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6. Was any specific guidance in your career given by your first generation?

A lot of guidance has been provided by them regarding challenging cases, academics, clinic administration and maintaining a balance between professional and personal lives.


7. Which inspiration did you capture from your parent?

I have seen my parents working very hard with the same zeal and honesty, even today, after spending decades in the profession which inspires me a lot.

8. Without my parents being a Dermatologists I could not be a successful Dermatologist explain it…

Definitely it helps when your parents are from the same profession. My teachers and mentors have also played an important role in shaping my career.

9. Did you have any financial, personal and emotional support which you deserved?

Everyone goes through ups and downs in the practice of medicine. Patient outcomes are not always as expected and complications can occur even after the best efforts of any physician/surgeon.

I am lucky that my family understands this very well and they have always been there to provide emotional and personal support. Medicine also has a very lengthy and steep educational curve, doctors generally achieve financial independence only in their mid and late twenties.

10. How would you compare the differences between – Your father’s residency and your residency

We have done our residencies 35 years apart so there are many differences. Current residency programmes include training in procedural dermatology including surgeries, lasers, aesthetics apart from the core of clinical and diagnostic dermatology.

11. Today I am a successful Dermatologist of next generation. Your viewpoint…

I believe I am happy with the way my practice and career has progressed since I started my post graduate training. I hope I can continue to learn the science and art of this ever evolving subject and also share my knowledge with colleagues with the same enthusiasm for many more years and then reflect back.

12. Any motivational tips for the new and young Dermatologist

Dermatology is a very fascinating branch of medicine. Many health care professionals believe that the practice of Dermatology is relatively easier as there are very few emergencies and more regulated working hours, we have our own share on challenges. Pursue this subject only if you have love for the subject and an appetite to work hard.


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