Panorama Community Magazine
February is National Pet Dental Month by Dr. Kenneth Trippett, West Hazleton Veterinary Hospital One of the easiest to check and most overlooked aspects of keeping your pet healthy, is a healthy mouth. If you haven't done so recently (and don't feel bad if you haven't, most people don't), pick up a lip and look at your pet's back teeth in a well lit area. Large chunks of brown tartar, red, eroding gums, and bad breath are all easily recognizable signs of an unhealthy mouth. Most people seems to think, that bad teeth is a problem that is limited to the mouth. Unfortunately, this just isn't true. Bad teeth frequently cause liver trouble, kidney trouble, and heart trouble in animals. I have cured a number of heart mummers in dogs and kidney problems in cats simple by cleaning their teeth and treating with antibiotics. More importantly, bad teeth cause pain in animals the same as they do for people. Dogs and cats are much more tolerant of mouth pain, then we humans. Just because your animal is eating, doesn't mean that everything is O.K. If you notice signs of bad teeth, this is also an indication that your pet is in pain. In an attempt to give all the pets in Hazleton a nice white smile and better breath, we are offering 10% off all dental procedures with the ad in below through the end of February.
Continued from previous page website. Start by letting your dog sniff the PupLid and get used to seeing it. Then, put the hat on the dog's head for a few minutes at time, and use treats and rewards as the dog keeps it on for longer periods. "When hat wearing is paired with a favorite walk or trip to the park, many dogs start getting excited to see their hat because they know they are about to go on an adventure," says Burnell. The hats are engineered to stay put with a five point system -- two-points of contact on each side and one under the chin. The hook and loop fastener under the chin allows for a customized fit, and slider loops on the sides allow for further adjustment. PupLid hats are currently available in five sizes, XXS, XS, S, M, and L, but the company will launch a sixth size later this fall to further refine the fit for more dogs. More sizing information is available on the company website. The company also strives to enhance the style factor to dog hats -- the hats are a seamless extension of baseball caps and trucker hats for people, available in
five colors and over ten designs. More custom design options are available from PupLid's growing network of wholesale partners, and dog families can even order their own matching "trucker hats for humans" for the ultimate in coordination. Learn more at
West Hazleton Veterinary Hospital
February is National . . .
PET DENTAL MONTH A healthy mouth is essential for your pets overall well being and happiness.
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All Dental Related Procedures!
Offer expires February 26, 2022 . *Cannot be combined with other discounts or specials.
Dr. Kenneth Trippett
392 W Apple Street • Ringtown 570.741.3574 • FB: @treeoflifeshoppe / IG: @treeoflifeshoppe.ig