Pannonia Reflections 2014 • Lendava, Slovenia
Pannonia Reflections 2014 1. Mednarodni fotografski natečaj 1st International Salon of Photography Photographic Society Pannonia – Fotografsko društvo Pannonia Centiba, Fodorjeva vrsta 152, 9220 Lendava, Slovenia, Europe •
Lendava • Slovenia (Europe)
Pokrovitelji razstave in dogodka • Sponsors of the Event and Exhibition:
Občina Lendava Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava
Galerija-muzej Lendava Lendvai Galéria és Múzeum Gallery-Museum Lendava
DIGIFOT, fotografija in tisk d.o.o. Industrijska ulica 2 9220 Lendava - Lendva, Slovenija
Urednik • Editor:
Davor Dolenčić
Založnik • Publisher:
Fotografsko društvo Pannonia – Photographic Society Pannonia
Prevod • Translation:
Mozeg d.o.o., Lendava
Oblikovanje • Design:
Peter Orban, Lendava
Tisk • Print:
Printex d.o.o., Čakovec (CRO)
Zavod za kulturo in promocijo Lendava Művelődési és Promóciós Intézet Lendva Lendava Institute for Culture and Promotion
Naklada • Copies: 500
Kulturno društvo Foto-video klub Lendava Fotó-videó klub Lendva Kultúregyesület
Leto izdaje • Year of publishing:
Januar 2015 • January 2015
FIAP 2014/308
PSA 2014-258
FZS 2014/07
Pannonia Reflections 2014 1. Mednarodni fotografski natečaj 1st International Salon of Photography
Teme • sections: Prosta barvna • Open Color Prosta črno-bela • Open Monochrome Narava • Nature Voda • Water
PRIREDITELJ • ORGANIZER: Fotografsko društvo Pannonia • Photographic Society Pannonia
ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR • ORGANISING COMMITTEE Davor Dolenčić, predsednik organizacijskega odbora Chairman of the organising committee, Člani • Members: Nikolaj Bažika, Peter Orban, Klaudija Dolenčić
O ŽIRIJI • ABOUT THE JURY Ivo BORKO MF FZS, EFIAP/g SI: letnik 1955 iz Gornje Radgone. Po poklicu je doktor veterinarske medicine, vendar se trenutno ukvarja z založništ vom. Fotografiji se je zapisal že v gimnazijskih letih. Med študijem v Ljubljani si je nabiral nova fotografska znanja v znameniti Foto grupi ŠOLT. Po poznejšem in večletnem fotografskem »počitku«, se je leta 1995, na njegovem prvem potovanju po Afriki, »vrnil« k ustvarjalni fotografiji. Prava prelomnica v njegovem fotografskem ustvarjanju pa je bilo leto 2008, ko je s somišljeniki v Gornji Radgoni ustanovil Fotoklub Proportio divina. Začel se je udeleževati fotografskih natečajev, kjer je za svoja dela dobil več kot 80 nagrad in priznanj. Tudi najprestižnejša. Do sedaj je imel že štiriindvajset samostojnih razstav v Sloveniji, Avstriji, Bolgariji in na Madžarskem. Sprva se je ukvarjal predvsem z naravoslovno in popotniško fotografijo, sedaj pa vse bolj postavlja v ospredje fotografskega zanimanja človeka, pa naj si bo to kot nepozirani ali v zadnjem času vse bolj pogosto pozirani portret, akt ali celo objekt inscenirane fotografije. Od leta 2013 je predsednik Fotografske zveze Slovenije (FZS). EN: He was born in 1955 near Gornja Radgona, by occupation Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, currently working in publishing. He committed himself to photography in his high school years. As a student, he learnt a lot about photography in the famous ŠOLT Photo group in Ljubljana. Soon after, he decided to take a break from photography, until a few years later, i.e. in 1995, during his first visit to Africa, he decided to return to his lost hobby – creative photography.
His first major breakthrough was in 2008, when with a group of supporters from Gornja Radgona, he established the Proportio divina Photoclub. To present his work, he started attending photography competitions, where he received over 80 prices and awards, among them some the most prestigious prices and awards. So far, he organised twenty-four independent exhibitions across Slovenia, Austria, Bulgaria and Hungary. Initially, his work was residing in the filed of natural sciences and travel photography, while now, he focuses mainly on the human, as nonposed or lately more commonly posed portraits, nudes or even objects of inscinated photography. Since 2013 he has been the President of the Photographic Association of Slovenia.
Vinko ŠEBREK AFIAP, ESFIAP SI: Rojen je 17. januarja 1941 v vasici Šebreki pri Karlovcu na Hrvaškem. V Karlovcu je končal osnovno in srednjo šolo (1960), potem pa Vojno letalsko akademijo v Zadru (1965). Po končanem študiju je služboval kot letalski častnik v različnih enotah in poveljstvih vojnega letalstva v več republikah nekdanje skupne države Jugoslavije, nazadnje pa na Hrvaškem (do 2005). Šebrek se z izrazno
Žirija • The Jury
fotografijo ukvarja več kot petdeset let (od 1958). Najprej je bil član Foto kluba Karlovac, kasneje še drugih fotografskih organizacij in združenj v različnih mestih. Za njegovo zgodnje ustvarjalno obdobje so značilni portreti družine ter fotografije različnih dogodkov in prizorov iz šolskega, delovnega in življenjskega okolja. Od 1971. leta je njegov pristop k fotografiji intenzivenejši in bolj sistematičen. V središču njegovega kreativnega zanimanja je izrazna in dokumentarna fotografija različne motivike − od urbane in naravne krajine, arhitekture, “life” fotografije do portretne, abstraktne fotografije in akta. Vse bolj se je posvečal organizaciji življenja in dela v fotografskih klubih in njihovih združenjih, tako v Sloveniji kot na Hrvaškem. V letih 1974 – 1984 je bil predsednik Foto kino kluba Brežice, od 1997 – 2010 pa Foto kluba Zagreb. Razstavljal je na več kot 100 skupnih razstavah in na 85 žiriranih mednarodnih razstavah umetniške oziroma izrazne fotografije v Evropi, Aziji, Afriki in Avstraliji. Priredil je več kot 40 samostojnih avtorskih razstav fotografije v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem, v Italiji, na Madžarskem, v Angliji, Indoneziji, Avstriji, Romuniji in Indiji. Piše strokovne članke in kritike za različne časopise, fotografske revije in internetne strani ter kataloge samostojnih in skupnih razstav. Sodeloval je pri pisanju in oblikovanju petih monografij v Fotoklubu Zagreb. Za izjemne rezultate v organizaciji fotografskih društev in združenj ter v drugih družbenih dejavnostih je prejel več visokih republiških odličij ter razna društvena priznanja, plakete in pohvale.
Podeljeni so mu bili kar trije umetniški naslovi: Mojster fotografije Foto kluba Zagreb (MFFKZ, 2008), AFIAP (2012) in ESFIAP (2012). Je član Upravnega odbora Foto kluba Zagreb, Izvršilnega odbora Foto kino zveze Zagreb, Hrvaške foto zveze in FIAP. Je častni član šestih fotografskih klubov na Hrvaškem, v Sloveniji, Italiji in Romuniji ter častni predsednik Foto kluba Zagreb. Z ženo Stanislavo in družino živi v Brežicah v Sloveniji, ustvarja pa v Foto klubu Zagreb, Foto kino zvezi Zagreb in na Ljudski univerzi Dubrava – Zagreb. EN: Vinko Šebrek was born on 17 January 1941 in the village of Šebreki in Karlovac, Croatia. After finishing primary school in Karlovac he continued his education in Karlovac (until 1960). From Karlovac he went to study at the Military Air Force Academy in Zadar. After completing studies at the Military Aviation Academy (1965), he served as air officer of the various units and Air Force headquarters in many countries of the former Yugoslavia and Croatia (until 2005). Vinko Šebrek has been drawn to art photography for over 50 years (since 1958). In the beginning he was a member of Photo Club Karlovac, later in other photographic organizations in different cities of the former Yugoslavia. In his early creative period he mainly photographed his family, events and scenes at his school, work and environment. Since 1971 his approach to
photography has become more intensive and systematical. He increasingly focused on the organization of life and work in photographic clubs and their associations in Slovenia and Croatia. From 1974 to 1984 he was president of Photo Cinema Club Brežice, 1997-2010 Photo Club Zagreb. He focuses on expressive and documentary photographs of various motifs of urban and natural landscapes, architecture, “life” photos, portraits, nudes and abstract photography. His photographs have been exhibited in over 100 group exhibitions and 85 juried international exhibitions in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. He has organized more than 40 individual photographic exhibitions in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, England, Indonesia, Austria, Romania and India. He writes articles on photography, expert reviews published in the press, photographic newspapers, on websites and in catalogues. He has participated in the writing and design of five monographs about Photo Club Zagreb. For exceptional results in the organization of photographic societies and associations and other social activities he was awarded several senior republican medals and various social recognitions, plaques and praises. He has artistic titles: MFFKZ - Master Photographer of Photo Club Zagreb (2008), AFIAP (2012) and ESFIAP (2012). He is a member of the Executive Board of Photo Club Zagreb, the Executive Board of the Zagreb Photo and Cinema Federation, Croatian Phot og rap hic Union and FIAP. He is a honorary member of six photographic clubs in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Romania and Honorary President of Photo Club Zagreb. Together with his wife Stanislava and his family Vinko lives
Žirija • The Jury
in Brežice in Slovenia, works in Zagreb, in the Photo Club Zagreb, Zagreb Photo and Cinema Union and National University Dubrava–Zagreb.
Petar »Sharpeye« SABOL EFIAP SI: je rojen leta 1981. S fotografijo se ukvarja od leta 2007. Najbolj ga zanima fotografija narave, posebej njen divji in neukročeni svet. Spec ializiral se je za področje makro fotografije, ki mu je najljubša oblika umetniškega izražanja. V začetku leta 2012 je začel svoja dela redno pošiljati na FIAP in PSA razstave, kjer je dosegel izjemen uspeh. Do sedaj je sodeloval na 152 natečajih, njegova dela so bila sprejeta več kot 1000-krat, osvojil je 166 nagrad od tega 81 pohval in 85 medalj. Je dobitnik FIAP zlate medalje v UAE na 7th Emirates Photography Competition 2012/116 kot zmagovalec v makro kategoriji s fotografijo Natural abstract. Del njegovega fotografskega opusa si je možno ogledati na: EN: He was born in 1981 and started photo graphing in 2007. He was most interested in photographing nature, especially its wild and untamed world. He specialised in macro photography, which has always been his most favourite form of artistic expression. In the beginning of 2012 he started regularly sending his work to the FIAP and PSA exhibitions; he’s work was rated as very successful. So far he has entered 152 contests, his photos has been accepted over more than 1000-times and he has received 166 awards, i.e. 81 commendations and 85 medals. As winner in the macro category with his photograph Natural abstract, he was also the FIAP Golden Medal winner of the UAE at the 7th Emirates Photography Competition 2012/116. A part of his photo collection can be seen on
Spoštovani ljubitelji fotografije! Spoštovani udeleženci 1. Mednarodnega fotografskega natečaja Pannonia Reflections v organizaciji Fotografskega društva Pannonia Lendava, zahvaljujemo se vam za vašo udeležbo in zaupanje. Iskrene čestitke vsem avtorjem, katerih fotografije so nagrajene, ali pa so bile sprejete. Upamo, da boste s svojo udeležbo in dobrimi fotografijami tudi letos prispevali k uspešnosti in visoki kvaliteti natečaja Pannonia Reflections.
Dear Photography Enthusiast! Dear participants of the 1st Pannonia Reflections International exhibition organised by the Photographic Society Pannonia Lendava, thank you all for your trust and participation! Congratulations to all the authors, and special greetings to the award winners. We sencerely hope that your excellent photographs will contribute to the succes and high quality of the Pannonia Reflections competition this year as well.
Davor DOLENČIĆ predsednik organizacijskega odbora in Fotografskega društva Pannonia Chairman of the organising committee and president of the Photographic Society Pannonia
Država Country
Število avtorjev Number of authors
Argentina Austria Australia Belgium Bulgaria Bahrain Brunei Darussalam Belarus Canada China Colombia Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Denmark Egypt Spain Finland France United Kingdom Greece Hong Kong Croatia Hungary Indonesia Ireland Israel India Iran Italy Japan Korea Kuwait Latvia Macao Malta Malaysia Netherlands the Norway Oman Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Scotland Sweden Singapore Slovenia Slovakia Turkey Taiwan Ukraine United States of America Vietnam Samoa South Africa Total
Število fotografij Number of photos
Število sprejetih fotografij Number of accepted photos
Prispela dela Prosta barvna Received photos Open Color
Sprejeta dela Prosta barvna Accepted photos Open Color
Prispela dela Prosta Č&B Received photos Open B&W
Sprejeta dela Prosta Č&B Accepted photos Open B&W
Prispela dela Narava Received photos Nature
Sprejeta dela Narava Accepted photos Nature
Prispela dela Voda Received photos - Water
Sprejeta dela Voda Accepted photos - Water
1 4 4 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 5 72 22 20 5 20 6 16 8 16 3 18 244 57 64 14 60 11 56 16 64 16 6 64 20 20 7 20 5 12 8 12 0 1 8 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 24 17 8 7 8 5 4 1 4 4 1 15 2 4 1 4 0 4 1 3 0 1 16 3 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 0 4 56 16 16 7 16 4 8 2 16 3 9 110 31 34 11 36 4 24 5 16 11 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 24 1 4 1 8 0 8 0 4 0 1 8 5 4 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 18 252 55 72 13 64 8 60 15 56 19 1 8 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 7 4 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 6 80 21 20 6 20 5 20 4 20 6 12 161 26 40 6 40 5 40 10 41 5 5 32 11 12 3 4 1 12 7 4 0 27 304 68 96 16 96 21 64 17 48 14 5 76 5 20 3 20 2 16 0 20 0 4 48 33 12 6 12 9 12 12 12 6 18 225 49 69 19 61 17 34 3 61 10 15 161 31 56 14 53 14 18 1 34 2 3 44 13 12 5 12 4 8 1 12 3 2 24 6 4 1 8 0 4 0 8 5 3 28 5 8 3 8 2 8 0 4 0 9 92 28 32 10 32 6 20 9 8 3 1 8 7 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 20 230 61 68 20 60 14 55 19 47 8 3 35 3 8 1 8 0 11 2 8 0 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 11 8 5 8 3 4 3 0 0 2 24 5 8 3 8 2 4 0 4 0 1 12 2 4 1 4 0 4 1 0 0 1 16 3 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 2 3 20 5 4 1 8 3 4 1 4 0 2 32 24 8 5 8 6 8 6 8 7 6 84 21 20 6 20 6 20 6 24 3 9 109 53 35 25 36 13 20 5 18 10 1 16 2 4 2 4 0 4 0 4 0 2 24 10 8 4 4 3 4 2 8 1 6 53 23 24 7 17 8 8 7 4 1 3 48 12 12 6 12 5 12 0 12 1 5 69 18 20 5 20 1 16 5 13 7 3 40 18 12 7 12 10 8 1 8 0 1 16 3 4 1 4 0 4 2 4 0 2 16 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 5 68 16 16 3 16 4 20 5 16 4 57 756 153 211 47 199 41 171 24 175 41 2 28 3 4 0 8 0 8 2 8 1 8 112 14 32 8 32 6 24 0 24 0 3 44 14 12 4 12 5 8 1 12 4 1 16 10 4 4 4 2 4 3 4 1 7 84 10 24 2 24 3 20 3 16 2 7 104 38 28 16 28 12 20 4 28 6 1 16 2 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 1 1 16 8 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 2
347 4310 1085 1245 354 1194 293 934 226 937 212
Best author of 1st PANNONIA REFLECTIONS is Daniel LYBAERT from Netherlands. • Najuspešnejši avtor 1. mednarodnega natečaja PANNONIA REFLECTIONS je Daniel LYBAERT iz Nizozemske.
Statistika • Statistics
Open Color Prosta barvna Awarded photos in section Open Color / Nagrajene fotografije v temi Prosta barvna FIAP GOLD › Istvan Kerekes: Yelena (Hungary) FIAP SILVER › Lajos Nagy: Morning fly (Romania) FIAP BRONZE › Daniel Lybaert: Winters tafereel (Netherlands) PSA GOLD › Biserka Sijarič: Hope (Slovenia) FZS GOLD › Yue Liu: Dance of the Earth (China) FZS SILVER › Yuriy Zilinskyy: Window in the past (Ukraine) FZS BRONZE › Frank Rau: Beachwalkers 2 (Germany) SALON GOLD › Lung Tsai Wang: Struggling Threw (Taiwan) SALON SILVER › Saša Krušnik: Waiting (Slovenia) SALON BRONZE › Anna Benicewicz Miazga: Before the game 3 (Poland) FIAP MENTION › Andor Keves: Sea Girl (Hungary) FIAP MENTION › Barbara Gregurič Silič: Red scarf (Slovenia) FIAP MENTION › Marko Mladovan: Viewless (Slovenia) FIAP MENTION › Nenad Martić: Ballerina (Croatia) FIAP MENTION › Viesturs Links: Little Decadent Portrait (Latvia)
Istvan Kerekes: Yelena (Hungary)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP GOLD
Lajos Nagy: Morning fly (Romania)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP SILVER
Daniel Lybaert: Winters tafereel (Netherlands)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP BRONZE
Biserka Sijarič: Hope (Slovenia)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › PSA GOLD
Yue Liu: Dance of the Earth (China)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FZS GOLD
FZS SILVER Yuriy Zilinskyy: Window in the past (Ukraine)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FZS SILVER & BRONZE
FZS BRONZE Frank Rau: Beachwalkers 2 (Germany)
SALON SILVER Saša Krušnik: Waiting (Slovenia)
SALON GOLD Lung Tsai Wang: Struggling Threw (Taiwan)
SALON BRONZE Anna Benicewicz Miazga: Before the game 3 (Poland)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › SALON GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE
FIAP MENTION Andor Keves: Sea Girl (Hungary)
Marko Mladovan: Viewless (Slovenia)
Barbara Gregurič Silič: Red scarf (Slovenia)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP MENTION
FIAP MENTION Viesturs Links: Little Decadent Portrait (Latvia)
FIAP MENTION Nenad Martić: Ballerina (Croatia)
Open Color • Prosta barvna › FIAP MENTION
Fadhel Almutaghawi: India (Bahrain)
Cathy Roberts: The Gesture (Great Britain)
Ahmed Abdulazim: Things Left Unsaid (Egypt)
Open Color • Prosta barvna
Neda RaÄ?ki: Magic forest (Croatia)
Shin Mimura: Eyes of Architects 4 (Japan)
Joao Taborda: Working Girls (Portugal)
Open Color • Prosta barvna
Ovi D. Pop: Leekoo2 (Romania)
Daniel Tjongari: The mystery (Indonesia)
Open Color • Prosta barvna
Miran KrapeĹž: Provence 201 (Slovenia)
Miran Dominko: Look into my eyes (Slovenia)
Open Color • Prosta barvna
Saeed Arabzadeh: Playing (Iran)
Open Color • Prosta barvna
Mamdooh Alsaleh Sadhu smile (Bahrain)
Subrata Bysack: Wondering (India)
Yuriy Zilinskyy: Sounds Of Violoncello (Ukraine)
Open Color • Prosta barvna
Open Monochrome Prosta črno-bela Awarded photos in section Open Monochrome/Nagrajene fotografije v temi Prosta črno-bela FIAP GOLD
› Ištvan Virag: Old woman (Serbia)
› Anica Župunski: The fog (Serbia)
› Rodica Tanase: The prison shell (Romania)
› Zoltan Mekli: Wreath dance (Hungary)
› Aune Olaf: 102 000 Stones (Norway)
› Peter Rees: Gypsy (Great Britain)
› Mohammed Alnaser: Mono King (Saudi Arabia)
› Zsolt Ujhelyi: Pellets (Hungary)
› Cacheux Daniel: La Dune (France)
SALON BRONZE › Sandra Požun: Samson (Slovenia)
› Biserka Sijarič: Trinity (Slovenia)
› Marco Bartolini: African beach (Italy)
› Van Chung Bui: To make a sortie (Vietnam)
› Dejan Kokol: Into unknown (Slovenia)
› Xing Fang Su: Ride (Hong Kong)
› Miljko Lesjak: Power of nature (Slovenia)
Ištvan Virag: Old woman (Serbia)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP GOLD
Anica Župunski: The fog (Serbia)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP SILVER
Rodica Tanase: The prison shell (Romania)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP BRONZE
Zoltan Mekli: Wreath dance (Hungary)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › PSA GOLD
Aune Olaf: 102 000 Stones (Norway)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FZS GOLD
FZS SILVER Peter Rees: Gypsy (Great Britain)
FZS BRONZE Mohammed Alnaser: Mono King (Saudi Arabia)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FZS SILVER & BRONZE
SALON GOLD Zsolt Ujhelyi: Pellets (Hungary)
Sandra Požun: Samson (Slovenia)
SALON SILVER Cacheux Daniel: La Dune (France)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › SALON GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE
FIAP MENTION Biserka Sijarič: Trinity (Slovenia)
FIAP MENTION Dejan Kokol: Into unknown (Slovenia)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP MENTION
FIAP MENTION Marco Bartolini: African beach (Italy)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP MENTION
FIAP MENTION Miljko Lesjak: Power of nature (Slovenia)
FIAP MENTION Van Chung Bui: To make a sortie (Vietnam)
FIAP MENTION Xing Fang Su: Ride (Hong Kong)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela › FIAP MENTION
Keith Elgin: Delicate (Great Britain)
Mohammed Al Sulaili: The Look (Saudi Arabia)
Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela
Marco Garabello: The Ball (Italy)
Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela
Jacqueline Hammer: Waves (Australia)
Gotal Marko: Lost (Croatia)
Huib Limberg: Watching exhibition (Netherlands)
Daniel Lybaert: Stiekem (Netherlands)
Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela
Werner Baumann: Time (Germany)
Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela
Petar Kovač: What? (Croatia)
Riehle Gunther: My Favourite 26 (Germany)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela
Danny Yen Sin Wong: One Family (Malasya)
Zvonko Radičan: Waiting (Croatia)
Open Monochrome • Prosta črno-bela
Jordi Egea Torrent: Arbre Nu (Spain)
Subrata Bysack: Starry (India)
Rodica Tanase: Insomnia (Romania)
Open Monochrome • Prosta Ä?rno-bela
Nature Narava
Awarded photos in section Nature/Nagrajene fotografije v temi Narava FIAP GOLD › Aleksander Čufar: Love XXL (Slovenia) FIAP SILVER › Jim Tarbox: Lucky Strike (Great Britain) FIAP BRONZE › David Somali Chow: Spotted Eagle Rays in Galapagos (Indonesia) PSA GOLD › Jarni Andrej: Trio (Slovenia) FZS GOLD › Lajos Nagy: Grey heron with branch (Romania) FZS SILVER › David Martin Castan: Green Snake (Spain) FZS BRONZE › Josef Kastner: Seaturtle (Austria) SALON GOLD › Jenni Horsnell: Whistling Kite with Gull 3 (Australia) SALON SILVER › Chau Kei Checky Lam: Curve Love (Hong Kong) SALON BRONZE › Jorgen Skaug: Polar Bear Jump (Norway) FIAP MENTION › Bob Devine: Goshawk 1 (Great Britain) FIAP MENTION › Bogdan Bricelj: Pike under branch (Slovenia) FIAP MENTION › Elisa Putti: A pair (Finland) FIAP MENTION › H. W. Chan: Very comfortable (Hong Kong) FIAP MENTION › Roger Jourdain: Offering In Pont De Gau (France) FIAP MENTION › Sung Wee Ho: Piggy-back (Malaysia) 40
Aleksander Čufar: Love XXL (Slovenia)
Nature • Narava › FIAP GOLD
Jim Tarbox: Lucky Strike (Great Britain)
Nature • Narava › FIAP SILVER
David Somali Chow: Spotted Eagle Rays in Galapagos (Indonesia)
Nature • Narava › FIAP BRONZE
Jarni Andrej: Trio (Slovenia)
Nature • Narava › PSA GOLD
Lajos Nagy: Grey heron with branch (Romania)
Nature • Narava › FZS GOLD
FZS BRONZE Josef Kastner: Seaturtle (Austria)
Nature • Narava › FZS SILVER & BRONZE
FZS SILVER David Martin Castan: Green Snake (Spain)
SALON GOLD Jenni Horsnell: Whistling Kite with Gull 3 (Australia)
SALON BRONZE Jorgen Skaug: Polar Bear Jump (Norway)
SALON SILVER Chau Kei Checky Lam: Curve Love (Hong Kong)
FIAP MENTION Bob Devine: Goshawk 1 (Great Britain)
FIAP MENTION Bogdan Bricelj: Pike under branch (Slovenia)
FIAP MENTION Roger Jourdain: Offering In Pont De Gau (France)
Nature • Narava › FIAP MENTION
FIAP MENTION Elisa Putti: A Pair (Finland)
Mohan M: Blue Tailed Bee-Eater Pair (India)
Nature • Narava
FIAP MENTION H. W. Chan: Very comfortable (Hong Kong)
FIAP MENTION Sung Wee Ho: Piggy Back (Malaysia)
Aleksander Čufar: Flowers-150 (Slovenia)
Tibor Kercz: Poppies (Hungary)
Nature • Narava
Yuriy Zilinskyy: Elegant Dancers (Ukraine)
Huib Limberg: Polderlandscape (Netherlands)
Nature • Narava
Fabio Garuti: Mist In The Wood 3 (Italy)
Atle Sveen: Little Owls (Norway)
Jinghui Chen: Intimacy (China)
Nature • Narava
David Martin Castan: Stokksnes (Spain)
Zsolt Moldovan: Like A Snake (Romania)
Nature • Narava
Water Voda
Awarded photos in section Water/Nagrajene fotografije v temi Voda FIAP GOLD › Tomaž Lanišek: Meander (Slovenia) FIAP SILVER › Sigita Playdon: Autumn rain (Ireland) FIAP BRONZE › Huib Limberg: A bit closer 2_59 (Netherlands) PSA GOLD › Mamdooh Alsaleh: Highland (Bahrain) FZS GOLD › Oscar Simon: Ice (Spain) FZS SILVER › Marit Lystad Johansen: Shore (Norway) FZS BRONZE › Birgit Pustelnik: Golden Flow (Germany) SALON GOLD › Vicki Moritz: Eildon morning mono (Australia) SALON SILVER › Igor Petaros: Lake (Slovenia) SALON BRONZE › Andrej Jarni: Drop of gold (Slovenia) FIAP MENTION › Haitham Al-Farsi: Water girl 2 (Oman) FIAP MENTION › Marco Bartolini: Monsoon time 1 (Italy) FIAP MENTION › Miloš Prinčič: Eventful (Slovenia) FIAP MENTION › Aune Olaf: Blue girl (Norway) FIAP MENTION › Xing Fang Su: Rainy Day (Hong Kong)
Tomaž Lanišek: Meander (Slovenia)
Water • Voda › FIAP GOLD
Sigita Playdon: Autumn rain (Ireland)
Water • Voda › FIAP SILVER
Huib Limberg: A bit closer 2_59 (Netherlands)
Water • Voda › FIAP BRONZE
Mamdooh Alsaleh: Highland (Bahrain)
Water • Voda › PSA GOLD
Oscar Simon: Ice (Spain)
Water • Voda › FZS GOLD
FZS SILVER Marit Lystad Johansen: Shore (Norway)
FZS BRONZE Birgit Pustelnik: Golden Flow (Germany)
Water • Voda › FZS SILVER & BRONZE
SALON GOLD Vicki Moritz: Eildon morning mono (Australia)
SALON BRONZE Andrej Jarni: Drop of gold (Slovenia)
SALON SILVER Igor Petaros: Lake (Slovenia)
FIAP MENTION Xing Fang Su: Rainy Day (Hong Kong)
Water • Voda › FIAP MENTION
FIAP MENTION Miloš Prinčič: Eventful (Slovenia)
FIAP MENTION Haitham Al-Farsi: Water girl 2 (Oman)
FIAP MENTION Marco Bartolini: Monsoon time 1 (Italy)
Water • Voda › FIAP MENTION
Checky Lam Chau Kei: Water Lady (Hong Kong)
Water • Voda
FIAP MENTION Aune Olaf: Blue girl (Norway)
Alen Jerinic: Blessing (Slovenia)
Majid Alamri: Fisher2 (Oman)
Mamdooh Alsaleh: Shower Time 2 (Bahrain)
Water • Voda
Jarmo Mantykangas: Mandelbrot On Ice 01 (Finland)
Frank Rau: Dandelion Drops (Germany)
Water • Voda
Primož Hieng: Saltpans 01 (Slovenia)
Water • Voda
Vesna Đukić: Witnesses Time (Croatia)
Daniel Tjongari: Reflection Of Life ... (Indonesia)
Vasja Doberlet: Disquietude (Slovenia)
Water • Voda
William Gleeson: Titanic The Last Stopover (Ireland)
Sergey Anisimov: Ice Of Greenland 46 (Russia)
Water • Voda
Werner Baumann: Morning Haze (Germany)
Jacqueline Hammer: Yule Point Abstract (Australia)
Water • Voda
Saša Krušnik: Church Mountain (Slovenia)
Milan Malast: Apocalypse In The Tatras (Slovakia)
Water • Voda
Sprejeta dela Accepted works Theme: OPEN COLOR Tema: PROSTA BARVNA AUSTRALIA Anderson Sandra Anderson Sandra Hammer Jacqueline Hendriksen Ingrid Horsnell Jenni Horsnell Jenni Horsnell Jenni Killen Roy Lomas John Moritz Vicki Niven James Tam Joseph Tam Joseph Tam Joseph
Reflective One Glorious Morning Expanding Shadows Last Stop Tandem Reflection 2 Flying High 13 Robberfly On Paspalum Vietnamese Child Natasha Val Dorcia Pastures Dubrovnik, Croatia Flying Horse Fishing Sunrise At Great Wall
AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois Bernkopf Dr. Alois Bernkopf Dr. Alois Habringer Wolfgang Habringer Wolfgang
Im Herrgottswinkel Julia_7 Max In Action_1 Langbathsee 72 Autumn Comes 17
BAHRAIN Almutaghawi Fadhel Almutaghawi Fadhel Almutaghawi Fadhel Almutaghawi Fadhel Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh
Securing The Future Suspicious Eye India Our Home Sadhu Smile Agadir Grandson
BELARUS Mikus Alfred
Heavy Road In Autumn
BELGIUM Cuppens Jos Legrand Jean Luc Marcel Beauraind Marcel Beauraind Oeyen Roger Oeyen Roger Simon Claude
Red Girl Lucia 1 Hymne A L Amour Etoile D Un Jour Stilleven11 Boteren1 Sentenced To Death 14 18
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Hameed Ahmed Innocence CANADA Kwan Phillip Kwan Phillip Niem Yung Niem Yung Niem Yung Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu
Aurora Curtain Crash By Bull Mesa Arch In Utah Young Monk Prayer Table Tennis Player 1 Accident 63 Long Jump 547
CHINA Chen Jinghui Chen Jinghui
A Peacock In His Pride Line
Li Xunlei Melody Liu Yue Dance Of The Earth Liu Yue King Duo Song Zhiguo Grassland Pastoral Wan Yi Hatred Wan Yi Sibling Wan Yi Sunset Scenery Zhu Jing Circles In The Water Zhu Jing What Is Happening CROATIA Gotal Marko Waiting For The Green Wave Jovanović Željko Peaceful Knebl Biljana Winter In The City Kovač Petar Greta Kucelin Zvonko Red Umbrella Kucelin Zvonko Rhythm Martić Nenad Ballerina Martić Nenad Commemorating Martić Nenad Framed Novak Stanislav Chalk It Up Novak Stanislav Spread The News Rački Neda Tkalca Street Rački Neda Magic Forest Rački Neda About To Leave Radičanin Zvonko Touch Of Heaven Simek Dino River Of Green Simek Dino Mystic Of The River Simek Dino Play Vrkljan Berislav Cliffhangers CYPRUS Anastasis Despina
Some Small Change
CZECH REPUBLIC Zahornacky Jan Live Amid Deads Zahornacky Jan Soliter. EGYPT Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed
That’S What We Do Things Left Unsaid The Opposite Side
FINLAND Kihlberg Tapio Mantykangas Jarmo Putti Elisa Putti Elisa Putti Elisa Tuominen Lassi
Brothers In Turkey Ground Floor Forms Mystique Wall August
FRANCE Jourdain Roger Samoyault Guy B. Samoyault Guy B.
Water Pleasure Derriere Les Barreaux Light
GERMANY Ebelt Thomas Ebelt Thomas Kulpa Beate Ludwig Peter Ludwig Peter Rau Frank Rau Frank Rau Frank Riehle Gunther Roemisch Heiko Voss Manfred Voss Manfred Voss Manfred
Untergrundbahnstation, Hafen City Iceland Church Banded Demoiselle Blue Chair Beach Iii Steg Am Breitenauer See Beachwalkers 2 FZS B Landratsamt Hn Arctic Fox Pups Dispute 2 Elbe Pasture Haffkrug Seebrücke Tuscany Light Wooden Stairs
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
GREAT BRITAIN Devine Bob Elgin Keith Elgin Keith Elgin Keith Fryer Alison J Jenkin Malcolm Jenkin Barbara Jenkin Barbara Oconnell Sue Rees Peter Roberts Cathy Roberts Cathy Roberts Cathy Terrance Bill Thomas Tony Turner Clive D
Mallard And Ducklings Red On Black Chain Mail Maiden Scenic Ride Three Trees One Barn Portrait Of Faith Helen 2 Farrah Gossips Corner Inch Surfers Car In The Corner Dance Impressions Red Dress The Gesture Frozen Potentilla Martin The Old Carter
GREECE Lambropoulou Eva Lambropoulou Eva Lambropoulou Eva
A Dream On Earth Fisherman’S Hut, Messolonghi, Greece Fishermen’S Huts At Greece 1
HONG KONG Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Lam Chau Kei Checky Su Xing Fang Su Xing Fang Su Xing Fang
One Red Sail Only A Little Boat Rushing Cow Kingfisher Steel Making Way Home
HUNGARY Danis Janos In Yellow Field Hodos Sandor Warriors Hodos Sandor Irradiation Huisz Istvan S-Curve Huisz Istvan Archer Kerekes Istvan Yelena Kerekes Istvan Fragment Kerekes Istvan Tearful Eyes Kévés Andor Sea Girl Kévés Andor Dark Feeling Kévés Andor Syren Tibor Kercz Blue Dream Tibor Kercz Love Is In The Air! Zágon László After Harvest INDIA Bysack Subrata Wondering Bysack Subrata Thirst Bysack Subrata Crying Child Paul Kuntal Lord Shiva In Pushkar Paul Kuntal They Are Coming Rajan Avanish Chat Rajan Avanish Gossip Sarkar Sandip Painting The City Sarkar Sandip Veil Sarkar Sandip Conveyances INDONESIA Somali-Chow David Tjongari Daniel Tjongari Daniel Tjongari Daniel Tjongari Daniel
Taro Fields In Kauai Island The Mystery ... From Heaven ... Morning Glory ... Calmness ...
IRAN Arabzadeh Saeed Playing Arabzadeh Saeed Lili Arabzadeh Saeed Hadis Arabzadeh Saeed Playing In Garbage
IRELAND Playdon Sigita
OMAN Al Adawi Abdulrahman Al Adawi Abdulrahman Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alghanboosi Hamed Alghanboosi Hamed Alghanboosi Hamed Alshanfari Haitham Alshanfari Haitham Alshanfari Haitham Alzadjali Habib Alzadjali Habib Alzadjali Habib Alzadjali Habib Muneer Muhannad Muneer Muhannad
Little Dreamer
ISRAEL Goldin Leonid Vaccination Goldin Leonid Behind Glass Goldin Leonid Princess ITALY Bartolini Marco Bartolini Marco Bartolini Marco Cherubini Bruno Cherubini Bruno Ferraro Moreno Ferraro Moreno Ferraro Moreno Francini Ernesto Francini Ernesto Garabello Marco Garuti Fabio Garuti Fabio Garuti Fabio Landi Silvia Pizzichi Gianluca Pizzichi Gianluca Pizzichi Gianluca Villa Riccardo Villa Riccardo
The Monk Widows Of Vrindavan 3 Blue City At The Fantasy Factory Dancing In The Street New Look Asanka At My Door Stork Nest Mum Give Me A Fish Metallic Swimming_3 Swimming_4 Tuscan Atmosphere 2 The Light Of Faith Trequanda Tuscany 2011 Storm Tuscany 2011 San Quirico Tuscany 2014 Haya Abdel Muhdi Indian Barber
JAPAN Mimura Shin
Eyes Of Architects 4
KUWAIT Alterkait Abdulrahman Alterkait Abdulrahman Alterkait Abdulrahman Yousef Mohammed Yousef Mohammed
Woods And Students The Blue Family In Ruins Homeless Shelter Generations
LATVIA Links Viesturs Links Viesturs Links Viesturs
Without Title Little Decadent Portrait You Can !
MACAO Cheang Sherman
Open My Heart
MALAYSIA Edwin Ong Wee Kee
Who You Are
MALTA Debono Johann
Left Out
NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel
Me Jealous? Tell Me Why....! Winters Tafereel FIAP B Landschap En Fietser Gecorrigeerde Vlucht Vrouwtje Achter Raam
NORWAY Horgmo Geir Ivar Horgmo Geir Ivar Jorgen Skaug Sveen Atle Sveen Atle Sveen Atle
Shopping Brosundet On The Top Ilva In The River Fredau Ii Karla And Marija
Future Escape Boy And Goats An I Play This Is My Life Ship Breaker 2 Child Of Ras Royce Harvest Boat And Stars Spring Child Barabay Fisher7 Waiting Innocent Careless Looking-4 Spiritual Man Insightful Look Spirituality1 Three Windows Village Girl 2 The Family Woman O4 Light Of Education Nandoo
SCOTLAND Bingham Richard
SERBIA Milojevic Rasa Dragan Ilic_9369 Milojevic Rasa Ceramist 9536 Virag Ištvan Rider In Red Virag Ištvan Durmitor100 Zupunski Anica Blue Zupunski Anica Open SINGAPORE Tay David Poey-Cher Tay David Poey-Cher Tay David Poey-Cher
Alone Endurance Teamwork
SLOVENIA Banfi Boštjan Green I Love You Green Banfi Boštjan Story Teller Bricelj Bogdan Family Comming Out Of Mist Bricelj Bogdan In The Middle Of Misty Waves Burnik Marko Poševna Stolpnica Debevec Igor Lavender Fields Iv Debevec Igor Fields And Trees I Debevec Igor Old Woman Ii POLAND Doberlet Vasja Golden Forest Benicewicz-Miazga Anna Before The Game 3 SAL. B Dominko Miran Look Into My Eyes Benicewicz-Miazga Anna Before The Game 4 Godnic Boris Morning L2 Godnic Boris Autumn Colors L3 PORTUGAL Godnic Boris Autumn On The Karst Saraiva Oscar By The River Gregurič Silič Barbara Red Scarf Taborda Joao Young Festival Gregurič Silič Barbara Eye Contact Taborda Joao Working Girls Hieng Primož Church In The Field Taborda Joao Go To The Storm Hieng Primož Diagonal Hieng Primož Jester ROMANIA Jarni Andrej Tree Nagy Lajos Morning Fly FIAP S Jarni Andrej Magic Light Nagy Lajos Bee Eaters With Jarni Andrej Friends Grasshoppers Jerinic Alen Autumn Pop Ovi D. Leekoo2 Jerinic Alen Pletna Boat Pop Ovi D. At The End Of... Jesenović Kristijan Mystical Forest Pop Ovi D. Auburn Jesenović Kristijan Magical Field Tanase Rodica Long And Priceless Loving Krapež Miran Provence 201 Moments Of A Shared Krušnik Saša Carpet Solitude Krušnik Saša Waiting Tanase Rodica We Are Like Islands Krušnik Saša Hauses In The Sea... Krušnik Saša Bread Lesjak Miljko Shepherd Margon Vuga Katuša Dead End RUSSIA Margon Vuga Katuša The Entrance Anisimov Sergey In The Evening Mauko Daniel Only Me Pesterev Sergey Golden Autumn Mavrič Maja An Old Saltern House Pesterev Sergey Night In Toronto Mladovan Marko In The Middle Terentyev Alexey Boy Asks Food From Mladovan Marko Viewless Taxi Passengers. India. Delhi Mladovan Marko Memory Circuit Terentyev Alexey Paganism Mladovan Marko Ine Morning When The Sun Is ... SAMOA Morič Pia Alone Little House Chape Stuart Lisa Papic Nevenka The Window Sijarič Biserka Hope Sijarič Biserka Premonition SAUDI ARABIA Sijarič Biserka Memories Al Brahim Ahmed Dressmaker Šfiligoj Zdenka Burano Al Brahim Ahmed School Child 3 Štok Jana Finding The Way Al Sulaili Mohammed School Ž.Fajfarič Sanda Sapce1 Al Sulaili Mohammed Baby Girl Al Sulaili Mohammed Indian Student Alnaser Mohammed Colorful Family SOUTH AFRICA Alnaser Mohammed Charm Coumbias John Stage Act
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
SPAIN Martin Castan David 11S Memorial Martin Castan David Gullfoss Simon Oscar Break Simon Oscar Horizont Simon Oscar Night Reflections Simon Oscar Summertime TAIWAN Ku Min-Sheng Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai
Sailing On The Golden Sea Struggling Threw SAL. G Snow Fighting Colorful Smile
TURKEY Ikiz Ismail Ikiz Ismail Muradi Hasan Hulki Sarigul Usta Füsun Sarigul Usta Füsun Tunç Feyzullah Tunç Feyzullah Usta Mustafa
Sürü Balons Tired Sokak Korku Bazaar Çoban Seyit Gaci
UKRAINE Zilinskyy Yuriy Zilinskyy Yuriy Zilinskyy Yuriy Zilinskyy Yuriy
Sounds Of Violoncello Window In The Past Life Behind Sunny Angel
UNITED STATES Stein Caleb Stein Stein Caleb Stein
Art Deco Detail, 34Th Street Mexico City Airport
VIETNAM Bui Van Chung Bui Van Chung Bui Mai Thien Bui Mai Thien Dao Tho Dao Tho Dao Tho Do Hieu Liem Do Hieu Liem Le Hoang Nhan Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Nguyen Van Danh Nguyen Van Danh Nguyen Van Danh
Daily Work Old Kitchen Crossing The Sand Hill 6 Lines 3 Smoke Lderly Wam A Glance Recollection Shining Sea Morning Dance Tre Tho Tay Bac Rice Visit A Corner Of Kitchen Fish Casting Net Dinner Before Dawn Tranquility
Theme: OPEN MONOCHROME Tema: PROSTA ČRNO-BELA ARGENTINA Muller Hans Wolfgang Muller Hans Wolfgang Muller Hans Wolfgang Muller Hans Wolfgang
The Grandfather The Last Shot Bar De Cao Koyak
AUSTRALIA Hammer Jacqueline Hammer Jacqueline Killen Roy Killen Roy Killen Roy Lomas John Niven James
Waves City Of Energy White Tailed Eagles Fighting Girl And Gulls Meeting Lily Samantha Avila, Spain
Tam Joseph Tam Joseph Tam Joseph Tam Joseph
Ouch Up In The Air Down You Go Team Roping
AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois Bernkopf Dr. Alois Kastner Josef Peer Albert Peer Albert Streitfelder Theo
Happy With TT Victorious Cast The Cave Waterski Vulture Battlefield
BAHRAIN Almutaghawi Fadhel Almutaghawi Fadhel Almutaghawi Fadhel Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh
Face From India Grandma Aysha Looking For Mom Roses 2
BELARUS Mikus Alfred
Love Through The Years
BELGIUM Cuppens Jos Legrand Jean Luc Oeyen Roger Simon Claude Simon Claude
Meisje Amber 1 Bedtijd Mona Luna La Fille Au Foulard
CANADA Kwan Phillip Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu Tam Kam Chiu
Great Egret Calling Shaking Off Dogsled 37 Winning Moment
CHINA Chen Jinghui Chen Jinghui Chen Jinghui Zhu Jing
Country As A Beautiful The Shadow Of Netts Return Fully Loaded
CROATIA Đukić Vesna Gotal Marko Gotal Marko Kolarić Zoran Kovač Petar Kovač Petar Novak Stanislav Pavlinovic Daniel Pavlinovic Daniel Rački Neda Radičanin Zvonko Radičanin Zvonko Radičanin Zvonko Radičanin Zvonko Simek Dino Simek Dino Vrkljan Berislav
After All Lost Varazdin Old Castle Glance What? Aglomerate Lucky 13 Extreme Thunderstom Dubrovnik Old Town Sherlock Waiting Cat Territory Collector Mirror Mirror Astronaut On Planet Snow Lonely Surfer Thanks Time No 3
CZECH REPUBLIC Zahornacky Jan Svaty Hostyn. Zahornacky Jan Nurse School. Zahornacky Jan Beauty Mounts. EGYPT Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed Abdulazim Ahmed
Heart Of Darkness Ii The Little Guardian Future, Is It Bright? From Here We Start
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
FINLAND Kyttala Osmo Kyttala Poylio Mika Putti Elisa Putti Elisa Tuominen Lassi
Getle Look Misty Morning Dreamgirl Bad Manners Myself
FRANCE Daniel Cacheux
La Dune
GERMANY Baumann Werner Baumann Werner Baumann Werner Pustelnik Birgit Riehle Gunther Roemisch Heiko Roemisch Heiko Voss Manfred
Time Bestelltes Feld Evening Deep My Favourite 26 At Sea Box Beach 2130 Behind 0578 Sunny Fields
GREAT BRITAIN Devine Bob Devine Bob Elgin Keith Elgin Keith Elgin Keith Fryer Alison J Fryer Alison J Lechanski Michal M. Pettett Mike Pettett Mike Rees Peter Richardson Tom Sellers Jon Sellers Jon Terrance Bill Thomas Tony Thomas Tony Turner Clive D Turner Clive D Turton Neville Turton Neville
Elephant And Calf B&W Mating Lions Aggression B&W Reflective The Arm Chair Delicate Lochside Cottage Burnham At Low Tide City Of London 1 High Plateau The Old Shoemender Gypsy FZS S White Cottage Oronsay The Victorian Gentleman Temptation Preparing To Good Victorian Cosford Hangar Death Camp Tunnel Vision Laos Girl 1 Laos Mother Son And Daughter
GREECE Lambropoulou Eva Pantazis Chris
Morning Mood Apocalypse
HONG KONG Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Lam Chau Kei Checky Lam Chau Kei Checky Su Xing Fang Su Xing Fang Su Xing Fang
Morning Wait Repair Net Frame 2 Navigate Alone Fierce Wave Sparking Sea Eagle Catching Ride Horse Grazing Chasing
HUNGARY Hodos Sandor Kerekes Istvan Kerekes Istvan Kerekes Istvan Kévés Andor Kévés Andor Kévés Andor Kovacs Krisztian Mekli Zoltán Mekli Zoltán Ujhelyi Zsolt Varga Szilárd
Trance Best Friends Travellers Hindu Look Symmetry Surface Fusion Shine Wreath Dance Last Way _Pellets_U_Zs_ Dia De Los Muertos
OMAN Al Adawi Abdulrahman Eyes Al Farsi Haitham Hiding My Self Al Farsi Haitham Old Man From Bangladesh Al Farsi Haitham I Love School Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Girl From Mumbai Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Pottery Maker Alamri Majid Fisher10 Alamri Majid Muslim Life Alghanboosi Hamed Zahra-2 Alghanboosi Hamed Zahra-Renad Alzadjali Habib Face From Past Alzadjali Habib The Smile Muneer Muhannad The Uniqueness
Varga Szilárd Zágon László
Expiation Dusted Memory
INDIA Abani Paul Bysack Subrata Bysack Subrata Rajan Avanish Rajan Avanish Sarkar Sandip
Very Happy Eye To Eye 2 Starry Looking At Future Empty Pot Gaze
INDONESIA Gahari Dibyo Gahari Dibyo Tjongari Daniel Tjongari Daniel
Lonely Communication Hope ... In Heaven ...
IRAN Arabzadeh Saeed Arabzadeh Saeed Arabzadeh Saeed
Two Sister Alone Grandmother Afghan Oldman
ISRAEL Goldin Leonid Goldin Leonid
Grandfather Grandson And Time Life As A Zebra
ITALY Bartolini Marco Bartolini Marco Bartolini Marco Cherubini Bruno Cherubini Bruno Corsini Carlo Ferraro Moreno Garabello Marco Garabello Marco Garabello Marco Garabello Marco Garuti Fabio Rubboli Veniero Villa Riccardo
African Beach Namita Music On The Move Hair Cutting In Cuba Maggie’S Dog The Old Mill Smile Reflejos Riverbero The Ball Stairs Palio Di Siena 2 Italian Music Fireplace
KUWAIT Alterkait Abdulrahman My Goats Yousef Mohammed Focus Yousef Mohammed Sorrow LATVIA Links Viesturs Links Viesturs
My Little Sunshine Most Lowest Note
MALAYSIA Wong Danny Yen Sin Wong Danny Yen Sin Wong Danny Yen Sin
Old Tea House General Maos Comrade One Family
NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel
Walking The Circle Watching Exhibition # 03 Verdriet In Doel In Zww Stiekem Drie Schapen Wijds Landschap
NORWAY Jorgen Skaug Jorgen Skaug Aune Olaf Aune Olaf Sveen Atle Sveen Atle
In The Morning Polar Bear In The Rocks 102 000 Stones Eastern Tangent Ilva By The Window To Silence A Scream
PORTUGAL Taborda Joao Taborda Joao Taborda Joao
The New World Learning Moments Of Love
ROMANIA Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Pop Ovi D. Tanase Rodica Tanase Rodica Tanase Rodica Teodor Radu Pantea
Running With The Wind Field The Smile Nero The Prison Shell Hidden Insomnia Cairo Cafe
RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey
RUSSIA, I Love You 2
SAUDI ARABIA Al Brahim Ahmed Al Brahim Ahmed Al Brahim Ahmed Al Sulaili Mohammed Al Sulaili Mohammed Al Sulaili Mohammed Alnaser Mohammed Alnaser Mohammed Alnaser Mohammed Alnaser Mohammed
Dreaming Innocent Look Thinking Hores The Look Old Woman Mono King Wild Run Cluster Take Off
SERBIA Milojevic Rasa Milojevic Rasa Virag Ištvan Virag Ištvan Zupunski Anica
Gypsy Luck_1912 Fish Market In Hong Kong_7829 Old Woman Cross The Fog
SINGAPORE Tay David Poey-Cher Tay David Poey-Cher Tay David Poey-Cher Tay David Poey-Cher
Reminiscing Drink With Me Clearing Rubbish High Noon
SLOVENIA Banfi Boštjan Banfi Boštjan Banfi Boštjan Begus Janez Begus Janez Čufar Aleksander Dominko Miran Godnic Boris Godnic Boris Godnic Boris Godnic Boris
Snack-Time The Shadow Of Doubt The Followers Trail Kras Smell Minka-Bw Shy Girl Winter Graphic_L3 Why_L4 Winter Grphic_L2 Wiinter L1
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
Gregurič Silič Barbara Gregurič Silič Barbara Gregurič Silič Barbara Gregurič Silič Barbara Jarni Andrej Kokol Dejan Kokol Dejan Krapež Miran Krušnik Saša Lanišek Tomaž Lesjak Miljko Mauko Daniel Mauko Daniel Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Papic Nevenka Papic Nevenka Požun Sandra Požun Sandra Požun Sandra Prinčič Miloš Prinčič Miloš Sijarič Biserka Sijarič Biserka Sijarič Biserka Vidmar Stane Vidmar Stane Vidmar Stane Vrzel Janez
Wind In Her Hair Curious Contrasts Ii Contrasts Trees Into Unknown Yes I Can Winter Evening In Trenta Hope Courting Power Of Nature Lines Vineyard Lines Julia Where We Go? Tairway To Heaven Out Of This World The Creature Samson Circe Antoinette 4.Flooded Trees 3.Snowy Vineyard Trinity Checkmate The Last Song Cloud V 3 Bicycle Rider
SOUTH AFRICA Coumbias John Coumbias John
Retired Misty Reflection
SPAIN Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Egea Torrent Jordi Santiago Choliz
Camí Dins El Delta Arbre Nu Passarel.La Badalona Xarxes Al Delta Child 21
TAIWAN Chen Feng-Lin Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai
Fishing With Brimstone Catch First 2 Praying Story Telling Snow Rush
TURKEY Ikiz Ismail Muradi Hasan Hulki Unal Murat Unal Murat Unal Murat Unal Murat
Funeral Caves And Life Light And Shadow Melancholy Bird Seller Lost In The City Lines
UKRAINE Zilinskyy Yuriy Zilinskyy Yuriy
Accent Living Merger
UNITED STATES Khan Manas Whitson Dave Whitson Dave
Introspection Lauren With Veil Bw Airborne Alexa Bw
VIETNAM Bui Van Chung Bui Mai Thien Bui Mai Thien Bui Van Chung
To Make A Sortie Sculptor 2 Champa Girl 4 The Eldest Sister
Dao Tho Do Hieu Liem Do Hieu Liem Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Nguyen Van Danh
Tear-2 Afforestation Life Cham Old Man Tracks Of Time No Bounderies Woman In Daily Works Loyal Friend
Theme: NATURE Tema: NARAVA AUSTRALIA Brennand Gary Brennand Gary Brennand Gary Brennand Gary Claase Astrid Dean Gordon Dean Gordon Dean Gordon Foster Neville H W Foster Neville H W Hammer Jacqueline Horsnell Jenni Killen Roy Niven James Niven James Watson Graeme
Cuttlefish Trout Mouth Dental Work Padang Bai Turtle Backchat Little Wren Cicada No4 Taste Test No2 Frog On The Menue 0202 Bellbird Feeding 8759 Mating Terns Whistling Kite With Gull 3 SAL. G Eagle Defending Catch Perry Dunes, Nsw, Australia Northern Plains, India Flight Of The Godwits
AUSTRIA Habringer Wolfgang Habringer Wolfgang Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Kastner Josef Peer Albert Peer Albert
Threesome 59 Spinnennetz 13 Seaturtle Trigger Encounter Pur Mouse Fennek Marmot
BAHRAIN Alsaleh Mamdooh
BELARUS Mikus Alfred
Family Council
BELGIUM Legrand Jean Luc Oeyen Roger Oeyen Roger Oeyen Roger Rene Van Echelpoel Rene Van Echelpoel Rene Van Echelpoel Rene Van Echelpoel
Elne 93 Laplanduilen Kruising Papaverfamilie Brentis Daphne Jonge Vuurlibel Rammelende Hazen Young Black-Headed Gull
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Hameed Ahmed The Great Migration CANADA Kwan Phillip Kwan Phillip
Bear Chasing Snowy Owl Turning
CHINA Chen Jinghui Chen Jinghui Wan Yi Wan Yi Wan Yi
Deep Feeling Intimacy Glacier 3 Tianshan Grassland Tianshan Light And Shadow 6
CROATIA Avdagić Roman Knebl Biljana Rački Neda
Black Swan Sea Colors-1 Life In The Alps
FINLAND Kihlberg Tapio Kyttala Osmo Kyttala Kyttala Osmo Kyttala Kyttala Osmo Kyttala Mantykangas Jarmo Mantykangas Jarmo Poylio Mika Putti Elisa Salo Rainer Salo Rainer
Egret In The Blue Sky Joint Lunch Cuorious Owl 3 Eagle In Snow 1 Angelica Pecker Hey I Love You Snowing A Pair Brown Bear Fox
FRANCE Anagnostidis Marc Anagnostidis Marc Anagnostidis Marc Jourdain Roger Jourdain Roger Jourdain Roger Jourdain Roger
Rainette Du Midi Anthocharis Et Fougere Accouplement Bicolore 2 Offering In Pont De Gau FIAP M Jackal With Hare Blue Tit In Winter Chacals A Chabraque No1
GERMANY Kulpa Beate Meinberg Volker Pustelnik Birgit Pustelnik Birgit Pustelnik Birgit Pustelnik Birgit Rau Frank Riehle Gunther Riehle Gunther Riehle Gunther Roemisch Heiko Roemisch Heiko Voss Manfred Voss Manfred Voss Manfred
Togetherness Gentoo Penguins 06 Swallowtail Sundown Swallowtail On Wild Carrot Mantis Religiosa Two Blues Pechlibelle 2 Playing Arctic Fox Pups Yawning Arctic Fox Pup Arctic Fox Behind Tail 2 Red Deer At Dune 2315 Rivals 1133 Black Beauty Ice-Land Glowing Chunk
GREAT BRITAIN Bramham Gordon Devine Bob Devine Bob Devine Bob Hoyle Roger Lawrence Peter Macfarlane Rosamund Macfarlane Rosamund Macfarlane Rosamund Macfarlane Rosamund Oconnell Sue Poad Reginald Poad Reginald Poad Reginald Tarbox Jim Terrance Bill Turton Neville
Dalmation Pelican 3674 Goshawk 1 FIAP M Osprey With Fish Elephant Dominance Zebra Mating Damselflies Chinstrap Penguins On Ice Floe Sea Eagle In Pine Tree Elephant Seals Sparring Eagle Owl On Bough Macaque Feeding, Bali Beautiful Demoiselle On Bramble Porcelain Fungus No 6 Silver Studded Blues Mating Lucky Strike FIAP S Lekking Call Great Grey Owl Digging Voles
HONG KONG Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Chan H. W. Cheung Koon Nam Cheung Koon Nam Cheung Koon Nam Cheung Koon Nam
Very Comfortable FIAP M It Is Warm To Feel Interdependent Snow Wild Ape 1 Eagle With Fish 4 Two Bee-Eaters Spotted Hyaena Pied Kingfisher Burst Out 2
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
Lam Chau Kei Checky Lam Chau Kei Checky Lam Chau Kei Checky Lam Chau Kei Checky
Curve Love Teaching Circle Love Kingfisher Catching
HUNGARY Tibor Kercz
INDIA Bose Abhijit Bose Abhijit M Mohan M Mohan M Mohan M Mohan Rajan Avanish Rajan Avanish Rajan Avanish
Zebras Looking For Food Blue Tailed Bee-Eater Pair Indian Roller Tosses An Insect Indian Jackal Feasts Indian Jackal With Kill Cheetah Kill Baboon Wrestle At Mara Leap
Spotted Eagle Rays In Galapagos
ITALY Bartolini Marco Bartolini Marco Corsini Carlo Corsini Carlo Ferraro Moreno Ferraro Moreno Francini Ernesto Garabello Marco Garabello Marco Garabello Marco Garuti Fabio Garuti Fabio Garuti Fabio Giannini Liliana Giannini Liliana Manetti Angiolo Manetti Angiolo Morina Giovanni Morina Giovanni
Laguna Chiarcota 2 Alla Finestra 2 Glide Real Something Is Wrong Family Katta Care Of Mother Lioness Bee-Eater With Locust Hunter... Hunted Admirando Las Torres Guanacos Luchando 01 Mist In The Wood 2 Mist In The Wood 3 Mist In The Wood 4 Lunch Is Served Cleaning The Plumage The Intensity Of A Glance Diving In The Grass The Hunter Breakfast Time
JAPAN Sato Keiko Sato Keiko
What Are You Doing Chatting
KUWAIT Yousef Mohammed Yousef Mohammed Yousef Mohammed
Concluding Love Hunted By The Hunter True Motherhood
MACAO Cheang Sherman
Take A Rest
Piggy Back
NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel
Polderlandscape Delighted Beech Twee Grauwe Ganzen Blauwgroene Liefde Aanvliegende Uil Gierenkop In Zww
NORWAY Jorgen Skaug Jorgen Skaug Jorgen Skaug
Polar Bear Jump SAL. B Polar Bear At White Island Alone In The Ice
Sveen Atle Sveen Atle Sveen Atle
Egret In Rain Little Owls Fishing Egret
OMAN Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alzadjali Habib
Ras Royce Beach With Stars Ras Al Ruwais Alhota3 Lizard 7
PORTUGAL Taborda Joao Taborda Joao
Furiouse Old Gorila
ROMANIA Moldovan Zsolt Moldovan Zsolt Moldovan Zsolt Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos Nagy Lajos
Like A Snake Roller With Snake Grasshopper-Eater Grey Heron With Branch FZS G Grey Heron Fishing Seagull With Fish Catching The Grasshopper 01
RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Kanunnikov Viktor Terentyev Alexey
Ice Of Greenland 43 Ice Of Greenland 33 Polar Bear In The Arctic Birch Forest Birds
SAUDI ARABIA Alnaser Mohammed
Painful Pleasure
SCOTLAND Bingham Richard Bingham Richard
Myvatn Aurora Jokulsarlon Rainbow
SINGAPORE Teo Chin Leong Yeo Eng Siong Yeo Eng Siong Yeo Eng Siong Yeo Eng Siong
Nectar Feast Hunting Cheetahs Mating Lions The Birth Lioness And Cub
SLOVAKIA Lelkes Edmund Lelkes Edmund
Quarrel The Punk
SLOVENIA Bricelj Bogdan Bucalo Vlado Bucalo Vlado Bucalo Vlado Bucalo Vlado Črepinšek Blaž Črepinšek Blaž Črepinšek Blaž Čufar Aleksander Čufar Aleksander Čufar Aleksander Jarni Andrej Krapež Miran Krapež Miran Krapež Miran Krapež Miran Lanišek Tomaž Petaros Igor Prinčič Miloš Prinčič Miloš Rojko Miran
Pike Under Branch Morning Dance Ma23 Eclipses Family Delitev Hrane Pogled Nazaj V Kalahariju Love-Xxl Flowers-150 Wood-G900 Trio Protein Snack Autumn 02 Gallinula Chloropus 1 V Zali Tree Silent Witnesses Little White Egret Grey Egret Wild Spring
Suljanović Jasim Tratnik Anton Tratnik Anton
Flyback Swans Keeper Dark Forest Krn 2
SOUTH AFRICA Coumbias John Coumbias John Coumbias John
Elegant Fly Fast To Fly Flying Challenge
SPAIN Martin Castan David Martin Castan David Martin Castan David Martin Castan David
Green Snake Stokksnes Mohai Frozen
TAIWAN Chen Feng-Lin
Eating A Red Fruit 7
UKRAINE Zilinskyy Yuriy Zilinskyy Yuriy Zilinskyy Yuriy
Elegant Dancers Triple Watch Family Pause
UNITED STATES Khan Manas Lin Ning Scott Sandy
Bugling Elk Male Impalas Fighting For Dominance Bringing Home Breakfast
VIETNAM Bui Van Chung Bui Van Chung Bui Van Chung Lu Huynh Thanh Huy
Breakfast Take The Bait To Examine Moss Pillow
Theme: WATER Tema: VODA
AUSTRALIA Brennand Gary Dean Gordon Hammer Jacqueline Hammer Jacqueline Jones Tracey Jones Killen Roy Moritz Vicki Moritz Vicki Moritz Vicki Moritz Vicki Niven James Tam Joseph Tam Joseph Tam Joseph Tsim Wai Man Watson Graeme
Whaleshark Boat Crash Landing Yule Point Abstract Zig Zag Shore Line The Shroud Cat Bay Wave Motion Eildon Morning Mono Eildon Ripple Gondola Pano Piran, Slovenia Fairyland Braving The Storm Casting The Net Great Fall Reflected Tern
AUSTRIA Bernkopf Dr. Alois Habringer Wolfgang Habringer Wolfgang
Einbein-Ruderer Almsee 48 Two Fishermen 84
BAHRAIN Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh Alsaleh Mamdooh
Highland Tom Sawyer Shower Time 2 Running On Water
CANADA Kwan Phillip
Aurora Reflection
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
Kwan Phillip Kwan Phillip
Bear Running Antarctica Sunset
CHINA Chen Jinghui Chen Jinghui Chen Jinghui Liu Yue Liu Yue Liu Yue Liu Yue Song Zhiguo Wan Yi Wan Yi Wan Yi
The Fog Through Farming The Sea Dreamland Yili Tekes River The Bogda Glacier Lake Tianshan Ice Lake Tianshan Silver Autumn Lake Waves Terraced Field 7 Golden Light Sunset Glow
CROATIA Đukić Vesna Gotal Marko Knebl Biljana Kovač Petar Kovač Petar Kucelin Zvonko Kucelin Zvonko Martić Nenad Rački Neda Rački Neda
Witnesses Time Beautiful Loneliness Wet Water 50 Shades Of Grey Autumn Is Gone Marine Nocturne-2 Marine Nocturne-3 Island Thirsty Land Ice Sculptures
FINLAND Mantykangas Jarmo Mantykangas Jarmo Mantykangas Jarmo Tolonen Kari Tuominen Lassi
Mandelbrot On Ice 01 Moonlight River Under The Dome 01 Early In The Morning Water On The Road
GERMANY Baumann Werner Baumann Werner Baumann Werner Gähler Frank Hausdoerfer Frank Hausdoerfer Frank Hausdoerfer Frank Klaus Strehlke Meinberg Volker Meinberg Volker Meinberg Volker Pustelnik Birgit Rau Frank Rau Frank Riehle Gunther Roemisch Heiko Roemisch Heiko Roemisch Heiko Roemisch Heiko
Morning Haze Wattlandschaft Wattlaeufer Autumn Tears Of Desert Bora Bora Skywalker Norsee-5519 Baffin Bay Walrusses 1 Cape York Sunset 2 Sunset In Iqaluit 01 Golden Flow Baltic Tranquility 2 Dandelion Drops Chuki Coast Light Beam 3 Boat Slipping Mole 9064 Mare And Sky Sail 8211 Ice Water Over Mole Water And Stones 4671
GREAT BRITAIN Elgin Keith Fryer Alison J Fryer Alison J Oconnell Sue Pettett Mike Pettett Mike Poad Reginald Poad Reginald Rees Peter Rees Peter Rees Peter Terrance Bill Terrance Bill Terrance Bill
A Splash Of Yellow Southwold Storm To The Lighthouse Fort Stevens Beach, Wa Trebarwith Dawn Crackington Olden Lake The Groynes Solitude Across The Bay Inxcoming Tide The Tunnel Corbiere Light Kitesurfing
HONG KONG Lam Chau Kei Checky Lam Chau Kei Checky Lam Chau Kei Checky Su Xing Fang Su Xing Fang Su Xing Fang
Waves Swallowed Water Lady Autumn Crossing Rainy Day The Hill Strive
HUNGARY Mekli Zoltán Mekli Zoltán
Sleepy Lake Ruffle
INDIA Bysack Subrata Bysack Subrata Bysack Subrata
Sandscape 2 Sandscape 3 The Handcart
INDONESIA Tjongari Daniel Tjongari Daniel Tjongari Daniel
Between Life And Dead ... Reflection Of Life ... More Than Light ...
IRELAND Gleeson William Gleeson William Gleeson William Gleeson William Playdon Sigita
Broken Wall Passage And Hook Pilmore Tide Titanic The Last Stopover Autumn Rain
ITALY Bartolini Marco Bartolini Marco Corsini Carlo Corsini Carlo Garuti Fabio Garuti Fabio Manetti Angiolo Manetti Angiolo
Monsoon Time 12 Monsoon Time 1 Signs Of Life Stillness Ice 646 Ice 611 Desert And Ocean Natural Tree
MALTA Debono Johann Debono Johann
Dwejra The Fishing
NETHERLANDS Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Limberg Huib Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel Lybaert Daniel
A Bit Closer 2_30 Lauwersmeer # 01 A Bit Closer 2_02 A Bit Closer 2_59 Garnalenvissers Vuurtoren Marken Strandwandeling
NORWAY Johansen Marit Lystad Shore Johansen Marit Lystad The Wave Aune Olaf Blue Girl
OMAN Al Farsi Haitham Al Farsi Haitham Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Al Mahrooqi Ahmed Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Alamri Majid Algheilani Hamed
Water Girl 2 FIAP M Face And Boats Sunrise Of Ras Royce Resistance Sunrise 2 Sunrise 1 Fisher2 Alhota2 Ras Mdrakh2 Birds And Boats Reflection
PORTUGAL Taborda Joao
The Palace
ROMANIA Nagy Lajos
Waterfall In The Jungle
SOUTH AFRICA Coumbias John Coumbias John
Moving Water Water Rescue
RUSSIA Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Anisimov Sergey Kanunnikov Viktor Pesterev Sergey Terentyev Alexey
Ice Of Greenland 45 Ice Of Greenland 41 Ice Of Greenland 42 Ice Of Greenland 46 Autumn In Finland 1 Niagara Falls On Sunrise 2 Fisherman
SPAIN Martin Castan David Martin Castan David Martin Castan David Simon Oscar Simon Oscar Simon Oscar
Blue Diamods Seljalandsfoss Skogafoss Ice Blue Water Diamonds & Stars
SAMOA Chape Stuart
Vavau 2
SERBIA Zupunski Anica
TAIWAN Chen Feng-Lin Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai Wang Lung-Tsai
Shell Woodland Over The Wave Morning Fishing
SINGAPORE Heng Zee Kek Heng Zee Kek Heng Zee Kek Tay David Poey-Cher
UKRAINE Zilinskyy Yuriy
Sailing Through Reflection Jump Down The Waterfall Fun Diving Early Catch
Lake Nakuru In Kenya Feather On Water
SLOVAKIA Malast Milan
Apocalypse In The Tatras
SLOVENIA Bucalo Vlado Bucalo Vlado Burnik Marko Čufar Aleksander Debevec Igor Doberlet Vasja Doberlet Vasja Godnic Boris Godnic Boris Hieng Primož Hieng Primož Hieng Primož Hieng Primož Jarni Andrej Jerinic Alen Jesenović Kristijan Kokol Dejan Kokol Dejan Krušnik Saša Krušnik Saša Krušnik Saša Krušnik Saša Lanišek Tomaž Lanišek Tomaž Lesjak Miljko Mavrič Maja Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Mladovan Marko Morič Pia Papic Nevenka Petaros Igor Prinčič Miloš Prinčič Miloš Prinčič Miloš Sodržnik Denis Suljanović Jasim Šfiligoj Zdenka Šfiligoj Zdenka Tratnik Anton
Frozen River Saline Mahovlje Flood-1 Barje Vintgar Disquietude Cj_L1 Cj_L2 Saltpans 01 Saltpans 04 Saltpans 02 Saltpans 03 Drop Of Gold Blessing Waterfall Misty Island Rainy Mood Two Iceland Falling In Eternity Church Mountain Meander Shore 3 Pool Stairs Evening Geometry Of The Sea Follow Through Morning Full Power The Last Kiss Of Sun Misty Morning Lake 2. Eventful 1. The Frozen Lake 3. Morning Mist A Man And Pier Source Save Reflection Waterfall Prescribed Direction
VIETNAM Bui Van Chung Bui Mai Thien Le Hoang Nhan Lu Huynh Thanh Huy Nguyen Van Danh Nguyen Van Danh
In Midstream In The Salt Fields 2 Mua Nuoc Noi Fish Catching The Way Home Boy And Waves
Sprejeta dela • Accepted Works
= = = = =
4310 prejetih del • received works
Sprejetih del • accepted works:
62 nagrajenih del • awarded works
Št. avtorjev • No. of authors:
58 različnih držav • different countries
Best author of 1st PANNONIA REFLECTIONS is Daniel LYBAERT from Netherlands. Najuspešnejši avtor 1. mednarodnega natečaja PANNONIA REFLECTIONS je Daniel LYBAERT iz Nizozemske.
Lendava • Lendva Obščite nas tudi vi! • Come and visit us! Občina Lendava/Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava Glavna ulica 20, 9220 Lendava-Lendva Slovenia (Europe) •
Galerija-Muzej Lendava/Galéria-Múzeum Lendva/Gallery-Museum Lendava Banffyjev trg 1/Bánffy tér 1, 9220 Lendava/Lendva, Slovenija/Szlovénia/Slovenia (Europe) Telefon/Phone: 00386 (0)2 578 92 60 • E-mail: •
Pokrovitelji razstave in dogodka • Sponsors of the Event and Exhibition:
Občina Lendava Lendva Község Municipality of Lendava
Galerija-muzej Lendava Lendvai Galéria és Múzeum Gallery-Museum Lendava
DIGIFOT, fotografija in tisk d.o.o. Industrijska ulica 2 9220 Lendava - Lendva, Slovenija
Urednik • Editor:
Davor Dolenčić
Založnik • Publisher:
Fotografsko društvo Pannonia – Photographic Society Pannonia
Prevod • Translation:
Mozeg d.o.o., Lendava
Oblikovanje • Design:
Peter Orban, Lendava
Tisk • Print:
Printex d.o.o., Čakovec (CRO)
Zavod za kulturo in promocijo Lendava Művelődési és Promóciós Intézet Lendva Lendava Institute for Culture and Promotion
Naklada • Copies: 500
Kulturno društvo Foto-video klub Lendava Fotó-videó klub Lendva Kultúregyesület
Leto izdaje • Year of publishing:
Januar 2015 • January 2015
Pannonia Reflections 2014 • Lendava, Slovenia
Pannonia Reflections 2014 1. Mednarodni fotografski natečaj 1st International Salon of Photography Photographic Society Pannonia – Fotografsko društvo Pannonia Centiba, Fodorjeva vrsta 152, 9220 Lendava, Slovenia, Europe •
Lendava • Slovenia (Europe)