Panaga School Biweekly, Issue 129

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Panaga School Biweekly

16th December
Issue 129

Panaga School



Prior to introducing you to this week’s exciting edition of Panaga School Biweekly, we would like to offer you some important updates about staffing and internationalday.

Staffing Update - Design and Technology Teacher

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Mr Paul Creaton (pictured) will return to Panaga School as our Design and Technology teacher. Mr Paul is well known and respected at Panaga School. Until July 2022 he was ourMiddleYearsMathematicsteacher.AmongstMrPaul’s broad curriculum vitae, he has engineering and furniture making qualifications and industry experience, allowing him to lead this area of teaching and learning. It was wonderful to see the sheer joy from our Middle Years students and all staff when this news was announced informallyatthebeginningofthisweek.

International Day

We currently have 25 countries represented for International Day, which is due to take place all day on Friday 3rd February 2023. On Thursday 2nd February from 5.30pm an International DayAssembly will be held. We are in the process of organising food vendors for food purchases during the assembly and local performers such as lion dancers and local gulingtangan playing. We also look forward to members of our school community performing at this event. Please register your interest to either host a stall on Friday 3rd February or participate in the assembly on Thursday 2nd February by using this link: Arm8WFHhHukcaH4/edit?usp=sharing

TheendofthecalendaryearmarkstheendofTerm1andwhatafantastic term of learning it has been. We are so proud of the quality teaching and learning taking place on a daily basis. All of our children have had value added to their learning experiences with parents,, wider community and experts contribute. Field trips, fundraising and community events have taken our learning into the real world. Enjoy taking a look through the pages filled with learning celebrationsinthisfinaleditionofPSBforTerm1.

We wish all those celebrating, a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.

IFM/4, BSPCompany Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB, 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Teraja Office +673 3372139 Rampayoh Office +673 3372694 Principal: Cindy Bin Tahal Cindy-Rose.BinTahal@
Deputy Principal Donna Bonham donnabonham@
Deputy Principal Claire Richmond clairerichmond@
Deputy Principal: Mandy Russell amandarussell@ Melilas Deputy Principal: Robert Unsworth robertunsworth@ Business Service Lead: CylaAhmad cylaahmad@
School Biweekly Editors: Hannah Zakaria Donovan Dolamit publications@ Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
UPCOMINGEVENTS Term 2.1 - 2023 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2nd Jan 3rd Jan 4th Jan 5th Jan 6th Jan Term Break 9th Jan 10th Jan 11th Jan 12th Jan 13th Jan Teraja/Melilas Science Week Mendaram:Going PlacesEntryPoint 16th Jan 17th Jan 18th Jan 19th Jan 20th Jan ScienceWeek: P7-M2Crest DiscoveryAwards RampayohCoffee Morning 23rd Jan 24th Jan 25th Jan 26th Jan 27th Jan Public HolidayChinese New Year U13 Football @ISB ASATerm2Starts BJSL Cross-Country @ HB P5-M2 30th Jan 31st Jan 1st Feb 2nd Feb 3rd Feb U13 Football @ISB 5.30pm InternationalDay Assembly InternationalDay Link to the updated: SchoolAcademic Calendar 2022-2023
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 After School Activities (ASAs) Term 2 Every Thursday, From 26th January to 16th March 2023 Rampayoh (P2-P3) Students 2:15pm - 3:00pm Teraja and Melilas Students 2:30pm - 3:15pm Link to list and information available for P2-P3 students. Link to list and information available for P4-M2 students. Link to P2-P3ASAs Sign up Form Link to P4-M2ASAs Sign up Form Information and Sign up forms below:

Celebrating Christmas

Thanks to the team of parents who set up many wonderful Christmas activities in Mendaram.The children had lots of festive fun!

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 MENDARAM


During the last nine Tuesdays of After School Activity, a group of 20 childrenfromacrossP1andP2have come together to create a Nativity Performance for our final end of Term assembly. The children were very resilient and put on a wonderful performance for their parents and whole school assembly. Thank you also to our school choir who supported the singing. Well done everyone.

Nativity Assembly

Thank you to outpost for providing refreshments for parents and children.

More Photos:

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

P1 Christmas Crafts

Abig thank you to the two special elves that visited P1 on Monday.The children had lots of fun engaging in craft activities, a story and even some fun in the snow!

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

P3 Exit Point

“A day in a life…”

As part o learnin this term, we have been findin out what li e is like or children in various places across the world. One o the destinations we researched was the Penan community in Sarawak, Malaysia. Representatives rom the Helpin Hands or anisation came to speak with P3 about the Penan Tribe and what li e is like or them, particularly what li e is like or the children o the Penan Tribe.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

The children learnt that not all children in the tribe et to access education, as they cannot afford it. It was new learnin or our children to understand that not all children have access to an education and it sparked a lot o discussion as to why and how we could help to chan e this.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
This learnin linked to the children’s developin understandin o the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and in particular Goal 4:

Our P3 children decided they would like to sponsor a child to o to school and thou ht that they could afford to do this by raisin the money.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
The total cost o sponsorin a child or a year o education, includin the bus are, stationary and uni orm, is $480 Brunei dollars.
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 We sold tickets or our parents to come and watch our ran e o talents and skills. To raise the money the children decided to host an ‘Entertainment forEducation’event. The children worked to ether to plan and create an event which showcased their talents, skills and knowled e that they have learnt rom bein ortunate enou h to access education. Our talents ran ed rom ● Bakin ● Sin in ● Playin the drums and keyboard ● Gymnastics and ballet ● Joke tellin ● Ma ic shows ● Rubik's cube solvin ● Hula hoopin , skippin and fitness routines ● Bracelet makin ● Drawin and colourin ● Paper aeroplane makin
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 Our tar et was $480 BND but with the kindness, support and enerosity rom our P3 parents we actually raised $744 BND! Well done to all our P3 children or their amazin personal qualities and desire to make a difference to the lives o others! We are
every one o you!
so so so
o each and

This week, P4 and P5 have hosted a winter market to raise money for Solar Aid, who provide solar for families in sub-SaharanAfrica.

P4 created a range of chocolate products for the market, inspired by their learningduringtheirIPCChocolateunit.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 P5childrencreatedarangeofproductsathomewhichincludedbaking,arts andcraftsandgamesfortherestoftheschooltoenjoy. Solar Aid is our chosen charity, as it links to our recent learning during our Bright Sparks unit and the UN Sustainable Development Goal7:affordableandcleanenergy.
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 Winter market raised a whopping $2175.71 for SolarAid. More information aboutthischaritycanbefoundviathefollowinglink:

P6 Learning with the Global Goals



To be able to talk about how individual lifestyle choices influence social,economic,andenvironmentaldevelopment.


To be able to talk about ways that you can engage in sustainable consumptionandproductionpractices.

- To be able to differentiate between necessities and desires of consumption and to reflect on their own individual consumer behavior.

We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to talk about sustainable consumptionwiththeownersofKaimana.Thisisthefirstshopofitskind in Brunei. We learned lots of new knowledge about how to be sustainable as well as local business in Brunei.As Brunei is our host country it really helps ustogainabetterunderstandingof lifehere.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

P6 Learning Trip to Brunei History Museum and Archeological Park

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

P6 Learning Trip to Brunei history Museum and Archeological Park

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Duringthetripwewenttotwo museumsandwelearnedabout thefifthSultanandhowhedied. Wealsodidalittlequiz.Atthe secondmuseumwelookedat beautifulartifactsfromthe ancienttimes-Melle Ilikedtodoalltheactivitiesand thesmallroombecausetheir wassomuchinteractiveplay! -Maelle Ithinkitwasreallyfunand excitingwithalltheinteresting activities-Charlotte Thefirstmuseums,wewentto threeplacesnearby.Wesaw thefifthKing’stombandthe Queen’stomb.Inthesecond museum,wedidsomefun activitiesandweearnedprizes. Atthesametime,wealso learnedaboutthehistoryof Brunei-Pranshi
Duringthetripwelearnedintwomuseums.The firstonewasaboutwhatpeopleusedintheold timesandtheotheronewasaboutthehistoryof Brunei-Saumya Thankyouforteachingusaboutthe

P1 and P7 learning together

OnTuesday, the P7 students joined the P1 classes to help them with their ‘Blast Off’ exit point. The P7 children hosted some space activities for them to get involved in.The afternoon was very enjoyable.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

P7 Break out Room

On Tuesday, P7 children were able to take part in a Global Goals based break out room. Groups worked against each other to try to break into a box in order to win the challenge. Challenges were complex and based around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The activities involved being observant and cracking a variety of codes. It was a enjoyable and creative afternoon.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

P7 Exit Point - Go With The Flow

P7 welcomed their family members to school, to share their learning from this term during their learning exit point. Children were able to talk about their learning and share their new knowledge, skills and understanding with confidence.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

Brunei meets Singapore

On Thursday 8th December, P6M made international connections with a Grade 4 (P6) class from the SingaporeAmerican School.The children from both classes took it in turn to asks each other questions. The questions were mainly about school. It was lovely to see the children's reactions to some of the answers. We found out that their school has 14 P6 classes and we loved finding out that they have a canteen with pizza. The children from Singapore were also surprised by our answers. P6 told them about the animals we get to see in Panaga on a regular basis and that we can cycle or walk to school. The majority of their students take a bus to school. P6 also explained about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how we use them in lessons. Overall, it was a great experience and we are already planning on what to do next. It is such a valuable experience to talk to children in different countries and finding out how people live on a daily basis.Also it is great to find out that we actually have a lot in common too.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Hello Singapore! Good morning Brunei!


Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
The children of P7D performed an assembly to the school where they showed how their learning was connected via a theme. The assembly was informative, interactive and even involved a metaphoricaldancingriver.WelldoneP7D!

Teraja Outdoor Learning

P5 - DriftwoodArt & Math Investigation P4 - Observational drawing and pebble painting

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
At Panaga School we make the most of our outdoor learning environment across all subject areas. Please find below a snapshot of some examples from eachTeraja year group forTerm 1.2.


Math Reflections

P7 Measurement and Biology Classification

To see more photos please follow the link:

This term many of our outdoor learning activities happened whilst our tent cover was being replaced. Here is our new and much improved all weather tent that will mean rain or shine we can continue outdoor learning and host large scale community events.Thank you IFM!

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

We are so lucky to be supported by our international community as we work together to offer a wealth of creative and internationally minded learning opportunities.Ahuge thank you to our Indian community who came in and shared their Rangoli Pattern making knowledge and skills as part of their wider Diwali celebration.AllTeraja students really enjoyed working together to develop these traditional and colourful designs.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022


Dear Melilas Community,

As the holiday break approaches and we enter our last week of the term, it’s worth looking back and reviewing what a successful start to 2022 -2023 academic year we havehadsofar.

This is particularly true given the unsettling year that we all experienced last year due to the pandemic, and it is a credit to the students that they have returned and engagedwithschoollifesoenthusiasticallyandwithsuch determination. It is also testament to their resilience that wehaveseensuchacademicachievementsofarandthe qualityoflearninghasbeenoutstanding.

Our final fortnight has been no different: this edition we have environmental speeches, impassioned slam poetry, well-researched and mature presentations on renewable energy in Science, and creative statistical number representation in Maths. Great learning bound together ourpursuitofeco-themedsustainableeducation. Havearestfulandrelaxingbreak.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Rob Unsworth

The Melilas students have had an environmental theme for their English lessons this half-term. The M1 children have been writing persuasive speeches about a range of environmental issues, whilst the students in M2 have been working collaboratively on a performance poem about threats to our planet.

All of the M2 students and a small group of pupils from M1 had the opportunity to share their work with the local community at the Eco-Festival at the Panaga Club on Sunday, 11th December. To begin with, a packed Lotus Lounge was treated to our inspirational M1 speakers sharing their evidence-based views on how humans are damaging the environment and what we should do to improve the situation. Following that, the M2 students performed their powerful poems to an appreciative audience.

The feedback from the audience was universally positive. Members of our community commented upon the passion shown by the Melilas students, their confidence when speaking and the hard work they put into writing and rehearsing their work. We would certainly concur with these comments. All of the teachers at Panaga School are very proud of what the Melilas students accomplished this half-term. We hope everyone in our community takes heed of the children's message and tries to adopt a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Miss Peta & Mr. Matt Powerful Persuasive Performances at Eco-Festival
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Powerful Persuasive Performances at Eco-Festival

Science: Sustainable Energy Sources

M2 pupils were challenged to identify and locate a blend of renewable energy resources for Brunei. They worked in groups brilliantly well to justify their decisions and considered a broad range of issues relating to Bruneiandourenergydemand.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

Science: Sustainable Energy Sources

M2 pupils displayed their posters showing renewable energy choices for Brunei at the Future Energy Leaders Brunei ‘Eco Fayre’ at the Panaga Club on Sunday 11th January. This backed up their powerful performances in public speaking and prose.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Mr. Stephen

Mathematics: Visualising and constructing. Scale, bearings, enlargement and multiplicative relationships

M2 pupils applied their learning on maps, scale and bearings to produce a map of offshore BSP assets. TheyuseddatashowingdistanceanddirectionfromAndukiairfieldtoplotthepositions,convertingtokm, using 3 figure bearings, applying the map scale factor and then measuring accurately. They were then challengedtousetheirmapstovectorahelicopterfromeachplatformtoRIPAShospital.Checking against the true values, many pupils were within a degree and less than half a km! No mean feat with classroom instruments. Some pupils found the shortest routes between platforms and considered flight times given average speeds.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
Mr. Simon
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022 WHOLESCHOOL School Disco MorePhotosfromtheSchoolDisco Link: Hks21DbWNo?usp=share_link
Issue 129 | 16th December 2022

Monkey Awareness Session

Thank you to those who were able to attend our recent Monkey Awareness Session.

The slides from the presentation with many links to further videos and information is available by using this link here

It is planned that experts from the Jane Goodall Institute Singapore will visit Panaga in the New Year to assist further with Monkey Guard training and various community information sessions, including sessions held in school assemblies for students. More information will be provided once they are available.

Issue 129 | 16th December 2022
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