Bande-dessinee :: mai 23 :: Serendip & Paon

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ISBN 978-2-940700-32-5


Krum Dans un monde post-apocalyptique, on suit d’abord les pérégrinations d’un robot humanoïde qui explore les détritus de l’humanité avant d’être saisi par un rapace. Ailleurs, dans un Paris en ruine, un explorateur qui ressemble à Jean Rochefort tente d’échapper à des zombies, c’est-à-dire des gamers qui portent un casque de réalité virtuelle. La suite est une digression fantastique qui conduit les protagonistes et les lecteurs à travers des mondes fantasmés, inquiétants et chamaniques où le sens, fondamentalemenet spirituel et contemporain, est à chercher dans la perception du moment de lecture et donc, à mesure qu’on relit Le marcheur, des sens alternatifs surgissent. C’est dire si ce livre ouvert s’ouvre et se rouvre.

Le marcheur est un récit contemplatif, sans parole, servi par le trait particulier, reconnaissable et libre de Krum qui, pour le coup, contrairement à son habitude, emploie la couleur pour servir et peindre son imaginaire. Le découpage, en gauffrier (3 vignettes verticales) et le format, à l’italienne pour une publication cartonnée, font un écrin original et de qualité.

Hélice Hélas Editeur

Rue des Marronniers 20

CH-1800 Vevey

Tél. : ++41 21 922 90 20

Diffusion Suisse :


Chemin des Chalets 7

CH-1279 Chavannes-de-Bogis

Tél. : ++41 22 960 95 10

Représentants :

Julien Delaye(BD et livres d’artiste) >

Pascal Cottin (littératures) >

Diffusion France, Belgique :

Serendip-Livres 21 bis, rue Arnold Géraux F-93450 L’Île-St-Denis

Tél. : ++33 14 038 18 14

Né en 1979, Krum se tourne très tôt vers les arts graphiques. En 2003, il reçoit le Prix des Nouveaux talents au festival BD de Sierre et crée Absurdostudio son propre studio d’illustration. En 2004, il publie L’Au-Dessus, son premier album (adapté sur scène en 2022). Pour promouvoir le livre, il dessine seize affiches géantes disséminées dans Vevey, étant ainsi à l’origine du fabuleux festival Pictobello. Depuis, il illustre notamment des magazines ou des jeux de rôle en passant par le jeu vidéo. En 2015 il publie O2. Il est aussi le rédacteur en chef de la revue LePorte-Rêve,consacrée aux mondes imaginaires illustrés.

Collection : Ellipse et laps

Genre : Bande dessinée muette et récit imaginaire Sujets abordés : post-apocalyptique, fin de l’anthropocène, dystopie, rêves, chamanisme

Format : 23x19.6 cm

88 pages

ISBN 978-2-940700-32-5

CHF 30/EUR 25

Parution 1er avril 2023

Le marcheur

Forum Ljubljana, Institute for Art and Cultural Production, Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,


The first 30 years of Stripburger: a fertile breeding ground for independent comics!

International comics anthology, special 30th anniversary edition of the Stripburger magazine 1992–2022 | release date: 1 March 2023 | Publisher: Stripburger / Forum Ljubljana, Slovenia |

Language: English and Slovenian | Pages: 392 pgs. (296 pgs. comics + 96 pgs. accompanying texts) | Format: 27 x 19 cm | offset printed locally in Slovenia

ISBN: 978-961-7087-24-6


The over-300-pages-thick comics anthology titled The Dirty Thirty presents the history of the first 30 years of the one and only Slovenian contemporary comics magazine. The anthology offers an eclectic selection of comics previously published in the magazine and created by over 70 foreign and Slovenian artists from 1992 to 2022 The publication aims to provide the international public with a glimpse of the diverse and exceptional contemporary comics production of artists gathered around the Stripburger magazine.


Comics: Aleksandar Zograf (RS), Mary Fleener (US), Stefano Zattera (IT), Milan Pavlović - Mr. Stocca (RS/US), Ivana Filipović (RS/CA), Ciril Horjak (SI), Saša Kerkoš (SI), Jurij Meden (SI), Max Andersson (SE), Matej Lavrenčič (SI), Helena Klakočar (HR), Marko Kociper (SI), Arkadi (DE), Matti Hagelberg (FI), Nikodem Skrodzki & Mateusz Skutnik (PL), Wostok (RS), Gunnar Lundkvist (SE), Matej Kocjan - Koco (SI), Marcelo D'Salete (BR), Lars Fiske (NO), Bendik Kaltenborn (NO), Laura Teixeira (BR), Rutu Modan (IL), Lars Sjunnesson (SE/DE), Filipe Abranches (PT), Primož Krašna (SI), Juhyun Choi (KR/FR), Tomaž Lavrič (SI), Igor Hofbauer (HR), Jason (NO), Mawil (DE), Ivan Mitrevski & Matej de Cecco (SI), Anke Feuchtenberger (DE), Danijel Žeželj (HR), Dora Dutková (CZ), Pakito Bolino (FR), Mahler (AT), Andrej Štular (SI), Caroline Sury (FR), M. S. Bastian (CH), Vhrsti (CZ), Malin Biller (SE), Jakob Klemenčič (SI), König Lü. Q. (CH), David Krančan (SI), Marcel Ruijters (NL), Domen Finžgar (SI), Léo Quiévreux & Samplerman (FR), Anna Ehrlemark (SE), Javier Triviño Murillo (ES), Nicolas Presl (FR), miha ha (SI), Capucine Latrasse (FR), Martin Ramoveš (SI), Lele (SI), Gabri Molist (ES), Julie Doucet (CA), Jyrki Heikkinen (FI), Matthias Lehmann (FR), Kaja Avberšek (SI), Vinko Barić (HR), Akinori Oishi (JP), Gašper Rus (SI), Tanja Komadina (SI), Dunja Janković (HR), Bruno Borges (PT), ATAK (DE), Till Lukat (DE), Peter Kuper (US), Adrijan Praznik (SI), Olaf Ladousse (ES), Anton Svetić & Stipan Tadić (HR), Alex Potts (UK)

Cover art: Matej Stupica

Design: Anja Delbello & Aljaž Vesel / AA

Edited by: Bojan Albahari, Ana Bogataj, Domen Finžgar, David Krančan, Katerina Mirović, Tanja Skale, Katja Štesl

With the support of the Slovenian Book Agency.

Stripburger / Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact: Tanja Skale,,


Stripburger, established in 1992 in Ljubljana, is an international comics magazine and a pioneer in publishing alternative comics in Slovenia and the Balkans. For 30 years now, Stripburger has been maintaining its recognizable concept and a distinctly international character by shedding light on independent local comics scenes and publishing a wide range of comics by established names as well as new and upcoming talented comics artists from all over the world.

Being bilingual (in Slovenian & English), it has become an essential resource on the international independent comics scene and the most important source of information for foreign followers of Slovenian comics production. Two magazine issues are published annually, featuring works by Slovenian and international comics artists, complementing them with news and critical reflection on the comic art & medium.

Additionally, an important part of the Stripburger’s activities are exhibitions, workshops and other events that aim to promote comic culture and creativity in Slovenia and abroad. Stripburger acts as a platform that elevates all creative comics potential, nurturing it and making it visible in multiple ways. Its editors regularly attend different comics festivals and events throughout Europe to spread the gospel of comics art & medium.

Stripburger / Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact: Tanja Skale,,


International indie comics magazine

Special issue edited by kuš!, Guest editor: David Schilter

Publisher: Forum Ljubljana (Slovenia), released December 2022, 19 x 27 cm, 96 pages + supplement Malcy Duff: The Sphinx (24 pages), language: English-Slovene, offset printed locally in Slovenia

ISBN: 9771408988009-80

Price (in France): 12 €

COVER: Harukichi (JP)

SOAPBOX: David Schilter (kuš!)

PROFILE: Malcy Duff (SCT)

INTERVIEW: Kutikuti (FI)

COMICS: Disa Wallander (SE), Ana Margarida Matos (PT), Evangelos Androutsopoulos (FI/GR), Bohdana Zaiats (UA), Oskars Pavlovskis (LV), Akvile Magicdust (LT), Maira Dobele & Rebeka Lukošus (LV), Pauls Rietums (LV), Harukichi (JP), Tommi Musturi (FI), Andrej Štular (SI), Nuka Horvat (SI), Powerpaola (CO), Lukas Weidinger (AT), König Lü. Q. (CH), Christopher Sperandio (US), Malcy Duff (SCT)

The 80th issue of Stripburger brings a plethora of amazing new discoveries as well as familiar names from the international comics scene. All that, mixed in the refreshing comics cocktail by kuš! editor David Schilter. Japanese artist Harukichi joined our party as well by creating the cover. Not to mention that his famous DJ Cat Gosshi had finally travelled to Slovenia! The interviewees in this issue are Kutikuti artist collective from Finland and Malcy Duff, prolific & passionate experimental artist from Scotland.

More info & visual material here


Publisher: Forum Ljubljana (Slovenia), released January 2023, 19 x 27 cm, 300 pages, language: EnglishSlovene, offset printed locally in Slovenia

Price: 27 €

The 300-pages thick comics anthology Stripburger's Dirty Thiry will present the history of the one and only Slovenian contemporary comics magazine through its 80 first issues. The anthology consists of a colourful range of republished Stripburger comics by Slovenian artists and international artists from 1992 2022.

The anthology aims to provide the international public with a glimpse of the diverse and exceptional contemporary comics and graphic production of artists gathered around the Stripburger magazine.

Stripburger is an international comics magazine, founded in 1992 in Ljubljana (Slovenia).

For already 30 years Stripburger has been maintaining its recognisable concept and distinctly international character: uncovering independent local comics scenes and featuring an eclectic selection of comics by established names alongside new and upcoming comics talents from all over the world.

Being bilingual (Slovenian & English), it has evolved into an important resource on the international independent comics scene and is also the most important source of information for foreign followers of the Slovenian comics production. Two issues of the magazine are published annually, featuring works by both Slovenian and international comics artists, and complementing them with news and reflection on the comic art & medium.

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