Panaga School Biweekly Issue 157

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Panaga School Biweekly

157 20th September 2024

Dear Parents,

It would be safe to say that school is now in full swing!

There have been some wonderful learning experiences for our students including one minute challenges in NTC Nursery and Reception,Adventurers and Explorers inYear 4 to Speculative Fiction andTeamworkTableau in Melilas.

There have also been lots of events. Wellbeing Week was a tremendous success with a focus on self care and care of others; thank you to the team of teachers and parents who provided so many wonderful opportunities for the children to experience. ASAs have started and it has been lovely to see a range of activities for the children across the week. We are looking to further broaden ourASA provision, so if any parents would like to run anASAon a Wednesday in Term 2, please contact Ms. Donna ( Congratulations to our Year 6 children who competed in the first BSJL of the year at Hornbill, demonstrating their indoor athletic skills to prizewinning effect! The next BJSL event will be hosted by our school, at Panaga Club, and this will be football on Tuesday 1st October. Monday 30th September sees the start of the 'Big Pedal', so this will be a very active week! Aspecial mention to the children who represented the school in theAnnual Spelling Bee at the Panaga Club run by our wonderful Nigerian community. Congratulations to all of the children that participated, including Ryan fromYear 5, who was the overall winner.

It was a busy week of 'settling in meetings' on Mendaram and Rampayoh with a Phonics workshop the previous week. Next week, we welcome parents of children on Teraja for their 'settling in meetings'. On Wednesday 2nd October October (12:30 pm - 1:30 pm) we will be having our third Parent Information Meeting, focusing on Assessment and Reporting. If you would like to attend please RSVP (with any questions you would like answering) to Miss Yin ( by Friday 27th September. Once we have an idea of numbers, we will communicate the location.

The school will be closed on Monday 23rd September to celebrate NationalTeachers Day but we look forward to welcoming everyone back next Tuesday 24th September, when our Student Council elections will be held onTeraja and Melilas during the week.

Wishing everyone a very relaxing and safe long weekend.

Best Regards, Brian, SLTand all of our staff



Mendaram Goes Dotty!

We dressed up in dots, listened to the storyThe Dot, painted dots, decorated biscuits with dots and went on a dot hunt.

NTC Nursery / Reception

One-minute challenges

This term, in NTC Nursery/ Reception we are reading the book ‘Nippertje’. Nippertje is a hedgehog who is always late. He rather tidies up his toys then catching the bus on time for school. In the end, we actually find out that being late sometimes can be a good thing. To tie in with this book, we has started to look at time. Today, we talked about what we could do in one minute. We tried all different type of challenges.

Walk with an egg and spoon for one minute

Layla lasted the longest - 56 seconds - as she took her time

Balance for a minuteno problem

Standing still with an egg & spoon - EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY

We were able to catch 12 balls in one minute - we only dropped the ball twice

Balancing on one legimpossible as we are only ickle pickles

NTC Nursery / Reception

One-minute challenges

How high a tower can we build in one minute?

We were able to pick up 87 pompoms with tweezers.

We can also jump for one minute

How far can we walk in one minutes?

Not move for one minute - I think the children fell asleep

● We are also able to pick up 33 buttons with tweezers

● Put our shoes on and off (we did this in 29 seconds

If you can think of anymore challenges you want us to try, please contact MIss Steph. We are up for any challenge! We are extremely resilient.

Reception Playtime Fun

Pan olins have settled really well into their new playtime routines. Look at the all the un we have been havin .

We can sit at the picnic benches i we haven't finished eatin and o to the library or a quiet cool down.

We love the mud kitchen and the equipment on the sports field.

Week 9th -13th September saw our first Wellbeing Week. Fitted around the theme of…

● Mindful Monday

● ChoosedayTuesday

● Work it out Wednesday

● ThoughtfulThursday

● FriYeah! Friday

The children enjoyed a variety of activities, in class and at break times to promote greater wellbeing.

Rampayoh children had an opportunity to participate in a ballet class as part of the wellbeing week. Thank you to Teacher Susan from Panaga Dance Centre and parent volunteers.

Children in Rampayoh participated in special wellbeing breaks where we could meditate, dance, practice mindful breathing, develop fine motor skills, play musical instruments and take part in sensory play.

Thoughtful Thursday

We had a wonderful week, learning many effective strategies that will support our wellbeing. We would like to thank our new School Counsellor Mr Dean, who also ran valuable workshops with all Melilas students discussing how to regulate our emotions.

Pastoral Team

It was wonderful to see Wellbeing week in full flow around the whole school last week. Listening to the children talking openly about their feelings and recognising that all our emotions are important. There were so many activities to help them lead a healthy balanced lifestyle, from Yoga to Zumba and mindfuleating.Inthestudentsupportteamwearecontinuallylookingforways to promote student health and look after the individual needs of the children. If you have any ideas you would like to share, or any activities from last week you would like to see continued, please let us know. I loved hearing music at break times – it instantly lifted my mood and motivated me for the rest of the day! We welcome Mr Dean (School Counsellor) and Ms Marie (School Nurse) whohelptosupportourwellbeing.

Remember, you can pop in and see Mr Dean for a chat on Wednesday or Thursday Break and Lunch times.

Ms Marie School Nurse

Year 4 launched their new IPC theme ‘Adventurers and Explorers’ by filling suitcases from 8 different places around the planet (and space) with packing lists, Hazard and dangers, a world map and an explorer who has already explored the destination.

This was a great opportunity to find out what our children already know about our new theme.

Children then brainstormed all the questions they had about the IPC unit. We will plan to answerthese brilliant questions throughout our IPC learning.


We investigated the effect of changing variables (such as amount, temperature) on a mixture of water, sugar and yeast…

…and predicted the possible results.

We also learned that yeast has got a very peculiar smell.

Year 6 Bread Tasting

Bake it! A tasty science project

In Science ,Year 6 is learning about how different materials can be changed, combined and separated through the baking of bread. In class we studied the states of matter, a variety of mixtures (both homogeneous and heterogeneous) and we have thoroughly tested our taste buds when comparing the different tastes. We also had the opportunity to try each other’s favourite breads in a whole class bread tasting event. What a great way to start the year!

Mmmm.. Nice vinegar. Do you want some?

This bread needs some flavouring.A sprinkle of sugar should be good. YUMS!

I loved my dad’s Jamaican Fried Dumplings.

French at Teraja

This year, there have been some changes to the French lesson as Miss Steph has finally discovered Blookets. Most year groups start the lesson with a Blooket. The children get super excited and everyone has the chance to win. We use Blookets to either recap vocabulary/grammatical points or introduce new language.

French cognates

In Year 6, we are learning how to give opinion.

We have been learning a lot of new words in French, however they are quite easy to learn as they are all very similar to English. Did you know that nouns in French are either feminine or masculine? We learnt which definite article to use. We even know which article to use when the noun is plural. We played a cool game last Tuesday to revise the vocabulary we learnt. Miss Steph divided us into our house teams and put the words into five categories - places;food; animals; food and objects. Miss Steph would call out a word and we had to run to the correct category. The first person to reach the correct pillar with the correct pillar received a point. This was a great way to revise the vocabulary.

In Year 3 and Year 5, we have been learning how to hold a short dialogue in French. We now know how to ask how someone is and how to ask for someone’s name. We also know how to say hello island how we feel in different ways. On Wednesday, we played a great game under the tent. First of all, Miss Steph divided us into house colours. The game was a bit complicated at first and involved hula hoops. Miss Steph created two long lines of hula hoops. Each house group positioned themselves at the end of one of the lines. One student from each house had to run towards the middle until they met a student from the opposing house. They then recapped the dialogue in French. This was followed by Rock, Paper and Scissors whereby he losing person had to step out of the line. The winning person would run towards the end of the line where he/she was blocked by the next member of the opposing team. The student repeated the same dialogue with the new student, and hope not to lose at Rock, Paper and Scissors. The first person to reach the end of the line won a point for the team.

The students loved the activity. Games are a great way to learn languages. What game will we be playing next?

Year 8 English

Year 8 Students are studying Speculative Fiction. Students will develop an understanding of how experimenting with the features of a short story, allows authors to speculate “what if?” whilst entertaining readers. Last week students presented as experts of a well known Speculative Fiction stories.

Year 8 English

Melilas Panaga Library visit

Melilas Students kicked off Wellbeing Week by visiting our Panaga Club Library. It was fabulous to see them reconnect with the space and enjoy reading for pleasure as a part of a wellbeing mindset.

Melilas Panaga Library visit

Thank you so much to our fabulous Community Librarians Ms Nova, Ms Leah and Ms Debbie who volunteered their time and made us feel so welcome. ~ Ms Peta & Mr Ben ~

Quesadillas and tacos

Kids in the kitchen ASA-with Ricardos restaurant

The year 7 and 8 students were very lucky to have some treats to taste and a demonstration with Rita from Ricardos!


Teamwork Tableaux

In Drama, we have started our unit on the elements of drama by exploring teamwork. Year 7 and 8 students created a frozen frame of time that expressed teamwork and and portray it with clarity.

The personal qualities we linked most closely to teamwork were communication, cooperation and respect.

Growth Mindset with Maths by Mr Rob

With a growth mindset, we focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart or what grades we achieve. We work hard to learn more and get smarter. A “growth mindset,” thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growthandforstretchingexistingabilities.

People with growth mindsets believe that intelligence, and qualities we’re born with are just the foundation for future development. As students start year 7 and 8 Mathematics they are introduced to new and harder concepts we portray the message our born ways can be improved through learning and hard work. Some people can do certain sums, equations and problems with little or no training but with the leadership, knowledge and guidance from our teachers students can learn to do those same things,justaswellorbetter,withtraining,practice andconsistency.

Growth Mindset with Maths


Siddharth, Joyce and Aryaman ‘showing some grit’ and winning Scrabble Maths

Below is a list of steps we can all engage in to help us to become ‘growth-minded’not just in the classroom but in life.

Acknowledge and embrace imperfections: Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them. Pick a weakness and improve it to at least neutral and to, at best, a strength. This could be as simple as setting out your working solutions or margins in your exercise book or choosing to tackle the questions you have been having trouble with.

View challenges as opportunities: Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement. Learn more about how to fail well.Attack a small challenge until you succeed. Try not to focus on the end of term test, rather focus on lesson by lesson, week by week.

Cultivate some grit: People with that extra bit of determination and effort will be more likely to seek approval from themselves rather than others. Consistently chip away at your Mathematics homework, results may not happen over night but they will happen.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!


All Rhodes Lead To Ancient Greece!

The children inYear 7 are learning about the legacy ofAncient Greece this half-term in history lessons. The children have been surprised to learn how many aspects of our everyday lives originated fromAncient Greece around 2,500 years ago. Some of the legacies we will be learning about include:

● The birth of modern-day science.

● The Olympic Games.

● The spread of democracy around the world.

● The influence of theAncient Greek language on English.

● The Doric columns which surround the Melilas courtyard.

● The influence of characters from Greek myths in modern books and films.

● The mathematical discoveries of Pythagoras and others.

● The impact ofAlexander the Great’s conquests.

ThisAristotally amazing list could continue for as long as one of Homer’s poems, so I’ll leave it there. Here are some photos of what’s beenAthen-ing in class this term.

BJSL Year 6 Indoor Athletics event at Hornbill School

As the September storms relented, the first BJSL event of the year arrived at Hornbill School in the guise of the Year 6 Indoor Athletics. Like startled Macaque Monkeys, our athletes sprang eagerly to their starting positions ready for the toughest of challenges. Conjuring up the strength of a thousand crazed crocodiles, Anshuman, Max and Archie threw their javelins into the ocean blue sky and beyond to a raucous reception from the neighbouring Hornbills. With nothing but success in their thoughts, Lucas, Skye and Louise scampered through the high stepper, creating searing scorch marks that sent a shivering shudder through their opponents minds. It was indeed a fabulous sight, only made greater by the spectacle of Nathan, Nylah and Mikaela in the Standing Triple Jump. Motivated, excited, determined, they leapt like skyrocketing Cobras eager to scare off all contenders to their much deserved title. In contrast to this invigorating display, MeiMei showed the calmness of a seasoned veteran during the balance beam collecting another set of full marks, that was added to the plethora of outstanding performances witnessed by all that were lucky enough to be in attendance. As the event came to a close, and the results were collated, there could be only one winner - Panaga School! Well done to all, and we wait avidly for the next instalment of BJSLin early October.

BJSL Year 6 Indoor Athletics event at

Hornbill School

BJSL Year 6 Indoor Athletics event at

Hornbill School


Panaga Club was set a-buzzing as Spellers arrived from all over Brunei for the 2024 Panaga Club Spelling Bee Competition. With 55 players from 6 different schools, it promised to be exciting…AND IT WAS! The Spellers kept goingandwouldnotstop!They actually exhausted the word listandanewwordlisthadto be pulled up to get the first, second and third winners. Prizes and certificates were awardedtoallparticipants.Flip forthelistofwinners.


RYAN SIM (Panaga School) emerged as the 2024 Spelling Bee Champion!! SHAURYA MAHALDAR (Panaga School) came in second place and tied in third were ABDUR RAZIQ ZIKRI BIN JOHARI (St. Margaret School) and SOFIYYAH AMMARA SUHAIL (St. James School) . The recognition award for the youngest participant went to JAMES LING (Panaga School). Congratulations to all the Spellers! You are now officially… A BEE!


It is a pleasure to invite Panaga School to attend the Taiwan Long Tan Philharmonic Orchestra Charity Performance on 6th October 2024 at 2.00PM at Pusat Insani, Seria.

Interested Individuals may register via QR Code below:

Panaga students.

If you are interested in participating in this competition , please see Ms Peta for more information.

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