Melilas Monit or A st u den t -ow n ed m agazin e, all con t en t w r it t en an d edit ed by M elilas st u den t s.
Diw ali
M elilas Excu r sion s
Date :
23rd November 2018
Issue No. 3
M 2 JIS/ ISB Excu r sion This year, M2 will be participating in a school trip to JIS (Jerudong International School) and ISB (International School Brunei). The purpose of this outing is to aid the students in gaining experience of what a large high school will look like and the behaviours and learning expectations they should have in order to succeed in their next stage of their academic years. They will be taking this trip on 6th December. After questioning a few of the M2s about what they were most looking forward to, Cherise mentioned: ?I?m excited to see which school I would prefer to go to.? MC also quoted she wanted to ?see what the boarding houses looked like,? and Molly added, ?I?d like to check out the music opportunities available.? The M2s are all enthusiastic towards being capable of visiting a high school, as this will be their first step to their success in the future. M 1 Geogr aph y Field Tr ip In addition to the M2?s excursion, the M1s will be visiting the KBBC. The M1s will be attending a river cruise in order to study development along the river bank and its impact of the river system, including ecosystems. The trip will take place on 6th December. Moreover, they will be paying a visit to the Panaga Beach to perform a long shore drift experiment related to the investigation of the process of waste once it is
thrown into the sea and its wider global impacts. A few opinions from M1 students on this excursion include: ?I?m pretty excited because we get to take learning outside the classroom,? commented Suraj and ?Actually going out there and finding the answers is fun,? quoted Zacky. M1 cannot wait to take their learning a step further by participating in this excursion!
Im por t an t Dat es Ter m 1.2 6t h Decem ber 2018 M1 Geography Excursion M2 High School Excursion 7t h Decem ber 2018 Melilas Open Classroom Parent Day 14t h Decem ber 2018 Celebration of Learning Reward Day
Diw ali Diwali, also known as "The Festival of Lights", is mainly celebrating the goddess of good fortune, Lakshmi. It is celebrated by wearing colourful clothing, lighting Diya's and placing them all around your house.
Edit or s: Raymond and Joel
Ph ot ogr aph er : Eva
St u den t of t h e w eek colu m n ist s: Haniya and Eva Jou r n alist s: Aliza , Ellis , William Ayanangshu
Design M an ager : Haniya
Cover Ph ot o an d Design : Mae
St u den t of t h e Week Ar t icle by : Eva an d Han iya
This week's Student(s) of the Week are Suraj from M1N (left) and Ellis from M1S (right). They have both displayed high levels of concentration while doing their Art/Duolingo work, and also possessed loads of interest while doing this.
Creativity This week, M1 and M2 are working on being creative and thinking outside of the box. This is very rewarding for your mind. Steps to creativity: 1. Ask the right questions. 2. Become an expert. 3. Be cautious and aware 4. Play and pretend 5. Generate lots of ideas 6. Fuse ideas 7. Choose the ideas 8. Make something out of the great ideas.