Melilas Monit or
A st u den t -ow n ed m agazin e, all con t en t w r it t en an d edit ed by M elilas st u den t s.
M1 Residential
The Haze
Short Film Study
Language Leaders
M 1 Residen t ial t o Sin gapor e! Residentials can be exciting for many people. There was no exceptions for the M1s when they went to explore the luscious environment of Singapore. The trip commenced on 15th April and ended on 19th April, when children were reunited with their parents. The M1s went on many trips in Singapore such as the tour of 'The Battle Box' and the tour of 'The Former Ford Factory'. There was also a lot of trips to shows and many of us loved them. The shows we watched were 'The Wings of Time' and 'The Supertree Rhapsody'. We also had a chance to shop at Chinatown after dinner with our pocket money that was sent with us on the trip. There were lots of different food options for us to eat for dinner. By Ayanangshu, M1S
M 1 Per f or m in g Ar t s Hom ew or k In Performing Arts this term, Melilas students will create a short films. In M1, the short films are based on one or two of the UN Sustainable Global Goals. In M2, students are developing a short documentary drama inspired by their time on their Temburong Residential. The key to a good short film is to make the person watching feel emotion and think about the issue and ways they can help. Students will also use symbolism as one of the key parts in their film, however, this is not all they will do. Also, they have to write an essay as to how it connects to the global goal or theme they have chosen and an overview of it. Furthermore, included in their film will be a song (composed by them) that will be a soundtrack for the film. They will have to make the story clear and use different camera angles to add emotion. By Varun M1S
Hazardous Haze If you?ve been around the past 3 weeks in Panaga, then you have definitely encountered this heinous haze. You might say, ?whatever, it can?t hurt me? .?, but that?s where you? d be wrong. Haze, as well as smoke, is a biproduct of combustion, where the fuel has not been completely and utterly burned due to the lack of oxygen. As such, it contains harmful, half burned hydrocarbons that can damage your lungs, and give you diseases. This is why we, at the Melilas Monitor, beseech you to stay indoors when the smoke is visible. Panaga School has been taking the appropriate measures by delaying the start of school to minimise exposure to this harmful haze. If you can, always avoid the haze, because the last thing anyone wants is to become sick when we have this beautiful place to live in.
By John, M1S
Lan gu age Leader s This year, Melilas have begun an amazing project. The purpose of it is to prepare teacher career skills based on teaching foreign languages. A few students have gathered at lunch times and worked with Miss Steph, beginning to plan and learn the qualities of a good teacher. During this project, those who have volunteered shall hopefully be teaching an actual French/Spanish lesson to younger age groups in Rampayoh or Mendaram. We experience resilience, when planning does not go to plan; and creativity, inventing new ways to get the children involved in the lesson, to help them on their journey of education. The ones mentioned here are a few of the wide range we will be using. Are you a language leader?
St u den t s of t h e Week Congratulations to Stephanie and Cooper from M2S. These two are our Students of the Week. Well done Cooper on your focused and productive work in the Math classroom Great work demonstrating your leadership skills in Performing Arts this week, Stephanie.
I m por t an t
Dat es Ter m 3
Sat u Im pian Su st ain abilit y Fest ival - KB Cen t r al Saturday 22nd June 2019 M elilas Exam Block : 10th -14th June 2019 Fest ival of Lear n in g Par en t Af t er n oon : 27th June 2019 In t er n at ion al Day: 28th June 2019 Gr adu at ion : 4th July 2019 Fin al Leaver s Assem bly: 5th July 2019
Edit or s: Raymond and Joel
Ph ot ogr aph er : Eva
St u den t of t h e Week Colu m n ist s: Haniya, Eva, Arsha
Design M an ager : Haniya
Jou r n alist s: Aliza, Varun, William and Ayanangshu