Panaga School Biweekly Issue 124 22nd September 2022
Panaga School Biweekly PanagaIFM/4,School BSPCompany Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB, 3534, NegaraDarussalamBrunei Phone: Teraja Office +673 Rampayoh3372139Office+6733372694 Principal: Cindy Bin Mendaram Deputy Principal Donna panagaschool.netdonnabonham@Bonham Rampayoh Deputy Principal Claire panagaschool.netclairerichmond@Richmond Teraja Deputy Principal: Mandy panagaschool.netamandarussell@Russell Melilas Deputy Principal: Robert panagaschool.netrobertunsworth@Unsworth Business Service Lead: CylaAhmad Panagapanagaschool.netcylaahmad@SchoolBiweekly DonovanHannahEditors:ZakariaDolamit panagaschool.netpublications@ Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Dear Panaga School Community,
PTAAnnual General Meeting
Meet the Teacher Evenings are offered at the beginning of each school year to strengthen our important ‘bridge’to connect home and school in support of student learning.Thank you for the well attended events. We look forward to more opportunities to continue to involve parents in student learning.
Please see advertisement in this Panaga School Biweekly (PSB) about our Parent and Teacher Association (PTA). Come along and get involved in this positive, active school community group, to plan for community and fundraising events. All parents and teachers are welcome to attend.
Learning Celebrations
Happy National Teachers Day Friday 23rd September is Brunei Teachers’ Day, with school closed.
Thank you to our fantastic teachers and teacher assistants who offer quality teaching, learning and care for our students.
Mr Kane has arrived in Brunei and is now part of the P3 teaching team. Mr Stephen is scheduled to arrive in Brunei in the next few days and will be introduced to MiddleYears students next week.
Enjoy taking a look through your PSB with entry points, sports events and community extra curricular learning opportunities celebrated. Fortunate are our students to be able to engage in such a rich learning environment offered in our community.
NewArrivals - Welcome Mr Kane and Mr Stephen
Meet the Teacher Evenings - ThankYou
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022 26th Sept 27th Sept 28th Sept 29th Sept 30th Sept Whole MendaramSchool(PN-N) Settling PTCS 1-3pm Rampayoh (P1-P3) P1 - PTC 2:15 - 4pm P3 Entry Point Teraja (P4-P7) P6 Entry Point Melilas (M1-M2) 3rd Oct 4th Oct 5th Oct 6th Oct 7th Oct Whole RampayohMendaramSchool(PN-N)(P1-P3)Teraja(P4-P7) U13@FootballJIS Melilas (M1-M2) Sports Training In addition to Thursday’s ASA, below is the link to next week’s: SPORTS TRAINING SCHEDULE (CLICK HERE)
Belait U12 5x5 Football League 18.9.22 - P7Team finished 2nd in their group and 4th overall, M1 team finished 3rd in their group and narrowly missed out on qualifying for knockout.
Now that school is once again fully operational, a variety of sports opportunities are now once again available to students. On the previous page you will find a Sports Training Schedule. This will indicate if children just turn up or need to be registered or invited to attend. Any questions in relation to sports, please connect with Mr Nathan , or Miss Melissa
Boys’U12 ISB Football Competition 14.9.22 - While neitherTeamAor B secured a win, the sportsmanship was outstanding and experience beneficial.
Congratulations to all students for your participation and thank you to all staff for your support!
Fridays at 6.25am, meet at Teraja Foyer. P5 and younger to be accompanied by a parent. All welcome, just turn up for a 2km or 3km morning run.
Girls’U12 ISB Netball Competition 21.9.22 -TeamA andTeam B both had one win and one loss to ISB teams.
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Link here
We had so much dotty fun! Looking for dots, stepping on dots, drawing and painting colourful dots and listened to the story “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds.
Many more fun photos on the link above
By Miss Shelagh
International Dot Day
International Dot Nursery
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
International Dot Day
We were resilient in developing our fine motor skills through the ‘Dotty’crafts and cookie decorating activities. Cooperating with our friends as we tried out new skills.
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022 P1 Entry Point- Going Places describeonthrougharcticThenartisticcarpetan(IEYC)OurfirstInternationalEarlyYearsCurriculumUnitoflearning‘GoingPlaces’gotofftoadventurousstartaswetookamagicalride.Firstthechildrenusedtheirskillstocreateindividualmagiccarpets.wejourneyedoffthroughdesertsandscenes,overmountainsandevenspace.Thechildrenwereabletodrawtheirknowledgeofdifferentsettingstowhattheymightsee,hearandfeel. By P1 Team
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
We had an exciting day on Monday 12th September. Some scientists visited P2! We started and used our enquiry skills to conduct experiments linked to our sensessight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. We were adaptable and happily tried new experiences.
Brainwaves Entry Point: P2
P7 “Bake it” Entry Point
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
The P7 team enjoyed their first entry point last week. The unit celebrates a new International Curriculum (IC) Science unit related to chemical changes. To introduce the unit, children brought in a selection of breads from their home, host and heritage countries. The children discussed the breads, compared their tastes and textures and located their country of origin on a world map.
The P7 teaching team want to say a huge Thank you to the P7 children and families for such a wonderful start to the unit and for making a huge effort with the vast selections of bread available for the children to try out. This will definitely inspire the children to create some of their own recipes later on in the unit.
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
P7 “Bake it” Entry Point
Swap your book from home with one from our book swap box
Fair swap rules: ● Bring a book from home that is in good condition to donate
Book Swapping makes books accessible to all children whilst also being a fabulous way to introduce children to the idea of reusing and recycling. All children need is just one book to have access to a whole world of stories and adventures without spending a penny. Last week saw the opening of Bookquet Cafe at Rampayoh site.
Enjoy reading!
A Book Swap Box is now in place in our Book Cafe and P2 and P3 children can bring books from home, making sure they follow the fair swap rules. P2 have access to the book cafe on a Wednesday lunchtime each week and P3 on aThursday.
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
our P3 Playground Buddies
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Be an inner detective! Ask questions…How do you feel?Are you okay? Can I help you? Use your thinking skills. Think carefully about situations you see, reflect on what is said. Do your best to discover what’s true. Don’t hesitate, investigate! Do help everyone. Reach out and play. You can include others everyday! Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022 How to be a great Playground Buddy
The Panaga Club Nigerian Community organised a Spelling Bee and it was all the buzz! The Panaga School Children were phenomenal and learnt over 450 words! The top 3 finalists were Pranshi Dhillon (1st), Asiya Alli (2nd) and Felisa Sha (3rd). Congratulations to all the spellers! FELISArecognitionSpecialtotheyoungestfinalist,SHA!!
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022
Issue 124 | 23rd September 2022