Š AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection
Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate and Nanotechnology Visionary (1918 -1988)
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What our Readers and Authors say
We are delighted to present you our new and forthcoming titles in the field of micro- and nanoscale science, technology and medicine. As an independent international publisher, we publish a range of quality books in various topical areas ranging from monographs, review volumes and textbooks with a single aim in mind and that is to inspire innovation.
“Just a general glance at the topics of your series of books remains me a deep impression. These books selected the excellent topics and they provide a panorama of the current research on nanosciece and technology – from very fundamental principle of nanoscience to the cutting-edge research fields such as nanobiology, nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and nanoplasmonics. These books give multidisciplinary and state-of-the-art materials and will be excellent references for both newcomers and veterans working in the field. I will recommend the books to my colleagues, students and those who are interested in the story of nano-scale world.
We believe that our titles would form a valuable addition to your science library and would enhance your research and educational needs. Key New Titles • Science at the Nanoscale: An Introductory Textbook • Silicon Nanophotonics: Basic Principles, Present Status and Perspectives • Nanomedicine: A Systems Engineering Approach Popular Titles • Nanostructures in Electronics and Photonics • Dendrimer-Based Nanomedicine • Electronic Device Architectures for the Nano-CMOS Era Book Series • Pan Stanford Series on Biomedical Nanotechnology • Pan Stanford Series on Nanoscale Raman Spectroscopy • Pan Stanford Series on Nanobiotechnology If you have any queries on sales, marketing, editorial or any other issues, please let me know at stanford@panstanford.com or you can visit our website at www.panstanford.com. Sincerely,
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I am sure that Pan Stanford Publishing will make a great contribution and give a strong support to the development of nanoscience and technology.” Prof. Chunli Bai Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Chief Scientist of the National Steering Committee for Nanoscience and Technology, China “My experience with Pan Stanford was very good and there is no way for the publisher to improve their process that I can think of now. I am very pleased with the end product of this long book writing process. Pan Stanford has been very helpful to me and published a fine book.” Prof. Istvan Majoros University of Michigan, USA “I can say that I had a very positive experience getting Nanostructures in Electronics and Photonics published through Pan Stanford Publishing. The entire process from manuscript acquisition to copy editing and final layout went extremely smoothly thanks to the dedicated team at Pan Stanford. I’ll certainly consider Pan Stanford for my next title.” Dr. Faiz Rahman University of Glasgow, UK “The editorial process is very smooth and the cover design is great! The manuscript style files are very helpful and the instructions are easy to follow for the contributors. It was a great pleasure to work with Pan Stanford Publishing.” Prof. Alf Lamprecht University of Franche-Comté, France “The editors did a very good job. In particular, time between submission of the manuscripts and printing of the book was exceedingly short.” Prof. Fritz Henneberger Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
4/3/09 1:59:36 PM
Highlights Textbook
Dendrimer-Based Nanomedicine
edited by Istvan J Majoros & James R Baker, Jr. (University of Michigan, USA) “The authors’ approach to fill in a little history with futuristic perspective will be a delight to all readers interested in the field. A must read.” George R Newkome The University of Akron, USA Used in a variety of scientific applications, the use of dendrimers is now widely regarded as a safer, more precise, and more effective way to practice medicine. This book compiles and details cutting-edge research in science and medicine from the interdisciplinary team of the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences, who are currently revolutionizing drug delivery techniques through the development of engineered nanodevices. • • •
Covers research on dendrimer-based nanodevices for use in nanomedicine, including aspects from chemistry, biology, various diagnostic methodologies, and computer simulation Includes contributions from and is coedited by Dr James Baker, Jr, MD, an international leader in biological nanotechnology and a member of the Nanotechnology Technical Advisory Group of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Illustrated throughout with excellent figures and references to accompany each section
Readership: Advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students in nanotechnology; researchers in macromolecular science, nanotechnology, chemistry, biology, and medicine, especially those with an interest in drug delivery or cancer therapy. 436pp 978-981-4241-04-5 981-4241-04-0
May 2008 US$215 £115
Electronic Device Architectures for the Nano-CMOS Era
Science at the Nanoscale
From Ultimate CMOS Scaling to Beyond CMOS Devices edited by Simon Deleonibus (CEA-LETI, France) “This book offers an excellent insight into the Micro-to-Nano transition that the electronics industry is currently engaged in. An excellent reference for scientists and students interested in the future of electronics.” Jean-Pierre Colinge Tyndall National Institute, Ireland “This book offers excellent opportunities for those who wish to systematically think about future NANO-CMOS era.” Masataka Hirose National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan This book gives a state-of-the-art overview by internationally-recognized researchers of the electronic device architectures required for the NanoCMOS era and beyond. Challenges relevant to the scaling of CMOS Nanoelectronics are addressed through the different Core CMOS and Memory Devices options in the first part of the book. The second part reviews the New device Concepts for Nanoelectronics Beyond CMOS. What are the fundamental limits of core CMOS, and can we improve the scaling by the introduction of new materials or processes? Can quantum computing replace binary-based protocols to enhance the information processing power? These questions and others are answered in this book.
“This book provides a very detailed and interesting overview of the fundamental principles of nanoscience, discusses the background of several nanoscience experimental techniques, and sheds light on some of the visionary and important applications in the truly interdisciplinary area of nanotechnology.” Wael Mamdouh and Flemming Besenbacher University of Aarhus, Denmark Many ideas proposed in nanotechnology are frontier and futuristic, although some have immediate technological applications. The core scientific principles of all nanotechnology applications, however, are grounded in physics and chemistry. There are currently numerous specialized nanoscience and nanotechnology-related texts or monographs at the graduate and senior undergraduate levels. This fullcoloured textbook is targeted at the junior undergraduate level or as a reference text for advanced learners at pre-university and senior high school. It has evolved from the authors’ own teaching experience at tertiary institutions. Readership: This book is suitable for science undergraduates, and can be used as a reference for pre-university science students. 224pp 978-981-4241-03-8 981-4241-03-2
Apr 2009 US$88
Readership: Microelectronics and nanoelectronics engineers and physicists interested in the scaling down of CMOS devices and possible alternatives to CMOS. 40pp 978-981-4241-28-1 981-4241-28-8
Oct 2008 US$167
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An Introductory Textbook by Chin Wee Shong, Sow Chorng Haur & Andrew T S Wee (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
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Plasmonic Nanoguides and Circuits edited by Sergey I Bozhevolnyi (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
“Comprehensive description of possible plasmonic waveguide geometries, their advantages and drawbacks are clearly discussed with various uses in mind, ranging from optical communication components, on-chip interconnects and electronicphotonic hybrid circuits. It makes fascinating reading and gives food for thought equally to nanophotonics practitioners and students alike.” Anatoly Zayats The Queen’s University of Belfast, UK Modern communication systems dealing with huge amounts of data at ever increasing speed try to utilize the best aspects of electronic and optical circuits. Electronic circuits are tiny but their operation speed is limited, whereas optical circuits are extremely fast but their sizes are limited by diffraction. Waveguide components utilizing surface plasmon (SP) modes were found to combine huge optical bandwidth and compactness of electronics, and plasmonics thereby became considered as the next chip-scale technology. In this book, we concentrate on the SP waveguide configurations ensuring nanoscale confinement and review the current status of this rapidly emerging field, considering different configurations being developed for nanoscale plasmonic guides and circuits. Readership: Advanced graduate and postgraduate students, researchers and engineers interested in the physics of surface plasmons and their use for nanoscale photonics. 452pp 978-981-4241-32-8 981-4241-32-6
SP.JN.12.08.05.HC.indd 4
Oct 2008 US$149
Spin Wave Confinement
edited by Sergej O Demokritov (University of Münster, Germany) “I greatly enjoyed reading this book, which covers a new, vigorously developing part of magnetism. Demokritov has managed to encourage the leaidng players in the field to give their views of the current status quo and to share with us their visions of the future development of the spin-wave studies in nanostructures. The book not only explains the physics of spin waves to the young students, but it also brings a lot of valuable facts and ideas to the experts in magnetic dynamics.” Boris A. Kalinikos Colorado State University, USA This book presents recent scientific achievements in the investigation of magnetization dynamics in confined magnetic systems. Introduced by Bloch as plane waves of magnetization in unconfined ferromagnets, spin waves currently play an important role for description of very small magnetic systems ranging from microelements, building the basis for magnetic sensors, down to magnetic nano-contacts. Readership: Graduate and post-graduate students in physics, engineers working in the field of magnetic sensors, and nonexperts who are interested in magnetic dynamics. 240pp 978-981-4241-06-9 981-4241-06-7
Aug 2008 US$155 £82
Semiconductor Quantum Bits
by Oliver Benson & Fritz Henneberger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany) “This book provides a timely summary of the state of the art from established groups around the world and will serve as a critical reference for researchers and students working to advance the frontier. The editors have done an excellent job in collecting and assembling the topics and authors for the most important areas.” Duncan G Steel University of Michigan, USA “Undoubtedly the book represents the interest for scientists working in this field and related physics fields. It is not a textbook but the detailed studies of the suggested material is very important for post-graduate students specializing in the modern optics of nanosubjects and theorists studying quantum computer theory.” Igor A Merkulov University of Tennessee, USA This book highlights the state-of-the-art qubit implementations in semiconductors, providing an extensive overview of this newly emerging field. Semiconductor nanostructures have huge potential as future quantum information devices as they provide simultaneously various ways of qubit implementation (electron spin, electronic excitation) as well as a way to transfer quantum information from these stationary qubits to flying qubits (photons). Readership: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students in physics and nano-science; non-experts interested in experimental progress towards quantum information in semiconductors. 516pp 978-981-4241-05-2 981-4241-05-9
Jul 2008 US$179
Inspiring Innovation through Publishing
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Tentative cover
Nanostructures in Electronics and Photonics edited by Faiz Rahman (University of Glasgow, UK)
“I am very impressed with the presentation of information in this book. The information contained is on the edge of current technology in which there are not many available yet. I find the pictures informative and of high quality. The text is very well written and it actually reads like a novel. There are valuable explanations on how the work was done — that can be helpful for researchers who wish to start in this field. This is a book I will recommend to my students who are taking my advanced electronics device course. It will make very interesting background reading. Finally this is a reference work I can use. I recommend this book to the general public, anyone with an interest on developments in the field of nanotechnology, especially those who are keen to become involved in this field.” Kristel Fobelets Imperial College London, UK The book covers nanoscale materials and devices for both electronics and optical technologies. The emphasis throughout is on experimental methods rather than theoretical modeling. The material will provide food for thought for researchers and research students keen to develop new technologies at the ultra-small scale and to open up new avenues for research.
Nanometer CMOS
by Frank Schwierz (Technical University Ilmenau, Germany), Hei Wong (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) & Juin J Liou (University of Central Florida, USA) This book gives a comprehensive overview of all the important issues concerning modern Si MOSFETs. It covers the principles of MOSFET operation, theory, scaling issues, and an in-depth discussion of nanometer MOSFETs. Both classical nanometer MOSFETs as well as non-classical MOSFET concepts, which receive little coverage in textbooks, are treated in detail. The device structures, merits, and drawbacks of MOSFET concepts like strained Si MOSFETs, ultra-thin body SOI MOSFETs, and multiple gate MOSFETs (FinFETs, Tri-gate MOSFETs) are presented. An entire chapter is devoted to the emerging and rapidly growing field of RF MOSFETs/RF CMOS, and the discussion extends to the important future trends in of nanometer CMOS technology and the problems and limits of scaling. Contents: Evolution and Recent Advances in Si Electronics; MOSFET Fundamentals, Theory, and Modeling; Nanometer MOSFETs; RF MOSFETs; Overview of Nanometer CMOS Technology; Challenges of Giga-Scale Integration.
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in physics, chemistry, materials science and device engineering.
Readership: Graduates and postgraduate students, researchers, engineers and managers in the fields of electrical & electronic engineering and nanoelectronics & microelectronics.
316pp 978-981-4241-10-6 981-4241-10-5
350pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-08-3 981-4241-08-3
Apr 2008 US$179
edited by Tamar Seideman (Northwestern University, USA) Inelastic conductance through molecularscale electronics may give rise to a rich variety of dynamical processes, including vibration, rotation, intermode energy flow, desorption, and reaction. Current-driven dynamics in nanojunctions carries a broad range of already tested and projected applications. These include new approaches to spectroscopy, new forms of molecular machines, new means of manipulating the conductivity of molecular junctions, new approaches to surface nanochemistry and new directions in nanolithography. It also offers several fascinating questions for fundamental research. These include the understanding and control of strongly nonadiabatic vibronic dynamics under nonequilibrium conditions; the modeling of heat transport, dissipation and rectification; and the design of molecular machines with desired functionalities. Consisting of ten chapters written by some of the world’s leaders in the field, this book combines experimental, theoretical and numerical studies of current-driven phenomena in the nanoscale. Readership: Researchers, students and professionals in nanoelectronics. 350pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-50-2 981-4241-50-4
Winter 2009 US$129 £70
Winter 2009 US$155 £82
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Current-Driven Phenomena in Nanoelectronics
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Tentative cover
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
Excitonic and Vibrational Dynamics in Nanotechnology
Diamond Nanotechnology
“This book brings a wonderful collection of works in the area of quantum chemstry calculations devoted to the optical properties of quantum dots and carbon nanotubes. Optics is one of the most promissing fields for both the understanding of materials science and innovations in nanotechnology. This book illustrates the great scientific development made possible by nanoscience.” Ado Jorio de Vasconcelos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
This book on nanodiamonds is the first of its kind. Nanodiamonds are indispensable for polishing industrial materials (e.g. computer hard drives and read heads) and advanced ceramics (e.g. silicon carbide and gem diamond). This book is valuable for those dealing with nanodiamonds, as well as these interested in a general education of nano-sized materials.
Quantum Dots vs. Nanotubes by Svetlana V Kilina (CINT, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Rapid advances in chemical synthesis and fabrication techniques have led to novel nano-sized materials that exhibit original and often unforeseen properties. One of the greatest advantages of these nanosystems is that their electronic and optical properties can be controlled, not only by the material’s inherent features, but also by the sample’s size, shape, and topology. This flexibility makes them ideal for applications in several fields, ranging from electronics and optelectronics to biology and medicine. However, in order to design nanoelectronic devices, a clear understanding of their fundamental properties is needed. Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are two of the most promising examples of low-dimensional nanomaterials. These two types of nano-systems have been chosen for the extensive studies presented in this book. Readership: Academics and researchers in the fields of nanomaterials & nanostructures and semiconductors & related areas. 250pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-30-4 981-4241-30-X
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Synthesis and Applications by James C Sung (Kinik Company, National Taiwan University & National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan) & Jianping Lin (City of Hope National Medical Center, USA)
Contents: Diamond in the Sky; Dawn of the Diamond Age; Diamond Synthesis in Perspective; Micron Fines and Nanodiamonds; Dynamite Diamond; Nanodiamond Applications; Biological Applications of Diamond; Amorphous Diamond as Thermionic Energy Converters; Fluorinated DLC for Tribological Applications; Gem Diamond Growth. Readership: Experts and researchers in the nanotechnology, diamond and semiconductor industries. 300pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-41-0 981-4241-41-5
Fall 2009 US$149
Nanostructures in Photovoltaics
by Ryne P Raffaelle (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA) & Nicholas J EkinsDaukes (Imperial College London, UK) There has been considerable excitement concerning some of the recent breakthroughs and theoretical promise that has been afforded to photovoltaics solar cells through the use of new nanomaterials and nanostructured devices. This book attempts to provide the fundamental framework upon which these developments have been based. The book begins with a general introduction to photovoltaics; but unlike other solar cell books, this is done with a focus on the fundamental physical limits and practicality of assumptions which form the basis for the ensuing discussion of nanostructured approaches to photovoltaics conversion. • • • •
Discuss the basis of the promise of nanostructures in solar energy conversion Identifies the connections and parallels to other areas of rapidly emerging areas of nanotechnology Provides an explanation of the general physics required to understand the basis for this development Explains the new results and potential for future development based upon the fundamental framework established
Readership: Scientists, engineers, and undergraduate and graduate interested in nanomaterials and energy conversion.
Enrich your library by recommending our titles to your librarian
400pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-07-6 981-4241-07-5
Spring 2010 US$155 £79
Winter 2009 US$129 £69
Inspiring Innovation through Publishing
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Silicon Nanophotonics
Basic Principles, Present Status and Perspectives edited by Leonid Khriachtchev (University of Helsinki, Finland) “…a most useful, up-to-date collection of review articles covering the various aspects of silicon-based photonics, written by leading experts in the area. Both theoretical and experimental issues of silicon nanocrystals were considered, as well as device applications in both solid-state photonics and biology. This volume is an essential read for those working to make silicon shine as optoelectronics material.” Risto M Nieminen Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Nanoscale materials are showing great promise in various optoelectronics applications, especially for the fast developing fields of optical communication and optical computers. With silicon as the leading material for microelectronics, the integration of optical functions into silicon technology is a very important challenge. This book concentrates on the optoelectronic properties of silicon nanocrystals, associated phenomena and related topics, from basic principles to the most recent discoveries. The areas of focus include silicon-based light-emitting devices, light modulators, optical wavevguides and interconnectors, optical amplifiers, and memory elements. The book comprises theoretical and experimental analysis of various properties of silicon nanocrystals, research methods and preparation techniques, and some promising applications. Readership: Researchers in physics, chemistry and material science. 472pp 978-981-4241-11-3 981-4241-11-3
Aug 2008 US$155 £79
Tentative cover
Tentative cover
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
The Optics of Nanomaterials
by Vladimir I Gavrilenko (Norfolk State University, USA) While the chemistry, physics, and optical properties of simple atoms and molecules are quite well understood, this book demonstrates that there is much to be learned about the optics of nanomaterials. Through comparative analysis of the size-dependent optical response from nanomaterials, it is shown that although strides have been made in computational chemistry and physics, bridging length scales from nano to macro remains a major challenge. Organic, molecular, polymer, and biological systems are shown to be potentially useful models for assembly. Our progress in understanding the optical properties of biological nanomaterials is important driving force for a variety of applications. • • •
A hot and rapidly developing area of nanoscience and naotechnology Presents the state-of-the-art achievements in both fundamental science and applied developments in optics for a variety inorganic, organic, and biological nanomaterials Describes the optical properties of nanomaterials based on the interactions of photons with atoms and molecules thus providing an important bridge between classic (macroscopic) and quantum (microscopic) optics
with Biological Applications by Michelle L Oyen (University of Cambridge, UK) The book is broadly divided into two parts. The first part presents the “basic science” of nanoindentation including the background of contact mechanics underlying indentation technique, and the instrumentation used to gather mechanical data. Both the mechanics background and the instrumentation overview provide perspectives that are optimized for biological applications, including discussions on hydrated materials and adaptations for low-stiffness materials. The second part of the book covers the applications of nanoindentation technique in biological materials. Included in the coverage are mineralized and nonmineralized tissues, wood and plant tissues, tissue-engineering substitute materials, cells and membranes, and cutting-edge applications at molecular level including the use of functionalized tips to probe specific molecular interactions (e.g. the ligand-receptor binding). The book concludes with a concise summary and an insightful forecast of the future highlighting the current challenges. Readership: Graduates, postgraduates and researchers. 300pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-89-2 981-4241-89-X
Fall 2009 US$149
Readership: Researchers working in the field of optics and materials science (physics and chemistry of nano-materials, surface science, linear and nonlinear optics); graduates and postgraduates studying related fields. 350pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-09-0 981-4241-09-1
Fall 2009 US$135
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Handbook of Nanoindentation
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Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology Textbook
Molecular Diagnostics
The Key Driver in Personalized Cancer Medicine edited by Jan T Jørgensen (CMC Contrast, Denmark) & Henrik Winther (Dako, Denmark) This unique book provides a thorough overview of developing molecular cancer diagnostic assays, which are the prerequisites for optimal solutions within personalized cancer medicine. The book takes the reader through definitions of the pharmacodiagnostic concept, historical perspectives of the early steps into molecular cancer diagnostics linked to therapy, the basis of different diagnostic molecular techniques, ongoing research, drug-diagnostic codevelopment, assay validation, clinical trial methodology, regulatory issues around pharmacodiagnostics and future aspects within personalized cancer medicine. The book is the first of its kind to cover relevant subjects around molecular cancer diagnostics when used as important drivers in personalized cancer medicine. The different chapters of the book are authored by key opinion leaders, each representing their specialized areas, which provide the reader with expertise knowledge in the field. Readership: Oncologists, pathologists, academic cancer researchers and scientists and others working in the drug and diagnostic industries. 400pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-44-1 981-4241-44-X
Fall 2009 US$159
A Systems Engineering Approach edited by Mingjun Zhang (The University of Tennessee, USA) & Ning Xi (Michigan State University, USA) “Taking a unique, systems perspective, this book not only covers fundamental information on nanomedicine, but also provides an account of modeling, simulation, and experimental tools for dealing with challenges at the interface between nanotechnology and medicine. It is an excellent reference for researchers and students in this burgeoning field.” Xiaobo Tan Michigan State University, USA This book offers a fundamental and comprehensive overview of nanomedicine from a systems engineering perspective, making it the first book in the field of quantitative nanomedicine based on systems theory. It will advance knowledge of nanoscale science and engineering by efficiently employing quantitative tools for fundamental biomedical engineering and biological science research. The book starts by introducing the concept of nanomedicine, and provides basic mathematical modeling techniques that can be used to model nanoscale biomedical and biological systems. It then demonstrates how this idea can be used to model and analyze the central dogma of molecular biology, tumor growth, and the immune system. Broad applications of the idea are further illustrated by Bayesian networks, multiscale and multiparadigm modeling, and AFM engineering.
Nanomaterials for Chemical Sensors and Biotechnology
by Perena Gouma (State University of New York, USA) This textbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to the interdisciplinary fields of nanomaterials, sensors and biotechnology. It demonstrates functional applications of nanotechnology in diverse areas such as environmental sensing and space habitation, to medical diagnostics and tissue regeneration. With a focus on novel materials synthesis, such as using the nanomanufacturing technique of electrospinning to get the longest nanowires possible, a correlation is made of the effect of chemical, structural, and morphological features to achieve extreme materials functionality. This publication will serve as a manual to nanotechnology for both novices and experts alike, and from the materials scientist to the biophysicist and bioengineer and the medical scientist. Readership: There is a wide market for such a type of publication. It may be used as a textbook material for a variety of undergraduate/graduate (cross-listed) courses, such as ceramics, chemical sensors, biosensors, fiber technology, nano- and biotechnology. It may be used as a reference manual at scientific research facilities, biotechnology firms, engineering colleges, nanomedicine institutes, etc. 250pp (approx.) 978-981-4267-11-3 981-4267-11-2
Fall 2009 US$149
Readership: Bioengineers, systems engineers and mathematicians. 400pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-36-6 981-4241-36-9
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Mar 2009 US$149 £80
Inspiring Innovation through Publishing
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Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology Textbook
Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience edited by Alf Lamprecht (University of Franche-Comté, France) “This book provides the state-of-the-art research material in this area. Its content is clear, didactic and reflects modern knowledge and thinking in pharmaceutics. This is a precious book for all types of readers — students, research scientists, pharmacists from the industry, practitioners from hospitals who want to expand their knowledge on Nanomedicine.” Jean-Pierre Benoit University of Angers, France This timely book provides an overview of possible therapeutic applications. The first part of the book highlights general properties of and phenomena observed with nanoparticles, and the subsequent consequences for applications in drug delivery. The second part focuses on the therapeutic approaches that are possible through the use of nanoparticles, with each chapter discussing a specific disease (e.g. diabetes, cancer, inflammation, etc.) and the relevant therapeutic approaches based on the design of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems. Readership: Academia and research laboratories in the biomedical and pharmacological fields. Useful for postgraduate students and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. 292pp 978-981-4241-02-1 981-4241-02-4
Jul 2008 US$155
Carbon Nanotubes: Angels or Demons?
by Silvana Fiorito (University “La Sapienza” — Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine, CNR–Rome, Italy) “This book is a must for every materials scientist and all those who appreciate rational answers to questions they might not dare to ask.” Marie-Louise Saboungi Centre de Recherche sur la Matière Divisée, France “Carbon Nanotubes: Angels or Demons? represents a soft touch of the most updated topics concerning nanotechnology, .... Every aspect is presented in an almost holistic and very promising effort ….” Giorgia Pastorin National University of Singapore, Singapore • • •
An exhaustive presentation of the major research topics in the field of carbon nanoparticles biocompatibility and toxicity over the last 15 years An original book by experts in the field of carbon nanoparticles, in which the characteristics of these nanoparticles are analyzed in view of their potential biomedical applications Discusses in depth the motivation and meaning of the strong impact of nanoparticles on public perception and acceptance
Readership: Academics, postgraduate students, researchers and scientists in nanomaterials and nanostructures. 164pp 978-981-4241-01-4 981-4241-01-6
May 2008 US$109 £58
SP.JN.12.08.05.HC.indd 9
Pan Stanford Series on Nanobiotechnology – Vol. 1
Nanobiotechnology and Nanobiosciences
by Claudio Nicolini (University of Genoa, Italy) “This is an impressive compendium of the work of Professor Nicolini and others in the critical area of nanotechnology. Wide ranging in its scope, it addresses the crucial junction between nanotechnology and biology. The label free detection methods covered here will provide powerful new tools for understanding molecular interactions and the nanoscale materials will find far reaching applications in both biology and engineering.” Joshua LaBaer Harvard Medical School, USA This volume introduces, in a coherent and comprehensive fashion, the Pan Stanford Series on Nanobiotechnology by defining and reviewing the major sectors of nanobiotechnology and nanobiosciences with respect to the most recent developments. It covers the basic principles and main applications of nanobiotechnology as an emerging field at the frontiers of biotechnology and nanotechnology, with contributions from leading scientists active in their respective specialties. Readership: Researchers and students in nanobiotechnology and nanobiosciences fields. 380pp 978-981-4241-38-0 981-4241-38-5
Nov 2008 US$119 £64
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Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology
The Health Impact of Nanoparticles by Antonietta M Gatti (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy) & Stefano Montanari (Laboratory Nanodiagnostics, Italy) Enormous funds are currently being invested in nanotechnology, yet very little is known about how its products and by-products can interfere with organisms, both end-users and people involved in their manufacture. Similar scenarios are already widely known in the history of science, such as the exploitation of radioactivity or the controversial issue of genetically modified organisms. As nanoparticles are more or less voluntarily produced, they are almost uncontrollably disseminated in the environment and in organisms, and thus constitute a growing concern. • • •
Highly original content that cannot be found anywhere else, as the authors are among the group that discovered nanopathologies and developed a technique to observe how inorganic particles behave once they are sequestered by organisms Includes descriptions of many clinical cases Extensive use of unique electronmicroscope pictures
Readership: Scientists in academia and industry, ecologists, military personnel, and medical doctors. Can be used as a basis for new research and as a textbook for graduate students of different subjects (medicine, biology, engineering, etc). 312pp 978-981-4241-00-7 981-4241-00-8
Mar 2008 US$135 £69
Cap-Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE)
Pan Stanford Series on Biomedical Nanotechnology – Vol. 1
The output of eukaryotic genomes is much more complex than expected. Genes produce different variants of RNAs from multiple promoters. One of the ultimate targets of biological analysis is to establish a relationship between the messenger RNAs that are transcribed from the genome and the genomic regions that control their expression — the promoters — in order to decipher the networks that regulate gene expression and the transcription factors that act as master regulators of transcriptional control.
edited by Vladimir Torchilin & Mansoor M Amiji (Northeastern University, USA)
The Science of Decoding Genes Transcription edited by Piero Carninci (RIKEN, Japan)
Novel technologies have recently appeared that allow deciphering of transcriptional network, based on the identification of the starting site of gene transcription, with the simultaneous measurement of expression level and identification of the promoter elements. These tagging technologies (including cap-analysis gene expression — CAGE — and others) are further boosted from the development of the novel generation of sequencing instruments, which allow transcriptional profiling by sequencing at the cost of microarray experiments. This book is a guide for users of new technologies, as it includes accurately proven protocols, allowing readers to prepare their samples for experiments. Readership: Biologists interested in new approaches to address their biological problems, from both academia and industry. 250pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-34-2 981-4241-34-2
SP.JN.12.08.05.HC.indd 10
Fall 2009 US$155
Handbook of Materials for Nanomedicine (In 2-Volumes)
The fast developing field of nanomedicine uses a broad variety of materials to serve as delivery systems for drugs, genes, and diagnostic agents. This book is the first attempt to put under one cover all major available information about these materials, both still on experimental levels and already applied in patients. Contents: Organic Nanostructures: Polymeric Nanostructures: Synthetic Polymer-Drug Conjugates for Human Therapy (K Ulbrich & V Zubr); DendrimerBased Nanomaterials (K Nam et al.); Combinatorial Polymer and Lipidoid Libraries for Nanomedicine (J J Green et al.); Lipid-Based and Other Organic Structures: Liposomal Nanomedicines (V Torchilin); Nanomedicines from Polymeric Amphiphiles (I F Uchegbu et al.); Materials for Nanoemulsions and Their Influence on the Biofate (E Rozentur et al.); Inorganic Nanostructures: Metal Structures: Biomedical Applications of Multifunctional Silica-Based Gold Nanoshells (L R Bickford et al.); Metal Oxide Nanoarchitectures for Biotemplating Application (K C Popat & T A Desai); Miscellaneous Istructures: Fluorescent Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications (K Kenniff et al.); Lipid Coated Microbubbles and Nanodroplets as Tools for Biomedical Nanotechnology (E Unger & T O Matsunaga); Biomimetics: Bio-Inspired Engineering of Human Tissue Scaffolding for Regenerative Medicine (D W Green & B Ben-Nissan); and other papers. 1,200pp (approx.) 978-981-4267-55-7 981-4267-55-4
Winter 2009 US$499 £374
Inspiring Innovation through Publishing
4/3/09 1:59:44 PM
Computational General Interest Nanotechnology Textbook
Artificial Human Sensors
Science and Applications by Peter Wide (Örebro University, Sweden) The importance of creating sophisticated information support to humans is increasing with the society need for supporting elderly population with limited sensing performance. This can be seen as a paradigm for increasing the support to different groups in the population as well as a service concept to the citizens. This can also be extended from a personal level into a global view, where a group of people can increase their information level e.g. earthquake or tsunami warning systems. The book aims to involve the human related (based) and artificial sensing in coherence with the human perception capabilities (auditory, taste, smell, vision and touch). Also the fusion of these sensing information could be discussed, i.e how do we increase our human “fuzzy” decision capability (perception) e.g. the field of culinary art, the atmosphere in the dining room is also affecting the perception of tasting the food. Readership: Readerships and students in sensors, electrical and electronics engineering. 400pp (approx.) 978-981-4241-58-8 981-4241-58-X
Winter 2009 US$149 £112
Who Cloned My Cat?
“Following an extensive motivating introduction laced with gentle humor, Hsu guides the reader of “Nano Computing” on a journey through the realms of the Nanoworld. Addressing primarily students and Scientists knowledgeable in Quantum Mechanics and some level of programming, he uses sample MATLAB programs to let the engaged reader experience and quantitatively reproduce many nanoscale phenomena explored by current frontier research in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.” David Tomanek Michigan State University
“A compendium of biotechnology in everyday life, filled with up-to-date scientific and historical facts. Masterly in execution and in humorous words and pictures. This makes science fun!” Günter Kröber
Computational Physics for NanoScience and NanoTechnology edited by James J Y Hsu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Based on MATLAB and the C++ distributed computing paradigm, this book gives instructive explanations of the underlying physics for mesoscopic systems with many listed programs that readily compute physical properties into nano scales. Many generated graphical pictures demonstrate not only the principles of physics, but also the methodology of computing. This book is suitable as a graduatelevel textbook or for training courses on nanocomputing, covering in great depth current research interest in nano science and nano technology Readership: Graduate students of physics, chemistry, electrical & electronic engineering, materials science and engineering; researchers in nanoscience; engineers in nanotechnology. 384pp 978-981-4241-26-7 981-4241-26-1
Mar 2009 US$135 £69
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Fun Adventures in Biotechnology by Reinhard Renneberg (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
“Science is fun!” is the motto this fun-filled book by Prof Reinhard Renneberg. Did you know that in Japan washing machines have no “cooking program” thanks to enzyme detergents? How to make German style beer from rice? How to make real snow with dead frost-bacteria? Is bio-ethanol as a car fuel the wrong way against our environment? How could you clone your beautiful neighbour’s cat? How to eliminate her breast cancer genes before a baby-girl is born? Can the financial crisis solved by breeding better stock market traders? How to measure the fitness of students? So many questions! Cartoonists Manfred Bofinger (Germany) and Ming Fai Chow (Hong Kong) created together with the biotech professor a fireworks of stories with funny cartoons, easy to digest for the layman reader, interesting even for the specialist. Through this inspirational short stories you will get a complete picture of the latest advances in modern biotechnology. No technical jargons, no equations and no animals harmed! Readership: General readers. 250pp (approx.) 978-981-4267-65-6 981-4267-65-1
Winter 2009 US$24.95 £19
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