PAPYRUS works with volunteers from across the UK – here’s an insider’s insight into what’s been happening in each of our PAPYRUS regions and nations, over the past few months...
NORTHERN IRELAND Over the past few months, our Northern Ireland office has introduced two new staff members – Michael and Michelle. Michael will be the main point of contact for our volunteers, so I’m sure you’ll be hearing a lot more from him over the coming months, regarding volunteering in Northern Ireland. We’re also really excited to announce that our first ever volunteer meeting in the North has taken place – some brilliant ideas were shared and we’re looking forward to what’s to come. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who attended on the day.
WALES We have been looking forward to the end of lockdown and that is a slow process. However, as places open up, volunteers across Wales have been out promoting PAPYRUS – our PAPYRUS posters were spotted in libraries and leisure centres across north-east Wales recently and volunteers have been getting out and about. One of our volunteers recently returned to her old school to talk about mental health issues and we have some exciting work under way with our university volunteers looking at how better to support student mental health. Of course, everyone wants things to open up again fully so that they can complete the ASIST training and start delivering the PAPYRUS presentations again, visit events and so on. In the meantime, we are also organising an all-Wales HOPEWALK for October which should be big news. Hopefully by the next newsletter, things will seem a bit more normal again. Fingers are crossed!