Panache e-Magazine WELCOMES you to 2016. (image designed by Jacqui Brown)
An inspirational message for 2016 by Selina Chippy.
14-17 26-30
Chevelin Pierre shares his latest mesmerising illustration 2
JANUARY 2016 /
Contents Categories
CONTRIBUTORS A big thank you for the help and support provided by the contributors of this edition.
“Our philosophy as an ethical company is never to print anything that can be seen as demeaning or negative, and to promote the positive contributions and achievements that members of the public have made and are making to positively impact and shape the society in which we live.” Contact us : T: 07946088553 E: info@panacheoccasions.com W: www.panacheoccasions.com
04. MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR’s 06. COVER PAGE FEATURE HAPPY NEW YEAR! 14. FLAIR Pageantry World Style Fashion Beauty Hair Grooming Shopping 20. LIVING Health Food Drink Spirituality Travel Wellness Home / Properties Abroad Love & Relationships True life stories 28. PLEASURE Jokes Fun & games Illustrations Horoscopes Competitions
MCUK’s Award winning Singer/Songwriter YINKA WILLIAMS releases her debut single “Big Boy Games”
The UK’s No 1 lifestyle portal for the Caribbean and African Community
“For You, By You”.
The UK’s No1 portal for the African & Caribbean community
WINNER Best PR & Marketing EBR Award 2014
WINNER Best Fashion Magazine Afro Model Award 2014
The UK’s No 1 lifestyle portal for the Caribbean and African Community
“For You, By You”.
Clayton Brown
Jacqui Brown
Dear Readers, On behalf of all at Panache Occasions Ltd, publishers of Panache-E-Magazine and host of Miss Caribbean UK, we would like to wish you all a Peaceful, Positive and Prosperous New Year! This month’s edition is focused, as always, on looking positively towards the future and realizing the goals that we make for the year ahead as individuals and as a community. Some goals, however, by their very nature, are not achievable in one year or even several years and so need even more focus. Getting or communities to work together to achieve economic independence is an example of one long term goal that we hope we will soon attain. We have more to tell you about how we are making advances towards reaching that particular objective in the New Year.
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As well as highlighting the positive endeavours of BAME individuals, our aim has always been to encourage our communities to become stronger by encouraging closer ties between communities across the UK and the Caribbean. To this end we created the Miss Caribbean UK pageant. (Please visit www.misscaribbeanuk.com to read more). Please read and enjoy and remember this African saying: “Lions that do not work together can be defeated by a limping buffalo.” Clayton Brown Editor
Althea Dixon
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Cover page feature 6
JANUARY 2016 /
Cover Page Feature The Value Of Setting New Year Resolutions By Christopher Melotti
he New Year’s Resolution: It is something that everyone does every year at the very start of a new January in order to signify the start of a new 365 day cycle, only to be forgotten within a few weeks, sometimes only in a few days. Seeing as how so many dump them so quickly, you would be surprised at how many people are actually serious about their resolutions and goals for the new year, which indicates that people see the value but fail to keep the dedication and motivation. This is such a shame as it requires such little effort for such great pay off. I say it time and time again: the years seem to fly by faster and faster and, as no one can physically halt the flow of time and age, the next best thing is to make use of the precious time we have through achievement. That way, by the conclusion of each year we can reflect honestly on a successful year of growth and accomplishment, and realise that our precious hours are being used well. It isn’t being selfish to want the most personal gain that can be possibly squeezed from each second we have! Everyone knows about goals and how to set them: i.e., make sure they are specifically defined, personally motivating, tough but achievable, responsibly realistic and set within a strict deadline. We also know the benefits of goal setting: i.e., it is easier to actually achieve measurable success if you set a target to strive for. We know all of this, and yet, our New Year resolutions are so easily forgotten and dismissed to the detriment of ourselves. It is time to appreciate the true value in them. A New Year resolution is so incredibly valuable as it has the perfect psychological platform- a fresh goal for a fresh new start. A new year signifies new beginnings for everyone. You have heard it so many times before: “I cannot wait for this year to be over, as next year is going to be MY year”. Most people find it hard to set a new goal to extend themselves at a random time, which is what makes the new year such a compelling excuse. People feel motivated to make something of themselves for the new year, but seem to forget once the hustle-bustle commences mid-January. The New Year means you have an entire year’s span to tick everything off and look back to be proud of how much you did in this year: trust me when I say there is no better feeling.
Cover Page Feature So, this year, don’t let the days, weeks and months fly under the radar AGAIN. Make an effort for your own gain. Think of around five things you want to achieve this coming year. Range them from easy to tough and make them things you actually want. There is no point in saying you want to undertake flying lessons if you despise planes- you know you will dump that goal. Instead, find things you actually want to do that you have been putting off or making silly excuses to avoid, such as learning how to cook a new cuisine, undertake further studies, learn a new language, participate in a new public society, travel to a destination you have always wanted to see, buy a new house, pay more off your mortgage, etc. Make sure they are all clearly defined and not whilst you are at a party on the drinks! Just make certain that they are real, honest goals that will benefit you when you achieve them throughout the year: nothing is more demotivating that setting a goal to watch more TV and then getting to the end of the year and telling yourself you deserve a gold medal. This is not a personally stretching objective that helps you grow as a person. Personal goals only pay off when they are honest and individually building. Go home and write your resolutions down on a white board where you can see them every day. Then, it is up to you regarding the steps you take on obtaining each. Everyone has a different style and you all know how you like to approach things. Do you prefer making a mind map on paper of the stages of how to achieve the goal, do you like to think your way through them on the bus, or quickly book things in to start the ball rolling? Whatever works is good, but make sure you do it! 8
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The biggest trap is the following phrase: “Oh, it is only . I have plenty of time”. If you hear yourself say that, it is time to seriously reconsider your motivation. Think about how annoyed and depressed you can feel on New Year’s Eve when you look back on the year that has been and you think “What did I actually do this year? All these years are blurring together”. Think of that feeling every single time you mutter that trapping sentence above. There is no time like the present and picture how good it would feel if, by December 31st, you can say “Not only did I take up learning how to cook Indian food like I said I would, I learnt how to cook Thai food too because I loved it so much and I did it earlier in the year.” Of course, your goals will be specific to you, but it is time to get into action and reap the benefits of plunging into the New Year with strong targets rather than passive ideas. You will also notice that as you start to see the little wins here and there, your motivation will double and then you will finally appreciate how useful having New Year resolutions are. Setting positive and smart goals will be the second best thing you did all year, with the first being achieving them all. Good luck!!! You’ll thank yourself.
An inspirational message for 2016 by Selina Chippy Finding your self confidence can lead to so many opportunities. Following my success in the Miss Caribbean UK beauty pageant, I've been inspired to start a blog which teaches selfesteem and confidence. My recent video discusses my own personal journey and how you can achieve confidence and skills in public speaking.
Cover Page Feature How To Make and Keep Reasonable New Year’s Resolutions
By William A. Edwards
t's difficult to say where the idea of making New Year's Resolutions originated. It's easier to pin down how January 1st became the first day of the new year. The ancient Romans set the start of their New Year to occur on January 1st. This was done by a declaration of the Roman Senate in 153 A.D. When the Julian Calendar was established around 46 A.D., it was none other than Julius Caesar that reasserted January 1st as the beginning of the New Year. Some of the other New Year's customs can also be traced to ancient cultures. The Greeks paraded a baby around in a basket to celebrate Dionysus, their god of wine. This occurred right around the beginning of their New Year and gave us the concept of Baby New Year. The ancient Egyptians believed it important to celebrate the New Year during its first several minutes and hours. This would ensure prosperity during the coming year. They gave us the concept of a New Year's Eve Party.
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The modern New Year's Resolution may have came out of a mixture of those earlier concepts, along with the observances of Yom Kippur (the Jewish day of atonement) and the season of Lent (celebrated by Christians and leading up to Resurrection Day or Easter as some call it). Both of these religious occasions encourage people to reflect on their mistakes, make some sort of atonement for them and move on in a more positive and less sinful way. Regardless of where the whole thing began or how it developed, the New Year's Resolution has become a part of our culture and many people take it very seriously. I look on it as an opportunity to do some mental housecleaning and set a few solid goals for the coming year. And why not? Once the hoopla of the winter holidays passes for another year we can all breath a sigh of relief and get on with our lives. What better way to kick things off than by trying to fulfill some promises we make to ourselves. If you decide to make a few well-thought out New Year's Resolutions, make sure they are realistic and do-able. Do not try to expect more from yourself than you can personally
Dionysus Greek God
The idea of New Year's Resolutions may have begun in ancient Babylon. Historians tell us that returning borrowed farm equipment was part of the Babylonian New Year celebration thousands of years ago. It's not hard to assume that when equipment was borrowed, the borrower might make a promise or resolution to return it during the New Year celebration.This tradition was probably adopted by other cultures over the centuries and slowly began to take shape as the idea or tradition of making promises to be kept during the new year.
deliver on. If you are thinking about weight loss, think in terms of a few pounds a month. If you beat that goal, so much the better. If you plan to get a job or a better one, make sure you implement that plan by exerting the effort required and using all the resources at your disposal. Finding work is work and you have to make a personal commitment to spend a certain number of hours, each day, on that kind of a goal. Research resumes and make sure yours is everything an employer is looking for in a resume no matter what kind of a job you're seeking. Many employers will not even bother to read a resume if it looks sloppy or unprofessional. On the other hand, a good resume can help you to get just the kind of job or position you want and might even help you advance in pay and position later (employers remember and save good resumes for promotion possibilities). If you have made a commitment to be more positive, it's time to start eliminating as many of the negative influences in your life as possible. Start with the news media. Bad news and criticism sells better to the general public than good news. At least that's the perception that has driven the news business for many years. Even when they try and present news stories with a positive slant, they tend to be depressing and unproductive. Instead of encouraging politicians to do something about the economy so that there are less hungry and homeless people, for example, they show the President and well-known celebrities spooning out a few crumbs to starving people at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Do you really think that homeless and starving people really
care who it is that is feeding them? I was watching the evening news on a major broadcast network the other night and noticed that following one of these 'feel good' stories about giving out food, they made the statement that one in two children now live below the poverty level. Sound crazy? Well, yea, because it's not true. You would be shocked at how often reporters get it wrong. Just go online and look at their reports on the web or mobile phone sites. They cannot even spell the news correctly, let alone get the stories right. If someone or something is bringing you down, do your best to limit access to those influences. Negativity is infectious, but so is positivity. Find more positive influences to bring into your life. If you cannot get away from someone who is always being very negative (like a family member), do your best to convert them from the dark side. Remind them that life is a gift that can be enjoyed with a reasonable amount of effort. Relationships are always big in the sphere of New Year Resolutions. People want to start them, end them or find new ones. If that's you, don't settle for anything less than what you are looking for and always consider compatability. No matter how good looking someone is or how great a prospect they seem to be as a date, steady or eventual partner, you are not going to change who they are. People can make adjustments, but they will not change completely and neither will you. Online dating is an easy out that I do not recommend as a good method to find your next main squeeze. It can be disappointing and dangerous. Start by looking for that www.panacheoccasions.com
Cover Page Feature special person in places where you feel comfortable (hopefully not bars - a personal observation based on my own beliefs and tastes). Workplace romances are generally unwise, but do not always end badly. School romances are equally chancy, but can also turn out well if you find a person with similar interests and goals. Your best chance of getting what you want out of the new year is to be steadfast in your commitment to accomplishing what you have set out to do. Completely remove the very idea of giving up your resolution or giving in to forces that make it seem impossible for you to succeed from your mind. You can make your New Year's Resolutions successful ones if you keep your list short, your expectations within reason, stay with the program you created and be willing to put in the time and effort needed to do what is necessary to bring about positive outcomes. In the mean time, have a very happy New Year!
Here are some realistic inspirational resolution ideas to kick start your New Year: 1. Get Fit – Start the New Year with a healthy mind and body. 2. Give up booze – After all the holiday festivities, try to gradually cut back on the alcohol. 3. Give up smoking – A hard one, so aim to get some help to beat the habit. 4. Save more - Open a savings account and transfer a tenner on the day you get paid into it. 5. Read more – Aim to read a juicy novel once a month. 6. Learn how to cook - Improve your cooking skills, try something new! 7. Donate to charity – Support a good cause and clear out your wardrobe. 8. Travel more – Have fun and book short weekend city breaks to Europe. 9. Watch less TV – you won’t miss much! 10. Sign-off social media – Try to have more face-to-face conversations instead 11. More time for loved ones - Spend more time with the people you love. 12. Volunteer - Do some volunteering for charity, organisations or events
JANUARY 2016 /
JANUARY 2016 /
Fashion Feature
DUNNI is a full time model who spends most of her week getting ready for the catwalk and getting booked.
Her busy schedule includes taking care of her skin, pedicures, manicures (in Nigeria) and Spa Treatment. She has been featured in the music videos for Mark Morrison; 9ice and Cheryl Cole, in movies movies such as Night At The Museum 2 and in magazines such as: Black Hair & Beauty in Hector Obeng's Global Salon with Zeal. ADUNNI loves modelling and representing pure values. She doesn’t drink, smoke or swear. ADUNNI is the crowned winner of the title of Miss MultiVersatility of Miss Democracy 2014-5 in Nigeria. The Miss Democracy Beauty Queens travelled to Ghana on tour over Christmas and NYs Eve. Here, she won a record deal with Raj MultiMedia and also set up an NGO as part of her pet project promoting peace, empowerment and cultural prosperity in Nigeria. The name of the NGO is African Bourgeois - Fb African Bourgeois Ahoiza Adunni & LinkedIn. She is also the winner of the title Miss Ankara Festival 2013 BEN TV Best Model where she since held her own show: “The Church Fashion Show” in April 2014 at the church.
Statistics: • • • • • • • • • •
Height: Bust: Waist: Hips: Shoe: Dress size: Hair Color: Eyes: Origin: Nationality:
5’8” / 173cm 28”/ 71cm D 26” / 66cm 31” / 78cm UK 6.5/ 39.5/9 US UK 6/US 8 Red Brown Nigeria, West Africa British
To Book Adunni for TV appearances, Red Carpets and and Shows. www.dreampwmodelmanagement.com Mobile: +44(0)7490690811 Credits: • Front Cover Credits ENVY Studios London Cat Greenham Photography • LFDW Kiki Kamanu First Kiss • Couture Fashion Show Brick Lane • The Church Fashion Show Karlton Chambers Hotshots MultiMedia • The Madame Gele Tea Fashion Show • Ferona Nedim Nazareli • Designer Anne Couchevelou Make Up Shareen Gerald MUA Photographer Tony Patrick Smith
ADUNNI attended the VPA. In 2014 and won the title of Miss Sophistication in Divas of Colour. www.panacheoccasions.com
Fashion Feature
LFDW Kiki Kamanu First Kiss.
Couture Fashion Show Brick Lane.
The Church Fashion Show Karlton Chambers Hotshots MultiMedia.
The Madame Gele Tea Fashion Show.
JANUARY 2016 /
Ferona Nedim Nazareli.
Photographer Black Ink Tony
Designer Anne Couchevelou Make Up Shareen Gerald MUA Photographer Tony Patrick Smith.
Photographer Shoot Kirth Noel
JANUARY 2016 /
Professionally trained and award winning Soni Makeovers has built a diverse portfolio of commercial, fashion and media make-up and has worked with many celebrities. We are also proud to have worked for several high-profile beauty pageants including Miss Caribbean UK, official Miss London, Miss Asia, London Catwalk Society and Pakistan Fashion Extravaganza. Our work has been published in Ebuzztoday, Asian Leader, Panache E-Magazine and SaReGaMa Magazine. Make-up allows Soni to express her creative side. It’s all about enhancing her client’s natural beauty and making them feel good about themselves. If you feel good you do good.
Sophie Bissett
JANUARY 2016 /
JANUARY 2016 /
YINKA WILLIAMS Award winning Singer/Songwriter from the UK.
singing star who has performed on the Voice UK 2014, at Proud 2 and the O2 arena. Hailing from Hertfordshire, Yinka is excited about getting her music heard and enjoyed by the masses.
Yinka Williams has performed on many stages, captivating audiences both locally and overseas including being a part of a tribute act of the legendary Supremes, supporting top UK artists and currently working with top European producers. More recently Yinka Williams has been apart of the European charts hit single "The way I do" with Hungarian producer VekonyZ which won best electronic single at the Hungarian Music Awards 2015 (Fonogram Awards) Yinka has come a long way and has found her unique style, releasing her EP "Setting Free" available on ITunes, which displays her soulful tones and skilful writing. Eager to get a name for herself and rightful place in the music industry, Yinka Williams is working hard to put her stamp on the world!
OUT NOW is a teaser to Yinka Williams debut single “Big Boy Games� which will be released on the 8th January.
Keep following this rising star!!! http://youtu.be/U2B-NI_QIew www.youtube.com/YinkaOfficial www.twitter.com/YinkaOfficial https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ yinkawilliams www.facebook.com/YinkaOfficial
JANUARY 2016 /
JANUARY 2016 /
Caribbean Events
JANUARY 2016 /
The Pirate - LE FLIBUSTIER Š Dessin : Chevelin Pierre - Chevelin Illustration 2014
13. www.panacheoccasions.com
JANUARY 2016 /
37. www.panacheoccasions.com
D’après l’œuvre d’Etzer Vilaire (poète haïtien) http://fr.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Etzer_Vilaire © Dessin : Chevelin Pierre - Chevelin Illustration 2014 41.
JANUARY 2016 /
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Horoscope for JANUARY 2016 A first month of the new year, when our actions and reflections will aim to transform the world around us, socially and in human terms, with a worrying prospect of crises and potential uprisings around 6th, 7th, 20th and 21st January, when tensions could rise across the social spectrum! Changes that could shake up our customs, and a status quo that will need reviewing, so that we can ultimately break with a past that will have lost its relevance and move forward, but this will inevitably involve some upheavals
Read more: http://www.free-horoscope.com/ horoscopes/monthly/#ixzz3ihivgzYq If you do not know your astrological sign, use our application “What is my sign?� by entering your date of birth. Read more: http://www.free-horoscope.com/horoscopes/ monthly/#ixzz3YcrrbylW
JANUARY 2016 /
Trendy World Ltd. Unit 15 Forest Business Park Argall Avenue East London E10 7FB Tel : 020 8520 2626 Mob : 07908 215 889 www.trendyworld.co.uk Email : trendyworldltd@hotmail.com www.panacheoccasions.com / JANUARY 2016 37
WINNER Best PR & Marketing EBR Award 2014
The UK’s No1 portal for the African & Caribbean community
WINNER Best Fashion Magazine Afro Model Award 2014
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Magazine designed by: Jacqui Brown - 07951308379
A big thank to for the help and support provided by those featured in this edition. This publication is copyright and may not be produced in any way either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this magazine, the publishers will accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for any loss or damage, consequential or otherwise, suffered as a result of any material here published.
JANUARY 2016 /