urol) FEBU is a consultant urological surgeon based in London. He works primarily at Barts Health NHS Trust at the Barts, Royal London and Newham hospitals. He also has a Harley Street based private practice. Dr Chinegwundoh is also Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of London. He has been the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Cancer Black Care (CBC) since 1998. His vision for Cancer Black Care’s (CBC) is for it to be the primary cancer support organisation for the Black Minority Ethnic (BME) sector in the UK. It aims to provide practical, physical and emotional support to people affected by cancer, as well as their carers’, families and friends, especially, but not exclusively from the Black Minority Ethnic community (BME). They achieve their aims by engaging the community, providing support services and influencing educational programmes relating to cancer prevention, treatment, and palliative care.

Panache E-Magazine spent a pleasant afternoon getting an insight into the life and thoughts of one of our modest heroes. Do you like your job? I love my job and if I was 18 again I would make the same career choice. What did you think you were going to be when you grew up? I knew from the age of 8 or 9 that I was going to be a doctor. How I knew and why I knew I’m not entirely sure but I suspect it’s because in the early 60’s, I used to watch a TV program called “General Hospital” and Emergency Ward 10” which were the equivalent of “Holby City” and “Casualty” today. I was really fascinated and I suspect that this is what sowed the seed when I was quite young. Everything else subsequently reinforced that this is what I wanted to do. Did your siblings follow in the same career path? I’m the eldest so I had to kind of lead the way. I have a sister and two brothers who have all done pretty well. My youngest Brother is a doctor like me, the middle brother is a Civil Servant and my sister is a teacher. Our up-bringing was actually very good and I think that our parents did a great job. They were the first generation who came over from Nigeria in the 60’s and worked extremely hard to secure good

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Dr. Frank Chinegwundoh

professions in very challenging times. My Mother was a teacher and my father worked in a bank. What else would you be if you weren’t a Consultant Urological Surgeon? A really good question. I think I would probably end-up being a lawyer as I have a Masters in medical law. But I would have loved to become a professional footballer however, it wasn’t to be. What lessons has your work life taught you? It’s so satisfying to experience the feeling you gain by giving and doing. The satisfaction of helping somebody in your job makes you feel good about yourself. For instance, before I left the hospital to attend this interview, a patient came in with abdominal pain and was unable to pass urine properly. It turned out that his bladder was extremely full and bloated. I inserted a catheter and drained off almost 6 litres of urine. I then informed him that he was going to need surgery and he was so delighted and relived at the result which was satisfying to witness. What I had done improved his quality of life. I like the variety of people that you meet, I like the operations that you do, I like the interventions that make to help change people’s life, and I like the teaching and training others. I like that my job pays the mortgage. Do you plan on retiring? Erm, I can’t afford to retire (laugh). In fact I could technically retire at 55 but the way the pensions are structured it would be financially ruinous to retire early so I’m looking to retire at about 61-62. People say that I would be bored but I don’t think so. Send us your comments to: -

Dr. Frank Chin


You mentioned before how you really love your job but do you have any favourite stories from your work life that really sticks out in your mind? There are so many. I get the opportunity to do various things for example; I was invited to a reception evening for people in the voluntary sector to go Downing Street and met Gordon Brown which was great. Amazingly, I found him to be much more personable, relaxed and a fluent speaker than he comes across on TV. Another highlight last year was that I made a guest appearance on TV on an episode of “An Idiot Abroad” show with Karl Pilkington, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, to raise awareness of prostate cancer. That was great fun and amazingly, that particular scene had over 350,000 hits on YouTube. Also, I remember a couple of years ago we had a patient who had mental health problems went wild smashing and hitting people and staff. I was called in to deal with that situation, and deal with the relatives, press and the police. This event was very challenging but satisfying to deal with and I learnt a lot from that episode. There are so many stories from the work that I have done and enjoyed that it is very hard to pick out my favourites. Obviously you have your dream job, but what are your hopes for the future? I feel that I have fulfilled my dreams and aspirations of being a doctor. For me now, it’s the incremental things. So for example, one of the things that I would like to be able to achieve is to set up different branches of Cancer Black Care all over the UK and not in just one locality. So wherever you are in London and further afield, if you are black and suffering with Send us your comments to: -

any type of Cancer, you have access to services that will help and support you. You have to remember that it is not all about the treatment received to help with your diagnosis, but there are concerns about living with your diagnosis, the aftercare, your job, your housing, your benefits, and all sorts of issues that cannot be dealt with by the NHS. We completely consider the life of a person by acting as the middle-man to structure ways of navigating through all their social needs. Organisations like Cancer Black Care are definitely needed in the community as we understand where our people are coming from. Cancer Black Care has been a charity since 1996 and our aim is to raise sufficient funds to be able to set up these offices all over the country so we can help people in the best possible way.

want the rewards of a job like this without the graft but it doesn’t work out that way. Young people experience a lot of challenges these days but I think if young people keep on the straight and narrow they should do fine. They should have an idea of what they want to do and who they want to be and work towards that. Also young doctors should learn to network better and appreciate the value of networking as it all helps with their progression. They sometimes feel that just doing their job is sufficient but it’s not but trying to get that idea across to some young people is quite difficult at times.

Do you get nervous before every consultation? Not often, but the kind of situations that I do get anxious about are instances where things go wrong at times and a patient has died. Families are understandably upset and grieving and being in a senior position as I was when I was a medical director, my main responsibility was to try to console the family in the best way that I could. It is expected that people get incredibly angry and frustrated at this time, but it is difficult to determine how the families are going to react to what you say to them.

How would you like to be remembered? I would like to be remembered as someone who tried to do good for a lot of people and had a smile on his face.

Also, I have been a doctor for almost 28 years and so you build up experiences and it is not often that there are situations that are going to faze you or make you nervous.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Every year I give myself a medal (laugh) as I feel it is an achievement to be happily married for that length of time. It requires working at it. . I suppose my parents are the perfect role model as they have been married for 51/52 years so it is possible to do. Every marriage has its ups and downs but marriage has been beneficial to me (and I hope my wife [laugh]. I have two children who are 14 & 12 who

What advice would you give a young person wanting to get into being a Consultant Urological Surgeon like you? I’d say to be prepared to focus and work hard, especially if it is a profession that you want to do. I see a lot of young people who

Who inspires you? There are lots of people that I admire their stories and where they have come from but Nelson Mandela inspires me the most.

What would be the first thing you would do if today was your last day? I was thinking about this recently and I would go and kiss all those women that I wanted to kiss all those years but I couldn’t (laugh). Do you have a favourite food? I love food and my three favourite foods are lobster, steak and then fish & chips.

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definitely have no interest in following my footsteps. My son wants to become an investment banker, he wants to make money and have a nice house, and my daughter is not sure yet. But I believe that if you bring children up in a way that they become mentally balanced and happy, in good health and can support themselves then it doesn’t matter what they want to do. When did you first fall in love? Many years ago (Laugh) Do you remember your first kiss? I think I do. I must have been about 16/17 maybe when I had my first serious kiss. What do you do in your free time? Well, for the very first time, I am a season ticket holder for West Ham United. I support both Manchester United and West Ham but it’s great to take my son to the match. I watch TV, go to the movies, I love eating out. I like doing different things with my family so we enjoy our family holidays like Skiing, Caribbean cruises, and European trips.

old secondary school mates and obviously more from university. Can you tell me about your religious beliefs/spiritual beliefs? What is your religion? I was brought up a roman catholic and still accept its beliefs and teachings and still go to church. Have you experienced any miracles? A good question. At times you see people that are on deaths door but suddenly turn around and are alive and kicking. Who knows how that happens, perhaps such recoveries are “miraculous”. Do you believe in the after-life? Yes definitely, otherwise what’s the point? When you meet God, what do you want to say to Him? I would say put me back (Laugh)… but really, I’d ask God why do so many people in the world have to suffer because sometimes, I really don’t understand ?

What schools did you go to? I went to Ravenstone primary school in Balham, South London and a Catholic Grammar secondary school in Battersea, called Salesian College. It is now a comprehensive school. Did you have a nickname? How’d you get it? Chini How would your classmates remember you? I was never bullied in school, I was bright academically but because I was good at sports I was accepted as not being a nerd. I keep in touch with three or four of my Send us your comments to: -

Miss Caribbean UK is supporting the charity, CANCER BLACK CARE (CBC), and will be donating 5% of net profits to this charity.






y Dad sold me his old Ford escort 1100 for £80 when I was 18 years old. He did not give it to me as he felt that if he gave it to me for nothing, I would not appreciate it. I would have appreciated it even more I felt. However, I had a car for £80 and my parents would help with the insurance. I had been having driving lessons but had not yet taken my test.

Real Life Stories

My Dad had been giving me lessons as well. I made my own “L” Plates and tied them on to the car with bits of string. The first and last time my Dad took me for a lesson we were approached by uniformed officers asking my Dad to give his details. I got mad straight away. At that time Police and black youths had a worse relationship than they do now. My dad gave me the look, which said, “be cool and make this encounter as brief as possible”. So even though we were breaking no laws and there was no reason for them to speak to us, other than the fact that we were black, we answered their questions and they went on their way. I also had my first serious girlfriend at about the same time. I’m not sure if both events are connected in any way. I’m sure it didn’t! I had met her at my cousins’ house and we had been attracted to each other straight away. She introduced me to her family and I found out that she was a “smalile”, which at that time was a reference by predominately Jamaicans to anyone from any other Caribbean Island. Her parents were Barbadian and her Dad had left her

A Jamaican Story A serialised story of a Jamaican boys journey from the hills of Trelawney to the golden streets of Brixton. Mother and re-married. There were eight children in all and four were still living at home at the time we were together. I would have never known they were Barbadian if I had not been told. Many West Indians at the time felt that coming to England, one should “do as the Romans do” and leave all vestiges of their “Caribbean-ness” behind. The accent was the first thing to try and lose. Some made a better fist of it than some. Some, like my mother, didn’t try at all. We would see each other every day. Either I would go to her house of an evening or she would come to mine. When we had to go home we would walk each other nearly to their own home, so intent were we not to be apart from each other. Seems so cute now when I think about it. With the intensity of our association, it was no surprise when she gave me the news that she was pregnant and therefore, I would soon be a Father. If my parents were disappointed with the news that I would be a Father at such a young age, they kept it to themselves and adopted the stoical attitude common, I think, to people who have had to endure adversity. I was over the moon! As far as I was concerned I was in love and we would be together forever. Before the baby came we got a two bedroom flat and we moved in to a flat

containing a bed and a Hi Fi system and not much more. My girlfriend Carol had issues with blood clots in her legs, caused by the pregnancy and had to spend the last three weeks before the birth in hospital on warfarin drips to combat the clotting. This meant that every day I would be at the hospital with whatever I could bring to make her stay a little more bearable. Even though I had not missed a day, I nearly missed the birth! I arrived at my usual time on Monday 26 June 1978 to see Carol’s mum beckoning me over. I hurried over. “She’s having the baby now” she said. I rushed into the room as my first born came into the World. “It’s a girl”, the nurse exclaimed. I held her in my arms. I would never forget this day! The day I became a Father.


Claudia Speaks

PANACHE E-Magazine

Fathers in the Limelight

Young & Fresh


here has been countless discussions and opinions voiced over the worth of education in this current UK economy. Many students are leaving universities with impressive degrees and still end up unemployed. Last year, the unemployment rate for 16-24 year olds increased to 21.1%, which meant that at least 11 million young people remained unemployed. From 2004 to 2009, university tuition fees ranged from £3,000 to £3,290 per year. This has since increased to a maximum of £9,000 under the current coalition government. This increase coupled with the lack of jobs for young people and graduates, begs the questions: is going to university worth it? How valuable is a degree? This is an on-going debate and with A-level exams currently in progress, it is imperative to review all the options. We are told time and time again that ‘Education is the key’ and led to believe that it is the only way. Although there is a general consensus on Fathers in the Limelight. Women play a significant role within the family and in society, and this is further demonstrated by the enormity of mother’s day celebrations.

Claudia Andrews is a young lady with a keen interest in writing and equality. Usually viewing the world from a different angle; she prides herself on being able to communicate to the world through writing. Fathers however, tend to receive fewer acknowledgements for their role. This is due to a number of reasons, with one of the main reasons being the growth of single family households. Recent statistics show that around 48% of Afro-Caribbean families are single- family households. Such negative stereotypes of fathers abandoning their families can be blamed for the lack of acknowledgement of fathers in general. Although these stereotypes are born out of facts, it is worth noting that there are strong black fathers that support their families and are strong role models for their children. So in light of Father’s Day, we highlight five strong, black public figures in the UK playing their role as dedicated and supportive fathers.

David Lammy has been a Member of Parliament (MP) for Tottenham since 2000 and currently an active back bench MP. As the first black Briton to study a Masters in Law at the Harvard Law School in 1997, he served 9 years as a Minister in the last Labour government. Mr Lammy is currently married to Nicola Green and they have two sons. He maintains that fathers play an integral role in their children’s lives and has been campaigning for fathers to be more involved in the lives of their children.

Fabrice Ndala Muamba

David Lammy

Fabrice Muamba is a retired professional footballer who played for Arsenal, Birmingham City and Bolton Wanderers as a central mid fielder. He is married to Shauna Magunda and the pair have a son by the name Joshua Jeremiah. They are expecting Send us your comments to: -

another child and are delighted by the new addition to their family.

Hugh Quarshie

Adrian Lester (OBE) is a British actor, director, and writer. He has performed in various West-end shows and blockbuster movies. He is married to actress Lolita Chakrabarti with their two daughters, Lila and Jasmine. He is a dedicated and supportive father to his two daughters.

Emile Heskey

Hugh Quarshie is an actor with a long-running role as Ric Griffin in the popular medical drama Holby City. He is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company, appeared in a number of blockbuster movies and currently a patron of the GUBA awards. He is married to health instructor Annika Sundstrom and they have two children: Freya and Caspar. He serves as a role model to his two wonderful children.

Adrian Anthony Lester

Emile Heskey is an ex English footballer who played for the Newcastle Jets as a striker. He has made more than 500 appearances in the Football League and Premier League over an 18-year career before making the bold decision to become a free agent. He is engaged to Chantelle Tagoe and the father of five children, three of them with former partner and two with fiancée Chantelle. These doting fathers are just a few of many. Despite the stereotype they along with many prove that there are still many men who are involved in their families. To all the strong, supportive and dedicated fathers out there, we say ‘Happy Father’s Day’

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Send us your comments to: -


Samuel L Jackson will say anything you want Continue reading »

Usher ‘hoping for the best’ for Justin Bieber Continue reading »

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Welcome to The Master Copy (or The MC for those who like abbreviating) an entertainment, showbiz and lifestyle hub dedicated to celebrating British talent, both home and abroad, whilst reporting on top stories from around the world.

Obi Emelonye: ‘Nollywood has an authentic African voice.’

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X Factor’s Jahmene Douglas to release debut album Continue reading »

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INTERVIEW By: Jacqui Brown


ecently, I had the pleasure of interviewing an outstanding and blessed reggae vocal group KWEST who are now firmly entrenched as one of the foremost champions of vocal harmonies in the reggae music. The trio who consist of Damel Carayol, Khareem Jamal and Tony Douglas, are now widely regarded for their unique harmony sound influenced in no small part by their eclectic musical tastes. I’ve been waiting to do this interview since I heard them sing “Body Language” on stage at the British Reggae Industry Awards show in February this year and with the facilitation of their biggest fan; Ms Coral J. Reid, I managed to finally pen a date in my diary and finally meet them. Here is the transcript of our conversation. Who are your major influences / idols and why are they? Damel: There are so many major musical influences that I could talk about. On a more soulful vibe, I’d say that male vocalists like Marvin Gaye, Al Green and Donnie Hathaway are fantastic but there are so many more with different styles like Nat King Cole, Bob Marley, Denis Brown and some West African vocalists such as, Salif Keita and Youssou Ndour too.

Khareem: I think that’s a very difficult question to answer because that’s what makes us what we are. We all have such a different/eclectic taste in music. Initially my idols would be Smokey Robinson, Curtis Mayfield, and Marvin Gaye. But most of all, I love vocal groups like, The Impressions, The Temptations, Heptones, even The Beach Boys. As far as I am concerned, as long as there is music and it sounds good there is no favouritism. Tony: As my friend Khareem said it’s a very difficult question to answer because there are so many different artists that have had an effect us on our lives. Personally, I remember as a little boy growing up that my parents always listened to a lot of reggae artists which therefore swayed my choice of music. As a result, I simply love the reggae group The Abyssinians. I also like the soulful sounds of Donnie Hathaway, Marvin Gaye, and Curtis Mayfield. What are your songs about? and what themes do they cover? Damel: When people talk about love they normally talk about the love as in the relationship between a man and a woman, Kwest sing those types of songs too but we are more drawn to sing conscious roots and culture songs which focus on a totally different and spiritual, cultural, and

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historical type of love. So those two genres of song writing are the main themes in our albums. So those songs convey your image as you say, roots and culture, earthy, down to earth? Damel: Well I think that this is where reggae music comes from, staying true to the roots of the music. Even though reggae music is moving forward in style, you can’t just jump on the bandwagon; you have to also stay true to your roots. Khareem: As well as expressing our feelings of love, we also sing to create knowledge and to make people aware of what’s happening in the world with certain things. You have to express things musically. That’s why people like Bob Marley was so influential and helped to galvanise revolutionary movements in Africa. So it’s through the power of music that you make people move to do things. We were all involved in the theatre production “Black Heroes in the Hall of Fame” which was steeped in history and therefore, it was important that those messages of love that we included in our music were conveyed in the correct way. Tony: Well as you know there are two sides to every story. I am a believer and lover of people and human nature and human beings. I am a lover of women. Love is love whichever way you looked at it.

Khareem: Yes. That’s one way of putting it. Originally, I got to know Damel through a man named Patrick Cann from Arawak Records when Damel was with a group called Lifesighs. Patrick was the common denominator at that time and by some strange quirk we came together. Then Tony and I were working together on a few sessions but we didn’t perform for a few years. In the 80’s We all toured in the theatre production of Black Heroes and the Hall of Fame for a few years and when it came to a natural end, we decided to form a group and the rest is history. Tony: Before all that however, my Brother Keith Douglas and I used to sing background vocals for Paul Dawkins back in the day. Khareem was in the group called the Blackstone’s at the time and they were losing a member and when he heard me sing, He contacted me. Damel: We were all with the same label at different times and then Black Heroes was another thing that united us. So will you be going on tour with Black Heroes and the Hall of Fame again? Khareem: It’s been mooted about. How long were you all in Black Heroes for? Damel: Well Khareem is one of the founder members.

How long have you all known each other?

Khareem: Since 1987

Khareem: Well we have all known each other for about 30 years, since the 1980s. We met through our love of music.

So how did you come with the band name?

So are you (Khareem) the common denominator?

Damel: It’s more than the name it’s also why we came together. The blend was a natural blend. Khareem: It’s about our life’s journey.

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Tony: It about our journey in life so it made a lot of sense. What was your first song?

Khareem: Sometimes you hear the music and then the words come together and then sometimes it works the other way round.

Khareem: As soon as we got wind of Clievie’s new studio, we all headed down there and instantly recorded our first song “All My Love” which happens to be one of my favourite songs.

Damel: It comes in all different kind of ways, any one of us could have an idea for a song and bring it and we develop it, or we could just get a piece of music and we start to write.

Damel: Big Up Clevey and the PCJ crew. Clevey is the one who produced most of the songs on the first album Quest4Lyfe.

What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

What’s more important music or lyrics?

Khareem: The industry has changed so much. It’s less about music and it’s more about business. It’s like a virtual industry now, we don’t physically buy anymore, we don’t have anything tangible, we download stuff. I don’t like it, I do it but I don’t appreciate it in the same way. It’s not the like old days when you used to look at the back of record covers and see who’s on there.

Khareem: Both. The first thing that catches you is the melody, the melody draws you in and then that entices you in. Tony: They both go together. What are your rehearsals generally like? Damel: The rehearsals are done at Tony’s house Khareem: Most of our rehearsals are at Tony’s house where our vocals are done acoustically which allows us to tighten up our harmonies. Tony: We used to rehearse by Khareem, I used to live in North London, but now I live in West London so now it’s more balanced. Damel: At rehearsals, we also get together and write our music. Are your rehearsals structured? Damel: Yes, most of our rehearsals are structured. On our albums you will find a few covers, but you will also find that most of the songs are lyrically written by us.

Tony: I’m not happy about the radio DJ’s. Nothing against them personally, but some of them think that they are bigger than the artist nowadays. They’ll have an artist on their programme but the picture of that artist will appear somewhere down at the bottom and the DJ’s will be at the top. There is a big disrespect for artists as far as I am concerned. Khareem: Well when we do personal appearances, I find it very strange that sometimes the DJ’s cannot wait for us to finish and then they play the very records that we have just finished singing and fail to realise where the music originated from in the first instance. That’s right because in the days old, if you were at an event or nightclub where

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Damel Carayol

Khareem Jamal

Tony Douglas

a PA was introduced, most people really appreciated the interruption and enjoyed listening. But these days, everyone seems to be so impatient and resent the artist being on stage. Damel: What happens in situations like that is that there is no respect for the artist and the talent here in the UK but the treatment is different for artist from the US or West Indies. The question I ask myself is: are people measuring who is more worthy based on where you live? You have to show the artist the respect if they deserve it, if it’s a credible artist, working on their talent got good music; they have to be shown respect. If they deserve it they should get it. Tony: It’s very rare that you even get to do a show to be honest, or get your record played. Some DJ’s would rather play the artist from America or Jamaica than promote or push their own-breed. Khareem: The irony is that when we sing amongst those same artists they show us their utmost appreciation. So how often are your shows? Khareem: Not as often as we would like but that’s something we need to address. Really? Why is that? Tony: It’s about the DJ Industry now, not about the live artists now. Are you on YouTube? (Everyone answered yes) . I’ve noticed that your song “Body Language” is used as background tune for the promotion of most events but have the promoters ever asked you to actually

perform at their affair? Damel: Well we have done quite a few PA s for the amount of times it has been played. Khareem: I think most of the time they would want us to do the PA for free. Are you in charge of how many times it can be played? (Everyone answered no) Tony: The point I am trying to make is that all my life the money I have made has been invested in music from my sound days to being a recording artist. Many artists don’t want to do music now because of the lack of finance. Khareem: The opportunity comes in where It’s all so easy if you think that it’s a relationship, where I benefit and you benefit, if you think of it in that way then everything would flourish. But if you come in with a “Cowboy” attitude, it might be alright for a while but it would be a situation where everyone would fall out. The chaotic approach is completely wrong. Damel: Even the situation where the artist is looked after, we’ve all been in the music industry long enough to know what being looked after is really like. Now, it’s a different level and situation. A simple thing as giving an artist a glass of water is not addressed Khareem: On the back of that it’s also the lack of organisation, the chaotic approach we have to go through, sometimes there is no one to greet us. When we get to a venue; at times many people trying to get in at the same time. Other times there are too many people backstage. Organisation is really lacking.

What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands? Damel: Don’t give up your day job! Khareem: Don’t do it if you don’t mean it! If you guys were to describe yourself in simple word, what would you say? Damel: Believer Tony: Terror Khareem: Thoughtful Do you guys get into a lot of agreements/ disagreements about band and music etc? Khareem: Very seldom: Damel: There are very few arguments when we are writing because we are all from the same generation and are musically in tune with each other. Tony: spiritually, we mesh, we’ve got that bond. As I said before we are people persons. We know all of our faults, but spiritually we are all on the same page. Not everyone is going to agree with each other, we all have our different faults etc. How do you overcome that? Damel: Well the best thing is to talk. Communication is always the key. It’s a good question because us as men don’t usually open and talk, but me personally I’m not into that, I would rather talk, it’s best said. Then we can disagree at the times but always come back together. If you don’t say you harbour it and it comes out in other ways so... What are your plans touring/album wise? Khareem: Nothing planned at the moment.

Tony: We have nothing planned, but we have just finished a single and we are concentrating on getting that out. Plus we aim to get an album out by the end of the year. Don’t you think you should have your own concert? Khareem: We would love to. Tony: The main problem is finance Don’t make that stumbling block. Khareem: When we do an album we spend a lot of money on the packaging and how we want to sound which is of the same standard as an American band. We don’t want to be just another reggae band; we want to be of a higher level. Damel: As Tony and Khareem said we are self-sufficient, the days of record companies are now over. So you have to do all the production and finance it yourself? So we cannot ignore finances and it has to be something of quality, it takes time and it does take money, so if we are considering doing live shows, we know in our hearts as musicians that it can’t be a half-hearted attempt it has to be done properly. I hope it does come because you sound great. Would you rule out the X Factor or The Voice? Khareem: Me personally I wouldn’t do it. Damel: What? Go on these shows as a three-man harmony reggae group on the show? The thing is there is not that much reggae on TV.

Panache E-Magazine ha Khareem: That wouldn’t change things. There is a market for us don’t get me wrong but they are looking for a novelty act and not us. Damel: You know why I say no? It’s a TV Show; X Factor is a TV show. There are people who are GOOD who will never make it on the TV because they are not interesting enough. The Voice is different I do watch The Voice, because you don’t get on there unless you can at least sing. But even then it’s still a TV show. The judges are waiting for something that they are not even aware of. Tony: I watched a show where there was a male artist and a female artist they were so good, but they didn’t get through. I suppose you could say that they would get something from it though. Damel: You could get through or you could go there and lose your credibility. We know how we would need to sound to make it in reggae music right now. There is a sound that you could emulate or you can remain true to your own self. If not what would happen to music? Khareem: Coming back to what we said in the beginning, we have our own sound which is a fusion of what we are and legendary artists like Donnie Hathaway, Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfield and Dennis Brown are some of the sounds that influence us.


ave picked four of our favourite songs from their album: “Kwestions and Answers”

(New)!! Down On My Knees

Body Language

Need for Love

Someday (we’ll all be Free)



HER’S DAY A FATHER is every child’s hero! A FATHER loves his children unconditionally! A FATHER’S job is the best paid, most rewarding and most important job in the world by far!!! According to wiki FATHER (S), actually means: F-Faithful A-Always there T-Trustworthy H-Honoring E-Ever-loving R-Righteous S-Supportive I adore my three children; Andrea-Georgia, AriannaGrace and Aidan-George. My life will be meaningless without them and I am the luckiest person on earth, to be called a father by these three amazing works of God. I donate my life to their cause, to protect and to adore them. I am very proud to be a FATHER!

George Ameyaw

HAPPY FATH ‘My father is my pillar and my guide. I look up to him because he provides me with great counsel, love and support. He is a strong, dedicated father and makes sure that my siblings and I are never in need. Together with my mother, they form a good team and provide us with all the necessities of life we could ever want. I love my father dearly and to me, he is the epitome of a real man’. Claudia Andrews

HER’S DAY My dad is one of the most important people in my life, and I partly have him to thank that I am writing in Panache today. He has always supported me in all my exploits, be it football, tennis, or my writing. He was the one who encouraged me to start seeking journalistic work experience two years ago so I could get ahead be the pack. He has been helping me bounce my book ideas around, and when I come to writing it, I know he will support me through that as well. With me now approaching my second year at university, he has chosen this summer to move back home to Jamaica. For 19 and a half years he has been my biggest role model. I wish him the best.

Kieran Etoria-King

PANACHE E-Magazine

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Dads in Business The Good, Bad and Ugly By Julian Hall

That’s the ‘good’, the bad, well that’s my son. 18th months turning 5 years he’s able to reach the door handle to my office and as such will enter as and when he pleases. Little does he know I could be on the phone to Mark Zuckerberg trying to close the most important deal of my life? He seems not to care and if he wants to see me and assert his male presence then he’ll do so. So now to the ugly; not giving into the wants of my children now so that I’m able to give them what they’ll need in the future. In my new book Entrepreneur to Ultrapreneur - 100 Ways to up your Game one of my sayings is: “Get the support of family and friends…then reward them with your dividends”


y daughter is quite possibly the luckiest little girl in the world. At 4 years old she pretty much has had access to me for all of her life. I travel down to London a few times a week but when I’m in my home office, knowing that I’m ‘there’ is a great comfort to her.

This saying encompasses the good, bad and ugly in fact and I’ll tell you why. When you as a Dad start a business, the backing and support of your family is crucial. The psychological undermining from ones family can be a serious factor in your ability to make that venture a success. I’m lucky that my wife, her family and my family have always had my back. Peers of mine see this and ask me how they can encourage the same kind of support from their family unit. I tell them it’s down to proof. Unfortunately there are a lot of Dads out there who are dreamers. It’s good to dream don’t get me wrong, but when you have a family, that dream better yield dividends, or show signs of progress.

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This is crucial because the reason I’ve always had support is because I’ve worked hard to turn those ideas into a reality that my family can see and touch. My dreams improve the quality of their lives and repeating that over and over is what keeps the support ongoing. Almost to the point where I’m now trusted to ‘risk it all’ at times because I’ve done so in the past and the outcome has been positive; well almost all the time As a Dad you have to ask yourself - if you cannot ‘make it happen’ why should you get that support? Another saying in my book is: “If they get in the way of your dreams...make sure it’s not a nightmare” This speaks to what I call the ‘X Factor’ phenomena. You know those contestants who truly believe they’ll become the next big thing, but really can’t sing to save their lives? The word delusional springs to mind. You see, unless that dream is backed up by real skill then immediate failure is inevitable.

The formula which has kept me in business is simple and it has nothing to do with money. I thought about what I was passionate about and then I thought about what I was excellent at. I married the two together and started an internet marketing and development agency in 2004; never looked back, simples. If you’re going to offer a product or service to the world, then the question is - why you? What are you going to do that others haven’t? If you’re passionate about something you’re more likely to find the pain points. If you’re excellent at that same thing you’re more likely to be able to solve it. Being a Dad in business isn’t easy but once you get into your groove, you won’t want to change it for the world.

The question is fellow Dad - can you earn that support you need or are you barking up the wrong tree? Let me leave you with this. I’m regularly asked by individuals to advise them on what business they should set up and this is what I tell them. (Another saying from my book): “If you’re only chasing the will keep running” Send us your comments to: -


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Uncle George

PANACHE E-Magazine





he GUBA Awards is a non-profit awards ceremony celebrating the excellent achievements of Ghanaians living in Britain and acknowledging the valuable services of UK based organizations to Ghanaians in the UK or Ghana. GUBA Awards takes pleasure and pride in unearthing a whole array of fantastic Ghanaians and Africans who are worthy of recognition. This year, the competition is set to be the toughest yet, but with your help we believe we can find those who are worthy of nomination for this year’s GUBA Awards and – ultimately - those worthy of an Award on the night. This year, we have some tried-and-trusted categories, some returning categories and some brand new ones. For all the categories we hope to have an amazing line up of very talented and well deserving nominees. If you know anyone with a Ghanaian Heritage who fits any of the categories, please visit and click on the nomination tab at the home page or click on any of the links here to nominate. Please fill out the form specific to that category. The more information you provide, the better their chances of gaining that ultimate nomination for a public vote.

George Ameyaw is a proactive and idealistic individual. His passion for creating a better world drew him to the Ghana UK Based Achievement (GUBA) Awards. George began working with GUBA due to their outstanding contribution to the Ghanaian and UK community, as he hopes to ensure that the efforts of unsung heroes do not go unnoticed. He is the Head of PR/Marketing/Sponsorship for GUBA Awards.

NOMINATIONS END ON 30TH JUNE 2013 The categories for GUBA Awards 2013 are: GUBA Business of the year Award: https:// GUBA IIA Sustainability Award: https://www.

Finally GUBA Awards is also looking for Ghanaian Inventors worldwide. If you know of any such person please email Uncle George: Mobile: 07956945360

GUBA Efie Ne Fie Award: https://www. GUBA Young Entrepreneur of the year Award: guba-young-entrepreneur GUBA Rising Star of the year Award: https:// GUBA Fashion Fusion Designer of the year Award: guba-fashion-fusion GUBA Music Act of the year Award: https:// GUBA Ghanaian Association of the year Award: guba-association GUBA Inspirational Personality of the year Award: guba-inspirational-personality GUBA Unsung Hero of the year Award: https:// GUBA Charity of The Year Award: https:// Send us your comments to: -

Fabrice Muamba and Eddie Kadi presenting a GUBA Award

Best Fashion Designer _ Anita Quansah with her GUBA 2012 Award

Uncle George with ITV Newsreader and Hostess of the evening Charlene White

Winner Dennis Tawiah appreciating his Award


Fabrice Muamba and Esther Titi Lartey_Miss Ghana UK 2012_ at the GUBA Awards

GUBA CEO_Dentaa and Nominee Brie Boateng at the GUBA Awards

The Klub Talks Theatre Interview with Model & Actor

Oris Erhuero Cast member of “The Diary of Black Men... How Do You Love A Black Woman?”

Thomas Meloncon’s play:

“The Diary of Black Men”

will be on tour in August 2013 at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon. Look out for EXCLUSIVE information on the cast and the director; Russell Andrews of The Stagewalker Group via Panache E-Magazine. The Klub International Management Company has been working with this production since 1989 and acted as the executive producers when the play previously toured England in 1994 and 2000.


t’s truly a real pleasure to be able to formally introduce you all to the man himself Oris Erhuero. “The Diary Of Black Men - How Do You Love a Black Woman?” will be the very first time for him to perform in this classic theatre production. Born in London, England on September 23, the oldest of 7 children of a much loved and respected Nigerian (Urohbo Tribe) family from Delta State, Oris Erhuero is a British/ African Actor, Director, Producer, Writer, and former top fashion model. He is highly acclaimed for being the most photographed and publicised, international fashion runway and print model of his time. After modelling for several years, he transitioned into television and film, with key roles in “The Adventures of Sinbad”, “The Bill”, “Highlander”, “Endgame”, “Black Mask 2”, “E Ring”, “Sometimes in April”, and “Chicago Pulaski Jones” to name but a few. Along with his numerous film credits, Oris Erhuero has appeared in international campaigns and magazines for the highest esteemed clients in the world’s fashion industry, including, Armani, Ferre, Dior and Versace. Throughout his career he has worked with renowned Academy Award winning Actors and Film Directors such as

For all sponsorship options for this international production contact: -Lekan Olujinmi CEO The Klub

International Management Company

The Klub

INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY +44 (0) 7831 128 707 +234 (0) 803 284 1467

Dennis Hopper, Benjamin Bratt, Christopher Lambert, Donnie Yen, Guy Ritchie, Yuen Woo-Ping, Cedric the Entertainer, Rob Van Dam, Affion Crockett, Idris Elba, and Tommy Davidson. What are your thoughts on performing in your very first stage play: “The Diary Of Black Men - How Do You Love a Black Woman?” I think it pretty sums up my coming out stage performance of The Diary of Black Men: “How Do You Love A Black Woman? (www. It happens to be one of many words Of wisdoms from my mentor and teacher in my life Daisaku lkeda. He always said: ‘when you encounter a wall, you should tell yourself, this - since there is a wall here, a wide, open expanse must lie on the other side. Rather than becoming discouraged, know that encountering a wall is proof of the progress that you have made so far.’ Thanks again my brother (Lekan Olujinmi) for all your support. How did you feel becoming the very first African actor to be a member of this outstanding cast line up of the Theatre Classic - “The Diary Of Black Men - How Do You Love a Black Woman?” Well to be honest I am extremely honoured to be part of an establishment and very moved as I feel it is a once in a life time opportunity for any black male actor to engaged with an

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audience on a whole other level beyond any style of play written as it’s poetry in motion. How did you get to meet the producers and what prompted you to accept the invitation to join the cast of “The Diary Of Black Men How Do You Love a Black Woman?” My American Manager Francis Olum of African Artiste Association (AAA) approached me about it, as he heard the play will be coming to England and felt I needed to get involved as he knew I grew up and lived in America and that if any actor will do justice to any character in the play it would be me. A bit of pressure but hey it’s good pressure. So I then communicated with Lekan Olujinmi, the Executive Producer of this production. How did it feel working alongside so many big named actors as you have come up in the business, and did you find it hard coming from a modelling background into film star? I have to say I have always felt appreciation and blessed to have lived and still work as an actor today especially after so many years and never been bothered by the so called big names I have worked with, simply because I always came in with the attitude that the audience is the star and therefore, I have to give them my all. So my constant desire is to work hard to make my audience happy as they are the ones that are keeping all of us actors going, paying our bills and feeding our families. The truth of the matter is that I rarely get caught up in the hype of the so-called “big named actor” syndrome as it can take away your whole focus as an actor and disturb the dedication required for the production. As always, my job is to tell a story and get out of there and move on to the next gig. My transition from modelling to acting was not very hard at all. My modelling career has always been a means to funding my career goal as an actor. Thank God it worked for me.

What advice would you give to young black budding actors trying to get into the Film/ Entertainment Industry? My advice to any young man or woman trying to get in to the game is to first pray to have the courage and endurance to sustain and endure all hardships along the way till the very end and to never give up no matter what unless you are done with it because the education you encounter along the way to each project is priceless. Secondly, be willing to let go of all egos and any form of

arrogance. Thirdly, deeply study the art of humility and know that it’s never personal just business and not all about you. Lastly, you must recognize and be willing to respect the other elements involved, like the audience, the writers, producers, directors and people who work hard night and day behind each project to make life easy so you can do your job effectively. I think if a young person tries to abide by these formulas, they will survive. But if it’s a selfish mission of fame, status and fortune then you will have a hell of a ride .

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Would you consider yourself a real gentleman with women? I would absolutely without a doubt consider myself a real gentlemen with women and I think women these days will not have it any other way because in reality it’s a woman’s world and we are just there as men to support them, period. What are your future plans for 2013 & beyond within the arts as well as other businesses like your film company?

If you could make a film or a theatre production with anyone dead or alive, who would you choose and why? I would have to say Moses. His story and character as a man From A to Z speaks volumes and anyone no matter what religion or belief would agree he was a man that was a force to be reckoned with in the history of man. You can see his character traits in the great African Kings and Queen warriors of our time: - Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. As an actor I would definitely like to explore playing Moses on an epic level. What would you & your film company like to teach the young & others from what you have learned over the years as a star actor? About life and the art of living and the power of our own experience and how other people’s lives can be changed by them in a split second in motion. What did you love most about the arts films, drama etc. when you were a young man? I Love the process, the journey, the lessons, the people and lifelong friends I have accumulated along the way around the world and the incredible art of living. It’s all just priceless.

I would say my plans are so big it scares me, because as a Buddhist I have always been taught to make huge goals every year, and to make the impossible possible. So my plans will be a surprise and something I look forward to sharing in detail later on in the year. But know one thing. It will be for the happiness of the people in the four corners of the earth and trust me, like “The Diary Of Black Men - How Do You Love a Black Woman?” it will be epic & historical.

Tell us the places you have lived and worked over the years and what has been the things that have moved you when working & living there? I would have to say over the years I have lived and worked in almost every part of the world but the places that stick out the most and will forever be held close in my heart are as follows, South Africa. I first went around the time of the inauguration of President Nelson Mandela. Wow what a time in my life and a period that lead by force from my TV commercial

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and modelling career to be casted there to star as one of the lead characters of my first TV hit show” The Adventures of Sinbad” shot on location in Cape Town for almost 4 years and the rest since then is history in making and the beginning of my acting career. Thanks to President Nelson Mandela and the people of South Africa who supported me along the way. It’s like President Nelson Mandela and his energy not only affected but helped rejuvenate my life and the lives of every South African forever and the world. He has also changed the course of history as we know it today. This great man was locked up for 27 years plus comes out with a smile and a positive attitude of a humble leader and a loving one telling me and everyone that anything is possible and that we all can make the impossible possible. WOW! It could have gone the other way at that time very easily like Rwanda but it didn’t and I so deeply respect him for that and my depth of gratitude to him. To me he turned what we call in niche-rain Buddhism Poison into medicine. I was fortunate enough to have met him and journeyed to Robin Island with his ex-cell mates and the actress Sisly Tyson where he spent time incarcerated. To be the first people to open it to the rest of the world as a museum this is still open today.

of human behaviour studies. I am so blessed and grateful to director Raoul Pec and the producers at HBO Film for such an opportunity. It’s funny how you have done so many films outside of the continent of Africa, what do you think you can do to give back to the African film industry? To continue and encourage the next generation to the best of my ability as the likes of President Nelson Mandela to the very end with all my endeavours. Who is your favourite Afro-centric actor, actress or Icon & tell us why? I would have to say Denzel Washington who I have been very fortunate to meet a lot whilst living in LA. His roles, from playing Steve Beko the South African freedom fighter to American Gangster say it all. Now that’s the diary & the journey of a black man in a nut shell for me . You have fans from all around the world, what message do you wish to send? Chose life! Chose peace! And pray for the happiness for self and others always!

And the other place was Rwanda to film “Sometimes in April” the story about the Rwanda genocide in 1994 it was the most pivotal period ever in my life that really made a man out me and a gentle humble one. That journey, that film taught me the sanctity of life and the respect for all human begins regardless of colour, race, tribe or gender. I think one should watch the film as I will say no more. What do you consider is your best work to date? I have done a lot of great work but nothing will touch The Rwanda story “Sometimes in April” It is used today in Harvard University, Oxford, and many other great learning institutes as part Send us your comments to: -


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Body & Soul


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ESTHER AUSTIN Intuitive Healer, Intuitive Reader, Soul Guide, Broadcaster, Speaker Download Free E-Book by Esther Austin

Qarma Therapies Invites you to:

Moving into the Awareness of You Healing Retreat From - Friday, November 8, 2013 at 4:00 PM To - Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 4:00 PM (GMT) at Holycombe Whichford Shipstone-on-Stour CV36 5PH Warwickshire United Kingdom Are you needing time away to focus and reflect on self? Are you ready to move into a place of awareness which will offer you a sanctuary for your soul and for healing? Are you in need of some Tender Loving Nurturing and ME time? Then this retreat will offer you that space where you can once again re-acquaint yourself with YOU: • Meditation by Candlelight • Journaling • Healing Chants • Yoga • Walks • Contemplative and reflective Sessions in Groups

Click here to Book onto Retreat:

A Programme of events for the weekend will be sent out once booking is received. For more details please contact Esther Austin: 07534 508919 Send us your comments to: -

Body Fitness Tips by Patrick Lewis Your Fitness Guru

Less time at the


Combination exercises will help to enhance your training, allowing you to increase the intensity of your workout without spending longer in the gym. Not only that, but compound movements are often more functional, working your body the way it actually moves on a daily basis. There’s no need to spend that much time between reps by reducing time spent resting you will increase your metabolism hence burn fat off faster. Don’t stretch yourself, keep it within the pain barrier to begin with, but 30 seconds should be the minimum relax before the next rep. Compound exercises are strength training exercises that are going to deliver the best results in the shortest time possible.


Here are just a few compound moves to incorporate into your workouts: • Squats with an overhead press • Lunge with biceps curl or lateral raise • Dead lifts with a bent over row • Kickbacks with one leg extended at hip-level • Rows

• Shoulder presses • Bench presses

You don’t need to space out the reps in sets of 3’s. It’s almost as beneficial in some respects to do full out sets by just doing an exercise in 1 or 2 reps. It might obviously not be as influential in terms of the size in which you can build your muscle in the short-term, but if you maintain a high weight for longer, your cardio strength workout will increase and you will still reap very positive results.


Did you know that certain food combinations actually work together to boost each other’s benefits? For good food synergy combine iron-rich foods with a source of Vitamin C to increase absorption. Try adding a squeeze of fresh lemon to a spinach salad or sliced strawberries to fortified breakfast cereals. When you’re on a low calorie diet, you’re energy levels fall meaning you’re muscle glycogen levels which provide the source of strength training energy are lower.

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Do you get frustrated with the amount of hours you spend down the gym, and wonder if there was a way to reduce the time but not the results? The following workout tips below are probably the most effective at giving you more time in your life, while reaping the same results in fewer hours

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To sustain short bursts of high impact energy, there are 5 foods which are best at helping to keep you energized throughout your workout and after. These include: • Oats • Salmon • Bananas • Egg white • Quinoa Oats are great for sustaining blood glucose levels, as they are protein rich carbs which burn slowly so you avoid going from a high to a crash in energy. Salmon is a powerful healthy fatty protein and should be consumed at least twice a week, while egg whites present a similar burst of fatty energy and also help rebuild and repair muscles. Bananas not only make you feel fuller but contain plenty of potassium, an essential element for your body to produce energy, and Quinoa is probably the most protein rich carbohydrate that surpasses brown rice, which is why it’s so popular among vegetarians

How To Keep Your Prostate Healthy Naturally (Focus On Men’s Health)


hat a relief that men are generally getting over their “hang-ups” about Prostate Health. I mean, with a quarter of all men suffering from enlarged prostate glands by the age of 50, at least 80% having prostate problems of some kind by the age of 80, and one in every six men being diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives it’s crazy that it’s been brushed under the carpet for so long. Particularly when there are so many natural ways to keep the prostate gland in good health. It just takes a little research. The prostate is a gland between the neck of the bladder and the base of the penis. It controls urination, and also produces some of the liquid that forms semen. So, if you develop prostate problems, what are the symptoms? • Needing to urinate more than normal • Doesn’t feel like you’re emptying your bladder fully • Urine flow is slow • Not being able to urinate at all • Dribbling urine

• Having to strain to urinate • Incontinence • Painful urination or even bloody urine The most common problem has a complicated name (benign prostatic hypertrophy - BPH), but is relatively harmless and definitely treatable. Clearly, if you’re suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s important to see your health practitioner and check that there isn’t anything more serious going on. Men who develop these symptoms often neglect to get them checked out, sometimes out of embarrassment, and sometimes out of fear that they might mean something more sinister. Fortunately, having an enlarged prostate appears to carry no higher risk of developing prostate cancer than normal. But there’s no need to live with the discomfort. There are several natural ways to strengthen the system and either avoid developing prostate problems altogether, or ease the symptoms if you’re already suffering from an enlarged prostate.

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Saw Palmetto

The saw palmetto is a small palm plant from the south eastern United States. The herbal extract that is used is taken from the berries that are high in fatty acids and phytosterols. It’s thought that Saw Palmetto can relieve the swelling of the prostate gland and helps to modulate the hormones which can cause prostate problems


Sometimes called “the mineral for men”, Zinc is absolutely essential for male sexual health, and apparently the prostate contains more zinc than any other organ in the body! It’s even been found that in men suffering from BPH, zinc levels are as low as a tenth of normal levels. Clearly keeping your zinc levels up is a major part of preventing and treating BPH. Some good natural sources of zinc are oysters, other shell fish and pumpkin seeds.

Tomato juice

There are studies showing that the regular intake of tomato juice may reduce the risk of Prostate Cancer. Tomatoes have a pigment called lycopene (it gives them their strong color) which is recognized as a powerful anti-oxidant. The reason for suggesting tomato juice rather than just eating loads

of tomatoes (which is also good!) is that the lycopene is released by the breaking down of the tomato cells.


As BPH can leave the prostate weakened and the urinary system more susceptible to infection, Echinacea’s immune system boosting powers can be very effective in strengthening the body’s ability to avoid or throw off such infections.


It comes up time and time again, doesn’t it? Those trusty eight glasses of pure water every day. In fact, it’s such a simple step to take, and so effective for good health in almost every area, that it’s just bizarre that we seem so resistant to it! If everyone just made sure they got their quota of pure water every day, I’m convinced that the cost of health care would be slashed globally. As far as prostate health is concerned, water will help to flush toxins out of the system and keep the prostate gland in good working order, just one more reason to make sure you get your eight glasses daily!

Raw foods

A high fiber diet, amongst many other health benefits, has been shown to reduce the risk

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of prostate cancer. And one of the most effective ways to ensure plenty of fiber in the diet is to raise the amount of raw food being eaten. Eating more raw foods also increases the intake of fully accessible, beneficial vitamins and minerals. I’m not suggesting that all men should immediately convert to a fully raw diet… but do try to increase the percentage of your diet that is eaten raw to retain those vital nutrients. So there you are, none of them are radical or difficult measures to take, and considering the possible benefits, surely it’s worth a go? I’ve also been hearing a lot recently about an herb called small flowered willow herb (not to be mistaken for the larger members of the family such as rosebay willow herb). Apparently a tea made from this herb and drunk daily can have a remarkable effect on prostate problems… it might be worth looking into. If any of you have had good or bad experiences with this, I’d love to hear from you! Take care and stay healthy Leah Salmon The Naturally You Coach P.S. If you are around on Sunday 14th July 2013, I’d love to see you down at my first live event called The Naturally You Day. It’s a day of motivating, inspiriting and informative seminars on natural health and personal development, a market full of fantastic products and service, good healthy whole foods and activities for children. The event is FREE and if you’re one of the first 100 to book a free ticket you get a goody bag on entry. Visit www. to find out more and book your ticket today


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Events Events coming up

Welcome. Every month we will feature what we consider to be the must-go-to events. Contact us at - if you would like your promotion to be featured in this section.

INTERVIEW By: Jacqui Brown


eggae music became hugely popular in the late 1970’s to the mid 80’s and it is not a coincidence that it was also the period when soundsystems prospered. Sounds sprung up on a daily basis and as with all businesses, some made it some did not. Although many were into it for the money, most did it for the love of the music. At the time lovers of reggae music were not being catered for on mainstream radio stations. Thus sound systems filled that void left by mainstream neglect. Sound systems at that time fulfilled the same mission that they did in Jamaica and the Caribbean. That is, they spread news and helped to develop the social consciousness of the audience. In terms of music and the social commentary they provided; a Jamaican in the ghettos of Kingston and a black man in Brixton London, were aware of the issues affecting both through the sound systems. Those times are now only fond memories for many. Nowadays sound systems are far less common. DJs are much more sophisticated and instead of mega boxes and megawatt amplifiers they will turn up with an attaché case full of CDs.

Panache E-Magazine is privileged to interview Patrick Isaacs the leader of StudioOne Syndicate who have being entertaining crowds here and abroad for over 30 years. So how did it all begin? My parents were well known amongst the black community in South London in the early 70’s and lovers of music. My father’s nickname was Trojan. It started in a back room of my parents’ house where every Friday through to Sunday friends would come around and play dominoes and dance until the early hours of the morning to music by myself and my brothers, Sylvester, Trevor and Leroy. Just to name a few of the venues we’ve played: Podium in Vauxhall, Crystals in Crystal Palace, Crackers in Norwood Junction. Where did the name STUDIO ONE come from? From the record label. What gave you that initial push? Our parents and friends. Who’s throwing the best parties at the moment? Not being bias but we are one of those throwing the best parties.

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Photography by: - Ken Passley King Photographer Network

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Photography by: - Ken Passley King Photographer Network

Photography by: - Ken Passley King Photographer Network

Which other countries have you played/ put parties on? Jamaica, Spain, Portugal, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Gambia. We have been booked to perform at the Berlin carnival 2014 and look forward to showing them our style. What was the first event you ever played at/put on? Dulwich Baths when they used to hold events there. What’s the best event you’ve played at/ put on? Two comes to mind, the first was a birthday house dance in Bath near Bristol where I selected and played around the clock finishing at 11am in the morning. People arrived in minibuses from Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield. The second was at the footballer Andy Cole’s wedding on a golf course in a marque in Cheshire.

What was your first record you bought? That’s a hard one to answer. Out of all the tunes you have, which one ‘never fails?’ Dennis Brown – Queen Majesty. What’s your favourite tune of all time? Sugar Minott – Love & Understanding. When all the partying is over how do you like to chill out? I like to chill with my family at home. So how is the raving scene in your eyes at the moment? In my eyes it’s very good as we cater for everyone right across the board. We have a big following mainly adults who have had

their family and now have the time on their hand due to their children coming of age.

How big is your CD collection? My collection is very big as I cater for everyone.

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What was the funniest thing that ever happened at an event? We played at someone house warming and everyone had white paint on their clothes due to the owner not giving the paint enough time to dry. Other DJs you rate? Chabba from Stereograph, Roberto Allen, JB Crew, Senator B, Bad Boys and Natty B What are your feelings on the MC’s? A good MC knows when to talk, when to shut up and involves the people we are there to entertain. What advice would you give to up and coming DJs/Promoters? Watch, experiment with the crowd and don’t play to entertain yourself. With regards to promoters please do your homework and promote don’t leave it to the DJ’s on your bill.

When you play is this a pre-planned set? Nothing is pre-planned because every event is different. Have you won any awards? Yes in the 90’s we represented England and won the entertainers cup in the finals against Italy’s One Love Sound. How will you be celebrating Father’s Day? I will be spending the beginning of the day at church then being pampered by my wife and kids.

'Studio One has a quality powerful sound system for hire and are sponsored by Ligwa Website: Email: Photography by: CP Photographic

After sold out performances in 2012 the king of comedy SHEBADA is back to give you more than before.

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Award-winning Producers: StageWalkers, in association with The Klub Internationa PresentsTHOMAS MELONCON’S

The Diary of Black

“How Do You Love A Black Woman?” THE CAST

Russell Andrews

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Kieran Kicks Off


he 2012-13 season was far less of a rollercoaster than last year, with all of the crucial positions bar 4th place all tied up before the final week.


The only thing verging on excitement that we got on the final day was a heap of high profile football personalities taking part in their final games ever. However, as a young adult who spent his childhood idolising the likes of Michael Owen, Jamie Carragher, Paul Scholes, David Beckham, Phil Neville, and of course Sir Alex Ferguson, I shall try not to dwell on the pain of them all retiring on the same day. (I didn’t cry. Not even a little bit when I remembered the huge Michael Owen poster I had as a child and which I tore up when he left Liverpool in 2004. Nope.) You have probably already seen a million reviews of the Premier League season, and with so little late drama, there is not much I could add. Instead, and in keeping with Panache’s Fathers’ Day theme this month, I have decided to take a look at the impact that fathers have had on the careers of some of our favourite sports stars.

Father’s Day Ah, June. The sun is out, the evenings are long, and people are actually smiling at you in the street instead of staring fixedly at the pavement and then scowling upwards in a manner that implies near homicidal contempt. (Perhaps it’s just me that does that. I really don’t like winter.) However, the crippling side effect of June in an odd-numbered year is that there is no football.

Earl Woods Born in 1932, Earl Woods was the father of world golf number 1 Tiger Woods. Long before the arrival of Tiger, Earl had sporting ambitions of his own. He went to Kansas State University where he became the first black baseball player in the mid-western “Big 7” universities. In segregated America, he had to eat and sleep separately from his teammates on away trips. He joined the US Army in 1954 and served for 20 years, including two tours in Vietnam (His son was named after Vietnamese Colonel Vuong Dang “Tiger” Phong, a good friend of Earl’s). It was as a soldier, stationed at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, that he began to play golf, and fell in love with the game. He improved into a respectable amateur player, but it was through his son that he really made an impact.

Thanks to the encouragement of his best friend, Tiger grew into a star of the game as a teen. At 15, he was the youngest ever US Junior Champion. Earl went to great lengths, including remortgaging the family home several times, in order to finance his son’s excellence. However, when Tiger turned professional in 1996, they both immediately became millionaires. Also in 1996, Earl suffered a heart attack, and his survival was uncertain for a several months. Asked about Tiger’s amazing runaway win at the Masters that year, his aunt Mae said: “Nobody really understands why Tiger won that Masters so early and so fast, except Tiger and I do: We thought Earl was gonna die.” Sadly, Earl Woods did pass away from cancer in 2006.

He first invited Tiger to strike a golf ball at 10 months old, and the youngster quickly grew into a child prodigy. Referring to accusations that he pushed his son into golf, Earl responded “we transcended the parent-child relationship to become best friends.”

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Anthony Hamilton The youngest driver ever to have won the Formula One World Championship was Lewis Hamilton in 2008, and he shared the success with his father and manager, Anthony, who had been to every single race since buying him his first go-kart aged six. In an interview with the Mirror in 2012, Hamilton senior said: “At one time I juggled four jobs to bring in the money for family and racing,” “I’d leave home at five each morning to go to work and be back home by nine at night. “I even had a job putting up boards for estate agents for 50p a time, often in the dark.” He gave the interview to clear the air over rumours surrounding the apparent split which had led Lewis to terminate his father’s role as his manager. “Lewis was right to go his own way, and I can honestly say we have both become better people for it. It had to happen at some stage. One would have had to say to the other, ‘I’m leaving you’. And   it wasn’t ­going to be me. I was so focused. I couldn’t think about anything ­except Lewis’ career. “Lewis does a dangerous job and I didn’t want there to be that shred of doubt in his mind that I loved him,” says Anthony. “Maybe I would never have got around to it and Lewis doing it probably was a good thing.”

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Competitions & Offers

Panache E-Magazine have TWO PAIRS of tickets to give away for the “GAME SHOW CABARET & DANCE” on Saturday 8th June. Just answer 1,2 or 3 to the questions below: What are the names of two characters that are hosting this event? 1. Cagney & Lacey 2. French & Saunders 3. Dominic Dominica & Glorious Gloria Email your answers together with your name and contact number. with the words “A wha Me A Go Win” in the subject line to:

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY : WEDNESDAY 5TH June 2013. The winner will be announced by Monday 3rd June 2013

Panache E-Magazine have ONE PAIR of tickets to give away for each of the five performances of the “SHEBADA SHOW” • • • • •

ONE PAIR - 13th or 14th July - Broadway Theatre, CATFORD ONE PAIR - 19th July - Trinity Sports Centre, MANCHESTER ONE PAIR - 20th July - Royal Suite, BIRMINGHAM ONE PAIR - 26th July - Carnival Arts Centre ONE PAIR - 27th or 28th July - HACKNEY Empire

Just answer 1,2 or 3 to the questions below: What is the name of this play? 1. Kreases 2. Krosses 3. Klashes

Email your answers together with your name and contact number with the words “SHEBADA” and the desired theatre in the subject line to: info@

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY: Saturday6th July 2013. The winner will be announced by Monday 8th July 2013

Award-winning Producers: StageWalkers, in association with The Klub International Mana Presents


The Diary of Black M “How Do You Love A Black Woman?” THE CAST

Russell Andrews

Edwin Lee Gibson

Clayton LeBeouf


Limited tickets ON SALE NOW BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.

Panache E-Magazine have TWO PAIRS of tickets to give away for “Ask Me Nicely”. Just answer a,b or c to the questions below: Who’s birthday is being celebrated on Saturday 6th July at the Royal Lounge? A - JON JIN B - JON JAN C - JON JON Email your answers together with your name and contact number. with the words “ASK ME NICELY” in the subject line to: ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY : Monday 24th JUNE 2013.

Fairfield Halls

Park Lane, Croydon CR9 1DG Premier Night Thursday August 15, 2013 Box Office/Booking Hotline +44 20 8688 9291 (anytime email: or visit website for details Media Partners and Sponsors

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DESIGNED & PRODUCED by: Clayton Brown & Jacqueline Brown


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