What do english children eat at school?

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We looked at the British School Food Standards at www.schoolfoodplan.com/standards/ . They were issued to every school in England in January 2015. Here is what an ordinary English school offers students. FRUIT & VEGETABLES One portion of vegetables or salad every day. At least one portion of fruit every day.

MILK & DAIRY One dairy product (cheese, yoghurt, milk) every day. Low fat milk to drink every day.

FAT, SUGAR & SALT No snacks except nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit with no salt, sugar or fats. No confectionery, chocolate or chocolate-coated products. Never any salt on table to add to food. PASTA, POTATOES & BREAD

Roast potatoes, chips, fried rice - no more than three days a week Bread available every day. Wholegrain pasta or bread at least once a week.

MEAT & FISH Meat or poultry three times a week. Salmon or mackerel at least once every three weeks. HEALTHY DRINKS Free, fresh drinking water at all times. No fizzy drinks. Fruit juice available every day. FOOD OUTSIDE LUNCH No savoury crackers or breadsticks No cakes, biscuits or pastries. Only desserts that contain at least 50% fruit.


In class we also looked at the guidelines given by government to school canteens in England and in Italy. We found that both countries are promoting balanced and correct diets in schools to help children grow healthily. It was interesting that while food variety and quality are important for both countries, only Italy emphasized the importance of continuing food traditions. ENGLISH GUIDELINES Eating in school should be a pleasurable experience


Eating in school should help children develop healthy eating Eating in school should teach healthy eating habits. habits Children should get the energy and nutrition they need for school Food should look good and taste delicious

Meals should be balanced and correct but also look and taste good. Children should learn good table manners, to eat everything without waste and to appreciate new flavours.

Food should be served in a pleasant environment

The school canteen should have sufficient space and be quiet. Enough time should be given to permit a relaxed eating experience.

It is important to provide a wide range of foods

There should be a wide range of foods according to the season.

Fresh, sustainable and locally-sourced ingredients should be Children should eat traditional local dishes in order to used maintain culinary traditions.

Here are excerpts from the original state documents that we studied. Preamble to British School Food Standards, 1 January 2015, and Linee di indirizzo nazionale per la ristorazione scolastica (G.U. n. 134 del 11-6-2010)



“Eating in school should be a pleasurable experience: Un’alimentazione equilibrata e corretta, ma anche gradevole time spent sharing good food with peers and teachers. ed accettabile, costituisce per tutti un presupposto essenziale per il mantenimento di un buono stato di salute e, in età These school food standards are intended to help children evolutiva, per una crescita ottimale. develop healthy eating habits and ensure that they get the A scuola, una corretta alimentazione ha il compito di educare energy and nutrition they need across the whole school il bambino all’apprendimento di abitudini e comportamenti day. It is just as important to cook food that looks good and alimentari salutari. tastes delicious; to talk to children about what is on offer and […] recommend dishes; to reduce queuing; and to serve the A scuola i bambini imparano a stare a tavola, a mangiare ciò food in a pleasant environment where they can eat with che hanno nel piatto senza sprechi e ad apprezzare sapori their friends. nuovi e a volte inconsueti […] Il menù deve essere elaborato secondo i principi di una As a general principle, it is important to provide a wide alimentazione equilibrata dal punto di vista nutrizionale, range of foods across the week. Variety is key – whether it utilizzando anche alimenti tipici al fine di insegnare ai bambini is different fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, or types of meat il mantenimento delle tradizioni alimentari. and fish. Children love to hear the stories behind their food. […] Use fresh, sustainable and locally-sourced ingredients La variabilità del menù per il pranzo può essere ottenuto (best of all, from the school vegetable garden) and talk to semplicemente con l’utilizzo di prodotti di stagione, con i quali them about what they are eating.” si possono elaborare ricette sempre diverse, in particolare primi piatti e contorni. […] La scuola deve garantire le condizioni migliori per il consumo dei pasti: ambienti idonei, non rumorosi e di dimensioni adeguate per numero di alunni, opportune presentazione dei cibi, tempo sufficiente a consumare il pasto.

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