Panache e magazine issue 19

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Reserve your EARLY BIRD tickets to LADIES DAY @ ASCOT 2014


win tickets to Frankie Paul and Steve Arrington


year olds, apply for a loan of up to


We celebrate the

50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther


“I HAVE A DREAM” speech.


PANACHE E-Magazine


08-15 We celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin

Luther King’s

“I HAVE A DREAM” speech.

Welcome to our Nineteenth edition of:


FUNATIK MAS BAND show appreciation to everyone who supported and assisted in making their very first year a success.


SUREYA JOHN of Canterbury Christ Church University, is crowned as the very first UK Universal Carnival Queen.


DENZEL: ‘My mother saved me from a life of drugs and crime’


What a successful run! Images of the phenomenal UK tour of: THE DIARY OF BLACK MEN – HOW DO YOU LOVE A BLACK WOMAN?


Claudia Andrews

David F. Roberts

Esther Austin

George Ameyaw

Julian Hall

Kieran Etoria-King

Leah Salmon

Marie Parris

Mr. Lekan Olujinmi

Natalie Eastmond

Pastor Chidi

Patrick Lewis

Peter Branch Photography

Rodney Hinds

PANACHE OCCASIONS LIMITED Publishers of Panache E-Magazine T: 07946088553 E: W:

A big thank you for the help and support provided by the contributors of this edition. “Our philosophy as an ethical magazine, is never to print anything in regards to the

BME population that can be seen as demeaning or negative, but to promote the positive contributions and achievements that members of the BME population have made and are making to positively impact and shape the society in which we live.” Panache E-Magazine’s readership has increased dramatically since it was launched in January 2012. We are obviously extremely pleased with the remarkable growth and would like to share our happiness by offering new customers, the opportunity to advertise in Panache E-Magazine at an unbeatable rate! Please click on the following link to view the rate card - panache_rate_card_-_160813.

CHAMPAGNE Ladies Day Excursion to

Thursday 19th June 2014

The 2013 Champagne excursion to Ladies day at Royal Ascot was a winner in more ways than one. Not only did most of our patrons win in the betting ring, we also shared a wonderful day filled with style, elegance, delicious food, great champagne and good company. To reserve your EARLY BIRD ticket please contact Jacqui Brown on 07951308379. Our fabulous price per person guarantees the following: GRANDSTAND ADMISSION

Your admission to the Grandstand area which provides excellent views of the Royal Procession and racing action from the lawns situated in front of the Grandstand and easy access to all events surrounding the Parade Ring and track. We have secured the Grandstand area for your full enjoyment.


Air-conditioned luxury coach fully equipped with toilet and wash amenities.


Our guests will receive a glass of a Branded Champagne / Bucks Fizz on arrival served with a variety of filled croissants, selection of pastries and fruits.


Our guests will receive a glass of a Branded Champagne / Bucks Fizz and will be served with a delectable Caribbean lunch from caterers who have built a reputation of serving cuisine with exceptional presentation, taste and style.

CHAMPAGNE Afternoon Tea.

Our guests will receive a glass of a Branded Champagne / Bucks Fizz and will be served with scrumptious tea-time cakes and biscuits.

• EARLY BIRD ticket price - £150.00 per person A deposit of £66.00 is required by 2nd December 2013 to secure your early bird ticket • MID-WAY ticket price - £180.00 per person A deposit of £69.00 is required by 31st March 2014 to secure your Mid-Way ticket • LAST MINUTE ticket price - £200.00 per person Full payment of £180.00 is required by Monday 2nd June 2014 Please note that deposits are non refundable. For further information, please contact Jacqui Brown on 07951308379


City of

Children’s Story documents the stark life of Brazil’s favela (slums) children, and is a feature-le drugs, violence, prostitution, sexual slavery and deliberate acts to exterminate these unwant both government and Brazil’s affluent private sector work to save these children.

With the looming arrival of the 2016 Summer Olympics, Hope Unlimited, multiple other similar foundations, private citizens and the government are ensuring Rio’s streets and other cities throughout Brazil will be totally safe from violence of any kind. This is an enlightened government’s ‘good news story’. This is the story of Phillip Smith, a man of faith, hope and vision, as told through his eyes and the eyes of those who perpetrate these crimes. It is also the children’s stories. Stories of survival in a harsh and unforgiving environment. Upon completing City of Hope: A Children’s Story, the producers hope to publicly reveal the enormity of increasing violence, child trafficking, drugs and sex enslavement confronting these disenfranchised children. This film intended to speak tor these victimized and often-voiceless children, and to increase efforts to get the children off the streets, educated and working Paul “Barry Boom” Robinson and his wife Valerie have also been moved by the plight of these children and have written and sung the song accompanying the trailer to support the street children of Brazil. Please watch the trailer.

f Hope

ength documentary capturing the lives of displaced children caught in a seemingly unending web of ted children. In a country with an enlightened government, it is also a film of hope and salvation as

Martin Luther King honoured in Trafalgar Square ON THE 50th anniversary of his iconic I Have a Dream speech, Dr Martin Luther King Jr has been honoured in London’s Trafalgar Square. The civil rights leader and his national address was marked by 50 young people from across Britain who rang bells at 3pm on Wednesday 28th August 2013 to remember the time the pastor concluded his speech. Dr King made his address on August 28, 1963, in Washington DC when around 250,000 people marched on the US capital demanding equality. The march was considered a catalyst for civil rights reforms in the US.

His inspirational leadership and the strength of the movement’s cause led to a 1964 Congress passing the Civil Rights Act that outlawed discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities. President Barack Obama marked the occasion in Washington DC with an address from the same spot. Members of the King family and veterans of the march were also present. Mr Obama, the first black US president, has described the 1963 protest as a “seminal event” in American history.

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Welcome to The Master Copy (or The MC for those who like abbreviating) an entertainment, showbiz and lifestyle hub dedicated to celebrating British talent, both home and abroad, whilst reporting on top stories from around the world.

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Wednesday 28th August 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's “I Have a Dream� speech.

Transcript of Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I have a dream’ speech

was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men -- yes, black men as well as white men -- would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we’ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.


Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we’ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check that has come back marked “insufficient funds.”

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. 1963 is not an end but a beginning. Those who hoped that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The

whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, “When will you be satisfied?” We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro’s basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating “for whites only.” We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a

Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today my friends -- so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification -one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning “My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my father’s died, land of the Pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!” And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom

ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi -- from every mountainside. Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring -- when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children -- black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics -- will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”



artin Luther King Jr. is an international icon in the history of the fight against racism and the advancement of civil rights. He was born January 15, 1929 into a life of Southern segregation. Like many great men before him he was able to raise above the socioeconomic constraints on him to achieve much more than the limitations placed on him would seem to allow. On October 1, 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence.


In the final years of his life, King expanded his focus to include poverty and the Vietnam War, alienating many of his liberal allies with a 1967 speech titled “Beyond Vietnam”. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. His death was followed by riots in many U.S. cities. King was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal posthumously. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986. Hundreds of streets in the U.S. have been renamed in his honor. A memorial statue on the National Mall was opened to the public in 2011. We at Panache E-Magazine, would like to take this opportunity to mark the anniversary of one of the greatest speeches ever (“I have a dream”), delivered by one of the greatest orators of the twentieth century, Martin Luther King Jr.


Civil Rights March on Washington D.C. (Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. and Mathew Ahmann in a crowd.

Hubert Humphrey and Martin Luther King

Lyndon Johnson signing Civil Rights Act July 2,1964.

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Lyndon Johnson.

Lyndon Johnson and Martin Luther King,Jr.-Voting Rights Act.

RFK and MLK together.

Kung - king - belafonte.

Martin Luther King Jr and and Coretta Scott King.

Martin Luther King and MalcolmX.

Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King and Robert F. Wagner.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith Lift

PANACHE E-Magazine

EVERYBODY HAS A PAST by Chidi JC Akunma-Abiakweh



e all have a past and therefore you are not the only one. I hope that does not surprise you. Many people struggle to let go of their past, therefore giving their past the permission to control their future. Many people need to be delivered from our past. Our past may include failed marriages; a betrayal, broken promises, disappointments, setbacks and even may include the kind of lifestyle we have led before. The good news is that you can be set free today. You can be restored today. Today may be a new beginning for you. The devil would want hold you in perpetual bondage using your past as his legal ground, but thank God His Love and Power are available to deliver you and give a brand new start. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV) “

Your past is a decoy meant to scare you from your future. Be careful of all its wisdom because these mistakes and mess are not who you are.

Chidi JC Akunma-Abiakweh is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Dominion Faith Ministries International, Southampton, England. A Church that is committed to transforming lives, empowering people and raising a people of the Kingdom to fulfil their dominion mandate. He is a dynamic preacher, teacher, leadership mentor, business consultant, and motivational and inspirational speaker. His passion is to empower people. His belief is reflected in his passion for teaching and mentoring all those who come into his sphere of influence.

You should handle it with grace without letting it define you. My advice is to you is to leave your past where it belongs, it belong to your past, and move on with your life. Dwelling on your past puts you on the reverse gear of life, at best it puts you on the neutral gear of life and both of them do not guarantee any progress. You can agree with me that engaging in the reverse gear takes you backwards and that is not what you need. You need to move your life forward. Also, engaging in the neutral gear takes you nowhere and brings no progress. Don’t let your past mistake control you, neither let the past glory sink your desire to go forward. Even your past success may become the enemy of your progress if it is not handled properly. Apostle Paul captures this in the book of Philippians: “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV) Most people spend a lot of time and energy trying to hide their past. This often amounts to worthless effort and can be counterproductive. People who expend their

energy and time trying to hide their past, have not been truly delivered from their past. It is a fact that you have a past, and may be a very ugly one for that matter. However, the truth is that you can turn your mess into a message. How about that! When you spend your energy and time trying to hide your past (yesterday), you consequently deny yourself the opportunity of making your present (today) productive and enjoyable, and you ultimately make your desired future (tomorrow) hopelessly unattainable. It’s time to wise up! It’s time to let go of your past!! Here is what the Bible says in the Book of Romans: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,[a] who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1 NKJV) Those who use most of their energy and time covering their past have not rightly appropriated the finished work our Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. They are in fact negating the efficacious power of the Blood of Jesus Christ and usurping the Blood’s absolute prerogative power. Quit struggling with your past and receive the free gift. You are forgiven. You are healed without scars. JESUS PAID FOR IT ALL! Shalom!

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“For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” (Hebrews 9:13-14 NKJV) “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7 NKJV) Last Word You can move your life forward today by asking the Giver of life, our Lord Jesus Christ to help you move your life forward. He is willing and ready to help you. To enjoy all the benefits provided by our Lord Jesus, you need to accept the sacrifice he made for you and enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12 NKJV) I would therefore, like to invite you to do so now by praying this simple prayer. “Lord Jesus, I need you. Please forgive me for all I have done wrong. Please come into my life and begin to lead me. I pray this as sincerely as I know how. Amen” If you have prayed this prayer, you are now born again. Congratulations! I will like to hear from you. Please contact me and let me know of your decision. I have a free gift for you to help you begin your new life in Jesus. Email:; Tel: +44 (0) 7749061345 Need Prayers? Please email or text your prayer request or call: Email:; Tel: +44 (0) 7749061345 Bush


Uncle George

PANACHE E-Magazine





DENTAA, MY SUPERLADY! ENTAA Amoateng is a diligent entrepreneur and the visionary behind the Ghana UK Based Achievement (GUBA) Awards.

GUBA is an awarding organisation which was setup in 2010 to recognise and showcase the exceptional efforts of Ghanaians living in the UK. The award ceremony which takes place annually has gained a lot of recognition and is currently being endorsed by the Ghana High Commission in the UK and Ireland, as well as the Ghana Ministry of Tourism. The Ghana Ministry of Tourism acknowledged GUBA for its role in recognising Ghanaian achievements in the UK and identified the part GUBA has played in helping to promote the national interest of Ghana. GUBA is working towards improving communities and the newly formed GUBA Foundation is geared towards the provision of support for autistic families. The Foundation aims to eliminate the stigma attached to autism in the African community and to provide support for the families. Prior to her establishment of the GUBA awards, Dentaa has been involved in a number of successful personal projects. She was first introduced to the viewing public in 2006 with her hit TV show:

George Ameyaw is a proactive and idealistic individual. His passion for creating a better world drew him to the Ghana UK Based Achievement (GUBA) Awards. George began working with GUBA due to their outstanding contribution to the Ghanaian and UK community, as he hopes to ensure that the efforts of unsung heroes do not go unnoticed. He is the Head of PR/Marketing/Sponsorship for GUBA Awards.

‘The Dentaa Show’. The Dentaa Show was an entertainment program filled with exclusive interviews from celebrities in Ghana and the UK. It drew in a large number of viewers and solidified her status within the African community. After three seasons of the show, she moved on to co-host Ghana’ s popular music talent show known as ‘Mentor’. As the current Manager of footballer Asamoah Gyan, Dentaa has broad expertise in a number of areas. Her accomplishments gained admiration from FIFA President Sepp Blatter as she was invited to present a statue in memory of Arthur Wharton, the first black professional footballer. As a mother, TV presenter and entrepreneur, we take a moment to speak to Dentaa in this in-depth interview, as she talks us through her experiences in the entrepreneurial world and motivation towards success

What inspired you to start the GUBA Awards? My inspiration came from seeing a large number of Ghanaians in this country doing exceptionally well. You have people like Henry Bonsu and Hugh Quarshie that are working hard and putting Ghana on the map. These great Ghanaians serve as role models for us young Ghanaians and that is what inspired me to use GUBA as a platform to acknowledge these wonderful people and a lot of the unknown others.



What do you hope to achieve with GUBA? I want to put Ghana on the map for people to realise that Ghanaians are doing well and contributing tremendously to the UK economy. It is very important to me that money is reinvested in the motherland, which is why we showcase companies in the UK that play their part in Africa. Reason why am organising a job fair in June 2013 at the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel in London for all who want to get jobs in Ghana.

GUBA is not only for Ghanaians but for people and companies that deserve it. We recognise companies such as MoneyGram, Diageo, Amangaro, Kraft and others that provide services to Ghana. Highlighting the talents and accomplishments of Ghanaians in the UK, is what we hope to achieve through GUBA. How did you feel to have been chosen to meet FIFA President Sepp Blatter? It was truly an honour to have met FIFA President Sepp Blatter and even more so since I was there on behalf of the Arthur Wharton Foundation. Being the first black professional footballer, Ghanaian Arthur Wharton paved the way for black footballers and a multicultural game that now exists due to his contributions. It was a fantastic opportunity to have been chosen to present the statue to FIFA. Arthur Wharton has finally gotten international recognition which gladdens my heart. What would you say you have learnt as a woman in business? I’ve learnt that it’s not easy being a woman in the business world. For me however, I believe that nothing is impossible and you can achieve anything if you have a vision and a strategy. I would encourage all young women out there who want to start their own businesses to plan accurately, be organized, proactive, brave and more importantly hardworking. Who are your role models? I look up to people like Mavis Amankwah, a fellow Ghanaian who has progressed from organising Miss Ghana pageants to running her own company. To me, she is the epitome of a hardworking woman. Strong black women like Oprah Winfrey and others also inspire me and my own children always motivate me to work harder. Dentaa is currently hosting and producing another hit TV Show known as ‘Dinner with Dentaa’ which will be an interviewing show with a twist.

Entrepreneur, TV presenter and GUBA Awards founder

Dentaa Amoateng

DENTAA’S UPCOMING EVENTS 2013 GUBA 2013 Launch - House of Commons 5th September 2013 GUBA 2013 Awards - Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, London 16th November 2013 To find out more about Dentaa and her organization, visit

The Klub Talks Theatre

Russell Andrews

Samar Khoury

Oris Erhuero

Edwin Lee Gibson

Thomas Meloncon’s The Diary of Black Men

Daryl Keith Roach

Clayton LeBouef

Ayo Fawole

Thomas Meloncon’s play:

“The Diary of Black Men”

will be on tour in August 2013 at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon.

For all sponsorship options for this international production contact: -Lekan Olujinmi CEO The Klub

International Management Company

Look out for EXCLUSIVE information on the cast and the director; Russell Andrews of The Stagewalker Group via Panache E-Magazine. The Klub International Management Company has been working with this production since 1989 and acted as the executive producers when the play previously toured England in 1994 and 2000.

What a successful run!


he Diary of Black Men – How do you Love a Black Woman? took place on 11th, @ The New Bingley Hall, Birmingham (They truly came out to support this event, smashing the stigma that we do not support our arts) and 15th – 18th August 2013 in Fairfield Halls, Croydon. To all our Media Partners (Panache e Magazine, Rock2Rock Radio Station, The Voice Newspaper, Vox Africa Television, Afridiziak Theatre News, Nigerian Watch Newspaper, The Trumpet Newspaper & C’est Brown C’est Vous Television from France) who kindly took a leadership role with The Klub International Management Company in re-introducing this timeless classic topic and subject in the British public once again, and as a result you played a significant role in our results which is getting rave reviews worldwide. I, on behalf of The Klub International Management Company, The StageWalkers Group & our Star Studded cast line up, would like to extend a heart-felt thank you for your commitment to making this event +44 (0) 7831 128 707 +234 (0) 803 284 1467

so successful. It was our vision to inform, entertain, and provide a positive message from within our community for our community. Your generous contribution helped make our vision a reality by helping to offset the cost of promoting this event. 2014 will make it 25 years that I, Lekan Olujinmi, of The Klub International Management Company have been bringing this classic production to England. The phenomenon known as “The Diary of Black Men” - How Do You Love Black Woman? is an exciting and tantalizing theatrical production that has played to sold-out audiences in America & England for well over a quarter of a century, is the longest touring and most successful stage play in Black theatre history. In celebration of that fact, next year we plan to mark that in a big way, so look out for our return by overwhelming public demand in 2014 and beyond. As we continue to grow, please know that partnerships with our sponsors are vital to our success. It has been a pleasure to work with you all on “The Diary of Black Men” – How do you Love a Black Woman? this year and we look forward to next year .

ACLT team with Edwin, Mykey Simpson of Rock2Rock Radio Lekan & Oris

Ayo, Daryl & Oris in the Church Scene at Rehearsal Studio

Arnold Soazandry of CBCV French TV interviews Samar Khoury

Cast of The Diary Of Black Men & friends

Birmingham supports The Diary Of Black Men

Daryl Keith Roach interview by James Sherwood of VOX Africa TV

The Cast of The Diary Of Black Men

CBCV French TV interviews the Producers

Actor Oris Erhuero interview by James Sherwood of VOX Africa TV

Ejiro Olujinmi, Lekan Olujinmi, Josette Kahozi Co-founder of AFWL, Arzu Qadari At the AFWL fundraiser 4th August 2013

Ayo, Samar & Lekan with the birthday girl Friday 16th August

Jasmine Dorsett, JACKIE Boothe, (Jacqui Brown of Panache E-Magazine) Eileen Marshall & Sabrina Hippolyte

Class of 1978, Patrick Young, Rosemary, Simon & his brother, Lekan Olujinmi, Wendy & Shaka with The Diary cast

Last Night Ejiro Olujinmi, Felicia, Donna, Samar, Diana & Cleo

Edwin, Josette, Samar, Russell, Daryl, Lekan & Oris @ The Africa Centre AFWL

Russell Andrews, Vanessa’s partner, & Clayton

Lekan Olujinmi with H.E. Dr Zola Skweyiya South Africa High Commissioner & Russell Andrews

Panache E-Magazine competition winners having fun with Daryl Roach

Last Show Donna, Edwin, Samar, Clayton, Vanessa McLean, Mr & Mrs Lekan Olujinmi, Diana, Felicia, Cleo & Flora

Josette & Russell Andrews at AFWL - Africa Centre

Oris, Edwin, Samar, Russell, Josette of AFWL, Lekan Olujinmi & Ayo

Opening night in Croydon Lekan Olujinmi, Ninon & Simon Thomsett CEO Fairfield Halls

People came out to support us in Birmingham

Rehearsal Studio filmed by VOX Africa TV

Russell Andrews & Samar Khoury

Russell, Mrs Skweyiye, Ayo , Lekan, South Africa High Commissioner H.E. Dr Zola Skweyiye, Samar, Oris & Clayton

Russell Andrews, Vanessa, Vanessa’s partner, & Clayton LeBouef

See how Birmingham turns out to support The Diary Of Black Men Sunday 11th August 2013

Russell, DJ & Clayton, at Underground Station in Birmingham

Samar, Producer Lekan, Janelle Oswald & Friends in Liverpool St Stn.

Russell, Femi & Co Host & Lekan Olujinmi at BEN TV’s Magazine Show

Staff from the South Africa High Commission came out to support us on opening night

VOX Africa Television - promotional video reel

Claudia Speaks

PANACHE E-Magazine

Young & Fresh

The Glorious Road to University A-Level results are out now and many have secured their places at their chosen universities. Clearing hotlines have been exhausted and most universities have met their target, all seems set for the journey into higher education. University is a wonderful time in every young person’s life. For most, it is their first taste of independence and a grand step into adulthood; an exciting yet anxious experience. There are a few things however that won’t be clear about university till experienced. Especially for those that will be living on campus, there are a few things you should know: Sleep is Optional

We all need 8 hours of sleep a day right? Wrong. As a student amidst all-nighters and back to back essay submissions, sleep becomes a luxury. The previous sleeping -in attitude washes away

Claudia Andrews is a young lady with a keen interest in writing and equality. Usually viewing the world from a different angle; she prides herself on being able to communicate to the world through writing. quickly as you are faced with essay deadlines, dissertations, core texts and additional reading. It will become a balancing act that sleep has no place in. It does however, all pay off when the desired results are achieved. The library will be your second home Following the lack of sleep brought on by countless assignments, a 24hr library is a blessing. Due to unconventional sleeping habits of students, a library that stays open during day and dawn is the sure way to ensure that assignments are ready in time for submission. Most days and nights are spent in the library and the availability of relevant texts makes the life of a student that bit easier. The library will voluntarily be your second home. Appreciation for simple things. We live in a developed country so a thing like food is not a problem or is it? From utensils and crockery going missing to food being scarce and in some cases stolen, the significance of life’s simple pleasures become apparent. Staring at the pile of laundry in the laundry basket is sure to make you appreciative of a common thing like washing powder. The great outcome of this is that you begin to take fewer things for granted.

Budgeting is compulsory Living with parents sometimes gives the opportunity to be able to spend on a few luxuries. Shelter, food and bills are taken care off so there is the freedom to indulge every now and then. The independent nature of university however means that much thought has to be given in terms of spending. The dreaded ‘budget’ has to be set up to ensure that one does not run out of money, necessities such as food/drink and bills are paid. You might want to hold on to your ‘YOLO’ antics as loans and grants can only stretch so far. Lecturers’ office hours is scarce Getting some one on one time with a lecturer to discuss ways to improve your previous work and their requirements for a good grade is essential. As a result, it is usually a scramble to book a time with your lecturer. The best way to secure some necessary time with a lecturer is to email weeks in advance for office hours. University is a marvellous experience. Taking note of these few points will help it go smoothly. Enjoy the experience because it will play a substantial part in your formation as an adult.

Chris Brown calls out Jay Z because he wants to work with Beyonce Continue reading Âť

The positive effects of Beyonce Continue reading Âť Send us your comments to: -

Welcome to The Master Copy (or The MC for those who like abbreviating) an entertainment, showbiz and lifestyle hub dedicated to celebrating British talent, both home and abroad, whilst reporting on top stories from around the world.

Picture of North West finally revealed Continue reading Âť

Idris Elba set for silver screen Luther debut Continue reading Âť

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Denzel: ‘My mother saved me from a life of drugs and crime’ DENZEL WASHINGTON says his mother saved him from spiralling into a life of drug use and crime. The 58-year-old Hollywood actor grew up in the tough Bronx neighbourhood of New York City and he believes he could have followed his friends to jail if it wasn’t for his mum, Lennis, raising him in the right way. Speaking to The Sun, he said: “I was growing up in the Bronx, New York, and was running with the wrong crowd. Three of the guys I was hanging out with at the time did prison terms. “I was not going to school either and was just slowly heading towards the streets. A teacher at my school told my mother, ‘He is a smart kid, get him out of here’.”

Washington added: “My mother took a look at my friends and could see where I was heading. One friend eventually did 15 years in jail. Another did 10 years, and a third died through drugs. What would have happened to me had it not been for my mother? I don’t know, but I would not be living this kind of life, that’s for sure.” The 2 Guns star - whose father the Reverend Denzel Hayes Washington Sr worked two jobs to support his family - made sure he went as far as he could with his education due to the influence of his mother and teachers. He said he is pleased he made the decision to go to college and then later acting school because both provided him with the early foundations for his successful Hollywood

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Welcome to The Master Copy (or The MC for those who like abbreviating) an entertainment, showbiz and lifestyle hub dedicated to celebrating British talent, both home and abroad, whilst reporting on top stories from around the world.

career, which has seen him win two Academy Awards. He revealed: “I wanted to carry on with my education because I realised how important it was. I went to university and acting college.

I was in my mid-20s before I started work as an actor. It was something I enjoyed, but it was hard to make a living.�

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Jay Z documentary to premiere at film festival A DOCUMENTARY about Jay Z will be shown at this year’s Toronto Film Festival.

awards season that culminates in the Oscars.

Made In America depicts the music mogul’s role as curator of a new music festival in Philadelphia of the same name.

It will last 11 days and show 146 world premieres – the event was created in 1976 and helps movies secure distribution deals across north America.

The film is directed by Ron Howard, who has been at the helm of notable films including A Beautiful Mind, The Da Vinci Code, and Apollo 13. The festival begins on September 5 and is considered as the precursor to the film

Jay Z’s appearance on the silver screen comes after his wife Beyoncé starred in her own documentary film Life Is But A Dream in February.

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Welcome to The Master Copy (or The MC for those who like abbreviating) an entertainment, showbiz and lifestyle hub dedicated to celebrating British talent, both home and abroad, whilst reporting on top stories from around the world.

Instagram leads police to rapper and biggest gun bust in NYC history Continue reading Âť

Hero Antoinette Tuff speaks about coming face to face with gunman in school Continue reading Âť

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in Ah Cuss Out De Boss


Two West Indians were drinking in a bar and complaining about their boss that he was a real pain in the butt always giving them a hard time. The next day they met at bar again and the Bajan began boasting to the Trini, "boy ah cuss out de boss man real good, and when ah done, ah ask 'e fuh a raise and he gih it to me." Trini looked at Bajan in suprise and asked "you mean he did'n fire you?". So the next day Trini went in to work and began to cuss up the boss who looked at him and promptly fired him on the spot. That afternoon when Trini met Bajan in the bar again, he told him what happened earlier. Bajan explained "Trini muh friend, when I cuss de bossman, I cuss he in muh mind."


ANY FUNNY JOKES? email us at: - A Matter Of Sight 1997 World Women's Conference.

The First speaker from England spoke: "At last years' conference we spoke about being more assertive with our husbands. Well after the conference I went home and told my husband that I would no longer cook for him and that he would have to do it himself." "After the first day I saw nothing. After the second day I saw nothing. But after the third day I saw that he had cooked a wonderful roast lamb." The crowd cheered. The second speaker from America spoke: "After last years' conference I went home and told my husband that I would no longer do his Laundry and that he would have to do it himself. After the first day I saw nothing. After the second day I saw nothing. But after the third day I saw that he had done not only his own washing but my washing as well." The crowd cheered. The third speaker from Jamaica spoke: "Hafter las' year conference wen mi go ome an tell mi usband seh mi nah do nuh more cookin fi im nor cleanin nor shoppin, an dat im woulda haffi do dem imself. Hafter di fus day mi nuh si nothin. Hafter di second day, mi still nuh si nothin neither. But hafter di third day, as the swelling go dung, me coulda si a likkle bit outta mi left eye."

GOVERNMENT ROAD-SIDE WORKERS These two government-paid workers were working along the roadside. One man would dig a hole two or three feet deep and then move on. The other man came along behind him and filled in the hole. While one was digging a new hole, the other was 25 feet behind filling in the hole. The men worked right past the guy with the soft drink and went on down the road. "I can't stand this," said the man tossing the can into a trash container and heading down the road toward the men. A befuddled onlooker went to men and said: "Hold it, hold it. "Can you tell me what's going on here with all this digging and refilling?" "Well, we work for the government and we're just dong our job," one of the men said. "But one of you is digging a hole and the other fills it up. You're not accomplishing anything. Aren't you wasting the taxpayers' money?" "You don't understand, mister," one of the men said, leaning on his shovel and wiping his brow. "Normally there's three of us: me, Elmer and Leroy. I dig the hole, Elmer sticks in the tree and Leroy, here, puts the dirt back. Now just because Elmer's sick, that don't mean that Leroy and me can't work."

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Miss Tobago, Sureya John, Miss Universal Carnival Queen UK 2013 Photo by BQuavs Photography.

The UK Crowns its first Universal Carnival Queen!! Set against a backdrop of amazing colours, stunning carnival costumes and environmentally friendly inspired Scavenge couture, Saturday 10th August 2013 saw the crowning of the UK’s first Miss Universal Carnival Queen, in front of a full capacity audience at the UK Centre for Carnival Arts in Luton. The inaugural Miss Universal Carnival Queen UK competition was won by Miss Tobago, 21 year-old Sureya John of Canterbury Christ Church University. “Winning Miss Universal Carnival Queen has been a great achievement for me, as it was my first beauty Pageant. I love playing mas at Carnival and winning this title is a great honour. I want to thank everyone who supported me”. • 1st runner up - Miss Venezuela, Mercedes Roberts • 2nd runner up - Miss Nigeria, Flora Nabena • Miss Photogenic - Miss Vincent, Harmony Murton-Edwards • Face of Universal Carnival Internet - Miss

• • • • •

St Lucia, Kimhia Toussaint Miss Popularity- Miss St Lucia, Kimhia Toussaint Best costume - Genesis Spirit of Carnival - Miss Tobago, Sureya John Best Evening Gown- Bacchanalia Best Scavenge Kouture- Bacchanalia

The night was heralded a success by Mr Franklyn Walters of Western Union and other sponsors Palola, Chinara Enterprises Ltd, Design Essential, KBell Cosmetics, Soca News and Kissed Lashes. The event featured tasteful yet creative tribute to the culture and art of Carnival. Patrons were entertained throughout the evening with great performances by The South London Samba Band, Steel Pan Diva Debra Romain, The Muraldo Dance Company and The Caribbean Quadrille Dancers and singers included Konata Alleyne and Germaine Murray. The smoothly run show was compered by a fabulous duo Greta Mendez and Nigel Hall all which contributed to a successful inaugural event. The star-studded judging panel had a tough job to select the winner as all 16 contestants, representing European, African, Caribbean and Latin American countries, performed magnificently and brought a truly carnival atmosphere to Luton. They were judged in four categories, carnival costume, carnival inspired evening gown, scavange couture and question and answers. Miss Tobago secured the top prize which included prizes donated by Orlando Gittens of Musical Therapy, Flowers from Tamara Event designs, Books by Hansib Publications, trophies sponsored by JLM Consultancy and goodie bags from Chinara Enterprises, Design Essential, Sleek and Western Union.

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Miss Universal Carnival Queen UK competition organised by Carivog International was being staged for the first time this year, attracting over 200 patrons and 16 contestants. Sheanna Alleyne, The Producer of the Show, stated: “This show opened the Carnival Season in the United Kingdom and the creativity and levels of artistic excellence displayed auger well for the rest of 2013. On the Carnival runway there were excellent examples of design, fashion and performance to delight everyone. The audience went away not only delighted but enlightened about the multi-disciplinary art forms that make up Carnival Arts. We are all looking forward to 2014.”


The event organisers are now busy making preparations for Miss Universal Carnival UK 2014! Editor’s Note: Carivog International is an organisation that has worked for over ten years in the UK promoting beauty and fashion; particularly among the country’s diverse communities. All its activities have been underpinned by its support of local charitable organisations. The Gold sponsors are Western Union. Other sponsors include: Palola, Chinara Enterprises Ltd, Design Essential, KBell Cosmetics, Soca News and Kissed Lashes. For more information, images and interviews with the winner and runners up contact….. Melanie Peterkin-Philip, Media & Marketing


Photograph credits 1. Miss Tobago - Sureya John - Miss Universal Carnival Queen UK 2013. 2. Miss Universal Carnival Queen UK 2013, Sureya John, and Mr Franklyn Walters of Western Union, Gold sponsors of the event. 3. The Winners - Photo by BQuavs Photography 4. All Contestants - Photo by BQuavs Photography 5. Miss Tobago, Sureya John, Miss Universal Carnival Queen UK 2013 - Photo by BQuavs Photography




Notting Hill C FUNATIK Mas Ba

Carnival 2013 and On The Road



he Funatik Mas Management of Pauline, Sharon, Leah, Caroline, Neville, Ashton and Martin would like to say a few THANK YOUs. To all our masqueraders we THANK YOU for supporting FUNATIK MAS and we are overwhelmed by the numerous messages of thanks that we have received so far. A more detailed email will be sent to you directly early next week so please look out for it (we hope to issue details of our THANK YOU PARTY at this point) To TESCOS WORLD FOODS and TESCOS METRO STORE NOTTING HILL GATE thank you for believing in us and associating your brand with Funatik Mas. To CARIBBEAN AIRLINES your continued support is essential to us and we appreciate you very much indeed. To RONNIE AND CARO thank you for being part of what we do. The band looked amazing on the day.

To COCOYEA thank you for allowing us to collaborate with you, your hospitality to us has been amazing. To the Stewards, Security, Bar Staff and Caterers we thank you greatly for your hard work. To our official photographer PETER BRANCH thank you for being part of the entire process from day 1. Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Finally to The Funatik Team thank you for your continuous hard work always. You guys are the greatest (Did somebody just scream Happy Meal ???) What we got wrong we will improve on. What we got right we will maintain. We are already working on 2K14 !!!! • • • •

IMAGES BY: Peter Branch Photography & Duane Jay Photography

PANACHE E-Magazine

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What I’ve learned from my failed businesses

By Julian Hall CREDIT:


s much as I love entrepreneurship I’ve always had a problem with the glamorisation of the art form. Never in the history of man has the idea of entrepreneurship been more “en vogue” than it is today.

It’s this perception that creates the mystery around entrepreneurship. Without it people would realise that the basic principles of consistent hard work and careful planning are the magic ingredients that they’re looking for.

The bright side of business and entrepreneurship is often headline news, but the failures of the everyday entrepreneur are often swept under the carpet. Entrepreneurs ride off the seats of their successes and usually require perception to give them a leg up onto the next rung of the ladder.

Are entrepreneurs ‘special’? Probably not, they just work ‘especially’ hard and do things in a ‘special’ way. The famed Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame said that some very successful entrepreneurs have up to 17 failed ventures before they meet their big success.

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It was this statement that gave me great comfort when I became a full time entrepreneur in 2005. Before and after this time I’ve had more failed businesses than successes. I’m only able to write this with a big smile on my face because the successes have thankfully outweighed the failures. The failures were there to teach me the lessons I would need to better handle in my future. That said, at the time, they were tougher than the words you’re reading could describe. It’s these lessons I would like to share with you because they will become the fuel to drive you into a successful venture and navigate away from the pitfalls of business and entrepreneurship. So here goes, in no particular order, just how they come to me: 1. Work harder than you need to — Hard work beats talent every time. So unless you think that you’re so talented that you can score every time — work hard. 2. Focus on delivering the best product or service possible — There are too many options available today for almost any product or service for people to buy mediocrity. Make sure that you give your customers the best experience possible.

3. Choose your partners carefully — Don’t go into business with someone just because they’re friends or family. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this work well (I’m sure it has I just haven’t seen it). Go into business with people because they bring skills to the table that you don’t have. Go into business with people who want it as badly as you do. 4. Manage cash flow — If you’re no good at managing money then be honest with yourself about it. Pay a bookkeeper or accountant to handle it for you. As a general rule, if you’re no good at something it’s more than worth paying someone to do it for you. 5. Be ethical and honest — Good business is based on good relationships which are based on honest communication. If you can’t do something, don’t do it. Avoid over promising and under delivering. Everyone makes mistakes but fall into this category too many times and your business reputation will be scarred for life. 6. Build a team as soon as possible — Just because you’re capable of doing everything doesn’t mean you should. At some point if you’re doing well enough you won’t be able to juggle all those balls yourself and they’ll start to drop — one by one.

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7. Have fun — As an entrepreneur business will fill up most of your life. You owe to it yourself to enjoy as much of it as possible. There’s no point having a million £ in the bank and no joy in your tank. 8. Forget what people say — Watch what they do. Ideas are yesterday execution is today and excellence will see you into tomorrow. Most people can talk a good one and being a good natured soul you may take them at face value. Let action and results do the talking for them and for you. 9. Start like you mean it — The idea of a lean start up is great but don’t use it as an excuse to bail out when the going gets tough. Sure if the idea tanks then you can leave with little loss. But don’t mistake this for surmounting challenges because you’ll simply meet them in the next business you start up. 10. To sacrifice or not to sacrifice — Not all, but some really successful entrepreneurs will tell you they’ve lost friendships, marriages, houses, health and whatever else in pursuit of their entrepreneurial dreams. This isn’t a requirement of success it’s simply their story. Find your story. Success in business could mean misery in other areas of your life. Find balance, because if other areas of your life are strong, they’ll support the entrepreneurial side of your life. The converse is also true. I’ll be doing a part 2 to this blog where I’ll list the businesses which failed and explain why. Til then — To your success! Julian Hall "The Online Genius" +44 (0) 7956 902 361 +44 (0) 845 053 9238

Julian Hall

"The Online Genius" +44 (0) 7956 902 361 +44 (0) 845 053 9238

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by Dr Frank Chinegwundoh MBE

he ovaries are two small, almond shaped organs that lie in the female pelvis. They produce the eggs that an essential part of the female reproductive system. Each month, in women of childbearing age, one of the ovaries produces an egg. The egg passes down the fallopian tube to the womb (uterus). If the egg is not fertilised by a sperm, it passes out of the womb and is shed, along with the lining of the womb, as part of the monthly period. The ovaries also produce the female sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. As a woman nears the menopause (‘change of life’), the ovaries make less of these hormones and periods gradually stop. Each year, about 7000 women in the UK are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. (Compare this with the 40 000 women diagnosed annually with breast cancer). The causes are not yet completely understood but some factors are believed to increase the risk.

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Cancer Black Care is a registered charity since 1996, supporting predominantly black and ethnic minority cancer sufferers and their families. We are looking for motivated individuals to join our board of trustees or to volunteer experience and skills in fundraising, grant writing, welfare rights, cancer awareness raising, newsletter production, administration. If you have some time to commit to four board meetings a year and would like to be part of a well respected, London based, forward thinking organisation, why not give us a ring. Speak to Natalie on: 020 8961 4151 or contact by email:


may slightly increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Age As with many cancers, the main risk factor for ovarian cancer is age. More than 8 out of 10 (85%) ovarian cancers occur in women over the age of 50. Most ovarian cancers occur in women who have had their menopause. Having said that a diagnosis of ovarian cancer is often missed in younger women because it is uncommon and the symptoms vague.

Health factors Having endometriosis – a condition where the womb lining grows outside the womb – may increase your risk of ovarian cancer.

Child-bearing history Women who have not had children are slightly more likely to develop ovarian cancer than women who have, although the risk is still very low. Hormonal factors Starting your periods early or having a late menopause slightly increases your risk of ovarian cancer. Using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can slightly increase the risk. When HRT is stopped the risk of ovarian cancer gradually reduces to the same level as women who haven’t taken HRT. Infertility Some research has shown that infertility

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Diet and body weight Being overweight may increase your risk of developing ovarian cancer. It is thought that with increasing obesity rates will go increasing ovarian cancer rates. Eating a diet high in animal fats and low in fresh fruit and vegetables may also increase your risk. In common with many cancers less meat & more vegetables is good. Genetic factors About 5–10 in 100 (5–10%) of ovarian cancers are caused by an inherited faulty gene in the family. Women who have had breast cancer have an increased risk of ovarian cancer. This is because breast and ovarian cancer can be caused by the same faulty genes.

If you think you may have an increased risk of getting ovarian cancer, because of breast or ovarian cancer in your family, you should contact your GP who can refer you to a genetic counselling clinic. These clinics are

based in hospitals and you will be seen by a genetics specialist who can check your family history to see whether you are likely to be at increased risk. It is possible to be screened for ovarian cancer. This is generally by ultrasound scan of the ovaries or by a blood test called CA 125

PROTECTIVE FACTORS The following may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer: • Having children may decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, and having two or more children may provide more protection than just one. • Breastfeeding your children may slightly decrease your risk. • Women who take the contraceptive pill are less likely to develop ovarian cancer. • Aspirin and other non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs may reduce the risk.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer • The difficulty is that many of the symptoms are vague and shared with many other conditions. Or, often there are no symptoms at all. • Pain in the lower abdomen or side • Bloated, full feeling in the abdomen • Irregular periods or vaginal bleeding after menopause • Lower tummy (abdominal) pain • Back pain • Passing urine more often than usual • Constipation

• Pain during sex • A swollen abdomen • Feeling of fullness or loss of appetite If you have a symptom as above or are worried because of a family history, especially if you are over 50 years of age, you should consult your GP (family doctor). In the UK, a suspicion of any cancer triggers a specialist referral, who must see you within two weeks. In this case the referral would be to a gynaecologist.

TESTS The specialist would conduct an internal pelvic examination and organise tests. Such tests may include a CA125 blood test (high levels if ovarian cancer), an ultrasound scan, a CT scan and/or MRI scan. At times laparoscopy (or keyhole surgery) is used to inspect the pelvic contents under general anaesthesia, to make the diagnosis. When a diagnosis is made of ovarian cancer, the next question is what stage is it. That is to ask if it has been caught early or whether it has spread. The treatment and the outlook depend on the stage.

TREATMENTS Each case is discussed amongst a multidisciplinary team involving gynaecology surgeons, oncologists, nurses, radiologists, pathologists. The team looks in detail at all the data to decide what would be the best treatment option for the patient. The decision is discussed with the patient in clinic. Surgery and chemotherapy are the main treatments.

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Figure to demonstrate position of the ovaries. Taken from Macmillan web site

Surgery Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Most women with ovarian cancer will undergo surgery. It involves an operation to remove both ovaries, fallopian tubes; the womb and cervix are then removed. This is called a total abdominal hysterectomy and salpingooophorectomy. Occasionally, in young women with borderline tumours, or low-grade, stage 1a cancer, it may be possible to remove only the affected ovary and fallopian tube, and leave the womb and unaffected ovary. This means you may be able to have children in the future. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells.

The drugs work by disrupting the growth of cancer cells. Ovarian cancer is usually very sensitive to chemotherapy and in most women the tumours will become smaller and may disappear. • Chemotherapy is usually given after surgery to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back. It also may help shrink tumours before surgery or relieve symptoms if surgery is not possible. • Most women with ovarian cancer have six sessions of chemotherapy as an outpatient, with rest periods in between. • Chemotherapy can cause unpleasant side effects such as tiredness, hair loss and lowered immunity, but any that occur can often be well controlled with medicines.

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Such drugs may include carboplatin and paclitaxel. OUTLOOK The prognosis depends on many factors, particularly the stage at which ovarian cancer is diagnosed. Stage 1 is an early tumour, stage 4 being an advanced cancer. Those with advanced cancer do less well. If we take all comers, that is put all stages together, of all the women diagnosed with cancer of the ovary • About 7 out of 10 (70%) will live for at least 1 year after diagnosis • About 4 out of 10 (40%) will live for at least 5 years after diagnosis • About 3 out of 10 (30%) will live for at least 10 years after diagnosis These figures were collected for women diagnosed in England and Wales between 2003 and 2007 from Cancer Research UK. After treatment follow up is by means of the CA 125 blood tests and regular scans to check for recurrence. Recurrences can be treated by further surgery or chemotherapy depending on the site of recurrence and the amount of recurrence.

DONATE Cancer Black Care is funded from various sources. However, we always need additional funds to continue our important work in the community. One way of supporting our valuable work is to become a friend of CBC by making a single or regular donation via Direct Debit using the Gift Aid Form, or Donate online via our website. Please click on the following link https://rsm2.

Cancer Black Care is a registered charity since 1996, supporting predominantly black and ethnic minority cancer sufferers and their families. We are looking for motivated individuals to join our board of trustees or to volunteer experience and skills in fundraising, grant writing, welfare rights, cancer awareness raising, newsletter production, administration. If you have some time to commit to four board meetings a year and would like to be part of a well respected, London based, forward thinking organisation, why not give us a ring. Speak to Natalie on: 020 8961 4151 or contact by email: natalief.

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R E B M E T P E S is

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

9 Reasons To Bin Your Microwave Are you one of the millions of people who are playing Russian roulette with their health everyday by using a microwave oven to heat or even cook their food. It may turn 30mins of food preparation into a 3 min meal, but there are grave dangers that come with this so called modern convenience, that are really not worth it. Before I give you just 9 of the many reasons why we binned our microwave and have been happily living without one for the past 5 years, here are some alternatives to using one in the first place Eating more raw food meals will eliminate the need to heat anything up and they are easy to travel with Buying a good quality glass lined thermos can safely keep you food warm for hours Stop buying microwave meals and get adventurous in the kitchen again, preparing foods you really love If time is a constraint, planning your meals ahead, making them in batches and simply reheating them in a conventional oven, the grill or a sauce pan can speed thing up and make your meals more organised.

There are so many alternative to microwaves now (convection ovens, the Turbo oven etc), that can heat up and cook your foods in a safe yet speedy way, if you care anything for your health, you will kick that microwave to the curb!!! Now here are just 9 of the many reasons why microwave ovens have been proven to negatively affect your health 1. Microwaves heat your food by causing it to resonate at very high frequencies. While this can effectively heat your food it also causes a change in the chemical structure of the food that can lead to health problems 2. A study in 2003 by a food and agriculture journal found that when broccoli was zapped in a microwave, it lost 97% of its antioxidant chemicals, as opposed to just 11% that were lost from steaming it. 3. Microwaving can break down the essential disease-fighting ability of breast milk to protect a baby. 4. Russia only recently lifted their ban on microwave ovens after banning them in 1976 after thorough research showed their alarmingly dangerous biological effects. 5. Carcinogenic (cancer causing) toxins could be leached from your plastic and paper plates or covers and mix with your food while microwaving

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6. Dr Hans Hertel’s research into the effect of someones blood after having eaten microwaved food showed an increase of white blood cells (indicating possible poisoning), a decrease in red blood cells, the production of radiolytic compounds decreased haemoglobin and an increase in cholesterol levels 7. The microwaves emitted to heat up the food you put inside the oven, don’t just stay inside the oven, they travel outside the oven and can effect anyone standing close to them 8. The safety research hasn’t been conducted over long periods of time, only short lengths of exposure, so there is no solid evidence that they are safe to be around for short periods of time on a regular basis, over weeks, months or years, which is how most of us use them 9. The use of microwave ovens had been linked to symptoms from headaches and fatigue to infertility, sleep disturbance and hormonal imbalance There is no place for a microwave oven in your home if you are striving to create a naturally healthy environment and lifestyle for yourself and your family Take care and stay healthy Leah Salmon The Naturally You Coach Send us your comments to: -

Body Fitness Tips by Patrick Lewis Your Fitness Guru

Brain Training HEALTH: Everybody knows the importance of exercise and good nutrition for improving physical health - but what about for strengthening our brains? Whilst a healthy lifestyle won’t necessarily make you smarter, it can help protect the brain’s delicate cells from the damage that accompanies ageing. So whether you’re a student studying for exams, a professional needing to stay sharp or a senior citizen looking to preserve your grey matter; it makes sense to keep fit.

EXERCISE: The best way to keep your brain healthy and young is regular physical activity; it increases capillary development

leading to greater blood supply, additional nutrients and increased oxygen to the brain. Working out regularly also aids weight loss, which may positively impact upon your focus and memory. Studies show the best outcomes for those who engage in a combined program of cardiovascular exercise and weight training.

NUTRITION: Whilst chemicals called homocysteine are a normal part of protein metabolism, high levels have been linked with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. In order to safely break themselves down, homocysteine require adequate folate; found in green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and curly kale. For vegetable haters, the nutrient is also abundant in lentils, pinto beans and black beans.

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We hope last month’s health tips were helpful, so here are more health tips to help you with your exercise routine. We all want to be fit, lose weight and look good so lets put these tips to action and look forward to being much healthier. So Go forward and be healthy.

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Food & Drink

Blacktie Caterers is run by Clive Eaton Brown – an expert in Caribbean catering services with experience in providing authentic Caribbean food to the likes of HRH Prince Charles, The Mayor of London, The Mayor of Croydon, The Mayor of Kingston Jamaica , Maya Angelou as well as dignitaries and celebrities. also many years experience in the Caribbean restaurants and hospitality management. BLACK TIE CATERERS will prepare the finest menu possible. So if you are looking for a caterer with a difference, look no further. Whether business or pleasure, we can provide anything from a finger buffet to a three course meal and much more. • You will love the menus we have created for your special day • We have a passion for making your Banquet Catering arrangements extra special. • Our friendly and highly trained staff will cater for your needs. • Our Banquet Catering Planner is at hand to create a tailor made menu to suit you. • Our expertise will help make your Banquet a wonderful event

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Panache E-Magazine followed one of Norma Benghait’s recipe and WOW, just look at the results. TRADITIONAL JAMAICAN COOKERY By Norma Benghait

ACKEE AND SALTFISH This is Jamaica’s national dish and a worthy one, with its beguiling contrast of flavours. • • • • • • • • •

2dozen ackees in pods ½ lb. (250g) salt cod 2 tablespoons (1 z, 2.5 g) butter ¼ cup (2 fl oz, 50 ml) oil 2 onions, sliced 1 sprig of thyme 3-4 slices of hot pepper 1 small tomato, chopped (optional) Black pepper

Chose ackees that are completely open, with the black seed and yellow fruit clearly visible in the scarlet pod. This is important, as unripe ackees contain a highly toxic substance. Remove the ackees from the pods. Discard the seeds and the pink membrane found in the cleft of each fruit. Wash them and put them to boil in a large pot of water with the salt fish. (My mother used to tie them in a muslin bag and drop the bag into the water with the fish. This prevents the ackees from disintegrating). As soon as the ackees are tender, pour the contents of the pot into a large sieve, discarding the water. Separate the ackees from the fish. Run some cold water Send us your comments to: -

over the fish so that you can remove the bones and skin comfortably, then flake it and set it aside. Put the butter and oil to heat in a frying pan. Add the onions, thyme and hot pepper slices, and the tomato if desired. Stir for a few minutes then add the flaked fish. Stir for a few more minutes then add the drained ackees, carefully stirring so as not to crush them – this is a matter of taste, as some people do not like the ackees crushed. Add a little more oil if necessary, sprinkle with plenty of freshly ground black pepper, and the dish is ready. Serve it decorated with halved hard boiled eggs. If the dish is a main course, avocado pear slices, fried plantains, bammies, yams, dumplings and roasted breadfruit all make fine accompaniments. Serves 4 Ackee and saltfish also makes a very good starter when served with thin slices of avocado.

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I Real Life Stories

had left my job at the Construction Industry Training Board after I had found out that they were racists. Back in the late seventies early eighties it was still very easy to get jobs! If you passed any building site and enquired, there would be all types of jobs available. My cousin Ash was working in a factory that made electrical motors of all shapes and sizes and when I told him I had left my job he told me that there were jobs were he was working and that I should come down and ask. I thought it might be fun to work with my cousin and from what he had told me there were lots of black people of around our age working there. Maybe there I would get a fair shake of the dice. I got there about 11 O’clock the next day and went into the office. I explained that I had been told that there may be vacancies and if so I would like to apply. The manager gave me a very basic application form to complete. I remember that I decided to leave out the fact that I had 6 “O” Levels and 2 “A” levels and put down that I had a few CSEs. The manager came back after about 5 minutes and informed me that there was a job available on the motor assembly line and that I could start the next day. I informed him that I would start on the Monday. There were two things that I couldn’t come to terms with about working in a factory. First, I had always wanted a career in the Civil Service, working behind a desk and secondly, I hated getting up early! It was, however, a very illuminating experience. I got there bright and early and reported to the foreman. He put me on a spot in-between two guys; a middle aged white man named Stan and a black guy of about 20 years old named Douglas.

A Jamaican Story A serialised story of a Jamaican boys journey from the hills of Trelawney to the golden streets of Brixton. The foreman left it to Douglas to explain what I was expected to do. Although it was a conveyor belt system, it wasn’t just a matter of me fitting one part and then moving it on to the next person. We had to assembly all the moving parts in the motor including the bearings and seal, the rotor and the fan. I found out after I had assembled my first motor that I was then able to describe myself as a semi-skilled worker. The job was interesting for a couple of days, then I started noticing my finger-tips were getting ingrained with black grease and there were lots of tiny lacerations all over my hands. The fact that I had to be on my feet all day did not make me feel any more inclined to continue. In the middle of the factory there was what was called the testing room, it had glass panelling all the way around the guys inside wore white coats like doctors. Everyone wanted to be a tester. You did next to nothing, you could sit down and you also got paid a lot to do it. It was another two weeks before I told the boss that I would be handing in my notice. He told me I was a good worker, that I had picked up the job well and that I should think about it. I told him I had thought about it and that I just didn’t like the job. To my surprise he offered me a job in the testing room. The early morning starts came to mind but I couldn’t refuse. My ego had been massaged and it felt good. All the other guys were

shocked to hear that I had practically resigned but instead of leaving I had been offered the job that they all wanted. I received a lot of Kudos. I still was not happy but having a new baby I could not be jobless. I stuck at it and kept sending out my letters of application to every Government department in the UK. I would get an interview soon!

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Kieran Kicks Off


n 1963, Martin Luther King stood in front of the Lincoln monument and spoke of his dream for a better future.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they are judged not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low. The rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight.” 50 years on, there is still much debate as to whether Dr King’s vision has come true; America may have a black president, but in the wake of controversies like the Trayvon Martin case (or, here in the UK, the ongoing tensions between the Islamic community and certain sections of the white working class, for example) it is clear that racism still exists and is still a very relevant factor in Western society. However, in the fantastical universe of professional sport, there appears to be little difficulty being judged by the content of one’s character. That is, if your character contains lots of talent for sport. We have come a long way from Jesse Owens claiming he was treated better as a negro in Nazi Germany than in America - according to Forbes,

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Exalted Valleys and Lowered Mountains Is Dr King’s Dream exemplified by pro Sport? of the top five highest paid athletes in the world, three (Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James) are black Americans. Tiger Woods has risen to the top of golf, a sport often regarded as reserved for the privileged white man, and stayed there for over 15 years. The Williams sisters - Serena and Venus - have dominated womens’ tennis for the better part of a decade. The NBA, a franchise which didn’t even allow black players to compete until 1950, has since spawned household names like Michael Jordan and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Here in Europe things are no different. The most popular sport on our continent, football, counts several black men among it’s greatest players - Clarence Seedorf, Ronaldinho, Didier Drogba, Samuel Eto’o, John Barnes, and Thierry Henry, to name a few, have graced our biggest teams in recent years. Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge is the hottest man in the Premier League right now. The stock of four Jamaican grandparents, Sturridge has scored 16 goals in 20 games since moving to Merseyside, including all of Liverpool’s goals in their table-topping start to this season. After frustrating spells at Manchester City and Chelsea, where for whatever reason he was never really given the opportunity to

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show his talent and fulfill his potential, the England man has blossomed since becoming Liverpool’s main attacker. Everything is going for him at the moment: he plays with a smile on his face, and he even has probably the best goal celebration dance since Peter Crouch briefly made the Robot cool again seven years ago. If England qualify for next year’s World Cup in Brazil, Sturridge will almost undoubtedly - bar injury - play a key role. Of course, with the wide reaching appeal of sport, it often reflects on wider society, and so even here the eternal issue of race does sometimes rear its head. English football has in the last couple of years endured a couple of high profile scandals involving its star players, for example. Liverpool’s Luis Suarez received an eight match ban for calling Manchester United defender Patrice Evra ‘Negrito’ and ‘n****’ several times on the pitch in 2011, while this year Rio Ferdinand refused to answer an England call-up, allegedly in response to the way his younger brother Anton was treated after being called a “f****** black c***” on live TV by then England captain John Terry. Football also still has a way to go towards true equal opportunity, illustrated by the fact that there are still less than five black managers in all of the top four divisions of English football.

In America, the sheer dominance of basketball and track and field by blacks - around 80% of NBA players are African-American, and sightings of white Frenchman Christophe Lemaitre in a major sprint final have become events in themselves - has raised its own debate. One theory floating around for the last couple of years suggests that black people have a hereditary genetic advantage due to the selective breeding practices of the slavery era, while the recent string of failed drug tests by high profile sprinters including Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell has lent fuel to the idea that black athletes are in fact all abusing a pharmaceutical advantage. The sporting world exists as an extravagant sub-section of our own real universe, not a completely separate entity, so it is bound to suffer from the same problems as the world around it. Just like the rest of us, those running our favourite sports still have a way to go towards truly achieving Dr King’s dream. But, as we look back on the last 50 years, and analyse how far we have really come, there can be few more successful examples of the exalted valleys and lowered mountains than on the pitch, or the court, or the track. Perhaps this is because however the world may treat them day-to-day, when a group of people step out into a stadium to compete for the same ball, play to the same rules and run to the same finish line, they are all quite literally on a level playing field. by: Kieran Etoria-King

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Panache E-Magazine have ONE pair of tickets to give away for THE GIANTS OF LOVERS ROCK.

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Just answer a,b or c to the questions below: Which iconic singer is featured at this event? A - FRANKIE BALL B - FRANKIE PAUL C - FRANKIE HALL Email your answers together with your name and contact number. with the words “FRANKIE PAUL” in the subject line to: Correct answers will be drawn on Friday 11th October 2013.

Panache E-Magazine have ONE pair of tickets to give away for this not to be missed event. Just answer a,b or c to the questions below: Who is the headline artist of this show? A - STEVE HARLINGTON B - STEVE ARRINGTON C - STEVE CARLINGTON Email your answers together with your name and contact number. with the words “STEVE ARRINGTON” in the subject line to: Correct answers will be drawn on Friday 6th September 2013.

The phenomenon known as; “The Diary of Black Men” - How Do You Love Black Woman? is an exciting and tantalizing theatrical production that has played to sold-out audiences in America & England for well over a quarter of a century, is the longest touring and the most successful stage production in Black theatre history known as; “The Diary of Black Men” – How do you Love a Black Woman? took place on 11th August at The New Bingley Hall, Birmingham and 15th – 18th August 2013 in Fairfield Halls, Croydon. The producers of the show have 30 Brochure’s to give away.


To obtain your copy, please answer the following question correctly:

Name the producers of the production?

1. The Klub International 2. The Hub International 3. The Blob International

Email your answers together with your name and contact number. with the words “DIARY” in the subject line to: Correct answers will be drawn on Monday 30th September 2013.

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DESIGNED & PRODUCED by: Clayton Brown & Jacqueline Brown


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