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DU 40 Connecting Young Dermatologist

3) Treating every patient in the same way, you will treat your family members

4) Don’t let your patient leave the room with a nonsatisfactory face


5) Try to be perfect and Aesthetic with your surgical skills

5. Have you always been successful or faced failure at some time in your career. Though I am person having patience but; repeated camp failures, repeated mocking had shattered my self-esteem many a times.

One thing I have learned from my small journey

“HARDWORK IS KEY TO SUCCESS” (we all know this common saying but very few follow it) I won’t say I am Successful but as a newcomer; surely my seniors and teachers are proud of my busy practise blast!

So yes, If that’s SUCCESS, then I am peanut size successful!!

6. Any instances where have you shown leadership and management skills not expected from a Dr. in your career?

Treating employees properly is one of the qualities a leader should have!!

Employees if treated arrogantly and mercilessly then they will just work out of fear but behind your back they will be grumpy and disrespectful.If you treat your employees well and consider their problems calmly and be polite to them, not only they will respect you behind your back but will work whole heartedly

7. What are the facilities you provide to your patients?

I practice PRP, Scar revision surgery, Minipunch graft for Vitiligo, Hair transplant, Botox, Fillers, Tattoo removal,ELR, Excision of sebaceous cyst, Granuloma, Staghorn, Lipoma, Warts, Molluscum, Lasers, Medipeel, Vampire facial, STD cases etc.

Today its either a Cosmetic Centre or Laser Centre or it’s purely Dermatology but I wanted to try to bring everything under one roof hence the name – HOST SKIN CLINIC (HOST-HOUSE OF SKIN TREATMENT)!!

I feel this is just a start, lot to learn, More to Advance!! I will Always be a Learner!!

8. When you started your clinic what was your clinics mission statement "I want my private practice to be............

In one line -

“I want my private practice to be ONESTOP place for all

Skin Problems”

9. What strengths are required to be a good start up Dermatologist?

They say there’s a woman behind every successful man but in my peanut size success story two men play a vital role – My Dad and My husband.

Both of them being constant Strength and Support!

Believing in oneself is the biggest power one could have! Confidence gives the ability to have a good start! My family is my biggest strength!

10. Any challenges faced and how you dealt with them (medical and personal)?

For a female Dermatologist in INDIA, it’s always a challenge to balance everything! As soon as I was done with my Post Graduation I had mind-set of working under Senior Dermatologist and then start my own clinic, but then I was advised to start on my own.

I took time to gain some confidence. Patience and sincere dedication played a huge role!

Hard work, sincerity, knowledge, patience plays significant role to deal with every phase of life!

11. How did you fund your start up clinic? Debt from banks, loans from family or personal savings? Your advise to Residents.

Well I feel I am still too young and a learner to advice anyone! But I would suggest to start with the basic machines; first study your target audience and then add machines one by one accordingly!

I had taken funds from my husband for my first laser machine! While the rest of the machines upgrade it through your own practice as it grows!!!

12. In your words "My clinic completes me because ............

My clinic completes me because it’s like my small baby! From dawn till twilight thinking and working for it!

Nothing gives me more satisfaction then this baby clinic!

Dr. Ratnakar Shukla MD (Dermatology) Senior Resident AIIMS, Gorakhpur

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