Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
Messages from Panaga School’s Senior Leadership Team Dear Panaga School Community, Book Week Celebrations What a fantastic, fun-filled week of learning with Panaga School’s Book Week, held in conjunction with today’s UNESCO World Book Day 2021. Panaga School
IFM/4, BSP Company Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam Phone: +673 3372139 Teraja Office +673 3372694 Rampayoh Office
Principal: Cindy Bin Tahal
+673 8777028 Cindy-Rose.BinTahal@
Mendaram Deputy Principal: Donna Bonham donnabonham@
Rampayoh Deputy Principal: Claire Richmond clairerichmond@
Teraja Deputy Principal: Perminder Sanghera permindersanghera@
Melilas Deputy Principal: Robert Unsworth robertunsworth@
Business Service Lead: Cyla Ahmad cylaahmad@
Panaga School Weekly Editor: Damian Brady damianbrady@
The range of learning experiences and celebrations of reading right across the school captured the curiosity and interest of students. It was an exciting week where we were constantly finding children, adults and classes in different locations reading and sharing stories. Older students visited younger pupils. We also witnessed poetry competitions, visits to Panaga Library, decorated doors and engaging assemblies focusing on Book Week themed learning. Character dress up days were inspired by a vast array of costumes that gave life to characters and lifted words from pages. Community engagement in Book Week, through online Padlet connections of shared stories (children’s contributions, parents’ contributions), was appreciated in bridging home to school learning. Thank you to our school community for your enthusiasm in supporting this year’s Book Week. We trust that the week has helped to further promote a love of reading for all of our students. Expect pages in this and next week’s editions of Panaga School Weekly, celebrating this fabulous learning. To view some great Book Week photos, please click here. Admissions Updates M1 and M2 admissions are due to open to the general community for a limited number of enrolments. These additional student numbers will build class sizes conducive of learning, help members of the community access international education for this age group locally and enable us to maintain subject specific teachers in this area of the school. An Open Day for potential new joiners to M1 and M2 will be conducted on Tuesday 27th April. Please reached out to Mr Rob (, if you wish to discuss any of this information further. Pre-Nursery admission applications for BJSV IBAS and TC contract holders are due by the end of May, to guarantee a place for the 2021/2022 academic year. Please contact Miss Donna ( if you wish to discuss Pre-Nursery enrolments. Wishing everybody a safe weekend.
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
26th Apr
27th Apr
28th Apr
29th Apr
Public Holiday: Nuzul Al-Quran, school closed
Whole School Mendaram (PN-N)
30 Apr
PN Dutch event: King’s Birthday
Rampayoh (P1-P3) 1.00pm: P4 visit from Nick Hogg on Palaeontology
Teraja (P4-P7) Melilas Open Day: new admissions
Melilas (M1-M2) 3rd May
4th May
5th May
6th May
7th May
Whole School
Mendaram (PN-N)
Rampayoh (P1-P3)
1.00pm: P2’s celebration of artefacts with parents
Teraja (P4-P7)
Melilas (M1-M2)
Sports Training Schedule
Event information above is correct at the time of printing. To keep up-to-date with all school events, please go to:
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
Congratulations to everyone for being recognised by your teachers for your learning. Keep it up!
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
For our “It’s Shocking” IPC unit, we learnt how to create nightlights that run on batteries and are controlled with self-made switches. We started by making the paper shade. Scrap paper was soaked then blended into pulp before adding desired colours.
We had a go at blending the soaked paper using a blender with an adult to help! We even got to choose a colour powder to dye the paper.
Using a special screening net, we carefully scooped the pulp onto the screen while waiting for the excess water to drip off the bottom. We then moved our screen onto a cloth and turned it over before removing the screens. The cloth absorbed any excess water to aid the drying process. Paper was then dried under the sun for 24-48 hours (depending on the weather).
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
Our next step developed our measuring and sawing skills to make the nightlight frames. We had to measure all of the pieces we needed, mark with a pencil then saw accurately. We had to be resilient when sawing as it was quite difficult.
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to remember the safety rules while using the saws. Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from wood dust AND move your fingers away from the saw. The bench hook helped to keep the pieces in place.
We then finished our wood by sanding the rough edges with sandpaper.
TOP TIP: Always work with an adult when using sharp equipment!
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
With all of our pieces ready for assembling, it was time to build our circuit. In this process, we learnt how to use screwdrivers and to cut and strip wire with wire cutters. We then completed the circuit by adding our chosen handmade switches. Next, we joined up the wooden piece with a hot glue gun to make our nightlight frames strong and secure.
Last of all, we finished our nightlight by sticking our handmade paper on all four sides. We are very proud of our creations! By the P3 Team
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
P7 have enjoyed a wonderful Book Week. We have had an action packed time that has enhanced our creative writing and our IPC unit, beginning with a science fiction dress up day on Monday. We took part in some drama activities and learnt how to green screen.
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
In addition, we took a trip to visit Nursery and P1 and enjoyed reading books and sharing props with the younger children. We have also taken part in a variety of reading activities including a book blind date, a writer’s workshop and some super fun activities that were organised by the Teraja teachers. What a wonderful week of learning!
- P7 Team nowledge,
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
Dear Melilas Parents, This week has been Book Week, and although it is not yet finished, we have already seen a wonderful connection for our Melilas students between our English curriculum and celebration of reading. I’m looking forward to sharing our learning in next week’s edition.
In the meantime, here is a sample of some other Melilas learning... ART & DESIGN M1 have been studying photo-culpture and looking at the work of David Meanix, who uses torn media to create 3D sculpture.
Panaga School Weekly, Issue Ninety-Six, 23rd April 2021
MATHS Perhaps less easy to capture in a photograph is the great work in Maths that has been happening this week. I’ve had the pleasure to be part of M1’s maths lessons this week and have enjoyed supporting the learning on coordinates and exploring rules and sequences that affect position on a grid. It has also then been great to witness the conceptual progression in M2 where our oldest students have been looking at algebraic expressions that govern position, direction and gradient of lines on a grid. Good to see the stretch and challenge available for M2. Good stuff, Mr Paul.
ENGLISH Our Melilas year groups have been looking at contemporary fiction, studying dystopia through in-depth novel studies. M2 were having some amazing discussion on appearance and identity in their work on ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins. M1 are studying ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar and have pulled out the details and description to actually build the environment depicted in the novel. Quality literacy skills!
I’m sure you agree, a superb sample of the quality learning going on here in Melilas every day. Next week, my report on Book Week at Melilas.
Rob Unsworth, Deputy Principal, Melilas