2 minute read


I wanted a clinical branch along with Dermatosurgery so I chose the branch I love and here I am!

My clinic completes me because it’s like my small baby! From dawn till twilight thinking and working for it!


“I want my private practice to be ONESTOP place for all Skin Problems.”

One thing I have learned from my small journey


For a female Dermatologist in INDIA it’s always a challenge to balance everything!

Every start has to go with its own problems. I have faced numerous problems; there are few I remember! Being a newcomer, first problem was TO GAIN TRUST

Eventually I have learned, Smile to problems and work hard! It will repay!

1. Tipping point in your dream to start your own private practice.

From childhood I wanted to be a doctor and used to dress up like a doctor with stethoscope. During my internship period I had worked with dedication in every department and observed thoroughly each department to decide which will suit me. After internship I was very clear with the branch I will choose either it will be Radiology or Dermatology. As I wanted a clinical branch along with Dermatosurgery I chose the branch I love and here I am!

2. Share your professional experience as a doctor. Not everyone is blessed to be in this world! Hence everyday I am thankful to God for choosing me as a means to serve patients. It feels so divine to see those happy tears for saving their loved ones! I would like to share one of my experiences; that still flutters in front of my eyes and which is very close to my heart! Two years back, a farmer had visited me with his teenage son with onion like huge nodulocystic acne grade 4. The human tendency is to say it’s “JUST ACNE”, but to my surprise, teenage was about to commit suicide for “JUST ACNE”! After treating his child; forget about money that you will earn any day but that gratitude of the gains, remains. Till date whenever the farmer passes by he appreciates with those eyes for saving his son, this was my best achievement!

3. Which problems have you faced while starting up your private practice?

Every start has to go with its own problems.

I have faced numerous problems; there are a few I remember! Being a newcomer first problem was TO GAIN TRUST. Trusting newcomer is very difficult; its human tendency can’t help it! Gaining trust of patients as well as their family members is a difficult task!

Building trust, counselling well, diagnosing correctly will surely open path for success. Also I had been mocked many a times for sitting and waiting for long hours for patients!

Not bragging but now I have no time even for food; that too in just 2years!

So Smile to problems and work hard! It will repay!

4. What are the unique and different skills you should have, as a start-up doctor?

Well I think;

1) Diagnosing correctly

2) Counselling well

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