The Legacy of a Leader - 30th Anniversary Celebration of Pastor Jerry D. Black

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“So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.” Psalm 78:72 (NKJV)

We humbly greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Almost one year ago, we were chosen to begin this journey as Co-Chairs of the 30th Pastoral Anniversary Committee. We are deeply honored to have served in this capacity to pay homage to the shepherd of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and lead efforts to honor him in this milestone year of celebration. We have been blessed with a dynamic and spiritually gifted Steering Committee that labored with us for countless hours, praying consistently with and for us; and we moved forward with an unwavering commitment and dedication to make the vision a reality. That vision culminates today as we honor “The Legacy of A Leader,” and celebrate the divinely appointed shepherd of Beulah, The Reverend Jerry D. Black. As a visionary, Pastor Black’s leadership has moved Beulah toward greatness and excellence. On October 31, 1999, Beulah would follow his vision through the entrances of our current campus at 2340 Clifton Springs Road. Our committee was honored to kickoff this anniversary celebration on Saturday, October 30, 2021 with a street naming ceremony that would unveil the naming of those entrances as Jerry D. Black Way West and Jerry D. Black Way East. This legendary moment will now be etched in the visual archives of Beulah’s rich history. On Sunday, November 28, 2021, we collaborated with the 125th Church Anniversary Committee as they highlighted the legacy of preachers who have served as Pastors of Beulah, and Pastor Black was acknowledged as the ninth past r ur phen enal church. n , the cele rati n has c ntinued ith re ecti ns n the impact that Pastor Black’s leadership has had on ministries for youth, missions, music, Christian Education and the community. Pastor Black is truly a multi-generational pastor who continues to minister to all ages. We also recognize that our Pastor is able to serve God’s people more fully due to a supportive helpmate in our First Lady, Sister Kate F. Black. She has truly blessed our ministry through her love and support. We cherish the moments we shared with the women of Beulah in honoring her in celebratory fashion focusing on “Her Life, Her Legacy, and Her Lord.” As e cul inate the th Anniversary ur el ved past r, e cele rate ith church e ers, pu lic cials, di nitaries, special uests and riends t h n r ur ast r and irst ady. We ant t thank the cers Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, the Board of Directors, administrative and supporting staff and all of the volunteers who have partnered with us and supported our committee for the past year. May God bless each of you. Despite the various challenges faced during these unprecedented times, the 30th Pastoral Anniversary Steering Committee exhibited resilience and fortitude by pressing toward the mark of the high calling of Christ Jesus. It is our prayer that our pastor’s legacy continues to be etched in the hearts of Beulah members, the community and around the globe. For 30 years in this vineyard, Pastor Black, you have truly “shepherded us according to the integrity of your heart and you have guided us by the skillfulness of your hands.” Your Humble Servants, Sisters Sylvia Mitchell and Kim Slaughter Co-Chairs, 30th Pastoral Anniversary Committee

Dear Pastor Black, It gives me a great deal of personal joy and satisfaction to congratulate you on 30 years of what has been a la r l ve, as the ast r the Beulah issi nary Baptist Church. As re ect n the past three decades, a re inded aul s rst letter t the C rinthians. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 This verse of scripture epitomizes your leadership, dedication and commitment to our church. Everything that God has allowed us to accomplish was made possible because you followed his direction. You realized that without him you could do nothing. So not only did you work, you labored! As the Chairman of the Deacon Board for twenty-nine of the thirty years of which you have led, I can personally attest to the fact that you sought God in every decision that you made. You were steadfast in those decisions, and Beulah as al ays rst and re st in y ur heart. We, as a church, are truly lessed t have y u as ur Pastor. The highlight of your legacy will always be the labor of love that is The Beulah Missionary Baptist Church. Congratulations! We love you! In Humble Service, Deacon Anthony Sims, Chairman

Dear Pastor Black, I often say, “Look where the Lord has brought us,” and the celebration of your 30th Year as Pastor of Beulah Missionary Church is yet another time for me to declare these words. God has always blessed Beulah, and those of us that have witnessed the last 30 years here have seen each round go higher and higher. We have seen the nu erical, nancial and spiritual increase the church and even the physical r th ur church ca pus. As we give God praise for all that He has done, we also express our gratitude to you for your visionary leadership. With the help of God, you have led us from there to here, from 1992-2022. We celebrate The Legacy of a Leader. ur le acy leadership de nes true past ral leadership. You administer. You shepherd.

u preach.

u sin .

u teach.

u lead.

u serve.

“So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.” Psalm 78:72 (NKJV) We have seen you do it all and do it all well. We are blessed at Beulah. Your vision and leadership for our church includes all areas of the ministry. When you were called as pastor of Beulah in 1991, you immediately established a relationship with the Board of Trustees led at that time by the late Deacon William T. Jackson, who served under your leadership until 2006 when I became Chairman of the Board. You have consistently kept the work of the trustees at the forefront among the church’s priorities. You have led and guided us in our work to ensure the facilities and grounds of our campus are maintained, and in the last two years, you helped us to shift to ensure our church had protocols in place in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Members of the Board of Trustees join me on this grand occasion to express our gratitude to you for your legacy of leadership. We love and support you. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! In the Master’s Service, Deacon Nathaniel Jackson, Chairman Board of Trustees

“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding” Jeremiah 3:15 Congratulations, Reverend Jerry D. Black! On behalf of the Board of Directors and stakeholders of Beulah Baptist Church of DeKalb County, Incorporated, I extend congratulations to you, our illustrious pastor, celebrating 30 years as Pastor of Beulah Baptist Church and E ci the C rp rati n. he pp rtunity r e t e tend ell ishes is a d u le h n r and privile e, r in 1991, as Beulah sought a new pastor, I was blessed to serve as a member of the Pulpit Committee, charged with praying and searching for God-sent candidates to consider for recommendation for the position of ninth pastor of Beulah Baptist Church. God connected the pulpit and the pew and chose the one hailing from Blytheville, Arkansas to answer His call. After hearing from on High, you, Reverend Jerry D. Black, stood in the pulpit of Beulah Baptist Church on April 28, 1991, as one of the candidates recommended to consider for the position of ninth Pastor of Beulah Baptist Church. his de nin ent, characteri ed y h pe and chan e, and an ther call ans ered y y u to minister to the people, again, on July 27, 1991, began the laying of the foundation at Beulah for a rich and powerful 30-year Legacy of a Leader. n ve er , y u, an an inted, p er ul, pr li c preacher, teacher, and spirit lled an d, e an the work in a new vineyard, Beulah, whose land would no longer be termed desolate (Isaiah 62:4). Installed as Pastor in February 1992, this celebration highlights another chapter in a storied legacy. Whether laboring for the cause of Christ in Kingdom Building, working toward the building of church structures, or ministering in a two-year pandemic, Pastor, you have been steadfast in the work to which you were called over 45 years ago, and for which we celebrate 30 years at Beulah Baptist Church. We are grateful that your Legacy as a Leader e e pli es a spirit hu ility as ne h is hi hly respected and l ved y enerati ns men and women, boys and girls, locally, nationally, and beyond. We thank d r the ul ll ent is pr ise and are rate ul r y ur edience. A ain, n ehal the Beulah Baptist Church of DeKalb County, Incorporated, Board of Directors and stakeholders of the Corporation, I extend sincere and heartfelt congratulations to you, our esteemed Pastor, on your 30th Pastor’s Anniversary. May God bless and keep you as you preach the gospel, shepherd the sheep, keep the faith and persevere in the service of the Lord-the Legacy of a Leader! Yours in Christ, Sister Dorothy H. Jenkins, Chairperson Board of Directors


Andre Dickens MAYOR

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Board of Commissioners

Chief Executive Officer Michael L. Thurmond

District 1 Robert Patrick District 2 Jeff Rader District 3 Larry Johnson

January 20, 2022 Reverend Jerry D. Black Beulah Missionary Baptist Church 2340 Clifton Springs Road Decatur, Georgia 30034 Dear Reverend Black: Greetings, On behalf of DeKalb County, it is my privilege to extend congratulations to you on the occasion of your 30th pastoral anniversary. Rev. Black, under your leadership and ministry since your installation in 1992, Beulah Missionary Baptist Church’s ministry, influence and impact has expanded tremendously throughout DeKalb County and the metropolitan Atlanta region. Your personal and caring ministry to the sick, the bereaved and struggling members of your congregation demonstrates your effectiveness as a servantleader who emulates the example of Christ. You have distinguished yourself as a “Preacher’s Preacher” who is known across the nation for encouraging, equipping and empowering the body of Christ. Rev. Black, you are an inspiration to all that you encounter and I commend you on your continuous service to the community as we celebrate your leadership. Again, on behalf of the citizens who make DeKalb County their home, I congratulate you, Rev. Black, on this momentous milestone. May you continue to be blessed and have many more successful years of sharing the Word of Christ with the community. Sincerely,

Michael L. Thurmond Chief Executive Officer Manuel Maloof Building | 1300 Commerce Drive | Decatur, GA 30030 | P: 404.371.2881 F: 404.371.4751

District 4 Steve Bradshaw District 5 Mereda Davis Johnson District 6 Edward “Ted” Terry District 7 Lorraine Cochran-Johnson



To my Faithful Friend in Christ: It gives me immense pleasure and happiness to congratulate Rev. Dr. Jerry Black on 30 Years of Service and Commitment to God and the blessed Body of Believers at the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church! I’d also like to Congratulate the faithful followers of the Beulah Church Family on 125 Years in Ministry. I am certain that this body of believers thank you from the core of their hearts for your service and dedication to kingdom work, community involvement, & valuable skills as a leader and Pastor. From generation to generation, the work and ministry that God has called you and the Beulah Church to has no bounds or limits. It will ring out through this country and the world how God has used you to compel others to the knowledge and love of Jesus, our Christ. It is a matter of great privilege for us all to witness what God is going to do through you and your wife, Mrs. Kate Black. On behalf of the entire parent body of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc., and the members of the Lundy Chapel Missionary Baptist Church I extend a heartfelt and joyous congratulations to both Pastor and People. As you already know, Pastoring is a triumphant task, but often very tedious at the same time, and as State President, I offer the services of our convention and her constituents to you and the Beulah Church Family. Our doors are always open, and our prayers are always with you. Finally, I say to you, be strong and courageous in the Lord. God Bless You and May He Keep You,

Rev. Anthony Q. Corbett, Sr.

President, General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc. Pastor, Lundy Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Macon, Georgia

General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc. P.O. Box 92340 Atlanta, Georgia 30314 Telephone 404-688-4212 Fax 404 -997-7776 Email: Dr. Brenda Eason -Director of Operations & Convention Planning Rev. Anthony Q. Corbett, Sr. - Convention President

Glorifying God, Magnifying Christ, Building Fellowship, and Claiming Souls

First Lady KAT E F. BLA CK

Sister Kate F. Black, born and reared in Detroit, Michigan, is the devoted wife of the Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr., Pastor of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia. A graduate of Cass Technical High School, she graduated magna cum laude from Ohio Dominican College with a Bachelor of Arts in Business with a minor in Communications. As the First Lady of Beulah, she is known for her energetic personality and her effervescent presence among the people of God. With a heart for all people, she has the unique gift of connecting to the seasoned saints and the youth and young adults. First Lady Black developed an appreciation for the church and a love for Gospel music as she sat at the feet of her mother, who was the minister of music of the family’s church for many years. These early years in the church propelled and prepared her for later work in the ministry. Even as First Lady Black moved to different locations throughout the nation as God elevated her in Corporate America, she always found a church home to remain faithful to the work in ministry. Upon moving to Columbus, Ohio, First Lady Black began her thirty ve year success ul career ith the nited tates stal Service. She joined Triedstone Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio, where she was a member of the Voices of Triedstone for teen years, a trustee r ve years, and an active participant in the “Women be Blessed Ministry.” During her two-year stay in Connecticut, she was appointed the administrative assistant to Pastor Cynthia G. West at the Triumphant Ministries. While in Kentucky, First Lady Black was a member of Canaan Baptist Church. She was appointed to the leadership staff of the Sunday School at Canaan; however, God had other plans for her and moved her back to Ohio before she accepted to serve in this capacity. Prior to her retirement, God’s last career move for First Lady Black was to Atlanta, Georgia. After visiting several churches in the metropolitan area, she united with the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and immediately became involved in the work of the church. She started ith her rst l ve, the usic inistry, and joined the Jerry D. Black Senior Choir and then the Women’s Ministry. During her tenure with the United States Postal Service, she excelled in her performance and was a trailblazer in many areas of ana e ent, ec in the rst and nly African American female to hold several distinct positions. She was one of only

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace,and not of evil, to give you an expected end" Jeremiah 29:11 ve A rican A erican e ales t e an e ecutive district ana er. he served seven years, operating a budget of over one billion dollars, and retired as one of only two African American females with this position. Recognized for mentoring other employees, she was distinctly n inated ve c nsecutive years r the iversity A ard. he als received numerous commendations with the USPS. She was recognized by Morehouse College for her partnership with the college during Black History Month for four consecutive years. Upon her retirement in 2012, Mayor Kasim Reed and the Atlanta City Council proclaimed May 4, 2012, as Kate F. Wiley Day. First Lady Kate Black loves God and serves Him and His People with reat y. As d av red her in her pr essi nal li e, e ul lled an awesome promise when on June 28, 2014, she married the Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr., a man of honor and distinction. Through this marriage, God blessed her to share four children and six grandchildren.

The Reverend

The Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr., is known all over the world as a humble servant of God. He speaks in humility, walks in humility, and serves people with a heart that seeks to please God. A proud product of the state of Arkansas, the Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr., Pastor of the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia, hails from the small town of Blytheville, where he developed a love and compassion for others. Even as a boy, he exemplified a spirit of devotion and cared for the needs of others more than his own. Reared by his great-grandmother, the late Mrs. Pearl Grant, the young Jerry spent time with “Mama Pearl,” seeing that her needs were met as she grew older and less able to care for herself. These early years laid the foundation for the life and the ministry of a humble servant of God. Although best known for his gift of preaching, the young Jerry’s ministry began in music. He started playing the piano at the age of eight and quickly distinguished himself as a talented musician. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of twelve, and during his teenage years, he served as Minister of Music at his home church, the West End Baptist Church, Blytheville, Arkansas. Although he was extremely dedicated to the music ministry, he soon realized that this ministry was not a substitute for the calling upon his life. Reverend Jerry D. Black accepted his call to preach the Gospel at the age of twenty-one. He was called and served as pastor of the Greater Paradise Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas, for fifteen years. Under his leadership, the church’s membership grew from 17 members to 3,000. Countless others in the Little Rock area were blessed through his popular television and radio ministries. In November Beulah Baptist sincere desire to and taught the the capacity of new Beulah the Family Life

1991, Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr. accepted God’s new divine assignment as the Church confirmed God’s appointment and called him as its ninth pastor. With a administer the church according to the Word of God, Pastor Black preached Gospel, leading to an increase in the weekly church attendance that exceeded the overflow area. Pastor Black shared God’s vision with the church to build the campus with Phase I, the Worship Center. He later shared the vision for Phase II, Center. The church purchased a former 40-acre golf course as the land for its next home. The Beulah Lane location was sold quicker than expected, and in November 1996, Beulah’s 100th year, Pastor Black led the church to its interim location, a storefront, on Memorial Drive. It was reconstructed to house a 1200-seat sanctuary, where the church would worship for the next three years, experiencing spiritual, financial and numerical growth. Pastor Jerry D. Black led the Beulah family into the new Worship Center on October 31, 1999. He and the church leaders began the 21st Century with plans to complete Phase II, the Family Life Center, which opened in 2006. Pastor Black guided the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church in becoming the H.E.L.P station with the members and ministries fulfilling the mission of “Helping You Get Where God Wants You to Be.” Pastor Black has been the recipient of many honors and awards including the 2011 Trombone Award, the NAACP Faith Based Award, and the prestigious

honor of having a United States Postal stamp named for him for twenty years of service to Beulah and thirty-five years of service in the ministry. He was inducted into the 2015 Class of the Board of Preachers of the Martin Luther King, Jr. College of Ministers and Laity at Morehouse College. A national icon among preachers and pastors, his unique preaching style and personable spirit have made him a world-renowned preacher and pastor, who is a soldier on the battlefield for the work of the Lord. While he is the “Preacher’s Preacher,” he also has a heart for serving God’s people. His ministry extends beyond the pulpit as he visits the sick, serves bereaved families, counsels members, and greets visitors and members after worship services. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Pastor Black has effectively remained a servant-leader through virtual worship services, Bible Study, meetings, and his outreach ministry to meet the needs of the people. Even in the pandemic, Pastor Black, in a new way, has fed the sheep according to the integrity of his heart. He has shepherded the flock and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands. As a result of his powerful leadership, the church and its large virtual audience have grown spiritually, and new covenant members from around the nation have united with Beulah. Pastor Black was married to the late Glenda J. Harris Black for 32 years, until her heavenly transition in 2008, after a well-fought four-year battle with cancer. Their union was blessed with four children—Tangie, Jerry Jr., Erica, and Terica. With honor and integrity, Pastor Black continued to lead his family and the church family. After much prayer, he was blessed to begin a new chapter in his life when he married the former Ms. Kate F. Wiley on June 28, 2014. Together, they serve as the Pastor and the First Lady of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and enjoy four children and six grandchildren. After over forty-five years of preaching and thirty years of shepherding Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr., continues to be a relevant preacher and pastor of the 21st Century. He understands that being a pastor is so much more than preaching a sermon—it involves bearing the burdens of many and walking a path that may seem populated, but is often lonely. His ministry is most accurately described in Isaiah 61:1-2, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” God has favored Pastor Jerry D. Black and Beulah Missionary Baptist Church. In this acceptable year of the Lord, we celebrate and honor the Legacy of a Leader, the Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr.

Jerry D. Black, Sr.


Beulah Lane sold; Church moves to 3653 Memorial Drive as an interim worship Children’s Church is established (later named Winston Maner’s Children’s Church)

Department of Christian Education established Women’s Ministry (formerly known as The Sisterhood) established

AUG 1991

FEB 9, 1992

The Reverend Jerry D. Black confirmed as Pastor of BBC

The Reverend Jerry D. Black installed as Ninth Pastor of BBC



OCT 31, 1999

Beulah enters worship facility at 2340 Clifton Springs Road


Senior Choir changed to JD Black Senior Choir to reflect musical legacy of Pastor Black The first copy of BeulahNews, the newsletter was published

JAN 2000



Pastor Black’s television ministry is established in Georgia as Beulah begins broadcasting on Saturday nights on TV57 The ROCK Teen Church established

Midweek Service initiated after church experiences two-week hiatus due to ice storm


SEPT 2006

2005 2006

Pastor Black authored Must of the Matter; announced at Beulah Sunday, August 27, 2006 and released nationally November 2006; foreword written by Pastor Black's longtime friend the Reverend Jesse Jackson Pastor Black was featured in Soul Sanctuary, Images of the African American Worship Experience by Jason Miccolo Johnson Pastor Black was the Cover Story of the premiere issue of The Rock magazine- a Little Rock, Arkansas publication

Y TIMELINE Beulah Baptist Church becomes Beulah “Missionary” Baptist Church 2011 2009

BMBC branded as “The HELP Station” SEPT 2007

OCT 2011

Inaugural Family and Friends Day celebration held “Try God” Sunday/ Beulah becomes 100% Tithing Church

Beulah Missionary Baptist Church celebrates 125th Church Anniversary NOV 2021

NOV 2011

BeulahNews Network is established as Sunday, information October 2, 2011, and inspiration Pastor Black had resource a United States Postal stamp dedicated to him.

Beulah Community Family Life Center opens for members and friends of the community

FRESH Young Adult Ministry established

OCT 2021 OCT 2, 2011

Naming of Jerry D. Black Way East and Jerry D. Black Way West

MAY 2015 FEB 2012 MAY 2014

Pastor Black’s worldwide ministry is established as Beulah begins streaming LIVE on its website and on Facebook

FEB 13, 2022

Inaugural Day of Service held

The Reverend Jerry D. Black celebrates 30 Years as Pastor of BMBC


honoring the legacy of our beloved Pastor THE REVEREND JERRY D. BLACK Saturday, October 30, 2021 11:00AM


“So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.” Psalm 78:72 (NKJV)

30th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration Youth and Young Adult Sunday Sunday, January 23, 2022 9:30 a.m. Worship Service Reverend Derrick Johnson, Worship Leader Call to Worship Devotion Special Video Presentation

Reverend Derrick Johnson Deacons Youth and Young Adult Ministries of Beulah

Introduction of Speaker Ministry in Song Sermon

BMBC Praise Team Reverend Carlos Kelly Pastor, Beulahland Bible Church Macon, Georgia Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Special Remarks

Reverend Jerry D. Black, Pastor


Reverend Jerry D. Black, Pastor

30th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration Anniversary Sunday Sunday, February 13, 2022 9:30 a.m. Worship Service Reverend Eddie Ashley, Worship Leader Call to Worship

Reverend Eddie Ashley


Deacons Special Video Tribute Honoring The Legacy of The Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr.

Introduction of Speaker Ministry in Song Sermon

BMBC Praise Team Dr. Jonathan Carter Pastor, Siloam International Ministries College Park, Georgia Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Special Remarks

Reverend Jerry D. Black, Pastor


Reverend Jerry D. Black, Pastor

An Evening in Black The Legacy Celebration

Honoring The Reverend Jerry D. Black Friday, February 25, 2022 7:00 PM A Virtual Welcome Our Hosts for the Evening

Shout-outs from our Virtual Audience Musical Tribute Official Greetings

Reverend Reginald W. Sharpe, Jr. and Lady Brianna Sullivan Sharpe Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church - Chicago, Illinois Reverend Dr. William Flippin, Senior Pastor Reverend Dr. Richard Flippin, Assistant Pastor Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church - Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Richard Flippin Sister Jennifer Myles Deacon Anthony Sims, Chairman Board of Deacons, Beulah Missionary Baptist Church Mr. Michael L. Thurmond, CEO DeKalb County The Honorable Andre Dickens, Mayor City of Atlanta

Clergical Tributes

Video Salutations Reverend Clinton McFarland, Pastor Grace Baptist Church - Stockbridge, Georgia

The Legacy of a Leader

A Conversation with Pastor Jerry D. Black Part I

An Evening in Black The Legacy Celebration

Honoring The Reverend Jerry D. Black Friday, February 25, 2022 7:00 PM A Special Musical Tribute The Legacy of a Leader Clergical Tributes

Mr. Micah Stampley Featured Artist A Conversation with Pastor Jerry D. Black Part II Video Salutations Reverend Tamarkus Cook, Pastor Saint Smyrna Baptist Church - Newnan, Georgia

Special Presentations and Remarks

Deacon Anthony Sims, Chairman Board of Deacons Sisters Sylvia Mitchell and Kim Slaughter, Chairpersons 30th Pastoral Anniversary Committee

Closing Remarks

First Lady Kate F. Black The Reverend Jerry D. Black, Pastor Beulah Missionary Baptist Church


The Reverend Jerry D. Black, Pastor


Acknowledgment The 30th Pastoral Anniversary Committee has served together since March 2021. While we have worked diligently as a committee, we recognize that we were only able to plan successfully due to the c lla rati n ith and supp rt the cers, sta , inistries and v lunteers Beulah. We are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve and would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Pastor Jerry D. Black and First Lady Kate F. Black. We extend special thanks to: The Board of Deacons The Board of Directors The Board of Trustees The Finance Department The Executive Committee The Re-Entry Team Deacon Nat Harris, Church Administrator ce ta Reverend Mark Seals Reverend Laurence Parison Reverend Derrick Johnson Reverend Eddie Ashley The Youth and Young Adult Ministries of Beulah Sister Mildred Armstead Deacon Ronnie Marshall and the Media Ministry Brother Earnest “Chip” Norman and the Music Department The Usher Boards of Beulah Courtesy Guild Nurses Guild The BeulahNews Team Public Relations & Marketing Ministry Creative Services Sisters April Davenport and Lisa Zachery, Papered Wonders, Inc. Deacon Dale Collins and Beulah Security



of preaching, teaching and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ here at Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and throughout the city, community, and nation.

May God’s continuous blessing be with you now and in the future.


There Is nothing

Holyy Redeemer

Church Of God In n Christ

“Revolution: Our Kingdom Narrative that Changes the World! Luke 18:28-30

Too Hard

Bishop Sedgwick Daniels

The Legacy Of A Great Leader Pastor Jerry D Black For 30 Years of Exemplary Servant Leadership

To The Beulah Missionary Baptist Church And May The Great Consulator Always be your Guide Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God In Christ

3500 West Mother Daniels Way Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 466-1800 Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, Establishmentarian/General /General Board Member

For God

Congratulates & Celebrates

Dr. Maurice Watson and the Metropolitan Baptist Church celebrate

Rev. Jerry D. Black on his

30th Pastoral Anniversary

and the 125th Anniversary of the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and

THE LEGACY OF A LEADER Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115 B ~ Largo, MD 20774

Dr. Maurice Watson Senior Servant

Congratulations Reverend Jerry Black and First Lady Kate Black on your

30th Pastoral Anniversary Your Brother in Christ, Dr. Frank E. Ray, Sr.

New Salem Baptist Church | 2237 S. Parkway E. | Memphis, Tennessee 38114 | (901) 452-7265

Celebrating a Pastor's Legacy The Deacon Board of Beulah Baptist Church honors our Pastor

Reverend Jerry D. Black for 30 years of faithful dedicated service.

You are truly a gift from God and a blessing to our church family! DEACON BOARD Beulah Missionary Baptist Church
















“Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:1-2






The Beulah Missionary Baptist Church Courtesy Guild leaders and members Congratulate and say Thank You to our Pastor and “Head Greeter,”

the Reverend Jerry D. Black,

for serving and ministering to the members of Beulah for 30 years.


Detrich J. Hurst, Chair Evelyn Durrett, Co-Chair Melissa Holloman, Co-Chair

Arthur Baugh Dale Collins Sharon Cotten Jeanette Fullilove Wandra Hammond


Karen Nolton Janice Parham Arlexis Scott Bettie Scott Charles Young

congratulations to our pastor,

Reverend Jerry D. Black on your


PASTORAL ANNIVERSARY “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” 2 Timothy 4:2

Genie Jackson Circle The Genie Jackson Circle exists to meet the spiritual, physical, and financial needs of all sisters and brothers in the church, community, and foreign nations.


Serve the Lord with g ladness: come before his presence with singing.

Psalm 100: 2




Reverend Jerry D. Black:

30 Years of Servant-Leadership at Beulah Baptist Church

As family members, and in our other roles, we are grateful for the spirit-led legacy of Pastor Jerry D. Black and the committed and tireless way he has, for over 30 years, “shepherded us according to the integrity of his heart and guided us by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72, NKJV).

Pastor Black’s legacy of shepherding and guiding us also includes having joined two couples in marriage; later setting aside the two young men to become ordained deacons; praying for the blessing of a child; re-dedicating the child to God; mentoring, praying for, and supporting a son of Beulah throughout his ministry and pastorage; and, always welcoming our other “Beulah family,” members of Nazareth Baptist Church in Columbus, GA.

In 1991, family members (the late Sister Gladys Jackson, Deacon William T. Jackson and Deaconess Gloria Jackson) celebrated Reverend Black’s acceptance of God’s call for him to Pastor (shepherd and guide) members of Beulah Baptist Church. As we give glory to God for the things He has done, we believe that while no longer here, heaven looks upon us and rejoices, too, as we thank God, pray fervently, and honor the 30-year Legacy of our Servant-Leader, the Reverend Jerry D. Black. Congratulations and God Bless You, Pastor! Deacon Charles and Deaconess Detrich J. Hurst; Deacon Harold and Dr. Debra J. Moore; Ms. Sabrina Moore; Deacon Donald and Dr. Shaunta’ M. Adams (Mallory); Deacon Keith “Rafael” and Deaconess Shawanna L. Jackson; Mrs. Ruby M. Jackson and Sherri Jackson Hill; Reverend Duane A. Jackson (Chiquita, River, Maya and Madison).

Congratulations Pastor Black 30th Year at Beulah on your

Your leadership and teaching has shown us that if we have a testimony we should share it! “Powerful Faith while Conquering Principalities” Is my testimony. It provides tools and resources to help assist families who have loved ones suffering with mental health disorder (MHD) and gives them solutions to cope. Sister Loraine Trammell AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM and

Congratulations Pastor Jerry D. Black

We are thankful for God's blessing of having you as our Pastor for 30 years. As we continue to grow spiritually from your powerful teaching, we ask God to bless you and keep you always.

The BMBC Mother’s Board

THE LESSIE CASH USHER rejoices as BOARD we celebrate



PASTOR AL ANNIVERSARY “‘And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Jeremiah 3:15

Congratulations Pastor Black on your

30th Anniversary

May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you! THE USHERETTE MINISTRY “‘Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17

Congratulations Pastor Jerry D. Black for 30 years of service to Beulah Missionary Baptist Church! From Vision to Victory! Academically Victorious Consulting, LLC Value + Vision + Voice + Village = Victory

We provide educational consulting services such as professional development for schools, coaching/training for teachers, and tutoring services for students. For more details, please contact Akecia Owens-Cunningham at

The Gilyard Agency

Springfield Missionary Baptist Church 304 Carter Street Greenville, GA 30222 Reverend Duane A. Jackson, Pastor


We have been blessed to be members of


for 170 years combined; and, we feel FAVORED To have been part of the last 30 years under the leadership of Rev. Jerry D. Black.

Congratulations Pastor Black FOR THREE DECADES

of preaching, praising, praying, teaching, comforting, Shouting, singing, and dancing here at Beulah!

Pastor Jerry D. Black on 30 years at Beulah Missionary Baptist Church May God Richly Bless You! Sincerely, Yashika Y. Jones

We thank God for you and your family and it is our prayer that GOD will continue to pour down blessings!

The Kennebrew Sisters,

Margaret Kendrick, Delores Stroud, and Melodie Kennebrew

Happy 30th Anniversary Pastor Black! We love you! You are truly the example of Jeremiah 3:15 From Mr. & Mrs. Justin Jeffreys, Knightdale, NC Dr. Stevie L. Lawrence II & Ms. Sedra Curd

Updated Celebration Events


*Events may be cancelled or changed due to Covid-19 restrictions and/or protocols. Registration required to attend in-person worship services and Culmination event.


and FIRST LADY KATE BLACK “So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.” Psalm 78:72 (NKJV)


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