AUTUMN 2022 FREE HOME & GARDEN | LIFESTYLE | WILDLIFE | FOOD & DRINK At home with Angela Hartnett • Grow your own vegetables Perfect autumn preserves • Glorious game birds Autumn INSPIRATION

2 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life MILNERS OF LEYBURN Introducing Ted Todd, luxury wood flooring Your choice of flooring can really make a statement about your home. We offer a wide range of floor coverings including carpets, vinyl, laminate, wood and rugs. 6 Market Place, Leyburn DL8 5BJ • 01969 622208 • sales@milnersofl www.milnersofl • To shop online please visit our facebook page to access our Shopify account Welcome to Milners, a market town store that has been proudly serving the Dales for over 130 years.

3Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | 24 9 54 26 Contents 9 LIFESTYLE Inspiring ideas for your home and garden. 16 GAME ON Brian Pike charts the mixed fortunes of some of our best-known game birds. 24 WILD THING Brian Pike reports on the captivating fallow deer. 26 READY, STEADY, GROW Autumn is the perfect time to start growing your own vegetables. 35 GARDEN NOTES Garden news, products and advice for the new season ahead. 38 MEET THE OWNER We meet Terry Brett, owner of the eclectic Pyramid Gallery in York. 43 FOOD NOTES Food news, events and fabulous seasonal, local produce. 48 THE DISCERNING DINER Claudia Blake visits The Bridgewater Arms in Winston. 54 AT HOME WITH ANGELA HARTNETT Angela Hartnett shares some simple recipes, perfect for a relaxed supper. 62 DELICIOUSLY DIFFERENT Create some delicious treats with these unique flavour combinations. 68 AUTUMN FEAST Elegant dishes celebrating seasonal fruit that can be found in the countryside. AUTUMN 2022

4 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life COVER IMAGE © RSPB Images 43 9668 76 COLLECTED WORKS Early steam models are surprisingly affordable, says Kegan Harrison at Tennants of Leyburn. 81 AUCTION HOUSE HIGHLIGHTS Rohan McCulloch introduces some interesting artworks auctioned at Elstob & Elstob in Ripon. 84 IN BUSINESS We meet Diane Mackrill of Boomerang Furnishings, Ripon. 96 DALES DIARY A guide to local events compiled by Liz Hanson. 114 DALES LIFE LOVES A collection of gorgeous goodies for the new season. 119 LETTER OF THE LAW We talk to Tanya Bloomfield of Clark Willis Solicitors about no-fault divorce. 129 TO DINE FOR Great places to eat and stay in the Dales. AUTUMN 2022 FREE HOME & GARDEN LIFESTYLE WILDLIFE FOOD & DRINK At home with Angela Hartnett • Grow your own vegetables Perfect autumn preserves • Glorious game birds Autumn INSPIRATION Contents AUTUMN 2022 EDITOR Sue Gillman DEPUTY EDITOR Brian Pike PRODUCTION Claudia Blake ADVERTISING Sue Gillman ART EDITOR Stefan Suchomski PROOF READER Steph Morgan PROPRIETOR Sue Gillman CONTRIBUTORS Adam Appleyard, Claudia Blake, Tanya Bloomfield, Terry Brett, Liz Hanson, Kegan Harrison, Angela Hartnett, Diane Mackrill, Rohan McCulloch, Kylee Newton, Brian Pike, James Rich. Dales Life 90 Tadcaster Road, York YO24 1LT t. 01904 279499 m. 07970 739119 e. Opinions or statements expressed in this magazine are those of the individual and not necessarily those of Dales Life.

5Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |


7Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who has contacted us to say how much they enjoy Dales Life. It’s lovely to have such a lot of positive feedback! A few readers have mentioned that they no longer get the magazine through their letterbox and that it’s not always convenient for them to collect a copy from their nearest pick-up point. As you’ll be aware, we’ve had to change our distribution arrangements due to the pandemic. We still distribute door-todoor in many areas – and to numerous collection points throughout the Dales – but we don’t want anyone to miss out. And the good news is that you don’t have to! Simply take out an annual subscription and we’ll post you every issue as soon as it rolls off the press. It’s an easy way to guarantee that you always have the latest Dales Life to hand. For full details visit 68 54 Editor’s letter SUBSCRIBE TO DALES LIFE AND NEVER MISS AN ISSUE @Dales_Life @Dales.Life.Magazine 13

8 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Harrogate: 01423 847 662 . York: 01904 819 948 . Leyburn : 01969 623 020

9Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | 1. Selection of Blue Meadow homeware by Gisela Graham, Mainsgill Farm Shop, Nr Richmond, 2. Flower pattern Moroccan solar lantern, 3. Heritage blue crackle glazed pot, Braithwaites Garden Centre, Leeming Bar, 4. 'The Flower Pot' cushion by Hannah Dale, Mainsgill Farm Shop, Nr Richmond, 5. British Meadow indoor watering can by Burgon & Ball, Sam Turner, Leyburn, 6. Hydrangea design garden tool bag by Wrendale, Mainsgill Farm Shop, Nr Richmond, lifestyle inspiring ideas for your home and garden 1 2 3 4 6 5

10 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life e Cattle Market, Market Place, Hawes, DL8 3RD Tel 01969 666077,Fabric,Furniture,NewInteriorsandGifts Bear Cottage Rustic Country Style Design Affordable country clothing for all the family Pippin & Purdey, 34 Market Place, Bedale, North Yorkshire Dl8 1EQ 07857 145746 · ·

11Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | 1. Selection of Poppy Meadow homeware by Sophie Allport, Dovetail Interiors, Bedale, 2. Strawberries and fruits small chopping board by Sophie Allport, Dovetail Interiors, Bedale, 3. 'Love you to the Moon' fine bone china mug, Mainsgill Farm Shop, Nr Richmond, 4. 'On the Job' linen cushion by At Home in the Country, Mainsgill Farm Shop, Nr Richmond, 5. Sheep and Daisy fine bone china teapot by Lucy Pittaway, 6. Lobster design paté knife with antique brass finish, Jamesons Country Store, Masham, lifestyle inspiring ideas for your home and garden 1 2 6 45 3

12 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life High Street, Leyburn • Tel: 019 6 9 6 23143 SANDERSON & CO INTERIOR DECORATING SUPPLIERS colour let's Can’t find the exact colour you want? We can scan and match to wallpapers, tiles and fabric. We also have Dulux’s enormous library of archive colours to choose from too. Pop into our Dulux Colour and Advice centre. A small illustration business based in Yorkshire. All products are printed on fully recycled paper for a luxury finish and are shipped in sustainable•CARDS•GIFTWRAP

13Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | lifestyle inspiring ideas for your home and garden 3 1. Alwinton sofa in RHS William Hooker fabric, Sofas & Stuff, Harrogate, 2. Suede textured finish paint in Fawn, Sanderson & Co. Leyburn, 01969 623143 3. Wezea Whippet candle holders in charcoal, Oka, Harrogate, 4. White stoneware bees jug by Sophie Allport, Dovetail Interiors, Bedale, 5. Stone-coloured hare napkins by Sophie Allport, Dovetail Interiors, Bedale, 6. RHS Hydrangea petals mug, RHS, Harrogate, 4 5 6

14 | ROSEMARY & TWINE Artisan orist in Newstead’s,LeyburnHighStreet, Leyburn, DL8 5AQ. Telephone 01969 368006 info@rosemaryandtwine Flowers, houseplants, gifts and homewares Eco orist, cellophane-free, proud to support local British ower growers. Flowers for the discerning. All weddings include: • 2 night extended stays for up to 22 people, including the Cart House, a separate bridal suite • Fully equipped event barn • Full use of hot tub and sauna • Pet friendly venue • Indoor and outdoor licensed ceremonies Enquiries to: Email: Landline: 01677 470886 TELFIT FARM BOUTIQUE WEDDING VENUE IN SWALEDALE Telfit Farm offers truly memorable weddings for up to 50 in complete secluded luxury in the most stunning location. Have you considered getting married on a sustainable farm?

This striking Chinese Lantern fabric is from the new Water Garden collection by Sanderson. Available in three soft colours, it's perfect for curtains, blinds and cushions. See the range at Milners of Leyburn,
15Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
lifestyle homes and interiors

Male pheasant on log

Brian Pike charts the mixed fortunes of some of our best-known game birds
orkshire is renowned for the range and quality of its fresh game, and as the nights grow chillier many local chefs will be rewriting their menus to include a selection of hearty game dishes.
COMMON PHEASANT (Phasianus colchicus) The pheasant is by far the most colourful of the pack. The female may be relatively dull but the cock pheasant sports lustrous copper plumage mottled with black, along with a white neck ring, a blue-green head and a red wattle.
Numerous bird species are hunted as game in the UK, including duck, goose, woodcock, snipe and plover, but the iconic game birds are pheasant, partridge (grey and red-legged) and grouse (red and black). The Dales is one of the few areas in the country where you can see all five of these species.
The species originated in China, and by classical times had spread as far west as the Balkans. Pheasants were introduced to the British Isles several times, initially by the Romans. But it wasn’t until the 1830s that the birds became a common sight thanks to the growing fashion for organised shoots and intensive management by gamekeepers. Nowadays millions of captive-reared birds are released in the UK everyLeftyear.totheir own devices, pheasants could happily survive unaided in lightly wooded countryside throughout much of lowland Britain, although the population would be a tiny fraction of its current level – and individuals would likely be leaner and fitter than the plump, well-fed specimens that struggle to take to the air to avoid oncoming traffic.
Game On

Immediately recognisable by the male’s distinctive orange face and dark, horseshoeshaped chest patch, the grey partridge is, unlike the pheasant, a British native species. It was once widespread but numbers have declined steeply since the 1950s. The grey partridge is now locally extinct in many places and has been placed on the ‘Red List’ of endangered birds.
Red grouse are remarkably tough, hardy birds that are happy to breed at altitudes of up to 2,000 feet; the Latin name for the species, lagopus, means ‘hare-footed’ and refers to the pale grey feathers that insulate the bird’s legs and feet against the winter chill. They are also remarkably stubborn in their determination to stick to their own small territories, and cock birds will defend their favoured patch aggressively, even attacking humans who inadvertently trespass on their domain.
The red grouse has the distinction of being Britain’s only endemic bird, that’s to say it is the one species of fowl that is found here and nowhere else in the world. Its typical habitat is open heather moorland, where it feeds on the shoots, seeds, berries and flowers of heather and other upland plants.
Our native grey partridge nests and roosts on the ground and it never perches in trees, but the red-legged partridge will occasionally do so. The ‘partridge in a pear tree’ in the Yuletide song, then, is undoubtedly the French partridge rather than its English cousin.
18 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life GREY PARTRIDGE (Perdix perdix)
RED GROUSE (Lagopus lagopus) Pheasant and partridge occur throughout the British Isles, but both species of grouse, red and black, are an upland speciality. Of the two, the red grouse is by far the commonest, although numbers are currently in decline.
Unlike its grey cousin, the red-legged partridge, also known as the ‘French partridge’, is a non-native species. The first successful introduction was in 1770 and the bird is now captive-reared and released in large numbers throughout much of lowland England. The red-legged partridge is a plump, handsome bird with a white throat and bold black bars on its flanks – and, of course, red legs. Both males and females look very similar. Because they spend their time in grassland or amongst arable crops feasting on seeds and roots, red-legged partridges are easiest to spot in autumn and winter. Even when they’re not visible their presence is often betrayed by their distinctive rasping call.
Young grey partridges forage for insects living on annual weeds that grow amongst cereal crops, and consequently modern herbicides and insecticides have greatly reduced their food supply. GWCT is encouraging farmers to adopt a range of measures such as creating herbicide- and insecticide-free ‘conservation headlands’ and managing hedge banks to provide cover and nesting sites.
Whilst it is still legal to shoot grey partridge, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) frowns on killing them except “where careful management has produced a shootable surplus”.

19Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | OPPOSITE Red-legged partridge on farm track TOP LEFT Female grey partridge with chicks in grass TOP RIGHT Female pheasant drinking from stream BOTTOM LEFT Female red grouse in heather BOTTOM RIGHT Male red grouse in flight

Unfortunately ‘lekking’ is a rare sight nowadays. According to one estimate, black grouse numbers fell by a staggering 95% over the course of the 20th century, largely due to loss of grouse stick single-mindedly to heather moorland, black grouse are far more finicky in their requirements, only thriving in areas where mixed woodland, rough pasture and moorland or heathland converge. Blanket planting of conifers, drainage of marginal farmland, over-grazing of heather moorland and the destruction of southern heathlands have all but eliminated the complex mixed habitat they require.
ABOVE Black grouse chick in upland meadow
20 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life BLACK GROUSE (Tetrao tetrix)
All RSPB Images
The cock pheasant has its gaudy colours, but the black grouse, with its blue-black plumage, red eye wattle and spray of startlingly white tail feathers, is arguably far more spectacular. These tail feathers are displayed to startling effect in spring when the cock birds strut and posture to impress hen birds at traditional courtship sites known as ‘leks’, some of which have been in use for generations.
BOTTOM Male black grouse displaying Once a relatively common sight, even close to London, the black grouse had become extinct in southern England by the 1970s. Apart from a handful of birds in Wales, the Pennine hills between Wensleydale and Carlisle are their last remaining English stronghold. Attempts at hand-rearing grouse are usually unsuccessful, but hopefully ongoing landscape conservation measures can reverse the decline and safeguard this remarkable bird for future generations.
images ©

21Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Unit 7 Badger Court, Harmby Road, Leyburn DL8 5BF | 01969 625111 Unit 1-2 Brompton Business Park, Station Road, Brompton on Swale DL10 7SN | 01748 835111 | We offer a free measuring service Tarkett LVT Sediment Grey CARPETS | VINYL | WOOD | LAMINATE | KARNDEAN | RUGS

22 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Bright, dynamic portraits and animal artwork from the heart of North Yorkshire In the grass shop hello@vickidavidson.comwww.vickidavidson.comonline www.pyramidgallery.com01904 641187 BEN ARNUP ceramics ART GLASS EXHIBITION Opening Saturday 10 September until 30 October 2022 CGS 25th anniversary exhibition BEDAZZLED 43 Stonegate, York C. Shilling. Photo: Agata PecJ. Leperlier. Photo: A. Montfrais Jiang Guo. Photo: D. Walliams M. Larsen. Photo: E. Segarra Morag Reekie

23Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | INSPIRED BY THE DALES MADE IN YORKSHIRE Shop online or call into the studio, 2 Golden Lion Yard, Market Place, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5AS Telephone 07542 950946 ORIGINAL PAINTINGS AND COMMISSIONS UNDERTAKEN

here are six species of deer living wild in the UK: red, roe, fallow, sika, muntjac and Chinese water deer. Fallow deer were introduced to Britain by the Romans but became extinct when the Roman Empire collapsed. They were subsequently reintroduced by the Normans, and have long been prized for their ornamental qualities.
Fallow deer usually have rich, caramel-brown coats dappled with pale spots, white rumps and black-striped tails. Individuals vary widely, however. Some can be pure black, others pure white. But what makes the bucks instantly recognisable, whatever the colour of their pelts, are the broad, palmate antlers with which they engage other males in combat during the autumn rutting season.
The fallow deer’s preferred habitat is open deciduous or mixed woodland where they live in small herds of ten to fifty individuals. In spring and summer they graze on grasses, herbs and the leaves of broadleaved trees. In autumn and winter they subsist on nuts, berries, bark and fungi.
The fallow deer
Brian Pike reports on these captivating creatures thriving in North Yorkshire
Fallow deer were the go-to deer species for status-conscious nobles keen on creating their own deer parks. Many deer parks fell into disrepair in medieval times, and fallow deer used the opportunity to escape. Since then substantial populations – today numbering around 100,000 animals – have lived wild in the countryside.

27Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | New to growing your own veg? Autumn is the perfect time to get started, says Adam Appleyard Ready,growsteady,

Spring cabbage is a sweet, loose-leaved cabbage that will overwinter well and can be eaten as early as should sow spring cabbage in August, but for the price of a packet of seeds it’s worth taking a bet on a mild autumn and sowing a row or two in September. Alternatively look for plug plants at your local nursery or garden centre.
Most gardeners plant onion sets (baby onions) in spring, but providing your soil isn’t prone to winter waterlogging you can plant hardy varieties up until the end of October. Suitable and readily available cultivars include ‘Senshyu’, ‘Radar’ and ‘Electric’.
Sow seed – or plant plug plants – 30cm apart in firm, rich, fertile soil in a sunny spot. Water well twice a week if the weather is dry. In spring, start by harvesting alternate plants in each row, leaving the remaining cabbages extra space and light to grow even bigger.
ith prices in the shops rising, and supplies sometimes patchy, growing your own fresh vegetables is an undeniably appealing option. But if you’re new to vegetable gardening, how and when should you take the plunge?
Fresh broad beans are one of my favourite vegetables, and the harvesting season is always over far too quickly for my liking. Fortunately, though, you can extend next year’s cropping season by sowing a few rows of beans this October, and then sowing further rows the following spring.
The trick to success with autumn sowings is choosing the right variety, and for my money you can’t beat ‘Aquadulce Claudia’. Sow your beans in a sunny spot, 5cm deep and 10–15cm apart, in double rows. Each pair of rows should be 30cm apart and separated from the next pair of rows by an access path of 60cm, otherwise you won’t be able to squeeze into the thicket to pick your bean pods! Your beans will germinate in a week or two and will happily survive an average winter, although during exceptionally severe cold it would be advisable to protect young plants with horticultural fleece.
Autumn-sown onions will crop a month earlier than spring-sown ones but they don’t keep well, so only sow as many as you can use before your springsown onions mature.
The mistake most novice gardeners make is to think that the gardening year starts in spring. Yes, that’s when garden centres are busiest, but you’ll be missing a trick if you let your borders or containers stand empty until winter has come and gone. For bumper crops in the coming year, right now is the time to get busy. And here’s what to plant.
28 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life OPENING PAGES: LEFT Harvesting Broad Bean ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ RIGHT Basket of Lettuce ‘Little Gem’ and ‘Lollo Rossa’ THIS PAGE: TOP Allium ‘Billy Lamb’ – onions growing with support LEFT Spring cabbage
Plant onion sets in a sunny spot with the pointed end uppermost and the tip just visible above the soil. Space sets 15cm apart, with 30cm between rows. Onions hate competition, so keep your onion patch scrupulously weed-free. Apart from an initial drench you’re unlikely to need to water them again until spring.

GARLIC Whereas planting broad beans or onions in autumn is optional, planting garlic before Christmas is a must!
Unless newly planted garlic cloves experience a decent spell of cold weather they won’t bulk up and yields will be Plantdisappointing.individualgarlic cloves in decently fertile soil in a sunny spot, placing them pointy ends upwards 2–3cm below the surface of the soil. Space them 15cm apart, in rows that are 30cm apart. If birds start pulling them up you might want to cover them with wire cloches or horticultural fleece until they are well rooted.
‘Solent Wight’ is a good, hardy variety that stores well, as is ‘Germidour’. ‘Elephant garlic’ (Allium ampeloprasum) is, strictly speaking, a type of leek, but it produces massive cloves that are distinctly milder in flavour than traditional garlic.
Watering recently planted garlic seedlings

30 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
SPINACH Spinach is another nutritious leafy green vegetable that you can grow all year round, providing you choose varieties appropriate to the season. ‘Giant Winter’, ‘Perpetual’ and ‘Atlanta’ are good options for sowing any time from now until the end of October. Pick a sunny spot on well-drained, fertile soil. Sow your seeds by using your trowel to make a drill (a long groove in the soil) 2cm deep. Sow your seeds thinly along the drill, then cover over with soil, firm down and water well. When seedlings appear, thin them to 15cm apart. Once your plants are established they won’t mind wintry conditions, although they will become dormant in December and January unless the weather is exceptionally mild. Late winter is a good time to give them a boost with nitrogen-rich liquid fertiliser.
LETTUCE Lettuce seeds can be sown from now until midNovember. ‘Little Gem’ and ‘Winter Density’ are good choices for autumn plantings. As per spinach, sow your seeds in 2cm drills in well-drained, fertile soil, and thin seedlings to 15–20cm apart. If you have a cold frame or plastic cloches you can protect your crop against cold snaps and hungry wildlife. Lettuce is also perfect for growing in containers. You can even grow lettuce in pots inside on a sunny windowsill. ‘Tom Thumb’, ‘Lollo Rossa’ and ‘Baby Oakleaf’ are good choices for growing indoors.
THIS PAGE: TOP Raised bed with salads, cabbage and onions BELOW Spinacia oleracea ‘Matador’
When it comes to harvesting, you can either cut off individual leaves or the whole head. Provided you leave the roots and a couple of centimetres of stem behind, the lettuce varieties mentioned here will almost certainly sprout new leaves, usually remarkably promptly. Following your second harvest you are best off replacing your plants. But by then, hopefully, the days will have lengthened and summer will be looming on the horizon!

31Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | 07522 192305 17 Regency Mews, Northallerton DL7 8PE The Plater’s Bench Unique bespoke steel furniture, fire pits and grills The only limitation is your imagination • Designed and hand crafted in Yorkshire • Built to last a lifetime • Quality materials for minimal maintenance New shop now open at 17 Regency Mews, Northallerton e nest bespoke timber buildings are Castles At Castle Timber Buildings we make an incredible range of buildings including sheds, stable blocks, garages, garden rooms and summerhouses. All our designs are fully bespoke and made in the highest quality timber by our talented cra smen here in Yorkshire. Castle Timber Buildings, Swan Farm, Redmire, Leyburn DL84HA • 01969 625647 • Castle Timber Buildings, Swan Farm, Redmire, Leyburn DL84HA • 01969 625647 If you can dream it we can make it

32 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life HistoricHouse-Gardens-TeaRoom NearScorton,Richmond,NorthYorkshire,DL106AT RegisteredCharity1155907(Openingtimescorrectattimeofprintingbutmaybesubjecttochange) Seetheseasonschangeassummergiveswaytoautumn Open10am-5pm6daysaweek (closedonThursdays) Thedestinationon yourdoorstep JOIN THE R HS TODAY JOIN THE R H S TODAY membersRHSgofree RHS Registered Charity No. 222879/SC038262. © RHS The perfect day out Enjoy colourful inspiration and family activities set in 58 acres at RHS Garden Harlow Carr Your visit supports our work as a charity

33Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | the of Garden Design Yorkshire School Hold your camera to the image to access A range of professionally delivered learning experiences from three-day short courses to our one-year flagship Diploma in Garden Design from September 2022. All hosted at the magnificent Harewood House. Visit for further details For full information, visit or call 01677 425 323 follow us on Autumn is the perfect time to visit Thorp Perrow and witness the dramatic leaf colour changes. Look out for the many seasonal events and workshops. From our bird of prey photography day, fascinating fungus forays and a guided Autumn tour with afternoon tea, we have something for everyone. at Thorp Perrow Coming upComing upthis Autumn

34 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Unit 1 Concept Park, Thirsk Ind. Estate, Thirsk, North Yorkshire YO7 3NH 01845 523562 BESPOKE KITCHENS & INTERIORS ADAM BLACKSMITHCRANE Unit 2 The Sawmills, West Tanfield, Ripon, HG4 5JU 07788 116660 Traditional blacksmith in the heart of North Yorkshire From gates and railings to stairs, furniture and sculpture – we can create beautiful bespoke metalwork to enhance your home or business. We combine traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge techniques and innovative design to bring your ideas to life. Take a look at our website for examples of our work, or call us to discuss your requirements.

For clearing fallen leaves from awkward spots between plants, you can’t beat a shrub rake like this handy example from Burgon & Ball ( Don’t waste the leaves you collect by burning them or putting them in the green bin. Use them to make leaf mould – it’s an invaluable soil improver.
Apple pie order
PLANT IT NOW Uncinia rubra ‘Everflame’
Herbs like mint and chives die back in autumn if left outside, so why not pot them up and grow them indoors for use during winter? Lop back most of the top growth, divide clumps and pot the divisions. Accustom them to indoor life by putting them in a cool room. When new leaves sprout, transfer to a sunny windowsill.
Rake-it science
The flower garden may be fading, but ornamental grasses and sedges will carry on looking fabulous right through until late winter. Uncinia rubra ‘Everflame’ is a striking cultivar, ideal for containers, whose vibrant reddish leaves look positively stunning in low autumn light. You can find Uncinia amongst the excellent range of ornamental grasses at Braithwaites in Leeming Bar (
To store apples over winter, carefully inspect them and set aside damaged specimens for immediate use. Wrap each sound apple in newspaper and arrange in a box or basket. Store in a frost-free garage, shed or basement. Check regularly for spoilage, removing any rotten apples before they spoil the rest.
35Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
garden notes
News, products and advice for the new season
TURF LOVE Autumn is the best time to tidy a threadbare lawn. Use a lawn rake to pull out the ‘thatch’ (old stems and moss), then aerate your turf by spiking it with a fork or lawn spiker. Top dress with a mix of sand, loam and leaf mould, filling any dips as you go, then clip the edges. Job done!

Rhubarb, rhubarb
Makes sense to fence Autumn is the perfect time for outdoor DIY projects, and new fencing can transform a garden, defining your boundaries and creating an attractive backdrop for landscaping and plantings. Fall Timber at Leeming Bar Industrial Estate stocks a comprehensive range of traditional post-and-rail fencing, hazel hurdles, fence panels and boards, along with stylish field and driveway gates. Find out more at
36 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
Iris reticulata is a small but stunning earlyflowering iris whose zingy yellow and cobalt blue blooms will enliven your borders from late winter onwards –and now’s the time to plant it. Choose a welldrained sunny spot and plant the rhizomes 8–10cm deep and 10–15cm apart, pointed ends upwards.
With electricity bills sky high, solar-powered lighting is the sensible way to brighten up your garden on autumn evenings. This trendy (GardenlanternsolarfromTrading co.ukgardentrading. ) has three dimmer settings, enabling you to create just the right mood for outdoor gatherings.
Enliven flagging rhubarb plants by dividing clumps in November. Each division will grow with renewed vigour, ensuring a bumper crop next spring. Use a sharp spade to split clumps. Replant the divisions 3–5cm below soil level to encourage them to produce the maximum number of new shoots.
SEASONAL SENSATION Actaea simplex (Atropurpurea Group)
With its fragrant, creamy, delicately scented flower spikes set against dark purple foliage, Actaea simplex makes a dramatic showing from late summer through into autumn. For best results plant in moist soil in partial shade – midday sun can scorch the leaves. In a few years it will bulk up into a clump a metre or more high. Keep well watered, and deadhead regularly.

At Lifetime we offer a bespoke colour service to all of our products. Choose from a Farrow & Ball or Fired Earth colour chart. Or bring us a colour and we will match it. All the benefits of maintenance free uPVC windows and doors while retaining the charm and character of your home.
All over Yorkshire, our thousands of happy customers have improved their homes with the superb quality of our products and workmanship and are taking advantage of great energy savings, security and style. From contemporary to traditional, we can design and fit a bespoke range of top quality window and conservatory solutions in a colour and style to suit you. The power of colour. The right choice of colour can greatly enhance the look of your new windows and doors.
37Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Bespoke windows, doors and handmadeconservatories,inYorkshire Visit our showrooms at: Lifetime Home Improvements, Conygarth Way, Leeming Bar Business Park, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 9EE t: 01677 424381 w: WE ALSO COVER BEDALE DARLINGTON LEYBURN RICHMOND THIRSK
Talk to the experts – we can bring your ideas to life. We offer a no obligation design and quotation service, so contact us today and tell us about your plans – we’ll be delighted to hear from you.

38 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Pyramid Power We visit York’s most vibrant independent gallery IN BUSINESS

Pyramid’s jewellers are certainly an interesting bunch. York-based Ruth Claydon, for example, scavenges ancient pieces of metal and other objects from the River Thames foreshore and turns them into delightfully enigmatic necklaces, pendants and earrings. London-based Gail Klevan, by contrast, moulds, casts, laser-cuts and colours acrylic to create intricate, bold, bright bangles and cuffs.
Gallery was one of the first galleries in England to be listed and approved by the Crafts Council, for which it had to demonstrate that at least 60% of its products were designed and made in the UK. It’s a target the gallery has always comfortably exceeded; virtually everything ever shown there was either made by British artists or by artists based in Britain.
39Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
When they acquired Pyramid Gallery, Terry and Elaine added prints, and subsequently paintings, to the range of work on show. One well-known painter-printmaker who makes a strong showing at the gallery is Anita Klein, a graduate of the Chelsea and Slade schools of fine art and former President of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers.“Hercolourfulline-drawn paintings and prints portray a cosy family life we can all identify with,” says Terry. “I like them because of their humour and careful observation, and the fact that she has a keen sense of how to fit the image into the picture space.”
When it originally opened, Pyramid Gallery focused on jewellery – not surprising, given that founder Robert Feather was (and still is) a jeweller. To date the gallery has dealt with around 300 British jewellers, and jewellery currently accounts for nearly half the gallery’s sales.
So how does Terry select work for display? “Our ethos is about top-quality, handmade objects,” he says. “We aim to fill the gallery with things that are highly desirable, quirky, or both!”
his year Pyramid Gallery in York’s picturesque Stonegate celebrates its 40th anniversary. Set in an historic oak-framed building dating back 600 years and owned by the National Trust, the gallery’s two sales floors are packed with exciting contemporary jewellery, glassware, ceramics, prints, paintings andCurrentsculptures.owner and manager Terry Brett has been at the helm for the last 28 years. Terry was fascinated by art from an early age but ended up training as a quantity surveyor. He and his then wife Elaine bought the business in 1994, and were soon making such a success of it that they gave up their professional careers to concentrate on it fullPyramidtime.

virtually everything ever shown here is either made by British artists or by artists based in Britain.
Thanks to Pyramid’s longstanding association with glasswork, the gallery is a regular venue for exhibitions curated by the Contemporary Glass Society. The society is holding its 25th anniversary show at the gallery from 10 September to 30 October. Entitled Bedazzled, it features work by 25 innovative British glass artists. The gallery is also well known for its charity work. “Almost every year I’ve used the gallery, and our large customer mailing list, to raise money for good causes,” says Terry. “It’s something that was instilled in me from an early age by my mother. Recently I have collected my rabbit cartoons – drawn under the nom de plume ‘Bertt deBaldock’ – into two books funded and published by Pyramid. So far they have raised nearly £3,000 for St Leonard’s Hospice and Refugee Action York.” Terry’s favourite part of the job? “It’s definitely the people – dealing with the artists themselves, and making connections between artists and collectors. Every customer who spends their money in Pyramid Gallery is endorsing the artist, and supporting what we as a gallery do. I still get a thrill from selling a greetings card for £3 – and even more from selling a piece of glass for £10,000!”
Studio glassware is another important part of the mix at Pyramid Gallery.
For more information about Pyramid Gallery visit or call 01904 641187.
“We always have a strong selection of sculptural glass on show,” says Terry, “and we’re particularly lucky to have Colin Reid, one of the country’s most highly respected contemporary glass artists.”
40 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
“Colin works with clear and coloured kiln-cast optical glass, cutting and polishing it to create multiple internal reflections. His work has a huge impact – quite breathtaking sometimes. Many of his pieces would be too large and heavy for the delicate floors of this historic building, but he makes smaller-scale work especially for us!”

41Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | The Wonky Tree Bookshop, Unit 2, Central Buildings, Market Place, Leyburn DL8 5BD Tel: 01969 625927 Email: Welcome to The Wonky Tree Bookshop - a newly opened independent bookshop in the picturesque market town of Leyburn. We aim to provide a relaxed environment and a friendly service and stock a wide range of books for adults and children. If you can’t find the book you are searching for, we can usually get it for you by the next day. We also sell a small, yet (we think) beautiful range of cards, stationery, toys and gifts. Please feel free to come in and browse – we look forward to meeting you! Alan and

42 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life it’s not just local, it’s Mainsgill 4 miles west of Scotch CornerSunday 9am-5pm Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 8:30am-5pm 718860 DL11 7PN A ‘real’ farm shop offering a shop floor to our working livestock farm All our beef, pork and lamb is born, reared and raised in Yorkshire Farmers & Butchers Food Hall Tearoom Gift Hall & Clothing Scan me! a n he re to watch ‘Jac k at Mainsgill’ Sca n he re to follow us on Instagram

PIZZA THE ACTION Love pizza? With this wood-fired tabletop pizza oven from Castle Timber in Redmire, near Leyburn, you can rustle up your own delicious crispy pizza in minutes. Even when you’re not cooking with it, its chic good looks will add a little extra pep to your garden. For more details and showroom opening times, visit
Game is an autumn highlight for food lovers, but how confident are you about cooking it? If you want expert guidance, the Swinton Estate Cookery School is running hands-on, one-day courses in October, November and December to help both novice and experienced cooks make the most of this fabulous seasonal produce. Full details at
This year’s British Food Fortnight, now in its 21st year, runs from 17 September to 2 October. It’s a celebration of the diverse and delicious foodstuffs our country produces. Here in Yorkshire we’re especially fortunate as regards local delicacies. Mainsgill Farm Shop ( will be showcasing many of them –and running special offers to encourage us to try them out!
43Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | roastsRipping
The butchery department at Campbell’s of Leyburn ( always carries an excellent stock of seasonal game, and this autumn is no Fromexception.nowuntilearly December, Yorkshire grouse, with its deep, gamey taste, makes a tasty treat. Sear in a pan and roast for 15–20 minutes at 2000C. Stuff the cavity with herbs for extra flavour.
BOTTLE IT Saturday 8 October is Apple Day at Ripon Walled Garden, a timely opportunity to take along your windfalls to be juiced and bottled so you can enjoy your very own fresh apple juice at home! As always there will be plenty of other apple-related fun –keep an eye on Ripon Community Link’s Facebook page for more information.
food notes
Game theory
Food news, events and fabulous local produce

What a carve-up!
There’s still plenty of time left to sizzle sausages on the barbecue before winter gets a grip. The butchery department at Campbell’s of Leyburn ( carries an excellent selection of scrumptious homemade bangers to choose from, and their venison sausages are especially apt for autumn. Call 01969 625600 to check what else is currently in stock.
Halloween will soon be here, and what better way to prepare for it than picking your very own pumpkin from the Pumpkin Patch at Mainsgill Farm Shop ( There will be an amazing selection of weird and wonderful pumpkins in all kinds of shapes, colours and sizes. Choose your favourite and get carving!
All the fun of Fairhursts
Made in Melmerby, near Ripon, TRUEfoods’ stocks, sauces and gravies are created using pure, natural ingredients and traditional techniques. The company’s standards are so high that Michelin-starred chefs use their products in their kitchens – so you can rely on them to help you raise your game with your home cooking! Look out for TRUEfoods sachets at Booths in Ripon
You can’t beat rare-breed pork for flavour and texture, as a trip to Stoneygate Farm Shop and Deli at Ravensworth ( will prove. Stoneygate’s Old English native breeds are free range, and spend most of their time foraging in the farm’s woodland. The result? Slow-grown meat that tastes a treat and makes fantastic crackling.
Wensleydale-based caterers Fairhursts have already proved a big hit with their fabulous farm shop and café at Swinithwaite. And now they’ve launched a smart new online shop selling an impressive range of fresh farm produce, artisan food and drink, ready meals and even homeware and gifts. Browse and shop from the comfort of your own sofa at
44 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life

45Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Best Independent Rural Retailer Serving the Dales in every way we can! Call in for a unique shopping experience, you may be surprised! 4 Commercial Square, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 5BP Tel: 01969 622169 www.campbellso richard@campbellso Your family run Fine Food and Wine Emporium Campbell’s of Leyburn • A range of own-label and every day groceries • Innovative products from start-ups and artisans • Succulent local meat from ‘Dales’ farmers • National and international delicacies on a first-class delicatessen counter • An extensive choice of artisan and mainstream cheeses from around the world • A range of ready meals created by our butchers • An unrivalled selection of world-wide wines and spirits • Beer and spirits from craft breweries and distillers • Local fresh milk from our vending machine …… and there is so much more in store. Our famous store on Leyburn Market Place has evolved over 150 years and 5 generations of Campbell’s to offer its own distinctive style of supermarket shopping We offer stress free access to a vast range of different products and mouth-watering surprises such as:

46 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Tusky (ˈtʌski) in Yorkshire dialect means rhubarb. From the makers of Taplin & Mageean premium craft gins, and Wensleydale Spiced Rum comes Tusky Vodka, a pure, clear, smooth spirit which combines subtle notes of natural rhubarb, ginger and vanilla that work together to provide a gentle sweet and sour taste sensation. 01969 624607 The Distillery • Leyburn Station • Harmby Road • Leyburn • North York CRAFTED IN THE YORKSHIRE DALES CLEARLY RHUBARB A Premium Vodka with Subtle Notes of Rhubarb and Ginger NEW AD DALESMAN.qxp_New Vodka Ad Dalesman 12/08/2022 12:12 Page 1 Professional and experienced outside catering company based in North Yorkshire Weddings, funerals, private parties and corporate events. Bar hire, hog roasts and much more e: t: 01969 624 668 Catering w:

North Yorkshire the farm
pedigree pigs and
Nestled in the heart of is home to a herd of breed a of shop boasts its own bakery, a deli with a wonderful variety of a an of
locally made produce. The café serves breakfast, lunch and a selection of all day treats and also operates as a restaurant on Friday/Saturday evenings and for traditional Sunday lunch. T: 01748 897131 W: Stoneygate Farm Shop, Stoneygate Bank, Ravensworth, Richmond DL11 7BT
native-breed sheep. The
Shorthorn cattle, rare
home-baked produce and
cosy cafe. We also stock
47Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
on-site butchery,

48 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Claudia Blake visits The Bridgewater Arms in Winston THE DISCERNING DINER

The Cheddar cheese croquettes with red onion jam and a bacon crumb were richly savoury –melty-soft in the middle with a delicate crispy coating. The bacon crumb was a fine haze of infinitesimal salty fragments, and the sweet onion jam provided a delightful boost of colour, taste andOurtexture.other starter, the beetroot and goat’s cheese roulade, was equally subtle and delicate, the earthy beetroot sliced impressively thin and the not-too-sharp goat’s cheese providing a lusciously creamy contrast. Add to that an orange vinaigrette for pep and a scattering of candied walnuts for crunch and you’ve got a dish that’s as sophisticated as it is scrumptious.
49Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | utumn means the start of a new academic year. It’s the perfect time to pay a visit to The Bridgewater Arms, a fine dining restaurant in the unusual –and distinctly charming – setting of a former Victorian village school. You’ll find it in Winston, a modest linear village sandwiched between the broad and rocky River Tees and the main road from Piercebridge to Barnard Castle. The Bridgewater Arms reopened under new management last autumn, and appointed a new Head Chef just a few short weeks ago. But has the new intake done their homework, and will they make the grade?
The high ceilings and generous lattice windows so typical of mid-19th century school buildings make The Bridgewater Arms a light, bright and airy space to relax in. The green-and-cream bar area is carpeted, cosy and convivial. Beyond lies a surprisingly extensive labyrinth of small diningOtherspaces.thanthe enormous reproduction of the cast list for a 1957 production of Jack and the Beanstalk (daringly reflecting the times by featuring ‘Teddy Boy’ and ‘Teddy Girl’ alongside more traditional ‘Fairies and Pixies’), the décor is relatively understated. Only a scattering of photos, a shelf or two of miscellaneous books and a stray blackboard ruler underline the building’s former function.
Moving on to mains, the slow-cooked featherblade of beef had been shredded and consolidated into a neat roundel. Served with mashed potato, beautifully caramelised roasted carrot, judiciously cooked tender stem broccoli and a rich, thick red wine gravy, this was hearty comfort food of the highestMoreorder.delightful still was the pan-roasted duck breast. The meat was cooked to perfection and bursting with gamey flavour. Swaggeringly maroon roasted plums added a big, bold dose of the penetrating sharpness that complements duck so well. A gorgeously melting slab of celeriac fondant, a foamy celeriac purée, buttered spinach and a dab or two of red wine sauce contributed yet more merriment to the ensemble. Definitely the dish of the evening.
The arrival of our starters, immaculately presented on stately white crockery, confirmed our initial inkling that we were in for a treat. There was a delicacy and finesse about them that suggested that Chef possesses a winning combination of culinary cleverness and unyielding perfectionism.
Joint owner and mine host Tom Brown (and what better name for the proprietor of a former school?) proved to be a chatty and knowledgeable fellow, keen to share his enthusiasm for the fine detail of the food and drink on offer. It was definitely a promising start; this is someone who clearly cares deeply about what he’s doing, and wants to do it well.

There’s a wide-ranging, carefully curated and sensibly priced wine list, with prices per glass starting at £4 (125ml).
Desserts, like starters and mains, were presented with style and panache. A fetchingly pink summer berry panna cotta came with a jug of dreamily indulgent white chocolate sauce and a neat frieze of strawberries and blueberries. It slipped down nicely, but might perhaps have benefitted from turning up the dial on the summer-berry sharpness. There was no arguing about the muscularity of the banana flavour in the banana parfait, which came with deafeningly crunchy homemade honeycomb. Oddly enough we couldn’t trace the advertised accompanying candied lime, which would undoubtedly have boosted the experience up a notch had it been in evidence. This was a minor issue, though, and certainly not a deal-breaker. Overall our trip to The Bridgewater Arms turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening in relaxed and comfortable surroundings. Not the cheapest eatery in Teesdale, but in our opinion very much up there at the top of the class when it comes to quality and value for money. The happy buzz of regular customers suggested that local diners agree. More school dinners in future? Count me in! For more information about The Bridgewater Arms visit or call 01325 730302.
THE BOTTOM LINE Three courses, excluding drinks, cost us an average of £37.50 per head.
SERVICE The knowledgeable and friendly owners make dining here a pleasure.
50 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
Super-detailed, conscientious and delicious cookery, stylishly presented in quaint surroundings.
Cosier and more comfortable than a Victorian schoolroom has any right to be.
The Bridgewater Arms is open for lunches and dinners from Wednesday to Saturday, and for Sunday lunches.
When it was built in the 1760s, nearby Winston Bridge boasted the longest singlespan arch of any bridge in Europe: 111 feet (34 metres). It’s still an impressive sight.

This year, we are hosting a number of ‘Christmas Party’ nights! If you are looking for a group table at one of our ‘Open House’ parties, or an exclusive ‘House Party’ with the Hall, all for you and your colleagues; get in touch!
BOXING DAY Late breakfast/brunch served before a guided group walk. Champagne reception & canapés before our annual four-course gala supper, with wine. CHRISTMAS DAY A special Christmas gift before Buck’s Fizz with breakfast. A four-course lunch and bottle of Champagne between two. An evening platter or in-room hamper. DAY TWO AWAKE TO OUR WONDERFUL SIMONSTONE BREAKFAST TO SET YOU UP FOR THE DAY ON ARRIVAL ENJOY OUR AWARD-WINNING ‘SIMONSTONE
Fe ive Fun!
This year, we’re hosting another superb New Year’s Eve party at Simonstone Hall, with tickets available for our party night and for our New Year’s Day stay too. Book in for a one or two night stay and welcome the bells with us.
Christmas is a beautifully festive time at Simonstone Hall, with the most festive interiors and atmosphere. Enjoy deliciously seasonal dining, Champagne and wines, wintry landscapes and roaring open fires.
In-room arrival treats, mulled wine and three-course Christmas Eve meal, with a bottle of premium house wine and a complimentary nightcap.

52 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Welcome to The White Bear High quality food, cooked to perfection using fresh local, free range produce. We have a pop up BBQ & pizza kitchen in the beer garden. We are a VisitEngland 5 star property. Menus changed seasonally. Excellent selection of wines, cra� beer and ales. 14 beautiful bedrooms. 01765 689319,Masham,NorthYorkshireHG44EN FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 01969 622206 HSANDPIPER99@AOL.COM Market Place, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 5AT Enjoy Roux Scholar Jonathan Harrison’s unique cuisine in the traditional surroundings of the Sandpiper Inn. Modern British food using only the finest local ingredients, beautifully prepared and presented. Fine wines, real ales and friendly Accommodationservice. available. Unique dining experience in a traditional atmosphere

53Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Tupgill Estate, situated in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales with 513 acres of glorious Yorkshire countryside, is home to e Saddle Room restaurant. At e Saddle Room we believe passionately about sourcing our ingredients from really local suppliers and wherever possible within a 10-mile radius of the restaurant. e Saddle Room also has 5★ rated Accommodation with Cottages and Bed and Breakfast rooms creating the perfect place to relax and unwind. Winner of Best Restaurant Herriot Awards✓ OUTDOOR DINING IN “THE PADDOCK” ✓ NEWLY REFURBISHED ACCOMMODATION ✓ OPEN FOR WEDDINGS AND EVENTS ✓ PRIVATE DINING 01969 640 596 | Tupgill Park, Coverdale, Leyburn, North Yorks DL8 4TJ Grand honest food cooked to perfection BAR • RESTAURANT • WEDDINGS • ACCOMMODATION Overlooking the brewery town of Masham, e Black Swan provides the perfect setting for that special occasion. • Food prepared from the finest local produce • Far-reaching views from the beer garden • Private dining room • 14 en-suite rooms • Log fires • eakston’s and Black Sheep Ales The Black Swan Inn, Fearby, Near Masham HG4 4NF 01765 689477 See website for more details. Booking essential.

54 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Angela Hartnett shares some simple recipes, perfect for a relaxed and enjoyable supper with family and friends At Home WITH ANGELA HARTNETT

55Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | GRIDDLED MONKFISH TAILS WITH HARISSA MARINADE Perfect to cook on a barbecue

56 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life BARBECUED RIB-EYE STEAK WITH TOMATO SALAD An easy recipe and all-time favourite

57Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | APPLE TART This is a French classic

4 tablespoons harissa paste 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for griddling the fish juice and finely grated zest of 2 limes 4 filleted monkfish tails (about 200g each, prepared weight) a handful of coriander, chopped
When you’re ready to cook, heat a griddle pan until hot. Add a touch of oil, then immediately add the monkfish tails and griddle for 3 minutes on either side. Remove the monkfish tails from the pan, then sprinkle over the remaining lime juice and the coriander. Serve immediately with any extra marinade to drizzle over. A dish that came about through clearing the fridge and using up the last of the jar of harissa. Mix the harissa with olive oil and some lime juice and spread it all over the fish, keeping some aside as a vinaigrette dressing to serve at the table. Perfect to cook on a smoking hot griddle pan or barbecue.
58 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life METHOD Mix together the harissa paste, olive oil, lime zest and threequarters of the lime juice in a bowl to create a marinade. Using a pastry brush, brush the fish tails all over with the marinade and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

Gently rub the steaks with a touch of vegetable oil, then season with salt and pepper and chargrill for at least 15 minutes, turning them over and moving them around the grill as needed, until evenly coloured but not burnt. Move the steaks to one side, away from the fiercest heat, so that they do not scorch. Using a skewer or very thin-bladed knife, pierce the steaks and touch the blade to your lips – if it’s hot the steaks are done. Transfer them to a plate, and leave them to rest for 15 minutes, covered loosely with foil. Meanwhile, make the tomato salad. Mix the mustard with the olive oil and vinegar. Then, using a microplane, slice the garlic very finely. Add it to the mustard, oil and vinegar and stir to combine to a dressing. Mix the tomatoes with the red onion in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, then pour the dressing over the top. Set aside to marinate, until you’re ready to serve. Once the steaks have rested, it’s time to carve them. Remove the meat from the bone (if necessary), and slice against the grain to give about 2cm-thick slices. Divide the tomato salad equally between serving plates and scatter over the basil leaves. Place the sliced steak on top of the tomatoes and garnish with some watercress and rocket. Alternatively, serve the sliced steak and the salad on a large serving platter and allow everyone to help themselves.
4 rib steaks (about 800–900g each), bone in, if possible, at room temperature vegetable oil, for rubbing a handful of watercress and rocket salad, to serve sea salt and freshly ground black pepper FOR THE TOMATO SALAD 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 100ml extra-virgin olive oil 25ml red wine vinegar 1 garlic clove, peeled 4 ox-heart or beef tomatoes, sliced 1 red onion, thinly sliced a handful of basil, leaves picked
59Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
METHOD Prepare your barbecue so that it’s at the right temperature to cook, but not burn the meat. When the coals are white, they are hot enough to use.
An easy barbecue recipe and an all-time favourite. You just need rocket, watercress and a very good steak. If there’s ever a choice, then rib-eye is my favourite cut of steak, partly because of the ratio of fat to meat. You could also use sirloin or rump, or a T-bone steak if you want a thinner slice.

60 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life METHOD
280g plain flour a pinch of salt 170g unsalted butter, cut into cubes and chilled, plus an extra 50g (melted) for brushing about 100ml ice-cold water 8 100gapplescaster sugar, plus extra for vanillasprinklingice cream or double cream, to serve
In a large bowl, sift together the flour and salt. Add the cubed butter and use your fingertips to rub it into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs, with flecks of whole butter still visible (the pastry will be very short). Little by little, add the water, just enough until the pastry comes together into a ball – take care not to overwork it. Form the pastry into a ball and flatten it slightly, then wrap it in cling film and place it in the fridge to rest for 1 hour.
APPLE TART Recipes taken from The Weekend
Preheat the oven to 190°C/170°C fan/gas 5.
Dust a large sheet of baking paper with flour. Remove the pastry from the fridge and roll it out to a 25cm circle. Gently transfer the pastry circle to the baking tray and prick the base with a fork. Leave the pastry case to rest in the fridge while you prepare the apples. Peel, core and quarter the apples, then slice each quarter into about 6 pieces. Line the pastry case with apple slices, beginning around the outside edge and fanning the apples, slightly overlapping, in decreasing concentric circles towards the centre, until you have covered the bottom of the case. Brush the apples with the melted butter, then sprinkle over the sugar. Bake the tart for about 40 minutes, until the pastry edges and apple filling are golden brown. Sprinkle a little more sugar over the top and serve with vanilla ice cream or double cream. This is a French classic using a really short pastry topped with apples, quite similar to an apple galette. You could use apples, peaches or figs for this recipe – they all work really well. It’s important not to use fruit that’s too soft or too ripe as the pastry base takes a while to cook and you’d find yourself ending up with a fruit mush. Cook by Angela Hartnett. Photography by Jonathan Lovekin. Published BloomsburybyAbsolute.

61Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Stylish outdoor living From eye-catching pizza ovens and elegant fire pits to practical allin-one alfresco kitchens, we can provide everything you need for a luxurious new outdoor life. All our cooking products are handmade in the UK from high quality British steel, and they’re built to last. Visit our website or showroom to find out how to take enjoying your garden to the next level. Castle Timber Buildings, Swan Farm, Redmire, Leyburn DL84HA • 01969 625647 • The perfect alfresco kitchen

62 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Whether you are new to making jam or an old hand, these flavour combinations will give you the chance to create some delicious treats Deliciously Different

HIGH PECTIN 1.1kg blackberries, fresh or frozen 50ml water, omit if using frozen berries 40ml lemon juice, freshly squeezed 3–4 sprigs of rosemary, leaves finely chopped 750g white sugar
Sterilise your jars and lids and place several small saucers in the Gentlyfreezer.rinsethe blackberries and pluck off any husks, defrost if frozen, and place in a jam pan with the water (if using) and lemon juice – reserving 10–15 whole berries here if you like a chunkier jam. Pulp the berries over a high heat for 5–8 minutes, stirring so that they don’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Mix the rosemary through the sugar and pour into the pan, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved. Bring back to a vigorous boil, then add any reserved berries and stir intermittently for 8–10 minutes. When the bubbles become heavier, remove from the heat and start set testing for a hard-set jam with an evident wrinkle on the plate.
Pick or find blackberries throughout the autumn months – although this recipe works well with frozen berries too, so if you find yourself out of time after a full day’s picking, just bag the berries up, label and date them, and then chuck them in the freezer until you have a spare day for preserving. The rich, dense flavour of the blackberries mixed with the rosemary works well with duck, pheasant or quail. If game isn’t your thing, then it is equally fabulous with lamb, turkey or oven-baked Camembert.
63Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
Once at the desired set, skim off any scum and ladle the hot jam into hot sterilised jars and seal. Store unopened in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Once opened, keep in the fridge and eat within 1–2 months.
Once at the desired set, pick out the spices and ladle the marmalade into hot sterilised jars, using a teaspoon to push out any trapped air bubbles.
With a sharp knife, cut off the skins of the oranges and discard half of the peel. Scrape off the white pith using a teaspoon or a very sharp paring knife. Slice the prepared peel into very fine (1mm) strips. Dice the orange flesh into 1cm chunks, removing as much of the pips and membrane as you can. Place in a large bowl with any juice from the chopping board and the grated carrots.
MODERATE IN PECTIN 850g oranges, unwaxed or scrubbed 600g carrots, peeled and grated 680g white sugar 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon 4 green cardamom pods, gently crushed 2 star anise 420ml water 50ml lemon juice, freshly squeezed
Seal and store, unopened, in a cool, dark place for up to 8–10 months. Once opened, keep in the fridge and eat within 3–4 months.
A marmalade for those who claim they don’t like marmalade, so don’t be fooled; this is not a bitter version. Eat with cheese, or in a ham baguette filled with rocket and cheese, and try it in desserts too, such as meringues topped with whipped cream, or as the base of steamed puddings.
64 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
Mix through the sugar, cinnamon, cardamom and star anise, cover and leave to macerate in the fridge for 6–8 hours or overnight.
The next day, sterilise your jars and lids and place several small saucers in the freezer. Place the carrot mixture in a jam pan with the water and lemon juice, then bring to a rapid boil over a medium-high heat, stirring intermittently, for 25–35 minutes or until the liquid has reduced to a thicker, stickier jammy consistency.

When the jelly reaches 104°C on a sugar thermometer, or when it’s been at a vigorous boil for 5–6 minutes, remove from the heat and start set testing for a hard-set jam. If there isn’t an evident wrinkle on the plate, return to the heat and keep testing every minute until there is. Once at the desired set, rest for 3–4 minutes off the heat and set your jars up with 4–5 raspberries in each. Pick out the vanilla pod (if using) from the pan, skim off any scum and quickly ladle into hot sterilised jars and seal. Turn upside down and allow to set slightly for 4–6 minutes so the berries slowly float upwards. Store upright in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Once opened, keep in the fridge and eat within 3–4 months.
The next day, sterilise your jars and lids and place several small saucers in the freezer. Measure out the apple liquid; for every 200ml of liquid, weigh out 140g of sugar. Pour the apple liquid into a jam pan with the lemon juice and bring to a rapid boil over the highest heat. Mix the vanilla seeds and pod through the sugar, then pour into the pan, stirring until completely dissolved.
Place the prepared apples and lemon peel in a large pot or pan with the water. Bring to a simmer over a medium heat and after 25–30 minutes, gently crush the softened apple with a wooden spoon, without overmashing. Strain through a large square of muslin tied up by all corners and suspended over a bowl, or use a jelly bag. Leave for up to 8 hours or overnight, without being tempted to squeeze the bag.
Using a vanilla jelly base as a float makes the prettiest raspberry-speckled jelly. The raspberries float upwards, as if to escape the jar.
1.4kg Bramley apples, unwaxed or scrubbed and roughly chopped (with skins, pips and cores) 5 strips of pared lemon peel, unwaxed 1.7 litres water 650–750g white sugar 30ml lemon juice, freshly squeezed, strained 1⁄2 vanilla pod, split, seeds scraped 160–200g raspberries
65Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |

Sterilise your jars and lids and place several small saucers in the Placefreezer.thestrawberries in a jam pan, cutting the larger ones into halves or thirds and reserving 10–12 of the smallest ones. Add the water and lemon juice and soften the fruit over a high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring often. Gently mash into a pulp, stirring so that it doesn’t stick, while skimming off any scum or foam with a spatula. Bring to a vigorous boil, stir through the sugar until it’s completely dissolved, then add the reserved strawberries. Once at a rapid boil, stir intermittently for 10–12 minutes until the bubbles appear heavier. Remove from the heat and start set testing for a soft-set jam, where the jam slowly drops from your finger. Once at the desired set, allow to settle for 1–2 minutes before skimming off any scum and stirring through the balsamic vinegar and black pepper. Ladle the hot jam into hot sterilised jars and seal.
Store unopened in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Once opened, keep in the fridge and eat within 1–2 months.
LOW PECTIN 1.25kg strawberries, hulled 60ml water 40ml lemon juice, freshly squeezed 800g jam sugar 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, not your 10-year-aged one 2–3 tsp freshly ground black pepper Recipes taken from Jams with a twist by Kylee Newton, published by National Trust Books, £9.99. Illustrations by Claire Harrup.
66 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
Strawberries are the hardest fruit to get a good jam set without adding the same weight in sugar. They are low in pectin and low in acid, so need a helping hand. This recipe gives you a soft-set jam – one that is gooey, not gelatinous. The balsamic vinegar adds a touch of depth to the strawberries, while the black pepper gives a gentle peppery tickle on the palate. You’ll be surprised how delicious this combination is when drizzled onto vanilla or clotted cream ice cream. PEPPER JAM

67Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | The Carpet & Flooring Specialist t: 01748 822834 m: 07789 996526 e: 56 Racecourse Road, Gallowfields Trading Est Richmond. DL10 4TF

68 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Feast AUTUMN Elegant dishes celebrating seasonal fruit that can be found in the English countryside SIDE OF SALMON WITH BLUEBERRY AND DILL SAUCE This delicious blueberry and dill sauce is a treat

69Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | CHICKEN AND CHERRY TRAYBAKE This is one of my all-time favourite recipes

70 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life ROAST PORK WITH PLUMS AND BAY A tasty yet unfussy roast pork with the addition of plums

71Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | PEAR AND BUTTERSCOTCH CHEESECAKE This cheesecake could win any cheesecake competition!

3. Bake the salmon for 20–25 minutes until the flesh is just firm to the touch and the marinade is starting to caramelise. Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes.
4. In the meantime, make the blueberry sauce. Cook the blueberries in a heavy-bottomed saucepan with the dill, sugar and balsamic vinegar over a medium heat until the fruit starts to break down, stirring to ensure the fruit doesn’t catch. Then, simmer for 5–6 minutes until the sauce is a thick, jammy consistency. Pour into a serving dish.
METHOD 1. Preheat the fan oven to 160°C/gas 4. Line a large baking tin with baking parchment, add the salmon and season generously with salt and pepper.
SERVES 6 10 MINUTES PREP 20–25 MINUTES COOK 850g side of salmon
1 10glemondill, finely chopped 1 tablespoon maple syrup
2. Finely grate the zest of the lemon and combine in a small bowl with the juice of half of it, the dill, maple syrup and oil. Briefly whisk to combine before pouring over the seasoned salmon, ensuring all the flesh is coated in the marinade.
2 teaspoons rapeseed oil sea salt and freshly ground black pepper FOR THE BLUEBERRY SAUCE
10g dill 2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar TO SERVE roughly chopped dill lemon wedges pea shoots
300g fresh or frozen blueberries
A side of salmon is a great alternative to more traditional celebration meals, whether that is your weekly Sunday roast or something for a special occasion. Eating it with this delicious blueberry and dill sauce is a treat.
72 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
5. Transfer the salmon onto a serving dish using the baking parchment. Discard the paper and garnish the salmon with more dill, lemon wedges and pea shoots. Serve with the blueberry sauce.

750g chicken thighs, skin left on 6 garlic cloves, unpeeled and bashed 200g shallots, sliced 200g new potatoes, halved 2 bay leaves 1 red chilli, halved lengthways 2 sprigs of thyme 150g fresh or frozen cherries, pitted and halved 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons olive oil zest and juice of 1 orange sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1. Preheat the fan oven to 180°C/gas 6. Season the chicken thighs all over with salt and pepper and arrange them in a roasting tin, skin side up. Add the cloves of garlic, shallots, new potatoes, bay leaves and chilli to the tray, then add the sprigs of thyme and cherries.
3. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes before removing and basting the chicken with the juices from the tin. Return to the oven and bake for a further 20 minutes until the chicken is evenly cooked (check that the juices run clear when the thighs are pricked with a knife) and the skin is crispy. If not, cook for a further 5–10 minutes, but you may want to cover the chicken with kitchen foil to prevent the skin from burning.
73Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
2. In a small bowl, mix together the balsamic vinegar, honey, olive oil and orange zest and juice. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle over the chicken, vegetables and cherries.
4. Once cooked, transfer everything to a serving platter and drizzle over some of the juices to serve. This is one of my all-time favourite recipes: a simple, richly flavoured and hearty meal that can warm even the coldest of autumn nights. I often use frozen cherries here in place of fresh ones. Make plenty so you can have leftovers the next day when it is at its best.

5. Turn the oven down to 180°C/gas 6. Whisk the wine with the honey and soy sauce and pour it around the pork, then add the garlic, bay leaves, the rest of the plums and the figs, if using, and continue to cook for 30 minutes per 500g of meat, or until the pork is cooked through (check that the juices run clear when the meat is pricked with a knife). Remove the pork from the oven and transfer to a cutting board with any whole fruit and onions.
1. Preheat the fan oven to 220°C/gas 9.
7. Serve the roast pork with the plums, sauce, roast potatoes and your favourite vegetables. A tasty yet unfussy roast pork with the addition of plums. You could use any stone fruit you like here, although I love the taste of slightly sharp plums as they add a sweetsour flavour when cooked with the soy sauce and garlic. There will be quite a lot of pan juices left over – these can be reduced and used as a sauce.
3. Spoon some of the olive oil onto the pork skin, then massage the salt into the skin.
2. Using a sharp knife, score the skin of the pork all over, ensuring that you don’t cut into the meat. Pat the skin dry with a paper towel, then leave the meat to sit for 20 minutes. Squeeze the lemon over the skin and leave to sit for a further 10 minutes.
SERVES 4–6 30 MINUTES PREP, PLUS RESTING TIME 13/4 HOURS COOK 1.8–2kg boneless rolled pork shoulder juice of ½ lemon 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon fine sea salt 3 red onions, halved 6 plums, stoned and halved 1½ tablespoons fennel seeds 2 teaspoons coriander seeds 300ml dry white wine 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon soy sauce 4 garlic cloves 6 bay leaves 3 figs, halved (optional) roast potatoes and vegetables, to serve ROAST PORK WITH PLUMS AND BAY
4. Put the onions, half the plums, and the fennel and coriander seeds into a large roasting tin, drizzle with the remaining olive oil and toss to coat. Sit the pork on top and roast in the oven for 30 minutes, or until the crackling is crisp and golden brown.
Leave to rest for 15–20 minutes.
74 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life METHOD
6. Assess how much liquid there is in the roasting tin and, if it seems there is a lot, ladle some of it out (refrigerate for another dish). Bring the remaining juices in the roasting tin to the boil over a medium-high heat. Reduce by at least half. Once thickened, remove from the heat.

1. Blitz the biscuits in a food processor until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs (alternatively, you could put them in a clear plastic bag and bash them with a rolling pin to get the same effect). Tip them into a 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin, add the melted butter, mix well, then, using the back of a metal spoon, press the biscuit base firmly into the bottom of the tin. Cover with kitchen foil and refrigerate while you make the other components.
4. To serve, remove the cheesecake from the tin, slice and share between plates, encouraging guests to pour some sauce over the top. This might be bold, but I really think this cheesecake could win any cheesecake competition! Every time I make it, it’s gone within minutes. Perfectly ripe pears are the key here, alongside the salty butterscotch, which, when combined, make for an ideal dessert. MINUTES HOUR nut cream cored and Sweet and Savoury Recipes from the Countryside by James Rich, published by Hardie Grant Books (UK). Photography by Laura Edwards.
COOLING TIME 250g ginger
cut into bite-size pieces PEAR AND BUTTERSCOTCH CHEESECAKERecipestakenfrom Orchard:
2. To make the sauce, melt the butter, sugar, cream and salt in a saucepan over a low heat. Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for 5 minutes, to thicken nicely. Add the pear pieces, remove from the heat, pour into a jug and leave to cool.
75Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
3. In a bowl, beat the cream cheese and icing sugar together. In a separate bowl, beat the cream until stiff peaks form – you want this to be pretty firm. Fold the cream into the cream cheese mixture so they’re well combined. Pick out as many of the pear pieces as you can from the butterscotch sauce and add these to the cheesecake mixture – a bit of sauce will come with them, which is encouraged, but try not to bring too much as it will stop the cream cheese filling from setting. Fold the butterscotch pears through the mixture and tip this onto the chilled biscuit base, smoothing with a spatula. Cover with cling film and return to the refrigerator along with the jug of sauce. Leave to set for at least 1 hour; ideally 3–4 hours.
biscuits 70g salted butter, melted 350g
cheese 3 tablespoons icing sugar 275ml double cream FOR BUTTERSCOTCHTHE SAUCE 50g unsalted butter 100g dark brown sugar 125ml double cream pinch of sea salt 2 Conference pears, peeled,

Some such early models, which are now very rare, were made as pre-production prototypes prior to construction of the full-scale locomotive. Others were made as salesman’s samples. “The railway industry was the dot-com boom of its time,” says Kegan. “Railway companies were setting up everywhere, often – as with the Stockton and Darlington railway – operating very short stretches of line. So there were plenty of potential clients to pitch to with the aid of models like these.”
76 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life ive steam models – that’s to say miniature steam-powered engines that operate on the same principles as full-size ones – have a history as long and as varied as that of their large-scale cousins.
Far from being toys, the original live steam models were made for practical purposes, explains Kegan Harrison, expert in charge of Toys and Collectables at Tennants Auctioneers. Such is the case with the model of Robert Stephenson’s 1830 locomotive ‘Planet’ which sold for £3,000 at Tennants’ Leyburn auction room in 2020.

77Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | 5 1. 8¼" gauge live steam model of Robert Stephenson’s 1830 locomotive ‘Planet’. Sold for £3,000. 2. Scratch-built live steam model boat ‘Dirk’. Sold for £950. 3. Alyn Foundry RLE hopper engine. Sold for £380. 4. Bing live steam horse-drawn fire engine, hand-painted in red and black. Sold for £3,500. 5. Maxwell Hemmens live steam traction engine ‘Messenger’. Sold for £850. 6. Brass live steam 4¼" gauge 2-2-2 ‘dribbler’ locomotive. Sold for £350. All models illustrated here sold by Tennants. 2 653 4 collectablesexploringantiquesand

The majority of collectors focus on models of locos from the ‘golden age of steam’, although when exactly this ‘golden age’ began and ended is a matter of lively discussion amongst enthusiasts. Most would probably agree that it reached its peak in the 1920s and 1930s.
From the late 1800s onwards, the top end of the live steam toy trade came to be dominated by German companies like Märklin (founded 1859) and Bing (1863 to 1933). Their products were very much toys for the children of well-to-do families, although Bing gradually moved down towards the middle and lower end of the market.
Despite having a few condition issues, the Bing live steam horse-drawn fire engine shown here made a very respectable £3,500 at auction in winter 2020. “For a collector of German live steam models this is a really good piece,” says Kegan. “The subject is an unusual one but Bing were doing what toy makers have always done – making models of whatever seems ‘cool’ at the time.”
For more information about Tennants Auctioneers, or to arrange a valuation, visit or call 01969 623780.
Readers who grew up in the 1960s or early 1970s may well be familiar with Midlandsbased toy manufacturer Mamod, who produced a range of products including – from 1965 to 1976 – stationary engines designed for use with Meccano sets. By the time the 20th century drew to a close, however, children had turned to other kinds of toys. Modern live steam models such as the Maxwell Hemmens and Alyn models shown here are the exclusive preserve of technicallyminded“ collectables are made in small numbers and to very high standards,” says Kegan. “They are often sold as kits, and assembling them is a skill in itself.
“Live steam models became increasingly elaborate and expensive, building to a crescendo in 1939,” says Kegan. “Post-war, though, the quality dropped right down again as manufacturers turned towards making lower quality but more affordable toys.”
“Nobody knows exactly when and where the first live steam toy was made, but producing them was initially a cottage industry. The local blacksmith, for example, might make one or two in his spare time. Small companies would pop up for a few years before vanishing, but no records were kept.”
“To create a scratch-built model such as the lovely steam-powered boat illustrated here you have to be something of an engineer, and to know what you’re doing. This will have been built using components from a number of different sources, and the quality is superb. An item of this kind is basically a one-off, so if two bidders take a shine to a particular model it can fetch a substantial sum at auction.”
The brass ‘dribbler’ locomotive sold at Tennants last winter is typical of these early steam toys. It was probably made around 1870, possibly in Scotland or Birmingham where there were several makers. They are known as ‘dribblers’ because their cylinders had an unfortunate tendency to leak, leaving a damp trail behind “Consideringthem.their age,” says Kegan, “these early toy locomotives are surprisingly affordable.”
“Live steam models became expensive,elaborateincreasinglyandbuildingtoacrescendoin1939.”
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79Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | youHelpingalongyourfinancialjourney
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Helping one o pieces find individual homes Viewings welcome by appointment at our showroom in Copt Hewick, Ripon. Telephone 07934 508596 Unit 7A, Sycamore Business Park, Copt. Hewick, Ripon, HG4 5DF Hand picked, beautiful, practical and inspiring furnishings for your home. Whether it's a practical piece of furniture, enhancing your dining area or something to add the wow factor to your home then we can help. We source new, vintage and antique furniture and one o pieces including crystal, china, ceramics, glass and fine furnishings.

“During lockdown many people turned their attention to improving their homes, and are now getting rid of items they’ve decided they no longer want. We’re also finding that private collectors are buying artworks at auction rather than going via a dealer.”
81Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
Rohan McCulloch introduces some of the interesting artworks auctioned this August at Elstob & Elstob
he art market is very strong at the moment, says Rohan McCulloch, Paintings and Sculpture Specialist at Ripon auctioneers Elstob & Elstob.
“Contemporary British art has been selling well for a long time, but until recently the demand for more traditional British art was a little subdued. Now it’s making a comeback and is increasingly sought after.”
Rohan picked out a selection of interesting examples from a sale of paintings and sculptures at Elstob & Elstob this August, starting with a 17th-century British School portrait of a gentleman hunter. 1

“This painting is undated, but Morrocco painted another study of Menuhin performing dated 1971, so it’s possible that this work dates from the same year.”
Hunting is also the theme of the second painting Rohan picks out: Foxhounds at Rest by George Wright. “George Wright was born in Leeds in 1860, one of seven children, five of whom became professional artists,” says Rohan. “He is famous for his hunting scenes and equestrian heads. He was a fox hunter himself, so he really knew his subject.
Closer to home, the Staithes Group of artists, inspired by the French Impressionists, put the North Yorkshire fishing village of Staithes on the international art map at the turn of the 20th century.
“The moody landscapes of de Breanski, and these kinds of pictures in general, are doing very well at the moment,” says Rohan.
On the Lookout by Fred Mayor is an excellent example of their work.
“Nothing by Mayor has been seen for several years,” says Rohan. “This example has come from a private collection. It’s a very accomplished watercolour of an appealing subject by a well-known artist. It’s one of my favourites in the sale.”
“Portraits are very popular at the moment,” says Rohan. “And portraits – of all eras – are definitely my favourite kind of paintings! This is a great picture, and it would make an excellent addition to a collection. It has ‘the look’.
To finish with something in a rather more modern style we have the lively and colourful oil on canvas Menuhin Conducts by Alberto Morrocco. “Morrocco was a Scottish artist,” says Rohan, “and his paintings do very well at auction. I collect Scottish artists myself, and I own some of his work. “Morrocco trained at Grays School of Art in the 1930s. He travelled and studied in France, Italy and Switzerland, and was strongly influenced by Braque and Picasso.
“From 1925 onwards Wright produced work for the Grand Central Galleries in New York, and he has a big following in the USA. This is a lovely painting in very good condition – one of the highlights of the sale.”
Hen Harrier by George Edward Lodge is another closely observed animal portrait. “Lodge was born in Lincolnshire in 1860,” says Rohan. “He was schooled at home and learned taxidermy, which obviously helped his understanding of animals, before attending the Lincoln School of Art.”
“The gentleman in question was obviously a proud hunter, and keen to be shown as such. He has been depicted with a certain honesty – there’s no attempt at flattery – and this adds to the picture’s charm. But who he is, and who painted the picture, are mysteries.”
The next Pictures & Sculpture sale is on the 30th November, deadline for entries is the 9th November.
82 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
For more information about auctions at Elstob & Elstob visit or call 01765 699200.
“Breanski’s father, mother and uncle were all accomplished painters who worked in the same media and depicted similar subject“Breanskimatter.has captured the atmosphere of the scene perfectly, and this is a picture that has been well looked after and whose colours are still very strong.”
Moving from Yorkshire to Scotland – and from watercolour to oil on canvas – brings us to On Loch Etive by Alfred Fontville de Breanski.
Lodge had a lifelong interest in falconry and specialised in paintings of birds. When he died in 1954 his obituary in The Times opined that “in the painting of birds of prey, he had no rival in any country.” Like George Wright, his works are nowadays highly sought both here and in the USA.
83Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | 5 4 63 exploring antiques and collectables 1 On Loch Etive by Alfred Fontville de Breanski (1877–1957). Not sold. 2 On the Lookout by Fred Mayor (1865–1916). Sold for £1,708. 3. Foxhounds at Rest by George Wright (1860–1942). Sold for £6,000. 4. Hen Harrier by George Edward Lodge (1860–1954). Sold for £2,928. 5. 17th-century British School portrait of a gentleman hunter. Sold for £2,318. 6. Menuhin Conducts by Alberto Morrocco (1917–1998). Sold for £1,952. All paintings sold by Elstob & Elstob. 2

84 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Making a comeback We meet Diane Mackrill of Boomerang Furnishings IN BUSINESS

“Turning my hobby into a business was something I had often dreamed of,” she says, “but what with one thing and another I never quite made the leap.”
iane Mackrill has always loved going to auctions, and collecting English porcelain and china has long been a particular passion of hers.
Six years ago, though, she and husband Bruce decided the time was right for a change, and Boomerang Furnishings was born. Today it’s a flourishing business shipping vintage, retro and antique furniture, glass, ceramics and soft furnishings across the UK, and even as far afield as the USA and Japan. The company’s clients have included celebrities and film studios – and one order for monogrammed porcelain even came from Buckingham Palace!

86 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
“a lot of the fun of the job is the thrill of the chase, the excitement of finding something everyone else has missed.”
Diane buys with a keen eye for price and condition, and every piece to be sold on is carefully inspected and cleaned. Working with a network of trusted local experts, including cabinet makers, upholsterers and upholstery cleaners, she ensures that every item that leaves Boomerang Furnishings is in immaculate condition. To stay ahead of the latest fashions, Diane combs through the latest issues of lifestyle magazines to hone her sense of what’s trending. But to fire her interest an item needs to be more than merely ornamental. “I like unusual and appealing things,” she says, “but they need to be practical as well as attractive – even if their practical use is something other than what they were intended for in the first place. And for their part our clients can be very creative; one lady, for example, decided to use a vintage desk that she bought from us as a kitchen island!”
Today Boomerang Furnishings usually has between 200 and 250 pieces for sale at any one time, with stock ranging from dining tables, desks, armchairs, sofas and floor lamps to mirrors, candlesticks, vases, platters, trays and fine crystal glasses.
Back in the days before Boomerang Furnishings was launched, Diane’s love of porcelain and china meant that she often found herself buying mixed lots at auction just to get hold of one particular piece. When she started selling the surplus items online she soon found people asking her if she could source this or that item for them – and the business grew naturally from there.

87Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
“It’s a very satisfying feeling to know that when you have transformed it someone will appreciate and value it.”

Another rewarding aspect of the job, both Bruce and Diane agree, is the warm relationships they build with their clients. “We sell all over the world, and to all sorts of people,” says Diane. “Even when we don’t actually meet customers face to face, the positive feedback that we get really encourages us to carry on.”
More a case of ‘steady as she goes’, it seems.
“Bruce and I rub along together very well,” says Diane. “I don’t want to have to worry about hiring and managing staff, I just want to carry on enjoying what I’m doing: selling nice pieces to nice people!”
For more information follow Boomerang Furnishings on Facebook (@BoomerangFurnishings) or Twitter (@boomerangdecor). Their showroom at Copt Hewick near Ripon is open for viewings by appointment, call 07934 508596.
So do the couple plan to expand the business?
“When I’m planning to go to an auction I will study the catalogue very carefully and go along to the viewing with a shopping list. But often in amongst other items you’ll spot something else that looks interesting. So for me a lot of the fun of the job is the thrill of the chase, the excitement of finding something everyone else has missed. “I also love it when you find an item that you know will look a treat when it has been cleaned and polished. It’s a very satisfying feeling to know that when you have transformed it someone will appreciate and value it, and will be happy to pay a healthy price for it.”


91Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Good Companions Rebecca Perdue Hand printed, handmade cushion £42 not what you might expect... Our shop stocks: Rebecca Perdue Gentlemen's Hardware Benamor Goodeehoo Repeat Repeat Olive Made Goap Rex London Earth Squared Miss Sparrow find us in the centre of the market place Richmond, North Yorkshire museum and shop open: Mon to Sat 10am to 4.30pm Treat yourself to a day out with a difference! A visitor attraction unlike anywhere that you have been before, ideal for adventurers and those young at heart! Explore The Forbidden Corner’s unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies and surprises created within a four acre garden in the heart of Tupgill Park and the Yorkshire Dales. Not everything is as it might seem, so keep your wits sharp for who knows what surprises wait around the next corner. Admission prices: Adults £14.50, Children £12.50, Seniors £13.50, Family ticket £50.00 (2 Adults & 2 children) Special group rates available - call for details 01969 640638 Tupgill Park Estate, Coverham, Middleham, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 4TJ OPEN EVERY DAY from 1st April to 31st October then Sundays until Christmas Monday to Saturday 12noon - 6pm Sundays & Bank Holidays 10am - 6pm (dusk if earlier)

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95Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Tanfield Wellness offers a holistic approach to healing - specialising in trauma, stress and anxiety, parent/child and family issues and chronic pain. No matter what is holding you back, emotional or physical, we can help you rebalance and get back on track. • CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY • PSYCHOTHERAPY • HYPNOTHERAPY • REFLEXOLOGY • COUNSELLING • TRANSFORMATION COACHING • MINDFULNESS • CHILD & TEEN THERAPY • EQUINE CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY To book please go to our website or call 07887 506163 to discuss a treatment suitable for you. Visit for further details. Team member, Lulu Ferrand Tamara Heppell Holistic Healing Therapist • Angelic Reiki and Psychic Healing • Chakra and Crystal Healing • Deep Tissue Massage • Aromatherapy • Reflexology • Facials • Marma Point Therapy BSc (Hons), Hyp CS Dip, ADipCT (VTCT), RMT (ARA), CCH (ACHO) With a strong connection to the magic of Earth and passion to help people, Tamara's therapeutic work and psychic intuitive abilities focuses on supporting clients find deeper release, healing and connection to their life, and liberation from Mental, Emotional and Spiritual blockages, in order to transition towards their true positive potential. e: m: 07473 188872 The Sanctuary, Sun Hill Farm, Constable Burton, Leyburn, DL8 5RL

Are you brave enough to follow the spooky Halloween trail? Follow the ghoulish clues to help you find your way through the eerie woodland. £5 per trail sheet with prize upon completion. Trail sheets available from the Bivouac Café from 10am daily.
Experience the amazing benefits Nordic walking offers with Swinton Country Club and Spa’s fitness coach; a class delivered in the great outdoors on the 20,000 acre Swinton Estate, an area of outstanding natural beauty, giving you a fantastic opportunity to connect with nature whilst doing a total body workout. £25 per person.
Join the Bivouac’s family-friendly bonfire party (no fireworks or loud bangs!).
Yoga Spa Day 4 October & 9 November
6 November & 4 December
Wim Hof Spa Day
Join Swinton Country Club and Spa for a Yoga Spa Day. Combine the benefits of yoga with relaxation time in the luxury of the pools, saunas and steam rooms at Swinton Country Club and Spa. This is followed by a wholesome and nutritious meal in The Terrace Restaurant. £85 per person.
Wim Hof Retreat
Warm yourself around the bonfire and braziers under the blankets and hot water bottles whilst enjoying delicious venison burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, drinks and sweet treats, including s’mores, from the Bivouac Café. The Guy will be lit at 6.30pm. Free to attend.
Silent Bonfire Night at Swinton 4BivouacNovember
6–8 November & 4–6 December
96 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life DALESDIARY 2022AUTUMN Swinton Park Estate Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JH 01765 680900 Nordic Walking 22 September & 20 October
Halloween Trail at Swinton 22–31BivouacOctober
Practise the Wim Hof Method at this half-day spa day at Swinton Country Club and Spa. A Wim Hof Method instructor will guide you through a breathing class before ‘cold exposure’, ultimately helping to unlock a host of benefits including increased energy and better sleep. £145 per person. For more information visit
A two-night retreat to help you learn or become better practised in the Wim Hof Method whilst staying in the complete solitude of a Tree Lodge at Swinton Bivouac, a woodland setting with views across the Dales. The weekend comprises of cold dips, breathing sessions and free time for reflection and relaxation. For more information visit com/bivouac/wim-hof-retreatwww.swintonestate.

97Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | DALES DIARY AUTUMN 2022

14 September
October Half Term Fun: Deadliest Plants and Bugs
The National Alpine Show
Late Fruit and Vegetable Competition
Pre-booking essential. Join us for an early evening walk and explore more than 58 acres of garden in the company of your four-legged friend.
Normal garden admission. Pop by the historic Bath House on a visit to RHS Garden Harlow Carr for our spectacular Autumn Crafts display. Local talented artists, crafters and designers will be showcasing an Aladdin’s cave of locally handcrafted pieces as part of the display – it’s the perfect place to treat yourself or buy a gift.
Bath House Exhibition: Autumn Crafts
Thursday 15 September – Sunday 16 October
98 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life DALES DIARY AUTUMN 2022 RHS Garden Harlow Carr Crag Lane, Harrogate, HG3 1QB 01423 565418 WednesdayWalkies
Thursday 20 – Sunday 23 October
Festival of Flavours
Saturday 22 – Sunday 23 October
Normal garden admission. Few things bring people together quite like growing plants and cooking, so this autumn the RHS is celebrating both, with a world food bonanza. The event will bring together growers and chefs, communities and schools, families, foodies and gardeners of all ages and backgrounds.
Normal garden admission. This October half term, families can explore the fascinating world of plants and bugs and discover how deadly flora and fauna may be misunderstood. While on a visit, enjoy the glorious colours of autumn the garden has on offer at this time of year.
Saturday 22 – Sunday 30 October
Normal garden admission. The Alpine Garden Society will showcase the best variety of these hardy little horticultural gems in its National Alpine Garden Show at RHS Garden Harlow Carr. There will also be a selection of specialist alpine growers on site, so this is a perfect opportunity to pick up interesting varieties of alpines and get advice from a host of UK alpine plant growers.
Normal garden admission. For the second year, the prestigious RHS-judged Late Fruit and Vegetable Competition will be coming to RHS Garden Harlow Carr to delight with stunning displays of homegrown produce. With more than 60 classes of champion fruit and vegetables, the competition is free to enter and open to everyone who’d like to take part.
Saturday 15 October

GILLING WEST 38a High Street, Gilling West 01748 821037 FLORISTRY with FLAIR Quirky living gi s Creative arrangements for all occasions Available 7 days a week

100 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life DALES DIARY AUTUMN 2022 Kiplin Hall & Gardens Near Scorton, Richmond, DL10 6AT 01748 818178 The History Wardrobe presents The Working Woman’s Wardrobe Thursday 29 September – doors 6.30pm, 7pm–9pm Aprons, overalls, wellies and power suits… Join historian Lucy Adlington to explore some of the ways in which the amazing array of women’s jobs in history is reflected in their clothes. Talk. Ticketed event. Booking required. £20. Coffee Culture Thursday 6 October, 2pm–4pm A relaxing afternoon curator’s talk and coffee tasting with the experts from Rounton Coffee. Discover the history of coffee culture through objects in the museum collection and taste carefully selected blends from around the world. Pre-booking required. Ticketed event. £12.50. Crowe’s Wood Halloween Trail Saturday 15 October – Thursday 3 November Explore our spook-tacular Halloween trail! Included with admission. The GhostCantervillewith Don’t Go Into The Cellar Thursday 27 October, 11am–1.30pm & 2pm–4.30pm Enjoy comedy and chills in this original adaptation written especially for children and young families. After the show, discover more spooky thrills with exclusive access to Crowe’s Wood Halloween Trail. Ticketed event. £10. Booking required. A Time ChristmasTraveller’s Friday 2 – Sunday 18 December Travel through space and time at Kiplin this festive season. Included with admission.

101 • Ornate plaster restoration • Cornice manufacture • Traditional lime plastering • Lime rendering techniques • Historical plasterwork surveys • Lath and plaster ceiling repairs • Heritage work on listed buildings • Bespoke design service A DEDICATED TEAM OF SKILLED PLASTER CRAFTSMEN BASED IN NORTH YORKSHIRE We have a national reputation for manufacturing and installing the very best heritage, traditional and contemporary plasterwork. Whether you are looking for a ceiling rose or cornice to t your period property, repairs to damaged existing plaster detail, the large-scale restoration of a historic property or a bespoke design to reinstate traditional decorative plaster features, we can help. 01609 776462 • of Visit our website and watch our videos, follow us on twitter, say hi on Facebook. Or just give us a call and tell us what you want.

Touch Tour
A very special experience as part of your museum visit. During the tour, museum curator Lynda Powell introduces you to some precious objects from our collection. They’ve been brought out from behind the glass of our gallery display cases for you to experience in person; enhancing your understanding of our role in looking after them.
Special Exhibition:
Created in Conflict
Tuesdays 13 & 27 September, 4 & 18 October, 11am (Includes museum entry from 10.30am, Touch Tour and admission to our current special exhibition.)
Lynda will also explain why some of our collection is kept permanently under wraps, revealing the challenges of storage, conservation and display. Booking essential as Touch Tour places are limited.
Until 23 December 2022 This special exhibition showcases the artistic talents of soldiers who served, and explores the motivation for creative expression during traumatic times. Admission to the special exhibition is included with museum entry. This exhibition continues when the museum reopens for the 2023 season on 11 February 2023.
102 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life DALES DIARY AUTUMN 2022 Green Howards Museum Trinity Church Square, Richmond, DL10 4QN 01748 826561
Museum Talk: The Sounds of War Thursday 15 September, 7pm Bombing raids, troop chart-toppers, morale boosting speeches, and the surprising sound of remembrance. Join us for an audio journey through conflict, exploring the way recordings have been used to capture key moments in history in the pre-digital age. During the talk, you will also get to hear rare and original recordings played on a refurbished gramophone. £5.

swinton country club & spa wellness activities
Choose from a range of wellness activities to relax both mind and body. From Indian Head massage and Reiki massage treatments; to peaceful yoga spa days, group or individual sound baths, Reiki Drumming and Forest Bathing sessions. Alternatively, head out into the grounds of Swinton Park with wild swimming, a visit to the hammocks in the Woodland Wellbeing Space - offering tranquillity in the trees, or our new Spa Garden - a dedicated outdoor environment for exercise, meditation and barefoot walking.
spa days
Detox, de-stress and recover spa treatments
Spa therapies at Swinton Country Club & Spa are all about you. We offer both a personal holistic spa retreat or an opportunity to spend time with friends, a combination of wellness, beauty and luxury to suit your needs. Our spa partnership with Bamford allows us to create amazing treatments which reflect the care and attention of our ethos, delivering the three core wellness values: detox, de-stress and re-energise. After your treatment, enjoy our three beautiful relaxation rooms.
Rediscovering Wellness
103 • • 01765 680900 • Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JH
Swinton Country Club & Spa is one of the leading spa destinations in the UK. Situated at the heart of the 20,000 acre Swinton Estate, it draws on the natural elements of light, water and air as well as the landscape of the surrounding Yorkshire Dales. It is the combination of relaxation spaces, extensive pool and thermal facilities, outdoor activities, nutritious food and the best fitness and spa treatments, providing every guest with their personal definition of wellbeing.
Relax, unwind and focus on your wellness by choosing from a range of fabulous full-day and half-day spa experiences. Enjoy a combination of relaxation spaces, indoor pool and natural outdoor pool, thermal facilities and outdoor activities. The Terrace Restaurant provides delicious and nutritious food and our spa treatments will provide every guest with their personal definition of wellbeing. Spa Days also have full access to the gardens and parklands.

The morning’s activities will be led by our curator Faith Douglas, and all materials and equipment are provided. We would just encourage you to bring along your favourite pair of gardening gloves! The workshop will take place in the beautiful Thorp Perrow Summerhouse with tea, coffee, mulled wine and mince pies provided during the demonstration. Included in the ticket price is a festive lunch. £70.
104 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life DALES DIARY AUTUMN 2022 Thorp Perrow Arboretum Bedale, DL8 2PS 01677 425323 Fungus Foray 1 October & 1 November
6 October Through the autumn months the Arboretum’s collections of Acer, Cotinus and Liquidambar trees offer visitors a breathtaking spectacle. Embrace the arrival of this stunning season with a lively and informative tour, followed by afternoon tea in the house. Join Faith Douglas, curator, as she shares her passion for the season on a walk and talk around the Arboretum. Faith will show you the best of our National Collections and share some fascinating facts and care tips along the way. Afterwards you will be welcomed into Thorp Perrow Hall for a traditional afternoon tea, with a glass of champagne, all served in the dining room overlooking the beautiful grounds. £60.
Christmas Wreath 22WorkshopNovember
Join us on our ever-popular fungi workshops with the mycological maestro Dr Keith Thomas. Dr Keith has a doctorate in microbiology and has worked with us on many other popular workshops. He has a fountain of knowledge and will show you around the Arboretum introducing you to the world of fungi. You will join in an identification and microscopy session followed by a lovely lunch. £40.
Guided Autumn Tour and Afternoon Tea in the House
Come along and learn how to expertly craft a beautiful festive wreath using high quality foliage, specially selected to provide a fantastic mix of varieties, colour, longevity and verdure. As well as greenery, there will be an assortment of delightful and interesting decorative items with which to adorn your wreath.

If you’re
plants for North Yorkshire’s gardens
range of seasonal bouquets and arrangements including Autumn door wreaths. We have
Late Autumn is the perfect and traditional time for planting trees hedging. range is available from late November. missing the sunshine, look forward to next spring - huge range of spring flowering bulbs is available from early September. florist provides a full been growing for over 125 years
- call in and see what we have for you! 01677 Visit us: we’re in Leeming Bar just beside the A1 W Braithwaite & Sons, Floral Nurseries, Leeming Bar, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 9BG

Responses to Nature –
Jo and Lynn will be showcasing a range of new original work, alongside their extensive ranges of limited edition prints and greeting cards.
Lynn paints in both oil and acrylic and is strongly inspired by the landscapes around her. She likes to portray a sense of movement and light and is often drawn to the non-traditional viewpoint, making clouds, a barn or a gate, the star of the show.
Jo Garlick and Lynn Ward Friday 7 October – Wednesday 19 October
106 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life DALES DIARY AUTUMN 2022 The Station, Richmond Station Yard, Richmond, DL10 4LD 01748 825967
Lynn says, “I am drawn to contrasts whether it be stormy skies or shapes and shadows created by a gate or a stone wall, of which the Dales provides in Joabundance.”worksinsoft pastels, using them to create vibrant pictures of British wildlife and a broad spectrum of landscapes inspired by the character and heritage of North Yorkshire. She loves the flexibility that pastel offers and enjoys experimenting with different techniques and ideas to portray texture, movement and light. Although Jo enjoys painting landscapes, her main love is for the wildlife within them.
“I love exploring the varied landscapes and habitats within the Yorkshire Dales and am happiest while observing the wildlife. I always come home inspired and itching to get into the studio.”
Responses to Nature is an exhibition exploring two different artists’ observations and portrayals of North Yorkshire; its landscape, heritage and Newwildlife.workby Lynn Ward and Jo Garlick will go on display at The Station in Richmond in October. Both artists are used to exhibiting alone, but for this exhibition, they have joined forces and their unique styles complement each other to bring an interesting exhibition of the natural world that inspires them.

QUALITY & INTEGRITY Getting precious items valued for sale can feel daunting so at Elstob&Elstob we pride ourselves on offering outstanding customer service and honest, credible advice. From antiques and jewellery to fine art and silver, our expert team will give you a realistic valuation and then market your items to our global network of buyers to achieve the best price on sale day. For an online valuation please visit or call 01765 699200 to arrange a home visit. TEL: 01765 699200

Ripon Walled Garden Palace Road, Ripon, HG4 3HN
For a complimentary invitation for two please email
Thursday 29 September –Sunday 2 October Thursday 11am–6pm; Friday –Sunday 11am–5pm Footfall is everything and last year’s move of The Northern Antiques Fair to The Garden Rooms at Tennants from Harrogate deemed it an overwhelming success with more than 2,600 people visiting the event over the four-day period. This year the fair will increase in size to over 40 exhibitors who will be bringing a wide selection of disciplines including formal and country furniture, traditional and contemporary paintings and sculpture, early to modern glass, silver and jewellery, oriental rugs and carpets, ceramics and lighting, clocks and watches, Art Nouveau and Art Deco design objects and much more. Prices range from £100 to five figure sums. Carrying on from last year, the fair’s charity partner is Two Ridings Community Foundation. Make sure the dates are in your diary and remember to book a table for lunch in Tennants’ renowned café and bistro as it is a very popular destination for a day out.
Ingleborough Nature Trail Walk
Join us for a guided tour of Ingleborough nature trail and the iconic showcave, followed by a cuppa! This is an accessible walk. Suggested donation in the region of £15 per person.
Wednesday 12 October, 10am
Apple SaturdayDay8October
108 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life The AntiquesNorthernFair The Garden Rooms at Tennants, Leyburn, DL8 5SG 01797 252030 Yorkshire MillenniumDalesTrust Main Street, Clapham, Via Lancaster, North Yorkshire, LA2 8DP 015242 51002
Booking essential – call 015242 51002 or email
Join us for a fun family day out for charity with hand apple pressing – bring your apples and for a donation take away freshly pressed juice, enjoy live local entertainment, homemade food, fairground games and much more! Every penny raised will help people with learning and physical disabilities to learn new skills and grow in confidence.

110 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Making your message count Over 80,000 readers per issue. Your kind of readers. The magazine is delivered directly through letterboxes in carefully targeted areas. Dales Life is also available for collection at local hotels, restaurants, farm shops, and independent supermarkets. Find out how advertising with us can boost your business | 07970 739119

New drive-through now open on Leeming Bar Industrial Estate Public and trade welcome 01677 423587 • • Portland Way, Leeming Bar Industrial Estate, Northallerton DL7 9UH Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm fencing • decking • gates • MDF • trellis • plywood • joinery • planters • panels • Yorkshire boards • garden • agricultural

This is the perfect way to start the festive season. Our speaker will be General the Lord Nick Houghton of Richmond GCB CBE DL. Previously UK’s Chief of Defence Staff (the professional Head of the UK’s Armed Forces), and Constable of the Tower of London. He will be complemented by professional musicians and the choirs of Aysgarth and Queen Mary’s Schools and a reading by North Yorkshire’s High Sheriff James Lambert OBE. This year’s 25th anniversary candlelit concert promises to be the best ever. The concert starts at 7pm on 5 December. Tickets go on sale online at in mid-November. Post-concert mince pies and drinks are included in the ticket price and all proceeds go to Macmillan Cancer Support. Tickets sell out quickly so be sure to mark 5 December in your diary!
Thursday 13 October, 2pm & 7pm Leyburn Arts and Craft Centre Come along and join us and learn how to make a beautiful rustic wreath to adorn your door this autumn. The workshop includes all the materials you will need, and refreshments will be provided. £40 per person.
5 December
Ripon Cathedral Liberty Court House, Minster Rd, Ripon, HG4 1QT 01765 603462
Autumn Wreath Workshop
Rosemary and Twine High Street, Leyburn, DL8 5AQ 01969 368006
To book ring 01969 368006 or
25th Anniversary of Ripon Macmillan Concert
Christmas Wreath Workshop
Thursday 1 December, 10am & Saturday 3 December, 7pm Leyburn Arts and Craft Centre Come along and join us and learn how to make a beautiful festive Christmas wreath. The workshop includes all the material you will need, and refreshments will be provided. £40 per person. To book ring 01969 368006 or
112 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life

113 K9199 the �ravel lounge �t’s not just a holiday, it’s your holiday 11 Market Place, Bedale, North Yorkshire DL8 1ED Tel: 01677 427358 JOIN US AT THE HOLIDAY FAYRE SUNDAY 2nd OCTOBER BEDALE HALL 11am - 3pm Admission Free Discuss your holiday dreams with major names in the travel industry. Free Prize Draw £500 Gift Voucher drawn on the day

114 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
The Tonic organic hand and body cleanser, Swinton Estate Shop, swintonestateshop.comMasham, Ombre Éclat long lasting liquid eyeshadow, available in six shades,
Limited edition translucent loose setting powder by Laura Mercier, Fenwick of York,
Luminous Silk flawless foundation by Giorgio Armani, Harvey Nichols, Leeds,
Silver, green sapphire and white diamond ring with 18ct gold flowers from a selection at Pyramid Gallery, pyramidgallery.comYork,
Elegant floral blue and white linen dress by Rixo,
Refreshing Fresh Clay face and body oil by,
Butter-soft Flamenco leather clutch bag by Loewe, Harvey Nichols, Leeds,

Teal sapphire ring in 18ct gold by Claire Troughton, Pyramid Gallery, pyramidgallery.comYork, Creamy, semi-matte lipstick in Salmon by Bobbi Brown, Fenwick of York,
Ultra-smooth highlighting and bronzing powder by Skeyndor, Raffia and leather mules by Porte & Limitednet-a-porter.comPaire,editiontunicdressbyZara,
Vibrant plant-based nail polish in Miriam Mint by Gucci,
Aquatherm cleansing milk for sensitive skin by Skeyndor,
‘Gracie’ wicker bag with leather trim by Kate Spade,

116 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Ed and Lexi Staveley, Yorkshire Woodland Pork Find out how advertising with us can boost your business | 07970 739119 “Thank you so much! Our business wouldn’t be our business if it wasn’t for you!” DALES LIFE GETS RESULTS

117 C W SOLICITORS CLEAR LEGAL ADVICE Darlington I Northallerton Telephone 01325 281111 I Telephone 01609 765765 /clarkwillisllp @EnquiriesWillis ClarkWillisLaw FOR ALL YOUR PERSONAL LEGAL SERVICES Family & Divorce I Property Purchase & Sales I Wills, Probate & Trusts ” No fault divorce does not mean no legal advice. Separation, finances and children advice and support from our Family law experts “ CLEAR ADVICE I CLEAR VALUE I CLEAR CHOICE

118 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Discover your next home today

“The problem was that anyone who wanted a divorce but who didn’t want to wait for two years was forced to play the ‘blame game’ and try to prove fault against their spouse – something that could easily create needless friction and bad feelings, even in cases where the separating couple were hoping to part on amicable terms.
“This April there was a major change to the UK’s divorce laws,” says Tanya, “the first since the 1970s. It’s a welcome change, and one that Resolution – the body that represents family lawyers – has been advocating for years. The aim was to make the process of divorce easier and less “Previouslyacrimonious.someone seeking a divorce had to convince the Court that the marriage had irretrievably broken down, citing one of five grounds: adultery; unreasonable behaviour; desertion; two years’ separation if their spouse agreed to a divorce, or five years’ separation if their spouse wouldn’t agree.”
We talk to Tanya Bloomfield of Clark Willis
“What’s more, it’s now very difficult to contest a divorce. If one spouse wants a divorce and the other doesn’t, their spouse can no longer object because they don’t agree. However, the new Act has introduced a minimum period of 20 weeks between the start of proceedings and application for a conditional order, the idea being that this is a ‘cooling off’ period during which couples can reflect on their situation and sort out the practical arrangements.
Solicitors about no-fault divorce
“Even so, the new system is potentially a lot quicker and more effective than it was previously. Applications are paperless via the Government’s online portal.”
Parting ofthe ways
Tanya is a qualified mediator and collaborative practitioner, and a member of the Law Society Children Panel.
“Since April, all that the person who wants to initiate a divorce has to do is submit an application stating that the marriage has broken down. Also, separating couples can now apply for divorce jointly.
Tanya issuesdivorce,joinedBloomfieldClarkWillisin2006andisnowheadofthefirm’sFamilyTeam.Shespecialisesinallareasoffamilyworkincludingfinanceandrelatingtochildren.

“There’s no point bombarding people with information – information that they may be too upset to take in – when actually what they need is reassurance. It’s certainly not a job that suits everybody.”
“On a personal level, I would say that as a family lawyer you need a certain element of resilience. It’s emotionally involving and it’s hard work. And it’s certainly not a question of sitting in the office from nine-to-five – you keep going until you get the job done.”
“Whatstand.qualities does a good family lawyer need? One of the most important things is that you’ve got to be empathetic – you simply can’t do this job without having a heart. You need to be able to build a good rapport with people in what could be one of the worst periods in their lives.
“Of course it has to be remembered that there will still be important issues to resolve. By removing one unnecessary battleground, the new system enables separating couples to focus on the other issues – property, finances, children – that need to be dealt with.
120 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
Clark Willis Solicitors have offices in Darlington and Northallerton. For more details visit or call 01325 281111.
“Here at Clark Willis, our starting point is always an initial appointment to help us understand our clients’ circumstances: every case is different, and no one size fits all. Getting advice at an early stage doesn’t mean you have to do anything, but it will help you know where you
“Solicitors are very different nowadays, even compared to when I first started. Family law is as much about helping people as about dealing with the legal details.” “you simply can’t do this job without having a heart.”

121 14 Queens Rd, Richmond 01748 822473 6 Bridge Street, Bedale 01677 422282 25 Market Place, Leyburn 01969 622194
A superb four bedroom detached home located in a quiet position on the edge of the popular village of Crakehall near Bedale with stunning views to the front and rear across open fields. EER D67. £725,000 Bedale O ce
CHARTERED SURVEYORS ESTATE AGENTS LETTINGS Selling and letting property since 1967 Established 1967
A spacious six bedroom semi detached home full of character and hidden just round the corner from the village green of Kirkby Fleetham, a lovely garden with a summer house and attractive views over fields. EER E45. £475,000 Bedale o ce Springside, Snape
A spacious detached bungalow located in the popular village of Snape to the south of Bedale with three double bedrooms, a superb open plan living dining area with a conservatory looking out over the lovely private gardens. EER C70. £450,000 Bedale O ce
Hilltop Cottage, Moulton
Larch Cottage, Great Fencote
Thorney SpennithorneMeadows,
Backing onto open countryside from within a small exclusive cul-de-sac development, this is a high quality spacious detached 4 bedroom family house in a desirable village close to Leyburn. EER C77. £500,000 Leyburn o ce Forge Lane, Kirkby Fleetham
Meadowcroft, Crakehall
A well proportioned detached 3 bedroom traditional stone cottage enjoying an elevated position within this desirable and easily accessible village. EER F25. £470,000 Richmond O ce
A superb, spacious four bedroom character home with an adjoining one bedroomed annexe located in the quiet village of Great Fencote, ideally placed for Bedale, Northallerton and Junction 51 of the A1(M). £700,000 Bedale O ce

122 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life ww 01677 425950 01969 622800 CHA RTERE D SU RV E YO R S , AU C TI O NEE R S , VA LUE R S & ES TATE AGENT S • Valuations for Taxation and Probate • Compulsor y Purchase Compensation • Environmental Grants and Ser vices • Planning Appraisals • Landlord and Tenant • Development Land Char tered Sur veyors, Auctioneers, Valuers, Land & Estate Agents covering Nor th Yorkshire and South Durham. Specialising in the sale & valuation of farms, land, small holdings, woodlands & rural proper ty.

123Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | LOW MOOR FARM, GARSDALE, SEDBERGH An attractive three bedroom detached residential small holding in a rural location. Offers in excess of £450,000 Robin Jessop Ltd. 01969 622800 SPION KOP, ARKENGARTHDALE A recently refurbished five bedroom detached farmhouse with stunning views. Guide price: £795,000 Robin Jessop Ltd. 01969 622800 STATION HOUSE & WAITING ROOMS, WENSLEY Former station house and waiting room now stunning holiday let accommodation. Guide Price: £1.1 million Robin Jessop Ltd. 01969 622800 BRAMBLE BARN, HORNBY, BEDALE An immaculate two bedroom cottage in a sought after rural location. Guide Price: £325,000 Robin Jessop Ltd. 01677 425950 8 THE STONEBOW, THORNTON LE BEANS A spacious four bedroom detached bungalow in a pleasant village location. Offers in excess of £550,000 Robin Jessop Ltd. 01969 622800 On the market Our regular round-up of beautiful properties for sale in Yorkshire. DALES HOUSE B & B, HAWES Well established bed & breakfast located in a central location within Hawes. Guide price: £650,000 Robin Jessop Ltd. 01969 622800

124 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life Take out a subscription and we'll deliver every issue direct to your door –no more wasted trips in search of a copy. A subscription makes a perfect gift for friends and family too. visit AUTUMN 2022 FREE HOME & GARDEN LIFESTYLE WILDLIFE FOOD & DRINK At home with Angela Hartnett • Grow your own vegetables Perfect autumn preserves • Glorious game birds Autumn INSPIRATION MAGAZINEFREEFAVOURITEYORKSHIRE’S 2022SPRING SPRING 2022 FREE HOME & GARDEN LIFESTYLE WILDLIFE FOOD & DRINK MAGAZINEFREEFAVOURITEYORKSHIRE’S 2022SPRING SPRING 2022 FREE HOME & GARDEN LIFESTYLE WILDLIFE FOOD & DRINK SpringSCENT OF The return of the red squirrel • Magnificent magnolias Collecting Louis Vuitton • Vibrant spring recipes SUMMER 2022 FREE HOME & GARDEN LIFESTYLE WILDLIFE FOOD & DRINK Days EASY SUMMER The joy of picnics • Beautiful butterflies How to grow strawberries • Perfect pond plants MAGAZINEFREEFAVOURITEYORKSHIRE’S 2021WINTER MAGAZINEFREEFAVOURITEYORKSHIRE’S 2021WINTER 2021Winter FREE Wildlife Watch The secret life of badgers Eating In Indulgent recipes by James Martin Switched On Brilliant spring bulbs Winter Wonders HOME & GARDEN | LIFESTYLE | WILDLIFE | FOOD & DRINK IT'S FAR TOO GOOD TO MISS

125Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | ESTATE PLANNING • Wills and probate • Estate administration • Powers of attorney • Care home fees • Tax planning • Estate disputes PROPERTY & RURAL LAW • Property sales & purchases • Landlord and tenants matters • Agricultural land • Leases and tenancies • Rights of way • Sporting rights & purchases • Wind farms FAMILY • Adoption • Separation & divorce • Contact with children or grandchildren • Civil partnership dissolution Your Legal Companion & Friendly Ethos Personal Service 21 Galgate, Barnard Castle Co. Durham DL12 8EQ DX 61665 Barnard Castle t. 01833 600 160 Offices At: Barnard Castle Market Place Hawes, North Yorkshire DL8 3QS t. 01969 666 290 Hawes 54 Main Street Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5AB t. 015396 223 40 Sedbergh e. Leyburn7RailwayStreetLeyburn,NorthYorkshireDL85EH t. 01969 621 230 Authorised and regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority Number 606950

126 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life COMPASSION, RESPECT, JOY, OPENNESS The Millings Residential, Respite & Day Care Homes for Older People It’s time to relax North End, Bedale, North Yorkshire DL8 1AF • Tel: 01677 423635 • RATED AS BY CQC OUTSTANDING Contact for further details We are looking fordistribution agents In Bedale, Leyburn, Richmond, Northallerton and surrounding areas. Excellent rates paid.

DEDICATED TO QUALIT Y CARE We pride our selves in creating a home from home, in a welcoming atmosphere. Our Residents enjoy savouring our fabulous restaurant quality meals and af ternoon teas as well as enjoying daily activities. All our homes have an excellent reputation in the local community. A Home for life.

Every Friday evening at Swinton Cookery School
Cooker y School meets gourmet dining experience at its finest!
swinton cookerychefschool’stable
Explore the culinary world at the Swinton Cookery School on the Swinton Estate.
View the full list of cookery courses at
128 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life • • 01765 680900 • Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JH
Whether you’re new to the kitchen, honing your skills, or wanting to learn new cuisines and techniques we have a course to suit you.
Courses are available for all abilities and ages (we offer children’s cookery courses for children aged 6 to 17) and cover an array of international cuisines, from our Indian Masterclass and Modern World Street Food; to our Michelin Secrets, Sushi Making, Cooking with Fire, Artisan Breadmaking and Quick & Simple Suppers. You’ll leave us happy and fully equipped with recipes, knowledge and a Swinton Cookery School apron.
Relax and watch as our Chef prepares a gourmet menu for you and your guests, talking you through each stage. Our Cookery School Chef Tutor brings the experience to life with an array of skills and tips, serving each course as it has been prepared for you.

SWINTON ESTATE Masham From the award-winning, fine-dining experience in the grandeur of Samuel’s Restaurant to the more relaxed AA Rosette Terrace Restaurant and Bar, serving morning coffee, lunch, dinner and fabulous cocktails. Both restaurants showcase local and seasonal produce with much from the estate and four-acre walled garden. 01765
Hearty country house favourites and stunning restaurant dishes showcasing fresh ingredients from the Simonstone Estate, Wensleydale and the North of England. Seasonal elements are combined in creative and exciting combinations to reimagine and refine British classics. Our Chef’s Table private dining experience is new for 2022. 01969 667255
The Garden Rooms Bistro offers exceptional food in a unique setting. The passionate kitchen brigade pride themselves on delivering beautifully crafted dishes using the best Yorkshire produce; each highly seasonal menu offers an affordable choice of classic and modern British food delivered with outstanding service. 01969 621146 Great places to eat and stay in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales
129Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 |
The Black Swan at Fearby, near Masham, is a 17th century inn offering a warm welcome, local beers and four-star rooms with fine views of the local moors. The menu and ever-changing specials board feature top quality homemade food based around fresh, seasonal local ingredients. 01765 689477
To Dine For

130 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life
This elegant country house hotel near Hawes now has a new look and an exciting new bar area. With 24 well-appointed guest bedrooms and an award-winning restaurant, it’s the perfect base for exploring the Yorkshire Dales. Open daily for light lunches and dinners. Menus change daily and include the freshest ingredients from the Dales and Yorkshire coast. 01969 667571
Grand honest food cooked to perfection, all locally sourced and freshly prepared. Situated on the Tupgill Park Estate near Middleham in the heart of the Dales, The Saddle Room also has nine bed and breakfast units, seven cottages and a wedding venue that will seat 120 people. 01969 640596
The White Bear’s talented chefs use locally sourced ingredients to create delicious seasonal dishes, and there’s an extensive wine list to complement the menu. You can enjoy your meal in the charming dining room or the traditional bar, with open fires creating a cosy atmosphere throughout. 01765 689319
Sample award-winning chef Jonathan Harrison’s unique take on modern British cooking in The Sandpiper’s 40-seater restaurant or the cosy traditional bar serving local ales, fine wines and an extensive range of whiskies. There are two tasteful boutique-style en-suite doubles for overnight guests. 01969 622206

131Dales Life | AUTUMN 2022 | Family Wills,BusinessLawAdviceProbate&Family Trusts Lasting Powers of Attorney Farming & Agriculture Property EmploymentLaw Law Estate DisputeAdvisingPlanningtheElderlyResolution FAMILY LAW CLINIC We also run a family law clinic once a week at our Bedale and Ripon offices. Please telephone Jane Midgley at Bedale or Liz Kidd at Ripon to book a FREE 30-minute consultation. For help and legal advice call Bedale 01677 422422 Ripon 01765 601717 Thirsk 01845

132 | AUTUMN 2022 | Dales Life VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS Unit 1, The Craft Yard, The Station, Bedale, North Yorkshire DL8 1AW 85 High Street, Northallerton DL7 8PP Call 01677 424669 or 01609 770777 for more information or to arrange a free design consultation Be Inspired