Panache e magazine issue 22

Page 1




“KASSADE” compression Sports Tops TO GIVE AWAY






Turn to page 88 to view a must-go-to event to kick start your

NYE celebrations New Columnist: Dawn Spence on What colour is Jesus?

Paula Souza is crowned Miss brazil UK 2013

PANACHE E-Magazine

42-47 Cover Page credits:


Front page photo by: Dayo Awe Designer: Elsa Barreto Hairstylist: Anoushka A Romanenkova


“Brightly” Shines The Reggae Sun




Profile on BEFFTA Award winner REUBEN P. JOSEPH

Stylist: Perkins Fashionsistas Rose

30-39 Welcome to our 22nd edition of:




Claudia Andrews

Coral Conciouslee Reid

Dawn Spence

George Ameyaw

Julian Hall

Marie Parris

Mr. Lekan Olujinmi

Natalie Eastmond

Pastor Chidi

PANACHE OCCASIONS LIMITED Publishers of Panache E-Magazine T: 07946088553 E: W:

A big thank you for the help and support provided by the contributors of this edition. “Our philosophy as an ethical magazine, is never to print anything in regards to the

Kieran Etoria-King

Leah Salmon

Patrick Lewis

BME population that can be seen as demeaning or negative, but to promote the positive contributions and achievements that members of the BME population have made and are making to positively impact and shape the society in which we live.” Panache E-Magazine’s readership has increased dramatically since it was launched in January 2012. We are obviously extremely pleased with the remarkable growth and would like to share our happiness by offering new customers, the opportunity to advertise in Panache E-Magazine at an unbeatable rate! Please click on the following link to view the rate card - panache_rate_card_-_160813

A Christmas message from Panache Occasions Ltd publishers of Panache E-Magazine

We would like to wish our families, friends, our valued readers and our talented contributors Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

CHAMPAGNE Excursion to “

Ladies Day at

HURRY ! To secure your Tickets. Please note that the “Early Bird” ticket sales are now CLOSED

Thursday 19th June 2014

Faith Lift

PANACHE E-Magazine

THE INDESCRIBABLE GIFT by Chidi JC Akunma-Abiakweh


In a short sentence, only eight words long, Apostle Paul wrote: “Thanks be unto God for His indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).


adies and Gentlemen, the time is here with us again. I mean this time of year when we are over concerned and most of the time stressed about choosing just the right Christmas gifts to give to the special people in our lives. We equally wait in anticipation to receive from our loved ones. Permit me ask you, "Have you ever given or received an indescribable gift?" Have you ever given or received a gift that was beyond description?

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Please think along with me. What kind of gift would it have to be to be called "indescribable?" Would it be a gift that you open and look at and say, "This is just beautiful, and it is something that I’ve dreamed of having all my life - what is it?"

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Pardon the vanity of my mind. Would it be the latest of a Range Rover 14MY V8 Supercharged Vogue SE Model (Black on Black or Silver metallic with all the extras costing about

Chidi JC Akunma-Abiakweh is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Dominion Faith Ministries International, Southampton, England. A Church that is committed to transforming lives, empowering people and raising a people of the Kingdom to fulfil their dominion mandate. He is a dynamic preacher, teacher, leadership mentor, business consultant, and motivational and inspirational speaker. His passion is to empower people. His belief is reflected in his passion for teaching and mentoring all those who come into his sphere of influence.

£100,000.00 parked outside with the keys put in an envelope and handed to me by the end of the service? Now if you should care to buy me one of those to express your love and appreciation for me, I’ll be a gracious recipient. But I warn you ahead of time, I may not be able to find words to describe my gratitude. All the same, it might not be an indescribable gift. Why? Because the Rover company have the description in the catalogue. Maybe it is a gift that carries a lot of emotional feelings with it. Someone very special gave it to you, and it was a complete surprise when it was given. You’ll treasure it always because of the memories. Would that make it an indescribable gift? In 2 Corinthians 9, Apostle Paul started by writing about human gifts. He commended the Corinthian Church for their readiness to help. He told them that those who sow sparingly would also reap sparingly, and those who sow generously will reap generously. Suddenly he moved his attention from human gifts to God’s gift of sending Jesus to earth for us. And he could not find words to describe that special gift from God and he called it, "God for His indescribable gift." Different people have tried their best to describe this gift but failed to describe it

adequately. The truth is that this gift is indescribable. The question on my mind is, why does Paul call Jesus "indescribable?" I believe that Paul calls Jesus "indescribable" because of His nature. How do you describe Jesus? What words would you choose? How do you describe a baby born of a virgin? How do you describe God in flesh, walking upon our earth and reaching out to the hurting masses of humanity? How do you describe that which is spirit when all we have ever known is that which is either physical or material? How do you describe God who has all knowledge when all we have is limited knowledge? How do you describe one who existed before the world began? Yet born in a manger (John 1:1-2). How do you describe the indescribable? How do you describe the one who created all things and nothing was created without Him? He later became a child born by the one He created (John 1:3) Words aren’t adequate to describe this gift. Even when we bring together our greatest minds and our most extensive vocabularies, we cannot adequately describe Jesus. Another reason why Jesus is indescribable is

because of His purpose in coming to earth. We celebrate Christmas because Jesus came into our world to save us and bring peace to our hearts and in the world. Do not be deceived, there will never be peace on earth until men have been lifted out of their sin, and their hearts changed, and their way of thinking changed, because Jesus the Savior has come into their lives. Many people have neglected and rejected this indescribable gift. Many are celebrating Christmas but have no relationship with the “celebrant” – Jesus Christ. Celebrating Christmas without Jesus Christ being the Lord of your life is in fact meaningless and empty. I believe that’s what we need to do at this Christmas time, is to fall on our knees and thank God for His indescribable gift. Last Word Jesus is the reason for Christmas. I would like to encourage you to make the decision to receive this indescribable gift now. The Bible says: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12 NKJV) Would like to enter into a personal relationship with God through this indescribable gift -Jesus Christ? Then I invite to say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I need you. Please forgive me for all I have done wrong. Please come into my life and begin to lead me. I pray this as sincerely as I know how. Amen” If you have prayed this prayer, you are now Born Again. Congratulations! I would like to hear from you. Please contact me and let me know of your decision. I have a free gift for you to help you begin your new life in Jesus. Email:; Tel: +44 (0) 7749061345 Need Prayers? Please email or text your prayer request or call: Email:; Tel: +44 (0) 7749061345

Dawn Spence

Counsellor/Psychotherapist Born in Jamaica Life philosophy: - keep the faith!


he 25th December marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Born in Bethlehem, in a town located on the juction of North East Africa, Jesus grows up to become an intelligent and compassionate man who saves mankind by teaching the true word of God. Jesus was the son of God, just like we are all the children of God. He taught us a new way of life, by reminding us that to love one another is the most important thing in life. Jesus was a speaker of truth. Fast forward to recent times and the miniseries directed by Franco Zeffirelli and produced by Lew Grade gets the opportunity to portray our iconic figure on the big screen, and shows him as a white man with bright blue eyes and all his family are equally as white. Now. I have nothing against Robert Powell, who was then and still is, a wonderful actor, and the reality is that when these films were made, we were still living in the days where there was not enough representation of black actors, and the truth be known, the film would probably have flopped. This is because the majority of the audience, in the time that the film was produced being white, would probably not have watched it, as in those days some would have seen it as blasphemous, because in there eyes a black cast in a film like this would have a been a misrepresentation of ‘God’s Son’. Imagine a black Jesus ?!! As a child growing up in Jamaica and being brought up in a very religious society, Jesus was

always depicted as being white. I remember the beautiful stained glass windows in our churches with a white Jesus with blond hair looking down on us with open arms, and accepting that to be the truth. Beautiful as these images of Jesus Christ may be, as I get older, I wonder how fair this is to black people that we have been denied the right to accept and own the fact that Jesus was black. I admit, there are sculptures and pictures of the black Jesus and the black Madonna in some countries, but they are few and far between.

Robert Powell as JESUS OF NAZARETH in 1977.

What colour is Jesus? Wouldn’t it be amazing if black people could own this truth in their hearts? Imagine what it would do for the esteem of our young black children, if they could own the fact that the greatest iconic figure (in my mind at least) of our time, was one of our colour. I am so wanting to say one of us, but that would in itself be very unloving, because Jesus would not have wanted to be identified by his colour but for the person he was. Does that ring any bells?

Imagine if our Jesus was black.

The fact is that, whenever I have spoken with a young black person about this subject, they are almost surprised that 1) this could be the case and 2) that we could dare to admit it, because they have never been fed with this information. Imagine what it would be like if (or should I say, when) it becomes a worldly known and accepted fact that Jesus was a black man. (There I’ve said it). Am I going to be chastised for blasphemy? Are my religious forefathers going to breath down my neck with disapproval? No. Because the reality is that it is the truth. I’ll say it again Jesus and his family were black people. They came from a middle Eastern town on the junction of North Africa.

In Jesus’s eyes, colour was not of importance, He was more focused on teaching us how to live in harmony with each other, despite our differences which included, being truthful to ourselves and others. And as I was once told, symbolically, he lives in our hearts, so we can imagine him to be any colour. However the hard fact is that he was a black man and in my opinion, black people should own this truth, for the sake of ourselves, but more importantly for the esteem and internal empowerment of our children. So as you are about to dress your Christmas tree this year, consider this. What colour is your Jesus and his family going to be?


“Christmas the love of Christ” FREE hot Christmas dinner 2013

t ’s that time of year again, that magical festive period. And once again, renowned Caribbean restaurateur Richard Simpson and his family will be opening up their doors to provide an intimate environment and a free plate of food for those who are living alone, elderly, mentally ill or homeless this Christmas. This hands-on demonstration of goodwill is in its 6th Year, and Richard continues to be overwhelmed by the amount of support, donations of gifts and local volunteers that are willing to help the community without question. Too numerous to remember, Richard recalls old Mr McKenzie who calls him every year to let him know that he will be donating a very large cabbage grown in his allotment in Sydenham that is the size of his head, the woman who donates a bag of clothes that she has purchased from local shops, and another lady who is proud to nourish guests with a magnificent fruit salad platter. ‘So much of this season has become about consuming and taking, but there is a beauty in giving to those who are outside of our circle of family and friends. Just altering your mindset slightly to see the joy that can be had from helping others and meeting people at the point of their needs is

a joy. The need is great out there for people to be shown and feel the love of God, and this is just one way of doing it. The climax of the whole experience came to light last year when I noticed a man outside the restaurant rummaging through the dustbins. Realising that he didn’t speak English, I beckoned for him to come into the shop and gave him the biggest plate of food. By the grace of God, he left that evening, content and not alone’.


Christmas Day – Wednesday 25th December 2013

T I M E:

The first sitting will be just after 1.00pm and the last meal served at 6.00pm, with doors closing at 7.00pm.

V E N U E:

Cummin Up restaurant at 389 Lewisham High Street London SE13, opposite Lewisham Hospital.


Traditional turkey, roast potatoes as well as jerk chicken, rice and peas Vegetarian, vegan & diabetic needs are catered for. All Non-alcoholic drinks, soda water & fruit juice

To get involved,contact Richard or any staff member on:

0208 690 9167 07831 423 163 .

Claudia Speaks

PANACHE E-Magazine

Love & Loathes of 2013

Young & Fresh

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s we come to the end of another successful year, it is only customary to reflect on the highs and lows of the year, and to prepare for the New Year ahead. In order to make 2014 an even better year, we countdown on the amazing things that made us ‘aaaw’ and the not so pleasant things we would much rather forget. Below is a list of some highlights and ‘low’-lights of 2013 around the world.

Highlights Malala Yousafzai In 2012, Malala was shot in the head and neck in an assassination attempt by the Taliban on the bus home from school in Pakistan. She was a target because of her vocal activism to better the education of girls under Taliban rule. This year she received the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought and a Clinton Global Citizen Award. She was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. This 16 year old girl has demonstrated that standing up for what is right doesn’t go unnoticed. Strength lies in speaking for what is right, as demonstrated by Malala and I hope that it inspires our generation to speak up and be involved.

Children in Need beats record total after raising £31m Children in need is a fundraising charity event. Each year the charity raises money to help fund projects catering to children with Illnesses, disability, poverty or situations of deprivation. This year, proceeds generated from the telethon raised over £31 million exceeding previous years. Any charity/event that caters to the needs of the underprivileged is certainly a positive thing. Summer, Summer, Summertime! This year the UK experienced one of the hottest summer on record. The highest temperature of the year was 34.1 °C recorded on 1 August at Heathrow - the highest UK temperature since July 2006. The sunshine brought on lots of joy and celebration and London lit up in response. It was truly a memorable summer with hopes for more next year.

Lowlights Cyber bullying. Easy access to social media has seen a sharp rise in cyber bullying. Statistics from the national anti-bullying charity show that 69% of nearly 7,000 young people surveyed have been victims of cyber bullying. Research also estimates that one in five young people are subject to “extreme cyber bullying” on a

daily basis. In April this year, Hannah Smith, a teenage girl killed herself after enduring months of online bullying. This cyber bullying phenomenon has to stop; the government needs to make sure that more is done to tackle this issue. There has to be a decline in cyber bullying 2014. Natural Disasters The typhoon Haiyan hitting the Philippines and other natural disasters experienced this year, has had devastating effects. Lives and livelihoods have been lost to these disasters and it is a sad time in the lives of many. Though natural disasters are inevitable, I do hope that countries can be prepared to tackle the effects and provide relief quickly after. One of the 2014 hopes is that if natural disasters do occur, systems are put in place to minimise the effects. De-evolution of the English language. It seems that the changing pace of the English language has caught the attention of the Oxford dictionary. Earlier this month words such as “twerk,” “derp,” “selfie,” “phablet,” and many more ‘slang’ terms were added to our the Oxford dictionary. It seems that although we are advancing as a people, the English language is devaluing. Can we please have a moment of silence for English as we used to know it. 2014 will bring its own highlights and lowlights. I do hope however, that the positivity far outweighs any negativity that ensues. Goodbye 2013 you have been wonderful!

Resident Property Columnist

PANACHE E-Magazine

Marie Parris


his month Marie Parris catches up with prolific property developer/investor – Bernard Stanislaus.

House & Home

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“As a client of George Ellis Property Services and someone I, his tenants and many others in the industry respect and admire, I felt it was fitting to end the year with this inspiring share”.

How did you get started in property and what area do you specialise in? My background was in the life insurance industry as a Financial Advisor which I did for most of the 1980’s. During those years I had an interest in property and I also knew a few people who were involved in it. I had bought my own home and one other property but was not in the property business. After running my own insurance/mortgage brokerage for a few years, in 1988 I bought an Estate agency franchise and within six months I took over running of the

THE DIALOGUE WITH BERNARD STANISLAUS franchise, five offices. Unfortunately the timing was wrong. I had borrowed a lot of money to purchase and run the business, within months base interest rates went from 10% to 15%. People stopped buying houses in the numbers they did before, houses were being repossessed and by 1992 I had lost the business and my home. However out of every disappointment there is window of opportunity, if you look for it. A friend of mine who was in the property business asked me to share offices with him, he also suggested that I do what he was doing, buying and selling property. I had very little money just a few thousand pounds from the sale of my car, but decided to go ahead. With the knowledge from financial services, estate agency and the confidence that if my friend can do it, so can I, so I started in the property business. I currently specialize in buying property to convert into flats then either selling them on or renting them out.

What did you find first – property or your faith? There is not a straightforward answer to this question. I have always believed there is a God probably because I was brought up a Christian. I also believe we all have faith embedded within us, but I became a practicing Christian five years ago. I came to a point in my life when I wanted to know, is this life just about having a good time and acquiring things. So I started asking some deep questions. Why am I here? What is this life all about? What happens after death? Fortunately finding God gave me the answers to my questions. What is your faith? My faith is in God our Creator and in Jesus Christ our Saviour and in His Second Coming. I believe that God wants us to love Him and others, so He gave us The Ten Commandments to live by, which hinges on those two principles. I am a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church because I believe that they aim to follow the Bible more than any other denomination that I know of. Has your faith ever been compromised in business? I would be lying if I said no, and I

don’t want to do that, do I?, but as I grow in my relationship with God I have found that I am able to resist the testing situations that are presented to me. Being a Seven Day Adventist, how do you successfully overcome not working Friday evenings and Saturdays in an industry that is 24-7? By making the decision that I won’t work during those hours. It’s as simple as that. There are many Jews in the property business who don’t work on the Sabbath. It has not been a problem for me. What is a typical day? I wake up about 7am and start with prayer and reading the Bible( Jesus says that His Word is the bread of life, so we should read it every day). I go for a run or a walk and then get ready to start work for about 9 am. Some days I am in my office most of the day which is at home and other days I am running around meeting tradesmen sorting out repairs or refurbishment on existing rental properties. When I have major projects on the go I will be meeting with the contractor, checking progress and supervising changes to the property. I also spend time looking for new projects. My day normally finishes about 6pm, but sometimes I work after 6pm, it may be to meet a tenant, or go to look at a potential property or for a variety of reasons. What do you love most about property? There is a sense of achievement in finding a property seeing its potential, putting the deal together then seeing it through to the end, even with all it’s challenges it’s exciting. But most of all running my property business gives me flexibility. What do you love most about your faith? That’s a big question. As much as I enjoy my

life now, we are promised in the Bible that when we die or if we are alive when Jesus comes, by choosing to follow Him now, we can have everlasting life with the Creator of the Universe, in Heaven and on the Earth made new. Where there will be no pain, no suffering and no death. What a promise! I also find that living by the principles of the Bible is a better way to live. How do you remain ethical within your business? It is very difficult, but by putting my faith and trust in God, knowing that He will provide for my every need, holding on to his promises, knowing that all that I am working for will come and go, houses, cars, holidays, clothes, a secure income, whatever it is. However, God’s promises are true and everlasting. What has been your biggest achievement in property? Getting started with no money in a business that usually needs money to get started. Surviving during the ups and downs of being in business, especially the property business during the recent recession. Over the years I have seen many people come and go. Has your faith been an advantage in you securing more deals? Not that I am aware of but who knows God works in mysterious ways. What advice would you give anyone wanting to start in property? I think it’s a great business to be in. It has changed since I started and is always changing but there are always opportunities in property if you just look for them. So, I would advise them to make a plan, to get advice from as many people in the business as possible, choose what area of property you

want to specialise in, as there are many aspects to the business, be brave and get started. What are your plans for your business in the next five years? To build a rental portfolio with little or no debt. What are your interests outside business and your faith? I play golf, I enjoying socializing with friends. I am interested in learning about health and plan to start arranging health and lifestyle seminars. I also enjoy learning about economics, the politics of our world and the many things that go on behind the scenes that we don’t hear about in the mainstream media. Some may say conspiracy theories. If you have a question for Marie please email

G E llis


Property Services

We are available to assist with any residential lettings and management instructions. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES VISIT OUR WEBSITE:

Web: Email: Twitter @GEProperty.

Office: 020 7 763 7200

George Ellis Property Services, let and manage property across London and have achieved zero arrears for all managed properties for the last eight years. We are members of ARLA, APIP and Property Lettings Ombudsman. We allow landlords to mix and match our range of services to support their individual needs across our five key areas. This includes; lettings, management, inventories, training for landlords and a dedicated tenant referencing division. Marie Parris is a residential lettings and management specialist and the founding director of George Ellis Property Services. Marie is a speaker at various exhibitions/events, mainly, Landlord & Letting show and Landlord Investment Property shows held nationally in the UK. She is also on the judging panel for one of the recognised property award shows and is a property investor who continues to self let and manages her own property portfolio without any rent arrears with a cash positive income.

A Christmas message from Panac Panache E-

Claudia Andrews

Coral Conciouslee Reid

Dawn Spence

George Ameyaw

Julian Hall

Kieran Etoria-King

Natalie Eastmond

Pastor Chidi

Patrick Lewis

Dionne Grant

Dr Frank Chinegwundoh

Esther Austin

Leah Salmon

Marie Parris

Mr. Lekan Olujinmi

Peter Branch Photography

Rodney Hinds

To our dear Contributors 2013 has been a fantastic Year. The magazine would not be where it is today without your articles. THANK YOU! We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and wish you all a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

che Occasions Ltd publishers of -Magazine

The Talk in A



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“Shades of Carnival - Saturnalia” are working in collaboration with The Klub International Management Company to host an exclusive event to be held at the end of 2013. The “London Notting Hill Carnival Gala” will collaborate all the African & African Caribbean Embassy’s or High Commissioner’s to enjoy a celebratory tribute to those who have directly and indirectly contributed to the Notting Hill Carnival. A grand evening of performances and award presentations is by invitation ONLY. Look out for more information regarding dates and venue details which will be published via Panache E-Magazine! The evening would follow a storyline which links the origination of the concept of carnival to Africa. It would journey to Europe, where it attained the name carnival. The journey would continue to the Caribbean (specifically Trinidad & Tobago as they were instrumental in shaping the London Notting Hill Carnival) and finally ends on the streets of London Notting Hill Carnival. Awards would be given to: • Winners of the London Notting Hill Carnival 2013 competitions: This includes the Calypso Monarch, Groovy Soca Monarch, Soca Monarch, Mas bands as well as band of the year, Panorama, Jouvert pan winners etc.

Klub ks Tourism Africa


Lekan Olujinmi CEO The Klub International Management Co E - +44 (0) 7831 128 707 +234 (0) 803 284 1467


• Life Achievement to a selected member of the British Association of Sound Systems

• Posthumous award to Fela AnikulapoKuti founding Father of Afro-Beat music.

• Life Achievements to: Calypo • Superblue (Austin Lyons an Icon of Trinidad and Tobago calypso and Soca Music) • D'Alberto • Tobago Crusoe

Special guests travelling from Trinidad and Tobago are: - The Tobago House of Assembly Secretary for Community Development and Culture, Councillor Dr. Denise Tsoi-A-Fatt Angus. The Vice - Chair for the Trinbago Unified Calypso Organisation, Mr. Ainsley King

• Life Achievement award to an elder for their involvement in the development of Carnival

Invitation Designed by: Ms. Teishel Joefield.

Memorial for Ethiopia’s late Pri a true Son of Eth Upon the defeat of the military junta, he became the President of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia and Chairman of the Council of Representatives (the legislative body of the transitional government) from 1991 to 1995. He was elected Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in 1995 and re-elected for a second term back in 2000. He also served as Chairman of the Organisation of the African Union (AU) from June 1995 until June 1996 and has also been actively involved in IGAD's efforts to end the conflicts in Sudan, Somalia, and African initiatives to seek solutions to the crises in Burundi.


was honered to receive an invitation to the British Memorial for Ethiopia’s late Prime Minister H.E. Meles Zenawi a true Son of Ethiopia & Africa which was held earlier this Year on 30th April. Born on May 8th 1955 at Adwa in Northern Ethiopia, Prime Minister H.E. Meles Zenawi received elementary education at the Queen of Sheba Junior Secondary School and completed High School in 1972 at General Wingate School in Addis Ababa. He then joined the Medical Faculty of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia where he studied for two two years. His studies were interruppted in 1974 when he joined the Tigrai Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) and in 1979, he was elected to head the TPLF’S Leadership Committee and then its Executive Committee in 1983, In 1989 he became Chairman of both the TPLF and the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) which is a political alliance of the four main political organisations in the country.

In 2004, British Prime Minister Tony Blair appointed him as one of the Commissioners taking part in the Commission for Africa. He acquired a First Class M.A. in Business Administration from the Open University of England in 1995 and an MSc. in Economics from the Erasmus University of the Netherlands in 2004. H.E. Meles Zenawi was married and a father of three. His hobbies were reading, swimming and tennis. The Memorial was held at the Emmanuel Centre in Westminster where welcome remarks were read by His Excellency Ambassador Mr Berhanu Kebede, Embassy of Federal Republic of Ethiopia and the opening remarks were read by Mr Myles Wickstead former British Ambassador to Ethiopia Also in attendance were: the Rt Hon. Gordon Brown MP and Former British Prime Minister

ime Minister H.E. Meles Zenawi hiopia & Africa. The Lord Triesman, Shadow Spokesperson of Foreign Affairs, Former Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the FCO, The Rt Hon. The Lord Paul Boateng of Akyem & Wembley Former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Former British High Commissioner to the Republic of South Africa, Dr. Jenny Hammond Academic & Author of ‘Sweeter than Honey and Fire from the Ashes’, The Lord Stern of Brentford, Chair of the

Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, The Rt. Hon. Clare Shorts Former Secretary of State for International Development Mr. Laurence Robertson MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Ethiopia Mr. Jonathan Dimbleby Writer & Broadcaster – Screening of a short film The Rt. Hon. The Lord Malloch-Brown at the FCO.

Invited guest for the Memorial for the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.

Rt Hon. Gordon Brown, Former Prime Minister.

His Excellency Mr Berhanu Kebede, Ambassador for the Federal Republic of Ethiopia.

The Rt. Hon. Clare Shorts.



ast month (November 2103), the World Travel Market (WTM) opened its doors to worldwide countries to exhibit their growing travel, tourism, trade & investments as well as showcasing the latest cutting-edge developments in the industry. Key Ministers of Tourism, Executive Directors & Marketing Executives from a number of African countries such as Ethiopia, Swaziland, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Port Harcourt & Abuja - Nigeria, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban and many more were in attendance and I was homered to receive an invite by their UK Embassies or High Commission office to meet them. In May 2014, the World Travel Market will be staging their event in Cape Town, South Africa for the very first time part of the Africa Travel week.

Sam Dede of Carniriv with Lekan Olujinmi

Cleo Soazandry of Konfikids with Kenyan warrior.

(NTDC) Mrs. Sally Mbanefo with the talking drum group in Europe.

Lekan Olujinmi with Eric S. Masekoi of Swaziland Tourism Authority.

Lekan Olujinmi with Hon. Eng Walter Mzembi (MP), FZwIE, MEIZ - Minister of Tourism & Hospitality Industry.

Lekan Olujinmi with Moses Ndewn Ndebugri of Ghana Tourism Authority.

The Klub International Management Company & Panache E-Magazine would like to wish the following African countries a very Happy Independence Day this December. We know you will all have many happy returns for your special days & quite rightly so.


South Africa







9th December 1961 - 2013

11th December 1931 - 2013








12th December 1962 - 2013


24th December 1951 - 2013

Seasonal Greetings to all my Brothers & Sisters.

Uncle George talks GUBA


GUBA CEO Dentaa and Mrs Cherie Blair.

George Ameyaw is a proactive and idealistic individual. His passion for creating a better world drew him to the Ghana UK Based Achievement (GUBA) Awards. George began working with GUBA due to their outstanding contribution to the Ghanaian and UK community, as he hopes to ensure that the efforts of unsung heroes do not go unnoticed. He is the Head of PR/Marketing/Sponsorship for GUBA Awards.



he wife of the former Prime minister of Great Britain Mrs Cherie Blair applauded the GUBA team during her attendance at this year’s 4th annual GUBA Awards held on Saturday November 16th at the Park Plaza Riverside Hotel. Presenting the Most Outstanding Award to Mr Prince Kofi Amoabeng, CEO at UT Bank, Mrs Blair said, “GUBA awards is a great occasion to celebrate the range of skills and talents emanating from Ghana, to the huge benefit of the United Kingdom.

Prince Amoabeng receiving his Award from Mrs Cherie Blair.

My congratulations to all tonight’s winners; may you continue with your incredible achievements for years to come, continuing to strengthen the relationship between our two wonderful countries” Splendour, elegance and the usual warm Ghanaian hospitality was on showcase. The award exceeded expectations with a star studded guest list, spectacular entertainment, and appetising traditional food. The evening saw 18 GUBA awards being handed to deserving winners in various categories and special achievements. Each of the 18 received a carefully designed trophy with their award details and names engraved on it. Among the guests were GUBA patron Hugh Quarshie (Holby City), Mrs Cherie Blair, His Excellency Peter Jones British High Commissioner to Ghana, MOBO’s Kanya King, Black Stars and Fulham footballer Derek Boateng actor Clarke Peters of the Wire fame and several other dignitaries and community leaders.

Hosted by ITN news presenter Charlene White and Henry Bonsu of Colourful Radio, the euphoric atmosphere was filled with true Ghanaian pride and excitement and supported by business leaders like such as Felix Nyarko-Pong, CEO uniBank (Ghana) limited, Eric Guichard, CEO of Homestrings and Jonathan Howard, CEO of Business Council for Africa.

and we’d like to thank you all sincerely for supporting the cause and those who work hard to support it”, Dentaa said.

GUBA Hosts Henry Bonsu and Charlene White.

The Trinity Baptist Church Youth Choir started the night with the Ghanaian National Anthem supported by the Composers band before the CEO of GUBA Dentaa, took the stage to welcome guests and to reiterate the aims and objectives of the event and the good work that the GUBA foundation are doing to create awareness of autism within the Ghanaian community and further plans to do a week of autism awareness in Ghana. The CEO went on further to appeal to corporate organisations and individuals to keep supporting the good work of GUBA and its foundation. “Next year will be our fifth anniversary so we are appealing to all to help sponsor and make it a special one. The GUBA vision is to become a major social catalyst to spur investment opportunities, business partnerships and innovation between Ghana and the UK,

GUBA Founder & CEO Dentaa.

This year’s sponsors offered winners an extra incentive as follows: Invest In Africa Sustainable Business Award; A free listing on the new online platform: Africa Partner Pool (APP) and a framed Sunderland football shirt, a collector’s item. BLAVO AND CO Best Young Entrepreneur Award; Free legal advice for 6mths

GAMANK Efie Ne Fie Award; Free investment and financial advice for 6mths. Money Gram Best Ghanaian Association of the Year Award; £500 cheque. Arik Air Rising Star Award; One return ticket to Ghana for the winners. Hometrings Small Emerging Business Award; Investment advice up to one year. Helping construct an investment portfolio of African opportunities that meet needs of winner MEDIA partners: ABN TV, The Voice Newspaper, Newspress, Panache Occasions, acs, AfroPulp, Discover GHANA, The British Blacklist, Precise Marketing Solutions, Diamond Radio, Screen Nation Zen Magazine, E-volution, FAB photography, GLA News, Hot Digital online, Homebase TV, rickiedavies pr, gfm radio, ghone entertainment tv, joyonline, NUQUARI ARTS STUDIO and many other radio, TV and online SUPPORTERS.

Best Student Achiever _ Jason Otchere and Presenter Jonathan Howard_GUBA Advisor.

Editor’s Note: The GUBA Foundation JUST GIVING page is now up and running. Please use it to donate to the foundation. https://www.

Welsh Actor Griff Rhys Jones presentation.

Agro Mindset Organisation Winner with GUBA IIA Award.

GUBA Patron & Actor Hug

Shaun Campbell, Winner Kanya King MBE with her GUBA Award and GUBA Patron Hugh Quarshie.

Sweet Princesses at the G

Winner, Vodafone Rep with GUBA Award.

GUBA performers, Chosen

gh Quarshie.

Winner Akua Wood with her GUBA Homestrings Small Emerging Business Award.

GUBA 2013 Awards.

n Generation Choir from Trinity Baptist Church.

Arik Air Rising Star Winner Rebecca Amissah with her GUBA Award and Sponsor.

Young Entrepreneur Award Sponsor John Blavo and GUBA Advisor Charles Thompson MBE.


Winners _ Merseyside Association of Ghanaians with GUBA Moneygram Award.

Winner Debra-Jane Nelson of M

Winners, Lively Minds with GUBA BHC Award and His Excellency Peter Jones.

Winner Archbishop Kwaku Frim

Presenters and Winner Herman Chinery-Hesse of the SOFTtribe Limited.

Mahogany Events with her GUBA Award.

Constance, Organiser of Ghana most beautiful Canada and the Pagent Winner.

mpong Manson.

George Ameyaw (GUBA Head of PR/Marketing/Sponsorship) with Jacqui Brown from Panache Occasions



GAMANK EFIE N Debra-Jane Nelson






RLG DEVELOPM Edward Amartey-Ta




EXCEPTIONAL ACHIEV Herman Chinery-Hesse |



GUBA COMMUNITY C Archbishop Kwaku


Award winner Fuse ODG and Miss Ghana UK 2013.



NE FIE AWARD: | Mahogany Events






MENT AWARD: agoe |Nandi Mobile



IEVER 2013 AWARD: Ochere

VEMENT 2013 AWARD: | the SOFTtribe Limited

GUL 2013 AWARD: King MBE

VEMENT 2013 AWARD: abeng | UT Bank

CHAMPION AWARD: u Frimpong Manson

WARD 2013: ys Jones

Edward Amartey-Tagoe of Nandi Mobile with his GUBA Award.

PANACHE E-Magazine

Celebrating Achievements “If my mind can conceive it,

Flower Girl picks up Best Picture Award Continue reading »

My heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it!” Jesse Jackson

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Jamelia “absolutely chuffed” to join Loose Women panel Continue reading »

Jourdan Dunn Wins Model Of The Year Continue reading »

Amber Riley, Derek Hough quickstep their way to win ‘Dancing with the Stars’ trophy Continue reading »

Reuben Joseph wins Best Art Director award at the Beffta’s Continue reading »

PANACHE PANACHE E-Magazine E-Magazine

Beauty Fashion & Style

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Miss Dres Phot

s Brazil, Model: Paula Souza ss by celebrity designer: Marchesa tographer: Marcin Andrzejewski


he stunning Paula Souza from Minas Gerais, was crowned Miss Brazil UK 2013 together with her male counterpart; Renan Lemes from Sao Paulo who was crowned Mr Brazil on Sunday 17th November 2013 at the Walkabout Temple and Beach Club, Temple Place London WC2R 2PH.

Mr. Brazil - Renan Lemes from Sao Paulo

Held in the heart of the Brazilian and the Latina Community, the candidates performed with charm and talent in front of a highly skilled judging panel of Brazilian and British personalities as well as from other parts of the world. A night of glamour, fun and of course, Brazilian sex appeal the candidates demonstrated that there was more to them than just good looks and charisma.

Photo by: - Hotshots photography - 07908537250

The contest to find the UK’s Miss & Mr • Bikini outfit: Maillot, where the audience Brazil 2013 was produced by an amazing appreciated all the elegance of the international event planning and production Brazilian beauty by Bella Mary UK and team Jimmy Jam Productions & Fera Events Charm & Sweet Man Beach wear. who organised and promoted the most • And finally, the gala outfit, which was a prestigious Brazilian event in the UK since the great opportunity for the contestants to very first in 1995. show that they possessed elegance and self-confidence. The finalists each paraded in 3 categories: • Homage to Brazil: designed and customized The newly crowned title holders of “MISS and specially for the event by artist director MR BRAZIL UK 2013" will each receive a prize Luiz Lula Filho. of £1,000, a professional photo session and a return ticket to Brazil and lots more.

s e ur

t c i p e r of uza r Mo o e S h la rap u Pa otog e h o Aw p by Day

Front page photo by: Dayo Awe Designer: Elsa Barreto Hairstylist: Anoushka A Romanenkova Stylist: Perkins Fashionsistas Rose

DAYO AWE Dayo Awe is a portrait and fashion photographer based in London. He is passionate about photography and Fashion and his creative editorial style is featured in his works.

Dayo Awe with model Paula Souza

Model: Paula Souza Photographer: Dayo Awe Designer: Elsa Barreto Hairstylist: Anoushka A Romanenkova MUA: Daniela Rodriguez

Model: Paula Souza Photographer & Art director: Dayo Awe Designer / Wardrobe stylist: Racheal Arias Boutique

DAYO AWE - - Tel: 07507887632


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Beffta Award Winner: Best Art Director



By Jacqui Brown

he “Pride of the Motherland Freedom” director, Reuben P. Joseph is in a happy place at the moment, having recently the award for “Best Art Director” at the BEFFTA (Black Entertainment, Film, Fashion, Television and Arts) 2013 Ceremony. The charismatic artistic creative director and choreographer has over 18 years of experience in choreographing high-end fashion shows and events. His resume is as long as it is impressive and showcases a wealth of experience. Reuben has choreographed and worked with some of the biggest names in the fashion industry. I counted over 177 fashion projects and past events he has directed for. Below I have listed a few of the events and shows he has worked on: • Yes Fashions, London Fashion Week -2011/12/13 • Poison UK – 2004/05 • Nothing Hill Carnival – 2004/06/07/13 • Miss Trinidad & Tobago – 2003/4/5/6 • Miss Nigeria UK – 2004/5/7/10 • Miss Guyana UK – 2002/12 • London Fashion Week – 2005/7/8/9 • Save the Children Fund – 1998 • Children with AIDS in India – 2008 • Diwali at Alexandra Place – 2003 • L’ Art de La Mode – 2011 • Miss Curvaceous - 2013 Reuben has become established as one of the best in the business, his style is unique and he brings professionalism to creative arts. This professionalism and style have assisted in achieving excellence in whatever task he undertakes paying specific attention to detail.

If you would like to book Reuben or ask for advice on how to choreograph or walk on the runway, please email Reuben on and he will be more than happy to help. Tel: - 07946290222 Email: - Facebook: - reuben.p.joseph

Branded Fashion Show 2013

Pakistan Fashion Week.

Runway Training in Maida Vale.

Beffta Award Winner REUBEN P. JOSEPH

“Pride of the Motherland.... FREEDOM.”


“Pride of the Motherland.... FREEDOM.”

Photography by: - Ricky Stutterz Photography Mansion - email

n celebration of our African Roots and Culture in all shades of black, through Arts, Music, Dance and Fashions. Reuben P. Joseph and R.P.J Fashion Consortium in association with the Yaa Asantawwa Arts presents, “Pride of the Motherland…….FREEDOM.” This historic event will highlight our proud and exciting heritage on Saturday 14th December 2013 at the Yaa Asantawaa Arts Center 1Chippenham Mews London W9 2AN. Doors open at 2:00pm first show at 4:00pm the final show is at 7:30pm Part proceeds of this event will go to Cancer Black Care and African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust. In addition to catwalk runway shows there will be an Art, Photography, Sculpture and Carnival Costumes Gallery located amongst the vibrant action. Twelve reputable black Designers and twenty six Models of Fashion Ryot Catwalk Productions will showcased in a theatrical presentation in the following theme segments, to be presented to live African drums, poetry, steel bands, and calypso and soca music. “Freedom”, “The Market Place”, “Africa Sunrise”, “Night over Egypt”, “Street is on Fire…Black Sweat,” “Tropical Paradise, ”Africa Couture,” and “Spirit of the Caribbean.” Pride of the Motherland.....FREEDOM, directed, produced and choreographed by Reuben P. Joseph, winner of BEFFTA Award 2013 (Black Entertainment Television Fashion and Film Award) for Best Director and Choreographer.

The Designers collection promises to be exciting, alluring, stunning and breathtaking. The visitors experience will kick off upon entrance unto the walkway off the Yaa Asantawaa, “Rivers of the Continents” in, “Washerwoman down by the River” and “River Lime.” Live mannequin presentation to be complemented with a melody of Calypso and Rhythm section the music of the Caribbean. Whilst networking and taking the ambience of the Artistes, Photographers, Costumes and Sculptors splendid works on display, while being entertained by live performances in all genre of music. From Gospel, Jazz, R&B, Reggae, Rap, Soca and Calypso to the energetic traditional African and Caribbean Dancers while enjoying their Cuisine. Live Mannequins takes the spotlight to further complement one of the most intrigue cultural events just in time for Christmas, “Pride of the Motherland…….. FREEDOM.” For information call: 0976248119 / 07946 290 222 Tickets on line: “https:// prideofthemotherland.eventbrite.”https://prideofthemotherland. Email: “mailto:rpjconsortium@gmail. com» FACEBOOK “http://www.facebook. com/events/176087025885288”www. CANCER BLACK CARE “http://www.”www. (Registered Charity 1086465). Looking forward to hearing from you.



By Jacqui Brown

bet that you have a Little Black Dress tucked away in your wardrobe which is a complete life-saver when you can’t find anything to wear. An unassuming evening or cocktail dress, cut simply and often quite short is considered as a MUST HAVE to complete any woman’s wardrobe. Fashion observers believe it a "rule of fashion" that every woman should own a simple, elegant black dress that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Often simply referred to as the "LBD.", it originated back in the 1920’s as a creation of the designer Coco Chanel who intended the design to be long-lasting, versatile, affordable, and accessible to the widest market possible and in a neutral colour. It was heralded by Vogue as a “uniform for all women of taste” and it became ever more popular in the decades to follow. Thank you Coco Chanel, as this simple, well-cut and flattering black dress can be made to look like a different outfit for day or evening once accessorised correctly. If you do not own a little black dress, you should definitely consider purchasing one. Little Black Dresses are timeless in their designs and are less in price than you would expect them to be. Alternatively, you can raid the wardrobes of your grandmother’s; check out the discount stores for sales and bargains or borrow from your best friend. Here are some tips on how to choose the right Little Black Dress for you: 1. Think of a style that flatters your figure and creates a sleeker, smoother look, i.e. Will your back look good when revealed in the dress; Do you want a lower neck line and Do you think your shoulders being exposed will make the dress look better on you?

2. Choose a fabric that is well constructed with a good lining, drapes well, a classic design that will never go out of style and can be worn repeatedly throughout the Years. 3. Follow a 3:1 ratio in making your choice. The dress should be three parts conservative and one part downright innovative and racy. Keep it simple! The simpler the design of the dress, the more versatility you'll have 4. Once you have chosen the dress you can start to accessories with a choker with a large artistic pendant or strand of pearls, a scarf or shiny shawl, a brooch or sparkly jewellery, a bold bracelet or an amulet worn above the elbow, fishnet stockings or opaque tights and blazer or jacket to top it off. 5. When you have donned the Little Black Dress, choose the bag type that goes best with it and ensure that the bag is small. A small clutch is the perfect item to carry. Remember, it's not the price but the look that counts!

PANACHE E-Magazine

Heaven Sent Consultancy is an Events Management and Public Relations company. With years of experience in various Media and Corporate events, HSC staff work on a consultancy basis for a wide range of client's. We strive at all times, to deliver our services to the highest standard and we will work tirelessly to ensure that our customers are getting a service of excellence. The thrust of our work is in Events Management, we provide our client's with a fully trained events manager and additionally, we are able to provide our client's with a fully trained staff team; where required. Our high end staff team, enables us to manage a smaller event, right through to a large scale shows, with both ease and efficiency.

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We are a unique company because we will work with you! From creation through to conception, we listen to your ideas and concepts and through our expertise help you to realise your dream. Once we identify your needs, we then create a tailor made package that meets your requirements. We provide various cost effective payments options; why not try our 'pay as-you-go' solution? We only charge you for the services that you require, rather than burdening you, with large fees at the end of the event. We provide you with the level of service, to suit your needs and your budget and no hidden extra’s! We offer Events Training, which is very unique and provides real work opportunities‌ If you are interested in finding out more then please e-mail us at

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Heaven Sent Consultancy Rivington House 82 Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3JF Phone: +44 0845-388-0109 Email - Website -

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By Julian

illions of people around the world wake up everyday dreading the prospect of going into work and doing a job they hate. I think it’s time we put a full stop that insanity!


So here goes:

The Ultrapreneurs Success Formula:

But why do people do it I hear you cry?

Passion + Excellence = Success

It’s often because they’re unable to work out what it is they really want to do. In advising, coaching and consulting with entrepreneurs for over 10 years now I think I’ve found a genuine success formula. And the great news is that the solution is quick and easy.

See, I told it was simple!

We’ve grown up being told that you’ve gotta be good at what you do or no-one will employ you. Fair enough. We’re also told that to be an entrepreneur you’ve gotta be passionate about what you do. Fair enough.

First, grab a blank sheet of paper. On one side write “Passion” and the other write “Excellence”. Then, make a list of what you’re passionate about and a list of what you’re excellent at.

But no-one ever told us that being good at what you do doesn’t mean you’re going to be passionate about it. Neither did they tell us that just because you’re passionate about something that you’ll actually be any good at it!

Once the lists are complete, draw a line between key words that match, are similar or related in some way. Whatever that ends up being, and I mean whatever, that’s what you should do with your life in business or otherwise.

But how do you work out what you’re passionate about and excellent at? That’s simple too.


The example above is mine and to prove the point, the first successful business I set up was an Internet marketing consultancy. I then went onto write a best selling book on social media!

Give it a go! It could be the most valuable 10 minutes of your life

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Luxurious designer gifts and indulge


n September 1939, like some 800,000 other children during World War II, our mother was evacuated out of London and away from the Blitz. Dispatched by steam train and delivered unceremoniously to a distant family member in a small rural hamlet in Kent, South East England she attempted to blend into country life, while our grandmother stayed behind to take up a full time position at Fortnum and Mason in London’s Piccadilly.

During her time there, our grandmother would regularly serve dignitaries and aristocrats, most memorably The Princess Elizabeth (our current Queen) a story which would be recounted relentlessly throughout her lifetime at all and any social gathering large or small, and along with our grandfather she went on to develop not only a delectable palette, but an insatiable taste for finery. Unfortunately for our mother, the all too frequent arrival of wicker food hampers

ences made in The United Kingdom

and gifts from Fortnum and Mason did not bode well with her peers, her host family or indeed the ‘make do and mend’ movement of the era. I suppose you could say, our mother was a ‘reluctant connoisseur’. Be that as it may, our dear grandmother laid the foundations for our love and appreciation, for all things luxuriously and traditionally English. Thank you so much for visiting, we’re delighted you found us. You are now

cordially invited to browse our modest establishment at your leisure, no need to RSVP. Rest assured Dear Visitor, that in true British fashion you will not be hassled, haggled, pestered or cajoled into a making a purchase...our hope is that once you’ve arrived, you’ll stay a while. Yours fondly, Mylah Rose


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PANACHE E-Magazine

Hi, Leah Salmon the “Naturally You Coach” here!!! Give a gift of health, wellness and personal development this year!


Order any of my 5 books and get it gift wrapped FREE!!! Once your order is received I’ll contact to let you know what paper you’d like me to use and any message you’d like me to write in the book Simply go to : and click on “Products” to order your gifts today

Please like Panache E-Magazine @ https://www.facebook. com/pages/Panache-EMagazine/146216548756060?ref=hl

Take care and stay healthy


Body Fitness Tips by Patrick Lewis Your Fitness Guru

Brain training HEALTH: Everybody knows the importance of exercise and good nutrition for improving physical health - but what about for strengthening our brains? Whilst a healthy lifestyle won’t necessarily make you smarter, it can help protect the brain’s delicate cells from the damage that accompanies ageing. So whether you’re a student studying for exams, a professional needing to stay sharp or a senior citizen looking to preserve your grey matter; it makes sense to keep fit.

EXERCISE: The best way to keep your brain healthy and young is regular physical activity; it increases capillary development leading to greater blood supply,

additional nutrients and increased oxygen to the brain. Working out regularly also aids weight loss, which may positively impact upon your focus and memory. Studies show the best outcomes for those who engage in a combined program of cardiovascular exercise and weight training.

NUTRITION: Whilst chemicals called homocysteines are a normal part of protein metabolism, high levels have been linked with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. In order to safely break themselves down, homocysteines require adequate folate; found in green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and curly kale. For vegetable haters, the nutrient is also abundant in lentils, pinto beans and black beans.

Send us your comments to: -

We hope last month’s health tips were helpful, so here are more health tips to help you with your exercise routine. We all want to be fit, lose weight and look good so lets put these tips to action and look forward to being much healthier this Christmas. So Go forward and be healthy.




PANACHE E-Magazine



Knock Knock


Who’s there? Wayne Wayne who?

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Wayne in a manger... !


ANY FUNNY JOKES? email us at: - Enter the Pearly Gates Three men die in a car accident Christmas Eve. They all find themselves at the pearly gates waiting to enter Heaven. On entering they must present something relating or associated with Christmas. • The first man searches his pocket, and finds some Mistletoe, so he is allowed in. • The second man presents a cracker, so he is also allowed in. • The third man pulls out a pair of stockings. Confused at this last gesture, St. Peter asks, “How do these represent Christmas?” • Answer... “They’re Carol’s.”

What’s a good Christmas tip? Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter.

PANACHE E-Magazine

“PANACHE” CHRISTMAS PUNCH For those of you who may want a change from the traditional Guinness recipe, this is our own favourite Panache version which can be shared with everyone during the Christmas season. This serves four large glasses Ingredients:

Food & Drink

• 2 bottles of Dragon Stout • 1 tin of vanilla flavoured Nourishment or Nutriment • ¼ tin of sweetened condensed milk • 1 pinch of mixed spice • 1 pinch of freshly grated nutmeg • 2 tablespoons of white rum / brandy (optional) Method: Pour the Nourishment into a bowl or jug and then add the condensed milk. Mix until combined. Then add the dragon stout, the optional white rum / brandy, the mixed spice, the grated nutmeg and stir all the ingredients. Best served cold so place in the refrigerator to chill. This punch is delicious and very moreish make plenty as one glass is never enough! .

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SORREL The Jamaica Sorrel (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) is also known as Roselle in the Eastern Caribbean. It is a member of the Hibiscus family and native to tropical Asia. You can make jams, drinks, wines and a jelly from the red acid petals. It’s a bit like Cranberry. An important ingredient in Indian and south East Asian curries and chutneys, it is not related to the European sorrel of the Rumex family. It’s leaves are prepared like spinach but it has a somewhat bitter and sour taste. The drink can be made from dried sorrel or sorrel syrup and should be light and refreshing rather than thick and sweet as it will start to become sickly. A Caribbean Christmas and New Year celebration is not complete without a traditional beverage which is made in preparation for invited or uninvited guests during the holiday season. If you manage to get some sorrel to make this drink, try this easy recipe and enjoy!! Ingredients: • • • • •

8 cups (3.5 pints, 2 litres) sorrel petals 2 oz (50 g) grated ginger 12 cups (5 pints, 3 litres) boiling water Rum sugar

Method: Place the sorrel and ginger in a large container and pour on the boiling water. Cover and leave overnight, then strain through a muslin cloth or a sieve. Add a little rum to preserve and sugar to sweeten. Bottle and refrigerate. This recipe should make approximately 4.5 pints (2.75 litres).

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PANACHE E-Magazine

What’s Happening around

Town Please like Panache E-Magazine @ https://www.facebook. com/pages/Panache-EMagazine/146216548756060?ref=hl

“Brightly” Shines The Reggae Sun


n Saturday December 7th 2013, Anthony Brightly will be presenting the 2nd Annual Sir George Sound: Dinner, Show and Dance. I have been following Mr Brightly’s career for a while and have also had the pleasure and good fortune to work with him at last year’s event. I, therefore, decided to interview him for this month’s column and let you readers get to know a little more about this suave and sophisticated reggae star If you were to simply describe yourself, what would you say? GREAT! I don’t mean that in an arrogant way, I mean I would like to do great things that people will always remember. I want people to say “Do you remember the Sir George Days?” I like to create landmarks that people refer to and remember.


Happening around Town with

Coral Consciouslee Who were/are your major influences and why? My major influences from an early age were Curtis Mayfield and Smokey Robinson. At about 11 years old, I was introduced to an artist that literally changed my life - his name was Bob Marley. A friend of mine, named Armstrong, from Clissold Park School, gave me a cassette of Bob Marley’s “Catch A Fire” album and told me to listen to it.

Anthony Brightly

I was travelling to Newmarket to do a show with a group I was in, called Mysteron 5, and in those days the motorway was not how it is now. In the minibus, on the long straight road there and back, we listened to that album for 5 hours straight. From then on, I always listened to reggae music, even though initially, I didn’t quite understand what I was listening to.

I went to Hackney Downs School and one day whilst on the way to our sports day in Enfield, I spotted a poster that advertised Bob Marley as a supporting act, in concert with Jimmy Cliff and Johnny Nash. I asked my father to take me to that concert, where I was captivated by Bob Marley and The Wailers on stage and actually got to shake his hand! A few months later I recorded my first single. It was an instrumental version of Bob’s “Concrete Jungle” and a song for Keith Drummond. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?) Our songs are about life and its different aspects; what one goes through. Most of our songs have a message of some kind. If one is going through something, it is likely that one of these songs will resonate with you. What image do you think your music conveys? That’s a hard question as I am not sure who follows my music. I am a musician, businessman, artist and sound system man, so nothing I do (musically) is ever the same. Even the remakes of other people’s songs, no one would be able to tell that it is a cover, as it would still be my version. I would like to think that people see me as a clean, upright, respectful man and I also try to convey that through my music, which means no slackness

How did you come up with the band name? Originally we were called the Young Ones from Zion, but we decided that the name was too long. Black Slate is the name of a communication cable that British Telecom used. Also the material black slate is strong and dark. We knew we had a message and purpose, mainly about sharing love, especially as it was a time when things were very hard in life. As the first generation of British born black people, we had to rethink and do some soul-searching. What we were about came out in our music. We wanted our music Roots Rock Reggae, Progressive Reggae, We were writers and creators of original music. How did you meet? Owen Newitt, one of the early young founders, used to live on my road. I started our first band when I was 9 it was called Mysteron 5 (taken after the Jackson 5). The band lasted 3 years, before we were sent to the Caribbean to improve our education. The core members of the band have known each other from 1973, that would be over 40 years

Core band members - Black Slate.

Where have you performed? We have performed all over the world, New Zealand was one of the most interesting – our record had just gone gold at the time. That knowledge was humbling in itself. In Germany

we performed to over 30,000 people, one of the largest crowds we ever performed to. Tenerife was also very interesting as I wasn’t sure what to expect. We have played all over Europe. Who writes your songs? In the beginning we had a motto, that we are all one. We never differentiated between each other’s talent. Everything is one, we all write our songs together. However things have changed over the years. For example, ‘Sticks Man’ was written by me; it was a dub plate. I wrote it when I was still at school aged 14. Elroy asked if he could sing it and that was not a problem to me because we operated as one. ‘Amigo’ was written because we used to love to dance. All of us are writers in our own right. What is more or lyrics? I think they are both equally important, as instrumentals have been hits. Music as a whole, comes in different packages and they are all as important as each other. Music can make you cry, but someone can sing a song and make you feel the same way. How did you get your “lucky break”? There wasn’t a lucky break as such, just a lot of hard work. We had to perform; we worked! For 20 years I was out every weekend. Two years after we made Amigo, we had a hit. There were two reasons for this: a bunch of white guys played it on the radio, that was the power these guys had on the radio. Secondly records that were popular and liked by the DJs were played all day every day. I wouldn’t call it a lucky break. In those days it was very rare if one reggae artist got more than one hit. But they couldn’t stop us. Our success was based on hard work. What has been your biggest challenge as a

band? Growth and life-changing experiences. My brother and I always had to work. We never looked forward to school holidays because we had to work. We used to enjoy school because we had playtime and breaks. Our parents always had a business. That’s how we made the band happen. No one else in the band had business skills. My dad believed in me and bought all the equipment, as Sir George was always a well known sound. My dad was very popular. For example, through his business at the time, he even supplied the drinks. We were always a popular band because of the things my family did. What is the hardest part about being a band? The only time when there is problem is when some have an ego or get greedy for money or fame. That’s not what happened to us. We stopped performing after New Zealand because I didn’t want to be associated with two members of the band. Basically, they wanted to go in another direction and I was not willing to do that. What is the best part of being in band? The joy of playing music with a great team. What advice do you have for people who want to form their own band? Do it for the right reasons. Do it for love of the music, not for fame. Music is a very powerful tool and if you don’t manage it properly, it will take you to places you don’t want to go. The devil was the head of praise and music. You know the story of the Pied Piper? You can use music to do anything. Anyone who wants to go down this road, they have to understand what they are getting into, fame can be very dangerous and very challenging. What are your plans for the near future? We are currently doing a documentary of

Black Slate. We are also going to make a few films and create some roadway shows about the history of black people. One film is not enough to tell our story. The’ Story of Lovers Rock’ film is great but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Presently we are gathering information and pictures. We don’t own a lot of footage, the BBC has them. Do you guys have any interests outside of music? We have businesses. Chris makes music in-house, processing all that one needs to make a vinyl record and he has a catalogue, bringing back vinyl. He has a modern version of a radiogram and one can also get a full catalogue. My businesses? I build apartments, I also own a company called Sir George’s, Bright Choice; it’s an air conditioning range; the company also sells security equipment and household goods in the Caribbean. Will you and the band be touring in the future? We have just launched our world tour. Our first stop is in Miami. At your event on 7th December, your Brother Burnie will be launching his first book “Burnie Brightly Elder”, how did that come about? Burnie, originally was a musician. He was the one that my parents sent to music classes. He used to sing and play music to me to get me to sleep. Burnie always looked after me. He was always my hero! When Burnie went to private school everything changed. That was when I picked up the music.Because Burnie was looking after me and the band he never got the opportunity to do something for himself.

as a child, soI persuaded Burnie to start writing short stories of the early days. He put them on Facebook to test the response. The response was outstanding! That’s when the idea of the book came about. We are also promoting the Feed Ourself Project – underpinned by the charity PROMPT (Purpose, Respect, Obedience, Manners, Punctuality, Training?). We want our community to buy because the product is good and not just because it’s black people selling. Feed Ourselves is an alternative, independent retails business providing targeted, affordable foodstuffs to its local community. A business wholly owned, financed and run by its members. The interview with Mr Brightly left me feeling very positive and proud that one of our own, not only uses his talents to do what he loves, but he also continues to spread that love to the World. I Wonder what dress I should wear on the 7th??

I remembered he would tell me great stories Coral Reid with Anthony Brightly.

Panache Occasions discovers

London’s best kept secret


he truth is out there! The secret is waiting to be revealed! The mystery inside the enigma can now be told.

Panache was invited by Mr Edgar Cornelius to London’s’ best kept secret: “The Private Affair Dance, for sophisticated people”. Kept every last Friday of the month and presented by EMC promotions. It was an invitation we were delighted to accept! As it happens my best friend and his wife had invited me to the same dance, although it was only later when I informed him of the address that we realised it was the same venue and dance. They had been going there for a while but had not told me because they had invited me to places my side of the river and I had not attended, so they did not hold out much hope of me reaching a N8 postcode. I asked them what the previous dances had been like. The reply he gave was simply and succinct, “The dance nice man.” This was a glowing endorsement as far as I was concerned. This statement was coming from my raving partner of over 20 years. I was going to like it! We got there early to avoid the rush and to get a feeling for the venue without patrons. I was pleasantly surprised. Spacious and elegant, with a bar taking up a good portion of one side

of the venue ( so no problem with queuing for drinks) and sofas and tables on the other side. Overall the venue passed my test, which was not to feel over dressed in my three piece suit. The place filled up quickly, however, at 1AM people were still queuing to get in –a testament to Mr Edgar’s promotional efforts- and the DJ was informing us that the room upstairs would now be opened. The dance-floor was full but the vibe was so nice I did not even consider moving upstairs. At the end of the night I caught up with Edgar and told him that I had had a fabulous night: Fantastic music, a great crowd fabulously dressed and an equal mixture of men and women. I asked if I could take some pictures to show our readers the venue and also the patrons enjoying themselves. I was told this could not be allowed. “The Private Affair”, has to remain private! If you want to know the secret, it’s out there in the N8 vicinity but you have to find it for yourself. You will not be disappointed!

Sophisticated Ladies & Gents, be sure to get your tickets to the “Private Affair” New Years Eve lockdown party ON Friday 27th December 2013 at the Luxurious Pavilion, 185a Park Rd, N8 8JJ from 10pm – 6am


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Kieran Kicks Off


efore I start this rant, I should clarify two things which could otherwise be misconceived.

Firstly, I do not hate the royal family. I think they are an expensive and pointless antiquity, but that opinion is mostly apathetic, and is only slightly relevant to this issue.


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Secondly, I don’t dislike England. I am descended from a family of Jamaican immigrants, of which I am very proud, but I was born and raised in a leafy London suburb and I am equally proud to call myself English.

I do both pretty well. Having cleared that up, I’ll get straight to the point; ‘God Save The Queen’ is the worst national anthem in the world. Seriously, it’s boring, it’s uninspiring and it doesn’t even make any sense.

Why “God Save The Queen” is terrible We are a country of more than 60 million people, and the song which is supposed to represent our whole nation is about an old woman who 99% of us will never meet? Is she the most important woman in England?

Just…just watch:

The tune, oh that unimaginative, incessant tune. It sounds like it was composed by a 4-year-old on a xylophone. When I hear it, I just feel sad inside. It represents nothing. I have always been apathetic towards God Save The Queen, and have never once sung along to it, but I had never really thought about why until this summer when the football Confederations Cup was on in Brazil. Obviously, before every international football game, both teams’ anthems are played and/ or sung. Brazil’s anthem is in Portuguese so I don’t know what the lyrics are, but I know it is freaking inspiring, simply from watching the locals as soon as they hear it. All 11 players, everyone in the dugout, and every single fan sings every single word, and then, even after the music has stopped – and this is the truly spine-tingling part – they continue to belt out the entire second verse as well. Whether you like it or not, you are getting that whole anthem, and with solidarity like that its no wonder Brazil brushed every opponent aside so easily.

Usually you face 11 opponents. In Brazil you face 80,000. I am convinced that being forced to endure the drudgery of God Save The Queen before every fixture is the reason England are generally so poor at international sports. It’s all well and good to accuse Rooney & co of appearing uninspired, but what have they had to G them up? Look at South Africa’s anthem, Nkosi Sikeleli Afrika. That song has history. Protesters sang it outside the courthouse when Nelson Mandela was sent to prison. South Africa has overcome some serious struggles, which their anthem stands for, and you can feel that every time you hear it. Hell, even look at the Americans. As obnoxious and annoying as they are about it, they know

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how to do patriotism. Their whole anthem is about their beautiful flag, everything the flag (supposedly, but we’ll save that argument for another time) represents – independence from the British, the civil war, the right to live freely in the Land of Opportunity. Ours stands for blindly believing your heads of state are chosen by God himself, and our red cross flag was the insignia of a possibly fictional character who probably didn’t kill even one dragon. It’s also, in my opinion, the second-most boring flag I’ve ever seen after the blank green rectangle of Gaddafi’s Libya. England is such a vibrant country, where is the colour and life?

Just look at this poor disillusioned bastard:

This is a problem which has begun to escalate in alarming ways recently, as since the Lee Rigby murder in Woolwich there have been a string of suspected EDL-related violent incidents, including several arson attacks, targeted at the Muslim community, and one foiled plot by a group of Muslims to bomb an EDL rally.

The issue I’m getting at is much deeper than sport success or enjoying hearing a song now and again – I’m talking about our national pride.

Perhaps this is exactly why Britain clings on to the royal family. I found the royal wedding two years ago absolutely baffling, and last year’s coronation boat pageant was the most boring 4 hours since my parents forced me to waste an afternoon watching Ben-Hur on Channel 5 (with excruciating ad breaks), but they seem to be the last recognisable symbol of ‘Englishness’.

I could list you many things I love about being Jamaican, and I’m sure any Nigerian, Polish, or Pakistani diaspora could do the same. But when I think about why I’m proud to be English, it’s much harder to actually think of anything. White Britons often complain of having no “identity”, and I am starting to empathise with them. I believe this is why groups like the English Defence League are thriving – people are disillusioned, and are scared of losing their country, but don’t even know what they stand to lose.

England is a vibrant and diverse country nowadays, and it’s time to embrace that. Clinging to a centuries old ideal only serves to embitter those ‘indigenous’ English people who feel that immigrants and foreign cultures are ruining ‘their Britain’, and alienate those who don’t fit into such an image. Let’s not forget that 100 years ago, gays, blacks, women, and in fact pretty much everyone who wasn’t a white male with money was having a fairly shitty time in England.

There were simpler times:

God Save the Queen God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen!

Of course there is no magic fix for the deep societal cracks which exist in the modern multi-cultural England. But the country is in desperate need of some kind of universal national identity. Perhaps South Africa is a good role model, as its historic problems have also revolved around the integration and co-existence of large, very different groups of people, and they seem, from the outside at least, to have come out the other side quite healthy. I probably sound very unpatriotic, but I really want to be proud of England. I believe it’s time for a rebrand, and while I don’t necessarily think we should remove the royal family, we can start by banishing that terrible, terrible national anthem.

O lord God arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall! Confound their knavish tricks, Confuse their politics, On you our hopes we fix, God save the Queen! Not in this land alone, But be God's mercies known, From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see, That men should brothers be, And form one family, The wide world ov'er From every latent foe, From the assasins blow, God save the Queen! O'er her thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, Our mother, prince, and friend, God save the Queen! Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign! May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause, To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen!

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