1 minute read

Interview With Senior Resident

With HOD

Dr. Sharmila Patil


20. Now as a Dermatologist, what do you see as the positive and negative aspects of this specialty?

On the positive front, you have a great work and life balance. Not as much night calls as other core clinical branches like medicine, surgery and ortho doctors have. Another good point is that till date, no super specialization, so you can save those three years in setting up your life rather than going through NEET again. It has everything from surgical procedure to aesthetic procedure and it is one of the most rapidly evolving and developing branch. So it has a very good scope. On negative front, yes, you can say in general that people don’t appreciate your hard work as much as compared to cardiologist or orthopedics and neurosurgeon, etc.

21. Any message to your teachers and guide?

When a new-comer joins the department as resident, hold on to them, support them in every possible way because they are still adjusting in the new environment. As a new student, who always needs some time to adjust to the

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